In: Vestnik Permskogo universiteta: Perm University herald. Rossijskaja i zarubežnaja filologija = Russian and foreign philology, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 17-27
The article deals with the persuasiveness of political discourse from a cognitive perspec-tive. The research object is text units with the semantics of purpose functioning in the contexts of persuasive speech in natural dialogues of the reciprocal-response type. These units were obtained for the study from transcripts of political interviews with representatives of the Russian political elite using the unselected sam-plingmethod. The paper aims to describe cognitive models (frames, situational models) of natural language interaction (and persuasion) in discourse of the argumentative type and to identify cognitive mechanisms. The key concept used is persuasiveness, which, as applied to contexts with the semantics of purpose and viewed from a cognitive perspective, is understood in the paper as a change in the initial knowledge of the addressee or (in the absence of such knowledge) as its formation at the time of communication in the course of interaction, and which is presented as a unidirectional strategic action (as opposed to communicative). Using the methods of discourse analysis and elements of conversational analysis, basing on the principles of frame semantics and sociolinguistics, the author describes the cognitive mechanisms of 6 cognitive models of the persuasive argumentative discourse, including causative and circular, built on the principle of circularcomposition. Each model was studied through selection and detailed consideration of priority cognitive tools. The paper identifies groups of cognitive mechanisms in terms of their functionality, describes options for their inclusionboth in a dialogically directed discourse (within the framework of speech interaction) and in the process of speech as a strategic action performed solely for the purpose of persuasion.
In recent years, research in cognitive linguistics has expanded its interests to cover a variety of texts – spoken, written, or multimodal. Analytical tools such as conceptual metaphor, frame semantics, mental spaces and grammatical constructions have been productively applied in various discourse contexts. In this volume, originally published as a special issue of English Text Construction 3:2 (2010), the contributors, a mix of established and emerging authors in the field, analyse broadcast and print journalism, argumentative scientific discourse, radio lectures on music, and the main literary genres (the poetry of Szymborska and bpNichol, the drama of Shakespeare, the modernist prose of Virginia Woolf and recent fiction by John Banville). Collectively the findings suggest a need to broaden and refine the cognitive linguistic repertoire, while also uncovering new ways to interpret textual data. The book will appeal to researchers and graduate students with interests in cognitive poetics and linguistics, stylistics, pragmatics and construction grammar.
The linguistic aspect of strategic framing in modern political campaignsThe following article describes the role of semantics in political marketing, emphasizing the mechanism of framing and perspectivising in discourse. The complexity of the framing process is discussed in the introduction, then the linguistic aspect of political framing is debated and the technique of wording formulation in political discourse analyzed. Finally, implications and conclusions for further research are presented. Examples of political framing provided within the paper are based on the analysis of contemporary public discourses.
Europe is the name for a scintillating variety of historically emerged concepts, constantly developed and discussed over time. Its complexity and fuzziness is reflected in a multitude of myths, topoi, symbols and boundaries, which all constitute shared knowledge of the concept of EUROPE and which continue to influence attempts to (de- and re-)construct European identity. The case studies collected in this volume investigate the competing concepts of Europe in political and public discourses from a wide range of perspectives (e.g. frame semantics, discourse linguistics, multimodal analysis), focusing on the following aspects: How is EUROPE conceptualised, (re-)negotiated and legitimised by different political actors, political bodies and institutions? How does "the European idea" change throughout history and how is the re-emerging idea of nationality evaluated? The Editors Sabine Heinemann is full professor of Romance Linguistics at Karl Franzens University in Graz, Austria. Her research interests focus on language change, (historical) dialectology and minority languages (especially Friulian), cognitive semantics and, recently, the language of advertising and political discourse. Uta Helfrich is full professor of Romance Linguistics at Göttingen University, Germany. Her major research interests include language variation and change, the semantics, syntax and pragmatics of discourse in general, and political and media discourse linguistics in particular. Judith Visser is full professor of Romance Philology (linguistics, didactics and methodology of language teaching) at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. Her main research areas are sociolinguistics, folk linguistics, metaphors and political discourse.
