Should cross-cultural management scholars study race?
In: International journal of cross cultural management, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 277-280
ISSN: 1741-2838
23866 Ergebnisse
In: International journal of cross cultural management, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 277-280
ISSN: 1741-2838
In: International journal of cross cultural management, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 153-156
ISSN: 1741-2838
In: Routledge companions in business, management and accounting
section 1. Review, survey and critique / editor, Sonja Sackmann -- section 2. Language and languages : moving from the periphery to the core / editor, Terry Mughan -- section 3. Cross-cultural management research and education / editor, Gavin Jack -- section 4. The new international business landscape / editor, Fiona Moore -- section 5. Rethinking a multidisciplinary paradigm / editor, Janne Tienari
In: Córima: revista de investigación en gestión cultural, Band 9, Heft 17, S. 1-27
ISSN: 2448-7694
This article originates from a review of the state of the art of cultural management training in Chile carried out by the author as part of his doctoral research. Its main objective is to analyze, understand and explain the factors that have influenced the evolution of a training and academic field dedicated to cultural management in Chile, recognizing that this process is still in development. To achieve this purpose, a bibliographic review has been carried out that addresses various aspects, such as the emergence of cultural management, the process of professionalization in this field, as well as the emergence of training programs in cultural management at the global level and, particularly, in the Chilean context, where the relevant cultural agents that allowed its emergence are analyzed. The results of this study provide an explanatory framework for the emergence of university education in cultural management in Chile, configured from the interaction of sociocultural, political, economic and cognitive factors that have taken place in the historical context characterized by the advance of capitalism worldwide and the globalization process, especially during the last decades of the twentieth century, and that continue to influence today.
In: Cross cultural management, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 35-38
ISSN: 1758-6089
There is little doubt that the face of business has changed. Examples of changed international and global business arrangements are evidenced in the form of new licensing arrangements, a variety of joint ventures and new types of business consortium, and industry and international trade blocks. The proposed formation of the Asia‐Pacific Economic Community (APEC) in the Asia‐Pacific region, Asian/American Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), the reformation of the European Community as well as new alliances between the public and private sectors, new approaches to attracting capital, the integration of different arms of business as well as the satisfaction of individual career needs as a consequence of these changes all point to circumstances that demand attention to effective cross‐cultural management practice. In each of these the importance of cross‐cultural management as a significant area for research attention and practical application is evidenced.
In: Adamović, Mirjana and Mežnarić, Silva (2011) Women and cultural management in a patriarchal society. In: Contemporary Croatia: development challenges in a socio-cultural perspective. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, Lisbon, pp. 137-174. ISBN 978-972-8881-97-9
As far as women's rights are concerned, Croatia, like other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, inherited a specific form of protection of women's rights from the socialist period. The socialist ideology helped women move into many professions, although in that period and later, in the post‐socialist period, the wage gap widened. In the latter period, a re‐traditionalisation of society took place, the political elite embraced traditional values (motherhood became part of the militaristic discourse of the state), which, alongside the circumstances of war, resulted in the economic, political and cultural neglect of women. Changes in the educational system, the higher proportion of female graduates in the population of graduates in general, have not had any major repercussions in terms of changes to the composition of the management elite. Women in Croatia are underrepresented in management and decision‐making positions. It may be said that younger women are reaping the fruits of socialism, which offered them greater access to education, and the influence of a previous value system aiming more at full employment and equality than the present one, in the post‐socialism period.
