This article argues that a gap emerged after the Great War between the first deans of women and their students over the meaning of self-government for academic women. Early deans believed from their own undergraduate experience that self-government provided important training for women to perform public roles, and by doing so, to attack the gendered assumption that men alone could have full undergraduate rights. By contrast, women students of the post-war years embraced a different undergraduate identity, one which assumed a greater degree of personal liberty, and their conception of self-government entailed the right to determine and monitor their own rules of conduct. By examining Manitoba, Queen's, Victoria, Toronto's University College, Dalhousie, and Western, this study adds to the existing literature on moral regulation by exploring how deans were able to develop a new view of student government by incorporating a progressive emphasis on the role of graduate women in participa- tory democracy. Résumé Cet article démontre qu'un fossé est apparu après la Grande Guerre entre les premières Directrices des étudiantes et leurs étudiantes sur la signification de la gouvernance autonome des femmes universitaires. En raison de leur propre expérience au premier cycle, les premières directrices croyaient que cette autonomie offrait une formation importante aux femmes aspirant à occuper des fonctions publiques, tout en contredisant l'hypothèse suggérant que seuls les hommes pouvaient jouir des pleins droits étudiants au premier cycle. En revanche, les étudiantes de l'après-guerre ont adopté une identité différente pour les étudiantes de premier cycle ; une identité reposant sur une plus grande liberté personnelle, et une conception de l'autonomie assumant le droit de déterminer et de contrôler leurs propres règles de conduite. En étudiant les universités Manitoba, Queen's, Victoria, University College (Toronto), Dalhousie et Western, cette étude s'ajoute à la littérature existante sur la réglementation morale en explorant la manière dont les directrices ont pu développer une nouvelle vision du gouvernement étudiant en incorporant progressivement un accent sur le rôle des diplômées dans la démocratie participative.
Virginia Tech football fans both locally and around the nation are being urged to support the 2007 Hokie Effect Program sponsored by the university's Student Government Association.
In higher educational institutions and their structural divisions, there is student self-government, which is an integral part of the public self-government of the respective educational institutions. Student self-government allows students to be a direct participant management of a higher educational institution and solve issues of education and life, protection of the rights and interests of students. Student self-government unites all students and ensures the protection of the rights and interests of students and their participation in the management of a higher educational institution. Main part. In their activities, student bodies self-governments are guided by the legislation, the charter of the university and the regulation on student self-government of the university. Student self-government bodies operate on the principles of: voluntariness, collegiality, openness; 2) election and accountability of student self-government bodies; 3) equality of the right of students (cadets) to participate in student government; 4) independence from the influence of political parties and religious organizations (to Roma higher spiritual educational institutions). Student government starts at the student group level,flow, course, hostel, at the level of all departments where student life is seething. Student bodies self-government may have different forms (parliament, senate, starost, student administration, student deans, student councils, etc.). The experience of European colleagues and the construction of a European student community are interesting. self-government. Findings. Student self-government is based on the principles of equal rights for students, open election. And these principles are the same for all institutions of higher education. But interesting experience foreign universities, which must be studied and implemented partially within the walls of our university. ; Dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et leurs divisions structurelles, il existe l'autonomie étudiante, qui fait partie intégrante ...
