The Mercury - June 1899 ; Gettysburg College Mercury; College Mercury; Mercury
JUNE, J899 ooTlhe, Qettysbur ercury CONTENTS. Our College Home 117 The 1900 Spectrum 119 Tick-tack-to 120 A Hero's Reward 123 An Art Fad 125 Retrieved 128 Editor's Desk, 131 Hypnotism 131 " The Influence of Christianity on Roman Jurisprudence ". 134 The Conflict of the Ag-es 139 The Philomathaean Society 144 Monotony of Life 147 Athletics 149 YMMUM FAVOR THOSE WHO FAVOR US. wmomrn For Fine Printing GO TO The J. E. WIBLE .Printing Rouee Carlisle Street, GETTYSBURG, PA. C. B. Kitzmiller, Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots and . Douglas Shoes GETTYSBURG, PA. J. H. Myers, Fashionable Tailor, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. The best place in town to have your Cloth-ing made to order. All workmanship and Trimmings guaranteed. No charge for re-pairs and pressing for one year. Dyeing and Repairing a specialty. Ready-made Clothing the largest stock in town. Up-to-date styles. Bicycle Suits and Breeches Headquarters. 11 Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. R. A. WONDERS, Corner Cigar Parlors. A full line of Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc. Scott's Corner, Opp. Eagle Hotel. GETTYSBURG, A. Have you an assured livelihood? "Would you try for a government posi-tion, if you knew just how to apply, and the kinds of positions from which you can choose, and what to do to insure your getting on the list after you have applied! The Government of the United States is the best of employers. Fair compen-sation, regularity of payment, reason-ably Bure tenure, tasks not too difficult, | ana hours not too I ong, offer strong at-tractions to young persons of both sexes whohavenosettledinuome. Manyenter Government employ, spend their spare i hours in studying law or medicine, or finance, and save enough from their salaries to start in a professional or business career. We have just published a book from whichanj/candidate maylearnjustwhat is necesaary and what unnecessary in brushing up his studies for an examina-tion ; and what his chances are, all things considered, for making bis way into the Civil Service, and staying there. The title of this book is " How to Prepnre for a Civil Service Examination; With Recent Questions and An-swers." It contains all Information which any candidate would require to firepare for any competitive office under ' he Government, and includes a "Ten Weeks' Course of 8tudy,"ln the form of questions actually asked at recent ex-aminations, with the correct answers to i them. Besides the technical require- ' mentSjitalso covers all the elementary branches, like arithmetic, spelling, pen- , manship, geography, letter writing, civil government, etc., etc., so that one who masters this course of study would not only pass well an examination for a gov- , ernment position, but would be sure of I preferment over other applicants for a clerkship in a business house. CLOTH—$2.00 Postpaid—560 PAGES Anotherbookfree(Quickat Figures)if you mention this paper when ordering. HINDS A NOBLE, Publishers 4-5-13-14 Cooper Institute, N. Y. City Schoolbooks ofallpublishers at one store .THE. GETTYSBURG MERCURY Entered at the Postoffice at Gettysburg as second-class matter. Voi,. VIII. GETTYSBURG, PA., JUNE, 1899. No. 4 Editor-in- Chief. J. FRANK EEILMAN, '00. Alumni Editor. REV. F. D. GARLAND. Assistant Editors. LUTHER A. WEIGLE, '00. S. A. VAN ORMER, '01. Business Manager. Assistant Business Manager. JOHN K. HAMACHER, '00. CLARENCE MOORE, '02. Advisory Board. PROF. J. A. HIMES, L,IT. D. PROF. G. D. STAHLEY, M. D. PROF. J. W. RICHARD, D. D. Published monthly by the students of Pennsylvania (Gettysburg) College. Subscription price One Dollar a year in advance, single copies Fifteen Cents. Students, Professors and Alumni are cordially invited to contribute. All subscriptions and business matter should be addressed to the Business Manager. Articles for publication should be addressed to the Editor. Address THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY, GETTYSBURG, PA. OUR COLLEGE HOME. Oh bright for us the sunbeams rest On tower and town with rosier glow, On sentry Round Top's rugged crest And on the immortal Ridge below, Where marble Victory's fadeless bays The patriot soldier crown, And History graves for future days The deeds of his renown. CHORUS—Then ring we clear a loyal cheer, Wnere'er we rest or roam, For Gettysburg, for Gettysburg, Our famous College home,— Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah ! O fair for us the moonlight falls, To brighten with its silver flame At once the stately College halls wmm 118 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. And the memorials of fame That peer from every grove and grange, And in their silence tell That here heroic spirits range O'er meads of asphodel. CHORUS—Then ring we clear a loyal cheer, Where'er we rest or roam, For Gettysburg, for Gettysburg, Our honored College home,— Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah ! O soft for us the shadows play Among the Campus elms, and woo To merry converse and delay From tasks we busily pursue. Ah Youth and Friendship, how ye charm In Learning's calm abode,— True Graces, twining arm in arm On sweet Arcadian sod ! CHORUS—Then ring we clear a loyal cheer, Where'er we rest or roam, For Gettysburg, for Gettysburg, Our glorious College home,— Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! At morn the duty-call of bells Rings clear and urgent, near and far, At eve a gentler music swells From gleeful viol or guitar. O jolly is the life we lead In study, song or games ! O fortunate the fate indeed That here inscribes our names ! CHORUS—Then ring- we clear a loyal cheer, . Where'er we rest or roam, For Gettysburg, for Gettysburg, Our dear old College home,— Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah ! Energy will do anything that can be done in this world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged animal a man without it. —Goethe. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 119 THE J900 SPECTRUM. THE most recent claimant, in our midst, to literary and ar-tistic honors, is the class of 1900. Its Spectrum, just is-sued, challenges our admiration from start to finish, and we heartily accord to it equal rank with the best of our college annuals, thus far issued. The form of the book, and the general arrangement of its con-tents, show a pleasing appreciation of responsibility in the plac-ing of details to secure good effects. There has been an evident purpose on the part of the printers, publishers, managers, artists and editors, to produce a work which should be alike creditable to themselves, as well as to the college which this publication represents. The volume is fittingly dedicated to Prof. Klinger, who is justly characterized as "both teacher and fellow student." The various classes and associations are given due recogni-tion by verbal statement, cut, pencil and photograph. The latter are unusually good throughout and constitute an attractive fea-ture. The sketches, are, as a rule, very clearly executed, and are amusing without being either vulgar or rude. The "Literary Record of Gettysburg Alumni," is an import-ant feature and will add permanency to the value of this publication. It will be interesting and profitable for our alumni and friends to have a record of this sort for handy reference. The "Spanish War Record" is not less interesting and valu-able. It is something for us to be proud of, that when our coun-try needed men to prosecute a war in the interests of humanity, against a cruel oppressor, that twenty-eight men, from our grad-uate and undergraduate ranks, cheerfully enlisted and did honor-able service. The humorous thoughts and aspects of college life, receive literary embodiment in the concluding pages of the volume. These show a commendable degree of appreciation of humor, in both possible and impossible, but easily imagined situations. It is a pity that so much of this kind of literature, must necessarily go unappreciated, for it requires an acquaintance with the dramatis personae and the conditions under which described events happen, in order to extract all the flavor of humor which makes them en-joyable. ■MMtimp mum. 120 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. This volume is certainly deserving of hearty recognition, and it is hoped that many of our alumni and friends of the college, will show their appreciation of the arduous labors of the class by acquiring a copy. Reader,—it will add permanent value to your library. Send for a copy at once. —G. D. S. TICK-TACK-TO. THERE is scarcely a conversation indulged in with a greater relish, by persons of a maturer age, than that relating to bygone games and pastimes. The children love to linger by the hearth and will listen with rapt attention, as their father relates to them the strange and antiquated games of his boyhood days. There are, perhaps, few things that brighten the eyes of our sires more readily than mere mention of puerile games. They love to cast away the titles of Rev., Dr., or Mr. and think of the time " when you were Bill and I was Joe " and, if one is in their presence when they are exchanging reminiscences he may be both instructed and agreeably entertained. Nor is the relish for this peculiar sort of conversation peculiar to those who have already passed the meridian of life and can no more win for themselves the eclat of the beholding multitude, or the more modest commendation of a few admiring friends, or even the laudatory look of defeated opponents. It belongs also to us. What conversation can be introduced into our college boudoirs that will be more highly appreciated and rejuvenate happier reminiscences than that relating to the games we used to play. The occasional rehearsing of them forms a condiment whose pungency quickens our appetites for more solid and substantial forms of mental food. As such, however, they tend only to excite pleasure and enter-tain, and are evanescent in their effects. If, on the other hand, we view them in a more serious manner and forget them as prolific of. an almost boundless store of sport and hilarity, we may not only become instructed but learn, to our amazement perhaps, that we are playing the same old games to-day. