International audience ; BACKGROUND: Governments need to increase the proportion of the population in work in most developed countries because of ageing populations. We investigated longitudinally how self-perceived health is affected by work and retirement in older workers. METHODS: We examined trajectories of self-rated health in 14 714 employees (11 581 [79%] men) from the French national gas and electricity company, the GAZEL cohort, for up to 7 years before and 7 years after retirement, with yearly measurements from 1989 to 2007. We analysed data by use of repeated-measures logistic regression with generalised estimating equations. FINDINGS: Overall, suboptimum health increased with age. However, between the year before retirement and the year after, the estimated prevalence of suboptimum health fell from 19.2% (95% CI 18.5-19.9) to 14.3% (13.7-14.9), corresponding to a gain in health of 8-10 years. We noted this retirement-related improvement in men (odds ratio 0.68, 95% CI 0.64-0.73) and women (0.74, 0.67-0.83), and across occupational grades (low 0.72, 0.63-0.82; high 0.70, 0.63-0.77), and it was maintained throughout the 7 years after retirement. A poor work environment and health complaints before retirement were associated with a steeper yearly increase in the prevalence of suboptimum health while still in work, and a greater retirement-related improvement; however, people with a combination of high occupational grade, low demands, and high satisfaction at work showed no such retirement-related improvement. INTERPRETATION: These findings suggest that the burden of ill-health, in terms of perceived health problems, is substantially relieved by retirement for all groups of workers apart from those with ideal working conditions, and that working life for older workers needs to be redesigned to achieve higher labour-market participation. FUNDING: Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, Academy of Finland, INSERM (France), BUPA Foundation (UK), European Science Foundation, and Economic and ...
"This book details a systemic approach to the practice of sustainable community development (SDC) that will encourage full participatory involvement and earn confidence for all peoples. Since Brundtland there has not been a more thorough presentation of sustainable development than the first 3 chapters of Practice for Sustainable Community Development. After fully engaging in the meaning of sustainability, the reader - the student, the practitioner, and the community leader - is presented with experiences of people, relationship building, group dynamics, and community improvement methods that a practitioner of SCD would experience. Practice for Sustainable Community Development discusses, analyzes, and encourages alternative actions at the community level to promote wide-spread change, while fostering local choices that lead to more self-sufficiency and to the buffering of communities from the impacts of business as usual. The reader is taken step-by-step through a community development procedure, that includes processes of community assessment, visioning, setting of goals and objectives, and defining strategic actions that can be pursued to achieve the measured outcome of sustainability. Through application of the tools and strategies discussed, community members are putting aside day-to-day concerns in recognition of the bigger picture that nature and people are inescapably under the influence of one another through connecting relationships. The brilliance of the sustainability movement is its demand for seeing things as interconnected and interdependent - its ability to provide a bridge between disciplines and interests, between the pieces of the whole and the whole itself. This book's purpose is to discuss the difficulties and opportunities of getting societies to engage with issues from an environment fraught with unforeseen events and unexpected outcomes, where the science is pretty good but the social response, from politics to economics, is focused elsewhere. The book emphasizes that if we can begin to judge proposed actions and policies for their economic value as well as for their ecological and evolutionary affects, we will be following a model of sustainability by associating different human values with the multiple dynamics of natural systems."--Publisher's website.
