Contribution of Rural Banks to Regional Economic Development: Evidence from the Philippines
In: Regional studies, Band 46, Heft 6
ISSN: 0034-3404
5289 Ergebnisse
In: Regional studies, Band 46, Heft 6
ISSN: 0034-3404
In: Economics and finance in Indonesia: EFI, Band 61, Heft 3, S. 223
ISSN: 2442-9260
There is considerable evidence from around the world to support the idea that access to formal financial services is a key factor towards achieving poverty alleviation. The government of Indonesia has placed high importance on the issue of improved access to financial services and one feels that it would be appropriate to begin the process of analyzing effective financial inclusion initiatives with the existing Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) system. BPRs have long been an integral part of Indonesia's financial, economic, and social development. This research is focused on BPRs in West Java. In this research, the writer evaluates BPR performance within twenty-five districts in West Java, by measuring the technical efficiency levels of the BPRs through employing the Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA). The district that has the highest BPR average inefficiency score is Bandung city and the district with the lowest average BPR inefficiency score is the district of Ciamis. Increases in bank concentration (indicated by the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index) and income per capita are shown to decrease BPR inefficiency levels. Increases in the percentage of the population under the poverty line, the percentage of the labor force with a high school education, the percentage of road length per area, and the amount of bank offices per district, increase the inefficiency levels of BPRs. Overall, it is found that BPRs cannot operate efficiently in areas which are too underdeveloped; neither can they operate efficiently in areas which are too well developed.AbstrakTerdapat bukti substantif pengalaman berbagai negara di dunia bahwa akses pada jasa finansial formal adalah faktor kunci dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia telah menempatkan upaya peningkatan mutu dan akses jasa finansial bagi masyarakat Indonesia, sebagai salah satu kebijakan utama dalam pengentasan kemiskinan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas dan menganalisa efektivitas badan-badan penyedia jasa finansial di Indonesia, sebagai starting-point dengan memulai analisa efektivitas jasa finansial yang diberikan oleh Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR). Penelitian ini difokuskan kepada BPR di Jawa Barat. Penulis mengevaluasi performa BPR pada 25 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Barat, dengan mengukur tingkat efisiensi teknis melalui metode Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA). Kota tempat BPR yang memiliki rata-rata in-efisiensi tertinggi adalah Kota Bandung dan Kabupaten dengan in-efisiensi rata-rata BPR-nya yang terendah adalah Kabupaten Ciamis. Peningkatan dalam konsentrasi perbankan di sebuah kabupaten/kota (terindikasi Hirschman-Herfindahl Index) dan peningkatan pendapatan per kapita pada kabupaten/kota tersebut terbukti menurunkan tingkat inefisiensi BPR. Sebagai kesimpulan utama, ditemukan bahwa BPR tidak dapat beroperasi secara efektif pada area yang sangat underdeveloped dan juga tidak dapat beroperasi efektif pada area yang sangat developed. Kata kunci: Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR); Jawa Barat; Efisiensi Teknis; Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA)JEL classifications: D; L1; L2; G; G2
The obstacles that hindered the digital marketing involvement in rural India are gradually disappearing. The hypothesis that the e-commerce industry will develop a larger base in the rural India is becoming true with the declining prices of smartphones, higher amount of internet access with a high speed at diminishing rates and the actions of government as well as private associations spreading knowledge about the digital dynamics. This study seeks to identify the Digital Marketing expertise of rural banks in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, India. The data depicting the aspiration of the rural banks of e-marketing modes along with the challenges that they handle in relation to the e-commerce are all giving a sign for the further research in this area.
In: Handbook of Distributed Generation, S. 343-374
In: Holistica: journal of business and public administration, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 97-106
ISSN: 2067-9785
This research was conducted because of the common problem that often happened at rural banks (BPR), that is too focused on business development so less in paying attention to employee's satisfaction, which impact on high turnover rate of employee. High employee turnover rates have a negative effect on an organization, as it can lead to loss of productivity, profitability, corporate knowledge, skills and competencies.
The population of this research is BPR while the sample is used by BPR in Bandung City. There are four independent variables in this study: (1) transformational leadership, (2) employee competence, (3) commitment, and (4) employee loyalty.
The type of research used is descriptive verification, while the method used in this study is the survey method (explanatory survey) and descriptive method. Descriptive and verification analysis, descriptive analysis is done by using Microsoft Excel software to calculate or determine the frequency of answers from respondents, while verification analysis is used to find multiple regression equation, the magnitude of relationship and influence between variables.
The results of research influence the determinant factors such as transformational leadership, employee competence and commitment to loyalty both partially and simultaneously.
In: Gorontalo development review
ISSN: 2615-1375
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of inflation and Rural Banks' (BPR) performance—that is, their assets, credit, and third-party funding—on Indonesia's economy. For the years 2014–2020, panel data regression using a fixed effect model approach is the technique employed. Secondary data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Central Statistics Agency (BPS), and other relevant organizations were used in this investigation. The findings indicated, in part, that the credit variable had a significant coefficient value of 0.119, the inflation variable had a significant coefficient value of -0.033, the asset variable had a significant coefficient value of -0.006, and the third party fund variable had an insignificant coefficient value of 0.064. At the same time demonstrating how the variables of assets, third-party funding credit, and inflation all influence Indonesia's economic variables at the same time. A coefficient of determination of 0.99 is attained. Then, these findings demonstrate that the variables of inflation, assets, credit, and third-party funds account for 99 percent of the variation in economic variables' growth and fall, with other factors outside the model influencing the remaining 1%.
