Belt and Road Initiative - Collaboration for Success
In: Textile Science and Clothing Technology Ser.
In: Textile science and clothing technology
121987 Ergebnisse
In: Textile Science and Clothing Technology Ser.
In: Textile science and clothing technology
In: Routledge series on the Belt and Road Initiative
This book examines the progress and reception of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in key subregions of Asia, Africa and Europe. Through its exploration of the patchwork of distinctive sub regions of each continent, the book analyses how well the BRI accommodates sub regional variation as it attempts to integrate Asia, Africa, and Europe under Chinese auspices. Individual chapters focus on how developing subregions experience BRI relations with China, while others focus on how liberal powers seek to compete with China's BRI agenda. The contributions also gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the BRI in regional settings and point to its future implications.
In: Routledge contemporary China series
"This book argues that China's Belt and Road Initiative should be seen more as a geopolitical project and less as a global economic project, with China aiming to bring about a new Chinese-led international order. It contends that China's international approach has two personas - an aggressive one, focusing on a nineteenth century-style territorial empire, which is applied to Taiwan and the seas adjacent to China; and a new-style persona, based on relationship building with the political elites of countries in the Global South, relying on large scale infrastructure projects to help secure the elites in power, a process often leading to lower democratic participation and weaker governance structures. It also shows how this relationship building with elites leads to an acceptance of Chinese norms and to changes in states' geopolitical preferences and foreign policies to align them with China's geopolitical interests, with states thereby joining China's emerging international order. Overall, the book emphasises that this new-style, non-territorial "empire" building based on relationships is a major new development in international relations, not fully recognised and accounted for by international relations experts and theorists"--
In their piece, Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong discuss Ethiopia as a model for China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), contrasting positive Chinese engagement and infrastructure investment on the African continent with the West's negative media depictions and limited support, while highlighting Ethiopia's significant economic growth and industrialization.
The post Ethiopia as a Belt and Road Initiative Model appeared first on ROAPE.
In: Leuven global governance series
"This timely book examines the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), assessing its effect on the international economic order and global governance more broadly. Through a variety of qualitative case studies the book investigates the implementation of the BRI and evaluates its development outcomes both for China and the countries it interacts with under the initiative, along with its international implications. Chapters discuss as-yet-unexplored cases from the ground in brand new studies based on fieldwork by leading academics, as well as providing alternative readings of the rationale behind the BRI. Questions about connectivity and the financial implications of Chinese investments are addressed, taking a balanced approach that demonstrates the complexity and nuance of these issues, and the far-from-linear impact that the BRI is having on global governance. This incisive book will be critical reading for scholars and policy makers working on China and global governance. It will also provide useful insights for officials and practitioners working in BRI countries and international institutions, think-tanks and NGOs"--
In: Regional studies policy impact books v. 2, no. 2.
In: Routledge series on the Belt and Road Initiative
"This book examines the progress and reception of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in key subregions of Asia, Africa and Europe. Through its exploration of the patchwork of distinctive sub regions of each continent, the book analyses how well the BRI accommodates sub regional variation as it attempts to integrate Asia, Africa, and Europe under Chinese auspices. Individual chapters focus on how developing subregions experience BRI relations with China, whilst others focus on how liberal powers seek to compete with China's BRI agenda. The contributions also gauge the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the BRI in regional settings and point to its future implications. Offering a panoramic view of the vast mosaic of Asian, African, and European sub regions targeted by the BRI, this book will be interest to scholars and students of International Relations and Global Political Economy as well as Chinese politics and those with an interest in the Belt and Road Initiative more broadly"--
In: Routledge series on the Belt and Road Initiative
"This book examines the progress and reception of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in key subregions of Asia, Africa and Europe. Through its exploration of the patchwork of distinctive sub regions of each continent, the book analyses how well the BRI accommodates sub regional variation as it attempts to integrate Asia, Africa, and Europe under Chinese auspices. Individual chapters focus on how developing subregions experience BRI relations with China, whilst others focus on how liberal powers seek to compete with China's BRI agenda. The contributions also gauge the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the BRI in regional settings and point to its future implications. Offering a panoramic view of the vast mosaic of Asian, African, and European sub regions targeted by the BRI, this book will be interest to scholars and students of International Relations and Global Political Economy as well as Chinese politics and those with an interest in the Belt and Road Initiative more broadly"--
This article by Oussama Dhiab critically examines China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a "soft" platform for win-win cooperation, highlighting China's shifting foreign policy in North Africa, the perceived inequities in economic and infrastructural partnerships under the BRI framework and the need for African countries to assert agency to ensure that markets are regulated and that trade agreements support African interests.
The post Critical Review of the Belt and Road Initiative appeared first on ROAPE.