The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries are commonly characterised as an age of 'neoliberalism' in which individualism, competition, free markets, and privatisation came to dominate Britain's politics, economy and society. This historical framing has proven to be highly controversial, within both academia and contemporary political/public debate. Standard accounts of neoliberalism generally focus on the influence of political ideas in reshaping British politics. According to this narrative, neoliberalism was a right-wing ideology, peddled by political economists, think-tanks, and politicians from the 1930s onwards, which finally triumphed in the 1970s and 1980s. The Neoliberal Age? suggests this narrative is too simplistic. Where the standard story sees neoliberalism as right-wing, this book points to some left-wing origins, too. Where the standard story emphasises the agency of think-tanks and politicians, this book shows that other actors from the corporate world were also highly significant. Where the standard story can suggest that neoliberalism transformed subjectivities and social lives, this book shows other forces which helped make Britain more individualistic in the late twentieth century. The analysis thus takes neoliberalism seriously but also shows that it cannot be the only explanatory framework for understanding contemporary Britain, and that 'neoliberal' cannot be the only descriptor used to categorise Britain in the past 50 years. The book showcases cutting-edge research, making it useful to researchers and students, as well as to those interested in understanding the forces that have shaped our recent past
In his 1972 book Folk Devils and Moral Panics, Stanley Cohen (2002) convincingly shows how negative media coverage can generate what he terms 'folk devils' – individuals whose mere presence or actions feed a population's fear of a general degradation of society. Folk devils are sometimes seen as penetrating society from the outside; at other times they have developed from within the very society they are now seen as posing a threat to. Sometimes they are a visible group; other times they become epitomized by a single individual or phenomenon, or they exist only as a potential threat. As such, the folk devil for Cohen was not necessarily a biblical phenomenon or a figure related to actual devils. Rather, the folk devil term was coined to signify a perceived disturbance of social order that manifests itself through accusations of wrongdoing or evil. This volume examines current fears and perceived threats from an anthropological perspective as these unfold in different contexts around the world, and through this it investigates and analyses how contemporary folk devils emerge or develop. It shows how the devilish may take on many different forms – refugees, technocrats, Roma, hipsters, LGBT groups, right-wing politicians, sorcerers, economic migrants, tourists, mobile criminals and sugary foods – and contributions start with cases from across the globe: Germany, the Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Denmark, the Republic of Georgia, the UK, Italy, Melanesia, France and the US.[.] ; Socialinių mokslų fakultetas ; Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
Sociological view of the economy /Frank Dobbin --From The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism /Max Weber --Institutionalized organizations : formal structure as myth and ceremony /John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan --Iron Cage Revisited : Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields /Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell --From Pricing the Priceless Child : The Changing Social Value of Children /Viviana A. Zelizer --Social construction of organizations and markets : the comparative analysis of business recipes /Richard Whitley --Decline and fall of the conglomerate firm in the 1980s : the deinstitutionalization of an organizational form /Gerald F. Davis, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Catherine H. Tinsley --From The Division of Labor in Society /Émile Durkheim --Economic action and social structure : the problem of embeddedness /Mark Granovetter --Embeddedness and immigration : notes on the social determinants of economic action /Alejandro Portes and Julia Sensenbrenner --Structural approach to markets /Eric M. Leifer and Harrison C. White --From Structural Holes : the social structure of competition /Ronald S. Burt --Embeddedness in the making of financial capital : how social relations and networks benefit firms seeking financing /Brian Uzzi --From The German Ideology /Karl Marx --From The Transformation of Corporate Control /Neil Fligstein --From Socializing Capital : The Rise of the Large Industrial Corporation in America /William G. Roy --From City of Capital : Politics and Markets in the English Financial Revolution /Bruce G. Carruthers --From the elementary forms of the religious life /Émile Durkheim --From The Social Construction of Reality : a treatise in the sociology of knowledge /Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann --From Organizations : cognitive limits on rationality /James G. March and Herbert A. Simon --From Sensemaking in Organizations /Karl E. Weick.