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY 121 To demonstrate this we might choose almost any one of the limited number of juvenile games as an example. Since they all bring forth some phase of life and all contain some suggestion for reflection. Blind-man's-buff for instance, teaches us how gro-tesquely we often grope after the fleeing prizes of life. Leap-frog portrays to us the use to which we are sometimes put by men of ulterior motives and the humility connected therewith, but there are some, however, whose peculiarities stand out in bolder relief than in others ; some whose lessons are more drastic than others, and in few is this more obvious than in the triplicate game of tick-tack-to. It is very simple and probably the most universally known game of childhood. As a palladium against the captiousness of the nursery its charm is talismanic. In point of economy there are few games that excel it: a pencil, a slate or a small slip of paper with two parallel lines drawn perpendicularly upon it and two similar ones crossing them horizontally constitute all that there is of a material outlay. A series of three marks occupying three successive spaces in any direction brings to a proper conclusion the course of the game and suggests to us now, what in childhood's happy hours were arcanums unraveled. One of them is contained in the nature of the game. Unlike many other of our juvenile pastimes tick-tack-to is not a game of luck nor chance but a game of skill and intelligence. Were it a game of luck we would be at a loss to derive any lessons from it and could certainly not compare it to life; since those who have attained to the highest success in life cherish little hope for the man who depends on luck. One of our beloved martyred Presidents, the lamented Jas. A. Garfield, once said, "Luck is an ignis fatuus. It leads to ruin but never to success." The idea that certain men are rich, or prosperous, or popular, because they were born under such circumstances under which it would be impossible for them to be otherwise, finds little credence among successful men. It is not the man who is born at a certain time, in a certain place and under certain environments who attains to success but he who works; he who is active; he who is alive to every oppor-tunity; he whose every mark is prompted by an intelligent judgment. 122 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Another deduction that we can 333ke from the game and apply to life is the mode of procedure. "We used to play7 it under dif-ficulties. Our advance was retarded by opposition. This of course is a common condition to all games and would not distinguish this particular one from any other; but the unique-ness of it lies in the fact that the opposition is created by one op-ponent and only one. Thus in the game of life we proceed against hindrances and against hindrances of but one opponent. Who is that opponent? Who is he, or what is it, that barricades our onward march every time we take a stride toward success ? Who is he who with rude hand dashes a cross before our line of progress every time our success is partially and almost entirely accomplished ? Is he to be found in the personality of some one other than ourselves ? May we detect him among the multitudes that pass before us from day to day ? May we discover him among those with whom we are continually associated ? No, prospection will never reveal him, introspection may. We have but one opponent to contend with, and that oppo-nent is self, the lower self; the material as opposed to the spiritual self. We sometimes suppose that our embarrassments in life, are traceable to external circumstances, to some person or company of persons, or to some combination of circumstances. But they are only the marks used by ourselves against our-selves. They form the media through which our lower nature reacts upon the higher and thus continues the dualisdc game of life. St. Bernard appreciating this fact once said "Nothing can do me damage but myself," and if we wish to reject authority can we not by a little self-examination verify this statement within the scope of our own experience ? Does not the soul in becoming cognizant of the virtue of a certain act urge us to do it ? Does it not in the language of the game place its mark in one of the spaces ? What follows ? The body shrinks from the performance of the act. It opposes the impulse of the soul. It places its mark directly before the one already made. No sooner has this taken place than the conscience comes into prominence. Not willing to acquiesce with one repulse it incites us to a redoubled effort. It places its mark before the THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 123 original one in another direction. This being done up swell the passions and endeavor with vehemence to thwart the noble im-pulse and crush all that is holy and pure in man. So the game proceeds with vacillating fortunes until the lower or the higher na-ture is conqueror. A contest it is trying and severe, unheard by mortal ear, un-seen by mortal eye. Revealed only to Him under whose dispen-sation it is possible and under whose guidance only, success is at-tainable. —MARKS. A HERO'S REWARD. IN the spring of 1825, Mr. Perry decided to sell his plantation, very reluctantly however, for it was here that he was born, and then with his family, which consisted of his wife, a son, Philip, and a daughter, Mabel, to go North. It was at Mr. Hall's suggestion that he located in a small town in the northern part of New Jersey and went into business with him. These two families had known each other for years and naturally at once there sprung up a friendship between Philip Perry and Mr. Hall's only son and child, Tom; but from the start Tom seemed to have an especial regard for Mabel, which grew into an affection as they grew in years. The Perrys belonged to one of the old, aristocratic, south-ern families, and were, as most such families were, wealthy. The Halls were also quite independent, though not in such affluent circumstances. The two boys were sent to a small military academy near New York and graduated in the same class. A short time after this Mr. Hall was taken ill and died very suddenly, and a year later Mrs. Hall died through grief for her dead husband. Mr. Perry was also affected by his partner's death and having closed out the business, moved South and located in Richmond, Va. He in-sisted that Tom should go along and make his home with them, and Tom, with a little persuasion from Mabel, did so. The boys went to a southern college, where they stood high both in their class and in the esteem of their fellow students, for they were good, jolly boys. During this time the affection be-tween Mabel and Tom ripened into love and Tom often wished in-wardly that some day he might win Mabel for his wife. y—^——™—™——— miyiiyi 124 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. After their college days both young men had entered Mr. Perry's employ and held positions of trust and responsibility in his cotton mill. So well, indeed, did they manage their work, that Mr. Perry was about to entrust the entire management to them when that dreadful war, which so nearly resulted in the division of our Union, was declared. Recognizing his duty, Philip Perry at once left home and enlisted in the 9th Virginia Regiment. Tom Hall hesitated. He was undecided as to what to do. He knew full well that his duty was to go North and join a Northern regiment, and yet—if he went, it meant, as Mabel had said, that all would end between them, for Mabel was a Southern girl. What was he to do ? On the one side he could hear the call to duty, on the other Mabel wanted him, if he went at all, to go with "Phil." At last his love for his country conquered even his love for Mabel and as a true patriot he secretly made his way north and enlisted in the 1st New Jersey, which was mustered in at his old home. It is needless to follow these two soldiers through the entire campaign, but suffice it to say that they soon rose to high positions in their respective regiments on account of their bravery. On the evening of July 2, 1863, General Dee, who was in command of the Confederate forces at Gettysburg, realizing his perilous position and possibly expecting defeat, decided to make one final, desperate attempt to break through the Union line. That evening he had been reinforced by Stuart's Cavalry and was therefore hopeful of success. His plan was to pierce the Union line at a point now called the "High Water Mark," for that was the turning point of the greatest battle of the Civil War. Everyone has heard of Pickett's famous charge and how the men of the two armies fought hand to hand over the old stone wall. The 9th Virginia belonged to Armistead's brigade, which was almost annihilated in this charge; yet many were not killed outright, but after suffering untold agony, gave up their lives for the cause they thought right. During this battle, a number of regiments were held in reserve and among this number was the 1st New Jersey. On the evening of July 3d, the news of the famous charge of Pickett's Division and the successful repulse was reported among the various Union regiments, and of course reached the 1st New Jersey. \THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 125 Colonel Tom Hall recalled the fact that Philip Perry had en-listed in the 9th Virginia, and he imagined he heard some one say that he was dying on the field. Before dawn he had mounted his faithful horse and galloped off in the direction of the "clump of trees." For some time he searched, but all in vain, and he was about to leave when he heard a terrible groan a short dis-tance beyond the wall on the Union side. It startled him and he drew up his horse, dismounted and stooped over the half-dead body of a Confederate officer. Imagine his surprise to find his old friend, Philip Perry! He gently bound up his wounds and raising him, placed him on his horse and rode slowly back to his regiment. Major Perry remained in a semi-conscious state for several days and when he came to, he found himself in Colonel Hall's tent and over him was stooping his dear sister, washing off the blood stains and dressing his wounds. As soon as Major Perry was strong enough to be moved, Colonel Hall had him exchanged for a Northern officer, who was confined in one of the Southern prisons. However, before Major Perry was taken to his home in Rich-mond, the old love between Mabel and Colonel Hall had over-come all difficulties between them and under a tree not far from where Major Perry had fallen, he witnessed a short ceremony, performed by the Chaplain of the 1st New Jersey, in which Colo-nel Hall received "A Hero's Reward," the long desired hand of Mabel in marriage. —W. G. L. '01. «**£> AN ART FAD. IN these days when fads in almost every line of trade and pro-fession are so prominent, one is not surprised to find that there is such a thing as a fad in art also. The particular one selected for the subject of this essay is that style so prominent at this time in the art. of painting—the poster. The poster occu-pies the same place in the art of painting as do dialect stories in literature or syncopated rhythm, i. e. the so-called "rag-time" in music. Not any of these is a recent creation but rather a recent craze. For instance, considered from a scientific standpoint, "rag-time" has been co-eval with the history of music. 