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This study integrates corpus-assisted text analysis with frame semantics to study a social problem. Taking a cognitive-linguistic approach to critical discourse studies (CDS), in this article I examine the linguistic construction of minors (i.e. people aged 13–18) in a corpus of 489 articles from the Uruguayan newspaper El País in the context of the so-called 'Criminal Imputability Referendum'. Throughout, I focus on the construal operation of framing and identify a host of discursive patterns via which minors and adolescents are recurrently placed within the semantic frame CRIME, and within this, they profile the frame elements (as per the mappings in the database FrameNet) of perpetrators of violent crimes rather than victims (e.g. of abuse and domestic violence). I argue that, in the context of the referendum, these discursive strategies run the risk of facilitating the consolidation of a strong conceptual link whereby youth become readily associated with criminality (ignoring other aspects of children's situation in Uruguay, such as their waning access to education, child poverty, child protection laws and health issues), and are subservient to the political views of groups supporting a lower cut-off age for criminal responsibility and more stringent punishments. The observations arrived at in this instance set the foundations for a future experimental study testing whether the discursive patterns unearthed here have an effect on how readers conceptualize minors outside the texts.
Intro -- Contents -- Part I: Introduction -- Cognitive Sociolinguistics in the 21st Century -- Part II: Lexicology and Lexical Semantics -- Lexical Variation in Chinese Climbing Verb -- Elicitation of Basic PUT& -- amp -- TAKE Verbs - An Experimental Approach -- De Nagel or de Spijker op de Kop? -- Keywords and Onomasiology -- Digital Games as a Source of English Vocabulary for Finnish Writers -- Frame Semantics Variation -- Part III: Figurative Language -- Framing in American and British Governmental Discourse about Covid-19 -- The Importance of Context in CMT -- Variation and Socio-cultural Embodiment in Metaphors for Social Change -- Variational Patterns of LOVE in Hungarian -- Part IV: Lectometry -- Profiles Visiting Procrustes -- Exploring the Use of Levenshtein Distances to Calculate the Intelligibility of Foreignaccented Speech -- Regional Variation in the Polish Discourses of Collective Memory -- Language Variation in Dialect-standard Contact Situations -- Scoring with Token-based Models -- Part V: Diachronic and Historical Research -- The Sociolinguistics of the Neo-Latin Word dialectus -- A Corpus-Based Approach to Conceptual History of Ancient Greek -- A Sociopragmatic Account of the se Passive in (pre-)Classical Spanish -- System and Variation in the Dutch Modals -- Indestructible Insights -- Complexity in Complementation -- Part VI: The Social Meaning of Language Variation -- Chinese Listeners' Attitudes Towards Shanghai-accented Standard Chinese Across Five Regions -- Dialect Divergence at the State Border -- Cognitive Sociolinguistics in Development -- Cognitive Sociolinguistics in Northeastern Peninsular Romance Frontier Varieties -- Palatalization: Variation and Social Meaning -- Part VII: Grammatical Variation -- Lache, Giere, Boeie -- From Big Brother to IKEA.
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Chapter 1. Introduction: Perspectives on Academic Persian -- Chapter 2. Historical Grounds for a Rational Grammar in Academic Persian -- Chapter 3. Amendments to Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis: Moderating Role of Affective variables in L1 (Persian)-L2 (English) Academic Reading Relationship -- Chapter 4. Writer-reader Interaction in Written Discourse: A Comparative Corpus-based Investigation of Metadiscourse Features in English and Persian Academic Genre -- Chapter 5. One Concept, Many Names! Analyzing a Serious Challenge Lying ahead of the Formation of Academic Persian Vocabulary -- Chapter 6. Neologisms in Contemporary Persian Approved by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature: A Case Study of Epidemiology Terms -- Chapter 7. The Promises of Action Research to Develop Persian for Academic Purposes Teachers' Professionalism -- Chapter 8. Promoting the Status of an Academic Language: Participant Interaction -- Chapter 9. Application of Frame Semantics to Teach Persian Vocabulary to Non-native Speakers -- Chapter 10. Academic Writing for Academic Persian: A Synthesis of Recent Research -- Chapter 11. Moving Forward in Writing a Persian Academic Text: An Introduction to Cohesive Devices -- Chapter 12. Representations and Uses of Conjunctions in Persian Learners' Academic Writings: The Predictive Power of Saadi Foundation Writing Rubric.