This article is about the problem of students' competitiveness and its formation. It turned out that there is a positive effect on the students' participation in extracurricular activities, including their work in student government on the development of their competitiveness ; Рассматривается проблема формирования конкурентоспособности студентов как будущих специалистов в сфере профессионального обучения. Выявляется положительное влияние на развитие конкурентоспособности студентов их включенности во внеучебную деятельность, в том числе в работу органов студенческого самоуправления
Objective. To evaluate student perceptions of a transformed pharmacy student government structure and meeting format. Methods. The structure and general assembly meeting format of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Eshelman School of Pharmacy Student Senate (ie, student government) underwent a transformation from that of a forum to that of a council in an effort to address concerns regarding limited information exchange, minimal discussion, and unengaged meeting participants. To evaluate student perceptions of the new senate council format, members who attended at least one council meeting during the academic year were asked to complete a 12-item survey evaluating interorganizational relations, communication, collaboration, and efficiencies. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize students' agreement with 10 survey items. Thematic analysis was employed to identify common themes in students' responses to the two open-ended survey items. Results. The majority of students agreed or strongly agreed that the senate council facilitated interorganizational relations (86%), communication (93%), and collaboration (86%). Ninety-three percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the senate council improved efficiencies, while 96% preferred the new senate council meeting format over the previous senate meeting format. Common qualitative themes included improved engagement during council meetings because of the "no laptop" policy and facilitation of open conversation by having a roundtable format and smaller number of members in attendance. Overall, 93% of students indicated they were satisfied or highly satisfied with the new meeting format. Conclusion. Student perceptions suggest that the new senate council structure and meeting format was effective at improving interorganizational relations, communication, collaboration, and efficiencies within student body government.
Цель. В статье рассмотрены механизмы конструирования социокультурной реальности в процессе социализации молодежи на примере деятельности студенческого самоуправления. В качестве исследовательской базы представлена деятельность студенческого самоуправления в Марийском государственном университете (МарГУ). Организация студенческого самоуправления рассматривается с трех точек зрения: социокультурной, правовой, экономической.Метод или методология проведения работы. Для достижения поставленных целей применялся комплекс методов: метод теоретического моделирования, эмпирический метод, социологический опрос и анкетирование студентов.Результаты. Дан анализ программы развития деятельности студенческих объединений (ПРДСО), показаны положительные и отрицательные моменты реализации данной программы в стенах МарГУ. Сделан вывод о том, что условия развития современной цивилизации ставят перед институтами образования и воспитания новые задачи, направленные на гуманизацию социокультурного пространства.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены для развития социокультурного пространства вузов посредством деятельности студенческого самоуправления, организации воспитательной работы в вузе. ; Purpose. The article tells about the mechanisms of constructing social and cultural reality in the process of socialization of young people on the example of the student self-government. The research base is represented by the activities of the student self-government at the Mari State University (MarSU). Organization of student self-government is viewed from three perspectives: sociocultural, legal, economic.Methodology. To achieve this purpose, complex of methods was used: theoretical modeling method, empirical method, an opinion poll and survey of students.Results. The analysis of the Development Program of Activities of Student Associations shows econonic aspects of this program within the MarSU. It was concluded that the conditions for the development of modern civilization set for education and training institutions new tasks aimed at the humanization of social and cultural space.Practical implications. The research results can be applied to the development of universities sociocultural space through the activities of the student self-government, the organization of educational work at the university.
В статье рассматривается понятие «студенческое самоуправление», «становление личности». Представлено формирование студенческого самоуправления на примере ГБОУ СПО СО «Камышловский педагогический колледж». ; The article discusses the concept of «student' government», «personal development», presents the students, self-government in «Kamyshlov Teacher Training college».
THE PROBLEM AND DEFINITION OF TERMS For many years schools have been including student governments as part of the curriculum. For as many years a difference of opinion has existed regarding the relative effectiveness of the organization as a means of preventing behavior disorders and carrying out the main purpose of the school. Until recently the majority of informants viewed student government organizations with disapproval and in many instances denounced them as destructive and contrary to the purposes for which they were organized. The statement most frequently made was that the "students get out of hand and think they are supposed to run the school." Hence, a hostility developed between teachers and students that did not exist previously. In recent years psychology and the New Education, have lead the way for the development of favorable attitudes, understandings, appreciation, habits, and skills. Many of the reports show improved relationships, working organizations and desirable participation by both teachers and students.
