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Mitbestimmung bei Investitionsentscheidungen: Fallstudien in deutschen multinationalen Konzernen
In: Industrielle Beziehungen: Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 430-444
ISSN: 1862-0035
"Multinationale Konzerne befinden sich als Teilnehmer auf dem internationalen Arbeitsmarkt in einer begünstigten Position, da sie zu weltweiten grenzüberschreitenden Kapitalinvestitionen in der Lage sind. Aufgrund dieser transnationalen Mobilität verfügen sie über eine breite Palette an möglichen Investitionsalternativen. Eine mögliche Investitionsstrategie wird Regime Shopping genannt: Unternehmen bevorzugen Länder, in denen die Arbeitskosten niedrig und die Gewerkschaften schwach sind, um den Profit und den unternehmerischen Entscheidungsspielraum zu maximieren. Dieser Beitrag analysiert, welche Implikationen die Strategie des Regime Shopping für die institutionalisierte Mitbestimmung auf Betriebsebene hat. Datengrundlage sind qualitative Interviews mit Vertretern des Strategischen Managements, der Personalabteilung sowie der Arbeitnehmervertretung in je zwei deutschen Automobil- und Chemiekonzernen. Verglichen mit früheren Zeiten hat die Vertretungswirksamkeit der Betriebsratsarbeit abgenommen. Insgesamt wird der Einfluss der Arbeit-Nehmervertretung auf globale Standortentscheidungen - soweit sie nicht den eigenen Standort betreffen - als eher gering und von Arbeitnehmervertretern als unzureichend eingestuft, aber bis jetzt ist die institutionelle Basis der nationalen Mitbestimmung nicht erodiert." (Autorenreferat)
Finance and investment: the European case
Low growth, low investment, insufficient spend on infrastructure, weak bank lending to the corporate sector, and funding deficiencies of small and medium-sized enterprises are all causes of concern in Europe. To many, they point to fundamental problems in the financing of European companies and in Europe's financial systems. Are these concerns valid and do the structure and performance of the financial system lie at their heart? If so, what should be done to address them, and have the right policy prescriptions been identified to date? A product of the Restarting European Investment Finance research programme, Finance and Investment: The European Case brings together leading researchers to consider the causes of the persistently low level of investment in Europe. It examines the extent to which the financial system is a contributory factor and identifies possible remedies, considering the relation of finance to corporate sector investment, the lending behaviour of banks, the provision of equity financing, and the role of public sector institutions, regulation, and taxation. Finance and Investment provides one of the most comprehensive and thorough analyses of any financial system undertaken to date. It reflects a large body of research using new and existing data sets, employing advanced empirical tools, and exploiting the unique insights provided by the tumultuous events of financial and sovereign debt crises. Together, they comprise an exceptional body of knowledge to advance academic thinking and guide policy formulation
Case Study 9: Islamic Investment Prohibitions
In: Case Studies in Islamic Banking and Finance, S. 79-89
Training: The case for increased investment
In: Employment relations today, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 381-391
ISSN: 1520-6459
The Case for Private Investment Abroad
In: Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review, Band 32, Heft 3, S. 402
ISSN: 2327-7793
Promising Investment Opportunities : ; Auto Parts 2012 ; Promising Investment Opportunities :Auto Parts 2012
Overview of Korea's Industries ; - Industry Overview - Status of the Korean Automotive Industry - Global Competition - Environment Changes and Promising Products of Auto Parts Industry - Promising Investment Destination in Auto Parts Industry - Successful Foreign Investment Case-Bosch - Government Policies and Incentives - Relevant Organizations
Foreign direct investment raising: case of Lithuania
Foreign direct investments are distinguished as one of the most effective tools to encourage the economic growth of a country. Lithuanian own sources of capital are not abundant, therefore FDI is considered as important stimulant of productivity and thus essential condition for economic growth. Lithuania creates investment strategies and encourages coming of foreign capital. Current economic environment in a country is characterized by economic factors related to country's economic activity, its development and trends, therefore in this paper, the investment climate in Lithuania is analyzed and experiences and features of raising foreign capital in a small country is disclosed. The main factors distinguished in Lithuania are stable economic and political environment, related to economic growth and joining the European Union; this is clearly reflected by the increasing investments.
Sources of investment inefficiency: The case of fixed-asset investment in China
In: Journal of development economics, Band 90, Heft 1, S. 94-105
ISSN: 0304-3878
Sources of investment inefficiency: the case of fixed-asset investment in China
In: Journal of development economics
ISSN: 0304-3878
World Affairs Online
Investment decisions in Eastern Europe: choosing the optimum investment – the case of Poland
In: European business review, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 98-103
ISSN: 1758-7107
Notes there is much prior work on the benefits of the various forms of entry into new markets, including alliance, merger or greenfield; but little empirical evidence regarding pinpointing the optimum investment for a specific new market. Utilizes the data from 130 top multinationals entering the new market of Poland. Draws also on the theoretical framework of entry modes and considers the issue from a specific industry perspective. There is further consideration of countries' specific investments. Draws upon the theoretical approaches of Hofstede and of Trompenaars when considering how national culture influences the main strategic entry decision into new markets. Links theories of foreign direct investment and theories of national culture – prominent areas in today's management literature. Concludes with some interesting findings for policy makers in terms of the importance of merger activities in the Polish case, with possible application (with variations) in other emerging markets.
Aid and Foreign Investments: The Swedish Case
In: Cooperation and conflict: journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 133-148
ISSN: 1460-3691
Beckman, B. Aid and Foreign Investments: The Swedish Case. Cooperation and Conflict, XIV, 1979, 133-148. This article, which is a summary of a larger study, examines Swedish aid policy and its relation to Swedish private investments in Third World countries. Post-1976 governments have significantly shifted policy in favour of integrating private investments into official aid policy. Main attention is paid to two policy issues: investment guarantees and a fund to promote investments. The article also surveys the participation of private enterprise in SIDA's indus trial cooperation programme. It examines stands taken by Swedish governments, parliamen tary opposition, trade unions and the organisations of industry.
Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Investment: The Case of Developing Countries
In: IMF Working Paper No. 13/52