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El carácter laudatorio de los panegíricos latinos ha minimizado su importancia como fuente histórica bajo la idea de que la precisión de los datos se ve lógicamente mermada por la función propagandística que desempeñaban. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las narrativas de legitimación del poder imperial diárquico que desprenden sus panegíricos y que, como podrá observarse, no son fruto de referencias arbitrarias, eruditas o meramente ornamentales, sino que componen un discurso político-religioso con plena coherencia interna sobre el mensaje que el aparato imperial buscaba transmitir como ruptura del periodo precedente: de la etapa del caos y la fragmentación del poder, a un nuevo orden que reclama y se encamina hacia un poder político predestinado y unitario. ; The laudatory nature of Latin Panegyrics has minimised their importance of this historical source due to the fact that the accuracy of the data is obviously decreased by their propaganda function. The aim of this paper is to analyse the narratives constructed and shape in panegyrics in order to legitimase the imperial power structure during the Diarchy, which, as can be observed, are not arbitrary or decorative references but a part of a political discourse with a full internal consistency driven by a imperial system that want to be self-represented as a break point in contrast to the former period: from an age dominated by chaos and fragmentation in roman institutional frame, to a new order based on a predestined and unitary political power.
El carácter laudatorio de los panegíricos latinos ha minimizado su importancia como fuente histórica bajo la idea de que la precisión de los datos se ve lógicamente mermada por la función propagandística que desempeñaban. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las narrativas de legitimación del poder imperial diárquico que desprenden sus panegíricos y que, como podrá observarse, no son fruto de referencias arbitrarias, eruditas o meramente ornamentales, sino que componen un discurso político-religioso con plena coherencia interna sobre el mensaje que el aparato imperial buscaba transmitir como ruptura del periodo precedente: de la etapa del caos y la fragmentación del poder, a un nuevo orden que reclama y se encamina hacia un poder político predestinado y unitario. ; The laudatory nature of Latin Panegyrics has minimized their importance of this historical source due to the fact that the accuracy of the data is obviously decreased by their propaganda function. The aim of this paper is to analyze the narratives constructed and shape in panegyrics in order to legitimize the imperial power structure during the Diarchy, which, as can be observed, are not arbitrary or decorative references but a part of a political discourse with a full internal consistency driven by a imperial system that want to be self-represented as a break point in contrast to the former period: from an age dominated by chaos and fragmentation in roman institutional frame, to a new order based on a predestined and unitary political power.
This study explores the distinctive patterns of language use in political discourse across selected outer circle (Cameroon and Ghana) and inner circle (US and South Africa) varieties, using a corpus-based approach. More specifically, the research sets out to investigate the use of two types of linguistic features, namely, personal pronouns and kinship metaphors. In a first analysis, I adopt an alternative approach to investigating the use of personal pronouns in political discourse. The approach essentially draws from the cognitive linguistic concept of 'frames' as articulated by the theory of frame semantics (Fillmore, 1976, 1977a, 1982, 1985, 2008; Fillmore & Baker, 2010). I use an automatic frame semantic parsing tool, the SEMAFOR parser (Das et al, 2014), to identify the different types of (semantic) frames and frame roles with which specific personal pronouns are instantiated across the four varieties. I then compare the findings to illustrate instances of universality and variation. In a second analysis, I examine the types of metaphorical conceptualizations which are made using kinship terms across the varieties. Working top-down from conceptual schemas to linguistic instantiation, I identify and compare the frequencies of metaphors from the kinship field and also describe the types of cross-domain mappings typically involved in each of the varieties. My analysis is mostly informed by mainstream cognitive approaches to the study of metaphors, more especially cultural variations in the use of conceptual metaphors (Kövecses, 2002, 2005). I demonstrate that although there is empirical evidence for the use of a kinship conceptual schema across all four varieties, there are however significant variances in the specific metaphorical mappings used to instantiate this high-level conceptual structure. Both analyses make a case for the fact that in the field of political discourse especially, language use may be structured and constrained by conceptual schemas which themselves are culturally determined. ; Diese ...
