Social sciences, political sciences, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, geography
In: The information sources of political science 2
1691141 Ergebnisse
In: The information sources of political science 2
In: Politikatudományi szemle: az MTA Politikatudományi Bizottsága és az MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete folyóirata, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 217-248
ISSN: 1216-1438
In: Journal of political power, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 465-471
ISSN: 2158-3803
ISSN: 2312-8216
In: A Columbia
"Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) was one of the most influential sociologists of the twentieth century, producing clear theories and innovative research that continue to shape multiple disciplines. Merton's reach can be felt in the study of social structure, social psychology, deviance, professions, organizations, culture, and science. Yet for all his fame, Merton is only partially understood. He is treated by scholars as a functional analyst, when in truth his contributions transcend paradigm
In: Science and technology in society
Prospects and challenges for a new political sociology of science / Scott Frickel, Kelly Moore -- Contradiction in convergence: universities and industry in the biotechnology field / Daniel Lee Kleinman, Steven P. Vallas -- Commercial imbroglios: propriety science and the contemporary university / Jason Owen-Smith -- Commercial restructuring of collective resources in agrofood systems of innovation / Steven Wolf -- Antiangiogenesis research and the dynamics of scientific fields: historical and institutional perspectives in the sociology of science / David J. Hess -- Nanoscience, green chemistry, and the privileged position of science / Edward J. Woodhouse -- When convention becomes contentious: organizing science activism in genetic toxicology / Scott Frickel -- Changing ecologies: science and environmental politics in agriculture / Christopher R. Henke -- Embodied health movements: responses to a "scientized" world / Rachel Morello-Frosch, ...[et al.] -- Strategies for alternative science / Brian Martin -- Powered by the people: scientific authority in participatory science / Kelly Moore -- Institutionalizing the new politics difference in U.S. biomedical research: thinking across the science/state/society divides / Steven Epstein -- Creating participatory subjects: science, race, and democracy in a genomic age / Jenny Reardon -- On consensus and voting in science: from Asilomar to the National toxicology program / David H. Guston -- Learning to reflect or deflect? U.S. policies and graduate programs' ethics training for life scientists / Laurel Smith-Doerr -- Regulatory shifts, pharmaceutical scripts, and the new consumption junction: configuring high-risk women in an era of chemoprevention / Maren Klawiter
In: Government & opposition: an international journal of comparative politics, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 195-214
ISSN: 1477-7053
THE PHRASE 'SOCIOLOGY OF POLITICS' UNMISTAKABLY INDICATES A sub-field, a subdivision of the overall field of sociology – like sociology of religion, sociology of leisure and the like. By saying sociology of politics we make clear that the framework, the approach or the focus of the inquiry is sociological.The phrase 'political sociology' is, on the other hand, unclear. It may be used as a synonym for 'sociology of politics', but it may not. When saying political sociology the focus or the approach of the inquiry generally remains unspecified. Since political phenomena are a concern for many disciplines, this ambiguity turns out to be a serious drawback. This is particularly apparent in Europe, where many scholars share Maurice Duverger's view that 'in a general way the two labels (political sociology and political science) are synonymous'. This view is very convenient, is particularly successful among European sociologists eager to expand to the detriment of political scientists, and for this very reason goes a long way towards explaining the persistent lag of political science in Europe.
An introductory chapter notes that the volume grew out of a 2001 meeting of political scientists & sociologists held at the U of Maryland to assess the status & future potential of knowledge about mobilization & repression. Although there is a large body of literature dealing with these topics, attention has been imbalanced, & empirical results are extremely variable. A review of the literature on the impact of repressive behavior on protest highlights data sources & varied methodologies used for analyses. The complexity of the repression-mobilization nexus is pointed out & a model for effectively conceptualizing the relationship between dissidents & state authorities is presented. Attention is called to how the Maryland conference challenged & changed the understandings of participants & the fundamentally different model of state-dissident interactions that emerged from the research presented at the conference. The contributors to this volume analyze existing research & offer new insights. A synopsis of each chapter is included. 2 Figures, 83 References. J. Lindroth
An introductory chapter notes that the volume grew out of a 2001 meeting of political scientists & sociologists held at the U of Maryland to assess the status & future potential of knowledge about mobilization & repression. Although there is a large body of literature dealing with these topics, attention has been imbalanced, & empirical results are extremely variable. A review of the literature on the impact of repressive behavior on protest highlights data sources & varied methodologies used for analyses. The complexity of the repression-mobilization nexus is pointed out & a model for effectively conceptualizing the relationship between dissidents & state authorities is presented. Attention is called to how the Maryland conference challenged & changed the understandings of participants & the fundamentally different model of state-dissident interactions that emerged from the research presented at the conference. The contributors to this volume analyze existing research & offer new insights. A synopsis of each chapter is included. 2 Figures, 83 References. J. Lindroth
Credit, by J.L. Laughlin.--The use of loan credit in modern business, by T.B. Veblen.--The physical characters of the Indians of southern Mexico, by F. Starr.--The significance of sociology for ethics, by A.W. Small.--Studies concerning Adrian IV, by O.J. Thatcher.--The relation of the medicine-man to the origin of the professional occupations, by W.I. Thomas.--Empire and sovereignty, by E. Freund.--The decline of the missi dominici in Frankish Gaul, by J.W. Thompson.--The essential elements of a written constitution, by H.P. Judson. ; Mode of access: Internet.
