This thesis deals about jūdō, with jūdō as the transcription of the Japanese word 柔道 and the abbreviation of Kōdōkan jūdō講道館柔道 the method founded in 1882 by Kanō Jigorō嘉納治五郎(1860-1938). More specifically, it comes to exploring and analyzing how he defined judo, without involving other contemporary or later interpretations. We explored the intimate connection between the creation and the creator, trying to understand what was the motivation of this man, how he structured his method, why he did it this way. We also analyzed its speech – should we say speeches – about judo. In other words, we focused on judo as the work of a man driven by his ideas, ideals and. character!In three parts, the first devoted to the process, the second on method and the third on the Discourse on Method, as well as the evolution during about sixty years, we attempted to clarify the process of creation, to distinguish between the legacy and contributions, the discourse and practice, to enable the historian, the sociologist, the educator, the philosopher, to better observe how the experience of a young idealist man (Kano Jigoro was 21 years old when he created Judo) became a global discipline. ; Cette thèse traite du jūdō, où jūdō est la transcription du mot japonais 柔道 et l'abréviation de Kōdōkan jūdō 講道館柔道, la méthode fondée en mai 1882 par Kanō Jigorō 嘉納治五郎 (1860-1938). Plus précisément, il est question d'explorer et d'analyser comment ce dernier définit le jūdō, sans y mêler les interprétations autres, contemporaines à cette création ou postérieures. Il s'agit de creuser le lien intime entre la création et le créateur, d'essayer de comprendre quelle a été la motivation de cet homme, la façon dont il a structuré sa méthode, les raisons pour lesquelles il l'a fait de cette manière, ainsi que d'analyser le – ou plutôt les – discours dont il l'a entourée ; en d'autres termes, il s'agit de se concentrer sur le jūdō comme l'œuvre d'un homme poussé par ses idées, ses idéaux et… son caractère !Il ne s'agit pas, en revanche, d'aborder cette étude sous l'angle du jūdō comme fruit d'un contexte social, historique et culturel particulier, dans un Japon dont la situation intérieure comme internationale connaît sur cette période de profonds changements, ou dans un contexte qui voit la mise en place, en Occident, de l'éducation physique, du sport, des Jeux Olympiques ou d'initiatives de méthodes de formation globale pour la jeunesse. Le judo est aujourd'hui mondialement connu et pratiqué. Au travers de sa diffusion, c'est un peu de la culture japonaise, réelle ou fantasmée, qui s'est répandue.Mais qu'est-ce que le judo ? Quelle est – était ?– son ambition réelle ? Ce sont là des questions sur lesquelles personne ne semble s'être encore réellement penché et à laquelle nous avons essayé de répondre.Apprécié des savants de renommée internationale – c'est ainsi qu'en France il s'impose au travers de la fascination qu'il exerce dans les années 1930 sur des gens comme Frédéric Joliot –, qui y voient une science de l'exploitation des principes physiques et mécaniques, tout autant que des forces de police (qui y trouvent un facteur de leur sécurité), des éducateurs et pédagogues (qui y voient pour leurs élèves un bon moyen d'apprendre à se confronter sans grand danger, ainsi qu'à gagner en maîtrise de soi et en confiance), des passionnés d'arts martiaux (qui y recherchent un message ésotérique ou simplement une attitude « traditionnelle »), des sportifs (qui s'intéressent à l'activité physique et aux compétitions sportives), des férus de self-défense ou de combat dit « réel » (qui y recherchent les clés de l'efficacité), le judo apparaît multi-facettes. Il jouit, auprès du grand public, d'une image positive et nombre de parents souhaitent y inscrire, au moins un temps, leurs enfants, pour toutes les raisons évoquées et pour cette aura globalement « éducative » qui l'entoure.Ainsi, ceux qui se rendent dans un dōjō de judo, et y revêtent un « kimono » font bien en apparence la même chose, y mettent parfois la même énergie, souvent la même passion, mais leurs mots pour décrire le judo/jūdō et leur recherche diffèrent tant qu'il semble parfois impossible de concilier leurs discours. Le judo apparaît alors sans unité, sans identité.Répertorier et croiser ces différentes conceptions d'une même activité constituerait un passionnant ouvrage sociologique, mais pour comprendre ce qui les unit au-delà des divergences apparentes, il est une question non encore résolue : qu'était le jūdō à l'origine ? Comment a-t-il été conçu ? Pour répondre à cette question, il faut remonter dans le temps, plus précisément d'un peu plus de 120 ans.120 ans, c'est peu. Pourtant la recherche, le voyage aux sources du judo n'est pas sans difficulté. Ainsi le judo appartient-il, d'une certaine manière, à la sphère dite des « arts martiaux », un domaine qu'il s'agit d'aborder avec beaucoup de précautions, avec objectivité (et donc distance) mais sans en laisser échapper les éléments essentiels (ce pour quoi l'intimité peut être un atout).La formation universitaire m'a ouvert les clés de la langue japonaise, de la compréhension des textes, et surtout de la méthode et de l'attitude du chercheur. La fréquentation assidue des dōjō (depuis 25 ans), un 4e dan [au moment de la soutenance de la thèse] et des responsabilités dans la vie du judo au niveau local (secrétaire général de la ligue de Paris) m'ont offert de porter un regard particulier et prolongé sur la discipline.En trois parties, la première consacrée à la démarche, la deuxième à la méthode et la troisième, au discours de la méthode, ainsi qu'à l'évolution de celui-ci sur presque soixante ans, il s'agira de clarifier le processus de formation, de faire la part entre l'héritage et les apports, le discours et la méthode, afin de permettre à l'historien, au sociologue, au pédagogue, au philosophe, de mieux observer comment l'expérience d'un jeune homme (Kanō Jigorō a 21 ans lorsqu'il crée le jūdō) idéaliste est devenu une discipline planétaire.EXPLICATION DES RECHERCHES PREALABLES A LA REDACTION Il était essentiel, devant la multitude des discours qui entourent le judo, d'aller chercher au plus près des sources, dans le temps comme dans l'espace, les indices laissés par Kanō Jigorō, le but étant d'offrir la vision la plus claire possible de l'ambition première du jūdō au travers d'une démarche universitaire fondée sur l'étude des écrits des générations précédentes. En 1999, lorsque j'ai débuté cette étude, je ne savais pas si Kanō Jigorō avait écrit ou non. Non seulement aucun texte de sa main ne circule en Occident – il y a bien, en annexe de Le jūdō, école de vie 4 , un texte, présenté comme étant la transcription d'un discours prononcé par Kanō Jigorō mais il est absolument inexploitable d'un point de vue scientifique puisqu'on ne sait ni dans quelle langue, ni à quelle date, ni dans quelles circonstances, il aurait été prononcé – mais, au Japon même, tous les professeurs interrogés semblaient l'ignorer ou, du moins, ne pas savoir comment y avoir accès. Il m'est ainsi vite apparu que le problème des sources représenterait la plus grosse difficulté technique de ce travail. J'ai donc commencé par essayer de me constituer un corpus réunissant témoignages et études sur l'histoire du jūdō. En langues occidentales, du moins dans celles qui me sont accessibles – français et anglais – je n'ai rien trouvé. Il y a bien sûr quantité de livres techniques, mais aucune étude sur la démarche de Kanō Jigorō. Une première bonne surprise toutefois : la découverte à la Bibliothèque nationale de France de deux écrits de Kanō Jigorō rédigés en anglais : le premier, Jiujutsu (柔術), the old samurai art of fighting without weapons , et le second Judo (Jūjutsu). Restaient les documents en langue japonaise. Laisser de côté toutes les publications techniques pour se concentrer sur les études historiques est un travail décevant : la plupart des livres historiques sur le jūdō sont des biographies de Kanō Jigorō et non des études de sa démarche, de son discours ou de la méthode. Néanmoins désireux d'approfondir cependant ma connaissance de l'homme, je passai de longs mois à étudier la vie de Kanō. J'hésitai même alors – faute de trouver les sources qui m'étaient nécessaires – à concentrer et réorienter mon travail sur l'homme plutôt que sur sa création. Leur lecture consciencieuse m'a cependant permis une découverte inattendue : l'unité des discours, jusque dans la formulation, laissant deviner qu'ils avaient puisé à la même source, qu'il devait exister un texte original, probablement écrit de la main de Kanō Jigorō. J'ai d'abord découvert un premier recueil de textes, organisé par thèmes et composé de trois tomes pour environ 1500 pages. Récent, mais au tirage confidentiel, il est difficile à trouver. Il est l'une des sources essentielles de mon travail de DEA consacré aux combats pour l'éducation menés par Kanō Jigorō dans les années 1882-1898. Par la suite, la bibliothèque de la Diète et surtout les librairies d'occasion du quartier Jinbochō à Tōkyō m'ont livré leurs trésors, et j'ai pu constituer un corpus de 575 textes de la main de Kanō Jigorō pour un total de 5000 pages. La découverte, dans un carton non déballé en provenance directe de l'éditeur, sous les étagères poussiéreuses d'une de ces fameuses librairies, d'un recueil en quinze tomes, dont je connaissais l'existence mais que je n'avais jamais pu consulter, a été déterminante !La plupart sont des articles, d'autres des transcriptions de discours ou encore des préfaces, certains font une page, d'autres plus de 200. La période couverte va de 1888 à 1938 et les thèmes abordés sont très larges : le jūdō, bien sûr, mais aussi sa vie, l'éducation, la politique, les relations internationales, des impressions de voyage… PRESENTATION DES PRINCIPES METHODOLOGIQUES A partir du corpus finalement constitué, j'ai pu me concentrer sur les textes en rapport avec le jūdō, et proposer une analyse de la façon dont Kanō le conçoit, de manière non à en explorer tous les aspects, mais en m'efforçant de constituer un socle sur lequel appuyer les recherches futures dans le domaine. De prime abord, la lecture de ces différents textes est source de confusion. En effet, les définitions du jūdō se succèdent, les explications concernant son rôle, ses buts et objectifs ne cessent d'être modifiées. Ainsi, si dégager des thèmes fut ma première tentation, ce ne fut pas la plus fructueuse. C'est pourtant l'exercice auquel se prêtent tous les auteurs et éditeurs. Or, j'avais pu noter que tous ne retiennent qu'une part de ces définitions et toujours la même. Mon hypothèse a donc été qu'il devait s'agir là d'une sorte d'état final de la pensée du fondateur. Pour m'en assurer, j'ai comparé trois textes : le plus ancien texte de présentation complète du jūdō par Kanō Jigorō – une conférence de 1889 9 – et le plus récent, une autre conférence datant de 1938 10 , soit quelques semaines avant sa mort. J'en ai ajouté un troisième, d'une part parce qu'il était à peu près à égale distance dans le temps des deux autres (publié en série entre 1915 et 1916), d'autre part parce qu'il se veut une présentation complète du jūdō. La comparaison de ces textes, tant dans le fond que dans la forme s'est révélée éclairante, l'évolution de la pensée apparaissant nettement. Classer les textes dans leur ordre chronologique permet de démontrer que le jūdō n'a pas, pour Kanō Jigorō, plusieurs définitions à la fois, mais bien une en fonction des périodes et qu'il ne revient (pratiquement) jamais sur l'une d'elles une fois passé à une nouvelle formulation, pas plus qu'il n'explique comment et pourquoi il est passé de l'une à l'autre. Ainsi l'organisation chronologique de ces textes, de 1888 à 1938, à laquelle je me suis attelé, donne soudain la vision d'une pensée en marche qui évolue d'un texte à l'autre de manière perceptible, et à la compréhension de laquelle tous les écrits peuvent enfin contribuer. Mon travail a alors consisté à constater et répertorier ces différentes étapes puis à essayer de comprendre comment et pourquoi Kanō Jigorō a pu passer de l'une à l'autre en prenant pour indices les faits, les anecdotes, évoqués dans ses différents textes. Il m'a semblé pertinent de présenter les conclusions auxquelles j'ai abouti selon une logique personnelle, reconstruite à partir de cette étude, et selon le découpage suivant : une première partie consacrée à la démarche de Kanō Jigorō, une deuxième à la méthode, sa structuration, ses éléments, leur construction et rôles, et une troisième aux discours, et évolution de ceux-ci, sur la méthode et démarche. Ainsi, la première partie consacrée à la démarche resitue-t-elle d'abord le jūdō dans l'histoire du combat – armé ou non, duel ou sur le champ de bataille, réel ou rituel – au Japon avant de s'intéresser au caractère de Kanō. Puis je retrace le parcours conceptuel de celui-ci, qui le mène de jū, « l'adaptation », à seiryoku zen.yō, « bonne utilisation de l'énergie », au travers de phases conceptuelles et formulations intermédiaires.La deuxième partie, qui concerne la méthode, décrit et explore le jūdō tel qu'il doit se pratiquer dans les dōjō pour Kanō : kata, randori, mondō, kōgi. Je les définis comme étant quatre piliers de la pratique qui concernent trois domaines : celui du combat, celui du corps, et celui de l'intelligence et de la morale, domaines auxquels sera ajouté à partir de 1915 et plus précisément encore à partir de 1922, un quatrième, celui de l'application dans la vie quotidienne des principes du jūdō. Quatre piliers, trois domaines et enfin trois éducations : l'éducation physique, l'éducation intellectuelle, et l'éducation morale.La troisième partie concerne le discours. Discours qui connaît trois grandes périodes : la première est marquée par son absence, où plutôt la seule promesse d'un idéal social, jusque 1915 ; la deuxième consiste en une période normative, jusque 1922 ; la dernière, enfin, est caractérisée par un certain apaisement, s'agissant d'inviter simplement à la réflexion d'abord de manière fortement incitative, puis plus discrètement et légèrement. Ce discours, foisonnant et souvent indissocié, je l'analyse enfin selon trois cercles contextuels : celui du combat, celui de l'attitude quotidienne, et celui de l'idéal. CONCLUSION DU TRAVAIL DE RECHERCHESi l'étude des textes m'avait permis de recenser des faits, des intentions, des colères, des étonnements, des explications, des discours, il restait à les organiser. C'est cette méthode de travail qui justifie le titre définitif : « Kanō Jigorō et l'élaboration du jūdō » car je propose de découvrir comment, petit à petit, pierre après pierre, choix après choix, Kanō construit le jūdō. Organiser les éléments est déjà source de découvertes mais c'est leur analyse qui s'est révélée la plus fructueuse. Et c'est dans ce cadre que l'idée qui est devenue le sous-titre, le « choix de la faiblesse », s'est imposée, d'abord timidement, puis de façon de plus en plus obsédante jusqu'à devenir une sorte d'évidence en comparant les faits, anecdotes et récits de Kanō. Le « choix de la faiblesse » est la thèse que je propose, c'est ma lecture du jūdō et du système de pensée de Kanō.Le jūdō est conçu pour que le faible, s'il utilise habilement ses ressources et le contexte, ait une chance de se trouver en position de force, et aussi que le fort agisse avec prudence, conscient que toute situation est relative et temporaire, préparant le temps – qui souhaitonsle lui, ne viendra pas – où il se retrouvera en position de faiblesse. Cette pensée ne conditionne pas seulement la conception et la méthode de combat mais jusqu'à la vision du comportement attendu de l'individu comme acteur social. L'étude des textes montre que Kanō Jigorō portait trois projets distincts tout autant qu'entrelacés, unis globalement dans le mot jūdō. Le premier, c'est l'étude et l'enseignement du principe qui permet l'efficacité. Le second, c'est la mise en application par chacun de ce principe dans la société. Le troisième, c'est la formation de chacun selon son idéal de l'homme et de la société.Le jūdō devait changer l'homme et la société. Cela l'a-t-il fait ? Cela le peut-il encore alors que le jūdō apparaît aujourd'hui tronqué tant dans le discours du fondateur que dans sa méthode ? C'est un autre débat. ; 起草前の研究について柔道に対しての言説は様々である。だから出来るだけ柔道の原点の理想をはっきり理解するように前の世代の文献の研究の基となる学術的方法を通して嘉納治五郎の残した手がかりを得ろうとすることは不可欠である。研究の始まった1999 年私は嘉納が文書を残していたかどうか知らなかった。西欧には何も出版されていなかった。フランス語で書かれた柔道についての本Le jūdō,école de vie1 (『人生の学校としての柔道』)の付録には嘉納の演説を基にした文献があるが、その演説が日本語であったか、他の言語であったか、いつどこでどのような状況で話されたか、全くわからず、学術的には利用出来ない。日本でも多くの柔道の指導者に彼の著作が実際にあるかどこで探したらいいかと聞いても答えを得ることはできなかった。この研究の最も難しい学術的問題はまずは文献を探すことであるということはすぐに分かった。したがって柔道の歴史についての記録や研究の本を集めるべく努力した。自分が読める言語、仏語と英語では何もないことが分かった。柔道の技についての本はたくさんあるが、嘉納治五郎が柔道をどのように構想したかについては何もなかった。ただ、パリの国立図書館でJiujutsu (柔術), the old samurai art of fighting without weapons2 とJudo (Jūjutsu)3 と題された嘉納治五郎の英語の著作を見つけ驚いた。残るは日本語の文献のみとなった。技術に関する出版物は避けて歴史のみを扱う文献を研究しても結果は期待に沿うものではなかった。柔道の歴史の本の大部分は嘉納の伝記であり、彼の仕事、書物、またその方法の研究ではなかった。嘉納治五郎の人生を出来るだけ詳しく知るべく伝記の研究に数カ月を費やした。何冊も真面目に読んでいくうち予期せぬ発見をした。どの著者でも同じことを説明しており、言葉の選び方まで近いので皆同じ原典から本を書いたということが分かった。その原典は嘉納治五郎自身の著作ではないかと考えた。そこで手に入れるのは容易ではなかったが、最近出版された、三巻からなり1500 頁に及ぶテーマ別の嘉納治五郎著作集4 を見つけることができた。1882 年から1898 年に嘉納治五郎が教育のために戦かった過程を追ったこの文献が私の専門研究課程修了論文の基となった。その後国会図書館からも、東京の神保町の古本を扱う書店からも嘉納の文献を手に入れることができ、合計約5000 頁の575 件の文献を集めて研究することができた。埃かぶって開けた形跡のない出版社のダンボール箱の中に15 巻からなる嘉納治五郎体系5 という著作集をある古本屋で発見、これが研究の中核となった。嘉納治五郎の著作の大部分は記事で、その他は演説や序文などである。1 頁だけのものもあり、200 頁以上のものもある。時期としては1888 年から1938 年までで、柔道は当然のこと、彼の生涯や教育や政治や国際関係や旅の印象なども含まれておりテーマは広い。研究方法について揃った資料文献から柔道に関するものに重点をおき、嘉納の柔道構想について分析ができたと考える。すべての側面を研究できたわけではないが少なくとも将来この分野においての調査の基となるものを築こうと力を尽くした。はじめに、これらの様々な文献はそれ自体混乱の源である。実際、柔道の定義は何度も出てくるし、柔道の役割の説明、目的などは次々と修正されていく。なのでテーマを分類したい誘惑にかられたが、それは実りの多いものではなかったし、すでに多くの著者、編集者がしてきたことだった。さて、私はすべての定義において、いつも同じある一部分のみが使われていることに気づいた。というわけで私は、この部分が創立者の完成された思想であるのではないかと仮定した。そのため、三件の文献を比較することとした。まず柔道に関して最も古い講演である1889 年のものより『柔道一班並ニ其教育上ノ價値』1 と、最も新しく、1938 年彼の亡くなる数週間前に行われた講演より、『柔道の根本精神』2。三件目には、この二つの講演のちょうど中間、1915〜1916 年に出版された、柔道の解説として完全な『講道館柔道概説』3 を選んだ。これらの文献を綿密に比較するうちだんだんと思想の進化が見えてきた。そして年代順に整理してみてわかったことは、嘉納にとって一時に複数の柔道の定義はなく、ただ時代に沿ってその定義が変わっていくということ、しかも一度過ぎると過去の定義には戻らず新しい定式に移り、どうして変化したかを説明することもなかったということである。1888 年から1938 年まで年代順の分析から、文献から文献へと進化していく発展中の思想をかいま見ることができ、その進化を理解するために、一見柔道に関係のないほかのすべての文書も助けとなった。そこで私はこれら様々な進化の過程を確認、整理し、その後、これらの文書から事実やエピソードを手がかりに、なぜ嘉納治五郎が次から次へと思想を変えていったのか、理解しようと試みた。この研究から私なりの論理で達した結論は、以下の区分に分けて提示するのが最善であろう。まずはじめに嘉納治五郎という人物の人生、背景、次に柔道の指導方法、その構造化と要素、さらにそれら要素の構成と役割、三番目にこれらについての嘉納の説明とその変化についてである。第一部では嘉納の人柄について語る前に、まず武装あるいは武器なし、決闘か戦場での戦闘、儀式的あるいは実践的など、日本における戦いの歴史上での柔道の歩みについて述べる。柔すなわち「順応」から「精力を有効に使う」という意味の精力善用まで、構想における段階を追って、60 年に及ぶ嘉納の思考の進化をたどる。第二部は指導方法に関してだが、嘉納にとって柔道がどのようにして道場で実践されるべきかを詳しく述べる。形、乱取り、問答、講義が含まれる。これらを実践の四本の柱と定義し、この四点は戦い、身体、そして知性と倫理の三分野にあてはめられる。その後、四分野目として、1915 年とさらに詳しく1922 年に柔道の原理の日常生活への応用が加えられる。このほか、体育、知育、徳育の三つの教育がある。第三部では言説を扱う。談話、論述は三つの重要な時期に分けられる。まずは1915 年までの論述の欠落の時期、あるいは社会理想主義的希望が見えるだけの時期、次に1922 年までの規範を確立した時期、その後は一種の鎮静化があり、ただ熟考を促すようなやり方へと変化する。これらの言説は豊富な上、秩序立っていないが、理想の枠の中に日常の態度、さらにその中に戦闘、というような枠組みに分けて捉え、分析することとする。結論へまだ体系化する必要があるが、この研究で、嘉納の逸話、意図、怒り、驚き、解説や談話などを抜き出すことができた。少しずつ、石をひとつずつ築き上げていくように選り抜きに選り抜きを重ねて嘉納が柔道を構築していった様を見出せる内容にふさわしく、この論文を「嘉納治五郎と柔道の構想」と名づけた。要素を整理することはそれだけで発見の多い作業だったが、それらの分析は最も実り多きものだった。そして論文の副題となった「弱さの選択」は、はじめは遠慮がちではあったが、徐々について離れないような姿で現れ、逸話や談話を通して嘉納の言説を比べると、ついには自明の理となる。「弱さの選択」は私の提案する命題であるが、それは私の柔道と嘉納の思想体系に対する解釈である。柔道は、状況に応じて巧みにその潜在的能力を活用できれば、弱い者でも、強い立場に立つことができるように構想されている。また強い者にとっては、すべての状況は相対的、一時的であることを意識し、弱い立場に立たされる時がくるとすればそれに備えるべく慎重さを持って行動できるように考案されている。この思想は戦闘法だけでなく、社会の一員として求められる個々の振る舞い方にも影響を与えている。この研究より柔道というものの中に、嘉納治五郎は絡み合う三つの異なる計画を組み込んだ。一つには効率さを活かす原理の研究と教育、二つ目には各個人によるこの原理の社会への応用、三つ目には嘉納の人と社会の理想に基づく個人の養成である。嘉納は人と社会を変えるために柔道を創った。それは果たして成功したのだろうか。創立者の目から見て、現在の柔道にはまだ欠けている部分があるのではないか。だがそれはまた別の議論である。
.The subject of my thesis has as its starting point a didactic aim: that of the qualitative improvement of the teaching/learning of French to/from an audience of Reunionese children. In pursuit of this goal, I have set myself the goal of developing a benchmark for assessing the morphosyntactic skills of children in Reunion Island's large kindergarten section. Enriched in particular by recent research related to the theme of the contact of languages in Creolo-French-speaking lands, my work as a didactician has tried to reconcile, or at least to confront, a sociolinguistic variationist posture with that, classically more structuralist, of a grammarian "standard-setter" in a school setting. I thus deal, from a theoretical and pragmatic point of view, with the problem of a binarized grammatical evaluation, in a diglostic context of close language contacts, where interlectal practices are legion. By considering, from a holistic perspective, questions relating to the development of reference standards and the collection of oral data from small non-reading schoolchildren, my research is actually at the crossroads of sociolinguistics, language didactics, educational sciences but also psycholinguistics and descriptive linguistics. The report of my work is divided into four parts. PART 1: Following a general introduction, the first part of my typed text shows the need for an assessment of the linguistic skills of Réunionese pupils at the end of nursery school. It also describes the general objectives, postures and intentions underlying this evaluation. The gap between the language of the school and the language of the home is considered on Reunion Island as an aggravating factor in the educational difficulties encountered by many Reunionese pupils from the very beginning of their schooling. It would seem that to become good readers, many of them do not have sufficient skills as speakers of the French language. Among the remediation proposals proposed so far by researchers who have dealt with the subject, it is often recommended that the skills acquired by students in Creole, considered their L1, be used as a basis from kindergarten onwards to compose a strategy for teaching French as a second language. Recently, the educational policies officially posted for the Academy also suggest, in a more or less vague way, the need to take into account Creole. In this perspective, which is certainly commendable if one refers to the work of didacticians and psycholinguists on strong forms of teaching in a bilingual context (e.g. Baker, Hamers and Blanc, Cummins), two central questions nevertheless appear which should therefore be raised, but which until now have hardly been asked: -What is the quality of Creole spoken by "Creole" children today? Do the little schoolchildren from Reunion, and especially those who encounter difficulties in French, really master Creole? The analysis of recent sociolinguistic works relating to language contacts and the expansion of the use of interlecte in the Reunionese community (Prudent, Ledegen, Watin, Souprayen-Cavery, Rapanoël.).), taking into account the remarks of local primary school teachers on the shortcomings of young pupils not only in French but also in Creole, and the results of surveys declaring an increase in the "transmission" of French by Reunionese mothers, led me to think that doubt on this subject is permitted or at least that the assumption "Creole L1" is to be qualified. In order to better situate the purpose and goal of my work, I therefore began by demonstrating that the situation in terms of language practices is complex and, consequently, that the didactic orientations would become more sensitive and anchored in the local situation if they were based on concrete points of reference concerning the actual degree of mastery of the two codes in question by the students. How, in fact, can we claim to be able to exploit the knowledge acquired in one language (a priori L1-créole) in order to better appropriate the other (a priori L2-français), without having taken full measure of the degree of mastery of the two languages involved? While work has begun on the communicative skills of kindergarten students (Fioux and Marimoutou), my research on local "assessments" conducted so far reveals that researchers have no relatively detailed assessment of the current language skills of Reunionese children, on the one hand in French, before the transition to written French, after three years of schooling explicitly focused on acquiring the basics of oral French, and on the other hand in Creole. Equally disconcerting, given the educational challenges, it appears that there are also no assessment tools designed for the local situation, and therefore adapted for the collection and analysis of these oral language skills among young children, whereas we are in a former French colony with a sociolinguistic situation rooted in diglossia. On what basis can we then rely to affirm that the Reunionese students of today, who are referred to en masse as "Creolophones", possess solid language skills in Creole and gaps in French when they engage in the systematic process of learning to read? It is on the basis of these questions and observations that I draft a first constituency of the objective of my work. It is a question of asking the prolegomena of an assessment assessment, linguistic, comparative, in Creole and French, whose methodological foundations would be explained, argued, but also contextualized and updated for a public of learners at the end of a large nursery section in Reunion. The aim is to provide teachers of languages working for and with small schoolchildren in Reunion with a tool that is sufficiently detailed to enrich reflection on French teaching/learning strategies, "possibly" based on the knowledge of these pupils in Creole. Although the delimitations I am proposing to establish are an integral part of the evaluation process, they are upstream of the act of evaluation. More specifically, it is a question of building an operational evaluation frame of reference presenting evaluation criteria, reference standards and pre-tested tests with a sample of children of large section, in French and Creole. Once this purpose has been clarified, I