This article deals with the semantics of wild nature, found in Karamzin's works. The author tries to answer the question of what Karamzin himself considered European or Russian wild nature to be. The concretization of the meaning of wild nature in Karamzin's works seems relevant if we have in mind the big number of literary and cultural researches (within the frame of ecocriticizm and not only) that analyze wild nature. Though a considerable amount of scientific literature has been devoted to the theme of nature in Karamzin's works, the notion of wild nature hasn't been systematically investigated. In this article, attention is paid to the contexts in which nature is referred to as "wild."Here, it is shown that Karamzin's relation to wild nature was ambivalent. The semantics of European and Russian wild nature are different and have both positive and negative aspects. This difference is explained by the specifics of the aesthetical optics of the narrator (the aesthetics of the picturesque or the sublime) and by his narrative position (a personalized relationship toward nature or a governmental point of view). Wild nature that is aesthetically attractive to Karamzin is the one that minimally experienced the influence of man and is part of picturesque aesthetics, or the nature that it is the quintessence of the sublime –the mountains. However, wild nature that didn't experience the influence of man and that is not part of the picturesque aesthetics, as it is with the bigger part of Russian nature (steppes, forests, marshes, empty spaces) does not have such a pleasing effect; on the contrary, it frightens the narrator, and from the governmental point of view – which Karamzin shares – it should be controlled and subdued. In this article, it is concluded that Karamzin was not the Russian Henry Thoreau, and his relationship toward wild nature, both positive and negative, was mostly based on the ideology of the Enlightenment. LAUKINĖS GAMTOS SEMANTIKA N. M. KARAMZINO KŪRYBOJE: AR KARAMZINAS BUVO RUSIŠKUOJU HENRIU TOROŠiame straipsnyje analizuojama laukinės gamtos semantika N. Karamzino kūryboje. Darbe tikslinama, ką Karamzinas laikė laukine europietiška ir rusiška gamta. Laukinės gamtos sampratos tikslinimas Karamzino darbuose yra aktualus, turint omenyje nemažą skaičių literatūrinių bei kultūrinių tyrimų (ekokritikos ir ne tik jos rėmuose), kuriuose tiriama laukinė gamta. Nors gamtos tematika Karamzino kūryboje nėra nauja mokslininkų akiratyje, tačiau laukinės gamtos samprata sistemingo tyrimo nesusilaukė. Straipsnyje atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kokiuose kontekstuose gamta įvardijama kaip "laukinė".Šiame straipsnyje parodoma, kad Karamzino požiūris į laukinę gamtą buvo ambivalentiškas. Europietiškos ir rusiškos laukinės gamtos semantika skiriasi ir turi tiek neigiamą, tiek teigiamą aspektą. Šis skirtumas aiškinamas pasakotojo estetinės optikos ypatumais (vaizdingumo / pakylėtumo estetika) bei jo pasakojimo pozicija (suasmenintu santykiu ar valstybine perspektyva). Estetiškai Karamziną žavi laukinė gamta, kuri minimaliai patyrė žmogaus įtaką ir atitinka vaizdingumo reikalavimus arba pakylėtumo estetikos kvintesenciją – kalnai. Tačiau laukinė gamta, nepatyrusi žmogaus įtakos arba neatitinkanti vaizdingumo reikalavimų, kaip yra su didžiausia Rusijos gamtos "dalimi" (stepės, miškai, pelkės, tuščios erdvės), ne tiek žavi, kiek baugina pasakotoją, ir valstybinės perspektyvos požiūriu turi būti kontroliuojama. Straipsnyje daroma išvada, kad Karamzinas nebuvo rusiškuoju Henriu Toro, o jo požiūris į laukinę gamtą, tiek negatyvus, tiek ir pozityvus, daugiausiai išreiškė Apšvietos epochos ideologiją. ; В статье анализируется семантика дикой природы в творчестве Н. М. Карамзина. В работе выясняется и уточняется то, что понимал Карамзин под дикой природой – европейской и русской. В статье показывается, что отношение Карамзина к дикой природе было амбивалентным. Семантика дикости европейской и русской природы различна и обладает положительной или отрицательной валентностью. Различие объясняется особенностями эстетической оптики повествователя (эстетика живописного или возвышенного) и его повествовательной позиции (индивидуализированное отношение или государственная перспектива). Автор приходит к выводу, что отношение Карамзина к дикой природе в целом укладывается в рамки идеологии эпохи Просвещения.