126 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Beethoven and Mozart wrote it and even in the incomparable fugures of Bach we encounter it. And in literature, dialect did certainly not originate with James Whitcomb Riley. The possibilities of the colored poster were first made known to English and French artists when the great flaming advertise-ments of Barnum were first placed upon the exposed places of London and Paris. The influence of these American advertising posters became prominent and at once both England and France began to contribute colored products in poster art, which, while far more artistic than the pictures of Wild West performers, were not after all so widely different in outline, color and other quali-ties. Between that day when vivid and crude design was pre-dominant, and to-day when the artistic poster is so much in evi-dence, there is a considerable advance apparent. Simultaneous with the growth of the poster and practically very beneficial was the adoption of it by the up-to-date theatre for advertising purposes. And it lends itself admirably for this pur-pose. It has also been a favorite mode of advertising in the com-mercial world, but one sees less of its use in this manner now than formerly. In the literary advertising department, the poster still is very prominent and is the usual way of calling the attention of the public to the merits of some special edition of a publication. With the rise of the poster came collectors of posters ; in America alone, there are said to be over 6000 persons who devote themselves to this pursuit. Poster literature and expositions too have come into existence. Of the different nations and in point of art, France, as usual, leads. The "father of the modern poster," as he has been called, M. Cheret, however, says that he owes his first inspiration to the Barnum lithographs. America is greatly indebted to France in this line of art. One of the foremost poster artists who, before he studied in Paris, used to draw the gorgeous theatre lithographs, came back to America and completely transformed the coarse ex-aggerated travesties. For this reason Matt. Morgan stands high among the American poster artists. Of the English school, Aubrey Beardsley is probably the best known. He is said to be always "scholarly" and while "char-acteristic," yet he never loses sight of the fundamental principles of the art in his work. The purchase of a celebrated art-poster called "Bubbles" by the proprietors of a certain soap, seemed to THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 127 give a new impetus to the poster art in England, and many artists no longer hesitated to enter the ranks of poster painters. In Germany, the poster has not developed very rapidly or sat-isfactorily. German artists in every line of art work seem to ad-here strongly to allegorical symbols and types. This is evident in the tonal art as well as in painting. Probably the best known of the German school is Heine, who creates posters for several humorous periodicals. Austria seems to have paid little or no attention to the art; one can find no mention of Austrians who won a reputation for them-selves except in the line of music. All other arts seem to be con-sidered unworthy any attention. There is a poster art school in Belgium which has won a prominent position in this line of art. Though it requires a considerable amount of education on cer-tain lines to enable one to understand correctly any art—such a training, for instance as a good art-critic possesses—yet it is pos-sible for almost any one to appreciate, to some extent, at least, the art of poster painting. Tolstoi .says, "When I call up an emotion which I have ex-perienced, arid by signs, words, colors, sounds, transfer this emo-tion to another, that is art." Bearing this definition in mind and using it as a test, attention is called to a few examples of posters, each peculiarly distinctive in one manner or other. Probably one of the most striking and unique of the products of American artists was the poster announcing a special issue of the New York Sun. A woman with a trailing purple mantle walks through a green meadow, one hand uplifted with a warning ges-ture as if to command silence. The graceful though striking de-sign indicates a fertile imagination as the originator of it. That the creator—~L,. I. Rhead—is not only highly imaginative and fanciful but even verging upon the eccentric is evidenced by others of his productions, in one of which he has painted a woman with a cloak of dark green, outlined boldly against an orange back-ground. Among the posters published by Harpers Bros., was one en-titled "The Letter Box," which, though simple in ideas yet proved very effective. A little Cupid standing on tip-toe, drops a valentine in the slot of the corner letter-box. The entire pic-ture is not at all pretentious, but entirely characteristic and well adapted. ■pJMfiM 128 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Another poster published by the same firm in 1892 is worthy of noting because of the manner in which the lettering is incor-porated in the picture. "The Wooly Horse" representing Napoleon I. on horseback overlooking the battlefield,—with a fiery sky for background, was a very successful poster published by the Century Co. A famous American artist in this line is W. H. Bradley, whose work resem-bles somewhat that of Aubrey Beardsley. His posters seem to have a peculiar melancholy in their expression. Among the prominent advertisements of merchandise, that of Pears' Soap—a humorous sketch of a ragged tramp—is, with its forcible inscription, one of the most prominent. An original idea was brought out by an English artist in the use of the "Silhouette"—a black figure outlined in white stand-ing out against a black background. The manufacturers of a certain blueing, first used this style of poster for an advertise-ment. An advance in poster drawing was made after the several ex-positions of posters which have been held lately. One of these, held in Belgium in 1894, served to propagate extensively the new ideas of the French and the Belgian schools. How long this fad will last, is difficult to predict. It is highly probable, however, that the art will advance with such strides in some particular direction that the new development will com-pletely swallow up the present popular poster style,—a style, which has been characterized as a "phantasy most horrid and de-testable." —W. W. F. '00. RETRIEVED. JIM HAL,Iy, an inhabitant of the village of Alberton, had the reputation of being the most cowardly man to be found in ten counties. He was known to sleep at night with his room door double-barred and the windows tightly fastened, for fear of being killed in his bed by some wandering burglar. He believed in ghosts and witches ; and the small boys often took advantage of this superstitious fear and belief by placing a white sheet over a stick and when Jim came along, waving it wildly. Jim ran like THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 129 a deer for home and next day was made the butt of innumerable jokes. This fear of Jim's was to be accounted for only by the fact that from his birth his mother had shielded him from all dan-ger and taught him to look to her as his natural protector. So when he had come to manhood he had not learned to rely upon himself. He often tried to overcome his cowardice but could not do so when the critical moment came. Affairs were in this state up to the year 1862 when the report was circulated in Alberton that Jim Hall had disappeared from the village. No one had seen him go away, so all the villagers could do was to make suppositions as to his whereabouts. Some thought he had run away for fear of being drafted into the service. A large number of the able-bodied men of the village had already joined as volunteers and now it was reported that additional men were needed and that these would be taken by drafting through-out the whole North. Just the day before Jim Hall's disappear-ance the report was brought that the drafting of Alberton men would take place in four days. So there were some grounds for the common belief that Jim had run away to escape the war. One can easily imagine their surprise when the next day they heard that he had gone to the camp of the Army of the Potomac and had been enlisted as a private soldier. The people treated it as a great joke and many were the jests at poor Jim's expense about his long legs standing him in good stead when a time of great danger should come. However Jim had realty joined the army and was by a lucky chance placed in the same company with the other Alberton men who had gone out long before as volunteers. And as another piece of good fortune the man who was now captain of the com-pany— the former captain having been killed shortly before—had been the only man in the village of Alberton who had not jeered and laughed at his cowardice. This gentleman, a Mr. Leonard, had been a friend of both of Jim's parents and when Jim's father died had been appointed guardian to Jim. He now encouraged Jim to make a man of himself and was the instrument of Jim's doing so. Soon under their gallant leaders they were fighting the rebels with varying success about the swamps and morasses of the Chickahominy. In the battle of Chancellorsville, lost though dearly sold, our hero was in the thick of the fight. At the first mmmw 130 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. shock, however, he turned as if to flee, but at the word of his commander he turned and fought so bravely and so well that he was commended by his captain. Nearly two months later he found himself marching north-ward with his companions to try to check the invasion which the victorious Lee was making upon the North. On July 1st they found themselves on the peaceful fields of Gettysburg so soon to be turned into a veritable