set the initial parameters of this evaluation process. Understanding it above all as "a reflection on relationships to values", I then position myself, after an epistemological approach to this not insignificant act, in favour of an evaluation that makes sense. Following in particular Hadji, Lecointe, Bonniol and Vial or Ardoino and Berger on their questioning of the technicality of docimology in search of an illusory objectivity, I undertake, like them, to shift the priority of the correctness of the results towards the logic and transparency of an objectivized process, leading to a relevant result that can be understood, located, relativized according to a transparent reading grid and the intentions underlying it. To do this, I then borrow from the educational sciences, and in particular G. Figari, the concept of referentialization, with its triple status, operational, methodological and scientific. If they were originally designed to carry out evaluations of systems (schools, training systems, curricula, etc.), I show that the general principles of referentialisation are in fact entirely transposable to the study I am conducting. Having this common thread, my referentialization begins, in a first step, with a work of reflexivity, to try to explain and situate my own posture as an evaluation designer, which engages me in an ethical responsibility. It is above all a question of taking a step back from the power held and to which I am subjected in this work of gathering and using information of social value. I therefore strive to pose and understand the social and individual issues related to this act, but also, in reference to the subjectivity inherent in any research in the humanities (de Robillard), to self-position myself in relation to my own representations and inclinations regarding the choice of a referentialization activity. A second step arising from the first also allows me to clarify my intentions in this evaluation. After a review of the pathways available to me, I conclude that in relation to the objectives, they are closer to evaluation-appraisal than evaluation-measurement and lead me to favour a qualitative approach. PART 2: The second part of my thesis, which relates the exploratory phase of my referentialization, is entirely dedicated to the modelling stage of my evaluation object. First, I report on the theoretical investigations I conducted in order to define the object to be evaluated, namely the object language. The first step is to position myself in the debate on the (im)possibility(s) of delimiting boundaries between Creole and French, which opposes structuralists and variationists, and even variationists between them. To do this, I approach the history of the contact of the languages of Reunion, from the plantation society to the departmentalized society, and compare the concepts that served as filters to describe the contact of Creole/French languages (diglossia, continuum, interlecte, macrosystem). Finally, I come to find in de Robillard's arguments, in his broader reflection on the definition of a language, the bases that push me to adopt, for the precise needs of the evaluation I am aiming for, a solid conception of the language, leading me to see Creole and French from a binarized angle. For all that, I do not abandon the study of the phenomena of mixtures noted by the Reunionese teachers among their pupils and that some (didacticians and pedagogues) praise as an asset or, on the contrary, criticize as a handicap, or even associate with the manifestation of a "semi-linguism", compared to the speeches of monolinguals. If my inclination for sociolinguistics leads me to see mixtures as some kind of discursive mode in their linguistic repertoire and to refute a treatment of mixtures from the point of view of parasitages, the question I ask myself as a didactician seeking to improve the teaching/learning process of French is the following: in the end, how can evaluators be allowed to determine, independently of recognition of the linguistic and pragmatic ability of these young pupils to "juggle" with two codes to arrive at communicating, whether the mixtures made are indicative of a) tactics of "compensating" for gaps in one language and/or the other (the skills then being better in one language than the other or insufficient in both languages), or b) relatively good "mastery" of the two codes (the skills being good in one language as well as the other), which calls for different remediation and/or teaching methods? With this in mind, I have decided to draw up an inventory of research focused on the language and linguistic evaluation of "bilingual" people. I am particularly interested in the treatment of the problem of mixtures, from the most "closed" (cf. the works of Titone, Fioux, Genelot et al.), to the most "open" (cf. the works of Moore, Cavalli, Stubbe and Peña.). By weighing them against my objectives, it seems to me that, for my type of comparative assessment, requiring quite distinct target languages, the binarized approach that can answer my initial questions proves to be relevant. Continuing my theoretical investigations, I refine my research framework by determining what a good speaker of a language implies. By approaching the notions of competence vs performance, by reviewing the points of view of language didacticians (Canale and Swain, De Pietro, Cuq, Beacco, Springer, Castellotti,.), interactionists (Hymes, Vasseur), psycholinguists (Lentin, Florin, Gombert.), pedagogues (Boisseau), researchers specializing in language evaluation (Rondal, Comblain, Piérart, Muller.).), but also by taking into consideration the directives concerning the mastery of language (Ministry of National Education) and the recommendations concerning the appropriation of foreign languages (Council of Europe), I decide to focus my reference frame on the evaluation of morphosyntactic skills, and to privilege as well the collection of samples of induced language as of spontaneous language. My exploratory phase also includes field investigations. I begin by describing the places of investigation (located mainly among Benedictine pupils of large nursery section but also at Tampon and Pau), the sampling (choice of schools, classes, children) and the means I used (ethnological approach, filmed interactions, activities carried out, protocols followed). In addition to providing me with a better knowledge of the characteristics of these young witnesses, thanks in particular to a participant observation, and to testing the relevance of different supports, tasks, evaluation approaches and inter-electoral speech transcription systems, I show that this field work allows me to make several observations that corroborate the hypothesis I had formulated during my theoretical investigations. By crossing various salient factors that I was able to identify, such as language practices (which I label without hierarchy "bi-linguisme", "mix-linguisme", "dominance in Creole" and "dominance in French"), linguistic representations, attitudes towards the school norm and the ability to discriminate between the two linguistic codes, both by the witnesses and by myself in the role of evaluator, I was indeed able to measure, in parallel with promising results, the complexity and the limits of a binarized evaluation in terms of data collection and analysis, particularly when the evaluator is faced with certain language profiles of children in this context of close language contact. Indeed, if a binary apprehension, deliberately and "classically" smoothed for teaching purposes seems appropriate for assessing and comparing the quality of children's skills in Creole and French, the local context of contact of close languages, marked by diglossic representations and far from being limited to well delimited and delimitable binary practices, leads me to think that a reference of this type is likely to have a limited scope. It is a hypothesis that it will then be up to me to verify in the continuation of my work. PART 3: Informed by a better knowledge of the potential, limits and concrete constraints of a binarised approach, the next stage of my referentialisation begins with the choice of criteria and indicators that will make it possible to evaluate young children who are not readers, orally, in French and Creole. This is the subject of the third part of my typewriting. Before getting to the heart of the matter, I begin with an indispensable preamble, it seems to me, on the balance of power at stake in normative activity (between prescription and description, priorities, relativity and arbitrariness, legitimacy(ies).). On this sensitive subject, subject to strong polemics, as well in the scientific community in general as among speakers evolving in the Reunionese community, I present in a double posture of sociolinguist and didactician, my own positioning in relation to the notion of "norm(s)". In order for my approach to be better understood and because I consider it essential to step back from a concept that often marginalizes those who use it (outside practitioners), I explicitly state the relative, constructed and yet necessary character, in my case, of the standard for this frame of reference. I also explain my legitimacy as a designer of normative references from a variationist point of view, within the theoretical framework chosen for this evaluation work. To construct the normative references of my tool, the methodological protocol that I decide to borrow is the following: 1. from already recorded descriptions of uses, - in Creole (then exist only scientific articles, grammars, dictionaries that describe only the norms of adult use (Staudacher, Watbled, Chaudenson, Ramassamy, Cellier.)), - and in French (including work on standard French (Riegel et al., Arrivé et al.)), Wagner and Pinchon.), spoken French (Gadet, Blanche-Benvéniste, Sauvageot.), regional French (Carayol, Ledegen, Béniamino and Baggioni), French spoken by children (Florin, Boisseau, Comblain.), 2. synthesize and compare these works, not only with each other but also with my own research and native speaker skills on the morphosyntactic items in question, order to be able to then proceed to a choice of criteria, whose relevance will be justified each time, for the language provoked and the spontaneous language, 4. to propose reference standards (indicators) making it possible to evaluate these criteria. For Creole, at this stage it is a question of provisional standards, 5. adjusting and updating the latter for an audience of young children, by analysing the spontaneous speech in Creole of Reunionese kindergarten children ("reference informants"), dominant in Creole or in two languages. A little more than three hundred pages of my typewriting report on the development and choice of these criteria and indicators. They quickly reveal a clear qualitative and quantitative imbalance between the state of knowledge in Creole and French. In a grammatical work, descriptive but also prescriptive, which must sort and complete, for Creole, existing descriptions certainly interesting but often contradictory, relieved of emerging varieties and completely incomplete as regards child forms, I approach the updating of the verbal theme (flexional system, analytical system, index i, truncation rules), personal pronouns, the valence of verbal themes, interrogative modality and negative modality. PART 4: The fourth and last part of my referentialization is first devoted to measuring the general parameters of designing assessment tasks and collecting data for and from children. Following a review of the literature on the subject (notably the work of Rondal, Moreau and Richelle, Khomsi, Florin, Brédart, Gombert, Marquillo.), I then put forward two considerations relating to relevance and validity criteria in an evaluation, when collecting data. They concern the types of activities generally proposed in language assessments (comprehension, production, detection and correction of statements), and the tasks making it possible to collect observable behaviours (with a focus on their scope, bias, supports and instructions). I close this review with my own remarks, criticisms and impressions on the experience of developing data collection tools that I was able to develop on the ground in Réunion. In a second step, I present and comment on the pilot tests I pre-tested with a hundred children of large section, during individual evaluation sessions, filmed and analyzed. This test bank is composed of 39 sheets classified according to whether it is a question of assessing competencies in Creole, competencies in French or "bilingual" competencies (translation, codic discrimination). These sheets present the evaluation tasks I have developed and pre-tested for feasibility, relevance and sensitivity. They detail, for each syntactic item evaluated, the criteria taken into consideration, the type of activity chosen, the expected performances, the supports of the test, the indications on its organisation, the instructions, but also the primer statements possibly provided for the evaluator, an analysis of examples of "correct" and "incorrect" answers collected from the pre-tested witnesses, and finally general comments on the test in question (difficulties, variants, precautions.). CONCLUSION: my typewriting ends with a general conclusion. First of all, it summarizes the different steps of my referencing as well as their results, and comes back on the improvements that could be made. It then presents the contributions of this research work, which also raises questions and allows proposals to be made. The contributions include in particular : -Theoretical but also field research with a hundred Reunionese children which allows the provision of an operational assessment tool, adapted to the characteristics of small Reunionese schoolchildren of large nursery section and proposing detailed tasks, tested and concrete normative benchmarks. These cards can be used as they stand, in the end as much by researchers in language didactics as by practitioners, who assess the oral grammatical skills of young children in Reunion Island. - In general, a methodological perspective concerning the collection and analysis of oral data from young non-reading schoolchildren in a diglostic context, and in a situation of contact with nearby languages. - An enrichment of the work of synchronic description of the peripheral French morphosyntax, but especially of the Creole of Reunion Island, in particular, a) by taking into account the intrasystemic and intersystemic variations (the current emerging forms due to the internal dynamics of Creole and to the contact with French, the childlike forms, the language of the young people), b) by the synthetic approach adopted (comparative analysis of work, elaboration of summary tables). But this work of referentialization also raises questions for research, on several points: On the didactic level : - This study showing the essential consideration of linguistic representations, language practices, pragmatic skills of students during the process of collecting oral data, what validity, what relevance can have smoothed evaluations, hermetic to the situation of contact of close languages and the specificities of children in Reunion, such as academic evaluations in French, duplications of a-contextualized metropolitan evaluations, designed for an already French-speaking monolingual public? What relevance do the proposals of didactic and explicit use, "as is", of Creole "L1" as a springboard to reach French L2, whereas the pre-tests carried out during my research already show a majority of witnesses presenting basic grammatical skills in French deficiencies, but also schoolchildren (even dominant Creolophones), encountering difficulties of expression, even comprehension, in Creole? Wouldn't most of the grammatical descriptions currently available hardly take into account the intra- and intersystemic variations of Creole, have repercussions on the scope of the didactic proposals for teaching French in partnership with Creole?In terms of research on language assessment: -The binary perspective chosen in this work, considered relevant for comparing language skills in Creole and French, has limitations and cannot, in particular, take into consideration, as it stands, all children's language profiles (for example, non-discriminatory mix-linguals). Beyond a Creole/French assessment, what alternative do we have to assess the language skills, especially morpho-syntactic, of these children whose (a)meshed speech and without a target "language" cannot be analysed in this framework? Should these "bilingual" skills be measured for themselves, without reference to Creole and French, as some researchers try to do relatively marginally in other linguistic contexts (e.g. Stubbe and Peña for American-Hispanic bilinguals in the United States)? But is what seems possible for "non collateral" languages possible for genetically and structurally related languages? Indeed, is a bilingual evaluation taking as a normative reference the morphosyntax of the entire Reunion macrosystem, thus a "fluid" language, where the evaluator does not have explicit/explicable reference standards a priori and therefore justified/justifiable, conceivable? Although it allows its pedagogical relevance to be seen, and meets the search for meaning criterion, how would it justify its objectivization when the evaluator only"feels" that it is being said and thus holds within himself "moving" rules, elusive as a native speaker of the interlecte? How can this unavoidable involvement, which derogates from the basis of any evaluation, be managed when normative references are internalized and a priori not externalisable?This research work finally makes it possible to make recommendations and proposals for areas of work concerning the teaching of French in partnership with Creole: - To endeavour to identify the conditions of awareness of codes by currently discriminating children (without school guidance), for the study of ways allowing schoolchildren, from the small section, to discriminate prototypical traits of Creole and French. - To take greater account of the heterogeneity of the language profiles of Réunionese children, who should not be considered as a linguistically homogeneous mass (even in schools in so-called disadvantaged neighbourhoods), and to continue the reflection on taking into account the Reunionese language macrosystem. – To complete the research on Creole currently spoken by the Reunionese population (children, youth, adults) and open these descriptions to all variations. - To make current the grammatical description books and to encourage the publication of scientific works (not purist), "accessible" to the public of students (future teachers) in training but also to that of teachers already in post. – To take more into account and change the negative representations of the local population (especially the parents of pupils) concerning the partnership (direct or indirect) with Creole. This subject being the object of strong tensions on the school ground, to study possibilities of alternative approaches (exploitation of the television medium, creation/exploitation of parallel educational structures as associations of the "ti lékol maron" type or leisure centres), privileging the mastery of language with a playful aspect, in a "calmed" context. ; Le sujet de ma thèse a pour point de départ une visée didactique : celle de l'amélioration qualitative de l'enseignement/apprentissage du français à/par un public d'enfants réunionnais. Dans la poursuite de cette finalité, je me suis fixé pour but l'élaboration d'un référentiel d'évaluation des compétences morphosyntaxiques d'enfants réunionnais en grande section de maternelle à La Réunion. Enrichi notamment des récentes recherches liées à la thématique du contact de langues en terres créolo-francophones, mon travail de didacticienne a tenté de concilier, ou du moins de confronter une posture de sociolinguiste variationniste à celle, classiquement plus structuraliste, de grammairienne « poseuse de normes » dans un cadre scolaire. Je traite ainsi, d'un point de vue théorique et pragmatique, la problématique d'une évaluation grammaticale binarisée, dans un contexte diglossique de contacts de langues proches, où les pratiques interlectales sont légion. En considérant, dans une perspective holistique, des questions relatives à l'élaboration de normes de référence et au recueil de données orales auprès de petits écoliers non lecteurs, ma recherche se trouve en réalité inscrite à la croisée de la sociolinguistique, de la didactique des langues, des sciences de l'éducation mais aussi de la psycholinguistique et de la linguistique descriptive.Le compte rendu de mon travail se scinde en quatre parties.PARTIE 1 : suite à une introduction générale, la première partie de mon tapuscrit montre la nécessité d'une évaluation bilan des compétences linguistiques des élèves réunionnais à la fin de l'école maternelle. Elle décrit également les objectifs généraux, les postures et les intentions qui sous-tendent cette évaluation.L'écart entre la langue de l'école et la langue de la maison est considéré à La Réunion comme un facteur aggravant des difficultés scolaires que rencontrent de nombreux élèves réunionnais dès les débuts de leur scolarisation. Il semblerait que pour devenir notamment de bons lecteurs, beaucoup d'entre eux ne disposent pas de compétences suffisantes en tant que locuteurs de la langue française. Parmi les propositions de remédiation proposées jusqu'à présent par les chercheurs ayant traité du sujet, il est souvent préconisé de prendre appui, dès la maternelle, sur les compétences acquises par les élèves en créole, considéré comme leur L1, pour composer une stratégie d'enseignement du français, qualifiée de langue seconde. Depuis peu, les politiques éducatives officiellement affichées pour l'Académie laissent entendre également à leur tour, de manière plus ou moins floue, la nécessité de prendre en compte le créole.Dans cette optique, certes louable si on se réfère à des travaux de didacticiens et de psycholinguistes sur les formes fortes d'enseignement en contexte bilingue (ex : Baker, Hamers et Blanc, Cummins), apparaissent cependant deux questions centrales qui devraient dès lors être soulevées, mais qui jusqu'à présent n'ont guère été posées : -Quelle est la qualité du créole parlé par les enfants « créolophones » d'aujourd'hui ?