Working paper
In: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Band 27, Heft 2
ISSN: 2204-1990
In: Research Explorer, Vol. IV : Issue.11 ; July - December 2015
Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are among the main drivers of economic growth. When the economic crisis hit in 1997, only MSMEs could survive. In addition to being economic drivers, MSMEs are capable of employment and providing a significant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The purpose of the present study was to analyze the role of rural banks (BPR) on MSMEs in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. This study was a qualitative descriptive one. A total of 26 informants from 11 Book I BPR in Sidoarjo was interviewed. Results showed that the loans disbursed by BPRs greatly supported the improvement in the living standards of MSMEs. Of the 26 informants, all of them experienced an increase in both company profits and employment. Initially, there were those with no employee but, with the development of the business, they were capable of employment and some even increased the number of their employees. The loans disbursed by BPR had a significant role in the progress of MSMEs as evidenced by the improvement in their living standards. The Government is recommended to pay more attention to BPR by making policies that enable BPR to survive in the face of competition, especially with commercial banks.
Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are among the main drivers of economic growth. When the economic crisis hit in 1997, only MSMEs could survive. In addition to being economic drivers, MSMEs are capable of employment and providing a significant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The purpose of the present study was to analyze the role of rural banks (BPR) on MSMEs in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. This study was a qualitative descriptive one. A total of 26 informants from 11 Book I BPR in Sidoarjo was interviewed. Results showed that the loans disbursed by BPRs greatly supported the improvement in the living standards of MSMEs. Of the 26 informants, all of them experienced an increase in both company profits and employment. Initially, there were those with no employee but, with the development of the business, they were capable of employment and some even increased the number of their employees. The loans disbursed by BPR had a significant role in the progress of MSMEs as evidenced by the improvement in their living standards. The Government is recommended to pay more attention to BPR by making policies that enable BPR to survive in the face of competition, especially with commercial banks
In: Journal of public administration and governance, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 85
ISSN: 2161-7104
This article attempts to explain the factors that affect the board's behavior when it comes to enhancing internal controls in financial institutions, particularly rural banks. The variables examined in this study are not different from the traditional determinants of board effectiveness or internal controls, but except that between all the five variables measured four are technically board characteristics while one relates directly to internal controls. A total of 459 valid structured questionnaire were analyzed based on the feedback gathered from various banks where employees, management and board members shared their views on the factors that would influence the board's posture to enhance good governance and internal controls. The outcome of the study provided a convincing evidence that, internal audit, external consultancy and the audit committee are dominant determinants of internal control and good governance. Subsequent, examinations using the R square also confirms accuracy of predictions recorded in the principal component analysis. Further studies may analysis the size of the board relative to the increasing functions of ensuring compliance, independence and strategic decisions. This analysis is based on an African institutional context, but could be a universal tool.
The KCC Scheme is the financial scheme in India and it is a non-discriminatory banking product in India. the replica of the KCC Scheme was prepared by NABARD on the guidance of the R.V. Gupta Committee on behalf of the Government of India. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate the execution of the KCC scheme in the term of No. of card issued and disbursed an amount of advance through the branches of Regional Rural Bank in Damoh district from the year 2015 to the year 2020, Present study is based on both types of data as primary data and secondary data also, the correlation research design has adopted for conducting this research. Finally, the present study concluded that the execution of the Kisan Credit scheme in the term of the total no. of cards issued and total no. of the disbursed amount of advance is not growing progressively during the period from the year 2015 to the year 2020 but both are highly correlated in each other. ; The small marginal farmers have required the loan to perform the various agricultural operation as manuring, harvesting, seeding, and permanent improvement on land like digging the wells and tube wells, etc therefore farmers stretch their hands towards money lenders, they usually lend a small amount of loan at very high rates of interest to the farmers thus the repayment of the amount of loan is generally so difficult for the farmers, in order to get rids problem the Government of India had established the regional rural bank to provide financial facilities at concessional rate of interest to the farmers through implementing the financial schemes time to time, the Kisan Credit Scheme is one of the financial schemes among them, the KCC scheme was introduced in the year 1998-99 in India, the Model of KCC Scheme was prepared by NABARD (National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development) under the guidance of the R.V. Gupta Committee on behalf of the Central Government of India. The KCC scheme is beneficial to the small marginal farmer to provide advances on the concessional ...
In: Scientific annals of economics and business, Band 64, Heft 1, S. 83-96
ISSN: 2501-3165
This paper examines the credit risk and capital adequacy of the 567 rural banks in the Philippines to investigate how both variables affect bank profitability. Using the Arellano-Bond estimator, we found out that credit risk has a negative and statistically significant relationship with profitability. However, empirical analysis showed that capital adequacy has no significant impact on the profitability of rural banks in the Philippines. It is therefore necessary for the rural banks to examine more deeply if capital infusion would result in higher profitability than increasing debts. The study also implies that it is imperative for the banks to understand which risk factors have greater impact on their financial performance and use better risk-adjusted performance measurement to support their strategies. Rural banks should establish credit risk management that defines the process from initiation to approval of loans, taking into consideration the sound credit risk management practices issued by regulatory bodies. Moreover, rural banks need to enhance internal control measures to ensure the strict implementation of internal processes on lending operations.