Digital identity as a condition of human existence in a digital society
In: Izvestija Saratovskogo universiteta: Izvestiya of Saratov University. Serija filosofija, psichologija, pedagogika = Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 137-141
ISSN: 2542-1948
Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of digital identity. The development of the information society and digitalization processes poses to each Internet user the challenge of matching the digital profile to its real owner. There is often a big difference between a real person and his digital avatars, which leads not only to confusion and ambiguous perception of the narrator and the author by the other, but also to depersonalization of the author. Theoretical analysis. Having a digital identity allows you to successfully self-realize in the virtual space and in the real world, be it finding a job or finding a life partner. However, the development of artificial intelligence and neural networks makes it possible to create many fakes, impersonate one narrator for another, and replace the image of the author. On the other hand, the author's desire to create a different virtual image for himself due to a number of complexes or intrigues can lead to a split personality. Conclusion. Modern digitalization processes lead to the awareness of the need for digital identity. The formation of digital identity can take place both in an authoritarian way and in a softer educational way. In any case, its presence will give the user of the digital environment undeniable advantages in personal and professional activities.