-Ces petits écoliers réunionnais, et notamment ceux qui rencontrent des difficultés en français, maîtrisent-ils vraiment le créole ? L'analyse des récents travaux de sociolinguistique ayant trait aux contacts de langues et à l'expansion de l'usage de l'interlecte dans la communauté réunionnaise (Prudent, Ledegen, Watin, Souprayen-Cavery, Rapanoël.), la prise en compte des remarques d'enseignants locaux du premier degré sur les lacunes des jeunes élèves non seulement en français mais également en créole, et celle des résultats de sondages déclarant une augmentation de la « transmission » du français par les mères réunionnaises, m'ont amenée à penser que le doute à ce sujet est permis ou du moins que le postulat « créole L1 » est à nuancer. Afin de mieux situer la finalité et le but de mon travail, j'ai donc entrepris dans un premier temps de démontrer que la donne en matière de pratiques langagières s'avère complexe et par conséquent, que les orientations didactiques gagneraient en sensibilité et en ancrage dans la situation locale, si elles s'appuyaient sur des points de repères concrets concernant le degré de maîtrise effective actuelle des deux codes en question par les élèves. Comment, en effet, prétendre pouvoir exploiter les acquis dans une langue (a priori L1-créole) pour mieux s'approprier l'autre (a priori L2-français), sans avoir pris la pleine mesure du degré de maîtrise des deux langues impliquées? Si des travaux ont été entamés concernant les compétences communicatives des écoliers en maternelle (Fioux et Marimoutou), mes recherches sur les « évaluations » locales menées jusque-là révèlent en effet que les chercheurs ne disposent d'aucun bilan relativement détaillé des compétences linguistiques actuelles des enfants réunionnais, d'une part en français, avant le passage au français écrit, après trois années de scolarisation pourtant explicitement axées sur l'acquisition des bases du français oral, et d'autre part en créole . Tout aussi déconcertant, eu égard aux enjeux scolaires, il apparaît qu'on ne dispose pas non plus d'outils d'évaluation pensés pour la situation locale, donc adaptés pour le recueil et l'analyse de ces compétences linguistiques orales auprès de jeunes enfants, alors qu'on se trouve dans une ancienne colonie française présentant une situation sociolinguistique ancrée dans la diglossie. Sur quelle base peut-on alors s'appuyer pour affirmer que les élèves réunionnais d'aujourd'hui, qu'on qualifie en masse de « créolophones », possèdent de solides compétences linguistiques en créole et des lacunes en français lorsqu'ils s'engagent dans le processus d'apprentissage systématique de la lecture ? C'est à partir de ces questionnements et de ces constats que j'ébauche une première circonscription de l'objectif de mon travail. Il s'agit de poser les prolégomènes d'une évaluation bilan, linguistique, comparée, en créole et en français, dont les soubassements méthodologiques seraient explicités, argumentés, mais aussi contextualisés et actualisés pour un public d'apprenants en fin de grande section de maternelle à La Réunion. Le but est de doter les didacticiens des langues œuvrant pour et auprès de petits écoliers réunionnais d'un outil suffisamment fin pour permettre d'enrichir la réflexion sur les stratégies d'enseignement/apprentissage du français, « éventuellement » à partir des acquis de ces élèves en créole. Bien que s'inscrivant en amont de l'acte d'évaluer, les délimitations que je propose d'établir font partie intégrante du processus d'évaluation. Plus précisément, il s'agit concrètement de construire un référentiel d'évaluation opérationnel présentant des critères d'évaluation, des normes de références et des épreuves pré-testées auprès d'un échantillon d'enfants de grande section, en français et en créole. Une fois ce dessein explicité, je pose les paramètres liminaires de ce processus d'évaluation. Le concevant avant tout comme « une réflexion sur les rapports aux valeurs », je me positionne alors, après une approche épistémologique de cet acte non anodin, en faveur d'une évaluation qui fasse sens. Suivant notamment Hadji, Lecointe, Bonniol et Vial ou encore Ardoino et Berger sur leurs remises en cause de la technicité de la docimologie à la recherche d'une objectivité illusoire, j'entreprends, comme eux, de déplacer la priorité de la justesse des résultats vers la logique et la transparence d'un processus objectivisé, amenant à un résultat pertinent qu'on peut comprendre, situer, relativiser en fonction d'une grille de lecture transparente et des intentions qui la sous-tendent. Pour ce faire, j'emprunte alors aux sciences de l'éducation, et notamment à G. Figari, le concept de référentialisation, au triple statut, opératoire, méthodologique et scientifique. S'ils ont été pensés originellement pour mener des évaluations de dispositifs (établissements scolaires, dispositifs de formation, curricula, etc.), je montre que les principes généraux de la référentialisation s'avèrent en réalité tout à fait transposables à l'étude que je mène. Nantie de ce fil rouge, ma référentialisation commence, dans une première étape, par un travail de réflexivité, pour tenter d'expliciter et situer ma propre posture de conceptrice d'évaluation, qui m'engage dans une responsabilité éthique. Il s'agit avant tout de prendre du recul sur le pouvoir détenu et auquel je suis soumise dans ce travail de recueil et d'utilisation d'une information à valeur sociale. Je m'attèle donc à poser et comprendre les enjeux sociaux et individuels liés à cet acte, mais également, en référence à la subjectivité inhérente à toute recherche en sciences humaines (de Robillard), à m'auto-positionner par rapport à mes propres représentations et inclinations concernant le choix d'une activité de référentialisation. Une deuxième étape découlant de la première me permet par ailleurs de préciser mes intentions dans cette évaluation. Après une revue des cheminements qui me sont offerts, j'en conclus qu'en rapport avec les objectifs visés, celles-ci se rapprochent au final plus de l'évaluation-appréciation que de l'évaluation-mesure et m'amènent à privilégier une approche qualitative.PARTIE 2 : la deuxième partie de ma thèse, qui relate la phase exploratoire de ma référentialisation, est entièrement dédiée à l'étape de la modélisation de mon objet d'évaluation. Je rends tout d'abord compte des investigations théoriques que j'ai menées afin de circonscrire l'objet à évaluer, à savoir l'objet langue. Il s'agit dans un premier temps de me positionner dans le débat sur la/les (im)possibilité(s) de délimitation de frontières entre créole et français, qui oppose structuralistes et variationnistes, et même variationnistes entre eux. J'aborde, pour ce faire, l'histoire du contact des langues de La Réunion, de la société de plantation à la société départementalisée, et confronte les concepts qui ont servi de filtres pour décrire le contact de langues créole/français (diglossie, continuum, interlecte, macrosystème). J'en viens finalement à trouver dans les arguments de de Robillard, dans sa réflexion plus large sur la définition d'une langue, les bases qui me poussent à adopter, pour les besoins précis de l'évaluation que je vise, une conception solide de la langue, amenant à voir le créole et le français sous un angle binarisé.Pour autant, je n'abandonne pas l'étude des phénomènes de mélanges relevés par les enseignants réunionnais chez leurs élèves et que d'aucuns (didacticiens et pédagogues) encensent comme un atout ou, au contraire, fustigent comme un handicap, voire associent à la manifestation d'un « semi-linguisme », comparativement aux discours de monolingues. Si mon inclination pour la sociolinguistique m'amène à voir les mélanges comme un quelconque mode discursif dans leur répertoire langagier et à réfuter un traitement des mélanges du point de vue de parasitages, la question que je me pose en tant que didacticienne cherchant à améliorer le processus d'enseignement/apprentissage du français est la suivante : en fin de compte, comment permettre à des évaluateurs de déterminer, indépendamment d'une reconnaissance de la capacité linguistique et pragmatique de ces jeunes élèves à "jongler" avec deux codes pour arriver à communiquer, si les mélanges effectués sont indicateurs :-de tactiques de « compensation » de lacunes dans l'une et/ou l'autre langue (les compétences étant alors meilleures dans une langue que dans l'autre ou insuffisantes dans les deux langues),-ou d'une « maîtrise » relativement bonne des deux codes (les compétences étant bonnes dans une langue comme dans l'autre), ce qui appelle des remédiations et/ou des pistes pédagogiques différentes ? Je décide dans cette optique d'établir l'état des lieux des recherches axées sur l'évaluation langagière et linguistique de « bilingues ». Je m'intéresse notamment aux traitements de la problématique des mélanges, des plus « fermés » (cf. les travaux de Titone, Fioux, Genelot et al.), aux plus « ouverts » (cf. les travaux de Moore, Cavalli, Stubbe et Peña.). En les soupesant en regard de mes objectifs, il m'apparaît alors que, pour mon type d'évaluation comparée, requérant des langues cibles bien distinctes, l'approche binarisée qui peut répondre à mes questions de départ s'avère pertinente. Poursuivant mes investigations théoriques, j'affine mon cadre de recherche en déterminant ce que sous-entend être un bon locuteur d'une langue. En abordant les notions de compétence vs performance, en passant en revue les points de vue de didacticiens des langues (Canale et Swain, De Pietro, Cuq, Beacco, Springer, Castellotti,.), d'interactionnistes (Hymes, Vasseur), de psycholinguistes (Lentin, Florin, Gombert.), de pédagogues (Boisseau), de chercheurs spécialisés dans l'évaluation du langage (Rondal, Comblain, Piérart, Muller.), mais aussi en prenant en considération les directives en matière de maîtrise du langage (Ministère de l'Education Nationale) et les préconisations concernant l'appropriation des langues étrangères (Conseil de l'Europe), je décide de centrer mon référentiel sur l'évaluation des compétences morphosyntaxiques, et de privilégier aussi bien le recueil d'échantillons de langage provoqué que de langage spontané.Ma phase exploratoire comprend également des investigations de terrain. Je commence par décrire les lieux d'enquête (situés en grande partie auprès d'élèves bénédictins de grande section de maternelle mais également au Tampon et à Pau), l'échantillonnage (choix des écoles, des classes, des enfants) et les moyens dont j'ai usés (démarche ethnologique, interactions filmées, activités réalisées, protocoles suivis). En sus de me fournir une meilleure connaissance des caractéristiques de ces jeunes témoins, grâce notamment à une observation participante, et de tester la pertinence de différents supports, tâches, approches d'évaluation et de systèmes de transcription de la parole interlectale, je montre que ce travail de terrain me permet de faire plusieurs constats qui corroborent l'hypothèse que j'avais formulée lors de mes investigations théoriques. En croisant divers facteurs saillants que j'ai pu relever, tels que les pratiques langagières (que j'étiquette sans hiérarchie « bi-linguisme », « mix-linguisme », « dominance en créole » et « dominance en français »), les représentations linguistiques, les attitudes face à la norme scolaire et la capacité à discriminer les deux codes linguistiques, aussi bien par les témoins que par moi-même dans le rôle d'évaluateur, j'ai pu en effet mesurer, parallèlement à des résultats prometteurs, la complexité et les limites d'une évaluation binarisée en termes de recueil et d'analyse de données, notamment lorsque l'évaluateur est face à certains profils langagiers d'enfants dans ce contexte de contact de langues proches. En effet, si une appréhension binaire, volontairement et « classiquement » lissée pour des besoins didactiques semble convenir pour évaluer, comparer la qualité des compétences d'enfants en créole et en français, le contexte local de contact de langues proches, empreint de représentations diglossiques et loin de se restreindre à des pratiques binaires bien délimitées et délimitables, m'amène à penser qu'un référentiel de ce type est susceptible d'avoir une portée limitée. C'est une hypothèse qu'il m'appartiendra alors de vérifier dans la suite de mon travail.PARTIE 3 : éclairée d'une meilleure connaissance du potentiel, des bornes et des astreintes concrètes d'une approche binarisée, l'étape suivante de ma référentialisation s'engage sur le choix des critères et des indicateurs qui permettront d'évaluer de jeunes enfants non lecteurs, à l'oral, en français et en créole. Ceci fait l'objet de la troisième partie de mon tapuscrit.Avant d'entrer dans le vif du sujet, je commence par un préambule indispensable, il me semble, sur les rapports de force en jeu dans l'activité normative (entre prescription et description, priorités, relativité et arbitraire, légitimité(s).). Sur ce sujet sensible, soumis à de fortes polémiques, aussi bien dans la communauté scientifique de manière générale que parmi les locuteurs évoluant dans la communauté réunionnaise, je présente dans une posture double de sociolinguiste et de didacticienne, mon propre positionnement par rapport à la notion de « norme(s) ». Pour que ma démarche soit mieux comprise et parce que je juge essentielle cette prise de recul face à un concept marginalisant souvent celui/celle qui y a recours (en dehors des praticiens), je pose explicitement le caractère relatif, construit et pourtant nécessaire, dans mon cas, de la norme pour ce référentiel. J'explique par ailleurs également ma légitimité de conceptrice de références normatives d'un point de vue variationniste, dans le cadre théorique choisi pour ce travail d'évaluation. Pour construire les références normatives de mon outil, le protocole méthodologique que je décide d'emprunter est le suivant :1.partir de descriptions déjà consignées des usages,-en créole (n'existent alors que des articles scientifiques, des grammaires, des dictionnaires qui ne décrivent que les normes d'usage d'adultes (Staudacher, Watbled, Chaudenson, Ramassamy, Cellier.)),-et en français (comprenant les travaux sur le français standard (Riegel et al., Arrivé et al., Wagner et Pinchon.), le français parlé (Gadet, Blanche-Benvéniste, Sauvageot.), le français régional (Carayol, Ledegen, Béniamino et Baggioni), le français parlé par les enfants (Florin, Boisseau, Comblain.)), 2.synthétiser et confronter ces travaux, non seulement entre eux mais également à mes propres recherches et compétences de locutrice native sur les items morphosyntaxiques en question, 3.afin de pouvoir procéder ensuite à un choix de critères, dont la pertinence sera à chaque fois justifiée, pour le langage provoqué et le langage spontané, 4. proposer des normes de références (indicateurs) permettant d'évaluer ces critères. Pour le créole, s'agissant à ce stade de normes provisoires,5.ajuster, actualiser ces dernières pour un public de jeunes enfants, en analysant le discours spontané en créole d'enfants réunionnais de maternelle (les « informateurs de référence»), dominants en créole ou bi-lingues.Un peu plus de trois centaines de pages de mon tapuscrit rendent compte de l'élaboration et du choix de ces critères et de ces indicateurs. Elles laissent rapidement voir un déséquilibre manifeste tant qualitatif que quantitatif entre l'état des connaissances en créole et en français. Dans un travail de grammairienne, descriptive mais également prescriptive, qui doit trier et compléter, pour le créole, des descriptions existantes certes intéressantes mais souvent contradictoires, délestées des variétés émergentes et complètement lacunaires en ce qui concerne les formes enfantines, j'aborde l'actualisation du thème verbal (système flexionnel, système analytique, indice i, règles de troncation), les pronoms personnels, la valence des thèmes verbaux, la modalité interrogative et la modalité négative. PARTIE 4 : la quatrième et dernière partie de ma référentialisation est d'abord consacrée à prendre la mesure des paramètres généraux de la conception de tâches d'évaluation et du recueil de données pour et auprès d'enfants. Suite à une revue de la littérature sur le sujet (notamment les travaux de Rondal, Moreau et Richelle, Khomsi, Florin, Brédart, Gombert, Marquillo.), je mets alors en avant deux considérations relatives aux critères de pertinence et de validité dans une évaluation, lors du recueil de données. Elles concernent les types d'activités généralement proposées dans les évaluations langagières (compréhension, production, détection et correction d'énoncés), et les tâches permettant de recueillir des comportements observables (avec un centrage sur leurs portées, biais, supports et consignes). Je clôture cette revue en apportant mes propres remarques, critiques et impressions sur l'expérience d'élaboration d'outils de recueil de données que j'ai pu développer sur le terrain réunionnais.Dans un deuxième temps, je présente et commente les épreuves pilotes que j'ai pré-testées auprès d'une centaine d'enfants de grande section, lors de séances d'évaluation individuelles, filmées et analysées.Cette banque d'épreuves est composée de 39 fiches classées selon qu'il s'agit d'évaluer des compétences en créole, des compétences en français ou des compétences « bilingues » (traduction, discrimination codique). Ces fiches présentent les tâches d'évaluation que j'ai élaborées et dont j'ai pré-testé la faisabilité, la pertinence et la sensibilité. Elles détaillent, pour chaque item syntaxique évalué, les critères pris en considération, le type d'activité choisi, les performances attendues, les supports de l'épreuve, les indications sur son organisation, les consignes, mais également les énoncés-amorces éventuellement prévus pour l'évaluateur, une analyse d'exemples de réponses "correctes" et "incorrectes" recueillis auprès des témoins pré-testés, et enfin des commentaires généraux sur l'épreuve en question (difficultés, variantes, précautions.). CONCLUSION : mon tapuscrit se clôt par une conclusion générale. Celle-ci synthétise tout d'abord les différentes étapes de ma référentialisation ainsi que leurs résultats, et revient sur les améliorations qui pourraient y être apportées. Elle présente dans un deuxième temps les apports de ce travail de recherche, qui soulève aussi des questionnements et permet de faire des propositions.Les apports comprennent notamment : -Une recherche théorique mais également de terrain auprès d'une centaine d'enfants réunionnais qui permet la mise à disposition d'un outil d'évaluation opératoire, adapté aux caractéristiques de petits écoliers réunionnais de grande section de maternelle et proposant des tâches détaillées, éprouvées et des repères normatifs concrets. Ces fiches sont utilisables en l'état, au final autant par des chercheurs en didactique des langues que par des praticiens, amenés à évaluer des compétences grammaticales orales de jeunes enfants à La Réunion.-De manière générale, un éclairage méthodologique concernant le recueil et l'analyse de données orales auprès de jeunes écoliers non lecteurs dans un contexte diglossique, et dans une situation de contact de langues proches.-Un enrichissement des travaux de description synchronique de la morphosyntaxe du français, mais surtout du créole de La Réunion, notamment :»par la prise en compte des variations intrasystémiques et intersystémiques (les formes émergentes actuelles dues à la dynamique interne du créole et au contact avec le français, les formes enfantines, le langage des jeunes), »par l'approche synthétique adoptée (analyse comparée de travaux, élaboration de tableaux récapitulatifs).Mais ce travail de référentialisation soulève également des questionnements pour la recherche, sur plusieurs points :Sur le plan didactique : -Cette étude montrant l'indispensable prise en compte des représentations linguistiques, des pratiques langagières, des compétences pragmatiques des élèves lors du processus de recueil de données orales, quelle validité, quelle pertinence peuvent avoir des évaluations lissées, hermétiques à la situation de contact de langues proches et aux spécificités des enfants réunionnais, comme les évaluations académiques en français, duplications d'évaluations métropolitaines a-contextualisées, conçues pour un public monolingue déjà francophone ?-Quelle pertinence ont les propositions d'exploitation didactique et explicite, « en l'état », du créole « L1 » comme tremplin pour atteindre le français L2, alors que les pré-tests menés lors de ma recherche laissent déjà entrevoir certes une majorité de témoins présentant des compétences grammaticales de base en français lacunaires, mais également des écoliers (même dominants créolophones), rencontrant des difficultés d'expression, voire de compréhension, en créole ?-La plupart des descriptions grammaticales actuellement disponibles ne prenant guère en compte les variations intra- et intersystémiques du créole, n'y aurait-il pas des répercussions sur la portée des propositions didactiques pour l'enseignement du français en partenariat avec le créole ? Sur le plan des recherches sur l'évaluation linguistique : -La perspective binaire choisie dans ce travail, jugée pertinente pour comparer des compétences linguistiques en créole et en français, présente des limites et ne peut notamment prendre en considération, en l'état, tous les profils langagiers d'enfants (par exemple, les mix-lingues non-discriminants). Au-delà d'une évaluation créole/français, quelle alternative avons-nous pour apprécier les compétences linguistiques, notamment morpho-syntaxiques, de ces enfants dont la parole tellement (a)maillée et sans « langue » cible ne peut être analysée dans ce cadre ? Faut-il mesurer ces compétences « bilingues » pour elles-mêmes, sans référence au créole et au français, comme tentent de le faire de manière relativement marginale certains chercheurs dans d'autres contextes linguistiques (ex : Stubbe et Peña pour des bilingues américano-hispanophones aux Etats-Unis) ? Mais ce qui semble possible pour des langues « non collatérales » l'est-il pour des langues génétiquement et structurellement proches ? En effet, une évaluation bilingue prenant comme référence normative la morphosyntaxe de l'ensemble du macrosystème réunionnais, donc une langue « fluide », où l'évaluateur ne dispose pas de normes de référence explicitées/explicitables a priori et donc justifiées/justifiables, est-elle envisageable ? Bien qu'elle laisse voir sa pertinence sur le plan pédagogique, et réponde au critère de recherche de sens, comment justifierait-elle son objectivisation lorsque l'évaluateur ne fait que « « (re)sentir » que ça se dit » et donc détient en lui-même des règles « mouvantes », insaisissables de locuteur natif de l'interlecte ? Comment gérer cette incontournable implication dérogeant aux bases de toute évaluation, lorsque les références normatives sont intériorisées et a priori non externalisables ?Ce travail de recherche permet enfin d'émettre des préconisations et propositions pour des pistes de travail concernant la didactique du français en partenariat avec le créole : -S'attacher à identifier les conditions de conscientisation des codes par des enfants actuellement discriminants (sans guidage scolaire), pour l'étude de pistes permettant aux écoliers, dès la petite section, de discriminer des traits prototypiques du créole et du français.-Prendre davantage en considération l'hétérogénéité des profils langagiers des enfants réunionnais qui ne sont pas à considérer comme une masse linguistiquement homogène (même dans les écoles de quartiers dits défavorisés) et continuer la réflexion sur la prise en compte du macrosystème langagier réunionnais.-Compléter les recherches sur le créole parlé actuellement par la population réunionnaise (enfants, jeunes, adultes) et ouvrir ces descriptions à toutes les variations.-Briser le caractère ésotérique des ouvrages de descriptions grammaticales actuels et encourager la publication d'ouvrages de vulgarisation, non puristes, « accessibles » au public des étudiants (futurs enseignants) en formation mais également à celui des enseignants déjà en poste.-Prendre davantage en compte et faire évoluer les représentations négatives de la population locale (notamment les parents d'élèves), concernant le partenariat (direct ou indirect) avec le créole. Ce sujet faisant l'objet de fortes tensions sur le terrain scolaire, étudier des possibilités d'approches alternatives (exploitation du médium télévisuel, création/exploitation de structures éducatives parallèles comme des associations de type « ti lékol maron » ou des centres de loisirs), privilégiant la maîtrise du langage avec un aspect ludique, dans un contexte « apaisé ».
2006/2007 ; Inventario dei luoghi di culto della zona falisco-capenate. Sunto. La raccolta delle fonti relative alla vita religiosa della zona falisco-capenate è stata finalizzata, in primo luogo, all'individuazione di luoghi di culto sicuramente identificabili come tali. Dove questo non fosse stato possibile, soprattutto in presenza di documenti epigrafici isolati e di provenienza non sempre determinabile, si è comunque registrata la presenza del culto. Attraverso la documentazione raccolta si intende cercare di delineare una storia dei culti dell'area considerata, a partire dalle prime attestazioni fino all'età imperiale. La zona presa in esame, inserita nella Regio VII Etruria nel quadro dell'organizzazione territoriale dell'Italia augustea, è compresa entro i confini naturali del lago di Bracciano e del lago di Vico a ovest, del corso del Tevere a est, mentre i limiti settentrionale e meridionale possono essere segnati, rispettivamente, dai rilievi dei Monti Cimini e dei Monti Sabatini. I centri esaminati sono quelli di Lucus Feroniae, Capena, Falerii Veteres, Falerii Novi, Narce, Sutri e Nepi. La comunità capenate occupava la parte orientale del territorio, un'area pianeggiante, dominata a nord dal massiccio del monte Soratte, e delimitata a est dall'ansa del Tevere. Il suo fulcro era costituito dall'abitato di Capena, l'odierno colle della Civitucola, cui facevano capo una serie di piccoli insediamenti, ancora poco indagati, dislocati in posizione strategica sul Tevere, o in corrispondenza di assi stradali di collegamento al fiume. Il principale di essi risulta essere localizzabile nel sito della moderna Nazzano, occupato stabilmente a partire dall'VIII sec. a.C., e posto in corrispondenza dell'abitato sabino di Campo del Pozzo, sull'altra sponda del Tevere. Il comparto falisco si articola, invece, attraverso una paesaggio di aspre colline tufacee, incentrato attorno al bacino idrografico del torrente Treia, affluente del Tevere, che percorre il territorio in direzione longitudinale. Lungo il corso del fiume si svilupparono i due più antichi e importanti centri falisci di Falerii Veteres e Narce, un sito nel quale la più recente tradizione di studi tende a riconoscere, sempre più convincentemente, la Fescennium nota dalle fonti, l'altro abitato falisco, oltre a Falerii, di cui sia tramandato il nome; lungo affluenti del Treia sono ubicate Nepi e Falerii Novi. Pur nella specificità culturale progressivamente assunta da Falisci e Capenati, la collocazione geografica del territorio da essi occupato lo rende naturalmente permeabile a influenze etrusche e sabine, rilevabili attraverso la documentazione archeologica, e rintracciabili in alcune notizie delle fonti antiche, rivalutate dalla più recente tradizione di studi. Una posizione differente era, invece, maturata dopo le prime indagini condotte nella regione, tra la fine dell''800 e l'inizio del '900, che avevano portato a enfatizzare i caratteri culturali specifici delle popolazioni locali, sottolineando la sostanziale autonomia di queste rispetto agli Etruschi, soprattutto sulla base delle strette analogie tra la lingua falisca e la latina. Tale percezione fu dominante fino alla seconda metà degli anni '60 del '900, quando la pubblicazione dei primi dati sulle necropoli veienti mise in luce gli stretti rapporti con le aree falisca e capenate, tra l'VIII e il VII sec. a.C. Gli studi sul popolamento dell'Etruria protostorica condotti a partire dagli anni '80 del '900 hanno sempre più focalizzato l'attenzione su un coinvolgimento di Veio nel popolamento dell'area compresa tra i Monti Cimini e Sabatini e il Tevere nella prima età del Ferro, trovando conferma anche dalle recenti analisi dei corredi delle principali necropoli falische, che hanno evidenziato, nell'VIII e all'inizio del VII sec. a.C., importanti parallelismi con usi funerari veienti, ma anche aspetti specifici della cultura locale. Il corpus di iscrizioni etrusche proveniente dalle necropoli di Narce dimostra, per tutto il VII e VI sec. a.C., la continuità stanziale di etruscofoni, che utilizzano un sistema scrittorio di tipo meridionale, riconducibile a Veio, di cui Narce sembra costituire un avamposto in territorio falisco. Già dall'inizio del VII sec. a.C., tuttavia, si fanno evidenti i segni di una più specifica caratterizzazione culturale delle aree falisca e capenate, anche attraverso la diffusione di un idioma falisco, affine a quello latino, documentato epigraficamente per il VII e VI sec. a.C. soprattutto a Falerii Veteres. Un ulteriore elemento di contatto culturale col mondo latino è rappresentato, in questo centro, dal rituale funerario delle inumazioni infantili in area di abitato. Tale uso, che trova numerosi confronti nel Latium vetus, mentre risulta estraneo