
184 Ergebnisse


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#4610. September 2012

A Weak Spot in the Personality? Conceptualising "War Neurosis" in British Medical Literature of the Second World War

In: The Australian journal of politics and history: AJPH, Band 58, Heft 3, S. 408-420

ISSN: 1467-8497

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#471. Juni 2011

The Influence of Informant Characteristics on the Reliability of Family History Interviews

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 217-220

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Open Access#482019

Circulating Serum MicroRNAs as Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#491. April 2005

The Value of Four Mental Health Self-Report Scales in Predicting Interview-Based Mood and Anxiety Disorder Diagnoses in Sibling Pairs

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 101-107

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#50April 2020

Recollections of Nick Martin: 1983–1986

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 82-83

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Suicide from a global perspective: Vulnerable Populations and Controversies

In: Social Issues, Justice and Status



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Open Access#532016

Field of Psychiatry: Current Trends and Future Directions: An Indian Perspective


Open Access#542019

A polygenic resilience score moderates the genetic risk for schizophrenia


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#5518. April 2017

Psychiatric research platform within SAIL - Linkage of prospectively ascertained phenotypically rich and genetic data to routinely collected anonymised records.: IJPDS (2017) Issue 1, Vol 1:145, Proceedings of the IPDLN Conference (August 2016)

In: International journal of population data science: (IJPDS), Band 1, Heft 1

ISSN: 2399-4908

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#5626. November 2015

Variants Near CCK Receptors are Associated With Electrophysiological Responses to Pre-pulse Startle Stimuli in a Mexican American Cohort

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 18, Heft 6, S. 727-737

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#5720. Juli 2018

Mapping Risk from Genes to Behavior: The Enduring and Evolving Influence of Irving Gottesman's Endophenotype Concept

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 306-309

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#581. Dezember 2005

Limitations of DSM-IV Operationalizations of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence in a Sample of Australian Twins

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 8, Heft 6, S. 574-584

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#591. Dezember 2006

The University of British Columbia Twin Project: Personality is Something and Personality Does Something

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 9, Heft 6, S. 739-742

ISSN: 1839-2628

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#601. Dezember 2006

The Australian Twin ADHD Project: Current Status and Future Directions

In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 9, Heft 6, S. 718-726

ISSN: 1839-2628

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