slaughter pen. In the first day's fight their regiment was stationed at Seminary Ridge with several other regiments to check the advance of the so far victorious rebels until further reinforcements should come up. Soon the overwhelming numbers of the Confederates forced the greater part to fall back and one lone battered and torn regi-ment was left to face the storm. It was too late to retreat now and almost useless to fight longer, but the blood of the Halls who had fought in the Revolution suddenly came coursing through the veins of Jim, and seizing the colors from the color bearer who had just been shot down Jim waved them aloft and shouted, "Come on boys, don't run, only cowards run." As he uttered the words a volley from the enemy, who had now almost sur-rounded the gallant man and his little band, laid poor Jim low and silenced forever the heart which had just learned that it still had brave blood to force through a manly body. Now indeed had Jim retrieved his name from the most disgraceful blot which can be put on any man's name. The rest of the command were captured and taken prisoners. Several years after they were ex-changed and when those Alberton men who had come safely through the war had returned home, they never tired of telling how nobly Jim Hall had proven that he no longer was the coward whom they had once despised. —V. FREY, '01. c®P June falls asleep upon her bier of flowers; In vain are dew drops sprinkled o'er her, In vain would fond winds fan her back to life Her hours are numbered on the floral dial. * * * June is dead, Dead, without dread or pain, her gayest "Wreaths twined with her own hands for her funeral. —Lucy Larcotn. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. EDITOR'S DESK. 131 THE '00 Spectrum is ample proof that the catalogue of special features has not been exhausted. As it is customary for the Junior class in publishing a Spectrum to make a special feature, '00 has chosen the "Literary Record of Gettysburg Alumni.'' This feature alone would make thepresent Spectrttm val-uable, as well as interesting. Few besides those who have worked upon such a feature can form any idea of the toil and care re-quired to carry it to a successful issue. Certainly it is but justice that the college paper, in the name of the students of Gettys-burg, congratulates the editor and assistant editor, by whom the "Literary Record" has been compiled and arranged, upon their useful, hard work. But not only may the individuals, on whom rested the responsibility for such a task, be congratulated; Gettys-burg may congratulate herself upon the present annual, which un-doubtedly will be regarded for years as a model of neat, original work. Articles by our alumni relating to Gettysburg, would be re-ceived eagerly by the MERCURY. Stories about college life as it was some years ago, the difference between Gettysbtirg of to-day and Gettysburg of the past, or almost any article of like kind, would find space in our pages. The MERCURY would be glad to print poems by the alumni, as well as prose. HYPNOTISM. HYPNOTISM, as best defined, is a nervous artificial sleep. The same thing was formerly called animal magnetism. Hypnotism applies to a definite nervous state and is brought about mostly in persons having a delicate nervous system. The first true inquirer into hypnotism was Dr. Baird. He saw some experiments performed by a professional maguetizer and at once decided that they were merely an arrangement to deceive the people, but after careful observation and study into the methods of producing a state of hypnotism, he decided that it was genuine. After careful study and experiment, he decided that there was no such a thing as a magnetic fluid flowing from the mind of the operator to that of the subject; but that the true cause of hypno- ■mmtnm 132 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. tism lay in the fact that the nerves of one of the senses become deadened by over exertion or constant concentration on a point, and on this account become powerless to act and the person goes into a deep sleep or lethargy. In this, his followers disagree with the other school, headed chiefly by I,afosataine. He asserted that hypnotism was produced by a fluid, known as the magnetic fluid, which passed from one person to another and by its attraction could cause a person of strong will to have complete control of a person of weaker will power, being able to compel him to do anything commanded. Baird was led to his theory by the fact that his subject, while under the influence of this power, was unable to open the eyes. He at once came to the conclusion that excessive fatigue was the only thing that could cause this strange phenomenon as he made no attempt at personal magnetism in producing the sleep. His experiment was performed in the following way. He asked his subject to sit and look steadily at the neck of a wine bottle and allow his mind to wander. The bottle was placed at such an elevation as to cause considerable fatigue to the eyes. After three minutes the subject's eyes were filled with tears, then his eyelids closed and a little later he was in a sound sleep. This experiment proved beyond doubt that a person can be hypnotized without the presence of a second person or operator; but can do it himself by an experiment made under similar circumstances as mentioned above. Baird pursued his discoveries and with the aid of numerous other experiments tried hard to have hypnotism recognized as a science. They were not successful, however, and to-day it is re-garded mostly as something for a show, or to interest the people, without much regard to its cause and the scientific qualities. The most familiar form of producing the state of hypnotism is the following : the operator directs the subject to have no par-ticular thought on his mind, but to let it wander, and gaze steadily into his eyes. After that he generally makes a few passes with the hands, gently rubbing the eyelids, etc., until his subject is in a sound sleep. In explanation of this method I would say that the gazing into the eyes of the operator for some time, is exactly the same as looking at a brilliant object, both have the same effect of fatiguing the nerves of the eye and producing sleep. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 133 This is strikingly illustrated in an experiment with a frog. If a frog is taken in the hand, having the thumb resting on the stomach, and the back gently rubbed ; the animal will go to sleep at once and can be stretched into all sorts of shapes. Another way, as has been stated before, is that of looking steadily at some object. It has also been discovered that the other senses have the same power as that of sight. Thus if you produce monotony in music sleep is produced. Sharp suspense or fright has the same effect of transfixing some people and this has been decided by students of the science ( as it is called by the disciples of hypnotism) to be hypnotism. After careful study it has been proven that the senses of taste and of smell have the same strange effect. As regards the uses of hypnotism little of importance can be said. It is used mostly by professional showmen who call up subjects from their audience or may have them with them. They compel them to do anything they command. One of the common-est ways and also the best to show the entire oblivion of the subject, is the experiment with the letter. The subject is handed a letter and told it is an orange, he immediately eats it with great relish, then if told it is sour at once spits it out with an expres-sion of disgust on his face, showing the subject believes every-thing the operator tells him and is entirely at his command. This, however, was never intended for the chief use of hypno-tism. The experimenters tried to use it in surgery, etc., but it has been found that while some people are easily influenced others give much trouble, so that it would be impracticable to use it in a case of amputation when ether or chloroform serves the same purpose more quickly and better. It has been settled, however, that strong habits can be changed. Persons who have been accus-tomed to strong habits all their lives have been entirely changed and new habits formed. Thus, while very little has been definitely decided about this strange phenomenon, there is every indication that some day in the near future, it will be taken up by experimenters and philoso-phers, thoroughly sifted, and then be proven to be of great value in many respects. It is now in its infancy. —C. J. D. '00. wmm 134 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. "THE INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIANITY ON ROMAN JURISPRUDENCE." CHRISTIANITY and civilization in its highest degree of ex-cellence are synonomous, hand in hand like two insepara-bles we find them enthroned upon a majestic seat, ruling, guiding, influencing, and may we say carving the destiny of every great nation. If a country is civilized and christianized we need no other proof to be convinced of her pre-eminence and suprem-acy. A glance will show us also that such countries have the most admirable and thoroughly developed codes of jurisprudence. The influences, whose marks upon "Roman Law" are par-ticularly indelible and prominent, may be divided into three classes: conventional morality and usage, natural reason and justice, and Christianity. These fundamental principles in turn clearly mark off three distinct epochs in the development of Ro-man Law. According to the law of the first nearly all power was vested in the individual and that individual was the "Pater familias." The idea of a State right has scarcely begun to dawn upon the Roman mind. At the beginning of the second epoch, Rome is no longer a col-lection of separate communities : Italy, Greece, Spain, Africa, in short the whole world is in her power. Law based on such a no-tion as practically unlimited power of the pater cannot regulate such an empire. No longer is Rome divided into families, tribes and clans, each separate and distinct, but everything concentrates upon and emanates from one person—the Emperor. Something broader, something more general is demanded and, in response, came the principles of the stoic philosophy. Roman Law can-not stand still while the State is enlarging; it too must broaden, and natural equity, justice and reason furnish the soil for its spreading roots. But one link yet is necessary, one step yet is lacking ere the ultimate degree ofperfection is reached. For Christianity it remains to weld the chain and fill the gap which is to make "Roman Law" such a body of principles as to be applicable at all times and among all nations. In such principles as—"honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cinque tribuere," the dawn of Christian-ity can already be seen, only time is needed until its genial rays shall burst forth with increasing intensity. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 135 Christianity had been now the established religion of the Ro-man Empire for more than two centuries; and the influence of its principles was making an untold effect upon the spirit, if not so much upon the letter, of Roman law. The complete moral, social, and political revolution, through Christianity, created a necessity for new laws adapted to the present order of things. Under it a new order of men of a peculiar character, with special privileges has grown up; churches and monasteries had been formed; certain offenses in the penal code were now looked on with a milder or more severe aspect, and vices, which formerly had been tolerated, became crimes against the new social order. It might be shown that Christianity as a system of doctrine, is peculiarity adapted to meet the secular as well as the spiritual wants of men and would naturally work its way into their codes of jurisprudence. But a direct proof is unnecessary, for after hav-ing shown its influence upon the various elements in "Roman L,aw," we can reason backward and reach the same conclusion. Roman Law may be conveniently divided into three classes:— that of Persons, Property and Crime. From time immemorial, slavery had been customary among all nations. Aristotle reasoned "that nature intended barbarians to be slaves, and among the natural and honorable means of ac-quiring wealth, he classes, making war in order to reduce to slavery such of mankind as are intended by nature for it." As an institution of custom, then, slavery received its sanction at Rome. Christianity had exalted a slave to spiritual equality and this religious elevation could not be without influence on their tem-poral and social position. They were no longer to be regarded as brute beasts and inanimate things, nor could they be destroyed by their masters with as much impunity as his other property. Our respect must here be paid the heathen sovereign, Antoniuns, who declared that the master who killed his slave without cause, was liable to the same penalty as if he had killed the slave of another. Justinian writes, "In these times, and under our Em-pire, no one must be permitted to exercise unlawful cruelty against a slave.'' Prohibition of marriage to slaves had been a deep-rooted prejudice for centuries, yet this too melted before the rays of its benign influence. The stricter forms of manumission—the vin-dicta freeing by census or testament were relieved by easier and ■VAMHtfi 136 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. more liberal ones,—for example, per epistolam, inter amicos, in ecclesiis; and whatever of legal impediments yet existed were re-moved by Justinian. Along with this the distinctions formerly made between freedmen, whereby a slave owing to certain kinds of misconduct, when manumitted, could not receive full citizen-ship, were likewise abolished so that after Justinian all libertine were cives Romani. The ancient laws regarding marriage and the legal status of women each crystallized itself in conformity with the new order of things. Marriage was no longer a civil contract but a religious sacrament and the penalties fixed upon celibacy and childlessness were removed. Divorce had been one of the greatest plagues at work in dis-solving the unity of the Roman family. Since the establishment of the XII tables, in 450 B. C, it had been legally recognized. Seneca says of Naecauss, probably satirically, that he changed his wives as he changed his dress. And it is the same writer who says '' that the noble women of Rome calculated the year not by the consuls, but by their husbands." Juvenal, in the bitterness of his satire, could not find words adequate to express his intense indignation of this evil. It is said that the sixth century of Roman greatness had begun ere the evils of a primitive conception that the wife was the property of her husband and might be dismissed at his pleasure were revealed and public feeling shocked by the re-pudiation of a virtuous but barren wife by Spurius Carvilius Ruga. Had Christianity performed no greater good for human society than the removal of this corruption, its influence would not have been in vain or useless. The rights of women over their property were made sub-stantially equal to men's as was the right of guardianship over their children. Parental power, though in theory absolute, had long fallen into disuse and was almost a theoretical nothing long before the ad-vent of Christianity, but whatever of severity yet remained was abolished. Constantine openly declared that the father, who killed his son, should be held for murder, nor was the father allowed to ex-pose his children or sell them into slavery, except in the rarest cases. The proprietary rights of the son, too, were extended from the peculium castreuse to the peculmm quasi castreuse and still later to the peculium adventitium. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 137 Milman says '' Christianity made no change in the tenure or succession to property.'' '' Seeking inheritances by undue means was prohibited and restrained by law as an ecclesiastical evil." Church property was regarded sacred and inviolate and as Milman says was "the sole proprietor, whom forfeiture or confis-cation could never reach; whose title was never antiquated and before whose hallowed boundaries violence stood rebuked." Gifts to temples could now be sold or pledged for the redemp-tion of captives, a purpose which the old Roman law would have disdained to contemplate. In the penal laws of the Roman empire, the influence of Chris-tianity was but moderately exerted. The abolition of the distinc-tions drawn between freedmen and slaves have already been re-ferred to. Crucifixion as a means of punishment was removed by Constantine, rather as an act of religious reverence than of humanity. But in the suppression of gaming and the prohibition of women being forced on the stage, traces of its influence can be seen. As is natural from the subject material under discussion, the law respecting persons has undergone the greatest change. But all these changes, whether in the penal code or in the law of proprietary rights and obligations, were but a means, which made the Roman system adapted to the regulation of all peoples and at all times. When we see that the very barbarians who conquered Rome were in turn conquered by her system of jurisprudence, we are not a little filled with surprise; but when we find it not only influenc-ing and forming the basis of, but being incorporated in the legal codes of almost all nations, we come in contact with an effect that requires an adequate and efficient cause. After paying all due re-spect to that peculiar, innate faculty of administration in the Ro-man mind, without detracting one iota from the excellent opinions of the juristconsuls or limiting in the slightest degeee the wonder-ful influence of stoicism, as a system of philosophy, we are com-pelled to admit that none of these were individually or collectively efficient to produce such an effect. To Christianity must be as-cribed the credit of basing Roman law upon principles, so univer-sal and so humane, as to be applicable not only among the Roman state but among all nations of all times. If this statement seems rather large in its exposition and sweeping in its results, a few illustrations may be necessary to establish its validity. r \UIUW 138 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Can a law, which considers certain classes of men as mere brutes or inanimate things be reconciled to our conception that by nature all men are horn equal ? Or who can reconcile the idea that a woman is but the property of her husband, capable of being dismissed at his bidding, with our conception of human society ? What place could the principle of "patri potesias have in the legal status of a nation, all the citizens of which have equal rights be-fore its laws—yet in the wisdom of the juristconsuls and in the records they have left us, these principles and many others similar to them are found embodied. Stoic philosophy left to Roman law the principles of equity and humanity, but the basis of natural law upon which they rested and by which they were judged and applied, was subjected to a complete change ere they were capable of incorporation into modern jurisprudence. Christianity recognized these same principles of equity and humanity, but substituted truth instead of natural law as their criterion. Based on this principle and judged by this standard the conceptions of equity and humanity lose their limi-tations and assert themselves with the force of universality. It is only under these conditions that we find Roman law incorpo-rated in the laws of every great nation, and only in Christianity do we find a cause adequate to such an effect. Among legal historians there is a vast diversity of opinions with regard to the influence of Christianity upon Roman legisla-tion. This variance, Morey rightly attributes to their failure to distinguish Christianity as an ethical system from the church as a corporate institution.'' It must be remembered that the church, like all institutions, even though divine in their origin, is never-theless subject to the frailties of humanity by which it is regu-lated and too often fails to cancel the limitations between the ideal and the real. The family and the matrimonial ceremony are regarded as divine in their origin and sanction, but do they ever conform to the high standard by which they should be regulated? Perfection is an attribute not of this world, and if the church as a corporate institution has failed to attain the high plane established by the principles it recognizes and enunciates we can condemn the prin-ciples with no more justice than we can reason that a college edu-cation is of no advantage because some particular individual, who has taken a college course, has made a miserable failure in life. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 139 However intolerant the church may have been against pagans, jews, and heretics, the principles of Christianity as an ethical sys-tem remain unsullied and untainted, notwithstanding the injus-tice of their application. Morey has admirably summarized the whole matter: "In spite of the fact that the church in some cases set its face against civil equity, and the fact that Roman law had already received a liberal temper from the influence of Greek philosophy, it cannot be doubted that the progress of the law, in general, kept pace with the unfolding of ethical ideas in the Roman mind; and that so far as Christianity furnished a system of ethics more just, liberal and humane than that of stoicism, it brought to bear upon the Roman law a moral power superior to that which had previously been exerted upon it through the writings of the philosophical jurists." Who then can doubt that in Christianity, Roman law reaches the summit of its greatness and the beginning of its uni-versal application ! —W. E. B. '99. M THE CONFLICT OF THE AGES. AN is a progressive being. Contentment is foreign to his very nature. He is continuously looking to something beyond, to a condition higher and better. As his intellect broadens and quickens, he invariably becomes desirous of greater freedom. This love of liberty is connate with his physical and mental constitution. But there is also another desire deeply implanted within his breast, a desire which is destructive of the liberty of others. It is the love of power, the inherent desire of man to rule over his fellow:man, an ambition, the natural outcome of which is despot-ism. These two desires tend toward opposite directions. Between them is an irrepressible conflict. This conflict is as old as society and as persistent as humanity. From the earliest times its vary-ing phases have determined the condition of the race. The history of civilization is largely the story of this conflict, the story of human liberty struggling against human despotism. The outcome of this struggle has varied in different countries. ; 140 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. As a result their states of society have been vastly different. Just in proportion as liberty has triumphed over despotism so civiliza-tion has advanced beyond barbarism. Among the nations of an-tiquity despotism prevailed everywhere. As a consequence their civilization never advanced beyond a certain point. They were marked in every case either by iunobility or by slight advances and retrogressions. In the countries of Northern Europe arose a people whose chief characteristic was their love of freedom. Here liberty found a soil peculiarly fitted for her growth and develop-ment. What has been the result? Have these people an}' ele-ments of civilization not enjoyed by the nations of antiquity? Read the story of their steady progress through the Middle Ages. L,ook upon the unequalled state of civilization among them to-day and question not the advantages of liberty over despotism. Con-trast the despotic nature of ancient Assyria with the liberal char-acter of modern England and wonder not that the latter stands to-day the first empire of the world, while the former exists only upon the pages of history. During the dark ages humanity struggled against the most terrible despotism man had ever known,—the despotism of igno-rance and superstition. The human mind neglected, uncultivated and depressed sank into the deepest ignorance. So prolonged and intense was the gloom enveloping Europe that her people seemed incapable of advancement, society seemed destined to end-less barbarism. Gradually, however, knowledge became more diffused, inventions and discoveries awakened the human intellect from its long sleep, and man began to learn the truth about him-self and the world. This truth has made him free. Freedom of intellect naturally led to a desire for religious freedom. Ecclesiastical tyranny was incompatible with intellect-ual liberty. Enlightened minds refused to submit any longer to the authority of the Pope. Contentment gave place to unrest, un-rest to action, and action to liberty. The Reformation was more than a contest between Protestant-ism and Catholicism. It was an insurrection of the human mind against pure ecclesiastical monarchy. Do you wonder that the movement was crowned with the most glowing success ? Papal authority in Northern Europe was destroyed forever. This religi-ous liberty will eventually spread over the entire world. The religions of the world are becoming more and more imbued with THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 141 the sentiment of liberality. Sectarian differences are gradually disappearing before the growing light of intelligence. Creed and dogma will be re-adjusted more and more under the light of ad-vancing truth. Formal religion is being supplanted by true Christianity—that "divine keystone in the arch of universal his-tory." With an ever increasing radiance the light of Christianity is slowly but surely penetrating the darkness of heathenism, and hastening the approach of the time when the people of all the earth, regardless of race, sect or nationality, shall bow in worship before the one true God. Turning from the religious to the political world, we behold a revolution no less wonderful, a mighty struggle between despotic and liberal principles of government. This struggle shook Europe from Scandanavia to Italy, and snatched a new world from the threatened grasp of tyranny; a revolution of which the Reign of Terror was but an incident. The ideas engendered by the Reformation inaugurated a mighty epoch of political regeneration. The great sovereigns of Europe, one after another, have been deprived of their prerogatives until to-day the last one sits trembling upou a tottering throne that threatens to fall at any instant. The day is not far distant when even the "Autocrat of all the Russias" shall see his sceptre depart into the hands of his subjects. Thus we have seen during the last three epochs three great stages of the onward march of civilization; three mighty victories for the cause of struggling humanity; victories which include in-tellectual, religious and political freedom. To-day the world has entered upon another epoch; an epoch which brings with it questions far more complicated than those of the past, and far more momentous than those that have convulsed Europe with centuries of revolution. The great struggles of the past have been, in the main, suc-cessful, and the echoes of the mighty battles for civil and religious freedom are growing fainter and fainter. But the cause of freedom is not yet won. The hosts of oppression have been driven from the fields of church and state only to return with renewed vigor to attack freedom in the field of industry. The scene of conflict has extended from the old world to the new. Society has entered upon an industrial age. Modern civilization is marked by ma-terial progress unprecedented in the history of mankind. Great 142 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. inventions have revolutionized travel, commerce and manufacture. Ocean steamers, railroads and telegraphs have practically annihi-lated time and space. By constant and easy intercourse with the world, man's views have been enlarged, his energies stimulated, and his rate of progress quickened. Yet with all this unparalleled progress in the industrial power of society, there has come no proportionate improvement in the condition of the masses. While the great industrial development of the present age has brought many blessings for mankind, the tyranny of selfish men has monopolized these blessings for the few. Capital gets the lion's share of the world's wealth, while Labor is reduced to a condition of servitude. A few monopolists amass colossal fortunes and revel in Croe-cian luxury, while thousands of wage earners, becoming more and more pauperized, sink into intellectual and moral degradation. Millions are wasted in feasting while gaunt starvation stalks the streets. Society has become a vast machine which turns out at one end milliouaries, and at the other tramps, paupers and anarch-ists. The enormous inequalities of existing conditions are creating a discontent in the minds of the laboring classes; a discontent that foreshadows an impending revolution. Profound discontent preceded the great religious upheaval in the sixteenth century. Great unrest ushered in the awful convul-sions of the French revolution. With the reappearance of the same conditions to-day, revolution is as inevitable as the laws of the universe. Human nature will not tolerate abuse forever. Labor will not always submit to the tyranny of capital. Even now the cohorts of freedom are gathering for a mighty effort. There is every indication that we are on the eve of a momen-tous struggle. The discontent of the masses is '' no longer the fretting of the waves;" it is "the roar of the rushing tide." It is to be a contest for the supremacy of wealth on the one hand or the freedom of opportunity on the other ;—a conflict that will decide whether the combined money power of the world is to per-petuate its tyranny of greed and avarice, or whether the toiling millions are at last to enjoy unmolested the products of their own labor. History teaches that there can be but one outcome to this struggle. Despotism again will fall. The indomitable forces of THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. freedom will win another victory. Economic despotism is simply fighting the same hopeless battle that was fought and lost by spiritual and political despotism in the ages that have passed. Civilization will never rest until this great barrier is removed. There are only two ways in which this can be accomplished; by the peaceful methods of education and religion, or through the instrumentalities of war. Should the latter method prevail, and should the masses be led by designing demagogues, or by reason-ing anarchists inspired only by a sense of injustice, and revenge, the innocent will perish with the guilty in the most dreadful social catastrophe that has ever darkened the pages of history. Do the conditions indicate that such will be the result ? Are we to sup-pose that the increased intelligence and morality of the present age will permit such a solution of our great sociological problem ? Have we read history in vain or profited nothing by the great lessons of the past, that we must see re-enacted on the stage of modem history the bloody scenes of the sixteenth century? Is the nineteenth century civilization so little advanced that it is about to behold a social convulsion compared with which the aw-ful horrors of the French Revolution shall