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Introduction : depuis une dizaine d'années, les politiques de santé publique tentent de promouvoir les interventions non médicamenteuses (INM). Parmi-elles, la médiation animale (MA), basée sur les liens étroits entre les animaux et les humains, a démontré des bienfaits dans de nombreuses populations et secteurs médico-sociaux. Les établissements d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD) qui tentent d'élaborer des projets de vie personnalisés afin de proposer un service social et un accompagnement médical adaptés à chacun de leurs résidents, devraient s'appuyer sur ces nouvelles INM. Mais selon la Haute autorité de santé, il a été constaté un recours insuffisant aux INM. Nous avons voulu connaître les raisons du manque d'utilisation de la MA par ces établissements. Méthode : à travers une étude qualitative auprès de médecins coordonnateurs d'EHPAD des Alpes- Maritimes, nous avons tenté d'établir les raisons de la non-utilisation de la MA dans ces structures. Notre population de 119 EHPAD a été contactée et relancée par mail, pour répondre à un questionnaire de recrutement en ligne. Résultats : sur les 119 EHPAD contactés, 34 établissements ont répondu au questionnaire. Nous avons pu établir que 91,2 % des médecins coordonnateurs connaissaient la MA, et 73,5 % des EHPAD l'utilisaient actuellement. Sans pouvoir généraliser les résultats, nous avons relevé les modalités d'utilisation de la MA dans les EHPAD des Alpes-Maritimes. Parmi les neuf médecins coordonnateurs n'utilisant pas la MA, seuls trois ont accepté de nous recevoir en entretiens semi-dirigés. Grâce aux résultats du questionnaire et aux trois entretiens réalisés, une liste de freins potentiels à l'instauration de la MA en EHPAD a pu être élaborée. Les vides juridique, pédagogique et législatif constituent les premiers freins exprimés. La difficulté d'adapter des protocoles d'hygiène, le financement à dégager par les EHPAD, le bien-être animal et la grande diversité des activités de la MA sont aussi des problématiques évoquées par les établissements. Conclusion : nous avons pu poser le fait d'une utilisation de plus en plus répandue de la MA dans les EHPAD. Cependant, son utilisation manque encore de structuration et d'uniformité dans la pratique. Il serait intéressant d'étudier plus précisément le rôle du médecin coordonnateur dans le recours à la MA ou plus généralement aux INM.
Introduction : depuis une dizaine d'années, les politiques de santé publique tentent de promouvoir les interventions non médicamenteuses (INM). Parmi-elles, la médiation animale (MA), basée sur les liens étroits entre les animaux et les humains, a démontré des bienfaits dans de nombreuses populations et secteurs médico-sociaux. Les établissements d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD) qui tentent d'élaborer des projets de vie personnalisés afin de proposer un service social et un accompagnement médical adaptés à chacun de leurs résidents, devraient s'appuyer sur ces nouvelles INM. Mais selon la Haute autorité de santé, il a été constaté un recours insuffisant aux INM. Nous avons voulu connaître les raisons du manque d'utilisation de la MA par ces établissements. Méthode : à travers une étude qualitative auprès de médecins coordonnateurs d'EHPAD des Alpes- Maritimes, nous avons tenté d'établir les raisons de la non-utilisation de la MA dans ces structures. Notre population de 119 EHPAD a été contactée et relancée par mail, pour répondre à un questionnaire de recrutement en ligne. Résultats : sur les 119 EHPAD contactés, 34 établissements ont répondu au questionnaire. Nous avons pu établir que 91,2 % des médecins coordonnateurs connaissaient la MA, et 73,5 % des EHPAD l'utilisaient actuellement. Sans pouvoir généraliser les résultats, nous avons relevé les modalités d'utilisation de la MA dans les EHPAD des Alpes-Maritimes. Parmi les neuf médecins coordonnateurs n'utilisant pas la MA, seuls trois ont accepté de nous recevoir en entretiens semi-dirigés. Grâce aux résultats du questionnaire et aux trois entretiens réalisés, une liste de freins potentiels à l'instauration de la MA en EHPAD a pu être élaborée. Les vides juridique, pédagogique et législatif constituent les premiers freins exprimés. La difficulté d'adapter des protocoles d'hygiène, le financement à dégager par les EHPAD, le bien-être animal et la grande diversité des activités de la MA sont aussi des problématiques évoquées par les établissements. Conclusion : nous avons pu poser le fait d'une utilisation de plus en plus répandue de la MA dans les EHPAD. Cependant, son utilisation manque encore de structuration et d'uniformité dans la pratique. Il serait intéressant d'étudier plus précisément le rôle du médecin coordonnateur dans le recours à la MA ou plus généralement aux INM.
