Cover -- Half Title -- Series -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- Notes on contributors -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: the politics of commemoration in the Soviet Union and contemporary Russia -- Part I Soviet remembrance of the war -- 1 Wartime mobilizational strategies and the origins of Soviet war memory -- 2 Situating Stalin in the history of the Second World War -- 3 Victory Day before the cult: war commemoration in the USSR, 1945-1965 -- 4 Teaching and remembering the Great Patriotic War in Soviet schools -- 5 Representations of gender in Soviet war memorials -- Part II Soviet and post-Soviet war memory -- 6 Veterans remember the war in Soviet and post-Soviet fiction -- 7 Lend-Lease in war and Russian memory -- 8 Politicizing war memorialization in Soviet and post-Soviet Sevastopol -- 9 World War II memories and local media in the Russian North: Velikii Novgorod and Murmansk -- 10 Parades in Russian memory culture -- Part III Representations of the war in the Putin era -- 11 Performing memory and its limits: Vladimir Putin and the celebration of World War II in Russia -- 12 Holocaust discourse in Putin's Russia as a foreign policy tool -- 13 The war film and memory politics in Putin's Russia -- 14 Jews, gender, and just wars: remembering and rewriting the Great Patriotic War in 2015 war films -- 15 The 21st-century memory of the Great Patriotic War in the "Russia - My History" Museum -- Index.
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History and Power in the Study of Law -- Contents -- Preface -- Contributors -- Introduction: Dialogues in Legal Anthropology -- Part I Resisting and Consolidating State-Level Legal Systems -- 1. The Symbolic Vocabulary of Public Executions -- 2. Law and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Norway -- 3. A Redistributive Model for Analyzing Government Mediation and Law in Family, Community, and Industry in a New England Industrial City -- 4. Constitution-Making in Islamic Iran: The Impact of Theocracy on the Legal Order of a Nation-State -- Part II Exporting and Extending Legal Orders -- 5. Law and the Colonial State in India -- 6. Contours of Change: Agrarian Law in Colonial Uganda, 1895–1962 -- 7. Thinking about "Interests": Legislative Process in the European Community -- Part III Receiving and Rejecting National Legal Processes -- 8. The Impact of Second Republic Labor Reforms in Spain -- 9. Entrepreneurs and the Law: Self-employed Surinamese in Amsterdam -- 10. Interpreting American Litigiousness -- Part IV Constructing and Shaping Law -- 11. History and the Redefinition of Custom on Kilimanjaro -- 12. Islamic "Case Law" and the Logic of Consequence -- 13. The Crown, the Colonists, and the Course of Zapotec Village Law -- 14. The "Invention" of Early Legal Ideas: Sir Henry Maine and the Perpetual Tutelage of Women -- Index
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Dangerous Ideas explores sex and love, politics and performance, joy and anguish in a collection of essays focussed on the history and politics of the Women's Liberation Movement and one of its offshoots, Women's Studies, in Australia and around the world. These are serious matters: they are about tectonic changes in people's lives and ideas in the late twentieth century, too little remembered or understood any longer. 'Feminism', this book suggests, 'is always multiple and various, fluid and changing, defying efforts at definition, characterisation, periodisation'. Nevertheless, Dangerous Ideas tackles some hard questions. How did Women's Liberation begin? What held this transformative movement together? Would it bring about the death of the family? Was it reorganising the labour market? Revolutionising human reproduction? How could Women's Studies exist in patriarchal universities? Could feminism change the paradigms governing the world of learning? In the United States? In Russia? In the People's Republic of China? It is great fun, too. This book tells of Hobart's hilarious Feminist Food Guide; of an outburst of creative energies among feminists – women on top, behaving badly; of dreams and desires for an entirely different future. And, always unorthodox: it finds hope and cheer in a history of the tampon.