all'Etruria, è documentato a Civita Castellana, in località lo Scasato, da due sepolture di bambini, databili tra la fine dell'VIII e la prima metà del VII sec. a.C. A Capena sono state rilevate, a partire dal VII sec. a.C., notevoli influenze dall'area sabina, soprattutto attraverso la documentazione archeologica fornita dalle necropoli, mentre, da un punto di vista linguistico, un influsso del versante orientale del Tevere è stato colto, in particolare, attraverso un'analisi del nucleo più nutrito delle iscrizioni epicorie, che risale al IV-III sec. a.C. La ricettività nei confronti degli apporti delle popolazioni limitrofe e la capacità di elaborazioni originali, attestate archeologicamente sin dalle fasi più antiche della storia dei popoli falisco e capenate, possono offrire un supporto documentario alla percezione che già gli scrittori antichi avevano dell'ethnos falisco, trovando riscontro, in particolare, nelle tradizioni che definivano i Falisci come Etruschi, oppure come ethnos particolare, caratterizzato da una propria specificità anche linguistica, un dato, quest'ultimo, che tradisce il ricordo di contatti col mondo latino. Un terzo filone antiquario, che si intreccia a quello dell'origine etrusca, rivendica ai Falisci un'ascendenza ellenica, e più propriamente, argiva, e sembra, invece, frutto di un'elaborazione erudita maturata in un momento successivo. La notizia dell'origine argiva risale, per tradizione indiretta, alle Origines di Catone, e si collega a quella della fondazione di Falerii da parte dell'eroe Halesus, figlio di Agamennone, che avrebbe abbandonato la casa paterna dopo l'uccisione del padre. Ovidio e Dionigi di Alicarnasso attribuiscono all'eroe greco l'istituzione del culto di Giunone a Falerii, il cui originario carattere argivo sarebbe conservato nel rito celebrato in occasione della festa annuale per la dea. L'importanza accordata al culto di Giunone nell'ambito di tale tradizione ha portato a ipotizzare che questa possa essersi sviluppata proprio a partire dal dato religioso della presenza a Falerii di una divinità assimilabile alla Hera di Argo. Dall'esame linguistico del nome del fondatore, il quale non ha combattuto a Troia e non ha avuto alcun ruolo nel mondo ellenico, si è concluso che dovesse trattarsi di un eroe locale, e che la formazione dell'eponimo sia precedente alla metà del IV sec. a.C., quando è documentata l'affermazione del rotacismo in ambiente falisco. L'elaborazione della leggenda di Halesus deve essere collocata, dunque, in un momento precedente a questa data, che, si è pensato, possa coincidere con la presenza a Falerii di maestranze elleniche o ellenizzate, attive nel campo della ceramografia e della coroplastica, a partire dalla fine del V sec. a.C. Questa tradizione si collega a quella sull'origine etrusca attraverso la notizia di Servio, secondo cui Halesus sarebbe il progenitore del re di Veio Morrius. Il ricordo di una discendenza dalla città etrusca è comune anche a Capena, dove, secondo una notizia di Catone, riportata da Servio, i luci Capeni erano stati fondati da giovani veienti, inviati da un re Properzio, nel cui nome, peraltro, è stata ravvisata un'origine non etrusca, ma italico-orientale. A livello storico, l'accostamento tra Veio, Falisci e Capenati sarà documentato dalle fonti attraverso la costante presenza dei due popoli, al fianco della città etrusca, nel corso degli scontri con Roma tra la seconda metà del V e l'inizio del IV sec. a.C. Di tale complesso sistema di influenze partecipa anche la sfera religiosa dell'area in esame. È interessante notare, a questo proposito, che la massima divinità maschile del pantheon falisco-capenate, il dio del Monte Soratte, Soranus Apollo, costituisca l'esatto corrispettivo dell'etrusco Śuri, come da tempo dimostrato da Giovanni Colonna. La particolarità del culto del Soratte, tuttavia, è determinata dalla cerimonia annua degli Hirpi Sorani, che camminavano indenni sui carboni ardenti e il cui nome, nel racconto eziologico sull'origine del rito, tramandato da Servio, è spiegato in relazione a hirpus, il termine sabino per indicare il lupo, in perfetta coerenza col carattere "di frontiera" di questo territorio. Di origine sabina è la divinità venerata nell'unico grande santuario noto nell'agro capenate, il Lucus Feroniae. La diffusione del culto a partire dalla Sabina, già sostenuta da Varrone, è largamente accolta dalla critica recente, sia sulla base dell'analisi linguistica del nome della dea, sia per la presenza, in Sabina, dei centri principali del culto (Trebula Mutuesca, Amiternum), da cui questo si irradia, oltre che presso Capena, in Umbria e in area volsca. Le attestazioni di Feronia in altre zone, come la Sardegna, il territorio lunense, Aquileia, Pesaro sono generalmente da collegare con episodi di colonizzazione romana. Il carattere esplicitamente emporico del Lucus Feroniae, affermato da Dionigi di Alicarnasso e Livio, che lo descrivono come un luogo di mercato frequentato da Sabini, Etruschi e Romani già dall'epoca di Tullo Ostilio, rende perfettamente conto della varietà di frequentazioni e di influenze, che caratterizzano il santuario almeno dall'età arcaica. Pur in assenza di documentazione archeologica relativa alle fasi più antiche, sembra del tutto affidabile la notizia della vitalità del culto capenate già in età regia. Feronia, infatti, a Terracina, risulta associata a Iuppiter Anxur, divinità eponima della città volsca, il che sembra far risalire l'introduzione del suo culto all'inizio della presenza volsca nella Pianura Pontina, cioè ai primi decenni del V sec. a.C., fornendo, inoltre, un possibile indizio di una provenienza settentrionale, da area sabina, dell'ethnos volsco. È ipotizzabile, dunque, che la dea fosse venerata nel santuario tiberino, prospiciente la Sabina, ben avanti il suo arrivo nel Lazio tirrenico. Al di là della semplice frequentazione del luogo di culto e del mercato, un ruolo di primo piano rivestito dalla componente sabina presso il Lucus Feroniae, in epoca arcaica, sembra suggerito dall'episodio del rapimento dei mercanti romani, riferito da Dionigi di Alicarnasso. I rapitori sabini compiono una ritorsione nei confronti dei Romani, che avevano trattenuto alcuni di loro presso l'Asylum, tra il Capitolium e l'Arx, il che fa pensare che i Sabini esercitassero una sorta di protettorato sul santuario tiberino, e avessero, su di esso, una capacità di controllo analoga a quella che i Romani avevano sull'Asylum romuleo. La vocazione emporica del Lucus Feroniae è naturalmente legata alla sua collocazione topografica, nel punto in cui i percorsi sabini di transumanza a breve raggio attraversano il Tevere, tra i due grandi centri sabini di Poggio Sommavilla e Colle del Forno, per dirigersi verso la costa meridionale dell'Etruria. La dislocazione presso il punto di arrivo dei principali tratturi dell'area appenninica, popolata da genti sabelliche, è, peraltro, una caratteristica comune ai più antichi luoghi di culto di Feronia, come Trebula Mutuesca e Terracina, che condividono col Lucus Feroniae capenate anche la collocazione all'estremità di un territorio etnicamente omogeneo. È stato osservato come, in questi santuari, l'attività emporica marittima si intrecciasse con quella legata allo scambio del bestiame, e, nell'ottica di un'apertura verso l'economia pastorale dei Sardi, è stata inquadrata la fondazione romana, nel 386 a.C., di una Pheronia polis in Sardegna, presso Posada. Da questa località proviene, inoltre, una statuetta bronzea, databile tra la fine del V e i primi decenni del IV sec. a.C., raffigurante un Ercole di tipo italico, divinità di cui è noto il legame con la sfera dello scambio, anche in rapporto agli armenti. L'epoca dell'apoikia sarda ha portato a ipotizzare un collegamento col Lucus Feroniae capenate, dato che già tra il 389 e il 387 a.C. nel territorio di Capena erano stanziati coloni romani, misti a disertori Veienti, Capenati e Falisci. La filiazione del culto sardo da quello tiberino sembra, inoltre, perfettamente compatibile con le pur scarne attestazioni relative a una presenza di Ercole nel santuario capenate. A questo proposito è interessante notare che su una Heraklesschale, ancora sostanzialmente inedita, proveniente dalla stipe del santuario, il dio è rappresentato con la leonté e la clava nella mano sinistra, e lo scyphus di legno nella mano destra. Questi due ultimi attributi di Ercole erano conservati nel sacello presso l'Ara Maxima del Foro Boario, a Roma, e lo scyphus, usato dal pretore urbano per libare nel corso del sacrificio annuale presso l'ara, compare anche nella statua di culto di Alba Fucens, nella quale, per vari motivi, si è proposto di riconoscere una replica del simulacro del santuario del Foro Boario. Il richiamo iconografico a questi elementi, in un santuario-mercato ubicato lungo percorsi di transumanza, come era il Lucus Feroniae, non sembra casuale, ma potrebbe, in un certo senso, evocare il culto dell'Ara Maxima, e, in particolare, un aspetto fondamentale di esso, rappresentato dal collegamento con le Salinae ai piedi dell'Aventino. Queste, ubicate presso la porta Trigemina, e dunque prossime all'Ara Maxima, erano il luogo di deposito del sale proveniente dalle saline ostiensi, e destinato alla Sabina, e, in generale, alle popolazioni dell'interno dell'Italia centrale, dedite a un'economia pastorale. L'Ercole del Foro Boario, che tutelava le attività economiche collegate allo scambio del bestiame, sovrintendeva anche all'approvvigionamento del sale, e in questo senso va spiegato anche l'epiteto di Salarius, attestato per il dio ad Alba Fucens, dove, come è stato visto, il santuario di Ercole aveva la funzione di forum pecuarium. La dislocazione di santuari-mercati lungo i tratturi garantiva, dunque, ai pastori, dietro necessario compenso, la possibilità di rifornirsi di sale, e lo stesso doveva verificarsi presso il Lucus Feroniae. Questo sembra confermato dal fatto che, come è stato di recente dimostrato, la via lungo cui sorge il santuario, l'attuale strada provinciale Tiberina, vada, in realtà, identificata con la via Campana in agro falisco, menzionata da Vitruvio, in relazione a una fonte letale per uccelli e piccoli rettili. Il nome della via va spiegato, infatti, in relazione al punto di arrivo, costituito dal Campus Salinarum alla foce del Tevere, dove erano le saline. Nel comparto falisco, l'analisi della documentazione relativa ai luoghi di culto ha evidenziato una più marcata influenza di Veio rispetto all'area capenate. Questa risulta particolarmente rilevante in un centro come Narce, segnato, sin dall'inizio della sua storia, da una netta impronta veiente, e il cui declino coinciderà con gli anni della conquista della città etrusca. Per limitarci alla sfera del sacro, già da un primo esame dei materiali rinvenuti nel santuario suburbano di Monte Li Santi-Le Rote, di cui si attende la pubblicazione integrale, è stata segnalata, dall'inizio del V sec. a.C., epoca in cui comincia la frequentazione dell'area sacra, la presenza di prototipi veienti, che sono all'origine di una produzione locale di piccole terrecotte figurate. A un modello veiente sono riconducibili le cisterne a cielo aperto, che affiancavano l'edificio templare in almeno due dei principali santuari di Falerii Veteres, quello di Vignale e quello dello Scasato I, da identificare entrambi come sedi di un culto di Apollo. Più problematico risulta, invece, l'accostamento ad esse degli apprestamenti idrici rinvenuti presso un'area sacra urbana, recentemente individuata presso la moderna via Gramsci, nella parte meridionale del pianoro di Civita Castellana, e solo da una vecchia notizia d'archivio della Soprintendenza sappiamo di un'analoga cisterna rinvenuta presso Corchiano all'inizio del '900. Nei casi meglio documentati di Vignale e dello Scasato, tali impianti idrici risultano coevi alla fase più antica del santuario, e rispondono a uno schema che, a Veio, ricorre presso il santuario di Apollo al Portonaccio, presso il tempio a oikos di Piazza d'Armi, nel santuario di Menerva presso Porta Caere, e nel santuario in località Casale Pian Roseto. Non è facile determinare l'esatto valore da attribuire, di volta in volta, a tali cisterne, ma l'enfasi topografica ad esse accordata nell'ambito dei santuari non pare permetta di prescindere da un collegamento con pratiche rituali. Per gli impianti di Falerii si è pensato a un collegamento col santuario del Portonaccio, anche sulla base della corrispondenza cultuale incentrata sulla figura di Apollo, e la piscina è stata spiegata, dunque, in relazione a rituali di purificazione, legati a un culto oracolare. Dopo la sconfitta di Veio Falerii si trovò non solo a tener testa a Roma sul piano militare, ma dovette dimostrarsi non inferiore anche per prestigio e capacità autorappresentativa, essendo l'altro grande centro della basse valle del Tevere. Questo aspetto è stato colto, in particolare, sulla base della decorazione templare della città falisca, che conosce, intorno al secondo-terzo decennio del IV sec. a.C., un rinnovamento generalizzato, dovuto alla nascita di un'importante scuola coroplastica, la cui attività si riconosce anche nel frammento isolato di rilievo fittile rappresentante una Nike, da Fabrica di Roma. Una diversa reazione alla presa di Veio è attestata per l'altro importante centro falisco, quello di Narce, anche attraverso la documentazione fornita dal santuario di Monte Li Santi-Le Rote. Il luogo di culto continua a essere frequentato anche dopo la crisi dell'insediamento urbano, riscontrata attraverso una consistente contrazione delle necropoli a partire dal IV sec. a.C., ma nella prima metà del III sec. a.C. è attestata una contrazione del culto in vari settori del santuario, contestualmente all'introduzione di nuove categorie di ex-voto, quali i votivi anatomici, i bambini in fasce, le terrecotte raffiguranti animali. Questi mutamenti sono stati messi in relazione con la vittoria romana sui Falisci nel 293 a.C., mentre un secondo momento di contrazione del culto sembra coincidere con la definitiva conquista romana del 241 a.C. Dall'inizio del III sec. a.C. anche nei depositi di Falerii vengono introdotti nuovi tipi di votivi, cui si è fatto cenno precedentemente, e, come anche nel santuario di Monte Li Santi-Le Rote, si registra la presenza di monetazione di zecca urbana, che entra a far parte delle offerte. Tale dato diventa ancora più eloquente, se si considera l'assenza di monetazione locale nei contesti di epoca preromana, che sembra tradire l'indifferenza delle popolazioni falische verso tale tipo di offerta. È evidente, dunque, anche per Falerii, un'influenza del mercato romano dopo gli eventi bellici che segnarono la vittoria di Spurio Carvilio sui Falisci. La città, tuttavia, sembra fronteggiare la crisi, tanto da non mettere in pericolo le sue istituzioni, come dimostrano le dediche falische poste, nel Santuario dei Sassi Caduti, a Mercurio, dagli efiles, l'unica carica attestata per la città. Del resto, anche con la costruzione del nuovo centro di Falerii Novi, la documentazione relativa alla sfera religiosa attesta la conservazione, a livello pubblico, della lingua e della grafia falisca, tramite la dedica a Menerva posta dal pretore della città, nella seconda metà del III sec. a.C. (CIL XI 3081). Quanto sappiamo sui culti di età repubblicana di Capena e del suo territorio si limita al santuario di Lucus Feroniae, dove praticamente quasi tutti i materiali e le fonti epigrafiche sono inquadrabili nel corso del III sec. a.C., e a un paio di dediche di III sec. a.C. La capitolazione di Capena subito dopo la presa di Veio (395 a.C.) rende, in questa fase, la presenza romana ormai stabile da circa un secolo, dunque non sorprende che le iscrizioni sacre utilizzino un formulario specificamente latino, anche con attestazioni piuttosto precoci di espressioni che diventeranno correnti nel corso del II sec. a.C. Uno dei primi esempi attestati di abbreviazione alle sole iniziali della formula di dedica d(onum) d(edit) me(rito) è in CIL I², 2435, provenente dalla necropoli capenate delle Saliere. La documentazione archeologica più antica riguardo alla vita religiosa dell'area presa in esame proviene da Falerii Veteres. In ordine cronologico, la prima divinità attestata epigraficamente è Apollo, il cui nome compare inciso in falisco su un frammento di ceramica attica dei primi decenni del V sec. a.C. dal santuario di Vignale. È notevole che si tratti in assoluto della più antica attestazione conosciuta del nome latinizzato del dio, che indica la sua precoce assimilazione nel pantheon falisco, dove, già da quest'epoca, bisogna riconoscere come avvenuta l'identificazione con Apollo del locale Soranus. Il culto del dio del Soratte, attestato per via epigrafica solo in età imperiale, attraverso due dediche a Soranus Apollo, può essere coerentemente collocato tra le più antiche manifestazioni religiose del comprensorio falisco-capenate, e probabilmente la sede cultuale del Monte Soratte doveva fungere da tramite tra le due aree. Nel territorio falisco la presenza del dio lascia tracce più consistenti, attraverso la duplicazione del culto di Apollo a Falerii Veteres, e una dedica di età repubblicana da Falerii Novi, mentre sembra affievolirsi in area capenate, dove ne resta traccia solo in due dediche ad Apollo della prima età imperiale da Civitella S. Paolo, e in una controversa notizia di Strabone, che, apparentemente per errore, ubica al Lucus Feroniae le cerimonie in onore di Sorano, che si svolgevano, invece, sul Soratte. Anche questa notizia, tuttavia, si inserisce in un sistema di corrispondenze cultuali, che associa a una dea ctonia, della fertilità, un paredro di tipo "apollineo", cioè una divinità maschile, giovanile, con aspetti inferi e mantici. Non sembra casuale, in questo contesto, che il santuario per cui è attestata una più antica frequentazione a Falerii Veteres sia quello di Giunone Curite, una divinità che sembra rispondere allo schema di dea matronale e guerriera (era una Giunone armata, ma anche protettrice delle matrone) per la quale, pure, è attestata l'associazione cultuale con un giovane dio, della stessa tipologia di Sorano. Anche se non sono attestati direttamente rapporti tra Iuno Curitis e Sorano Apollo non sembra da trascurare il dato che l'unica statuetta di Apollo liricine, di IV sec. a.C., rinvenuta a Falerii Veteres provenga proprio dal santuario della dea; inoltre quando essa fu evocata a Roma dopo la presa di Falerii nel 241 a.C., insieme al suo tempio, in Campo, fu costruito quello di Iuppiter Fulgur, una divinità parimenti evocata dal centro falisco, e per la quale, pure, si possono istituire dei parallelismi con Soranus, attraverso l'assimilazione con Veiove. Nell'agro falisco, come in quello capenate, le più antiche attestazioni cultuali si riferiscano, dunque, a una coppia di divinità che, pur nelle differenze maturate in aspetti specifici del culto, sembra rispondere a esigenze cultuali piuttosto omogenee. Con l'età imperiale, infine, il panorama dei culti della zona considerata sembra diventare più omogeneo, inserendosi, peraltro, in una tendenza piuttosto generale. La manifestazione più appariscente è costituita, naturalmente, dal culto imperiale, attestato molto presto in Etruria meridionale. Da Nepi proviene la più antica testimonianza nota in Etruria, costituita da una dedica in onore di Augusto da parte di quattro Magistri Augustales (CIL XI, 3200). L'iscrizione è databile al 12 a.C., anno della fondazione del collegio di Nepi, e dell'istituzione, a Roma, del culto del Genius di Augusto e dei Lares Augusti, venerati nei compita dei vici della città. Altri esempi di una piuttosto precoce diffusione del culto imperiale vengono da Falerii Novi (CIL XI, 3083, databile tra il 2 a.C. e il 14 d.C.; CIL XI, 3076, età augustea); da Lucus Feroniae, dove intorno al 31 d.C. è attestato per la prima volta l'uso della formula in honorem domus divinae (AE 1978, n. 295). Il fatto che la diffusione del culto imperiale in agro falisco-capenate avvenga praticamente negli stessi anni che a Roma, sembra legato anche ai rapporti che legarono Augusto e la dinastia giulio-claudia a questo territorio. Dopo Anzio veterani di Ottaviano ottennero terre nell'Etruria meridionale, lungo il corso del Tevere, e non è un caso che l'Augusteo di Lucus Feroniae, l'unico in Etruria meridionale, che sia noto, oltre che epigraficamente, anche attraverso i suoi resti, sia stato eretto tra il 14 e il 20 d.C. da due membri della gens senatoria, filoagustea, dei Volusii Saturnini. Augusto stesso e membri della dinastia parteciparono direttamente alla vita civile dei centri della regione: Augusto fu pater municipii a Falerii Novi, Tiberio e Druso Maggiore furono patroni della colonia a Lucus Feroniae, tra l'11 e il 9 a.C. Inoltre la presenza, nel territorio capenate, di liberti imperiali incaricati dell'amministrazione del patrimonio dell'imperatore, fa pensare all'esistenza di fundi imperiali. La documentazione di età imperiale è costituita, inoltre, da una serie di iscrizioni che difficilmente possono farci risalire a specifici luoghi di culto, e dalle quali, in molti casi, si evince soprattutto una richiesta di salute e di fertilità alla divinità, come avveniva in età repubblicana, tra il IV e il II sec. a.C., attraverso l'offerta nei santuari di votivi anatomici. Sono note anche alcune attestazioni di culti orientali (Mater Deum e Iside, anche associate, da Falerii Novi e dal suo territorio; una dedica alla Mater Deum da Nazzano, in territorio capenate), che rientrano nell'ambito della devozione privata, tranne nel caso del sacerdozio di Iside a Mater Deum attestato a Falerii Novi. ; Inventaire des lieux de culte de la zone falisco-capenate. Résumé. Le recueil des sources historiques relatives à la vie religieuse de la zone falisco-capenate a eut comme but, tout d'abord, la localisation des lieux de culte identifiables avec certitude comme tels. Lorsque cela s'est avéré impossible, particulièrement en présence de documents épigraphiques isolés et d'origine incertaine, on a tout de même enregistré l'existence du culte. On veut reconstruire, au moyen de la documentation récoltée, une histoire des cultes de la zone considérée depuis les premières apparitions jusqu'à l'âge impérial. La zone considérée, insérée dans la Regio VII Etruria dans le cadre de l'organisation territoriale de l'Italie augustéenne, est comprise dans les limites naturelles du lac de Bracciano et du lac de Vico à l'ouest, du cours du Tibre à l'est, tandis que les limites septentrionale et méridionale sont délimitées, respectivement, par les reliefs des Monts Cimini et des Monts Sabatini. Les centres examinés sont ceux de Lucus Feroniae, Capena, Falerii Veteres, Falerii Novi, Narce, Sutri et Nepi. La communauté capenate occupait la partie orientale du territoire, un zone de plaine, dominée au nord par le massif du Mont Soratte, et délimitée à l'est par l'anse du Tibre. Son centre était constitué par l'habitat de Capena, l'actuel Col de la Civitucola, dont dépendaient une série de petits sites, encore peu étudiés, disséminés en position stratégique sur le Tibre, ou en correspondance d'axes routiers de liaison au fleuve. Le principal de ces derniers est localisé sur le site de l'actuelle Nazzano, occupé de manière permanente à partir du VIIIème siècle av. J.-C., et situé en correspondance de l'habitat sabin de Campo del Pozzo, sur l'autre rive du Tibre. La zone falisque s'articule, par contre, sur un paysage d'âpres collines de tuf, disposées autour du bassin hydrographique du torrent Treia, affluent du Tibre, qui parcourt le territoire en direction longitudinale. Le long du cours d'eau se développèrent les deux plus antiques et importants centres falisques de Falerii Veteres et Narce, un site que les plus récentes recherches tendent à reconnaître, et de manière toujours plus convaincante, comme la Fescennium connue dans les sources historiques, le deuxième habitat falisque, outre à Falerii, dont on reporte le nom; le long d'affluents du Treia sont situées Nepi et Falerii Novi. Malgré la spécificité culturelle progressivement développée par falisques et capenates, la situation géographique du territoire occupé le rend naturellement perméable aux influences étrusques et sabines, aspect relevé par la documentation archéologique et par quelques informations dans les sources antiques, réévaluée par les plus récentes études. Une position différente s'était par contre imposée après les premières recherches effectuées dans la région entre la fin du XIXème et le début du XXème siècle : celles-ci avaient mis l'accent sur les caractères culturels spécifiques des populations locales, en soulignant la substantielle autonomie de ces populations par rapport aux Etrusques, surtout sur la base des grandes similitudes entre les langues falisque et latine. Une telle perception fut dominante jusqu'à la deuxième moitié des années Soixante du Vingtième siècle, lorsque la publication des premières données sur les nécropoles de Véies mirent en lumière les rapports étroits avec les zones falisque et capenate entre le VIIIème et le VIIème siècle av. J.-C. Les études sur le peuplement de l'Etrurie protohistorique, conduites à partir des années '80 du XXème siècle ont focalisé l'attention sur une implication de Véies dans le peuplement de la zone comprise entre les Monts Cimini et Sabatini d'une part et le Tibre d'autre part, et cela au début de l'Âge du Fer, études confirmées par les récentes analyses des trousseaux des principales nécropoles falisques, qui ont prouvé qu'il existait au VIIIème et au début du VIIème siècle av. J.-C. d'importants parallèles avec les habitudes funéraires de Véies, bien que certains aspects spécifiques de la culture locale y fussent conservés. Le corpus d'inscriptions étrusques provenant de la nécropole de Narce démontre, pour tout le VII et le VIème siècle ac. J.-C., la présence continue de populations parlant la langue étrusque, qui utilisent un système d'écriture de type méridional, reconductible à Véies, dont Narce semble avoir constitué un avant-poste en territoire falisque. Déjà au début du VIIème siècle av. J.