Attention Spillover in Asset Pricing
In: Chen, Xin, Li An, Zhengwei Wang, and Jianfeng Yu, "Attention Spillover in Asset Pricing", Journal of Finance, Forthcoming.
168060 Ergebnisse
In: Chen, Xin, Li An, Zhengwei Wang, and Jianfeng Yu, "Attention Spillover in Asset Pricing", Journal of Finance, Forthcoming.
Working paper
In: Anglistik: international journal of English studies, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 239-243
ISSN: 2625-2147
We develop a model of lobbying in which a time and resource constrained policymaker first chooses which policy proposals to learn about, before choosing which to implement. The policymaker reviews the proposals of the interest groups who provide the highest contributions. We study how policy outcomes and contributions depend on policymaker constraints and the design of the "Contest for Attention." Among other results, awarding attention to the highest contributors generally guarantees the first best policy outcome. It can also lead to the highest possible contributions, suggesting that a policymaker may not need to sacrifice policy in order to maximize contributions.
In: Contexts / American Sociological Association: understanding people in their social worlds, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 60-61
ISSN: 1537-6052
Andrew M. Lindner reviews Tim Wu's The Attention Merchants.
In: Human development, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 67-71
ISSN: 1423-0054
In: Science, technology, & human values: ST&HV, Band 47, Heft 2, S. 235-242
ISSN: 1552-8251
In recent years, attention has become a matter of increasing public concern. New digital technologies have transformed human attention materially and discursively, reorganizing perceptual practices and inciting debates about them. The essays in this special issue emerged from a set of panels focused on attention at the 4S conference in New Orleans in 2019. They are all, in various ways, concerned with shifts among attention's many meanings: between payment and care, instinct and agency, or vulnerability and power. Drawing on Science and Technology Studies (STS) sensibilities, these pieces examine how scientific and technical actors are invested in theorizing and capturing attention, while simultaneously engendering new forms of care, resistance, and critique. At a moment where the attention economy appears to be in transformative crisis, this collection maps a set of incipient directions that ask us to pay attention to not only attention itself but also to the many sociotechnical settings where experts and publics are shifting attention's meaning and value.
The purpose of the thesis is to put forth and explore a notion of teaching as a practice of attention formation. Drawing on educational philosophy and the Didaktik/Pädagogik-traditions, teaching is explored as a relational and lived-though practice that can promote, form, and share attention. In the context of teaching, attention is connected to the acts of showing and observing. As such, teaching can be seen as a complex of relations that emerges through the intersection of the intentions of the one who is showing and the one who is observing. This intersection creates a tension between the self-active student and the paths made possible for this self-activity. The pedagogical dimension of this tension can be expressed through the principles of the summons to self-activity and Bildsamkeit. By turning to some key-texts of the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, I explore how the notion of teaching as attention formation can be understood from within a radical relational perspective on education and also how attention itself can be thought of as an educational phenomenon. From this critical relational perspective, where the relation is seen as constitutive of educational situations and where the possibility for uniqueness, difference, and freedom are regarded as central characteristics for a democratic conception (and ethical realization) of education, I interpret Rancière's notions of intellectual emancipation and partage du sensible as political/aesthetic analogues to the summons to self-activity and Bildsamkeit, respectively. While the event of intellectual emancipation, although constituted relationally, mainly addresses the unique attentive subject, the notion of le partage du sensible draws attention to the larger and shared context in which this event takes place. In the thesis, teaching as attention formation is addressed as a relational phenomenon in which the unique and irreplaceable subject is called into being and is given space to respond to the summons of the surrounding world and to strive against the materiality of that very same world. It is suggested that attention formation might be the educational event when someone, as a unique other, is called