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Contributors -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: INTRODUCTION -- 1 The Study of National Identity -- PART II: DIMENSIONS OF NATIONAL IDENTITY -- 2 Interpretations of National Identity -- 3 Theories of National Personality Revisited: Anglo-American Models and French Conceptions -- 4 National Identity and Modernity -- PART III: SYMBOLIZING THE NATION -- 5 Forging the Authentic Nation: Alpine Landscape and Swiss National Identity -- 6 Folk Culture and the Construction of European National Identities between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries -- 7 The Shaping of a Nation: Catalan History and Historicity in Post-Franco Spain -- PART IV: TEACHING NATIONAL IDENTITY -- 8 Recreating the French Nation: The Teaching of History at the École Libre des Sciences Politiques at the end of the Nineteenth Century -- 9 National Identity Construction and the Teachers' Unions of the Germanys and Japan, 1945-1955 -- 10 Hindu Nationalism and the Social Welfare Strategy -- PART V: DISRUPTED NATIONAL IDENTITIES -- 11 Nationalism and the Politics of National Identities in Latin America: Gender, Power and Racism -- 12 The Difficult Stabilization of Turkish National Identity -- 13 Between Mimesis and Rebellion: The Vicissitudes of Romanian Nationalism -- PART VI: CONCLUSION -- 14 Culture and National Identity
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Pajak adalah kontribusi wajib kepada negara yang terutang oleh orang pribadi atau badan yang bersifat memaksa berdasarkan undang-undang, dengan tidak mendapatkan imbalan secara langsung dan digunakan untuk keperluan negara bagi sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, leverage, profitabilitas dan proporsi komisaris independen terhadap tax avoidance. Variabel independen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran perusahaan, leverage, profitabilitas dan proporsi komisaris independen. Sedangkan variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah tax avoidance yang diukur menggunakan Effective Tax Rate (ETR).Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 48 perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tahun 2017-2019. Penentuan sampel penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 25 perusahaan atau 75 sampel penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dengan analisis regresi linear berganda dan menggunakan alat bantu SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel ukuran perusahaan, leverage dan proporsi komisaris independen tidak berpengaruh terhadap tax avoidance. Sedangkan profitabilitas berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap tax avoidance.Kata Kunci: Ukuran Perusahaan, Leverage, Profitabilitas, Proporsi Komisaris Independen, Tax Avoidance.DAFTAR PUSTAKAAgusti, W. Y. (2014). Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, dan Corporate Governance (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI tahu 2009-2012). Jurnal Akuntansi, 2(3), 1–22.Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179–211.Andriyanto, H. N. (2015). Pengaruh Return On Assets, Leverage, Corporate Governance, dan Sales Growth terhadap Tax Efficience Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2009-2012. Universitas Negeri Semarang.Annisa, N. A., & Kurniasih, L. (2012). Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Tax Avoidance. Jurnal Akuntansi & Auditing, 8(2), 123–136.Anouar, D., & Houria, Z. (2017). The Determinants of Tax Avoidance within Corporate Groups: Evidence from Moroccan Groups. International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 5(1), 57–65.APBN KITA Desember 2019. (2019). Kemenkeu.Go.Id., D., & Zulaikha. (2014). Pengaruh Size, Leverage, Profitability, Capital Intensity Ratio Dan Komisaris Independen Terhadap Effective Tax Rate (Etr). Diponegoro Journal of Accounting, 3(2), 1–9.Arianandini, P. W., & Ramantha, I. W. (2018). Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, dan Kepemilikan Institusional Pada Tax Avoidance. E-Jurnal Akuntansi Universitas Udayana, 22(3), 2088–2116.Ariawan, I. M. A., & Setiawan, P. E. (2017). Pengaruh Dewan Komisaris Independen, Kepemilikan Institusional, Profitabilitas dan Leverage Terhadap Tax Avoidance. 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Peraturan Perundang-UndanganPembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 alinea keempat.Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 33/POJK 04/2014.Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2008 Pasal 6 tentang UMKM.Undang-Undang No. 36 Tahun 2008 tentang Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 6 Ayat 1 Huruf Angka 3.Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2007 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan.