The article explores the professional exercise of sociology and political science in Spain, taking into account the process of decentralization of its professional associations, the regulation, and the strategies put in place to increase its presence, influence, power, credibility and attractiveness to potential members. The research is novel since the role of the professional associations as regulatory mechanisms has been widely theorized, but the use of empirical methodology to address the topic is rare. The study focuses, first, on the strategic discussion on the professions; the regulations are then reviewed and, finally, the phenomenon is explored on the basis of answers to a questionnaire addressed to the representatives of the governing body of territorial associations. The empirical analysis shows some important conclusions about the instability and uncertainty that sociology and political science face and its difficulties in achieving further development and professional penetration. The solutions provided from the perspective of the actors are very polarized between those who advocate the establishment of interdisciplinary spaces with nearby professional fields and those who believe that strong corporatism is necessary. ; El artículo explora el ejercicio profesional de la sociología y de la ciencia política en España, tomando en consideración el proceso de descentralización de sus colegios profesionales, la regulación normativa y las estrategias puestas en práctica para aumentar su presencia, influencia, poder, credibilidad y atractivo para los potenciales colegiados. La investigación resulta novedosa puesto que el rol de las asociaciones profesionales como mecanismos reguladores ha sido ampliamente teorizado, pero es poco frecuente la utilización de metodología empírica para abordar la cuestión. El estudio se centra, en primer lugar, en la discusión estratégica sobre las profesiones; a continuación, se revisa la normativa y, finalmente, se explora el fenómeno a partir de las respuestas de un cuestionario dirigido a los representantes de las juntas de gobierno de los colegios territoriales. Del análisis empírico se desprenden algunas conclusiones importantes sobre la inestabilidad e incertidumbre que afrontan la sociología y la ciencia política y sus dificultades para alcanzar un mayor desarrollo y penetración profesional. Las soluciones aportadas desde la perspectiva de los actores se encuentran muy polarizadas entre quienes abogan por el establecimiento de espacios interdisciplinares con campos profesionales próximos y los que consideran que es necesaria una corporatización fuerte. ; O artigo explora o exercício profissional da sociologia e das ciências políticas na Espanha, levando em consideração o processo de descentralização de seus conselhos profissionais, a regulação normativa e as estratégias aplicadas para aumentar sua presença, influência, poder, credibilidade e atrativo para os potenciais associados. A investigação resulta inovadora uma vez que o papel das associações profissionais como mecanismos reguladores tem sido amplamente teorizado, mas é pouco frequente a utilização de metodologia empírica para abordar a questão. O estudo está centrado, em primeiro lugar, na discussão estratégica sobre as profissões; em seguida é revisada a normativa e, finalmente, o fení´meno é explorado a partir das respostas de um questionário dirigido aos representantes das diretorias dos conselhos territoriais. Da análise empírica obtemos algumas conclusões importantes sobre a instabilidade e insegurança que enfrentam a sociologia e as ciências políticas e as dificuldades para alcançarem um maior desenvolvimento e penetraçãoprofissional. As soluções aportadas desde a perspectiva dos atores se encontram muito polarizadas entre os que defendem o estabelecimento de espaçosinterdisciplinares com campos profissionais próximos e os que consideramque é necessária uma corporatização forte.
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 62, Heft 6, S. 868-885
ISSN: 1461-7064
Taking the contemporary debate about the status of political sociology as a starting point, the article presents some of the alternative views, and discusses the relationships between sociology and political science. It claims that, despite persistent controversies, looking into the research tradition of political sociology is a useful resource to grasp the identity of the sub-discipline. Accordingly, the author takes the relationship between state and society as the central issue that everywhere cuts across theoretical and methodological diversity. Finally, the text takes the nation-state as the most typical configuration of the relationship between state and society in modern history, and one that remains so in the present, despite the many historical and analytical challenges we observe today.
In: Leydesdorff, L. (2022). Science Studies and Sociology. ISSI Newsletter, 18(1), 11-15.
In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 54, Heft 4, S. 403-404
ISSN: 1502-3869
In: Contemporary sociology, Band 40, Heft 4, S. 438-440
ISSN: 1939-8638