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Territorial cohesion in future EU cohesion policy: final report for the research project "The territorial dimension of future EU cohesion policy" ; a project within the research programme "General Departmental Research" conducted by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affair...
In: Forschungen Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
Report of Mid-Scotland Ship Canal Committee
In: [Parliament. Papers by command] Cmd. 3657
Traffic forecasts for the Pickering (second Toronto international) airport: a critical examination [of the forecasting methodology and assumptions used by the Ministry of transport to analyze traffic demand in connection with the proposed Pickering airport]
In: Canadian public policy: a journal for the discussion of social and economic policy in Canada = Analyse de politiques, Band 3, S. 14-22
ISSN: 0317-0861
The Genesis of Regulating Legal Relations in the Field of Autonomous Surface Navigation
In: Teorija i praktika obščestvennogo razvitija: meždunarodnyj naučnyj žurnal : sociologija, ėkonomika, pravo, Heft 8, S. 213-220
ISSN: 2072-7623
The relevance of the article stems from the fact that autonomous ships raise a number of legal questions about the diminishing role of human interaction in the decision-making process. The legal concept of ships operating with autonomous systems requires an assessment of the genesis of existing maritime law and regulations. The article describes the process of establishing the legality of autonomous vessels, with a focus on provisions from the International Maritime Organization, as it acts as the primary regulatory body in the field of shipping. Crewless vessels provide flexibility in determining crewing levels, which has contributed to the development of this area. However, in the case of using remote control centers, such centers are likely to require a sufficient number of personnel. After a general discussion of the legality of autonomous vessels, the legal problems and solutions related to autonomous vessels are analyzed. For the first time, a critical analysis of regulations is made, which can be the basis for a systematic development of understanding of the legal regulation of auton-omous surface navigation.
Lao PDR Case Study: Ministry of Public Works and Transport
In: Institutions Taking Root: Building State Capacity in Challenging Contexts, S. 151-178
Creativity and Innovation Management at Ministry of Public Works and Transports
In: PSAKU International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Band 4, Heft 1
Impacts and benefits of transnational projects (INTERREG III B): a project within the research programme "Demonstration Projects of Spatial Planning" (MORO) conducted by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS) and the Federal Office for Building and Regional Plan...
In: Forschungen Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
In: Socialʹno-političeskie nauki: mežvuzovskij naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 51-61
Since the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, transport cooperation has always been one of the main cooperation areas among the organization's members. The priority task in this area is to create favorable conditions for the development of sustainable transportation network, ensuring the development of economic cooperation within the SCO. The article examines the issue of transport cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the present stage. The main external and internal factors hindering transport cooperation of the SCO are analyzed by the authors. The text offers ways and strategies to improve and expand transport cooperation in the SCO in future.
Assessment on Truck Transport Management practices in Ethiopian Ministry of National Defense Logistics Main Department
The objective of this study is to critically assess truck transportation management practice and finding the major shortcomings of the transport services in MoND logistics main department. The study used descriptive research design in both quantitative and qualitative approach. Primary data were collected through questionnaire, interview as well as field observation. Purposive sampling technique for7interviewees and simple random sampling technique used for 186 respondents asked in the open and cloth ended questionnaire. In addition, secondary data, such as annuals evaluation reports, quarterly and monthly reports, plans, and other relevant documents of MoND-Logistics assessed and other documents like; journals, articles, research papers, was used. Methodologically, this study is in accordance to the nature of the data required and designed to be descriptive. Statistical package for Social Science Software (SPSS) was applied to present data and to get the required analysis results for study. The researcher also presents the results by using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, charts, tables and other related statistical data presentation techniques. The major finding of the study indicates that, there are empty trips or underutilization of vehicles and limited utilizing modern technologies such as global positioning system, radio frequency identification The required professional competency of managers and drivers to carry out their duties and responsibilities is at good level but not at the higher professional competence level. Since the department lacks comprehensive approaches on undertaking appropriate on the job training for both managers and subordinates and problem of establishing a liaison with governmental marketing organizations and other stakeholders in order to find market for those empty trips. Keywords: Descriptive Research, Transport Management practices
Understanding of Job Analysis of Middle Management in Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Laos, PDR
Job analysis sits at the heart of all human resource practices, making it a critically important management activity in every organization. However, with increasing competition, shorter product life-cycles, rapid technological innovations, and the changing nature of organizational structures, its underlying assumptions are becoming increasingly questionable in today's dynamic work environment. Moreover, the methods used by traditional job analysis are simply not applicable to many new and emerging jobs and some authors feel it may even be an obstacle to organizational success (Singh, 2008). This research paper aims at firstly examining how the 4 breakthroughs of government policy are comprehensible and practicable among the middle management. Secondly to investigate if the application of job analysis developed by Pynes is known and implemented by the MPWT middle management. The qualitative research methods was employed among the middle management personnel at MPWT. The group discussion and in-depth interviews were conducted and content analysis was used to interpret transcribing data to text description. It was found that there were no specific measures for job analysis as reference from the four breakthrough policies of the government of Lao PDR has been applied in job analysis among the middle management personnel. So it was also found that there was no job analysis model which was applied. Therefore, the Pynes model was not actually comprehended by the middle management personnel.