sink into insignificance ? A million Christian hearts answer, "No." A million earnest workers for the triumph of right over might, filled with the belief that the signs of the times point upward, and inspired with the hope that social and economic freedom shall come as the product of better hearts and better souls, respond with a mighty " NO." The wrongs of our present industrial system shall not be righted among scenes of violence and confusion. The ceaseless unrest of the multitudes, that are to mould the destinies of the future, is the sign of an advancing civilization. It means that they are acquiring more brain force, more manhood, the raw ma-terials out of which God will shape a better future for humanity The dawn of a better day is breaking the deep clouds of sin. The heart of the world is beating more truly than ever before. Men are beginning to realize that the prosperity of society depends upon the well-being of the whole people. They are coming to see that a divine fatherhood implies an universal brotherhood. The world is moving onward toward the realization of the ideal life of human happiness; a life where manhood shall count for more than gold, where character shall outweigh the dollar ; a life free from selfishness and tyranny, abounding injustice, liberty and equality. i44 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. In this life shall the Conflict of the Ages cease and man find his highest place as he ministers to the good of all. "Then the common sense of most Shall hold a fretful realm in awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber, Lapt in universal law. And the war drum throb no longer, And the battle flags be furled In the parliament of man, The Federation of the world." —W. R. E., '99. THE PHILOMATHAEAN SOCIETY. BY PROF. L. H. CROIX. [From the Pennsylvania College Book, 1832.] MORE than a year before the charter of Pennsylvania Col-lege was granted by the legislature of the State, the Philomathaean Society had its organization, in the "Gettysburg Gymnasium," on the corner of Washington and High streets, Gettysburg, Pa. The students of the institution assembled in the west room of the second story, on the 4th of February, A. D., 1831, to form literary societies whose generous rivalry would stimulate the members to mutual, intellectual and moral improvement. It was agreed to divide the whole number of students into two equal parts, in the order in which their names stood enrolled, each division then withdrew to the "East Room," second story, becoming the founders of the Philomathaean So-ciety, with Prof. M. Jacobs as chairman. With the permission of the Professor of Theology, the meeting continued to be held in the rooms devoted to theological instruction, the corner-stone of the Theological Seminary not being laid until the following- May. A Constitution and a name were adopted, but the latter was not at first settled in its orthography, for the different secretaries give "Philomathian," "Philomathean," "Philomatheon" as the name before the present Philomathaean became confirmed. The signification of the names, "lovers of learning," implies the object of the organization, "to create and cherish a taste for learning, and to promote sentiments of mutual regard and friend- THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 145 ship;" or, as afterwards modified, "to cultivate and diffuse among its members liberal principles, and to promote the great objects of social, moral, and intellectual improvements." The constitution provides for the election of all officers, for the admission and the dismissal of members, for fines and penalties, for meetings and work, for the formation and use of a library; and it emphasizes the requirement of each member to hold inviolate his duty to preserve a proper secrecy of the affairs of the society. One of the first peculiarities was the appointment of a "Room-keeper," taken in alphabetical order, to make all the arrangements necessary for holding the next meeting. He seems to have been keeper of the door, introducing any new or honorary member, but, in connection with his more dignified work, he was also "hewer of wood and drawer of water,'' polisher of lamps and factotum in general. This office was abandoned in the new college building, when a janitor become necessary on account of the increased work in hall, library and reading-rooms, and when the funds of the society allowed a consideration for services required. The meetings were first held on Friday evening, and as lamps were a necessity, with the order for their purchase was joined that of a "jug," or "bottle" for the use of the society. Now this bot-tle is evidently not the decanter held in bad repute, nor is the jug the famous "little brown jug," celebrated by the students in their later years in their rollicking glee; for the society was strongly in favor of total abstinence, as the votes on all temperance debates proved. As an illustration of the small beginnings of a society, there is an account of the purchase of a "suitable desk, or covert, for the use of the Secretary, library, lamps, etc." Some later Secretary has changed the v of covert to b, making it "cobert," having doubtless in mind the old family cupboard at home. From the day when a single desk or closet would accommodate not only the library, but the articles of the Secretary and the Janitor be-sides, to the present, when even the present library room has be-come too cramped to display all the volumes to advantage, an earnest of what may be expected in another half century is exhib-ited. Another illustration of small beginnings was the original initiation fee of fifty cents, which rose to two dollars and a half when the college obtained its charter, and not long afterwards to five dollars, at which figure it has since remained. 146 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. The first original declamation, by one of the still surviving founders (1882), by permission of the society, was in the German language. From the first the debate took high rank, and seemed to claim the highest interest of the members. The subjects chosen often bore directly upon their personal relations, and the first was upon their call or right to existence as a society. Then the ques-tion of social visiting, the granting of diplomas for partial or special courses of study, and other like topics, were discussed, as well as the questions of public interest in their day. The first anniversary celebration was held February 17, 1832, and the speeches were made by two of the founders. At first these exercises were held in the Gymnasium building, and invita-tions were sent to such persons as were supposed to appreciate literary entertainment. It may seem somewhat primitive at the present day to learn that '' a few verses '' were sung between the speeches, instead of the classical instrumental music furnished at later entertainments. Another novelty was the '' privilege given to those present of making any remarks to the society that might be thought proper. Afterward the exercises were held in the German church, until 1835, when they were transferred to the Presbyterian church, in consequence of obligations being made to the introduction of in-strumental music into the church. After 1836 the public exer-cises were held in Christ (college) church, then completed. In connection with the spring examinations, by request of the Professors, each society appointed an essayist, an orator, and a debater as performers at the closing exercises of the session. The exercises were to be original, and each society was to "chal-lenge" the other alternately to select the subject of debate. Thus originated the annual "contests," which grew in interest from year to year until 1849, when a dispute with the church officers brought all public exercises ofthe societies to a close forseveral years. The customary fees for the sexton and other incidents were asked for in advance, by a regulation of the church officers, in conse-quence of the difficulty of collecting them after the interest of the occasion had passed and the officers of the societies had been changed. This action being misapprehended as a charge for the use of the church, which was free to exercise under the direction of the faculty, or as a reflection upon the integrity of the socie-ties was resisted. Not satisfied with the explanation that the THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 147 sum assessed merely covered the expenses incident to the opening of the church, the societies memorialized the Board of Trustees on the question, who replied that the demand was not unreason-able; and thus ended the dispute and the contests at the same time. At the time of the earlier anniversaries, an honorary member was elected to deliver an address. From 1836 to 1853 an address was delivered each year before the societies jointly. From this time there have been annual and biennial addresses, the societies usually alternating in the choice. As a matter of history, between 1852 and 1855, with an organ-ization or union of the different literary societies of various col-leges, bearing the prae-nomen of Philo, and known as the "Philo Union," must not be omitted. It originated at Shelby College, Kentucky, and enrolled Philo Societies of more than a score of colleges, extending from New England to the West. Member-ship in any one of these societies secured admission to all the others, and a general plan of simultaneous anniversaries was pro-posed. The fraternal relations of the brotherhood were to be cul-tivated and the general interest to be promoted by a periodical es-tablished at some central institution; but the difficulties of practi-cal co-operation and the excessive labor of correspondence made the union of short duration, and a second generation of students scarcely learned of its existence. MONOTONY OF LIFE. THAT one could complain of the monotony of life, living in an age and in a nation like ours, certainly seems strange to a wide-awake person with an active mind. One certainly cannot get such an idea from nature in her ever changing forms, if one observes her. She assumes in turn every color known to us, the tender green of spring, the bounteous variety of blossoms and flowers, the splendor of the autumn foliage, the white mantles of snow and the brilliant sunsets. Instead of monotony to the observer it seems all unrest and change with hardly any continua-tion in the same line or place. There is variety in the life all around us, from the tiniest insect up to man ; there