-C. cependant, on remarque les signes évidents d'une plus spécifique caractérisation culturelle des zones falisques et capenates, et cela au travers, entre autre, de la diffusion d'un idiome falisque, semblable au latin, documenté par des épigraphes au VIIème et au VIème siècle av. J.-C., surtout à Falerii Veteres. Ultérieur élément de contact culturel avec le monde latin est représenté, dans ce centre, par le rituel funéraire des inhumations infantiles dans la zone habitée. Une telle habitude, qui trouve de nombreuses comparaisons dans le Latium vetus, est étrangère à l'Etrurie, alors qu'elle est documentée à Cività Castellana, en localité «lo Scasato», par deux sépultures d'enfants datables entre la fin du VIIIème siècle et la première moitié du VIIème siècle av. J.-C. A Capena a été remarqué, à partir du VIIème siècle av. J.-C., une grande influence provenant de l'aire sabine, surtout à travers la documentation archéologique fournie par les nécropoles, tandis que du point de vue linguistique un influence du versant oriental du Tibre a été remarquée, en particulier par une analyse du noyau plus consistant des inscriptions relatifs aux nouveaux-nés, qui remonte au IV – IIIème siècle av. J.-C. La réceptivité vis-à-vis des nouveautés des populations limitrophes et la capacité d'élaborations originales, prouvées archéologiquement déjà depuis les phases les plus antiques de l'histoire des peuples falisques et capenates, peuvent offrir une aide documentaire à la perception que les écrivains antiques avaient de l'ethnos falisque, en trouvant un équivalent dans les traditions qui définissaient les Falisques comme des Etrusques, ou bien comme un peuple à soi, caractérisé par une spécificité propre, aussi linguistique. Cette dernière donnée trahit la mémoire de contacts avec le monde latin. Un troisième filon antique, qui se mêle à celui d'origine étrusque, revendique pour les falisques une ascendance grecque, plus précisément de l'Argolide et semble le fruit d'une construction d'érudits élaborée successivement. L'information de l'origine argolide remonte, par tradition indirecte, aux Origines de Caton, et se relie à celle de la fondation de Falerii de la part du héros Halesus, fils d'Agamemnon, qui aurait abandonné la maison paternelle après l'assassinat de son père. Ovide et Denys d'Halicarnasse attribuent au héros grec l'institution du culte de Junon à Falerii, dont le caractère originel argolide serait conservé dans le rite célébré en occasion de la fête annuelle de la déesse. L'importance accordée au culte de Junon au sein d'une telle tradition a amené à supposer que celui-ci se soit développé précisément à partir de la donnée religieuse de la présence à Falerii d'une divinité semblable à Héra d'Argos. Grâce à l'examen linguistique du nom du fondateur, qui n'a pas combattu à Troie et qui n'a eut aucun rôle dans le monde grec, on a conclu qu'il devait s'agir d'un héros local, et que la formation de l'éponyme ait été précédent à la moitié du IVème siècle av. J.-C., lorsque l'affirmation du rhotacisme est documenté dans la culture falisque. L'élaboration de la légende de Halesus doit donc être située à un moment précédent cette date qui, comme on l'a pensé, puisse coïncider avec la présence à Falerii d'artistes grecs ou hellénisés, actifs dans la céramographie et dans la choroplastique, à partir de la fin du Vème siècle av. J.-C. Cette tradition se relie à celle sur l'origine étrusque, par l'information de Servius, selon lequel Halesus serait le grand-père du roi de Véies Morrius. Le souvenir d'une descendance de la ville étrusque est commune aussi a Capena où, d'après une nouvelle de Caton, rapportée par Servius, les luci Capeni avaient été fondés par des jeunes de Véies, envoyés par un roi Properce, dans le nom duquel a été identifié une origine non étrusque, mais bien italico-orientale. Du point de vue historique, le rapprochement entre Véies, falisques et capenates sera documenté dans les sources par la présence constante des deux peuples au flanc de la ville étrusque au cours des luttes contre Rome entre la deuxième moitié du Vème et le début du IVème siècle av. J.-C. D'un tel système complexe d'influences participe aussi la sphère religieuse de la zone en question. Il est intéressant de noter, à ce propos, que la principale divinité masculine du panthéon falisco-capenate, le dieu du Mont Soratte, Soranus Apollon, constitue le correspondant exact de l'étrusque Śuri, comme l'a démontré Giovanni Colonna. La particularité du culte de Soratte, toutefois, est déterminée par la cérémonie annuelle des Hirpi Sorani, qui marchaient indemnes sur des charbons ardents et dont le nom, dans le récit étiologique sur l'origine du rite transmis par Servius, est expliqué en relation à hirpus, le nom sabin pour «loup», parfaitement cohérent avec la caractéristique frontalière de ce territoire. D'origine sabine est aussi la divinité vénérée dans le seul grand sanctuaire connu dans le territoire capenate, le Lucus Feroniae. La diffusion du culte à partir de la Sabine, version soutenue déjà par Varron, est largement acceptée par la critique récente, sur la base d'une part de l'analyse linguistique du nom de la déesse et d'autre part vu la présence sur le territoire sabin des principaux centres de culte (Trebula Mutuesca, Aminternum), d'où ceux-ci se diffusent, outre à Capena, vers l'Ombrie et le territoire volsque. Les attestations de Feronia dans d'autres zones, comme en Sardaigne, en territoire de Luni, à Aquilée et à Pesaro sont généralement à mettre en relation avec des épisodes de colonisation romaine. Le caractère explicitement commercial du Lucus Feroniae, affirmé par Denys d'Halicarnasse et par Tite-Live, qui le décrivent comme un lieu de marché fréquenté par les sabins, les étrusques et les romains déjà à l'époque de Tullius Ostilius, rend parfaitement compte de la variété des fréquentations et des influences qui caractérisent le sanctuaire à partir de l'Âge archaïque. Bien que n'ayant pas de documentation archéologique relative aux phases les plus antiques, l'information sur la vitalité du culte capenate déjà à l'époque royale semble fiable. Feronia, en effet, est couplée, à Terracina, à Iuppiter Anxur, divinité éponyme de la ville volsque, ce qui semble faire remonter l'introduction de son culte au début de la présence volsque dans la plaine pontine, c'est-à-dire vers les premières décennies du Vème siècle av. J.-C. Cela fournit, en plus, un indice possible d'une provenance septentrionale de l'ethnos volsque depuis la zone sabine. Il est donc envisageable que la déesse ait été adorée dans le sanctuaire tibérien, en face de la Sabine, bien avant son arrivée dans le Latium tyrrhénien. Au-delà de la simple fréquentation du lieu de culte et du marché, un rôle de premier plan joué par l'élément sabin pour le Lucus Feroniae en époque archaïque semble suggéré par l'épisode de l'enlèvement de marchants romains relaté par Denys d'Halicarnasse. Les ravisseurs sabins effectuent une rétorsion contre les romains, qui avaient enfermé certains des leurs sur l'Asylum, entre le Capitole et l'Arx, ce qui fait penser que les sabins exerçaient une sorte de protectorat sur le sanctuaire tibérien et qu'ils avaient sur celui-ci une capacité de contrôle semblable à celui que les romains avaient sur l'Asylum romuléen. La vocation commerciale du Lucus Feroniae est naturellement liée à son emplacement topographique, à l'endroit où les parcours sabins de transhumance à courte distance traversent le Tibre, entre les deux grands centres sabins de Poggio Sommavilla et Colle del Forno, pour se diriger vers la côte méridionale de l'Etrurie. La dislocation près du lieu d'arrivée des principaux sentiers de la zone apennine, habitée de peuplades sabelliques, est, en outre, une caractéristique commune aux plus anciens lieux de culte de Feronia, comme par exemple Trebula Mutuesca et Terracina, qui partagent avec le Lucus Feroniae capenate l'emplacement à l'extrémité d'un territoire ethniquement homogène. Il a été observé combien, dans ces sanctuaires, l'activité commerciale maritime était liée à l'échange du bétail et il faut prendre en compte l'ouverture à l'économie pastorale sarde pour comprendre la fondation romaine en 386 av. J.-C. d'une Pheronia polis en Sardaigne, près de Posada. De cette localité provient, en outre, une statuette en bronze, datable entre la fin du Vème et les premières décennies du IVème siècle av. J.-C., qui représente un Hercule de type italique, divinité dont on connaît le lien avec la sphère de l'échange, et surtout son rapport avec les troupeaux. L'époque de l'apoikia sarde a amené à envisager une relation avec le Lucus Feroniae capenate, vu que déjà entre 389 et le 387 av. J.-C. dans le territoire de Capena des colons romains s'étaient établis, unis à des déserteurs provenant de Véies, Capena et Falerii. La filiation du culte sarde à partir du culte tibérien semble, en outre, parfaitement compatible avec les rares attestations relatives à une présence d'Hercule dans le sanctuaire capenate. A ce sujet il est intéressant de remarquer que sur une Heraklesschale, encore inédite, provenant du dépôt votif du sanctuaire, le dieu est représenté avec la leonté et la massue dans la main gauche, et le skyphos en bois dans la main droite. Ces deux derniers attributs d'Hercule étaient conservés dans le sacellum près de l'Ara Maxima du Forum boarium, à Rome, et le skyphos, utilisé par le préteur urbain pour faire les libations au cours du sacrifice annuel auprès de l'Ara, apparaît aussi dans la statue de culte d'Alba Fucens, dans laquelle, en raison de nombreuses similitudes, on a proposé de reconnaître une réplique du simulacre du sanctuaire du Forum boarium. La répétition iconographique de ces éléments dans un sanctuaire-marché situé le long des voies de la transhumance, comme était le Lucus Feroniae, ne semble pas un hasard et pourrait d'ailleurs, dans un certain sens, évoquer le culte de l'Ara Maxima et en particulier un aspect fondamental de celui-ci, représenté par la liaison avec les Salinae aux pieds de l'Aventin. Celles-ci, situées près de la porta Trigemina, et donc proches de l'Ara Maxima, étaient le lieu de dépôt du sel provenant des salines d'Ostie destiné à la Sabine, et en général aux populations établies à l'intérieur de l'Italie centrale et vouées à l'économie pastorale. L'Hercule du Forum boarium, qui protégeait les activités économiques liées aux échanges de bétail, gouvernait aussi à l'approvisionnement du sel, et c'est en ce sens que doit aussi s'expliquer l'épithète de Salarius, attesté pour le dieu à Alba Fucens où, comme on l'a vu, le sanctuaire d'Hercule avait la fonction de forum pecuarium. La dislocation de sanctuaires-marchés le long des voies de transhumance garantissait donc aux pasteurs, après compensation nécessaire, la possibilité de se pourvoir en sel, et la même chose devait advenir au Lucus Feroniae. Ceci semble confirmé par le fait que, comme il a été démontré récemment, la route le long de laquelle se dresse le sanctuaire, l'actuelle route provinciale Tiberina, doive en réalité être identifiée comme la via Campana en territoire falisque, mentionné par Vitruve, en relation avec une source mortelle pour les oiseaux et les petits reptiles. Le nom de la route s'explique, en effet, en relation à son point d'arrivée, le Campus Salinarum situé à l'embouchure du Tibre, où se trouvaient les salines. Dans la zone falisque, l'analyse de la documentation relative aux lieux de culte a mis en évidence une influence majeure de Véies par rapport à la zone capenate. Cela résulte particulièrement important dans un centre comme Narce, marqué, depuis le début de son histoire, par une nette influence de Véies, et dont le déclin coïncidera avec les années de la conquête de la ville étrusque. Pour nous limiter à la sphère du sacré, déjà à partir d'un premier examen du matériel retrouvé dans le sanctuaire suburbain de Monte Li Santi – Le Rote, dont on attend la publication intégrale, on a signalé, à partir du Vème siècle av. J.-C., époque à laquelle commence la fréquentation de l'aire sacrée, la présence de prototypes provenant de Véies, qui sont à l'origine d'une production locale de petites terre cuites figurées. A un modèle de Véies sont reconductibles les citernes à ciel ouvert, qui flanquaient l'édifice templier dans au moins deux des principaux sanctuaires de Falerii Veteres, celui de Vignale et celui de Scasato I, tous deux à identifier comme lieux de culte dédiés à Apollon. Plus difficile est par contre le rapprochement de celles-ci aux citernes fermées retrouvées proche d'une aire sacré urbaine, récemment identifiée dans la moderne rue Gramsci, dans la partie méridionale du plateau de Civita Castellana, tandis que c'est seulement grâce à une vieille note des archives de la Surintendance que nous savons de l'existence d'une citerne semblable retrouvée près de Corchiano au début du Vingtième siècle. Dans les cas mieux documentés de Vignale et de Scasato, de tels systèmes hydrauliques résultent contemporains à la phase la plus antique du sanctuaire, et correspondent à un schéma qui revient à Véies dans le sanctuaire d'Apollon au Portonaccio, proche du temple à oikos de la Piazza d'Armi, dans le sanctuaire de Menerva près de la Porta Caere, ainsi que dans le sanctuaire situé en localité Casale Pian Roseto. Il n'est pas facile de déterminer la valeur exacte à attribuer, selon les cas, à de telles citernes, mais l'emphase topographique qu'on leur accorde dans le cadre des sanctuaires ne semble pas permettre de pouvoir exclure une relation avec les pratiques rituelles. Pour le site de Falerii on a pensé à une relation avec le sanctuaire de Portonaccio, entre autre sur la base d'une correspondance des cultes centrée sur la figure d'Apollon, et la piscine a ainsi été expliquée en relation à des rituels de purification liés à un culte oraculaire. Après la défaite de Véies, Falerii dut faire face non seulement à Rome du point de vue militaire, mais elle dut aussi se montrer non inférieure par prestige et capacité d'autoreprésentation, étant l'autre grand centre de la basse vallée du Tibre. Cet aspect a été noté, en particulier, sur la base de la décoration des temples de la ville falisque, qui connaît vers la deuxième – troisième décennie du IVème siècle av. J.-C. un renouveau général dû à la naissance d'une importante école choroplastique, dont l'activité se reconnaît aussi dans le fragment isolé de relief d'argile représentant une Nike, provenant de Fabrica di Roma. Une autre réaction à la prise de Véies est attestée dans l'autre important centre falisque, celui de Narce, aussi grâce à la documentation fournie par le sanctuaire de Monte Li Santi – Le Rote. Le lieu de culte continue à être fréquenté après la crise de la ville, comme le démontre une consistante contraction des nécropoles à partir du IVème siècle av. J.-C., mais dans la première moitié du IIIème siècle une ultérieure réduction du culte est prouvée dans de nombreux secteurs du sanctuaire, en parallèle à l'introduction de nouvelles catégories d'ex-voto, comme les ex-voto anatomiques, les nouveaux-nés enveloppés dans des bandes, les terre cuites représentant des animaux. Ces changements ont été mis en relation avec la victoire romaine sur les Falisques en 293 av. J.-C., alors qu'un deuxième moment de contraction du culte semble coïncider avec la définitive conquête romaine de 241 av. J.-C. Depuis le début du IIIème siècle av. J.-C., on assiste aussi dans les dépôts votifs de Falerii à l'introduction de nouveaux types d'ex-voto, dont on a parlé précédemment, et, comme pour le sanctuaire de Monte Li Santi – Le Rote, on enregistre la présence de pièces de monnaie romaines, qui commencent à constituer des offrandes. Une telle donnée devient encore plus éloquente lorsqu'on considère l'absence de monnaies locales dans les contextes préromains, qui semble trahir l'indifférence des populations falisques envers un tel type d'offrande. Il est donc évident aussi pour Falerii une influence du marché romain après les évènements belliqueux qui marquèrent la victoire de Spurius Carvilius sur les Falisques. La ville semble toutefois réussir à affronter la crise, au point de ne pas mettre en danger ses institutions, comme le démontrent les dédicaces falisques adressées à Mercure, dans le Sanctuaire dei Sassi Caduti, par les efiles, seuls magistrats attestés en ville. Par ailleurs, aussi avec la construction du nouveau centre de Falerii Novi, la documentation relative à la sphère religieuse prouve la conservation, au niveau public, de la langue et de la graphie falisque, par exemple dans la dédicace à Menerva effectuée par le préteur de la ville, pendant la deuxième moitié du IIIème siècle av. J.-C. (CIL XI 3081). Ce que nous savons sur les cultes de l'époque républicaine se limite au sanctuaire de Lucus Feroniae, où pratiquement tout le matériel et les sources épigraphiques peuvent être situés durant le IIIème siècle av. J.-C., et à deux dédicaces du IIIème siècle av. J.-C. La capitulation de Capena immédiatement après la chute de Véies (395 av. J.-C.) rend, à cette période, la présence romaine stable depuis environ déjà un siècle, et on ne se surprend donc pas du fait que les inscriptions sacrées utilisent un formulaire spécifiquement latin, avec même une présence plutôt précoce d'expressions qui deviendront courante au cours du IIème siècle av. J.-C. Un des premiers exemples attestés d'abréviations aux seules initiales de la formule de dédicace d(onum) d(edit) me(rito) se trouve dans CIL I, 2435, et provient de la nécropole capenate de Saliere. La plus antique documentation archéologique sur la vie religieuse de la zone prise en examen provient de Falerii Veteres. En ordre chronologique, la première divinité présente épigraphiquement est Apollon, dont le nom apparaît gravé en langue falisque sur un fragment de céramique attique remontant aux premières décennies du Vème siècle av. J.-C., qui provient du sanctuaire de Vignale. Il est intéressant de noter qu'il s'agit dans l'absolu de la plus antique attestation connue du nom latinisé du dieu, ce qui indique son assimilation précoce dans le pantheon falisque où, déjà à partir de cette époque, il faut reconnaître comme déjà effectuée l'identification entre Apollon et le dieu local Soranus. Le culte du dieu de Soratte, attesté épigraphiquement seulement à l'époque impériale, à travers deux dédicaces à Soranus Apollo, peut être situé de manière cohérente parmi les plus antiques manifestations religieuses du territoire falisco-capenate, et probablement le centre du culte du Mont Soratte devait servir de point de jonction entre les deux zones. Dans le territoire falisque la présence du dieu laisse des traces plus consistantes, à travers la duplication du culte d'Apollon à Falerii Veteres et une dédicace d'époque républicaine venant de Falerii Novi, tandis qu'elle semble s'affaiblir dans l'aire capenate, où on en trouve trace seulement dans deux dédicaces à Apollon, datant de la première époque impériale à Civitella S. Paolo, et dans un passage controversé de Strabon qui, apparemment par erreur, situe au Lucus Feroniae les cérémonies en l'honneur de Sorano, qui étaient au contraire célébrées sur le Mont Soratte. Cette information toutefois s'insère dans un système de correspondances cultuelles qui, associées à une déesse chtonienne, de la fertilité, et à un parèdre de type « apollinien », c'est-à-dire une divinité masculine, jeune, d'aspect infernal et mantique. Ce n'est pas un hasard, dans ce contexte, que le sanctuaire pour lequel est attestée une plus antique fréquentation à Falerii Veteres soit celui de Iuno Curitis, une divinité qui semble répondre au schéma de déesse matronale et guerrière (il s'agissait d'une Junon armée, mais aussi protectrice des matrones) pour laquelle, en outre, on a la preuve de l'association cultuelle avec un jeune dieu, de la même typologie que celle présente à Sorano. Même si on n'a pas d'attestations directes de l'existence de rapports entre Iuno Curitis et Sorano Apollo, il semble qu'il ne faille pas délaisser le fait que l'unique statuette d'Apollon jouant de la lyre, du IVème siècle av. J.-C., retrouvée à Falerii Veteres provienne justement du sanctuaire de la déesse; en outre lorsqu'elle fut évoquée à Rome après la prise de Falerii en 241 av. J.-C., en même temps que son temple situé in Campo, un autre temple fut construit, celui de Iuppiter Fulgur, une divinité du centre falisque pareillement évoquée, et pour laquelle on peut établir des parallèles avec Soranus, au travers de l'assimilation avec Veiove. Dans le territoire falisque comme dans celui capenate, les plus anciennes attestations cultuelles se réfèrent donc à un couple de divinités qui, tout en ayant des différences dans des aspects spécifiques du culte, semblent répondre à des exigences cultuelles plutôt homogènes. Durant l'époque impériale, enfin, le panorama des cultes de la zone considérée semble devenir plus homogène, en suivant par ailleurs une tendance générale. La manifestation plus évidente est formée, naturellement, par le culte impérial, présent très tôt en Etrurie méridionale. Le plus antique témoignage du culte impérial connu en Etrurie provient de Nepi, et il est constitué d'une dédicace en l'honneur d'Auguste de la part de quatre Magistri Augustales (CIL XI, 3200). L'inscription est datable à 12 av. J.-C., année de la fondation du collège de Nepi et de l'institution à Rome du culte du Genius d'Auguste ainsi que des Lares Augusti, vénérés dans les compita des vici de la ville. D'autres exemples d'une diffusion plutôt précoce du culte impérial viennent de Falerii Novi (CIL XI, 3083, datable entre 2 av. J.-C. et l'an 14 ; CIL XI, 3076, époque augustéenne); de Lucus Feroniae, où vers 31 av. J.-C. l'usage de la formule in honorem domus divinae (AE 1978, n. 295) est documenté pour la première fois. Le fait que la diffusion du culte impérial dans le territoire falisco-capenate ait commencé pratiquement dans les mêmes années qu'à Rome semble aussi lié aux rapports qu'eurent Auguste et la dynastie julio-claudienne avec ce territoire. Après Anzio les vétérans d'Octave obtinrent des terres en Etrurie méridionale, le long du cours du Tibre, et ce n'est pas un hasard si l'Augusteum de Lucus Feroniae, le seul en Etrurie méridionale connu outre que de manière épigraphique aussi grâce à ses vestiges, ait été érigé entre 14 et 20 apr. J.-C. par deux membres de la gens sénatoriale, filo-augustéenne, des Volusii Saturnini. Auguste lui-même et des membres de la dynastie participèrent directement à la vie civile des centres de la région: Auguste fut pater municipii à Falerii Novi, Tibère et Druse Majeur furent les patrons de la colonie à Lucus Feroniae, entre 11 et 9 av. J.-C. La présence, en outre, d'affranchis impériaux sur le territoire capenate, chargés de l'administration du patrimoine de l'empereur, fait penser à l'existence de fundi impériaux. La documentation d'époque impériale est formée d'une série d'inscriptions qui difficilement peuvent nous faire remonter à des lieux de cultes bien précis, et desquelles dans de nombreux cas, on déduit surtout une demande de santé et de fertilité à la divinité, comme il était fréquent à l'époque républicaine, entre le IV et le IIème siècle av- J.-C., qui s'exprime au moyen d'offrandes d'ex-voto anatomiques dans les sanctuaires. On connaît aussi quelques attestations de cultes orientaux (Mater Deum et Isis, parfois associées, provenant de Falerii Novi et de son territoire ; une dédicace à la Mater Deum de Nazzano, en territoire capenate), qui entrent dans le cadre d'une dévotion privée, sauf dans le cas du sacerdoce d'Isis à Mater Deum présent à Falerii Novi. ; The list of documentary sources concerning the religious life of the falisco-capenate area aim at findings the places of worship that can be identified with certainty. Whenever this has not been possible we have signalled the worship anyway. Through these documents we intend to reconstruct the history of the cults of the area examined, from its beginning to imperial age. The examined area, included in the Regio VII Etruria of the territorial organisation of Augustean Italy, is enclosed within the natural limits of the Bracciano lake and Vico lake at west, of the Tiber at east; the northern and southern limits are marked, respectively, by the Cimini mounts and Sabatini mounts. The sites considered are Lucus Feroniae, Capena, Falerii Veteres, Falerii Novi, Narce, Sutrium et Nepet. ; XIX Ciclo ; 1977