Asylum seekers are psychologically vulnerable as they are subject to repeated stressors, from the country of origin to the host country. Little explored in the scientific literature, this work explores the stress factors encountered on the migratory journey and attempts to assess their impact.On 130 asylum seekers who consulted in psychiatry at the CAES in the 18th arrondissement, we found an association between severe psychiatric symptoms and a history of serious violence (torture, detention, etc.), long journeys (> 4 years), migratory path Libyan, age (> 31 years), history of childhood violence, certain nationalities (Sudan, Guinea) and resilience (contact with family, social fabric).A second analysis showed that the prevalence of severe violence was linked to geographic factors (country of origin, migratory route taken). ; Les demandeurs d'asile sont vulnérables sur le plan psychique car soumis à la répétition de facteurs de stress, du pays d'origine jusqu'au pays d'accueil. Peu explorés dans la littérature scientifique, ce travail explore les facteurs de stress rencontrés sur le parcours migratoire et tente d'évaluer leur impact. Sur 130 demandeurs d'asile ayant consulté en psychiatrie au CAES du 18e arrondissement, nous avons trouvé une association entre les symptômes psychiatriques sévères et les antécédents de violence grave (torture, détention…), les parcours longs (>4ans), la voie migratoire Libyenne, l'âge (>31 ans), les antécédents de violence pendant l'enfance, certaines nationalités (Soudan, Guinée) et la résilience (contact avec la famille, tissu social).Une seconde analyse a montré que la prévalence des violences graves était liée à des facteurs géographiques (pays d'origine, voie migratoire empruntée).
Asylum seekers are psychologically vulnerable as they are subject to repeated stressors, from the country of origin to the host country. Little explored in the scientific literature, this work explores the stress factors encountered on the migratory journey and attempts to assess their impact.On 130 asylum seekers who consulted in psychiatry at the CAES in the 18th arrondissement, we found an association between severe psychiatric symptoms and a history of serious violence (torture, detention, etc.), long journeys (> 4 years), migratory path Libyan, age (> 31 years), history of childhood violence, certain nationalities (Sudan, Guinea) and resilience (contact with family, social fabric).A second analysis showed that the prevalence of severe violence was linked to geographic factors (country of origin, migratory route taken). ; Les demandeurs d'asile sont vulnérables sur le plan psychique car soumis à la répétition de facteurs de stress, du pays d'origine jusqu'au pays d'accueil. Peu explorés dans la littérature scientifique, ce travail explore les facteurs de stress rencontrés sur le parcours migratoire et tente d'évaluer leur impact. Sur 130 demandeurs d'asile ayant consulté en psychiatrie au CAES du 18e arrondissement, nous avons trouvé une association entre les symptômes psychiatriques sévères et les antécédents de violence grave (torture, détention…), les parcours longs (>4ans), la voie migratoire Libyenne, l'âge (>31 ans), les antécédents de violence pendant l'enfance, certaines nationalités (Soudan, Guinée) et la résilience (contact avec la famille, tissu social).Une seconde analyse a montré que la prévalence des violences graves était liée à des facteurs géographiques (pays d'origine, voie migratoire empruntée).