AbstractThe chunking problem is central to linguistics, semiotics, and poetics: How do we learn to organize a language into patterns and to use those patterns creatively? Linguistics has mainly offered two answers, one based on rule inference through innate capacities for processing and the other based on usage and on outstanding capacities for memory and retrieval. Both views are based on induction and compositionality. The Parry–Lord theory of oral composition-in-performance has argued that oral singers produce complex poems out of rehearsed improvisation through the mastery of a system of formulas, chunks that integrate phrasal, metrical, and semantic structures. The framework of formulaic creativity proposed here argues that the cognitive study of oral poetics can provide crucial insights into the chunking problem. I show the major connections between Parry–Lord and usage-based cognitive linguistics, mainly Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics. However, these approaches still remain compositional and thus struggle to model creativity and learning in oral poetry and everyday speech. The alternative is to explore a model of formulaic creativity not based on compositional patterns, but on wide learning for connecting discriminative perceptual features directly to semantic contrasts within a complex dynamic system, without the intermediation of a set of discrete units.
Thema der Diplomarbeit ist der Roman Malina (1971/2004) und dessen kroatische Übersetzung. Der Roman Malina der österreichischen Autorin Ingeborg Bachmann, die bis zur Publikation dieses Prosawerkes vor allem als Lyrikerin bekannt war, wurde von Truda Stama? 1992 ins Kroatische übersetzt. Der Roman zeichnet sich durch den spezifischen Sprachstil Ingeborg Bachmanns, durch zahlreiche Stilmittel, vor allem Rekurrenz und Ellipse, Anspielungen und Verweise auf Musik und Literatur aus.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird davon ausgegangen, dass die eben erwähnten charakteristischen Stilmittel in der Übersetzung nicht zum Vorschein kommen und somit sowohl Inhalt, als auch der unverkennbare Stil Bachmanns verändert dargestellt werden. Die Sprache des Originals, einschließlich der inhärenten Verweise und Anspielungen, findet sich in der Übersetzung nicht wieder und so wird die intendierte Wirkung einer Würdigung Ingeborg Bachmanns als Prosaautorin verfehlt. Zur Überprüfung dieser Hypothese wird die Übersetzungskritik von Margret Ammann, basierend auf der scenes-and-frames-semantics von Fillmore, herangezogen. Dazu werden in einem ersten Schritt die Funktionen von Translat und Ausgangstext festgestellt, anschließend einzelne Textstellen aus Original und Übersetzung zuerst getrennt voneinander analysiert und hierauf zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Aus den untersuchten Textstellen geht hervor, dass sich die Übersetzerin einer anderen Stilebene bedient. Das Stilelement der Wiederholungen, das von Bachmann gerne und oft im Roman eingesetzt wurde, kommt in der Übersetzung kaum zum Vorschein und wirkt sich dadurch auf die Lesart der Übersetzung aus. Das Stilmittel der Ellipse, die vor allem bei Telefongesprächen zum Einsatz kommt, konnte zumeist ausreichend erhalten werden. Die Hypothese, dass sich durch die Veränderung des Stils auch die scenes bzw. Eindrücke bei dem/der LeserIn schwerwiegend verändern und sich somit der Zieltext vom Ausgangstext abhebt, wurde bestätigt. ; The Subject of this diploma thesis is the novel Malina (1971), which was written by the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann, and its Croatian translation of Truda Stama? (1992). The novel is characterised by a specific style of speech, by a great number of allusions, references of music and literature, as well as by the proper composition of each word. In the present diploma thesis it is assumed that these stylistic devices do just rarely appear in the translation - and therefore not only the content, but also the distinctive style of Bachmann, are represented differently. Furthermore it is assumed that the inherent references and allusions cannot be clearly recovered in the translation. Thus, the intended effect of appreciating Ingeborg Bachmann as a novelist could not be achieved. Margret Amman?s translation review, which is based on the scenes-and-frames-semantics of Fillmore, is used to verify this hypothesis. For a correct use of the model ?