Explores and theoretically justify the nature and the concept of «student government», defines the basic functions and areas of work. The characteristic features and basic principles of student government. Proved particularly important in the education of student government leadership qualities of students to realize their professional and creative potential in the formation of democratic relations, reform of higher education and the modernization of society. Established that the student government is seen as the result of targeted educational efforts for the development team, which promotes citizenship of its members through their involvement in the administration of the school and the creation of self-bodied; as well as special pedagogical technology of civil qualities of the young man in the system of democratic relations team. And this feature of educational technology is that it has to be realized on the basis of selfinitiative, self-affirmation and self-identity. Keywords: government, public authorities, student government, trade unions. ; У статті автор розглядає важливі аспекти функціонування органів студентського самоврядування. Досліджує та теоретично обґрунтовує сутність та зміст поняття «студентське самоврядування», визначає основні функції та напрями його роботи. Охарактеризовано основні ознаки та принципи студентського самоврядування. Обґрунтовано особливе значення студентського самоврядування у вихованні лідерських якостей студентів, у реалізації їх професійного та творчого потенціалу, у формуванні демократичних відносин, реформуванні системи вищої освіти та модернізації суспільства. Встановлено, що студентське самоврядування розглядається як результат цілеспрямованих педагогічних зусиль для розвитку колективу, який сприяє формуванню громадянської позиції своїх членів шляхом залучення їх до управління справами навчального закладу та створення працездатних органів самоорганізації; а також, як особливу педагогічну технологію формування громадянських якостей молодої людини в системі демократичних відносин колективу. І особливість цієї педагогічної технології полягає в тому, що вона має реалізуватися на засадах самовизначення, самодіяльності, самоорганізації, самоствердження та самореалізації особистості. Ключові слова: самоврядування, громадське самоврядування, органи студентського самоврядування, професійні спілки. В статье автор рассматривает важные аспекты функционирования органов студенческого самоуправления. Исследует и теоретически обосновывает сущность и содержание понятия «студенческое самоуправление», определяет основные функции и направления его работы. Охарактеризованы основные признаки и принципы студенческого самоуправления. Обоснованно особое значение студенческого самоуправления в воспитании лидерских качеств студентов в реализации их профессионального и творческого потенциала, в формировании демократических отношений, реформировании системы высшего образования и модернизации общества. Установлено, что студенческое самоуправление рассматривается как результат целенаправленных педагогических усилий для развития коллектива, способствует формированию гражданской позиции своих членов путем привлечения их к управлению делами учебного заведения и создание работоспособных органов самоорганизации а также, как особую педагогическую технологию формирования гражданских качеств молодого человека в системе демократических отношений коллектива. И особенность этой педагогической технологии заключается в том, что она должна реализоваться на основе самоопределения, самодеятельности, самоорганизации, самоутверждения и самореализации личности. Ключевые слова: самоуправления, общественное самоуправление, органы студенческого самоуправления, профессиональные союзы. Explores and theoretically justify the nature and the concept of «student government», defines the basic functions and areas of work. The characteristic features and basic principles of student government. Proved particularly important in the education of student government leadership qualities of students to realize their professional and creative potential in the formation of democratic relations, reform of higher education and the modernization of society. Established that the student government is seen as the result of targeted educational efforts for the development team, which promotes citizenship of its members through their involvement in the administration of the school and the creation of self-bodied; as well as special pedagogical technology of civil qualities of the young man in the system of democratic relations team. And this feature of educational technology is that it has to be realized on the basis of selfinitiative, self-affirmation and self-identity. Keywords: government, public authorities, student government, trade unions.
Abstract The proliferation of debates and resolutions related to the "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" movement at US colleges and universities raises questions about the relationship between the objectives of Israel- and Palestine-related student activism with that of student governments and their nature and purpose within campus life. This study makes use of direct observation by the first author of two debates held at Ohio State University (OSU) in January 2018 and December 2018 over resolutions proposed to the university's Undergraduate Student Government (USG) to adopt a pro-BDS platform. The authors examine the recognition and non-recognition of Jewish students' right to perceive and identify racism and exclusion within these contexts. The authors further examine whether purported goals of inclusion, constructive dialogue and conflict resolution are benefited by contemporary BDS resolution debates, concluding that such goals-in addition to the formal purpose and function of student governments-are ill-served by the process, content, and outcomes of debates in the form taken at OSU.