The rapid development of science and technology leads to the dehumanization of society, that has negative impact on social relations, in which the level of humanity is greatly reduced. Therefore, the question of morality of human relations, especially in the current situation in Ukraine is urgent and needs to be improved and new ways of revival should be found. The phenomenon of charity is one of the possible mechanisms.In the article in detail the genesis of the concept of charity from sociological, ethical and philosophical point of view is considered. Separately we investigated historically the representatives of different religious confessions to the phenomenon of charity. It deals with ambiguity and different forms of existence. It is shown that as of today charity is at the center of discussions of public, scientists, politicians, civil servants, activists public sector. However, attitudes to it and practices for its implementation in modern society are ambiguous. On the one hand, charity helps to solve social problems and improve the quality of life of community relations but on the other hand, charity programs and actions can be veiled as self-interest of the organizers, which also can lead to some abuses.The article shows that charity serves as axiological component of social relations because it is based on concepts such as kindness, goodness, helping the needy, compassion. In the article different kinds of charitable activities are reviewed and proved the idea that active charity is an effective method of improving humanization of social relations. ; Стремительное развитие научно-технического прогресса приводит к дегуманизации общества, что негативно отражается на общественных отношениях, человечности в которых, с каждым днем становиться все меньше. Поэтому вопрос нравственности человеческих отношений, особенно в современных условиях в Украине, является актуальным и требует усовершенствования и поисков новых путей ее возрождения. Феномен благотворительности выступает одним из таких возможных механизмов.В статье подробно рассмотрены генезис понятия благотворительности с социологической, этической и философской точки зрения. Отдельно исследовано отношение представителей разных религиозных конфессий к феномену благотворительности в исторической ретроспективе. Освещены его неоднозначность и различные формы существования. Показано, что на сегодняшний день, благотворительность находится в центре дискуссий общественности, ученых, политиков, государственных служащих, активистов общественного сектора. Однако, отношение к ней и к практикам ее реализации в современном обществе неоднозначно. С одной стороны, благотворительная деятельность способствует решению общественных проблем и улучшению качества жизни общественных отношений но, с другой стороны, за благотворительными программами и акциями могут быть завуалированы собственные интересы их организаторов, что также может приводить к определенным злоупотреблениям.В статье показано, что благотворительность выступает аксиологической составляющей общественных отношений, поскольку базируется на таких понятиях как милосердие, добро, помощь нуждающимся, сострадание. Рассмотрены различные виды благотворительной деятельности и доказано, что именно активная благотворительность является эффективным методом повышения уровня гуманизации общественных отношений. ; Стрімкий розвиток науково-технічного прогресу призводить до дегуманізації суспільства, що негативно відображається на суспільних відносинах, рівень людяності у яких значно знижується. Тому питання моральності людських відносин, особливо за сучасних умов в Україні, є актуальним і потребує удосконалення та пошуків нових шляхів її відродження. Феномен благодійності виступає одним з таких можливих механізмів.У статті детально розглянуто ґенезу поняття благодійності з соціологічної, етичної та філософської точки зору. Окремо досліджено відношення представників різних релігійних конфесій до феномену благодійності в історичній ретроспективі. Висвітлено його неоднозначність та різні форми існування. Показано, що станом на сьогоднішній день благодійність перебуває в центрі дискусій громадськості, науковців, політиків, державних службовців, активістів громадського сектору. Однак, ставлення до неї та до практик її реалізації в сучасному суспільстві є неоднозначним. З одного боку, благодійна діяльність сприяє вирішенню суспільних проблем та покращенню якості життя громадських відносин але, з іншого боку, за благодійними програмами та акціями можуть бути завуальовані власні інтереси їх організаторів, що також може призводити до певних зловживань.У статті показано, що благодійність виступає аксіологічною складовою суспільних відносин, оскільки базується на таких поняттях як милосердя, добро, допомога нужденним, співчуття. Розглянуто різні види благодійної діяльності та доведено, що саме активна благодійність є ефективним методом підвищення рівня гуманізації суспільних відносин.// t;t++)e+=o.charCodeAt(t).toString(16);return e},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf('http')==0){return p}for(var e=0;e