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 8467
Working paper
In: Series on China's belt and road initiative, v. 4
"This book views the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a bold and all-encompassing 21st century global effort by China, with unprecedented perspectives. The BRI could be summarised as a "revitalization" of China's ancient land-based and maritime silk roads, but it should be noted that its impact on China and the world stands on the foundation of omnipresent economics and how China transforms its mindset in the 21st century. Though initiated by China, the BRI's implementation has been a many-to-many effort from the start. This multi-regional and multi-national effort is distinctly different from the one-to-many effort of the Marshall Plan. The two meaning-defining chapters of this book, "Omnipresent Economics: The Belt and Road Initiative Underpinning" and "Supercontinent, Neo-Renaissance and Cultural Communications: The Millennium Mindset Transformations Induced by the Belt and Road Initiative", have made it abundantly clear that the BRI discussions presented are unique. The discussions of this book could shed new light on the BRI, a long-term and profound initiative by China, which in today's global discussions and debates, are entirely confined to geopolitical and economics arenas."--
In: Belarus-Analysen, Heft 45, S. 2-7
ISSN: 2192-1350
Das Interesse für die chinesische Politik in Osteuropa ist erst vor relativ kurzer Zeit erwacht und auf das zunehmende Handelsvolumen, die Zusammenarbeit bei Investitionen und den Bau verschiedener Infrastrukturprojekte im Rahmen der »Belt and Road Initiative« zurückzuführen. China wird in Belarus als einer der bedeutendsten strategischen Partner und neben Russland und der EU als »dritter wichtiger Player« betrachtet, der geopolitisch das belarussische »Manövrierfeld« erweitert. In der Ansprache von Präsident Lukaschenka 2019 vor der Nationalversammlung wurde China als strategischer Partner und als vorrangiges Objekt der Außenpolitik hervorgehoben, nach dem Unionsstaat von Belarus und Russland und der GUS sowie vor der EU.
In diesem Beitrag werden die Beziehungen zwischen Belarus und China durch das Prisma der Minsker Beteiligung an der chinesischen Belt and Road Initiative sowie im Kontext anderer multilateraler Formate in Eurasien und Osteuropa betrachtet. Zudem wird die spezifische Rolle von Belarus in den chinesischen Initiativen beleuchtet.
Die Autorin kommt zu dem Schluss, dass sich die Zusammenarbeit von China und Belarus aufgrund der verschlechterten internationalen Position von Belarus auf offizieller Ebene wie auch wegen der angespannten Beziehungen zu Moskau intensiviert hat.
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa
In: Belarus-Analysen, Heft 45, S. 2-7
Das Interesse für die chinesische Politik in Osteuropa ist erst vor relativ kurzer Zeit erwacht und auf das zunehmende Handelsvolumen, die Zusammenarbeit bei Investitionen und den Bau verschiedener Infrastrukturprojekte im Rahmen der "Belt and Road Initiative" zurückzuführen. China wird in Belarus als einer der bedeutendsten strategischen Partner und neben Russland und der EU als "dritter wichtiger Player" betrachtet, der geopolitisch das belarussische "Manövrierfeld" erweitert. In der Ansprache von Präsident Lukaschenka 2019 vor der Nationalversammlung wurde China als strategischer Partner und als vorrangiges Objekt der Außenpolitik hervorgehoben, nach dem Unionsstaat von Belarus und Russland und der GUS sowie vor der EU.In diesem Beitrag werden die Beziehungen zwischen Belarus und China durch das Prisma der Minsker Beteiligung an der chinesischen Belt and Road Initiative sowie im Kontext anderer multilateraler Formate in Eurasien und Osteuropa betrachtet. Zudem wird die spezifische Rolle von Belarus in den chinesischen Initiativen beleuchtet.Die Autorin kommt zu dem Schluss, dass sich die Zusammenarbeit von China und Belarus aufgrund der verschlechterten internationalen Position von Belarus auf offizieller Ebene wie auch wegen der angespannten Beziehungen zu Moskau intensiviert hat.
In: Zentralasien-Analysen, Heft 121, S. 2-5
ISSN: 1866-2110
Tadschikistan ist ein armes Land, das große Finanzmittel zur Verbesserung seiner Infrastruktur, vor allem der nationalen wie internationalen Verkehrsverbindungen, als Voraussetzung für seine wirtschaftliche Entwicklung benötigt. Der Autor sieht die VR China und ihre »Belt and Road«-Initiative als wichtigste derzeitige wie zukünftige Geldgeber und stellt ein Projekt tadschikischer Wissenschaftler für die Realisierung dieser Initiative in Verbindung mit der Nationalen Entwicklungsstrategie des Landes vor.
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa