Land use models play a decisive role in different domains: they allow estimating demographic trends for a given region, they enable comparisons between spatially relevant projects of public authorities, they facilitate dimensioning of public infrastructure, and they help to answer various other questions regarding possible future development of our built environment. Due to the tight interdependence between resident population (e.g. as customers or manpower) and economic activities (e.g. shops or services), location choice of firms plays an important role in comprehensive land use models. However, due to a lack of data at micro level permitting the estimation of accurate discrete choice models of firms. behaviour, there is only little research on this topic. This is especially true for location decisions of relocating firms. The aim of this thesis is to contribute in filling this gap. The presented models are based on data from the commercial registers of the Swiss cantons St. Gallen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, and Appenzell Innerrhoden. This dataset provides information on more than 54,000 individual firms and autonomous plants for the period from 1991 to 2006 and allows tracing, among other information, the location of these firms. Combined with data from the Business and Trade Register BUR, additional information on sector affiliation and size of each firm can be considered. Firstly, firmographic events such as new establishments, business closures and migrations have been analysed. The relevance of age, size, industry and location on company migration behaviour are of particular interest. In addition, the spatial distribution of business formations and closures is observed. The individual effects of these factors are tested and quantified with a logit-loglinear model. This approach allows exploring and quantifying interaction effects between the variables on business demographic behaviour. The results prove that all four fac- tors influence the firmographic behaviour of companies. But, a comparison between the influ- ence of age and size shows that age is the predominant variable on migration behaviour whereas the size of a business has a noticeable effect on the closure rate. The complementary analyses focus on destination choice of relocating firms. Effects of various variables such as local taxes, governmental business friendliness, and accessibilities have been estimated and quantified in a discrete choice model on destination choice. The results show considerable differences between sectors. For instance, residents with graduate degrees have a significant and high positive impact on location choice of business service industries. In contrast, their effect on firms in the sector of personal services is small.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, SSTD 2003, held at Santorini Island, Greece in July 2003. The 28 revised full papers presented together with a keynote paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 105 submissions. the papers are organized in topical sections on access methods, advanced query processing, data mining and data warehousing, distance-based queries, mobility and moving points management, modeling and languages, similarity processing, systems and implementation issues
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Spatial experience in historical street corridors is essential to encourage a continuously satisfying experience of a historical aesthetic leading to a better quality of the historic urban landscape, which is significant for making precious memory of the city's history. 3D spatial formation along the historic street corridor fosters the generation of historical memory of the urban space. Both tangible and intangible aspects attached to the historic street corridors' spatial configuration have significant meaning that forms the integrity of the valuable historical urban space. The research area is in Kayutangan street as one of the historical street corridors in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. The study aims to develop the historical spatial data system of the Kayutangan corridor to construct an online digital spatial database and enforce it as a policy decision reference by the government in managing the urban development in historical areas, especially in the Kayutangan street corridors. The 3D spatial development of historic urban landscape performed the combination of 3D modeling software, 3D visualization software, and 3D spatial multimedia application authoring platforms. The collaboration of three systems generated three spatial data types, namely a 3D spatial-passive observation data, a 3D spatial-active observation data, and 3D spatial-interactive simulation data. As a result, this study produces 3D spatial multimedia contained the 3D spatial of historical data of Kayutangan streetscape, which performs as a historical spatial data system to reference the smart development of cultural tourism and heritage cities in Malang.
Spatial microsimulation techniques have become an increasingly popular way of fulfilling the need for generating small-area data estimates. However, the technique also poses numerous methodological challenges, including the utilisation of two different databases simultaneously to produce estimates of population characteristics at the local level. An important but neglected question is whether different distributions of key variables within these two databases may affect the validity of the spatial estimation results. This study uses the significant policy issue of small-area estimates of child poverty rates in Australia to examine this question. The different income distributions for families with children in the two databases and the consequent effect on child-poverty estimates are assessed, while the apparent validity of these synthetic small-area poverty rates is gauged.
Slovenia became independent in 1991, it quickly started building its own map system and spatial databases. A system of national and military topographic, general and other maps, and various geo-databases was established in the last 10 years by management of the Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence. The transfer from analogous to digital form was also executed. In the last several months, most of the work was devoted to data access, and the greatest task for the future is to establish a system for data updating. ; Slovenija je nakon osamostaljenja 1991. god. brzo počela izgradnju vlastitog sustava karata i baza prostornih podataka. Rukovođenjem Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije i uz suradnju Ministarstva obrane u posljednjih je deset godina uspostavljen sustav državnih i vojnih topografskih karata, preglednih i drugih karata, a i različitih baza geopodataka. Uz to obavljen je i prelazak iz analognog u digitalni oblik. Posljednjih mjeseci najviše se radi na pristupu podacima, dok je najveći zadatak za budućnost osnivanje sustava ažuriranja svih podataka.
The availability of spatial databases and widespread use of geographic information systems has stimulated increasing interest in the analysis and modelling of spatial data. Spatial data analysis focuses on detecting patterns, and on exploring and modelling relationships between them in order to understand the processes responsible for their emergence. In this way, the role of space is emphasised , and our understanding of the working and representation of space, spatial patterns, and processes is enhanced. In applied research, the recognition of the spatial dimension often yields different and more meaningful results and helps to avoid erroneous conclusions. This book aims to provide an introduction into spatial data analysis to graduates interested in applied statistical research. The text has been structured from a data-driven rather than a theory-based perspective, and focuses on those models, methods and techniques which are both accessible and of practical use for graduate students. Exploratory techniques as well as more formal model-based approaches are presented, and both area data and origin-destination flow data are considered.
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Changes in zonal boundaries and coding schemes severely compromise temporal comparison of data. In Chile, the Population and Housing census is the only comprehensive source of internal migration data, but municipal boundaries and occupation and industry sector coding schemes have undergone various changes which hamper the temporal comparability of census data. This paper presents the CHilean Internal Migration database developed by Rowe and Bell (2013) which provides a temporally consistent framework for the analysis of internal migration over a period covering twenty-five years from 1977 to 2002. Specifically, it offers a hierarchical system of 304 municipalities, 51 provinces and 13 regions, and 10 occupational groups and 11 industrial sectors which are temporally consistent over the 1977-82, 1987-92 and 1997-2002 census intervals. The database can be downloaded from:
In the German Baltic, Small Scale Fisheries (SSFs) are important elements of the region's natural and human environment. However, data available for the German Baltic SSF sector are scarce and characterised by inherent limitations which prevent the sector's determination and quantification. Furthermore, few studies have been conducted to evaluate how the sector responded to past changes in fishery resource abundance and management. The previous conditions have resulted in the sector being frequently neglected within the context of fishery governance and management, which has in turn compromised its profitability and further development. This situation could further lead to local resource overexploitation and a series of other adverse social and environmental conditions that extend beyond the (confined) limits of the SSF. The major aim of this thesis is to assess how the German Baltic SSF adapted to changes that took place in the wider Baltic region in fish resource abundance and management during 2000-2009. An important objective of the research is to explore how resource abundance and management changes impacted the structure (vessels, gears, etc.) and operation (catches, target species, etc.) of SSFs; for that matter, a thorough literature review was conducted to determine SSFs fundamental characteristics and how these characteristics affect SSFs' catches, profits, the