International intervention: new norms in the post-Cold War era?
In: Report / Universität / Department of Peace and Conflict Research, 45
1256030 Ergebnisse
In: Report / Universität / Department of Peace and Conflict Research, 45
World Affairs Online
For over a hundred years, the 8th of March marks the feminist day of struggle, nowadays still mainly celebrated as International Women's Day. Although we have come far, the sole reference to 'women' is problematic since it reproduces a gender binary that excludes anyone that does not identify with the sex assigned to them at birth, i.e., transgender (in short: trans) and non-binary individuals. This tends to undermine and even deny the day's aim to fight sexism and misogyny in all its forms. Perhaps a good way to counter this trend is to incorporate trans and non-binary perspectives systematically into peace and conflict research.
In: GIGA Working Paper No. 275
Working paper
In: Working papers / Centre for Peace and Conflict Research , 1991, 7
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of intervention and statebuilding, Band 16, Heft 5, S. 584-599
ISSN: 1750-2985
In: Millennium: journal of international studies, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 213-215
ISSN: 1477-9021
In: Studies in peace and conflict research
World Affairs Online
In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Studies in peace and conflict : ZeFKo, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 443-454
ISSN: 2192-1741
World Affairs Online
Dieser Beitrag reflektiert und ergänzt die aktuelle Diskussion über die Empfehlungen des Wissenschaftsrats zur Weiterentwicklung der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Wir richten dabei den Blick auf die vom Wissenschaftsrat attestierten Schwachstellen im Bereich empirisch-analytischer Methoden und erläutern ihre Auswirkungen auf Interdisziplinarität, Internationalität und Politikberatung der deutschen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Wir argumentieren, unter Verweis auf den Bericht des Wissenschaftsrats, dass eine breitere Methodenausbildung und -kenntnis von großer Bedeutung für interdisziplinäre und internationale Zusammenarbeit, aber auch für die Politikberatung ist. Zukünftige Initiativen innerhalb der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung sollten die Methodenvielfalt des Forschungsbereichs angemessen berücksichtigen und einen besonderen Fokus auf die Ausbildung im Bereich empirisch-analytischer Methoden legen, um das Forschungsfeld in diesem Bereich zu stärken. Unser Beitrag entspringt einer Diskussion innerhalb des Arbeitskreises "Empirische Methoden der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. ; This article reflects on and adds to the ongoing discussion of the German Science Council's recommendations for the further development of peace and conflict research. We focus on the gaps in empirical-analytical research methodology identified by the German Science Council and elaborate how they affect interdisciplinary cooperation, international visibility and policy-oriented research within the German peace and conflict research community. We follow the analysis of the Science Council's report and argue that a diversified training in as well as knowledge of empirical research methodology is of central importance for interdisciplinary and international cooperation as well as comprehensive policy-oriented research. Future initiatives within the peace and conflict research community should strive to reflect the methodological diversity of our research community and put a ...
In: Études internationales, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 297
ISSN: 1703-7891
In this paper, the perspectives of (Critical) Migration Research and (Critical) Peace and Conflict Research on migration are discussed, compared and combined with the goal of proposing a "Peace Logical Migration Research" ("Friedenslogische Migrationsforschung").
In: Review of international studies: RIS, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 97-115
ISSN: 1469-9044
The purpose of this article is to compare three approaches to conflict, those of the 'strategist', the 'conflict researcher' and the 'peace researcher'. Strategic studies, our starting point, are usually seen exclusively within the framework of power politics and the manipulation of threat systems. This approach to conflict is clearly of great importance, especially as it is the one most frequently adopted by decision-makers. It is not, however, the only possible approach, and the lineage of each of the three approaches can be traced back to antiquity.
The discussions of the Uppsala symposium on Mediation in June 2010 highlighted a number of issues novel either to researchers or to practitioners. The meeting was organized around eight such themes. In short, the discussions showed that there are selections effects which makes the evaluation of success in mediation very difficult (more difficult conflicts get more mediation attempts), and that a biased mediator or mediation mandating actor is not always negative. If a conflict is about the control of government or of a particular territory, this affects the mediation approach as well as the durability of the outcome and the following peacebuilding efforts. Mediation styles vary and may sometimes create, for instance, cultural problems for a mediator. Mandates can be constraining for the mediator, but also solve some problems in mediation. Building fruitful relations between researchers, practitioners and policy makers can generate more resources for mediation. The proliferation of mediation efforts in the same conflict raises new issues of coordination and involves the dangers of negative competition. External shocks are seldom considered in the literature, but may provide breakthroughs for mediations as well as ending such efforts. Outcomes of mediation are not only equal to reaching an agreement. The long-term peacebuilding effects of mediation provides for new challenges to mediation research and practice where the researchers may appear not only to be constructive collaborators for practitioners, but also turn into 'myth busters'. This report puts some meat to these one-liners.