International survey of laws and assisted procreation
In: Publications of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law 15
466445 Ergebnisse
In: Publications of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law 15
LA REPRODUCCIÓN MÉDICAMENTE ASISTIDA: UN ESTUDIO DESDE EL DERECHO Y DESDE LA MORAL -- PÁGINA LEGAL -- ÍNDICE -- INTRODUCCIÓN -- CAPÍTULO I -- 1. LA PROCREACIÓN Y LA ESTERILIDAD EN EL SER HUMANO -- 2. REPRODUCCIÓN MÉDICAMENTE ASISTIDA. TÉCNICAS DE REPRODUCCIÓN ASISTIDA. TIPOLOGÍA -- 2.1. La Inseminación Artificial (IA) -- 2.2. La Fecundación In Vitro (FIV) -- CAPÍTULO II -- 1. LA REPRODUCCIÓN: ¿UN DERECHO? -- 1.1. ¿Es posible considerar la reproducción como derecho del ser humano? -- 1.2. Reconocimiento de la reproducción como un derecho -- 1.3. La reproducción asistida: ¿unas técnicas facilitadoras de este derecho? -- 2. ANTECEDENTES DE LA REGULACIÓN JURÍDICA ACTUAL EN ESPAÑA -- 2.1. Ley sobre técnicas de Reproducción Asistida de 1988 -- 2.2. Convenio de Bioética de Oviedo -- 2.3. Informes de la CNRHA -- 2.4. Informe acerca de la investigación sobre células troncales del Comité Asesor de Ética en la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (2003) -- 2.5. Decreto regulador de los requisitos necesarios para que se autorice la realización de experiencias controladas de fecundación de ovocitos -- 2.7. Ley de Investigación en Andalucía con preembriones humanos no viables126 -- 3. REGULACIÓN ESPAÑOLA ACTUAL -- 3.1. Ley de Reproducción Asistida (2006) -- 3.2. Ley de Investigación Biomédica (2007) -- CAPÍTULO III -- 2. VALORACIÓN DE LAS CAUSAS Y LOS MOTIVOS -- 3. VALORACIÓN SOCIOCULTURAL -- 4. VALORACIÓN DE LA PERSPECTIVA TECNOLÓGICA -- 5. VALORACIÓN DE LA PERSPECTIVA PSICOLÓGICA -- 6. VALORACIÓN DE LA PERSPECTIVA JURÍDICA -- 7. ACEPTACIÓN SOCIAL DE LAS TÉCNICAS -- CAPÍTULO IV -- 1. IAC -- 2. TIG -- 3. FIV -- 4. FIV LIMITADA (CASO SIMPLE) -- 5. TÉCNICAS DE RMA CON SEMEN DE DONANTE -- 6. LA MUJER SOLA. ¿EXISTE UN DERECHO A LA PROCREACIÓN? -- 7. POST-MORTEM -- 8. MATERNIDAD SUBROGADA -- 9. DONACIÓN: GRATUIDAD Y ANONIMATO -- 10. SELECCIÓN DE SEXO
New developments in reproductive technology have made headlines since the birth of the world's first in vitro fertilization baby in 1978. But is embryo experimentation ethically acceptable? What is the moral status of the early human embryo? And how should a democratic society deal with so controversial an issue, where conflicting views are based on differing religious and philosophical positions? These controversial questions are the subject of this book, which, as a current compendium of ideas and arguments on the subject, makes an original contribution of major importance to this debate
In: Suffolk Transnational Law Review, Forthcoming
Introduction to the 1st edition -- Introduction to the 2nd edition -- Conception among the anthropologists -- Contested conceptions in the enterprise culture -- The 'obstacle course': the reproductive work of IVF -- 'It just takes over': IVF as a 'way of life' -- 'Having to try 'and 'having to choose': how IVF 'makes sense' -- The embodiment of progress -- Afterword.
In: Health and social care chaplaincy, S. 20-30
ISSN: 2051-5561
This paper summarizes the quantitative and qualitative exploratory research findings concerning the pastoral interventions undertaken by Australian health care chaplains when assisting patients and clinical staff involved in IVF procedures. Differences between staff and volunteer chaplains are noted as are the perspectives of chaplaincy informants regarding their involvement in IVF. Some possible reasons why chaplains may not be involved in IVF procedures are also suggested. Implications of this study with respect to chaplaincy utility, training and future research are noted.
In: Science, technology, & human values: ST&HV, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 460-481
ISSN: 1552-8251
In the medical-technological practice of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is increasingly the couple, rather than an individual patient, that is considered the unit of (infertility) treatment. This article traces some mechanisms involved in the construction of medical interventions on female bodies as appropriate and effective therapeutic solutions to problems and diagnoses pertaining to male bodies. It traces the transformation of male infertility through shifts in localization and definition of the problem, concomitant reconceptualizations of the techniques involved, redistributions of properties, and specific ways of constructing "success. " It is argued that both the notion of the couple as the patient in cases of male infertility and the claim that IVF techniques are appropriate solutions to this couple's problem simultaneously presuppose and legitimize medical interventions on women's bodies. This double movement is produced by leaving exactly the required material work of physical interventions—and, consequently, the uneven distribution of costs between the sexes—out of scientific accounts of these practices.
