The demographic development of Palestine, 1850-1882
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES
ISSN: 0020-7438
13730 Ergebnisse
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES
ISSN: 0020-7438
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecasts, Heft 1 (91)
ISSN: 2312-9824
In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Heft 131, S. 339-347
ISSN: 2406-0836
One of the basic characteristics of Vojvodina is multiculturalism, namely a large number of various ethnic communities mutually settled in the same region. Apart from the majority nation, numerous national minorities live there which are extremely differentiated in view of demographic development, socio-economic, historical and cultural-civilization characteristics, and by national emancipation and political organization. This paper analyzes population dynamics, ethno-demographic changes, as well as geographical distribution of the minorities which is characterized by spatial dispersion or distinct concentration and process of ethnic homogenization conditioned by numerous factors. Good inter-ethnic relations, respect of the rights of minorities, integration and loyalty of the minorities to the state in which they live are necessary for an even demographic and stable economic and political development of this region. .
In: Narodonaselenie: ežekvartal'nyj naučnyj žurnal = Population, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 30-46
Currently, the socio-economic development of the country, any of its subjects is closely linked to the dynamics of demographic processes. The paper provides a traditional analysis of statistical data on the formation of the population of Khabarovsk krai, shows the current distribution of the population of the region on its territory. The study presents the results of the analysis of the processes of natural population movement and shows the role of migration flows (intraregional, interregional and international) in the formation of the dynamics, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the population of Khabarovsk krai in comparison with the general Far East indicators. The paper identifies the main areas of migration attraction of the population of Khabarovsk krai. There is shown the dynamics of the population of Khabarovsk krai in comparison with other subjects of the Far East. The analysis of the natural reproduction of the population in Khabarovsk krai, presented in the paper, shows the dynamics of fertility and mortality in the region and their opportunities for formation of the demographic potential in the future. The article discusses the current and prospective age structure of the population of Khabarovsk krai, compares it with similar indicators for the Far East region as a whole. Analysis of the transformation of the population structure by age revealed the situation with the reduction of labor potential, which entails the necessity to attract labor using interregional and external migration. On the basis of the established trends in the dynamics of the population, an assumption is made about the possible risks of achieving the indicators provided for by the Concept of demographic policy in the Far East of Russia. The prospective population of Khabarovsk krai is offered for consideration in two variants, the need for implementation of the task to secure population is substantiated.
In: Population and development review, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 23
ISSN: 1728-4457
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR
ISSN: 0030-9729
Überprüfung der These, daß Änderungen der wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten Sterblichkeit und Geburtenrate beeinflussen. Änderung der demographischen Struktur bedingt durch Wirtschaftswachstum, Kapitalakkumulation und Einkommensverteilung. Stabilität des sozialen Systems in Abhängigkeit von der Verteilung des Sozialprodukts. (DÜI-Seu)
World Affairs Online
In: Räumliche Konsequenzen des demographischen Wandels: T. 5, Demographischer Wandel im Raum: Was tun wir? Gemeinsamer Kongress 2004 von ARL und BBR, S. 42-53
Zunächst werden die Teilprozesse des demographischen Wandels vorgestellt. Um dessen
räumliche Vielfalt zu erkennen, folgt eine Klassifikation der Raumordnungsregionen. Sie ist
das Ergebnis einer Hauptkomponentenanalyse mit anschließendem Clusterverfahren auf
der Basis von neun ausgewählten Variablen, welche die Teilprozesse des demographischen
Wandels widerspiegeln. Die zukünftige Bevölkerungsdynamik in den Typen verläuft nur
bedingt entlang siedlungsstruktureller Kategorien und hebt den Einfluss von nicht demographischen
Faktoren auf die Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahlen und der Alterung hervor. In
Frankreich und Spanien sind trotz demographischer und sozio-kultureller Unterschiede vergleichbare
regionale Trends zu erkennen. Abschließend werden regional spezifische Herausforderungen
skizziert und es wird auf die kleinräumige Differenzierung demographischer
Probleme verwiesen.
In: European view: EV, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 291-304
ISSN: 1865-5831
This article looks at the causes and impact of a range of current events related to migration, examining them from the perspective of present-day demographic trends in Africa and the Middle East. The quest for decent prospects in life acts as the incitement and rationale behind the push–pull factors which underlie the movements of people from these parts of the world. The article sheds light on the extraordinary nature of modern migration, which is creating pressure on policymakers to ensure appropriate policy and economic resolutions are formulated, as well as providing answers to how the formation of trenches between nations and nationalities occurs, which stems from collective identity discourses. By applying a structural and socio-economic feature-focused approach to explaining the migration process, the article highlights the impact of socio-psychological mechanisms on shared decision-making processes, and aims to build an improved and broader conceptual understanding of the ongoing demographic shifts.
In: International migration: quarterly review, Band 35, Heft 3, S. 421-450
ISSN: 1468-2435
With a high proportion of Greece‐born immigrants in Australia reaching retirement, working age numbers will be reduced dramatically by the year 2000 and will almost vanish by the year 2010. Without newcomers to Australia, which is likely to be the case in the foreseeable future, the involvement of Greece‐born immigrants in the Australian economy will soon be minimal. For quite some time, departures from Australia have exceeded arrivals; the movement in recent years has been practically nil.While immigration from Greece to Australia has completed something of a century‐long cycle (1900–2000), second generation Greeks in Australia will come to demographic maturity with a more or less normal age distribution. In contrast to their parents, they are well educated with skills, and many hold well paid jobs, thus measuring up to the total Australian population.The relatively low general and third level education of Greece‐born immigrants, and their lack of adequate vocational qualifications and skills, placed them in a disadvantageous position in the Australian labour market and created some obstacles to their integration in the Australia economy and society. However, subsequent cohorts of immigrants had more and better education and skill qualifications, but still well below those of the total Australian population. Despite these inadequacies, Greece‐born immigrants participate almost equally well in economic activity as the total Australian population.The relatively superior educational attainment of second generation Greeks is a reflection of the changing aspirations of their parents for the upward economic and social mobility of their children.The income gap between Greece‐born immigrants and total Australian population is not so great (14 per cent) and has been stable over time. For both populations, the relative position of females has improved considerably and by about equal proportions. The overall conclusion concerning first generation Greeks is that their standard of living is only a little inferior to that of the total Australian population.Mainly because immigration to Australia is generally permanent family immigration, the volume of remittances to Greece was relatively low during the 1960s; accelerated volumes in the 1970s and the 1980s are explained partly by corresponding changes in migration movements.
In: Dissertations in European economic history
In: European research studies, Band XXVI, Heft 3, S. 764-781
ISSN: 1108-2976
In: Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 27-32
ISSN: 2336-4297