In: Handbooks in management
In: Management international review 37
In: Special issue 1997,1
"All cultures appear to share the belief that they do things 'correctly', while others, until proven otherwise, are assumed to be ignorant or barbaric. When people from different cultures work together and cannot take shared meanings for granted, managers face serious challenges. An individual's parsing of an experience and its meaning may vary according to several cultural scales - national, professional, industrial and local. Awareness of cultural differences and the willingness to view them as a positive are therefore crucial assets. This edited textbook sets itself apart from existing cross-cultural management texts by highlighting to the reader the need to avoid both ethnocentrism and the belief in the universality of his or her own values and ways of thinking: the success of international negotiations and intercultural management depends on such openness and acceptance of real differences. It encourages the development of 'nomadic intelligence' and the creative use of a culture's resources, according to a symbolic anthropology perspective. Through the essays and case studies in the chapters, readers will become aware of the intercultural dimension of business activities and better understand how they affect work. Cross-Cultural Management will help interested parties - students of business management, international relations and other disciplines, and business managers and other professionals - develop their ability to interact, take action and give direction in an intercultural context"--EBL
In: International journal of cross cultural management, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 103-121
ISSN: 1741-2838
Cross cultural management is often regarded as a discipline of international management focusing on cultural encounters between what are perceived as well-defined and homogeneous entities: the organization and the nation-state, and offering tools to handle cultural differences seen as sources of conflict or miscommunication. The authors argue that this approach is out of phase with the business world of today, with its transnational companies that face the challenges of the management of global knowledge networks and multicultural project teams, interacting and collaborating across boundaries using global communication technologies. The authors emphasize the need for an alternative approach which acknowledges the growing complexity of inter- and intra-organizational connections and identities, and offers theoretical concepts to think about organizations and multiple cultures in a globalizing business context.
In: Cultural trends, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 342-343
ISSN: 1469-3690
The era of globalisation presented opportunities for China corporations to expand to overseas markets. After the execution of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement in 2015, there is a considerable interest for Chinese corporations to invest and expand to Australia. Notwithstanding the favourable legal and political environment to support the expansion of Chinese corporations, including China based banks to Australian market; one potential hindrance to such expansion plan is the cultural differences between both countries. This dissertation aims to research on the potential issues arising from the cultural differences faced by China banks in their expansion plan to overseas market in particularly Australia and also how resolve such differences OCAI scores indicate that banks in mainland China scored higher for hierarchy culture (50.11) compared to overseas banks (30.11) which indicate that China banks' structure are designed to maintain the stability and control of the banks by higher management. Interview conducted with nineteen (19) respondents indicates that there are contrasting views by the respondents on whether cultural differences play an important role in human resource management for banks. For client facing role, some respondents view that cultural similarity could be an advantage when dealing with clients but some consider ability and knowledge to be more important. Notwithstanding this, cultural differences are definitely an important aspect for human resource management for banks expanding to overseas market with different culture. It is recommended that bank management to employ a mixture of team with both Chinese and Australian cultural background to cater to different clientele and also staffs to headquarter office. ; A era da globalização ofereceu oportunidades às multinacionais Chinesas de se expandirem para os mercados estrangeiros.Após a implementação do Acordo de Comércio Livre entre a China e Australia em 2015,há um considerável interesse das multinacionais Chinesas investirem e expandirem-se na Austrália. Não obstante o contexto legal e politico favorável à expansão das multinacionais Chinesas,incluindo a banca Chinesa operando no mercado Australiano, as diferenças culturais, entre os dois paises poderão constituir um obstaculo a essa expansão. Esta dissertação procura investigar em que medida os problemas potenciais resultantes das diferenças culturais que os bancos Chineses poderão enfrentar no decurso do seu plano de expansão para mercados internacionais e particularmente para a Austrália e tambem como dar resposta a tais diferenças Os resultados do questionário OCAI indicam que os bancos na China Continental tem valores mais elevados na cultura hierárquica (50.11) o que sugere qua as estruturas dos bancos da China são desenhadas para garantir a estabilidade e o control pela direção de topo. Entrevistas a dezanove (19) inquiridos sugerem queestes têm perspectivas contrastantes no que se refere à importância do papel das diferenças culturais na gestão dos recursos humanos dos bancos. No que se refere às relaçoes com os clientes alguns dos inquiridos consideram que a semelhança cultural pode ser uma vantagem mas outros consideram mais importantes as capacidades e o conhecimento. Apesar disso as diferenças culturais são em ultima análise um aspecto importante na gestão dos recursos humanos nos bancos em expansão para um Mercado exterior com uma diferente cultura. Recomenda-se que a gestão dos bancos empregue equipas mixtas com culturas tanto Chinesas como Australianas tanto para lidarem com diferentes clientelas como nas equipas da direção de topo.
In: Cross cultural management, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 122-124
ISSN: 1758-6089