In: Reproductive sciences: RS : the official journal of the Society for Reproductive Investigation, Band 23, Heft 12, S. 1656-1661
ISSN: 1933-7205
In: Canadian journal of political science: CJPS = Revue canadienne de science politique, Band 53, Heft 1, S. 61-77
ISSN: 1744-9324
AbstractThe recognition of a health care service as medically necessary under the Canada Health Act is contingent on a variety of practical and political factors. This article examines how in vitro fertilization (IVF) came to be understood as a medically necessary service in Ontario, focusing on the establishment of public funding for one cycle of treatment. The article argues that the legitimacy of medical necessity in the contemporary period is tied to three interrelated factors: the recognition of a service as sufficiently "medical," as efficient and as urgent—that is, something to be funded now and not later. By applying this framework to the case of IVF in Ontario, the article demonstrates not only the ongoing malleability of medical necessity but also how the government of Ontario has mobilized the three aspects of medical necessity to make a case for the public funding of a highly contested health care service.
In: Social Behavior Research & Health: SBRH
ISSN: 2538-4155
Background: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most important treatments of infertility for couples. The purpose of this study was in vitro fertilization experiences of women in Maybod city.
Methods: This study is based on the qualitative approach and Grounded theory method. Under-study populations were infertile females of Maybod City. Cases of the study were 14 women which were selected with purposive sampling up to data saturation. Data of this investigation were collected from semi-structure interviews. After data collection, open, axial and selective coding was performed.
Results: After the first step of coding 348 primary codes were collected and they categorized into five main groups including turning to spirituality, keeping the stability life, overcoming on mutual challenges, mental occupation, and common acceptance.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, for women with several unsuccessful experiences of IVF, the main problem related to their infertility is unstable family.
In: Politics and the life sciences: PLS ; a journal of political behavior, ethics, and policy, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 279-288
ISSN: 1471-5457
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) have become widely accepted as therapy for a wide array of fertility problems and accompanied by the rapid expansion of clinics that provide a full range of ARTs. Although these technologies undoubtedly offer benefits for some individuals, they raise important questions over reproductive rights to safe and effective treatment as well as access. This article analyzes current data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and cost of IVF. It concludes that IVF and related techniques have been transformed too rapidly and easily from experimental to therapy status, despite evidence that suggests considerable caution is warranted. Unfortunately, the widespread diffusion of IVF has preceded rather than followed firm evidence of its value in extending the reproductive rights of women and couples. Resources might better be directed toward prevention of fertility problems and discovering the causes of infertility.
Karen Throsby offers a discourse analysis of interviews with women & couples who have had unsuccessful IVF therapy. Taking a feminist perspective, she argues that treatment failure produces a gendered burden of discursive work orientated towards locating the self, & the engagement with IVF, as 'normal'
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 36, Heft 6Supl2, S. 4277
ISSN: 1679-0359
<p>Oocyte maturation is the key factor affecting the fertilization and embryonic development. Factors such as oocyte density and oxygen tension can directly influence the IMV. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the association of oxygen tensions (5% or 20%) with different oocyte densities (1:10?l or 1:20?l) in the <em>in vitro </em>maturation (IVM) of bovine oocytes on maturation and fertilization rates, ROS production and antioxidant activity. Three experiments were performed with bovine oocytes that were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries. After selection, the oocytes were randomly distributed in four treatments: 1:10/5%; 1:10/20%; 1:20/5%and 1:20/20% for each experiment. In experiment I, nuclear maturation status and cytoplasmic maturation were evaluated through detection of the first polar body by immunofluorescence and the mitochondrial reorganization assay. In experiment II, ROS production and antioxidant activity were analyzed in oocytes and IVM medium after 24 h of maturation through detection of ROS, reduced glutathione (GSH) and Superoxide dismutase activity by spectrofluorimetric methods. In experiment III, fertilization was evaluated through pronucleus formation, sperm penetration with or without decondensation and polyspermy rates by immunofluorescence. In experiment I, the nuclear maturation and cytoplasmic maturation were similar among treatments (P>0.05). In experiment II, reactive oxygen species in oocytes were elevated in treatments with low oxygen tension which was independent of oocyte density (P<0.05). Additionally, ROS levels in IVM medium were higher in treatments with high oocyte density by volume of medium, which was independent of oxygen tension (P<0.05). In Experiment III, the fertilization and penetration rates were higher in the treatment with 20% oxygen tension and high oocyte density (P<0.05). Furthermore, a high incidence of polyspermy was observed in groups with high oxygen tension and low oocyte density (P<0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study indicate an interaction between oxygen tension and oocyte density, which increases ROS production in certain associations and subsequently influences the rates of <em>in vitro </em>fertilization of bovine oocytes. The improved rates of IVF were obtained when IVM was conducted using 20% oxygen tension and high oocyte density (1:20 ul).</p>
In: Journal of intercultural management and ethics: JIME, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 99-104
ISSN: 2601-5749