into presence and is given room to claim and to speak for his or her interest. It is an event made possible by those teachers who have the sensibility to discover its coming, the courage to let it happen, and the strength to accept the consequences of it. ; Detta är en pedagogisk-filosofisk avhandling med syfte att undersöka på vilket sätt undervisning kan ses som en praktik som kan skapa, forma och dela uppmärksamhet. Utifrån ett relationellt pedagogiskt perspektiv och med hänvisning till både en pedagogisk och didaktisk problematik utreder jag hur undervisning kan förstås som en praktik där uppmärksamhet både uppfordras och formas, det vill säga som en uppmärksamhetsbildande praktik. Uppmärksamhet är ett fenomen som de senaste 150 åren främst har beskrivits i psykologiska, kognitiva eller neurobiologiska termer. Dock har uppmärksamhet varit en pedagogisk fråga och en fråga för undervisning i minst 3000 år (genom t ex Platon, Rousseau, Comenius, Herbart, Montessori, James, Dewey). I avhandlingen tar jag fasta på den pedagogiska traditionen av att tänka uppmärksamhet i relationella termer och något som skapas i en undervisningssituation, när lärare och elever möts i relation till ett ämnesinnehåll. Med undervisning som en relation mellan någon som visar, något som visas och någon som förväntas uppmärksamma det som visas, skapas en spänning mellan elevens förväntade självverksamhet och de vägar som görs möjliga för denna självverksamhet. Den pedagogiska dimensionen av detta möte förstår jag med hjälp av principerna uppfordran till självverksamhet och bildsamhet. Dessa principer utvecklar jag med hjälp av den franske filosofen Jacques Rancières diskussioner om undervisning som intellektuell emancipation och om estetik/politik som ett delande av det sinnliga. Avhandlingens teoretiska bidrag består i att utveckla en relationell förståelse av undervisning som en uppmärksamhetsbildande praktik, genom att förstå Rancière's begrepp intellektuell emancipation och delandet av det sinnliga som estetisk/politiska paralleller till de pedagogiska principerna uppfordran till självverksamhet och bildsamhet. Då undervisning förstås som en uppmärksamhetsbildande praktik, blir den också möjlig att tänka som en estetisk/politisk verksamhet som erbjuder det unika och oersättliga subjektet att både ta plats och tillföra något nytt bland andra subjekt i en värld av skillnader. Med denna förståelse vill jag göra uppmärksamhet till en pedagogiskt relevant fråga, särskilt i relation till en nutida utbildningsdiskurs som är starkt färgad av mätbarhet, målfokusering och individcentrering. ; Forskarskolan Filosofiska studier av pedagogiska relationer
In: Developmental science, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 297-304
ISSN: 1467-7687
AbstractDoes real time coupling between mental and physical activity early in development have functional significance? To address this question, we examined the habituation of visual attention and the subsequent response to change in two groups of 3‐month‐olds with different patterns of movement–attention coupling. Insuppressors,the typical decrease in body movement at the onset of looks persists into the looks. Inrebounders,the initial decrease is more transient and movement quickly returns above baseline. Suppressors and rebounders did not differ on measures of looking during habituation, but when the stimulus changed rebounders looked more than suppressors. When it did not change, they looked less. In addition, during habituation rebounders spent more time lookingawayfrom the stimulus. Rapid motor reactivation soon after gaze locks onto a target, characteristic of rebounders, may influence visual foraging and the response to change by keeping attention near a threshold of engagement.
In: Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 85-98
ISSN: 2050-0734
Using a post-postmodern perspective, we offer a framework for analysing the current social and industrial practices that have resulted in the rapid turnover of clothing purchases and styles. 'Attention deficit fashion' (ADF) is the result of a youth-driven marketplace that relies on consumers who regularly use technology to share images of themselves in clothing. Wearing the same clothing item in another image is a social faux pas so the item is discarded and new items are sought. The result is what we call 'micro-trends', or subtle changes in aesthetic preferences that are limited by geography or demographics.
In: The major gifts report: monthly ideas to unlock your major gifts potential, Band 26, Heft 10, S. 5-5
ISSN: 2325-8608
In: Jeune Afrique l'intelligent: hebdomadaire politique et économique international ; édition internationale, Heft 2224, S. 98
ISSN: 0021-6089
In: Developmental science, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 270-292
ISSN: 1467-7687