Anglo-American development, the Euromarkets, and the deeper origins of neoliberal deregulation
In: Review of international studies: RIS, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 425-449
ISSN: 0260-2105
567522 Ergebnisse
In: Review of international studies: RIS, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 425-449
ISSN: 0260-2105
World Affairs Online
In: Osteuropa, Band 66, Heft 6-7, S. 67-81
ISSN: 0030-6428
Polens Volkswirtschaft ist zwei Jahrzehnte lang dynamisch gewachsen. Der Aufschluss zu den westeuropäischen Volkswirtschaften ist jedoch nicht gelungen. Daher macht sich in Polen die Vorstellung breit, das Land stecke in einer "Falle des mittleren Einkommens" (middle income trap). Die seit Oktober 2015 amtierende PiS-Regierung möchte dieser mit einem gerechteren Wirtschaftsmodell entkommen, in dem der Staat eine größere Rolle spielt. (Osteuropa (Berlin) / SWP)
World Affairs Online
In: Caucasus analytical digest: CAD, Heft 83, S. 6-11
ISSN: 1867-9323
World Affairs Online
In: Middle East review of international affairs / Journal, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 35-[59]
World Affairs Online
The Journal of East Asian Economic Integration is an economic journal, for the promotion of interdisciplinary research on international economics. Published as a quarterly by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, a Korean government-funded economic think-tank, the journal is global in perspective and covers both theory and empirical research. The Journal aims to facilitate greater understanding of all issues pertinent to integration of diverse economies of East Asia through publication of rigorous analyses by renowned experts in the field. The JEAI connects policy and theory, providing empirical analyses and practical policy suggestions for the economies in the region. Topics for articles in the JEAI include, but are not limited to: Trade and Investment, Economic Integration; International Finance; International Monetary Cooperation; Bilateral and Multilateral Economic Cooperation among East Asian Countries; and International Economic Cooperation for Korean Unification.
The East Asian Economic Review is an economic journal, for the promotion of interdisciplinary research on international economics. Published as a quarterly by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, a Korean government-funded economic think-tank, the journal is global in perspective and covers both theory and empirical research. The Journal aims to facilitate greater understanding of all issues pertinent to diverse economies of East Asia through publication of rigorous analyses by renowned experts in the field. The EAER connects policy and theory, providing empirical analyses and practical policy suggestions for the economies in the region. Topics for articles in the EAER include, but are not limited to: Trade and Investment, Economic Integration; International Finance; International Monetary Cooperation; Bilateral and Multilateral Economic Cooperation among East Asian Countries; and International Economic Cooperation for Korean Unification.
The paper begins with describing the main problem addressed, as well as methods and data used to shape arguments. Afterwards, the core analysis is divided into sections of non-tariff barriers for trade between Georgian and Armenia, and tariff barriers. In the NTBs section, we describe legal and institutional framework regulating trade relationship between two countries highlighting existing benefits and challenges in multi- and bilateral agreements, as well as tax and customs laws and regulations. In the TBs section, we provide descriptive statistics to show the pattern of trade between Georgia and Armenia before and after joining EEU. We discuss turnover and structure of trade. Then look at export divided in categories of net and re-export. Finally, we present conclusion and policy recommendations for addressing challenges created by the problem discussed in this paper.
The following report is a summary of presentations and discussions at the "Joint Training Programme on Economic Corridor Development for Competitive and Inclusive Asia", organised by the Centre for Multilateralism Studies at RSIS; the Asian Development Bank (ADB); the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI); and the Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP). The capacity-building programme provided an opportunity for officials from the Asian region to gain knowledge on how to develop an economic corridor within their respective countries and sub-regions, and how such an economic corridor could support development. The three-day programme comprised seminars and presentations by various experts including academics, policymakers and project consultants. The programme also provided opportunities for brainstorming and allowed the participants to apply and share their own experiences in developing economic corridors.
В настоящее время человечество, как никогда раньше, нуждается в энергоносителях, которые делят на невозобновляемые и возобновляемые. И с каждым днем потребность в энергоносителях только растет, вынуждая человека добывать, получать и перерабатывать энергию всеми возможными способами. Множество конфликтов в мире возникает именно по причине борьбы за ограниченные ресурсы и раздела сфер влияния между государствами за невозобновляемые ресурсы. К тому же для некоторых стран экспорт энергоносителей, в частности нефти это основа экономики и благосостояния. В статье представлены данные о теплотворной способности различных видов топлива. Проводится сравнение и объясняется, почему же именно нефть является на сегодняшний день номером один среди энергоносителей. Приведены две основные гипотезы о происхождении нефти и кратко описаны физические свойства нефти в зависимости от ее химического состава. Затронута тема зависимости стоимости нефти от глубины ее нахождения и метода добычи. Приведены данные о добычи нефти среди топ пятнадцати стран. Освещены некоторые факторы, влияющие на изменение цены нефти. Проведен анализ динамики изменения цен на нефть за 27 лет. Показана степень зависимости цен на нефть от политической и экономической обстановки в мире за период с 1973-2016 г. Рассмотрено, как влияют на рост или падение цен нефти революции и войны в нефтедобывающих странах, ограничения на продажу нефти (эмбарго), появление новых технологий добычи, кризис в экономике и объемы добычи. ; Currently, humanity needs energy, which is divided into non-renewable and renewable. The demand for energy is constantly growing. Many conflicts in the world arise because of competition for limited resources. For some countries, exports of energy is the basis of the economy. Presents data on the calorific value of different fuels. This article compares different types of energy. Are two main hypotheses about the origin of oil. Describes the physical properties of the oil. Affected by the dependence of the value of oil from the method of production. The data on oil production by country. Highlights some of the factors affecting the change in the price of oil. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in oil prices in 27 years. Shown based on oil prices from political and economic factors. The influence on the price of oil to various factors: war in oil-producing countries, restrictions on the sale of oil (an embargo), the emergence of new technologies of production, the crisis in the economy and production volumes.
