This wide-ranging volume collects together twelve of the author's longer essays, mainly drawn from those first published in the last two decades. Chiefly consisting of micro-studies of a variety of different aspects of early modern English history, the book concerns itself with social and economic change, the period of the English Revolution and its long-lasting impact, with Puritanism, with the family as a social institution, and with historical consciousness and different forms of historica...
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在中國現代文學中,文藝與政治之間有著密切而複雜的關係,此一問題在現代戲劇中尤其值得重視。過往戲劇研究長期位處邊緣,這與戲劇此一文類所獨具的綜合藝術特質不無關係,其橫跨文學、美術、音樂、表演等領域的跨藝術特徵,導致其複雜性實際上遠超純文學的範疇。另一方面,戲劇運動的集團性和政治性,亦導致論者對於中國現代戲劇發展較為簡單化的論述,戲劇史的書寫往往與時代話語緊密連繫。不論是純粹文藝化還是政治化的角度,皆很可能遮蔽了戲劇本身一體兩面的問題,導致研究單一化和簡單化。洪深 (1894-1955)、田漢 (1898-1968)和夏衍 (1900-1995)均是中國現代重要戲劇家,同時亦長期被定位為左翼文藝陣營中的重要成員。戲劇家和政治家的身分重疊,導致他們的研究情況往往與時代的意識形態掛鈎,而目前有關他們的研究更是受到冷落,與他們的文學成就並不相稱。本文以三位劇作家為研究對象,希望通過他們的不同面向,重新審視文藝與政治之間各種複雜關係的可能性。 ; 本文分為五章。第一章為導論,主要介紹本文的寫作理念、方法和背景。第二章以洪深為研究對象,重新探討他的現實主義戲劇創作和主張。洪深對改譯劇的主張和實踐,體現了他與晚清鴛鴦蝴蝶派文學和西方戲劇的深刻淵源,而他和蕭伯納之間的文學關係,反映了他對早期文明戲的戲劇改革和西方舞台的繼承,突顯了洪深如何在中西文化之間思索中國現代戲劇中的現實主義問題。第三章從西方唯美主義和先鋒文學運動的角度,重新探討田漢的創作和政治轉向。本章考察田漢對外國文學的譯介活動,當中包括英國唯美主義作家威廉.莫里斯、德國表現主義影劇、俄國和日本左翼劇場,反映了田漢戲劇運動的左翼國際主義特徵;然而田漢對日本作家佐藤春夫和谷崎潤一郎的翻譯,則體現了他對唯美主義的回歸。第四章以夏衍的戲劇創作為研究對象,重新探討夏衍的戲劇文學的獨特性。本章把夏衍此時期的劇作分為歷史劇和上海都市劇兩個角度作出分析,並將它們放在當時文學場域中與郭沫若的歷史劇、國防文學、現代派小說和左翼電影作一比較,並分析夏衍的現實主義與左翼現實主義的相異。第五章為結論,綜合前文各章的討論,重新思考三位劇作家的戲劇實踐,並重審中國現代戲劇中文藝與政治之間的複雜關係。 ; There is a complicated relationship between literature and politics in modern Chinese literature, especially in modern Chinese drama. As a result, the research of modern Chinese drama has long been placed at a marginal position. Drama is an integrated artistic form consisting of literature, art, music, and performance, and therefore presents a complexity that goes far beyond "pure literature". On the other hand, the history of modern Chinese drama is closely integrated with historical discourse as a result of the organizational and political characteristics of drama movements. This shows that either literary or political point of view may confine the interpretation of their inter-related complexity and interaction. Hong Shen (1894-1955), Tian Han (1898-1968) and Xia Yan (1900-1995) are three of the most important dramatists in modern Chinese literature, who were also regarded as representative members in the left-wing literary camp. Due to their dual identities as dramatist and politician, their images are often connected with historical and ideological discourses. This has also resulted in desolation in ...