is continual change in the life of even the humblest individual. Great changes mmim 148 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. occur in all nations. Thought on different subjects changes, pub-lic opinion changes and is a mighty power worthy of a care-ful consideration. In fact everything changes with the pro-gress of civilization. Truly it is only the inactive mind and un-observant eye and the sluggish spirit that can for a moment imag-ine life to be monotonous. If we look closely we will notice certain principles running through life's changes. We see a union between the old and the new. It is the same old earth, it matters not under how many changes. The same trees are white with blossoms in the spring, green with foliage in the summer and brown and bare in the autumn. So with ourselves, a change of occupation or of resi-dence, a change in our financial circumstances, a marriage, a death, a journey, each brings a new experience for our old selves and forms a fresh union between our past and our present condi-tion. These things may bring happiness or sorrow for the time being, but they all have the power of enriching, enlarging and improving our characters and lives by making good additions to our stock of old experiences. Of course if we do not want it so, we can make it otherwise to a certain extent. We can be dull and inactive and cling to the old, see nothing in all the changing world about us, make no new friends, cling to old ideas, discuss no new methods, hold the same opinions and pride ourselves upon what we might call con-sistency, but which is really only thestubbornness of a mind which thinks that the world is becoming worse with new ideas, new methods and new experiences. We can plainly see that to lead a life like that is to cross our Maker's purpose, for his purpose was without doubt that we should grow into the full richness and value of manhood by cherishing our past experiences and learning well the lessons taught by them while we step forward into new and untried paths with vigor and hope. —R. Z. I., '00. 'Twas an evening of beauty ; the air was perfume, The earth was all greenness, the trees were all bloom And softly the delicate viol was heard, Like the murmur of love or the notes of a bird. —Whittier. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 149 ATHLETICS. BASEBALL, this year is not as successful in some senses as usual, but in others we can pride ourselves upon our team. In the beginning of the season they encountered six hard games in succession, five being away from home, and were greatly hindered by lack of sufficient practice. But in the later games they seem to have rounded well into form, and are playing pretty good ball. The greatest surprise of the year has been Roehner's pitching, he having developed wonderfully, and doing work which, with better support, would have won a number of the games which were lost. The season was opened 011 April 15th, with Franklin and Mar-shall on their grounds at Lancaster, and was won by Gettysburg by a score of 6 to 4. The game was very pretty, both sides play-ing good ball, except in one inning, when the F. and M. boys did their only scoring. The feature of the game was Lantz's home run over left field fence with two men on bases. The trip to the central part of the state was opened at Susque-hanna April 20th, when we were beaten 12 to 6, by a comedy of errors in the first three innings which netted the home team eight runs. After that the boys settled down and played well, but Sus-quehanna's lead was too great. On April 21st we beat Bucknell by a score of 12 to 7, through hard batting coupled with the best fielding of the season. The game throughout was highly interesting and exciting, being marked by a number of pretty plays. Roehner pitched a fine game, allowing Bucknell but six hits, to Gettysburg's eleven. State defeated us April 22d, by the score of 7 to 6 in a game that was very close and exciting, though marked by bad errors on both sides. Ketterman pitched a good game, receiving poor sup-port, while Farr was knocked out of the box, and Morgan sub-stituted. At Bloomsburg, March 24th, we were defeated by the Normal School by the score of 14 to 4. The Normal boys have a good team, but it is only right to say that they would not have beaten us so badly if it had not been for the umpire. The first home game was with Dickinson on April 27th, when we were beaten by a score of 15 to 6. The game was poorly played on both sides, but tight until the sixth inning, when it THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. was tied, after which our boys went to pieces, and Dickinson brought in nine more runs. We were beaten for the second time by Susquehanna Univer-sity on Nixon Field, May 5th, the score being 6 to 5. Our team did far better work in every way than the visitors, but their only two errors were costly, bringing in four runs, aud^poor judgment in base-running at a couple critical points lost a game by what can be termed nothing but hard luck. Games scheduled with the Indians and Dickinson at Carlisle were unavoidably canceled and prevented by rain respectively, and the next game was on Nixon Field with Franklin and Mar-shall, who were beaten in a very pretty game by the same score as in first game, 6-4. They were shut out until the eighth, and secured but four hits in all off Roehner. The Preps have manifested a good college spirit this year by getting up a team that is doing good work in its class. They were beaten by Dickinson Prep at Carlisle, 13-4, and returned the compliment on Nixon Field by the score of 13-9. They also played against '01's team, by whom they were beaten in a one-sided game by a score of 15-0. At the relay carnival at the University of Pennsylvania, April 29th, we were classed with Dickinson, Bucknell, Franklin and Marshall, and Ursinus, and came in fourth in one of the speediest races of the day. Dickinson won, having a clear lead, and Buck-nell, F. & M., and Gettysburg came in in the order named, bunched very close together, with Ursinus trailing some distance in the rear. Probably the most interesting and significant event in athletics of recent years was the dual meet with Dickinson held on Nixon Field, May 17. We were defeated, the score of points being 60 to 28, but can feel that the meet was a success as far as we are concerned, for it has given track athletics the impetus which it has needed so long. Dickinson won all the first places except the high hurdle, captured by Koller, '00, and the high jump a tie between Albers, '99, and Brown, of Dickinson. Our men showed however, that they could have done far better work with proper training, and we believe that they have caught the spirit now, and we can turn out a winning team next year. —W. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Flowery June, When brooks send up a cheerful tune, And groves a joyful sound. JX 151 —Bryant. And what is so rare as a day in June ? Then, if ever, come perfect days; Then heaven tries the earth if it be in time, And over it softly her warm ear lays. -Lowell. And so beside the silent sea I wait the muffled oar; No harm from Him can come to me On ocean or on shore. I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air ; I only know I cannot drift Beyond His love and care. — Whittier. The last bird I ever fired at was an eaglet on the shore of the Gulf of Ir\DT Successor to W. J7. VAJLAJKl, Simon J. Codori Dealer in Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal, Sausage. Special rates to Clubs. York St., GETTYSBURG. Davib Croxel, Dealer trt ^ine groceries anb ttottons «-x4}ork Street. .GO TO. CHAS. E. BARBEHENN, Barber, In the Eagle Hotel, Cor. Main and Washington Sts. YOHN BROS. Agents for the Keystone State, Waldo, Washburn, Groupner & Meyer. Highest Grade Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandollas and Mandocellos. Headquarters for Phonographs, G-raphophones and supplies. Trimmings of every description. All sheet music one-half off. Large discounts on Books and studies. 326 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. FAVOR THOSE WHO FAVOR US. Baseball v>tipptie& .Spaloing's league JSall, /Iftits, jflftaelie, Etc. Managers should send for samples and special rates. Every requisite for aennf0, ©olf, Grtcftet, Gracft ano fftelo, ©Ktnnastum Equipments anD ©utfite Complete Catalogue Spring and Summer Sports Free. The Name the Guar-antee." a. ©. SpalOing SL JBros. New York .". Philadelphia Chicago ROWE, .Your Grocer. Carries Full Line of Groceries, Canned Goods, Etc, Best Coal Oil and Brooms at most Reasonable Prices. OPPOSITE COLLEGE CAMPUS. S. /. CODORI, Jr. t* Druggists Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, J> Stationery, Blank Books, Amateur Pho-tographic Supplies, Etc., Etc. .Baltimore Street. R. H. Culp, PAPER HANGER, Second Square, York St. COLLEGE EMBLEMS. EMIL ZOTHE, ENGRAVER, DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 19 S. NINTH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. SPECIALTIES: Masonic Marks, Society Badges, College Buttons, Pins, Scarf Pins, Stick Pins and Athletic Prizes. All Goods ordered through C. H. Tilp. Gotrell & Leonard, 472-474 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. makers of CAPS, GOWNS and. HOODS To the leading- American Colleges. Illus-trated Manual, etc., upon application. Meneely Bell Co. TROY, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR BELLS The 2000 pound bell now ringing in the tower of Pennsylvania Col-lege was manufactured at this foundry. r . nmmwmmiiMMMmwimmmmmm PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. You can't expect to create the im-pression that you are well dressed unless your clothes are MADE FOR YOU. Equivocate as you may, the fact remains that ready-made garments lack that air of exclusiveness which custom work possesses. J. D. LIPPY, Merchant Tailor 39 Chambersburg St., Gettysburg, Pa. G. E. SPANGLER, ^ Dealer in Pianos, Organs, Music, Musical Instruments, Strings, Etc. YORK STREET, 1ST SQUARE. GETTYSBURG. L. D. Miller, Grocer, Confectioner and Fruiterer. Ice Cream and Oysters in Season . . . \0) lUaxn St., ©ettusburg. City Hotel, Main St. Gettysburg. Free 'Bus to and from all Trains Thirty seconds' walk from either depot Dinner with drive over field with four or more, $1.35 Rates $1.50 to $2.00 per day. John E. Hughes, Prop. WlLLlHSURE^OUR^ lfiiilnl'iil¥rii;TJH w&receipt ot SI0-0 A6AINST ILLNESS., PHYSICIANS'* PLUMBERS- ' BILLS.DUETO IMPURE AIR, ^ FROM CLOGGEDjJ^'HS flew York, Bosfo/i. P/>//dde//i/>/fr<}/7c/sco. lo/?