In: Jansen , S 2013 , ' People and things in the ethnography of borders: Materialising the division of Sarajevo ' Social Anthropology , vol 21 , no. 1 , pp. 23-37 . DOI:10.1111/1469-8676.12001
"In the significantly increased use of the Internet for historical studies in the last few years reviews have played a special role. The article pursues the question of where the fascination of the old genre of the book review lies in the age of Internet and what developments in reviewing have taken place in the last few years. The stupendous success of electronic reviews can be explained by the fact that they can ideally use the advantages of the net. The main problems are the inadequate financial security of numerous projects, unsolved technical problems, the issue of permanent archiving and the danger of an inundation of information for the users. Finally, taking 'sehepunkte,' the online review journal as an example, methods of resolution are pinpointed. Here online journals are understood as virtual spaces which make it easier for the user to find his bearings in Internet." (author's abstract)
When rebels provide social services, do they have more leverage negotiating the terms of a peace deal? The literature suggests service-providing groups may, on average, have a wider base of support and a more centralized organizational structure. We argue that these features deter potential spoilers from breaking away from the organization during negotiation processes. This, in turn, makes governments more willing to enter negotiations since the threat from spoilers is smaller. Thus, compared to nonproviders, service-providing rebels are more likely to engage in negotiations and these processes are likely to be more stable. This article analyzes these propositions by gathering service provision data on nearly 400 rebel groups and their involvement in and behavior during peace talks. It also serves as an introduction to a larger project about the implications of rebel service provision on conflict outcomes.
ResumoA abordagem Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade-Ambiente (CTSA) permite uma visão crítica sobre a ciência e a tecnologia e seus impactos, sejam esses positivos ou negativos, na sociedade e no ambiente, e os livros didáticos (LD), amplamente presentes na realidade escolar, se configuram como um importante aliado para tratar destas questões. Assim, este estudo se propõe a verificar a ocorrência desta abordagem nos livros didáticos do Ensino Médio, adotados pela rede estadual de ensino no município de Estância, SE, nos tópicos que retratam os temas ecossistemas costeiros e a poluição das águas. As categorias adotadas para análise foram: 1) relação de exemplos com a realidade; 2) presença de história da ciência; 3) relações entre a responsabilidade individual e a coletiva; 4) impactos sociais na aplicação da tecnologia; 5) a tecnologia na resolução de problemas e 6) tomada de decisões e resolução de problemas. A partir das análises dos quatro livros didáticos utilizados, nota-se que o enfoque CTSA tem sido abordado nos livros didáticos e que o tópico referente à poluição das águas surgem em uma relação CTSA, que está mais estabelecida. Uma maneira de contornar as lacunas existentes nos LD são elaborações ou busca de sequências didáticas direcionadas ao tema que não são aprofundadas nos livros. O livro didático sendo um material amplamente presente na realidade escolar se apresenta como um importante aliado dos professores, quando devidamente explorado, para promover uma aprendizagem crítico-reflexiva junto aos alunos do Ensino Médio. Palavras-chave: Recursos Didáticos. Ensino E Aprendizagem. Metodologias de Ensino. AbstractScience-Technology-Society-Environment approach (STSE) allows a critical view of science and technology and its impacts, whether positive or negative, on society and the environment, and Didactic Books (DB), widely present in reality school, are configured as an important ally to address these issues. Thus, this study aims to verify the occurrence of this approach in high school textbooks, adopted by the state school system in the municipality of Estância, SE, in the topics that depict the themes of coastal ecosystems and water pollution. The categories adopted for analysis were: 1) relation of examples to reality; 2) presence of a history of science; 3) relationships between individual and collective responsibility; 4) social impacts on the technology application; 5) technology in problem solving and 6) decision making and problem solving. From the analysis of the four textbooks used, it is noted that the STSE approach has been addressed in the textbooks and that the topic referring to water pollution is where the STSE relationship is most established. One way to circumvent possible gaps in the DB is to elaborate or search for didactic sequences directed to the theme that are not discussed in depth in the books. The textbook, being a material widely present in school reality, is an important ally for teachers, when properly explored, to promote critical-reflective learning with high school students. Keywords: Didactic Resources. Teaching and learning. Teaching Methodologies.