In dem Buch wird die Entwicklung der Angestellten in USA vom späten 19. Jahrhundert bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg beschrieben und analysiert: ihre sich verändernde ökonomische Situation, ihre Arbeitsverhältnisse, ihre Einstellungen und Haltungen, einiges von ihren Lebensverhältnissen, ihre Organisation, ihr politisches Verhalten, ihre sich wandelnde Stellung in Gesellschaft und Politik der Vereinigten Staaten. Die amerikanischen Angestellten werden mit den amerikanischen Arbeitern verglichen. Die ökonomische, soziale, sozialpsychologische und politische Bedeutung der Arbeiter-Angestellten-Unterschieds, die Bedeutung der "Kragenlinie" im System der Klassen und Schichten rückt ins Zentrum des Interesses. Das Schwergewicht der Untersuchung liegt auf den unteren und mittleren Angestellten, auf den Verkäufern, den Büroangestellten, den technischen Zeichnern und ähnlichen Beschäftigungsgruppen in der Privatwirtschaft. Die Analyse bezieht ihre Fragestellungen und Kategorien aus dem Vergleich mit den deutschen Angestellten im selben Zeitraum. Der Vergleich wird außerdem dazu benutzt, die Eigenarten der deutschen Entwicklung herauszuarbeiten und zu erklären. Durch die Konfrontation mit der ökonomisch ähnlichen, sozial und politisch aber verschiedenartigen Entwicklung in den USA wird das Besondere der deutschen Angestelltengeschichte vom späten 19. Jahrhundert bis zum Sieg des Nationalsozialismus erkennbar, erklärbar und interpretierbar.
To adopt the least contentious of several definitions, the currents of thought and motifs in the arts that we associate with the Renaissance had their beginnings in fourteenth-century Florence. By the end of the fifteenth century they had spread out to other Italian cities while, during the sixteenth century, the Renaissance became a cross-European phenomenon. But was there also a "Renaissance beyond Europe"?
PurposeIn human history, poverty for most and prosperity for few is the norm. Thus, no theory or practice of common prosperity has been developed. Marxism first formulated the theory of common prosperity, and the classical Marxist authors conducted theoretical exploration on the issue of common prosperity, forming a series of scientific conclusions.Design/methodology/approachThe century-long practical history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the great practice of leading the Chinese people in getting rid of poverty, letting some people and regions get rich first and ultimately achieving the goal of common prosperity.FindingsCommon prosperity is the great practice of the CPC that leads all Chinese people in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way in the new era.Originality/valueThe path of common prosperity with Chinese characteristics will certainly arise in the process of the great practice of common prosperity with Chinese characteristics. Based on the anti-poverty theory and the "spirit of poverty alleviation" from the battle against poverty with Chinese characteristics, the theory of common prosperity and its spirit with Chinese characteristics will certainly be formed. The above conclusions constitute the basic principles of the theory of common prosperity with Chinese characteristics.
Dangerous Ideas explores sex and love, politics and performance, joy and anguish in a collection of essays focused on the history and politics of the Women's Liberation Movement and one of its offshoots, Women's Studies, in Australia and around the world. These are serious matters: they are about tectonic changes in people's lives and ideas in the late twentieth century, too little remembered or understood any longer. 'Feminism', this book suggests, 'is always multiple and various, fluid and changing, defying efforts at definition, characterisation, periodisation'. Nevertheless, Dangerous Ideas tackles some hard questions. How did Women's Liberation begin? What held this transformative movement together? Would it bring about the death of the family? Was it reorganising the labour market? Revolutionising human reproduction? How could Women's Studies exist in patriarchal universities? Could feminism change the paradigms governing the world of learning? In the United States? In Russia? In the People's Republic of China? It is great fun, too. This book tells of Hobart's hilarious Feminist Food Guide; of an outburst of creative energies among feminists – women on top, behaving badly; of dreams and desires for an entirely different future. And, always unorthodox: it finds hope and cheer in a history of the tampon. ; Susan Magarey
Dangerous Ideas explores sex and love, politics and performance, joy and anguish in a collection of essays focussed on the history and politics of the Women's Liberation Movement and one of its offshoots, Women's Studies, in Australia and around the world. These are serious matters: they are about tectonic changes in people's lives and ideas in the late twentieth century, too little remembered or understood any longer. 'Feminism', this book suggests, 'is always multiple and various, fluid and changing, defying efforts at definition, characterisation, periodisation'. Nevertheless, Dangerous Ideas tackles some hard questions. How did Women's Liberation begin? What held this transformative movement together? Would it bring about the death of the family? Was it reorganising the labour market? Revolutionising human reproduction? How could Women's Studies exist in patriarchal universities? Could feminism change the paradigms governing the world of learning? In the United States? In Russia? In the People's Republic of China? It is great fun, too. This book tells of Hobart's hilarious Feminist Food Guide; of an outburst of creative energies among feminists – women on top, behaving badly; of dreams and desires for an entirely different future. And, always unorthodox: it finds hope and cheer in a history of the tampon.
Исследованы факторы формирования и доминирующие виды ксенофобии в России в период с IX – начало XX вв. Дана характеристика основных видов ксенофобии и их обусловленность совокупностью культурно-исторических, социально-политических, социально-экономических факторов в развитии российского общества в исследуемый исторический период. Автор приходит к выводу, что ксенофобия в истории России выступала адаптивно-защитным механизмом этнорелигиозной идентичности, эффективным способом интеграции и мобилизации общества в периоды кризисов или внешней угрозы, а также политической технологией, использующей «образы чужих» для манипуляции массовым сознанием. ; The factors of formation and the dominant types of xenophobia in Russia during the period of the 9 th early 20 th century has been considered in the article. The characteristic of the main types of xenophobia and their dependence on the set of cultural, historical, sociopolitical, socioeconomic factors in the development of the Russian society during the analyzed period of history has been presented. The author concludes that xenophobia in the Russian history performed as an adaptive defense mechanism of ethno-religious identity and an effective way for integration and mobilization of society at the time of crisis or external threat as well as political technology that uses "images of strangers" for the manipulation of mass consciousness.
AbstractThis paper offers a fresh anarchist history of modern rural experience at the heart of Japan's modernization project in Hokkaido. The rationalization of agricultural methods and the establishment of big farms in Hokkaido worked by tenant farmers served the dual purpose of both colonizing and modernizing Japan's northern frontier. Against the idea of progress imbued in that colonial project, the anarchist and celebrity writer, Arishima Takeo, liberated his tenant farmers by dissolving his tenant farm in Niseko in 1922. The farmers were made the new cooperative owners. Members of the farm, made famous during widespread tenant-farmer disputes, believed they stood at the heart of progress. 'Sōgo fujō' (mutual aid) was viewed as an ethic for social transformation, democracy and elimination of hierarchy that linked the farmers with the wider world. It was the farmers' consciousness of working in a new era, better than ever before, that made them modern. Their community offers us a case study of the imagination and experience of modern temporality amongst the most unlikely subjects of the modern, ordinary agricultural laborers in rural Asia in the early twentieth century. This anarchist history challenges the conceptual framework that has categorized rural Japan as the seat of conservative politics, nativism and traditionalism, and the antithesis of modernity.
Venezuela tiene una larga tradición municipalista que se remonta a los cabildos coloniales y que aparece posteriormente reflejada en todas las Constituciones desde 1811. En el devenir histórico constitucional el municipio ha pasado por diversas vicisitudes, especialmente desde que el Cabildo de Caracas inició, el 19 de abril de 1810, el proceso independentista republicano hasta el advenimiento de la democracia en el siglo pasado. A doscientos años de aquel 19 de abril, celebramos no sólo el nacimiento de la patria nueva sino doscientos años de municipalismo y de construcción de ciudadanía desde el municipio y todos los escenarios locales. ; Venezuela's long municipal tradition begins with the colonial town councils and then forward established in all the constitutions since 1811. In the constitutional history local governments had suffered difficulties and incidents, specially the 19º April 1811; Caracas' city council started the independence and republican process and the beginning of democracy on the last century. Two hundred years later of 19º April 1811, we celebrate not just the beginning of a new republic, but also two hundred years of municipal history and citizenship's construction from local governments. ; 95-110 ; ; semestral
Para controle da hanseníase, doença infectocontagiosa conhecida desde os tempos bíblicos, são mostradas as intrincadas convergências de histórias nacionais, de políticas médicas, governamentais e internacionais. O estudo descreve a história e as ações de controle da hanseníase, a partir do começo do século XIX, no estado de São Paulo, e sua conexão com o desenvolvimento da saúde pública, utilizando análises bibliográficas e documentais. ; Para control de la hanseníasis, enfermedad infectocontagiosa conocida desde los tiempos bíblicos, se muestran las intrincadas convergencias de historias brasileñas, de políticas médicas, gubernamentales e internacionales. El estudio describe la historia y las acciones de control de la hanseníasis, a partir del comienzo del siglo XIX, en el estado de Sao Paulo, y su conexión con el desarrollo de la salud pública, utilizando análisis bibliográficas y documentales. ; Leprosy is an infectious contagious disease known since Biblical times. Global effort for disease control reveals intricate convergences of national history and of medical, governmental, and international policies. The study describes the history of Hansen's disease and control actions undertaken in the state of São Paulo starting in the 19th century and its connection with the development of public health in that state, by means of a bibliographic and documental analysis.