natural environment and social dynamics of coastal communities. The research also sets forward a novel methodology for the characterisation, definition and subsequent quantification of the sector's key variables (vessels and technical characteristics, weight of landings, target species, etc.). The methodology combines disparate information and overcomes a series of limitations inherent in primary data. A major outcome is the development of a spatial regional database for the German Baltic SSF, which enables the assessment of the sector's spatial dynamics with reference to investigated changes. The research constitutes the first known quantitative definition and characterisation of the German SSF and one of the few extensive spatial databases developed specifically for SSFs globally. Results indicate that the German Baltic SSF sector is heterogeneous (i.e. vessels and practiced fishing strategies) and targets numerous different species. The sector covers a broad geographic area (large number of home ports) while secondary harbors located at rural areas exhibit high concentrations of vessels and catches (landings) (decentralisation). The sector has a confined range of operation with respect to the extent of fishing areas. These characteristics were shown to be fundamental for the sector and clearly differentiated it from the larger scale sector. Moreover, these characteristics determined to a large degree its adaptation potential to changes that occurred in the region's fish resource abundance and management. Changes in fish abundance and the management of fisheries have had a marked impact on the German Baltic SSF. The sector's landings followed closely the quotas allocation for cod and herring for the German Baltic area. Trends in landings along the area's harbors were determined by proximity of ports to productive fishing grounds. Trends in the sector's key variables (vessel numbers, fishing strategies, landings, species composition) along the study area have been influenced by the local combination of the natural and human environment [local abundance of fish stocks, presence of target species, suitability for practicing specific fishing strategy, infrastructure (e.g. processing facilities), livelihood diversification potential]. Likewise, the impact of stipulated regulations differed between the western and eastern parts. Results also indicate the importance of access to resource for the SSF, in terms of catch (landings) and revenues. The SSF has been responsive to management changes directed to the activity of the larger scale, active fishery (e.g. Odra closure to active gear). However, it only partly accommodated for the declines in the catch of the active fishery, while the latter did adapt relatively fast to the changes brought about by management alterations. The research provides an in-depth account of SSFs, their key characteristics and the limitations in their further development, while also highlighting the need for regional assessments. Although the analysis was restricted to the German Baltic, the methodology set forward by the research can be adapted to other regions. Results highlight the benefits of such an approach in the context of fisheries governance and management, while the methodology set forward can enable the extrapolation of how the SSF sector will respond to future management changes or incidents of environmental variability. ; Im deutschen Teil der Ostsee stellt die kleinskalige Fischerei ein wichtiges Element der regionalen natürlichen und anthropogenen Umwelt dar. Allerdings stehen Daten über diese Fischerei nur begrenzt zur Verfügung, wodurch die genaue Abgrenzung und Quantifizierung des Sektors nur schwer möglich ist. Darüber hinaus wurden nur wenige Studien durchgeführt, die die Auswirkungen von Veränderungen im Fischvorkommen oder im Management auf die kleinskalige Fischerei analysieren. Diese Bedingungen haben dazu geführt, dass der Sektor sowohl in der Fischereipolitik als auch in der Verwaltung regelmäßig vernachlässigt wurde. Diese Situation könnte zukünftig möglicherweise zur Übernutzung lokaler Ressourcen führen und damit eine Reihe von gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Auswirkungen haben, die über den (begrenzten) Umfang der kleinskaligen Fischerei hinausreichen. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Auswertung möglicher Auswirkungen auf die deutsche kleinskalige Fischerei durch Veränderungen im Vorkommen von Fischressourcen (Menge und Verteilung) und im Fischereimanagement in der erweiterten Ostseeregion im Zeitraum 2000-2009. Dabei wurde das Hauptaugenmerk auf die Struktur (Fahrzeuge, Ausrüstung, etc.) und die Fangaktivität (Fangmenge, Zieltierarten, etc.) gelegt. Dafür wurde zuerst eine umfassende Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, um die wesentlichen Eigenschaften des Sektors identifizieren zu können, und darauf aufbauend untersucht, inwiefern diese Eigenschaften die Fänge, den Erlös, die natürliche Umwelt und die sozialen Dynamiken von Küstengemeinden beeinflussen. Die Arbeit stellt außerdem eine neue Methodik vor, die die Charakterisierung, die Definition und die darauffolgende Quantifizierung der Schlüsselvariablen des Sektors erlaubt (Fischeifahrzeuge und technische Eigenschaften, Gewicht der Anlandung, Zielarten, etc.). Die Methode kombiniert verschiedenartige Informationen und überwindet eine Reihe von Primärdaten immanenten Einschränkungen. Ein wesentliches Resultat ist die Entwicklung einer regionalen, räumlichen Datenbank der kleinskaligen Fischerei in der deutschen Ostsee, die eine Beurteilung der für den Sektor typischen Dynamik ermöglicht. Die Arbeit stellt die erste den Autoren bekannte quantitative Definition und Charakterisierung der deutschen kleinskaligen Fischerei dar und ist eine der wenigen umfangreichen räumlichen Datenbanken, die weltweit existieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die deutsche kleinskalige Fischerei sowohl in Bezug auf die Fahrzeuge als auch auf Fangmethoden sehr heterogen ist und dabei eine große Zahl an verschiedenen Zielarten hat. Gemessen an der Zahl und Verteilung der Heimathäfen deckt der Sektor eine große geographische Fläche ab, wobei kleinere Häfen in ländlichen Gegenden eine große Anzahl von Fahrzeugen und hohe Anlandemengen aufweisen (Dezentralisierung). In Bezug auf die Ausdehnung der Fischgründe hat die kleinskalige Fischerei allerdings nur einen eingeschränkten Einsatzbereich. Diese Eigenschaften haben sich als elementar für den Sektor erwiesen und machen ihn klar abgrenzbar gegenüber industrieller Fischerei. Darüber hinaus bedingen diese Charakteristika in großem Maße das Anpassungspotenzial gegenüber Veränderungen der Fischressourcen und des Managements. Veränderungen der Fischbestände und im Fischereimanagement hatten einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die deutsche kleinskalige Fischerei. Die Anlandungen des Sektors waren eng mit der Quotenaufteilung für Dorsch und Hering für die westliche Ostsee verbunden. Die Entwicklung der Anlandemengen in den Häfen der Region wurde durch die Nähe der Häfen zu ergiebigen Fischgründen bestimmt. Die Entwicklung der Schlüsselvariablen des Sektors (Anzahl der Fischereifahrzeuge, Fangtechniken, Anlandungen, Artenzusammensetzung) innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebietes wurde durch lokalspezifische Kombinationen der natürlichen und anthropogenen Umwelt [lokaler Fischreichtum, Vorhandensein der Zielart, Eignung für die Anwendung der konkreten Fangtechnik, Infrastruktur (z.B. Verarbeitungseinrichtungen), Potential zur Diversifizierung des Lebensunterhaltes] beeinflusst. Die vorgeschriebenen Regelungen im östlichen und westlichen Teils der deutschen Ostseeküste wirkten sich unterschlich auf den Sektor aus. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Zugänglichkeit zu Ressourcen, ausgedrückt durch Fang (Anlandungen) und Einkommen, für die kleinskalige Fischerei von großer Bedeutung ist. Die kleinskalige Fischerei reagierte auf Managementänderungen, die in erster Linie für die industrielle Fischerei von Relevanz waren (Schließung von Fanggebieten im Bereich der Oder für aktive Fanggeräte). Allerdings konnte die kleinskalige Fischerei nur einen Teil der entgangenen Fänge ausgleichen, wohingegen sich die industrielle Fischerei relativ schnell auf diese Managementmaßnahme einstellen konnte. Die Arbeit beschreibt ausführlich die kleinskalige Fischerei, ihre zentralen Merkmale und die Grenzen für ihre zukünftige Entwicklung, und stellt den Handlungsbedarf hinsichtlich regionaler Bewertungen dar. Auch wenn sich die vorliegende Analyse auf den deutschen Teil der Ostsee beschränkt, kann die Methodik, die durch die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung entwickelt wurde, zur Untersuchung des Themas auch in anderen Regionen angewendet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Vorteile dieser Herangehensweise auch im Kontext von Fischereipolitik und –management auf, während die Methodik Voraussagen ermöglicht, die Aussagen darüber zulassen, wie der Sektor in Zukunft auf Änderungen im Management oder auf Ereignisse in der natürlichen Variabilität reagieren wird.
