US lessons for coastal management in the European Union
In: Marine policy, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 275-286
ISSN: 0308-597X
5216 Ergebnisse
In: Marine policy, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 275-286
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Managing European Coasts; Environmental Science, S. 199-226
In: Bestuurskunde, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 89-90
In: Marine policy, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 544-550
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 544-550
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Marine policy, Band 56, S. 48-55
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Coastal management report no. 2235
In: Science, technology, & human values: ST&HV
ISSN: 1552-8251
This paper explores the consequences of a shift in Dutch coastal management. The management approach transitioned from aiming to keep the sea at bay toward the stimulation of dynamic sea-land relations. This shift toward "dynamic management" can be seen as part of wider trends in both ecological and science, technology, and society thinking on coasts as amphibious more-than-human entanglements. We draw on a case study of the Wadden Sea barrier island Ameland to develop the notion of amphibious response-ability. We show that while dynamic management enabled amphibiousness in the land–sea interface, it limited other types of amphibiousness, with consequences for the possibilities to respond to coastal changes. These consequences for amphibious response-abilities became critical when rapid coastal erosion threatened and partially destroyed a gas platform. Our case shows that even when coastal management regimes are amphibious because they unleash and build on natural processes, they can still have harmful consequences, and they can in fact limit the possibilities for integrated responses to coastal change. We conclude by suggesting that heterogeneous knowledge alliances are needed to expose and work with the politics of (amphibious) coastal management regimes.
In the Surabaya City Spatial Plan for 2014-2030, the Kenjeran Beach area which is included in the Tambak Wedi is a marine tourism area. In recent years, the condition of the Kenjeran Beach area has experienced a decline in tourists. Given that, for several years there have been no significant changes in the development of the Kenjeran Beach area. For Kenjeran tourism to be more optimally developed, it is necessary to integrate and integrate many objects and tourist attractions in one area. The method used is the descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study describe the potential of the Kenjeran coastal area and then several policies that have been carried out by the government to develop the Kenjeran coastal area along with several impacts or conflicts on the local community. The cable car development policy for Kenjeran coastal tourism is very beneficial for the lives of coastal communities in the tourism sector and the economic life of the local community. However, the development only knocked down three fishing posts, which disturbed the people who had previously supported them. Although in the end the three posts were rebuilt in making policies, it is necessary to pay attention to no more losses on the one hand. Furthermore, the Bulak Fish Center policy whose impact is very beneficial for the survival of the Kenjeran coastal community because it is a form of livelihood so economic growth is very rapid. There are still many efforts that can be made for the implementation of policies on the Kenjeran coastal area to be more developed, but in that case, it needs to be analyzed again so that the policy is implemented properly.
In: A Washington sea grant publication
Nowadays, geographic information systems are an indispensable tool in land use management. Namely in coastal areas where population is and economic activities are concentrated, and where territorial conflict is common between the environmental, social and economical systems, this tool can be of great importance. On teh other hand the climate change aggravation - increase of the frequency and intensity of extreme events - causing changes in coastal dynamics and intensifying coastal conflicts justify the use of this tool even more. In this context, the design of a geographic information system with particular attention to coastal dynamics, coastal erosion and coastal risks, and integrating territorial and socio-economical data, can be decisive. The crossing og all this information, namely technical data, scientific data and social perception results, only in one tool should allow a more efficient coastal management policymaking thus allowing, in an a priori phase, the surveying of the populations' availability to accept the measures that governments or institutions intend to implement.
