Psychological Barriers to a Peaceful Resolution: Longitudinal Evidence from the Middle East and Northern Ireland
In: Studies in conflict and terrorism, Band 41, Heft 8, S. 660-676
ISSN: 1521-0731
1215 Ergebnisse
In: Studies in conflict and terrorism, Band 41, Heft 8, S. 660-676
ISSN: 1521-0731
In: Journal of Advanced Management Research, 2018
In: International conciliation
ISSN: 0020-6407
In: Public Performance & Management Review, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 5
In: Public performance & management review, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 5-25
ISSN: 1557-9271
In: Public performance & management review, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 5-25
ISSN: 1530-9576
This paper focuses on barriers and drivers of personal and public engagement. The success of climate change policies in democracies depends on social consent and ownership of the actions taken. Campaigners and decision-makers therefore need to communicate their ideas in a way that speaks to and galvanises people. To do this successfully, the first step is to recognise what motivates people to act and what hinders them. This paper contributes to answering these questions by giving an overview of theories from psychological and communication science on the cognitive biases that obstruct logical decision-making. It then moves on to suggest an alternative to the widely used "fear appeal" in communication about climate change: an opportunity-oriented framing of climate mitigation that connects to people's values with the prospect of fostering long-lasting engagement with sustainable action. Lastly, the paper explores how the co-benefits framing can be used for policymaking.
In: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 93-97
The article presents the results of research on psychological barriers and restrictions that prevent professional psychologists' development during their work at the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The content of the concepts "psychological barriers" and "psychological restrictions" is analysed. The content is disclosed at the general level. The article describes the results of empirical research of psychological barriers and limitations among psychologists of the FPS of Russia, the main method of which included expert evaluation. The causes of objective, subjective and objective-subjective nature were identified, and their psychological content was revealed. The role of psychological diagnostics in determining psychological barriers and restrictions, their level of expression is shown. It is noted that the role of barriers and restrictions of a subjective nature is underestimated by psychologists of the service activity of the Federal penitentiary service, thus purposeful work on their compensation is limited. In order to overcome psychological barriers and constraints, use of different methods and technologies, priority is given to self-development.
In: Cultural diversity and ethnic minority psychology, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 521-528
ISSN: 1939-0106
Having been part of the police institution, it places the participants in a specific place within the political currents of the country, where the anti-communist doctrine of the internal enemy prevails. Such a situation holds a language of war against political differences, while stigmatizing as traitors or infiltrators all those, who challenge the prospect of military victory as the only alternative to resolving conflicts, or who denounce human rights violations committed by the Military Forces. These elements make it possible to observe how discourses circulate in contexts where active and retired members of the Armed Forces converge and contribute to reinforcing a number of ideas, which can be considered as psychosocial barriers to peace. ; Haber sido parte de la institución policial, ubica a los participantes en un lugar específico dentro de las corrientes políticas del país, en donde prima la doctrina anticomunista del enemigo interno, sosteniendo un lenguaje de guerra contra las diferencias políticas, mientras se estigmatizan como traidores o infiltrados todas aquellas personas que cuestionen la perspectiva de la victoria militar como única alternativa para solucionar los conflictos, o que denuncian las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas por las fuerzas militares. Estos elementos permiten observar como los discursos que circulan en los contextos donde confluyen miembros activos y retirados de las fuerzas armadas contribuyen a reforzar una serie de ideas que pueden ser consideradas como barreras psicosociales para la paz.
In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry
ISSN: 1052-0147
This is the first study in a long-term qualitative, theory generating, research project aimed at uncovering conditions that facilitate development of destructive psychological processes in care organizations. Special focus was put on three previously identified problem areas, i.e., staff privileges, conflicting educational traditions/cultures among staff, and psychological reparative work on the part of the staff. A special approved home for teenage boys with serious psychosocial, drug and criminal problems was studied. The strategy used was grounded theory together with abductive reasoning. Data were collected using institutional documents, questionnaires and individual psychotherapeutic interviews. In spite of a target group with serious psychosocial problems, strong institutional boundaries, and staff without professional training in caring, no destructive processes strong enough to obstruct care were found in this institution. The purposed explanation is that the combined effect of history, institutional structure and routines, and psychological conditions has prevented destructive processes from developing. When attention is paid to these conditions, they may be deliberately used as "planned barriers", protecting against destructive psychological institutional processes.
In: PBFJ-D-23-00409
In: Političeskie issledovanija: Polis ; naučnyj i kul'turno-prosvetitel'skij žurnal = Political studies, Heft 4, S. 132-134
ISSN: 1026-9487, 0321-2017