Abstract. This study presents an historical database of flash flood events in the Campania region of southern Italy. The study focuses on small catchments characterized by intermittent flow, generally occurring during and after heavy rainstorms, which can be hydrologically defined as small Mediterranean catchments. As the outlet zones of these catchments (consisting mainly of alluvial fans or fan deltas) are highly urbanized in Campania, the population living in the delivery areas is exposed to high risk. Detailed scrutiny and critical analysis of the existing literature, and of the data inventory available, allowed us to build a robust database consisting of about 500 events from 1540 to 2015, which is continuously updated. Since this study is the first step of a longer project to perform a hazard analysis, information about time and site of occurrence is known for all events. As for the hazard analysis envisaged, collecting information about past events could provide information on future events, in terms of damage and also spatial and temporal occurrence. After introducing the issue of flash floods in Italy we then describe the geological and geomorphological settings of the study area. The database is then presented, illustrating the methodology used in collecting information and its general structure. The collected data are then discussed and the statistical data analysis presented.
Multimodal travel planning services allow travelers to plan their journey by combining different transport modes: air, rail, waterborne, coach, public transport, demand responsive transport, walking, cycling, etc. The European Union is fostering the development of cross-border multimodal planning services by establishing a regulation framework for their coordinated and coherent deployment across Member States (under the Directive 2010/40/EU). This EU regulation gives precise requirements on travel data formats (DATEX II, SIRI, NeTEx, etc.) and on fundamental and recommended system-level services, such as discovery and linking services. However, it does not (yet) pose constraints on how to implement them. In this paper, we devise and test a system architecture, named Bonvoyage, which proposes an innovative solution implementing such services. For discovery purposes, it federates nation-wide NoSQL databases that contain travel information by exploiting a novel telecommunication paradigm, Information Centric Networking. As regards linking purposes, it orchestrates the use of autonomous monomodal or multimodal routing services provided by small/big stakeholders to compose the best door-to-door journey.
Research background: Local development is a harmonized and systematic activity of the local community, local authorities and other entities operating in a municipality, aimed at creating and improving the usability of existing municipalities. The primary factor in the local development is investments undertaken by the municipality. The financial reflection of these activities is the amount of investment expenditure. The amount of a municipality's income, its development strategy and the expectations of the local communities influence both the level of investment expenditure and structure, which is diversified both in terms of time and space. Purpose of the article: The aim of the study was to determine the spatial distribution of total funds allocated for investment, and investments in transport and communications in the municipalities of Slaskie Voivodship. Spatial relationship was also determined with the Moran's I statistic. The scope of work included creating a spatial database of the examined region at the level of basic local government units, i.e. 167 municipalities. The data were obtained from the studies of official statistics for the years 2008, 2011 and 2014. Methodology/methods: Based on information contained in attribute data sheets, along with the postal codes of municipalities, a spatial database was created in the program ArcView. The analyzed maps were prepared in the GIS program ArcView. For better illustration and reading of detailed data from the prepared maps, the attribute variables were divided into groups using the Jenks method. With it, classes could be determined by comparing the sum of the squares of the differences. The developed classes can also be called a natural border of the division. Based on the prepared spatial database, an analysis was performed with the program R-cran, using Moran's I statistics. Moran's I statistic determines the differences and similarities between the two objects, and allows analyzing the researched area.Findings: With relation to the analysis of the total funds allocated for investment, the least among the investment periods studied was the year 2008. Noticeable in this period is the largest number of municipalities included in class I (142 municipalities), with the investment range 0 - 6,510,016.26 zloty. The developed spatial distribution shows that municipalities concentrated in the central part of the voivodship make up an island of high investment funds. These communes are located in the Upper Silesia Agglomeration, with a high population density. High values are also noticeable in large urban centers such as Czestochowa in the north of the voivodship, and Bielsko-Biala in the south.