Übersetzungskritik?, it is important to consider certain steps. Firstly, the functions of the translation and the original text have to be determined. In a second step, it is necessary to analyse passages of both the translation, and the source text, independently. Ultimately, after an analysis of each individual text, it is necessary to inter-link both of them. As a result of this analysis, it is particularly obvious that the stylistic element of repetition, which Bachmann uses in the novel repeatedly, barely appears in the translation or is highly modified ? whereas the ellipsis, which is primarily used in telephone conversations, is a stylistic device that is adequately transferred from the original text.The hypothesis has proven that scenes and impressions of the readership of a translated text change, when the stylistic register of the original text is altered. The fact that the two texts display a certain divergence can be verified by using the above-mentioned analyzing tool. ; Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers ; Text dt., teilw. kroat. ; Zsfassung in dt. und engl. Sprache ; Graz, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2012 ; (VLID)217507
Starting with the role of the reference frame under the influence of the perspective culture of the British and Vietnamese used as a cognitive premise of translation, the article presents the rationale for the procurement process on reasons, similarities, and differences in the representational meaning. The representational meaning of differences between the English locative preposition "at, in, on" and the corresponding linguistic units of Vietnamese through a particular communication context. According to the research results, when the reference object (DTQC) of the English locative position in the reference system is assimilated with the Vietnamese speaker [similar to the reference frame of the reference system], the translation semantics of the locative prepositions which is "at, in, on" is like the expression representational semantics of the corresponding units in Vietnamese. The dissimilarity of the reference frames results in different structural semantics.
My presentation focuses on the mapping between verb classes and constructions in German constructions with particle verbs featuring durch- ('through'), ein- ('into') and weg- ('away') and/or directional prepositional phrases introduced by durch ('through'), in ('into') or aus ('out') and von ('off')1, see (1)-(7). (1) Er hat die Ware durchgeschmuggelt. (2) Er hat die Ware durch die Absperrung geschmuggelt. (3) Was Männer nicht alles in eine Frisur hineininterpretieren! (4) Er hat den Film in wenigen Silben in die Tonne getwittert: … (5) Kann man die Krise wegtanzen? (6) Heute ist der riesige LVR-Turm nicht mehr aus dem Stadtbild zu denken. (7) Der Politiker wurde von der Bühne weggebuht. The durch-, ein- and weg-constructions allow for both path and property resultatives (Goldberg 1995, Goldberg & Jackendoff 2004). Starting from Levin (1993, 2015), Levin & Rappaport Hovav (2013) and Richter & van Hout (2010), I first describe the verb classes that are compatible with the three constructions. I further analyse the use of the different verb classes within the durch-, ein- and weg-constructions respectively and compare the three constructions with respect to the verb-to-construction relation. Some verbs occur in the three constructions, e. g. schmuggeln ('to smuggle') whereas others are not attested in all the instances (e.g. bügeln, 'to iron'). (8) Er schmuggelt etwas durch/durch das Tor/in die Stadt/weg/aus dem Konzertgelände. (9) Die Falten werden weggebügelt/ *eingebügelt/*durchgebügelt. These differences can partly be explained by the semantics of the verbs and the speakers' world knowledge. Finally, I describe the interaction between the verbs and the arguments of the constructions (subject, object, Xcomp), more specifically with the aim to describe the different possibilities. Goldberg, Adele. 1995. Constructions. A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Goldberg, Adele; Jackendoff, Ray. 2004. The English resultative as a family of constructions. In: Language 80, 3, pp. 532–568. Levin, Beth. 1993. English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Levin, Beth. 2015. ``Verb Classes Within and Across Languages'', B. Comrie and A. Malchukov, eds., Valency Classes: A Comparative Handbook, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 1627-1670. Levin, Beth; Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 2013. ``Lexicalized Meaning and Manner/Result Complementarity'', in B. Arsenijević, B. Gehrke, and R. Marín, eds., Subatomic Semantics of Event Predicates, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 49-70. Richter, Michael; van Hout, Roeland. 2010. Why some verbs can form a resultative construction while others cannot: Decomposing semantic binding. Lingua, Volume 120, Issue 8, pp. 2006-2021.