Preliminary Material -- Translation, Adaptation, and Intertexuality in African Drama: Wole Soyinka, Zulu Sofola, Ola Rotimi /Omotayo Oloruntoba–Oju -- Open Boundaries: Encountering Nissim Ezekiel and A.K. Ramanujan /Joseph Swann -- 'Nordism': The Translation of 'Orientalism' into a Canadian Concept /Petra Rüdiger -- Translation of Romanian Culture in Kenneth Radu's Fiction /Monica Bottez -- "There are no jokes in paradise": Humour as a Politics of Representation in Recent Texts and Films from the British Migratory Contact Zone /Eva Knopp -- Postcolonial Literatures on a Global Market: Packaging the 'Mysterious East' for Western Consumption /Ursula Kluwick -- Transporting Ceylon: Robert Knox (1681) and the Temptations of Translation /Tobias Döring -- Transcribing Colonial Australia: Strategies of Translation in the Work of Rosa Campbell Praed and Daisy Bates /Joanna Collins -- Swarming With Ghosts and Tūrehus: Indigenous Language and Concepts in Contemporary Māori Writing /Michaela Moura–Koçoğlu -- Of Serpents and Swastikas: Transcultural Interrogations in Two Poems by Indian Women Writers of the Diaspora /Christine Vogt–William -- Scottish Territories and Canadian Identity: Regional Aspects in the Literature of Alistair MacLeod /Kirsten Sandrock -- "But who is that on the other side of you?": Translation, Materiality, and the Question of the Other in Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day /Agnese Fidecaro -- Deconstructing the Canadian Mosaic: Heaven by George F. Walker /Sabine Schlüter -- Functional Equivalence Revisited: Adequacy and Conflict in the Tok Pisin Bible Translation /Timo Lothmann -- The History and Future of Bilingual Education: Immersion Teaching in Germany and its Canadian Origins /Christine Möller -- Transperipheral Translations?: Native North American / Scottish Gaelic Connections /Silke Stroh -- Translation Shifts in African Women's Writing: The Example of Nigeria /Taiwo Oloruntoba–Oju -- Translation, Multilingualism, and Linguistic Hybridity: A Study of The Heart of Redness by Zakes Mda /Marie Chantale Mofin Noussi -- Notes on Contributors.
The Meccan prison of 'Abdallah b. al-Zubayr and the imprisonment of Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyya / Sean W. Anthony -- Fragments of three Umayyad official documents / Fred M. Donner -- Single isnads or riwayas quoted books in Ibn 'Asakir's tarjama of Tamim al-dari / Jens Scheiner -- Friendship in the service of governance: makarim al-akhlaq in Abbasid political culture / Paul l. Heck -- Prinzen, Prinzessinnen, Konkubinen und Eunuchen am fatimidischen Hof / Heinz Halm -- A new Latin-Arabic document from Norman Sicily (November 595 h/1198 -- Ce) / Nadia Jamil and Jeremy Johns -- Religion, law, and Islamic thought: The rhetorical Qur'an or orality as a theologumenon / Angelika Neuwirth -- The "shearing of forelocks" as a penitential rite / Marion Holmes Katz -- Authority in Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani's Kitab al-nawadir wa-l-ziyadat: 'Ala ma fi l-mudawwana min ghayriha min al-ummahat: the case of "the Chapter of judgments" (kitab al-aqdiya) / Mohammad Fadel -- A segment of the genealogy of sunni hadith criticism: the mysterious relationship between al-Khatib al-Baghdadi and al-Hakim al-Naysaburi / Jonathan Brown -- Al-hakim al-Naysaburi and the companions of the Prophet: an original Sunni voice in the Shi'i century / Scott C. Lucas -- Ibn Rushd and Thomas Aquinas on education / Sebastian Gunther -- Teaching the learned: Jalal al-Din al-Dawani's ijaza to mu'ayyadzada : 'Abd al-Rahman Efendi and the circulation of knowledge between Fars and the Ottoman empire at the turn of the sixteenth century / Judith Pfeiffer -- Scholars in networks: 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi and his travels / John O. Voll -- Rhetorics of revival: al-Ghazali and his modern heirs / Kenneth Garden -- Language, literature, and heritage -- Grammarians on the af'al al-muqaraba: steps in the sources towards a subdivision of operants / Ramzi Baalbaki -- Reflections on the lives and deaths of two Umayyad poets: Layla al-Akhyaliyya and Tawba b. al-Humayyir / Aram A. Shahin -- Literature and thought: re-reading al-Tawhidi's transcription of the debate between logic and grammar / Wen-chin Ouyang -- The play of genre: a maqama of "ease after hardship" from the eighth/fourteenth century and its literary context / Maurice A. Pomerantz -- What's in a Mamluk picture? the hall of portraiture at the cairo Citadel remembered / Guo -- In defense of the use of Qur'an in adab: Ibn Abi l-Lutf's raf' al-iltibas 'an munkir al-iqtibas / Bilal Orfali -- Modes of existence of the poetry in the Arabian Nights / Wolfhart Heinrichs -- Modern Arabic literature and Islam / Stefan Wild -- Abraham and the sacrificial son: transtextual strategies in Jose Saramago's the gospel according to Jesus Christ and Elias Khoury's As though she were sleeping / Maher Jarrar -- The ideological and epistemological: contemporary readings in Arabo-Islamic classical heritage (turath) / Ridwan al-Sayyid (translated by Eman Morsi)
Part I. Anti-Communist Politics -- The Aesthetic Unconscious -- Anti-Communist Politics and the Limits of Representation -- The Enemy, the Secret, and the Catastrophe -- Anti-Communist Aesthetic Ideology -- Part II. Anti-Communist Fiction -- One World : Nuclear Holocausts -- Two Worlds : Stolen Secrets -- Three Worlds : Global Enemies
A revised version of an article that appeared in German in Praxis (1983, 2, 4, Jan, 329-358). Neoconservatism in both the US & West Germany takes the form of a loose grouping of intellectuals with similar outlooks. In the US, neoconservatism is primarily a movement of sociologists with liberal or leftist pasts who became dissatisfied with this outlook in the 1960s & 1970s. The ideas of Daniel Bell (The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, New York, 1976) illustrate this approach. In West Germany, neoconservatism is primarily a philosophical movement that started out from the cultural criticism of modernity; the situation in the 1980s has allowed revival of concerns these theorists had considered dead, centering on a critique of intellectuals, an argument that cultural modernity has been exhausted, & a concern with preserving the sense of tradition. This German movement rejects the post-WWII influence of the US, reaching back to the rule of law, Lutheran state ecclesiasticism, & to rejection of modernity. W. H. Stoddard.
I begin by discussing views about the permissibility of lying by political leaders. Sections II and III address historically important lies and lies about history and the historical record. These two categories overlap - some lies about the historical record were historically important events. In section IV, I discuss the related notion of half-truths and give examples of misleading/deceptive half-truths about history. In the final section of this chapter, I briefly discuss the obligations of historians to give truthful accounts of historical events.
Liang, Yue. ; "November 2011." ; Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Abstracts in English and Chinese. ; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --- p.i ; INTRODUCTION --- p.1 ; Chapter Chapter One: --- "The Appearance of the ""Robust Beauty Girl"" in the late 1920s" --- p.9 ; "The Infatuation with the ""Western Beauty""" --- p.10 ; "The Western ""Robust Beauty Girl:"" Hollywood Film Stars" --- p.13 ; "The Chinese ""Robust Beauty Girl:"" Female Students" --- p.19 ; Chapter Chapter Two: --- "The Reconstruction of the western ""Robust Beauty"" in the 1930s-40s" --- p.27 ; "The Suspicion on the Western ""Robust Beauty""" --- p.29 ; "The Reconstruction of the western ""Robust Beauty"": critique on the ""Modern Girl""" --- p.37 ; "The Kuomintang's Response to the western ""Robust Beauty""" --- p.52 ; Chapter Chapter Three: --- The Construction of the Chinese Womanhood in the War Period --- p.70 ; The Communist Womanhood in the Jiangxi Period --- p.72 ; The Women's Steering Committee and the Wartime Womanhood --- p.80 ; The New Outlook of the Communist Womanhood in the Yan'an Period --- p.91 ; Chapter Chapter Four: --- "The National Communist Womanhood: the ""Iron Maiden"" in the 1960s-70s" --- p.107 ; "National Model: Two Categories of the ""Iron Maiden""" --- p.109 ; From Person to the Nation: Organization Form and Political Consciousness --- p.114 ; CONCLUSION --- p.126 ; APPENDIX --- p.132 ; BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.139