In: Marine policy, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 263
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 38, S. 107-119
ISSN: 1462-9011
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 56, S. 48-55
ISSN: 0308-597X
The advancement of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Latin American countries may vary from established programs to experimental phase implementation and even inexistence. This creates an opportunity for the development of new ideas and experiments, especially in the quite long stretches of littoral where no occupation has yet been planned or consolidated. However there are localized issues that need to be attended with certain degree of urgency, especially in coastal settings that have been urbanized, developed for industry and/or are situated around port facilities. Spain and Portugal implemented the marine and environmental policies of European Union and may be seen as models for public and private ICZM initiatives. These situations created opportunities and needs that are somehow reflected in dedicated scientific production, as well as in social impact and the related capacity building programs. We surveyed some key costal management journals to know how Latin American based academics are doing in their mission of creating, developing and discussing ICZM along our diverse shores stretching along all climatic zones. Capacity building programs and exchange networks were also scrutinized. Results suggest that the thematic participation in the major publication channels is modest and needs to improve in number and diversity of subjects bringing obvious benefits to the policy and decision makers. Capacity building programs are still in its infancy across the region. There are no, or very few, specialized educational programs to form practitioners and scientists at all academic levels. Training programs integrating countries around all aspects of ICZM are even scarcer. Coordinated actions, such as networks across the political borders are one of the many future needs we point out here as being the next frontier for thinkers and managers in the region. ; A Gestão Integrada da Zona Costeira (GIZC) nos países da América Latina se encontra em diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento, desde programas estabelecidos, passando por níveis experimentais e pela não-existência de iniciativas de GIZC em alguns casos. Isso cria uma predisposição para o desenvolvimento de novas ideias e experiências, especialmente nos longos trechos de litoral, nos quais a ocupação ainda não foi planejada e/ou consolidada. Há, no entanto, questões localizadas que precisam ser atendidas de imediato, especialmente em ambientes costeiros que já foram urbanizados, industrializados ou ainda que se desenvolveram em torno de instalações portuárias. Espanha e Portugal - agora sob a influência da União Europeia - permanecem como nossos modelos de iniciativas de GIZC, tanto públicas quanto privadas. Estas oportunidades e necessidades de alguma forma refletem na produção local científica e seu impacto internacional, bem como em nossos programas de capacitação para a gestão integrada. Nós examinamos publicações de importância para gestão costeira a fim de averiguar como acadêmicos latino-americanos cumprem a sua missão de criar, desenvolver e discutir a GIZC. Analisamos também programas de capacitação e redes estabelecidas. As revistas mais representativas para a comunidade acadêmica de GIZC e que vem sendo publicadas pelo menos nos últimos 30 anos, e que foram brevemente examinadas nesta revisão foram a Ocean and Coastal Management, Coastal Management, Journal of Coastal Research e Journal of Coastal Conservation. Com relação aos programas de capacitação para a GIZC levou-se em consideração estudos recentes que demonstram que a maioria dos temas tratados nos cursos de pós-graduação acadêmicos relacionados com a GIZC não estão diretamente relacionadas com a gestão, mas sim às ciências natural, ou da terra, ou ainda à descrição da dinâmica costeira e ou poluição. Com apoio da Rede Ibero Americana de Gestão Costeira Integrada pode-se chegar a listagem de diversas redes que atuam na América Latina, Espanha e Portugal e que se relacionam com o tema. Os resultados sugerem que a representação nos principais veículos de publicação é tímido e precisa melhorar em número e diversidade de assuntos. Melhorias na publicação científica poderia levar a uma melhor utilização dos temas para o benefício dos tomadores de decisão. A capacitação também ainda está pouco desenvolvida na região. Existem poucos cursos especializados para formar técnicos e cientistas sobre o tema em níveis elevados de educação, ou nível de pós-graduação. Os programas de treinamento em torno de todos os aspectos da GIZC são ainda mais raros. A tendência em se considerar a perspectiva de integração como uma soma de conhecimentos disciplinares, não necessariamente ligados, são apresentadas em iniciativas de capacitação e produção científica. Esta abordagem é considerada falha pois, estas disciplinas, a maior parte do tempo, não se inter-relacionam para fornecer uma perspectiva holística para a gestão. Ações coordenadas, tais como redes, que ultrapassam as fronteiras políticas são uma das muitas necessidades futuras destacadas aqui como sendo a próxima fronteira para os pensadores e gestores da região.