Maritime security in the region: SCS and ECS as key arenas for converging political interests
In: Asia-Pacific review, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 86-108
ISSN: 1343-9006
56223 Ergebnisse
In: Asia-Pacific review, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 86-108
ISSN: 1343-9006
World Affairs Online
In: Hérodote: revue de géographie et de géopolitique, Heft 162, S. 3-221
ISSN: 0338-487X
World Affairs Online
In: Defense & security analysis, Band 31, Heft 2, S. 123-136
ISSN: 1475-1798
World Affairs Online
In: Afrique contemporaine: la revue de l'Afrique et du développement, Heft 3/255, S. 13-120
ISSN: 0002-0478
Courtin, N.: Comprendre Boko Haram: introduction thématique. - S. 13-20
World Affairs Online
Исследование перспектив вхождения предприятий аграрного сектора Украины на рынок Европейского Союза является актуальным, поскольку очевидна необходимость дальнейшего развития и расширения присутствия отечественных производителей агропродовольственной продукции на мировых рынках. На современном этапе экономическая ситуация в агропромышленном комплексе (АПК) Украины осложнена рядом проблем, способствовать решению которых может только углубление его интеграции в систему мирохозяйственных связей. В статье рассмотрены факторы, препятствующие укреплению конкурентоспособности продукции АПК на внешних рынках, проанализированы преимущества, недостатки функционирования АПК в условиях интеграционных процессов, даны предложения по повышению уровня конкурентоспособности отечественной продукции АПК на европейском рынке. ; Research the prospects of Ukraine's agricultural sector enterprises on the European Union market is important, as is a clear need to further develop and expand the presence of domestic producers of agri-food products on world markets. At the current stage of the economic situation in agriculture (APC) Ukraine is complicated by a number of problems, which can help address only deepen its integration into the world economic relations. In the article the factors that hinder the strengthening of the competitiveness of agricultural products in foreign markets, analyzes advantages and disadvantages in terms of functioning of AIC European integration, provided suggestions for improving the competitiveness of agricultural products on the domestic European market.
In: German yearbook of international law: Jahrbuch für internationales Recht, Band 56, S. 11-32
ISSN: 0344-3094
World Affairs Online
In: Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society south of the Sahara, Band 10, S. 27-40
ISSN: 1871-2525
World Affairs Online
In: International organization, Band 67, Heft 1, S. 173-195
ISSN: 0020-8183
World Affairs Online
In: American journal of international law, Band 107, Heft 1, S. 95-163
ISSN: 0002-9300
World Affairs Online
In: International journal / Canadian International Council: Canada's journal of global policy analysis, Band 68, Heft 3, S. [417]-423
ISSN: 0020-7020
World Affairs Online
In: The nonproliferation review: program for nonproliferation studies, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 229-239
ISSN: 1073-6700
World Affairs Online
In France, in the peri-urban context, urban sprawl dynamics are particularly strong with huge population growth as well as a land crisis. The increase and spreading of built-up areas from the city centre towards the periphery takes place to the detriment of natural and agricultural spaces. The conversion of land with agricultural potential is all the more worrying as it is usually irreversible. The French Ministry of Agriculture therefore needs reliable and repeatable spatial-temporal methods to locate and quantify loss of land at both local and national scales. The main objective of this study was to design a repeatable method to monitor land conversion characterized by artificial sprawl: (i) We used an object-based image analysis to extract artificial areas from satellite images; (ii) We built an artificial patch that consists of aggregating all the peripheral areas that characterize artificial areas. The "artificialized" patch concept is an innovative extension of the urban patch concept, but differs in the nature of its components and in the continuity distance applied; (iii) The diachronic analysis of artificial patch maps enables characterization of artificial sprawl. The method was applied at the scale of four departments (similar to provinces) along the coast of Languedoc-Roussillon, in the South of France, based on two satellite datasets, one acquired in 1996-1997 (Indian Remote Sensing) and the other in 2009 (RapidEye). In the four departments, we measured an increase in artificial areas of from 113,000 ha in 1997 to 133,000 ha in 2009, i.e., an 18% increase in 12 years. The package comes in the form of a 1/15,000 valid cartography, usable at the scale of a commune (the smallest territorial division used for administrative purposes in France) that can be adapted to departmental and regional scales. The method is reproducible in homogenous spatial-temporal terms, so that it could be used periodically to assess changes in land conversion rates in France as a whole.
In: Historical Social Research, Supplement, Heft 24, S. 249-272
"After the peaceful revolution, politicians and scholars intensely debated the Labels which ought to characterize the East German brand of communism. Focusing on its totalitarian features, cold warriors called it an 'Unrechtsstaat' while former supporters of the SED preferred to speak about 'real existing socialism' as a failed experiment. In order to escape this polarization some scholars labeled the GDR a 'modern dictatorship', while yet others talked about an 'educational dictatorship' or a 'commodious dictatorship'. The conceptual challenge to which these efforts responded was the paradoxical character of the SED-regime that was clearly repressive, but also allowed many citizens a fairly normal life. Alluding to the party's emancipatory claims, but contrasting them to its repressive practice, the author therefore suggested the neologism of a 'welfare dictatorship'. The Right' s denounciation of it as too soft and Left's criticism as too harsh suggested that the new term might have hit upon a useful characterization." (author's abstract)
Au Maroc, le développement et la diffusion des innovations techniques dans les grands périmètres irrigués ont longtemps été conçus comme relevant nécessairement de politiques dirigistes, ce qui a masqué les initiatives locales des agriculteurs. Une analyse des réseaux locaux de dialogue et des pratiques de coordination des acteurs a été effectuée, dans le cas de l'introduction des agrumes par les agriculteurs d'une coopérative de la réforme agraire, dans le périmètre irrigué du Gharb. Ces réseaux et ces pratiques sont apparus comme moteurs d'une innovation autour de laquelle se cristallisent des enjeux à la fois techniques et sociaux, mais aussi de construction identitaire. La mise en évidence de ces dynamiques ouvre des pistes pour renouveler les méthodes d'appui aux agriculteurs et plus généralement aux communautés rurales.
In: Gender: Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 47-64
ISSN: 2196-4467
"Die Konstituierung von sozialen Räumen über die Aushandlung von globalen Entwicklungskonzepten- und -visionen steht im Zentrum dieses Beitrags. Es wird gezeigt, wie Frauenorganisationen und -bewegungen im Sudan, im Senegal und in Malaysia globale Entwicklungskonzepte, die in transnationalen Räumen vereinbart werden, zur Aushandlung von Geschlechterverhältnissen, Entwicklung und Islam lokalisieren. Im Vordergrund steht die Bedeutung von transnationalen Netzwerken, Medien und 'neuen' Formen der sozialen Interaktion und damit die Bedeutung des transnationalen Raumes als Wissensressource und als strategisches Instrument, um lokale Räume zu konstituieren und sozialen Wandel zu initiieren." (Autorenreferat)