In: Journal of Vocational Education & Training, Band 68, Heft 1, S. 1-16
Austria, Germany and Switzerland are renowned for their extensive systems of collective vocational skill formation, which, however, have developed largely in separation from higher education. This divide has become increasingly contested as a result of a variety of socioeconomic factors that have led to an increasing demand for higher level skills. Do the three countries deal with these challenges in similar ways? The comparative analysis is based on process tracing from the 1960s to 2013 and builds on historical institutionalism as well as several dozen expert interviews with key stakeholders. A key finding is that all three countries have developed hybrid forms of work-based academic education that combine elements of vocational training and higher education. However, in Austria and Switzerland, these hybrids have been integrated into the traditional model of collective governance, whereas the German case signifies a departure from this model.
Forderungen von Unternehmen. Zahlungsverzug und Insolvenz.
This paper provides some elements to explain the observed takeover in some urban areas of a new kind of elite associated with new economy jobs, also known as "bourgeois bohème" (bobos). This takeover has been associated with greater investment in urban amenities and "clean" means of transport, with adverse e¤ects on commuting time. The model allows us to explain those developments by productivity is growth in the new economy, and by the di¤erences in production processes between the new and old economies. The consequences of bobo takeover for house prices and employment of unskilled service workers are also discussed. A bunkerized equilibrium in which skilled workers in the old economy no longer reside in the city and have been replaced by service workers is studied. In such an equilibrium urban amenities are at their maximum and commuting .ows have been eliminated. For some parameter values, bobos are better-o¤ under bunkerization, in which case they may gain by favoring it with a "diversity" subsidy for unskilled workers to reside in the city.
Etudes & documents ; To cope with the rising price of drugs, in 2009 the Chinese government launched a large pharmaceutical reform. Its key element is the implementation of a National Essential Medicine List, leading to a reorientation of incentives for health services providers. Health facilities are not anymore allowed to make any profit on drug sales ("zero mark-up policy"), while this used to be their main source of financing. Different compensation schemes have been implemented by the authorities. In a context of refunding of the financing structure of health care facilities, it is crucial to understand how the reform has affected –or not- health care facilities activity and efficiency.This study relies on a survey data from a sample of 30 Township Hospitals of the rural prefecture of Weifang (Shandong province). Using a two-stage procedure, it aims at assessing the THs' technical efficiency scores and then at identifying the determinants of this efficiency. The first stage is realized with a non-parametric frontier approach, the so-called 'partial frontier' method, order-m to deal with the problem of dimensionality. The identification of the determinants of efficiency requires panel data models, with random individual effects. Results show that the average efficiency remains constant between 2006-09 and 2010-12, around 0.65. The most significant and robust factors of technical efficiency are the share of subsidies in the TH incomes for the first sub-period (negative effect), and the number of covered inhabitants per bed (positive effect). It suggests that drug reform hasn't improve primary health facilities efficiency, certainly because the reform did not tackle with success the issues of the financial barriers to universal access to healthcare -out-of-pocket payments from patients-, and of the perception of quality of public healthcare.
Numéro de revue coordonné par G. Debizet et O. Blanchard ; National audience ; Ce numéro spécial présente les résultats et la bibliographie de la première phase du projet de recherche Ecoquartier NEXUS Energie. Ce projet avait pour vocation de caractériser des liens entre les différentes dimensions de l'énergie aux échelles infra-urbaines et de proposer de nouveaux regards sur la gestion et le stockage de l'énergie en ville, notamment via les « mailles » les plus fines des réseaux d'énergie). Il explore les dimensions énergétiques des écoquartiers européens et français et dresse un panorama des acteurs et des systèmes techniques mobilisés.
Etudes & documents ; To cope with the rising price of drugs, in 2009 the Chinese government launched a large pharmaceutical reform. Its key element is the implementation of a National Essential Medicine List, leading to a reorientation of incentives for health services providers. Health facilities are not anymore allowed to make any profit on drug sales ("zero mark-up policy"), while this used to be their main source of financing. Different compensation schemes have been implemented by the authorities. In a context of refunding of the financing structure of health care facilities, it is crucial to understand how the reform has affected –or not- health care facilities activity and efficiency.This study relies on a survey data from a sample of 30 Township Hospitals of the rural prefecture of Weifang (Shandong province). Using a two-stage procedure, it aims at assessing the THs' technical efficiency scores and then at identifying the determinants of this efficiency. The first stage is realized with a non-parametric frontier approach, the so-called 'partial frontier' method, order-m to deal with the problem of dimensionality. The identification of the determinants of efficiency requires panel data models, with random individual effects. Results show that the average efficiency remains constant between 2006-09 and 2010-12, around 0.65. The most significant and robust factors of technical efficiency are the share of subsidies in the TH incomes for the first sub-period (negative effect), and the number of covered inhabitants per bed (positive effect). It suggests that drug reform hasn't improve primary health facilities efficiency, certainly because the reform did not tackle with success the issues of the financial barriers to universal access to healthcare -out-of-pocket payments from patients-, and of the perception of quality of public healthcare.