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11652 Ergebnisse
In: Emerging economies transition
In: Agriculture and food
In: Agriculture and food
In: Emerging economies transition
World Affairs Online
In: OECD Review of Agricultural Policies
Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Table of contents -- Acronyms and abbreviations -- OECD indicators of support -- Executive summary -- Chapter 1. Assessment and recommendations -- The context of agricultural policy reforms -- Assessment of policy developments -- Development of support to agriculture 1986-2013 -- Re-instrumentation and targeting of policies -- Meeting agri-environmental targets -- Assessment of the AP 2014-17 -- Competitiveness of the Swiss food industry -- Future developments of policies - recommendations -- References -- Chapter 2. Agricultural policies in Switzerland: The policy context -- General aspects -- Political and demographic characteristics -- Geographical situation, natural resources and climatic conditions -- Figure 2.1. Switzerland: Land use 2004-09 -- Macroeconomic performance -- Figure 2.2. Switzerland: Main macroeconomic indicators, 1990-2012 -- Trade -- Agricultural situation -- Agriculture and the agro-food sector in the economy -- Figure 2.3. Switzerland: Agriculture in the economy -- Figure 2.4. Switzerland: Agro-food trade 1990-2012 -- Figure 2.5. Switzerland: Share of agro-food trade in total trade, 1990-2012 -- Farm structure -- Figure 2.6. Share of agricultural area in farm size categories, 1996-2012 -- Farm employment -- Figure 2.7. Switzerland: Structure of labour force in agriculture (numbers) -- Figure 2.8. Switzerland: Gender structure of agricultural labour force (%) -- Farm output -- Figure 2.9. Switzerland: Gross agricultural output, 1990-2012 (1990 = 100) -- Agriculture productivity -- Figure 2.10. Switzerland: Land and labour productivity, 1997-2012 -- Figure 2.11. Switzerland: Labour productivity indicators, 1997-21-012 -- Food consumption -- Environmental performance of Swiss agriculture -- Evolution of selected OECD agri-environmental indicators 1990-2010.
Concerns about the cost of implementing and monitoring agricultural policies are mounting with the development of more decoupled and targeted policies. While these costs are inherent in the policy process, reducing them will bring benefits in terms of better use of public funds, and minimising the overall economic costs of policies. The report suggests ways to do so without compromising the aims of the policies. Ways to reduce costs include sharing experiences across agencies, regions or countries, exploiting already existing administrative networks, integrating government and private informat
In: Agricultural Issues and Policies (NOT ON COVER)
The reform of the European agricultural policy aims at stimulating the development of European towards more sustainability and more competitiveness in global markets, by ensuring environmental soundness, supporting rural viability and better meeting consumers demands. Parallel to this farming in the ever growing EU is undergoing major changes. The conditions for production are occurring faster than ever, including developments such as climate change, new markets (bioenenergy), structural changes and ageing rural societies. Agriculture in an ever changing Europe has to develop multifunctional regional strategies. About 40 scientists from 11 European research institutions compiled this joint publication to provide an overview of concepts and approaches for multi functionality impact assessment, which includes surveys on societal demands in different parts of Europe. A central part presents research results on the impact of current agricultural policies and future scenarios, assessed by micro-economic and environmental modeling procedures (agent based, linear programming, trade-offs). They provide information on the issues of how and why farmers in varying structural and geophysical frameworks respond to the new CAP (Common Agricultural Policies) reform. One large chapter specifies the developments in 7 case study regions in Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovakia.
Argentina's agricultural sector has undergone a considerable innovation process over the last two decades. This transformation was mostly led by a dynamic and pro-active private sector often subject to policies providing negative support via export restrictions and taxes. The rapid adoption of ...
In: Foreign agricultural economic report 49
In: Journal of policy modeling: JPMOD ; a social science forum of world issues, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 249-263
ISSN: 0161-8938
In an examination of the effects of distortions in agricultural incentives, based on secondary analysis of World Bank & other international statistical data, it is concluded that lowering agricultural protection in industrial & European countries, while reducing industrial protection in developing countries, would contribute to economic welfare overall by improving resource allocation in world agriculture as well as in world industry. These conclusions point to the desirability of multilateral trade negotiations that would permit simultaneous changes in policies. 4 Tables, 13 References. Modified HA
In: China in the Global Economy
An invaluable analysis of farm and rural realities in today's China and their ultimate implications for world trade. China's World Trade Organisation membership has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges, propelling its agricultural development into a new era. As China's policymakers continue to face the twin challenges of raising farm incomes and restructuring the rural economy, the OECD and China jointly invited world-renowned China and policy-analysis experts to reflect on how that huge country can best manage its reform process under WTO integration. Do economy-wide policies in
In: Soviet studies: a quarterly review of the social and economic institutions of the USSR
ISSN: 0038-5859
Der Autor verweist einleitend auf den gesamtwirtschaftlichen Kontext der ungarischen Agrarwirtschaft. So sind sozial- und beschäftigungs- sowie infrastruktur- bzw. umweltpolitische Ziele in die Agrarpolitik zu integrieren und mit dem Ziel der Steigerung der Produktionseffizienz zu vereinbaren. Vor diesem Hintergrund befaßt er sich sodann mit der Problematik der Agrarsubventionierung, die ein zentrales Instrument der Finanzierung im Agrarsektor. Konstatiert wird in diesem Zusammenhang ein Rückgang der binnenwirtschaftlichen Agrarsubventionierung, der verbunden ist mit einer Erhöhung der Agrarsteuern, und ein Ausbau der Agrarexportsubventionierung. Abschließend behandelt der Verfasser struktur- und investitionspolitische Entwicklungsperspektiven der Agrarsubventionspolitik. (BIOst-Klk)
World Affairs Online
This chapter examines agricultural policies of the BRIC (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China) through the prism of the disciplines on domestic support under the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) of the World Trade Organization (WTO).1 The effects of agricultural policies of the BRIC on production and trade have implications for their own domestic (and also global) food security as well as for world agricultural markets. As the BRIC have emerged as global economic powers, and their per capita incomes rise, questions intensify in a historical context about their governments' future treatment of agriculture. We examine the obligations in the WTO of the BIC (Brazil and India, members since 1995, and China, which acceded in 2001) and how they have notified their agricultural support to demonstrate compliance with the rules and their commitments. The inclusion of the Russian Federation under the WTO disciplines in 2012 demonstrates the disciplines' relevance even in the absence of a new agreement, and we discuss the disciplines on agricultural support established for the Russian Federation in its accession. We also assess the new rules that were negotiated in the Doha Round before it faltered at the end of 2008 as they would apply to the BRIC. While the prospect for adoption of new Doha disciplines has become remote, the negotiated provisions are informative about the future policy space the BRIC and other countries sought to maintain. ; PR ; IFPRI4; A Ensuring Sustainable food production; C Improving markets and trade; D Transforming Agriculture; CRP2 ; MTID; PIM ; CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM)
In: OECD Agricultural policy reports