DIPLOMATISCHE GEHEIMAKTEN AUS RUSSISCHEN, MONTENEGRINISCHEN UND SONSTIGEN ARCHIVEN Die auswärtige Politik Serbiens (-) Diplomatische Geheimakten aus russischen, montenegrinischen und sonstigen Archiven (Band II 1929) ( - ) Einband ( - ) Titelseite ([III]) Impressum ([IV]) Vorwort zum II. Bande. (V) Nr. 418. Der Botschafter in Wien Fürst zu Eulenburg an den Reichskanzler von Bülow. Nr. 6. Ganz vertraulich. Wien, den 6. Januar 1901. (1) Nr. 419. Russisch-bulgarische Konvention vom Mai 1902. Entwurf. (3) Nr. 420. Serbisch-bulgarischer Vertrag von 1904. (5) Nr. 421. Ratifikationsurkunde zu dem am 30. März 1904 in Belgrad abgeschlossenen serbisch-bulgarischen Übereinkommen. Vom 28. April / 11. Mai 1904. (7) Nr. 422. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Prinz von Ratibor an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung Nr. 29. Belgrad den 28. Februar 1908. (8) Nr. 423. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bülow. Nr. 84. Wien, den 21. März 1901. (9) Nr. 424. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Prinz von Ratibor an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung Nr. 65. Belgrad den 26. Mai 1908. (12) Nr. 425. Der Geschäftsträger in Wien Brockdorff-Rantzau an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 201. Wien, den 14. August 1908. (14) Nr. 426. Der Geschäftsträger in Belgrad Prinz Julius Ernst zur Lippe an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 97. Belgrad, den 18. August 1908. (17) Nr. 427. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an das Auswärtige Amt. Nr. 291. Ganz geheim. Wien, den 28. September 1908. (Aufgegeben am 29. September.) (20) Nr. 428. Kaiser Franz Joseph an Zar Nicolai II. Wien, den 29. September (neuen Stiles) 1908. (22) Nr. 429. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes von Schoen. Eigenhändig. Berlin, den 8. Oktober 1908. (24) Nr. 430. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an den Legationssekretär Franz in Belgrad. Wien, den 8. Oktober 1908. (26) Nr. 431. Graf Berchtold an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. St. Petersburg, den 8. Oktober 1908. (26) Nr. 432. Der Geschäftsträger in Belgrad Prinz Julius Ernst zur Lippe an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 107. Belgrad, den 8. Oktober 1908. (27) Nr. 433. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherr von Marschall an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 344. Therapia, den 9. Oktober 1908. (28) Nr. 434. Der Botschafter in Wien Tschirschky an das Auswärtige Amt. Nr. 315. Wien, den 28. September 1908. (Aufgegeben am 29. September.) (29) Nr. 435. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Prinz von Ratibor an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 17. Belgrad, den 15. Oktober 1908. (30) Nr. 436. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes von Schoen. Konzept. Berlin, den 20. Oktober 1908. (31) Nr. 437. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes von Schoen. Reinschrift. Berlin, den 23. Oktober 1908. (32) Nr. 438. Der Botschafter in Rom Graf Monts an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 134. Rom, den 23. Oktober 1908. (33) Nr. 439. Der Botschafter in Rom Graf Monts an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 111. Rom, den 25. Oktober 1908. (pr. 28. Oktober.) (33) Nr. 440. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 483. St. Petersburg, den 1. November 1908. (35) Nr. 441. Zar Nicolai II. an Kaiser Franz Joseph. Zarskoje Selo, den 22. Oktober / 4. November 1908. (39) Nr. 442. Der stellvertrende Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes Gesandter von Kiderlen an den Gesandten in Belgrad von Ratibor. Konzept von der Hand des Vortragenden Rats Freiherrn von Griesinger. Nr. 28. Berlin, den 10. November 1908. (40) Nr. 443. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 502. St. Petersburg, den 13. November 1908. (Abgegeben am 14. November.) (41) Nr. 444. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 505. St. Petersburg, den 14. November 1908. (43) Nr. 445. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an das Auswärtige Amt. Nr. 410. Geheim. Wien, den 20. November 1908. (45) Nr. 446. Kaiser Franz Joseph an Zar Nicolai II. Wien, den 24. November / 7. Dezember 1908. (46) Nr. 447. Der österreichisch-ungarische Minister des Äußeren Freiherr von Aehrenthal an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Privatbrief. Ausfertigung. Wien, den 8. Dezember 1908. (49) Nr. 448. Zar Nicolai II. an Kaiser Franz Joseph. Zarskoje Selo, den 4. / 7. Dezember 1908. (53) Nr. 449. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 17. St. Petersburg, den 16. Januar 1909. (56) Nr. 450. Kaiser Franz Joseph an Zar Nicolai II. Wien, den 15./28. Januar 1909. (59) Nr. 451. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Prinz von Ratibor an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung Nr. 30. Belgrad den 30. Januar 1909. (61) Nr. 452. Der Generalkonsul in Sofia Gesandter Freiherr von Romberg an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung. Nr. 33. Geheim. Sofia, den 19. Februar 1909. (pr. 23. Februar) (62) Nr. 453. Aide-mémoire. Unsigniertes Konzept. Berlin, den 21. Februar 1909. (63) Nr. 454. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Nr. 251. Petersburg, den 14. / 27. Februar 1909. (65) Nr. 456. Inhaltsangabe eines Telegramms des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Petersburg, den 14. / 27. Februar 1909. Nr. 456. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Belgrad, den 14. / 27. Februar 1909. (66) Nr. 457. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Belgrad, den 18. Februar / 3. März 1909. (67) Nr. 458. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Belgrad, den 18. Februar / 3. März 1909. (67) Nr. 459. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an die k. u. k. Missionen in St. Petersburg, Berlin, London, Paris, Rom, Konstantinopel, Bukarest, Sofia, Belgrad, Cetinje und Athen. Wien, den 3. März 1909 (18. Febr. a. St.). (69) Nr. 460. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an Grafen Forgach in Belgrad. Wien, den 5. März 1909 (20. Febr. a. St.). (70) Nr. 461. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Nr. 296. Petersburg, den 22. Februar / 7. März 1909. (71) Nr. 462. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Nr. 301. Petersburg, den 22. Februar / 7. März 1909. (71) Nr. 463. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Petersburg, den 28. Februar / 8. März 1909. Nr. 464. Herr Simitsch, königl. serbischer Gesandter in Wien, an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Vienne, le 10 mars 1909 (25. Febr. a. St.). (73) Nr. 465. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtalès an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Entzifferung. Nr. 97. St. Petersburg, den 10. März 1909. (pr. 12. März) (74) Nr. 466. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an Graf Forgach in Belgrad. Wien, den 11. März 1909 (26. Febr. a. St.). (74) Nr. 467. Aufzeichnung des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes Freiherrn von Schoen. Eigenhändig. Berlin, den 11. März 1909. (76) Nr. 468. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 55. Wien, den 11. März 1909. (76) Nr. 469. Aufzeichnung des Gesandten im Auswärtigen Amt Kiderlen. Eigenhändig. Berlin, den 12. März 1909. (78) Nr. 470. Telegramm des russischen Geschäftsträgers in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Sofia, den 28. Februar / 13. März 1909. (79) Nr. 471. Der serbische Gesandte Simitsch in Wien an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Vienne, le 15 mars 1909 (2. März a. St.). (79) Nr. 472. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an Graf Forgach in Belgrad. Wien, den 15. März 1909 (2. März a. St.). (80) Nr. 473. Graf Forgách an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Belgrad, den 16. März 1909 (3. März a. St.). Nr. 474. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an die k. u. k. Missionen in London, Paris, Rom, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Konstantinopel, Bukarest, Sofia und Cetinje. Wien, den 16. März 1909 (3. März a. St.). (81) Nr. 475. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Prinz von Ratibor an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Ausfertigung Nr. 66. Belgrad den 16. März 1909 (3. März a. St.). (81) Nr. 476. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Belgrad, den 4. / 7. März 1909. (82) Nr. 477. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Petersburg, den 4. / 17. März 1909. (83) Nr. 478. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an Graf Mensdorff in London. Wien, den 19. März 1909 (6. März a. St.). (84) Nr. 479. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an Graf Mensdorff in London. Wien, den 19. März 1909 (6. März a. St.). (85) Nr. 480. Herr von Szögyény an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Berlin, den 24. März 1909 (11. März a. St.). Nr. 481. Aufzeichnung des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes Freiherrn von Schoen. Reinschrift. Berlin, den 26. März 1909 (13. März a. St.). (86) Nr. 482. Die königlich-serbische Gesandtschaft in Wien an das k. u. k. Ministerium des Äußern. (87) Nr. 483. Freiherr von Aehrenthal an Graf Forgách. Wien, den 31. März 1909 (18. März a. St.). (87) Nr. 484. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Sofia, den 3. / 16. April 1909. Nr. 485. Sir F. L. Cartwright, königlich großbritannischer Botschafter in Wien, an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Vienna, April 17th, 1909 (4. April a. St.). (88) Nr. 486. Telegramm des russischen Außenministerrs an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Petersburg, den 5. / 18. April 1909. (89) Nr. 487. Telegramm des russischen Außenministerrs an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Petersburg, den 5. / 18. April 1909. (89) Nr. 488. Fürst Urussoff, kaiserlich russischer Botschafter in Wien, an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Vienne, le 6. / 19. avril 1909. Nr. 489. Herr Crozier, Botschafter der französischen Republik in Wien, an Freiherrn von Aehrenthal. Vienne, le 19 avril 1909 (6. April a. St.). (90) Nr. 490. Bericht des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Belgrad, den 14. / 27. April 1909. (91) Nr. 491. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Sofia, den 21. April / 4. Mai 1909. Nr. 492. Telegramm des russischen Außenministerrs an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Petersburg, den 29. April / 12. Mai 1909. (92) Nr. 493. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an das Auswärtige Amt. Nr. 410. Geheim. Wien, den 20. November 1908. (93) Nr. 494. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bülow. Nr. 191. Vertraulich. Wien, den 30. Mai 1909. (93) Nr. 495. Bericht des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 44. Belgrad, den 26. Mai / 8. Juni 1909. (94) Nr. 496. Vertrauliche serbische Mitteilung an die russische Regierung vom 28. Juli / 11. August 1909. (95) Nr. 497. Streng vertraulicher Brief des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Geschäftsträger in Sofia. Nr. 759. Petersburg, den 3. / 16. August 1909. (100) Nr. 498. Der Erste Sekretär bei der Botschaft in Wien Graf Brockdorff-Rantzau an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 308. Wien, den 11. September 1909. (101) Nr. 499. Der Geschäftsträger in Wien Graf Brockdorff-Rantzau an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung Nr. 322. Wien, den 6. Oktober 1909. (103) Nr. 500. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Belgrad, den 15. / 18. Oktober 1909. (104) Nr. 501. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Nr. 351. Ganz geheim. Wien, den 30. Oktober 1909. (105) Nr. 502. Telegramm des russischen Geschäftsträgers in London an den russischen Außenminister. London, den 17. / 30. Oktober 1909. (108) Nr. 503. Vertrauliches Schreiben des russischen Geschäftsträgers in London an den Außenminister. London, den 21. Oktober / 3. November 1909. (109) Nr. 504. Instruktionen des russischen Außenministers an die russischen Vertreter in Sofia, Belgrad und Cetinje anläßlich der Monarchenbegegnung in Racconigi. Petersburg, den 22. Oktober / 4. November 1909. (110) Nr. 505. Vertrauliches Schreiben Geschäftsträgers in Rom an den russischen Außenminister. Rom, den 27. Oktober / 9. November 1909. (111) Nr. 506. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes Freiherrn von Schoen. Abschrift. Berlin, den 23. November 1909. (113) Nr. 507. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 13. / 26. November 1909. (114) Nr. 508. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherr von Marschall an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Entzifferung. Nr. 354. Pera, den 27. November 1909. (115) Nr. 509. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 379. Wien, den 30. November 1909. (116) Nr. 510. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherr von Marschall an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Entzifferung. Nr. 360. Pera, den 4. Dezember 1909. (117) Nr. 511. Russisch-bulgarische Militärkonvention. (Dezember 1909.) Entwurf. Sehr geheim. (118) Nr. 512. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 20. Januar / 2. Februar 1910. Nr. 513. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Vom 22. Januar / 4. Februar 1910. (123) Nr. 514. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Vom 15. / 28. September 1910. (124) Nr. 515. Geheimbericht des russischen Gesandten in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 12. / 25. November 1910. (124) Nr. 516. Vertraulicher Bericht des russischen Botschafters in Wien an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 2. / 15. Februar 1911. (127) Nr. 517. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 26. Februar / 11. März 1911. Nr. 518. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Vom 20. März / 2. April 1911. (128) Nr. 519. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Vom 14. / 27. Mai 1911. Nr. 520. Telegramm des stellvertretenden russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Vom 25. Juni / 8. Juli 1911. (129) Nr. 521. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Brief. Paris, den 6. / 19. August 1911. (130) Nr. 522. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Brief. Paris, den 13. / 26. September 1911. (130) Nr. 523. Der Gesandte in Sofia von Below-Saleske an Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Nr. 22. Sofia den 30. September 1911. (132) Nr. 524. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Belgrad, den 18. September / 1. Oktober 1911. (133) Nr. 525. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Sofia, den 19. September / 2. Oktober 1911. (134) Nr. 526. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten Nekljudow in Sofia. Nr. 1401. St. Petersburg, den 21. September / 4. Oktober 1911. (135) Nr. 527. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 147. Belgrad, den 23. September / 6. Oktober 1911. (136) Nr. 528. Der russische Botschafter Giers in Wien an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 42. Sehr vertaulich. Wien, den 25. September / 8. Oktober 1911. (137) Nr. 529. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 56. Belgrad, den 25. September / 8. Oktober 1911. (138) Nr. 530. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 158. Belgrad, den 1. / 14. Oktober 1911. (140) Nr. 531. Der russische Geschäftsträger Obnorski, Cetinje, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 145. Cetinje, den 1. / 14. Oktober 1911. (141) Nr. 532. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Nr. 1489. St. Petersburg, den 2. / 15. Oktober 1911. (142) Nr. 533. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten Nekljudow in Sofia. Nr. 1492. St. Petersburg, den 2. / 15. Oktober 1911. (143) Nr. 534. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Botschafter Swerbejew in Berlin. Nr. 1499. St. Petersburg, den 2. / 15. Oktober 1911. (143) Nr. 535. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 80. Sofia, den 11. / 24. Oktober 1911. (144) Nr. 536. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 82. Sofia, den 11. / 24. Oktober 1911. (145) Nr. 537. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 83. Sofia, den 12. / 25. Oktober 1911. (145) Nr. 538. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten Nekljudow in Sofia. Nr. 1632. St. Petersburg, den 17. / 30. Oktober 1911. (146) Nr. 539. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 171. Belgrad, den 20. Oktober / 2. November 1911. (147) Nr. 540. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten Hartwig in Belgrad. Nr. 1694. St. Petersburg, den 22. Oktober / 4. November 1911. (148) Nr. 541. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 172. Belgrad, den 25. Oktober / 4. November 1911. (148) Nr. 542. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 63. Belgrad, den 23. Oktober / 5. November 1911. (150) Nr. 543. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 86. Sofia, den 24. Oktober / 6. November 1911. (153) Nr. 544. Der stellvertretende russische Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten Hartwig in Belgrad. Nr. 1747. St. Petersburg, den 28. Oktober / 10. November 1911. (154) Nr. 545. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 179. Belgrad, den 1. / 14. November 1911. (155) Nr. 546. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 78. Paris, den 8. / 21. November 1911. (156) Nr. 547. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Brief. Paris, den 10. / 23. November 1911. (157) Nr. 548. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 182. Belgrad, den 10. / 23. November 1911. (158) Nr. 549. Der russische Gesandte in Sofia an den Gehilfen des russischen Ministers des Äußern in Petersburg. Privat, streng konfidentiell. Sofia, den 12. / 25. November 1911. (159) Nr. 550. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 98. Vom 29. November / 12. Dezember 1911. (161) Nr. 551. Der Geschäftsträger in Belgrad Graf von Kanitz an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 88. Belgrad, den 28. Dezember 1911. (162) Nr. 552. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm Nr. 192. Paris, den 15. / 28. Dezember 1911. (164) Nr. 553. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 198. Belgrad, den 16. / 29. Dezember 1911. (165) Nr. 554. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 201. Belgrad, den 17. / 30. Dezember 1911. Nr. 555. Der stellvertretende Minister des Äußern Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Gesandten Nekljudow in Sofia. Nr. 2182. St. Petersburg, den 18. Dezember 1911 / 1. Januar 1912. (166) Nr. 556. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 105. Sofia, den 24. Dezember 1911 / 6. Januar 1912. (167) Nr. 557. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 107. Sofia, den 29. Dezember 1911 / 11. Januar 1912. (167) Nr. 558. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 2. Belgrad, den 6. / 19. Januar 1912. (168) Nr. 559. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 6. Sofia, den 17. / 30. Januar 1912. (169) Nr. 560. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 17. Belgrad, den 30. Januar / 12. Februar 1912. (170) Nr. 561. Questionaire remis le 14. février 1912 par le Ministre des Affaires étrangères de Russie à l'Ambassadeur de France. Nr. 562. Der russische Botschafter in Paris Iswolski an den Minister des Äußern Sasonow. Paris, den 16. / 29. Februar 1912. (171) Nr. 563. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 24. Sofia, den 20. Februar / 4. März 1912. Nr. 564. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 25. Sofia, den 28. Februar / 13. März 1912. (172) Nr. 565. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 26. Sofia, den 1. / 14. März 1912. (172) Nr. 566. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm Nr. 580. Persönlich. St. Petersburg, den 17. / 30. März 1912. (173) Nr. 567. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 91. Vom 19. März / 1. April 1912. Nr. 568. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères à MM. les Ministres de France à Sofia et à Belgrade. Paris, le 1 er avril 1912. (174) Nr. 569. M. de Panafieu, Ministre de France à Sofia, à M. Raymond Poincarè, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaire étrangéres. Sofia, le 3 avril 1912. (175) Nr. 570. M. Georges Louis, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Pétersbourg, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 5 avril 1912. (177) Nr. 571. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Telegramm Nr. 630. Persönlich. St. Petersburg, den 24. März / 6. April 1912. (180) Nr. 572. Staatssekretär von Kiderlen an König Carol von Rumänien über das Geheimnis des Balkanbundes. Berlin, 15. April 1912. (180) Nr. 573. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères à M. Georges Louis, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Petersbourg. Paris, le 13 mai 1912. (183) Nr. 574. M. Jules Cambon, Ambassadeur de France à Berlin, à Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Berlin, le 15 mai 1912. (184) Nr. 575. M. de Saint-Aulaire, Chargé d'affaires de France à Vienne, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Vienne, le 16 mai 1912. (184) Nr. 576. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 1013. Vom 16. / 29. Mai 1912. (186) Nr. 577. Streng vertrauliches Schreiben des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Vom 17. / 30. Mai 1912. (186) Nr. 578. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an den Minister des Äußern Sasonow in Petersburg. Nr. 29. Belgrad, den 22. Mai / 4. Juni 1912. (188) Nr. 579. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Streng vertraulicher Brief. Paris, den 24. Mai / 6. Juni 1912. (189) Nr. 580. M. Hermite, Chargé d'affaires de France à Berlin, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Berlin, le 8 Juin 1912. (192) Nr. 581. M. Dumaine, Ambassadeur de France à Vienne, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Vienne, le 10 juin 1912. (193) Nr. 582. Bericht des russischen Gesandten in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 7. / 20. Juni 1912. (193) Nr. 583. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Brief. Paris, den 7. / 20. Juni 1912. (194) Nr. 584. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 182. Wien, den 25. Juni 1912. (195) Nr. 585. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 1266. Vom 25. Juni / 8. Juli 1912. Nr. 586. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm Nr. 1265. Petersburg, den 25. Juni / 8. Juli 1912. (198) Nr. 587. M. Georges Louis, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Pétersbourg, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 8 Juillet 1912. (199) Nr. 588. Telegramm des russischer Botschafters in Konstantinopel an den Stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 494. Vom 7. / 20. Juli 1912. (199) Nr. 589. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 89. Vom 8. / 21. Juli 1912. (200) Nr. 590. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 91. 10. / 23. Juli 1912. (201) Nr. 591. Der russische Ministerpräsident Kokowzew an den Minister des Äußern Sasonow. Sehr geheim. Nr. 51. Petersburg, den 12. / 25. Juli 1912. (201) Nr. 592. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in Berlin, London, Paris, Rom und St. Petersburg. Wien, 13. August 1912. (202) Nr. 593. Graf Somssich an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, den 14. August 1912. (203) Nr. 594. Der russische Geschäftsträger in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 147. Paris, den 1. / 14. August 1912. (204) Nr. 595. Vertraulicher Bericht des russischen Geschäftsträgers in Wien an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 759. Vom 2. / 15. August 1912. (205) Nr. 596. Graf Thurn an Graf Berchtold. St. Petersburg, den 16. August 1912. (206) Nr. 597. Der Gesandte in Cetinje von Eckhardt an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm Nr. 22. Cetinje, den 21. August 1912. (207) Nr. 598. Streng vertrauliches Schreiben des russischen Botschafters in Konstantinopel an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Vom 16. / 29. August 1912. (208) Nr. 599. Der russische Geschäftsträger in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Brief. Paris, den 16. / 29. August 1912. (209) Nr. 600. Voyage en Russie de M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Aout 1912. (210) Nr. 601. Graf Thurn an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. St. Petersburg, den 2. September 1912. Nr. 602. Graf Somssich an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, den 3. September 1912. (212) Nr. 603. Der Geschäftsträger in Petersburg Freiherr von Lucius an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm Entzifferung. Nr. 213. St.Petersburg, den 14. September 1912. (213) Nr. 604. Der Gesandte in Cetinje von Eckhardt an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 30. Cetinje, den 16. September 1912. (214) Nr. 605. Der russische Außenminister an die Vertreter Rußlands in Paris, Wien, London, Berlin, Rom und Konstantinopel. Telegramm Nr. 1827. Petersburg, den 4. / 17. September 1912. (214) Nr. 606. Aide-mémoire der kaiserlich russischen Botschaft. Vienne, le 19 septembre 1912. (215) Nr. 607. Der Geschäftsträger in Petersburg Freiherr von Lucius an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 273. St. Petersburg, den 19. September 1912. (216) Nr. 608. M. Jules Cambon, Ambassadeur de France à Berlin, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Berlin, le 19 septembre 1912. (217) Nr. 609. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Sofia an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 114. Vom 7. / 20. September 1912. Nr. 610. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Sofia an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 115. Vom 7. / 20. September 1912. (218) Nr. 611. Der Gesandte in Cetinje von Eckhardt an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm Nr. 32. Cetinje, den 21. September 1912. (219) Nr. 612. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Paris, den 6. / 22. September 1911. (219) Nr. 613. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Geheimtelegramm. 1876. St. Petersburg, den 9. / 22. September 1912. Nr. 614. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 1881. St. Petersburg, den 9. / 22. September 1912. (220) Nr. 615. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherr von Wangenheim an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 303. Therapia, den 23. September 1912. (221) Nr. 616. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères à MM. les Ministres de Ambassadeurs de France à Vienne, Londres, Berlin, Constantinople, Rome, Saint-Pétersbourg. Paris, le 24 septembre 1912. (221) Nr. 617. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherr von Wangenheim an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 310. Therapia, den 27. September 1912. (222) Nr. 618. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Nr. 141. Vom 14. / 27. September 1912. (222) Nr. 619. Der Geschäftsträger in Wien Prinz zu Stolberg an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 280. Wien, den 27. September 1912. (223) Nr. 620. Der Geschäftsträger in Petersburg Freiherr von Lucius an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 279. St. Petersburg, den 28. September 1912. (pr. 30. Sept.) (224) Nr. 621. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in Konstantinopel an den stellvertretenden Außenminister. Nr. 734. Vom 17. / 30. September 1912. (226) Nr. 622. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in Konstantinopel an den stellvertretenden Außenminister. Nr. 731. Vom 17. / 30. September 1912. Nr. 623. Graf Mensdorff an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. London, den 30. September 1912. (227) Nr. 624. Telegramm des stellvertretenden russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Nr. 1970. Vom 17. / 30. September 1912. (227) Nr. 625. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. Nr. 1981. St. Petersburg, den 17. / 30. September 1912. (228) Nr. 626. M. Descos, Ministre de France à Belgrade, à M. Raymond Poincarè, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaire étrangéres. Belgrade, le 1er octobre 1912. (229) Nr. 627. M. Jules Cambon, Ambassadeur de France à Berlin, à Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Berlin, le 1er octobre 1912. (229) Nr. 628. Der Botschafter in Paris Freiherr von Schoen an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 294. Paris, den 2. Oktober 1912. (231) Nr. 629. Der russische Außenminister an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 212. Paris, den 19. September / 2. Oktober 1912. (232) Nr. 630. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, den 2. Oktober 1912. (232) Nr. 631. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. Nr. 2014. St. Petersburg, den 19. September / 2. Oktober 1912. (233) Nr. 632. Aktennotiz des Baron Schilling, Kanzlei-Direktor des Außenministeriums. Beglaubigte Abschrift. (Gezeichnet Sasonow.) 3. Oktober 1912. (234) Nr. 633. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. Nr. 2023. St. Petersburg, den 20. September / 3. Oktober 1912. Nr. 634. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. Geheim. Nr. 2027. St. Petersburg, den 20. September / 3. Oktober 1912. (235) Nr. 635. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes Kiderlen an Kaiser Wilhelm II., z. Z. in Rominten. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 74. Berlin, den 4. Oktober 1912. (236) Nr. 636. Aufzeichnung Kaiser Wilhelms II., z. Z. in Rominten. Reinschrift. Rominten, den 4. Oktober 1912. (236) Nr. 637. Der Gesandte in Sofia von Below-Saleske an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 42. Sofia den 4. Oktober 1912. (238) Nr. 638. Der russische Außenminister an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 218. Paris, den 21. September / 4. Oktober 1912. (238) Nr. 639. Der russische Botschafter in Rom an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. Nr. 93. Rom, den 21. September / 4. Oktober 1912. Nr. 640. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. 2063. St. Petersburg, den 22. September / 5. Oktober 1912. (239) Nr. 641. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherr von Wangenheim an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Entzifferung. Nr. 346. Therapia, den 6. Oktober 1912. (240) Nr. 642. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Gesandtschaften in Athen, Belgrad, Cetinje und Sofia. Wien, 7. Oktober 1912. (240) Nr. 643. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, den 8. Oktober 1912. (241) Nr. 644. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesinger an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 24. Belgrad den 8. Oktober 1912. (242) Nr. 645. Der österreichisch-ungarische Minister des Äußern Graf Berchtold an den Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen. Eigenhändiger Privatbrief. Wien, den 8. Oktober 1912. (pr. 9. Oktober.) (242) Nr. 646. Der Botschafter in Wien Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 287. Vertraulich. Wien, den 8. Oktober 1912. (pr. am 10. Oktober.) (243) Nr. 647. Der Gesandte in Cetinje von Eckhardt an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 77. Cetinje, den 9. Oktober 1912. (245) Nr. 648. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlein. Eigenhändig. Berlin, den 9. Oktober 1912. (246) Nr. 649. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlein. Reinschrift. Berlin, den 10. Oktober 1912. (250) Nr. 650. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Auszug: Nr. 291. Vertraulich. Wien, den 11. Oktober 1912. (251) Nr. 651. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 238. Paris, den 29. September / 12. Oktober 1912. (253) Nr. 652. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 294. Wien, den 12. Oktober 1912. (pr. 14. oktober.) (253) Nr. 653. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 250. Nr. 2. Paris, den 2. / 15. Oktober 1912. (256) Nr. 654. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères à M. Paul Cambon, Ambassadeur de France à Londres. Paris, le 15 octobre 1912. (256) Nr. 655. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 254. Persönlich. Paris, den 3. / 16. Oktober 1912. (260) Nr. 656. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Telegramm Nr. 2195. Persönlich. St. Petersburg, den 3. / 16. Oktober 1912. (261) Nr. 657. Kriegsmanifest König Ferdinands vom 18. Oktober 1912. (261) Nr. 658. Königlich serbische Gesandtschaft an das k. u. k. Ministerium des Äußern. Wien, 18. oktober 1912. (262) Nr. 659. Der russische Gesandte Nekljudow, Sofia, an den Minister des Äußern S. D. Sasonow in Petersburg. Sehr vertraulich. Sofia, den 6. / 19. Oktober 1912. (264) Nr. 660. Graf Berchtold an Herrn von Ugron in Belgrad. Wien, den 20. Oktober 1912. (264) Nr. 661. Ganz geheimes Schreiben des stellvertretenden russischen Außenministers an den Vorsitzenden des Ministerrates. 10. / 23. Oktober 1912. (265) Nr. 662. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Brief. Paris, den 10. / 23. Oktober 1912. (267) Nr. 663. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 327. Wien, den 26. Oktober 1912. (269) Nr. 664. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 292. Persönlich. Paris, den 15. / 28. Oktober 1912. (270) Nr. 665. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 283. Vom 16. / 29. Oktober 1912. (271) Nr. 666. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 284. Vom 17. / 30. Oktober 1912. (272) Nr. 667. Graf Berchtold an Graf Szögyény in Berlin. Wien, den 30. Oktober 1912. (273) Nr. 668. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, aux Ambassadeurs de France à Berlin, Vienne, Rome. Paris, le 30 octobre 1912. (275) Nr. 669. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky. Eigenhändiges Konzept. Telegramm. Nr. 126. Berlin, den 31. Oktober 1912. (275) Nr. 670. Streng vertraulicher Brief des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 675. Vom 18. / 31. Oktober 1912. (277) Nr. 671. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris und London. Telegramm Nr. 2405. Paris, den 18. Juni / 31. Oktober 1912. (279) Nr. 672. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler Fürsten von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 191. Vertraulich. Wien, den 31. Oktober 1912. (279) Nr. 673. Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an Kaiser Wilhelm II. Ausfertigung. Berlin, 3. November 1912. (280) Nr. 674. Graf Szögyény an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Berlin, 5. November 1912. (283) Nr. 675. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Paris, den 24. Oktober / 6. November 1912. (283) Nr. 676. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 306. Vom 25. Oktober / 7. November 1912. (284) Nr. 677. Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky. Eigenhändiges Konzept. Nr. 736. Berlin, 7. November 1912. (285) Nr. 678. Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky. Eigenhändiges Konzept. Telegramm. Nr. 137. Berlin, 7. November 1912. (286) Nr. 679. M. Paul Cambon. Ambassadeur de France à Londres, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Londres, le 7 novembre 1912. (288) Nr. 680. Graf Berchtold an Herrn von Ugron in Belgrad. Budapest, den 8. November 1912. (289) Nr. 681. Der Geschäftsträger in London von Kühlmann an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Nr. 177. London, den 8. November 1912. (290) Nr. 682. Der Botschafter in Paris Freiherr von Schoen an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 339. Paris, den 8. November 1912. (291) Nr. 683. Der Botschafter in Paris Freiherr von Schoen an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 381. Paris, den 8. November 1912. (pr. 10. November) (292) Nr. 684. Conversation entre l'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne à Paris et le Directeur des Affaires politiques. 8 novembre 1912. (293) Nr. 685. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, aux Ambassadeurs de France à Londres, Berlin, Rome, Vienne. Paris, le 8 novembre 1912. (294) Nr. 686. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in Rom. Nr. 2500. Vom 26. Oktober / 8. November 19012. Nr. 687. Herr von Mérey an Graf Brechtold. Telegramm. Rom, 9. November 1912. (295) Nr. 688. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Nr. 265. Unter Bezugnahme auf Telegramm Nr. 188. St. Petersburg, den 9. November 1912. (296) Nr. 689. Der Botschafter in Rom von Jagow an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 440. Antwort auf Telegramm Nr. 164. Rom, den 9. November 1912. (pr. 13. November.) (297) Nr. 690. Ausfertigung. Von der englischen Botschaft in Berlin am 9. November 1912 dem Auswärtigen Amt übersandt. Berlin, November 9, 1912. (298) Nr. 691. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 276. Vom 27. Oktober / 9. November 1912. (298) Nr. 692. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm Nr. 2513. St. Petersburg, den 27. Oktober / 9. November 1912. (299) Nr. 693. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesinger an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 39. Belgrad den 8. November 1912. (301) Nr. 694. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, den 11. November 1912. (301) Nr. 695. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Nr. 366. Wien, den 11. November 1912. (pr. 12. November.) (302) Nr. 696. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm Nr. 2526. St. Petersburg, den 11. November / 29. Oktober 1912. (302) Nr. 697. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm Nr. 2556. St. Petersburg, den 30. Oktober / 12. November 1912. (303) Nr. 698. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 316. Vom 30. Oktober / 12. November 1912. (304) Nr. 699. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesinger an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 40. Belgrad den 12. November 1912. (eingetroffen am 13. November) (304) Nr. 700. Graf Mensdorff an Graf Berchtold. Nr. 317. Vom 31. Oktober / 13. November 1912. (305) Nr. 701. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 317. Vom 31. Oktober / 13. November 1912. (305) Nr. 702. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Brief. Streng vertraulich. Nr. 2556. St. Petersburg, den 1. / 14. November 1912. (306) Nr. 703. Der Botschafter in London Fürst von Lichnowsky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 1083. London, den 15. November 1912. Nr. 704. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky. Konzept von der Hand des Kommissarischen Hilfsarbeiters von Bergen. Nr. 752. Berlin, den 15. November 1912. (308) Nr. 705. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Gesandten in Belgrad Freiherrn von Griesinger. Konzept. Nr. 135. Berlin, den 15. November 1912. (309) Nr. 706. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesingen an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 44. Belgrad, den 16. November 1912. (310) Nr. 707. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an das Auswärtige Amt. Nr. 125. Ganz vertraulich. Wien, den 17. November 1912. (eingetroffen am 18. November). (310) Nr. 708. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 369. Fortsetzung von Telegramm Nr. 368. Paris, den 24. / 17. Oktober 1912. (312) Nr. 709. Der Botschafter von Petersburg Graf Portalès an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm Nr. 276. St. Petersburg, den 17. November 1912. (pr. den 18. November) (313) Nr. 710. Der Botschafter in London Fürst von Lichnowsky an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 184. London, den 18. November 1912. (314) Nr. 711. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm Nr. 372. Paris, den 5. / 18. November 1912. (315) Nr. 712. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 324. Vom 5. / 18. November 1912. (316) Nr. 713. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 374. Paris, den 5. / 18. November 1912. (317) Nr. 714. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 375. Paris, den 6. / 19. November 1912. (317) Nr. 715. Graf Mensdorff an Graf Berchtold. London, den 20. November 1912. Nr. 716. Der Botschafter in Rom von Jagow an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Nr. 1176. Antwort auf Telegramm Nr. 164. Rom, den 20. November 1912. (318) Nr. 717. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 326. St. Petersburg, den 20. November 1912. (pr. 22. November). (319) Nr. 718. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 2687. St. Petersburg, den 9. / 22. November 1912. (320) Nr. 719. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 333. Vom 11. / 24. November 1912. (320) Nr. 720. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 342. Vom 13. / 26. November 1912. Nr. 721. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm Nr. 390. Paris, den 13. / 26. November 1912. (322) Nr. 722. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 345. Vom 13. / 26. November 1912. (323) Nr. 723. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 396. Wien, den 27. November 1912. (pr. 29. November.) (323) Nr. 724. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 2738. Vom 14. / 27. November 1912. (325) Nr. 725. Der Botschafter in Rom von Jagow an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 459. Vertraulich. Rom, den 27. November 1912. (pr. 30. November.) (326) Nr. 726. M. Descos, Ministre de France à Belgrade, à M. Raymond Poincarè, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaire étrangéres. Belgrade, le 27 novembre 1912. (328) Nr. 727. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Entzifferung. Nr. 402. Wien, den 28. November 1912. (per 29. November.) (328) Nr. 728. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in London und Paris. Telegramm. Wien, 29. November 1912. (330) Nr. 729. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 341. St. Petersburg, den 29. November 1912. (per. 1. Dezember.) (331) Nr. 730. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky. Eigenhändiges Konzept. Konzept von der Hand des Vortragenden Rats von Rosenberg. Telegramm. Nr. 155. Berlin, den 30. November 1912. (Abgegangen am 1. Dezember.) (334) Nr. 731. Kaiser Wilhelm II., z. Z. in Donaueschingen an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 14. Donaueschingen, den 1. Dezember 1912. (335) Nr. 732. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, den 2. Dezember 1912. Nr. 733. Aide mémoire. Reinschrift. Vom österreichisch-ungarischen Botschafter in Berlin Grafen Szögyényi-Marisch am 4. Dezember 1912 überreicht. (336) Nr. 734. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Botschafter in London Fürsten von Lichnowsky. Konzept. Telegramm. Nr. 211. Antwort auf Telegramm Nr. 199. Zur Verwertung. Berlin, den 6. Dezember 1912. (337) Nr. 735. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 415. Ganz vertraulich. Wien, den 6. Dezember 1912. (338) Nr. 736. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères à MM. les Ambassadeurs de France à Londres et à Saint-Pétersbourg. Paris, le 9 décembre 1912. (341) Nr. 737. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm Nr. 424. Paris, den 26. November / 9. Dezember 1912. (342) Nr. 738. M. Paul Cambon, Ambassadeur de France à Londres, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Londres, le 9 décembre 1912. (343) Nr. 739. Der Botschafter in Petersburg Graf von Pourtales an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 354. St. Petersburg, den 10. Dezember 1912. (343) Nr. 740. Der Botschafter in London Fürst von Lichnowsky an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 203. London, den 10. Dezember 1912. (345) Nr. 741. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm Nr. 428. Paris, den 27. November / 10. Dezember 1912. (347) Nr. 742. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm Nr. 2845. Identisch nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 27. November / 10. Dezember 1912. (347) Nr. 743. M. Dumaine, Ambassadeur de France à Vienne, à M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Vienne, le 11 décembre 1912. Nr. 744. M. Raymond Poincaré, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, à M. Descos, Minister de France à Belgrade. Paris, le 11 décembre 1912. (349) Nr. 745. Streng vertrauliches Schreiben des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 848. Vom 30. November / 13. Dezember 1912. (350) Nr. 746. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 439. Wien, den 19. Dezember / (pr. 20. Dezember) 1912. (354) Nr. 747. Der russische Gesandte in Belgrad an den russischen Botschafter in London. Telegramm. Nr. 406. Abschrift nach Paris. Belgrad, den 8. / 21. Dezember 1912. (355) Nr. 748. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Kiderlen an den Geschäftsträger in Wien Prinzen zu Stollberg. Konzept von der Hand des Vortragenden Rats von Rosenberg. Nr. 872. Berlin, den 22. Dezember 1912. (Abgegangen am 23. Dezember.) (356) Nr. 749. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 453. Wien, den 28. Dezember. (357) Nr. 750. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 484. Paris, den 20. Dezember 1912 / 2. Januar 1913. (359) Nr. 751. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm Nr. 615 (?). Paris, den 22. Dezember 1912 / 4. Januar 1913. (359) Nr. 752. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 3133. St. Petersburg, den 26. Dezember 1912 / 8. Januar 1913. (360) Nr. 753. Graf Mensdorff an Graf Berchtold. London, 9. Januar 1913. (360) Nr. 754. Der russische Geschäftsträger in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 13. Paris, den 3. / 16. Januar 1913. (361) Nr. 755. Graf Berchtold an Graf Mensdorff in London. Wien, den 18. Januar 1913. (361) Nr. 756. Der russische Geschäftsträger in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 26. Paris, den 9. / 22. Januar 1913. (362) Nr. 757. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 22. Vom 9. / 22. Januar 1913. (363) Nr. 758. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 136. Identisch nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 16. / 19. Januar 1913. (364) Nr. 759. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 41. Paris, den 17. / 30. Januar 1913. (364) Nr. 760. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Brief. Nr. 41. Paris, den 17. / 30. Januar 1913. (366) Nr. 761. Brief Kaiser Franz-Joseph's an Kaiser Nikolaus II. von Rußland. Wien, den 1. Februar 1913. (367) Nr. 762. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 178. Identisch nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 20. Januar / 2. Februar 1913. (368) Nr. 763. Herzog Albrecht von Württemberg, z. Z. in Wien an den Fürsten Maximilian Egon zu Fürstenberg. Abschrift. Vom Fürsten Fürstenberg dem Staatssekretär von Jagow mitgeteilt. Privatbrief. Wien, den 2. Februar 1913. (pr. 5. Februar) (369) Nr. 764. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 221. Identisch nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 26. Januar 1913 / 8. Februar. (372) Nr. 765. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 232. Identisch nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 26. Januar 1913 / 8. Februar. (373) Nr. 766. M. Georges Louis, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Pétersbourg, à M. Jonnart, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 9 févier 1913. (374) Nr. 767. M. Georges Louis, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Pétersbourg, à M. Jonnart, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 10 févier 1913. (375) Nr. 768. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 275. Vom 30. Januar / 12. Februar 1913. (376) Nr. 769. Aufzeichnungen des Staatssekretärs des Auswärtigen Amtes von Jagow. Eigenhändig. Berlin, den 12. Februar 1913. (376) Nr. 770. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 109. Vom 31. Januar / 13. Februar 1913. (377) Nr. 771. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 149. Vom 9. / 22. Februar 1913. (378) Nr. 772. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 150. Vom 9. / 22. Februar 1913. (378) Nr. 773. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 409. Vom 13. / 26. Februar 1913. (379) Nr. 774. Telegramm des russischen Botschafters in London an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 184. Vom 15. / 28. Februar 1913. (379) Nr. 775. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 88. Paris, den 18. Februar / 3. März 1913. (380) Nr. 776. Der Gesandte in Sofia von Below-Saleske an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 52. Sofia, den 3. März 1913. (380) Nr. 777. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Jagow an den Botschafter in Konstantinopel Freiherrn von Wangenheim. Eigenhändiges Konzept. Nr. 182. Zur Information. Berlin, den 4. März 1913. (381) Nr. 778. M. Carlier, Consul de France à Uskub, à M. Jonnart, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Uskub, le 4 mars 1913. (382) Nr. 779. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Jagow an den Botschafter in London Fürsten von Lichnowsky. Konzept von der Hand des Vortragenden Rats von Rosenberg. Telegramm. Nr. 148. Berlin, den 5. März 1913. (382) Nr. 780. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Nr. 102. Wien, den 11. März 1913. (383) Nr. 781. Der österreichisch-ungarische Minister des Äußern Graf Berchtold an den Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Jagow. Ausfertigung. Privatbrief. Wien, am 13. März 1913. (385) Nr. 782. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 108. Geheim. Wien, den 13. März 1913. (pr. 15. März) (389) Nr. 783. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Vertraulicher Brief. Paris, den 28. Februar / 13. März 1913. (393) Nr. 784. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 103. Paris, den 1. / 14. März 1913. (393) Nr. 785. Brief des Erzherzogs Franz Ferdinand an den Zaren Nikolaus II. Wien, den 20. März 1913. (394) Nr. 786. Der Präsident der französischen Republik an den russischen Kaiser. Brief. Paris, den 20. März 1913. (395) Nr. 787. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, den 22. März 1913. (396) Nr. 788. Der Botschafter in London Fürst von Lichnowsky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. (Ausfertigung.) Nr. 202. London, am 27. März 1912. (pr. 30. März) (396) Nr. 789. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 847. Abschrift nach Paris, Sofia, Athen. St. Petersburg, den 24. März / 6. April 1913. (397) Nr. 790. Télégramme du Ministre des Affaires étranères de Serbie à M. Vesnitsch, Ministre à Paris, et Communiqué par celui-ci au Ministre des Affaires étrangères. 12 avril 1913. (398) Nr. 791. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 945. Abschrift nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 2. / 15. April 1913. (399) Nr. 792. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 984. Abschrift nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 5. / 18. April 1913. (399) Nr. 793. Graf Berchtold an Graf Mensdorff in London. Wien, den 23. April 1913. (400) Nr. 794. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Cetinje, 23. April 1913. (401) Nr. 795. Graf Thurn an Berchtold. Telegramm. St. Petersburg, 24. April 1913. (401) Nr. 796. Graf Szécsen an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, 24. April 1913. (402) Nr. 797. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 192. Paris, den 11. / 24. April 1913. Nr. 798. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 195. Paris, den 12. / 25. April 1913. (403) Nr. 799. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Cetinje, 27. April 1913. Nr. 800. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Cetinje, 27. April 1913. (404) Nr. 801. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Cetinje, 28. April 1913. (404) Kopie einer Note des königlich montenegrinischen Ministeriums des Äußern. Vom 14. / 27. April 1913. (405) Nr. 802. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Cetinje. Nr. 1078. Vom 15. / 28. April 1913. (406) Nr. 803. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Botschafter in London. Nr. 1076. Vom 15. / 28. April 1913. (406) Nr. 804. Graf Szécsen an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, den 30. April 1913. (407) Nr. 805. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Cetinje, den 2. Mai 1913. Nr. 806. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Cetinje, den 5. Mai 1913. (408) Nr. 807. Der russische Minister des Äußern, Sasonow, an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad, Hartwig. Petersburg, den 23. April / 6. Mai 1913. (408) Nr. 808. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 1235. St. Petersburg, den 28. April / 11. Mai 1913. (410) Nr. 809. M. Deville, Ministre de France à Athènes, à M. Gaston Doumergue, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Athènes, le 20 mai 1914. (411) Nr. 810. Graf Tarnowski an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Sofia, den 23. Mai 1913. Nr. 811. Graf Tarnowski an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Sofia, den 26. Mai 1913. (412) Nr. 812. M. Dumaine, Ambassadeur de France à Vienne, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Vienne, le 2 juin 1913. (413) Nr. 813. Telegramm des Kaisers Nikolaus von Rußland an den König Ferdinand von Bulgarien. Zarskoje Selo, den 26. Mai / 8. Juni 1913. (413) Nr. 814. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 1557. Gleichlautend nach Paris. St. Petersburg, den 27. Mai / 9. Juni 1913. (414) Nr. 815. Der russische Botschafter von Giers, Wien, an den Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Auszug. Nr. 84. Streng persönlich. Wien, den 28. Mai / 10. Juni 1913. Nr. 816. Graf Thurn an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. St. Petersburg, den 11. Juni 1913. (415) Nr. 817. M. Delcassé, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Petersbourg, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 11 juin 1913. Nr. 818. M. Jules Cambon, Ambassadeur de France à Berlin, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Berlin, le 12 juin 1913. (416) Nr. 819. M. de Panafieu, Ministre de France à Sofia, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Sofia, le 13 juin 1913. (417) Nr. 820. M. de Panafieu, Ministre de France à Sofia, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Sofia, le 13 juin 1913. (417) Nr. 821. M. Delcassé, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Petersbourg, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 16 juin 1913. (418) Nr. 822. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 1235. St. Petersburg, den 6. / 19. Juni 1913. (419) Nr. 823. M. Descos, Ministre de France à Belgrade, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaire étrangéres. Belgrade, le 19 juin 1913. (419) Nr. 824. M. Descos, Ministre de France à Belgrade, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaire étrangéres. Belgrade, le 23 juin 1913. (420) Nr. 825. M. Delcassé, Ambassadeur de France à Saint-Petersbourg, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 3 juillet 1913. Nr. 826. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 320. Paris, den 25. Juni / 8. Juli 1913. (421) Nr. 827. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in Berlin, Lond, Paris, Rom und St. Petersburg. Wien, den 15. Juli 1913. (422) Nr. 828. Graf Thurn an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. St. Petersburg, den 16. Juli 1913. (422) Nr. 829. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 336. Paris, den 3. / 16. Juli 1913. (423) Nr. 830. Graf Berchtold an Herrn von Ugron in Belgrad. Wien, den 23. Juli 1913. (424) Nr. 831. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, den 24. Juli 1913. (424) Nr. 832. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 364. Paris, den 15. / 28. Juli 1913. (425) Nr. 833. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Paris, den 15. / 28. Juli 1913. (425) Nr. 834. Graf Berchtold an Prinz K. E. Fürstenberg in Bukarest. Wien, den 30. Juli 1913. (426) Nr. 835. Prinz K. E. Fürstenberg an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Bukarest, 9. August 1913. (426) Nr. 836. Graf Szécsen an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, den 9. August 1913. (427) Nr. 837. M. de Manneville, Chargé d'affaires de France à Berlin à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Berlin, le 9 aout 1913. (427) Nr. 838. Herr von Mérey an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Rom, 10. August 1913. (428) Nr. 839. Graf Berchtold an Graf Thurn in St. Petersburg. Wien, den 12. August 1913. (428) Nr. 840. Der bulgarische Gesandte Salabascheff, Wien, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Wien, den 31. Juli / 13. August 1913. (429) Nr. 841. Graf Thurn an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. St. Petersburg, den 16. August 1913. (429) Nr. 842. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 410. Paris, den 3. / 16. August 1913. (430) Nr. 843. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesinger an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Nr. 117. Belgrad den 17. August 1913. (431) Nr. 844. Herr von Ugron an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 17. August 1913. (432) Nr. 845. M. Descos, Ministre de France à Belgrade, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaire étrangéres. Belgrade, le 22 aout 1913. (432) Nr. 846. Der Geschäftsträger in Bukarest Graf von Waldburg z. Z. in Sinaia an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann-Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 263. Sinaia, den 23. August 1913. (433) Nr. 847. Der Geschäftsträger in Bukarest Graf von Waldburg z. Z. in Sinaia an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann-Hollweg. Nr. 265. Geheim. Sinaia, den 26. August 1913. (434) Nr. 848. Der Geschäftsträger in Bukarest Graf von Waldburg z. Z. in Sinaia an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann-Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 208. Sinaia, den 27. August 1913. (434) Nr. 849. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 21. September 1913. (435) Nr. 850. Freiherr von Flotow an Graf Berchtold. Berlin, 23. September 1913. Nr. 851. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 24. September 1913. (436) Nr. 852. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes von Jagow an den Botschafter in Rom von Flotow. Eigenhändiges Konzept. Nr. 1197. Berlin, den 23. September 1913. (436) Nr. 853. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Auszug. Nr. 1210. Belgrad, den 12. / 25. September 1913. (437) Nr. 854. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 1212. Belgrad, den 12. / 25. September 1913. (438) Nr. 855. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Geschäftsträger in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 2713. St. Petersburg, den 14. / 27. September 1913. (439) Nr. 856. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister Neratow, Petersburg, an den russischen Geschäftsträger Strandmann in Belgrad. Nr. 2743. Petersburg, den 17. / 30. September 1913. (440) Nr. 857. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann in Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. nr. 1234. Vertraulich. Belgrad, den 18. September / 1. Oktober 1913. (441) Nr. 858. Der russische Geschäftsträger in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 476. Paris, den 18. September / 1. Oktober 1913. (442) Nr. 859. Graf Berchtold an Legationsrat von Storck in Belgrad. Telegramm. Wien, den 7. Oktober 1913. (442) Nr. 860. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 9. Oktober 1913. (443) Nr. 861. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 1261. Belgrad, den 26. September / 9. Oktober 1913. (443) Nr. 862. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 10. Oktober 1913. Nr. 863. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in Berlin und Rom. Wien, den 10. Oktober 1913. (445) Nr. 864. Freiherr von Flotow an Graf Berchtold. Berlin, 11. Oktober 1913. (445) Nr. 865. Graf Berchtold an Graf Ambrozy in Rom. Wien, den 11. Oktober 1913. (446) Nr. 866. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in Berlin und Rom. Wien, den 14. Oktober 1913. (446) Nr. 867. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 15. Oktober 1913. (447) Nr. 868. Königlich serbische Gesandtschaft an das k. u. k. Ministerium des Äußern. Notiz. Wien, 3. / 16. Oktober 1913. (447) Nr. 869. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Belgrad, 17. Oktober 1913. (448) Nr. 870. Graf Berchtold an Legationsrat von Storck in Belgrad. Wien, den 17. Oktober 1913. (448) Nr. 871. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in Berlin, Paris, Rom und St. Petersburg. Wien, den 17. Oktober 1913. (449) Nr. 872. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 504. Paris, den 5. / 18. Oktober 1913. (451) Nr. 873. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Geschäftsträger in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 2893. St. Petersburg, den 5. / 18. Oktober 1913. (452) Nr. 874. Der russische Gesandte in Belgrad an den russischen Geschäftsträger in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 1277. Abschrift nach Paris. Belgrad, den 5. / 18. Oktober 1913. (453) Nr. 875. Graf Berchtold an die k. u. k. Botschaften in Berlin, London, Paris, Rom und St. Petersburg. Wien, den 20. Oktober 1913. (454) Nr. 876. M. Dumaine, Ambassadeur de France à Vienne, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Vienne, le 21 octobre 1913. (454) Nr. 877. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesinger an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Telegramm. Nr. 196. Belgrad den 21. Oktober 1913. (456) Nr. 878. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Lin am Ochridasee, an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 6. Lin am Ochridasee, den 23. Oktober 1913. (458) Nr. 879. Der Gesandte in Belgrad Freiherr von Griesinger an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 200. Belgrad den 23. Oktober 1913. (pr. 26. Oktober.) (460) Nr. 880. Der Stellvertretende Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes Zimmermann an den Botschafter in Rom von Flotow. Konzept. Nr. 1356. Berlin, den 25. Oktober 1913. (abgegangen am 27. Oktober). (462) Nr. 881. Legationsrat von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Belgrad, le 12 / 25 octobre 1913. (463) Nr. 882. Der russische Gesandte in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Abschrift nach Paris. Nr. 1314. Belgrad, den 19. Oktober / 1. November 1913. (464) Nr. 883. Bericht des russischen Außenministers an den Zaren über seine Reise nach Paris und Berlin. Auszug. Jalte, den 24. Oktober / 6. November 1913. (464) Nr. 884. Der bulgarische Gesandte Radeff, Bukarest an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Auszug. Bukarest, den 24. Oktober / 6. November 1913. (466) Nr. 885. Der Botschafter in Wien von Tschirschky an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 346. Wien, den 6. November 1913. (468) Nr. 886. Der Gesandte in Bukarest von Waldhausen an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 323. Bukarest, den 7. November 1913. (469) Nr. 887. Der bulgarische Gesandte Toscheff, Konstantinopel an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Konstantinopel, den 26. Oktober / 8. November 1913. (470) Nr. 888. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Gorni-Belica, an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 7. Gorni Belica, den 2. November 1913. (472) Nr. 889. M. Delcassé, Ambassadeur de France, à Saint-Petersbourg, à M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Saint-Petersbourg, le 17 novembre 1913. (476) Nr. 890. M. Pichon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, à M. Ribot, Chargé d'Affaires de France à Vienne, et à MM. les Ministres de France à Belgrade, Sofia, Athènes et Bucarest. Paris, le 24 novembre 1913. (476) Nr. 891. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Nerezi am Drin, an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 9. Nerezi, den 14. November 1913. (477) Nr. 892. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Dibra, an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 10. Dibra, den 22. November 1913. (478) Nr. 893. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Prisren, an das Auswärtige Amt. Entzifferung. Telegramm. Prisren, den 5. Dezember 1913. (480) Nr. 894. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Prisren, an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 11. Prisren, den 30. November 1913. (480) Nr. 895. Bericht des russischen Außenministers Sasonow an den Zaren. St. Petersburg, den 25. November / 8. Dezember 1913. (484) Nr. 896. Der Delegierte zur nordalbanischen Grenzkommission Major von Laffert, z. Z. in Prisren, an den Reichskanzler von Bethmann Hollweg. Ausfertigung. Nr. 12. Prisren, den 9. Dezember 1913. (486) Nr. 897. Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 3348. St. Petersburg, den 29. November / 12. Dezember 1913. (487) Nr. 898. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. (Mitgeteilt auch Cetinje.) Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 3366. St. Petersburg, den 1. / 14. Dezember 1913. (488) Nr. 899. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in Paris. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 3513. St. Petersburg, den 20. Dezember / 2. Januar 1913 / 14. (489) Nr. 900. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 615. Paris, den 22. Dezember / 4. Januar 1913. (489) Nr. 901. Sehr geheimes Schreiben des russischen Gesandten in Bukarest an den russischen Außenminister. Vom 11. / 24. Januar 1914. (490) Nr. 902. M. Gaston Doumergue, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, à MM les Ambassadeurs de France à Londres, Berlin, Vienne, Rome et Constantinople; et `MM. les Ministres de France à Belgrade, Sofia, Athènes et Bicarest. Paris, le 31 janvier 1914. (493) Nr. 903. Der russische Gesandte in Athen an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 17. Athen, den 18. /31. Januar 1914. (493) Nr. 904. Der russische Geschäftsträger Obnorski, Cetinje, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 5. Cetinje, den 28. Januar / 10. Februar 1914. (494) Nr. 905. Der russische Gesandte in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 42. Belgrad, den 30. Januar /12. Februar 1914. (497) Nr. 906. Bericht des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 7. Vom 11. / 24. Februar 1914. (497) Nr. 907. Vertrauliches Schreiben des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Sofia. Nr. 129. Vom 17. Februar / 2. März 1914. (498) Nr. 908. Der bulgarische Gesandte Rizoff, Rom, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Rom, den 23. Februar / 5. März 1914. (500) Nr. 909. Auszug aus einem ganz vertraulichen Bericht des russischen Botschafters in Berlin an den russischen Außenministers. Auszug. Vom 27. Februar / 9. März 1914. (500) Nr. 910. Telegramm des russischen Geschäftsträgers Obnorski, Cetinje, an das russischen Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 17. Cetinje, den 13. / 26. März 1914. (501) Nr. 911. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Nr. 602. Vom 16. / 29. März 1914. (501) Nr. 912. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 104 Vom 17. / 30. März 1914. (502) Nr. 913. Telegramm des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 104 Vom 17. / 30. März 1914. (502) Nr. 914. Auszug aus einem Schreiben des russischen Botschafters in Wien an den russischen Außenministers. Vom 21. März / 3. April 1914. (503) Nr. 915. Der bulgarische Gesandte Radeff, Bukarest, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Sofia, den 6. / 19. April 1914. (504) Nr. 916. Der russische Gesandte in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 69. Abschrift nach Paris und Bukarest. Paris, den 9. / 22. April 1914. (505) Nr. 917. Der russische Gesandte in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 72. Abschrift nach Paris. Sofia, den 13. / 26. April 1914. Nr. 918. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 106. Paris, den 16. / 29. April 1914. (506) Nr. 919. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 109. Abschrift nach Sofia. Paris, den 21. April / 4. Mai 1914. (507) Nr. 920. Der russische Außenminister an den russischen Botschafter in London. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 9. Abschrift nach Paris und Sofia. Livadia, den 23. April / 6. Mai 1914. (507) Nr. 921. Der russische Gesandte in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 83. Abschrift nach Jalta, Paris und London. Sofia, den 29. April / 12. Mai 1914. (508) Nr. 922. Der russische Gesandte in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Telegramm. Nr. 84. Abschrift nach Jalta, Paris und London. Sofia, den 30. April / 13. Mai 1914. (509) Nr. 923. Der russische Gesandte in Sofia an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 86. Abschrift nach Paris und London. Sofia, den 4. / 17. Mai 1914. (510) Nr. 924. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 122. Paris, den 5. / 18. Mai 1914. (511) Nr. 925. Streng vertraulicher Bericht des russischen Gesandten in Belgrad an den russischen Außenminister. Nr. 26. Vom 6. / 19. Mai 1914. (511) Nr. 926. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 125. Paris, den 10. / 23. Mai 1914. (513) Nr. 927. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 134. Paris, den 17. / 30. Mai 1914. (513) Nr. 928. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 160. Belgrad, den 20. Mai / 2. Juni 1914. (514) Nr. 929. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 162. Belgrad, den 29. Mai / 11. Juni 1914. (515) Nr. 930. Der russische Botschafter in Paris an den russischen Außenminister. Geheimtelegramm. Nr. 163. Paris, den 6. / 19. Juni 1914. (515) Nr. 931. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Petersburg, den 11. / 14. Juni 1914. Nr. 932. Der bulgarische Gesandte Dimitrieff, Petersburg, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Petersburg, den 14. / 27. Juni 1913. (516) Nr. 933. Der bulgarische Gesandte Dimitrieff, Petersburg, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Petersburg, den 14. / 27. Juni 1913. (517) Nr. 934. Legationsrat Ritter von Storck an Graf Berchtold. Belgrad, den 29. Juni 1914. (517) Nr. 935. Herr Crackanthorpe an Sir Edward Grey. 120. Vertraulich. Belgrad, den 2. Juli 1914. (518) Nr. 936. Sir M. de Bunsen an Sir Edward Grey. Erhalten am 6. Juli. Nr. 132. Wien, den 2. Juli 1914. (520) Nr. 937. Der Gesandte in Belgrad an den Reichskanzler. Belgrad, den 2. Juli 1914. (522) Nr. 938. Der bulgarische Gesandte Toscheff, Konstantinopel an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Sofia, den 20. Juni / 3. Juli 1914. (523) Nr. 939. Graf Szécsen an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, 4. Juli 1914. (525) Nr. 940. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 180. Belgrad, den 22. Juni / 6. Juli 1914. (525) Nr. 941. Der Gesandte in Belgrad an den Reichskanzler. Belgrad, den 6. Juli 1914. (526) Nr. 942. Gerent Herr Hoflehner an Graf Berchtold. Nisch, 6. Juli 1914. (529) Nr. 943. Telegramm des russischen Außenministers an den russischen Gesandten in Belgrad. Nr. 1351. Vertraulich. Vom 14. Juni / 7. Juli 1914. (530) Nr. 944. Der russische Gesandte Hartwig, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 187. Vertraulich. Auszug. Belgrad, den 26. Juni / 9. Juli 1914. (531) Nr. 945. Der Botschafter in Wien an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm. Nr. 85. Ganz geheim! Wien, den 10. Juli 1914. (531) Nr. 946. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 189. Auszug: Belgrad, den 27. Juni / 10. Juli 1914. (533) Nr. 947. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 190. Belgrad, den 28. Juni / 11. Juli 1914. (534) Nr. 948. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 193. Belgrad, den 29. Juni / 12. Juli 1914. (534) Nr. 949. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 194. Belgrad, den 30. Juni / 13. Juli 1914. (535) Nr. 950. Der Botschafter in Wien an den Reichskanzler. Ganz geheim! Wien, den 14. Juli 1914. (535) Nr. 951. Der russische Geschäftsträger Strandmann, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Petersburg. Nr. 195. Belgrad, den 1. / 14. Juli 1914. (537) Nr. 952. Der bulgarische Gesandte Toscheff, Konstantinopel an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Auszug: Konstantinopel, den 4. / 17. Juli 1914. (537) Nr. 953. Herr Crackanthorpe an Sir Edward Grey. Erhalten 23. Juli. Nr. 133. Belgrad, den 18. Juli 1914. (540) Nr. 954. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Wien. Telegramm 127. Berlin, den 20. Juli 1914. (541) Nr. 955. Freiherr von Giesl an Graf Berchtold. Belgrad, 21. Juli 1914. (541) Nr. 956. Der bulgarische Gesandte Dimitrieff, Petersburg, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Petersburg, den 8. / 21. Juli 1914. (544) Nr. 957. Sir H. Rumbold an Sir Edward Grey. Erhalten 27. Juli. Nr. 299. Berlin, den 22. Juli 1914. (545) Nr. 958. Der Gesandte in Belgrad an das Auswärtige Amt. Telegramm 32. Belgrad, den 24. Juli 1914. (546) Nr. 959. Der bulgarische Gesandte Tscharpratschikow, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Belgrad, den 11. / 24. Juli 1914. (547) Nr. 960. Herr Crackanthorpe an Sir Edward Grey. (Tel.) Nr. 50. Belgrad, den 24. Juli 1914. Nr. 961. Comuniqué des russischen Amtsblattes. St. Petersburg, 24. Juli 1914. (548) Nr. 962. Graf Szapary an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. St. Petersburg, den 24. Juli 1914. (549) Nr. 963. Mitteilung des deutschen Botschafters, vom 24. Juli 1914. (550) Nr. 964. Graf Szécsen an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, 24. Juli 1914. (552) Nr. 965. Graf Szécsen an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Paris, 24. Juli 1914. (552) Nr. 966. Sir Edward Grey an Sir M. de Bunsen. Telegramm. Nr. 148. Auswärtiges Amt, den 24. Juli 1914. (553) Nr. 967. Der bulgarische Gesandte Dimitrieff, Petersburg, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Petersburg, den 12. / 25. Juli 1914. (554) Nr. 968. Graf Berchtold an Graf Szapary in St. Petersburg. Wien, den 25. Juli 1914. (554) Nr. 969. Sir R. Rodd an Sir Edward Grey. Telegramm. Nr. 122. Rom, den 26. Juli 1914. (557) Nr. 970. Der bulgarische Gesandte Radeff, Bukarest an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Bukarest, den 13. / 26. Juli 1914. (557) Nr. 971. Der bulgarische Gesandte Tscharpratschikow, Belgrad, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Belgrad, den 14. / 27. Juli 1914. (559) Nr. 972. Sir M. de Bunsen an Sir Edward Grey. (Tel.) Nr. 122. Wien, den 29. Juli 1914. (560) Nr. 973. Herr von Merey an Graf Berchtold. Telegramm. Nr. 557. Rom, den 30. Juli 1914. Nr. 974. Der bulgarische Gesandte Radeff, Bukarest an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Bukarest, den 17. / 30. Juli 1914. (561) Nr. 975. Der bulgarische Gesandte Radeff, Bukarest an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Bukarest, den 18. / 31. Juli 1914. (562) Nr. 976. Der bulgarische Gesandte Dimitrieff, Petersburg, an das Ministerium des Äußern in Sofia. Petersburg, den 22. Juli / 4. August 1914. (562) Nr. 977. Lettre de M. Pierre Plamenatz, ancien Ministre des Affaires étrangères du Montenegro à M. M., Londres. London, Hyde Park Hotel. Londres, le 23 mai 1917. (563) Nr. 978. Brief König Nikolaus an Präsident Wilson anläßlich seiner Anwesenheit in Paris. Vom 14. Mai 1919. (568) Anhang. Auszüge aus den Protokollen des Archivs der russischen Gesandtschaft in Belgrad. (570) Protokollauszüge aus dem Jahre 1908. (570) Protokollauszüge aus dem Jahre 1909. (573) Protokollauszüge aus dem Jahre 1910. (578) Protokollauszüge aus dem Jahre 1911. (584) Protokollauszüge aus dem Jahre 1912. (Gesandter Hartwig.) (590) Einzelne Telegramme aus dem Jahre 1913. (595) Einzelne Telegramme aus dem Jahre 1914. (596) Verzeichnis der Abkürzungen der in den Hinweisen erwähnten Schriften. (598) Verzeichnis der im zweiten Bande enthaltenen Aktenstücke (1901 - 1919) (599) Einband ( - ) Einband ( - )
Issue 43.5 of the Review for Religious, September/October 1984. ; REvll!w I:OR;~Ot~S (ISSN 0034-639X). published every two months, is edited in collaboration with the faculty members of the Department of Theological Studies of St. Louis University. The editorial offices are located at .Room 428:3601 Lindell Blvd.: St. Louis, MO 63108. R~=.vlt.'.w FOR RE~.~t3~ot~s is owned by the Missouri Province Educational Institute of the Society of Jesus. St. Louis, MO. @ 1984 by Rl~vll:.w FOR RE~.mlot;s. Composed. printed and manufactured in U.S.A. Second class postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Single copies: $2.50. Subscription U.S.A. $10.00 a year: $19.00 for two'years. Other countries: add $2.00 per year (postage). For sub~ripfion orders or change of address, write Rt:v~t:w ~,oR Rt:l.w,~ot~s: P.O. Box 6070; Duluth, MN 55806. Daniel F. X. Meenan, S.J. Dolores Greeley, R.S.M. Iris Ann Ledden, S.S.N.D. Joseph F. Gallen, S.J. Jean Read Editor Associate Editor Review Editor Questions and Answers Editor Assistant Editor Sept./Oct., 1984 Volume 43 Number 5 Manuscripts, books for review and correspondence with the editor should be sent to REVIEW FOR R~-:tAGtOOS; Room 428; 3601 Lindell Blvd.; St. Louis, MO 63108. Questions for answering should be sent to Joseph F. Gallen, S.J.; Jesuit Community; St. Joseph's University; City Avenue at 54th St.; Philadelphia, PA 19131. Back issues and reprints should be ordered from R~-:v~.:w ~'oR Rt-:t.t~;~oos; Room 428; 3601 Lindell Blvd.; St. Louis, MO 63108. "Oul of print" issues and articles not published as reprints arc available from University Microfilms International; 300 N. Zeeb Rd.; Ann Arbor, MI 48106. "On the Strength of His Word": A Meditation on Priestly Spirituality Joseph Ratzinger Oh the occasion of the golden jubilee celebration of Joseph Cardinal H~Sffner, Archbishop of Cologne (October 30, 1982), Cardinal RatTJng~r offered this meditation on the priesthood which many have found helpful. The text is based on the translation which appeared in L'Osservatore Romano, 2 April, 1984, pp. 13ft. Cardinal Ratzinger is presently Prefect of the S. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, where he may be addressed: 1 -- 00120 Vatican City The past twenty years have witnessed a great deal of reflection and much heated discussion about the priesthood. But in spite of everything, the priest-hood proves to be longer-lived thari anticipated by many of the premature arguments put forward by certain persons who would want to abandori it as a sacred misunderstanding, replacing it with an understanding based on the concept of a merely functional "temporary service." We are gradually°coming to comprehend the presuppositions which at one time allowed such arguments to appear almost incontrovertible. Overcoming these prejudices also enables "us to understand more profoundly the biblical witness in its inner unity--of Old and New Testament, of Bible and Church. We are thus no longer forced to rest content with stale water from cisterns that sometimes trickles away amid conflicting h3ipotheses and sometimes collects in brackish little pools. Instead, we have accessto the living fountains of the faith of the Church of all ages. As far as I can see, the future will have to face precisely this question: How are we supposed to read the Scriptures? During the years when the canon of the Scriptures was being formed--which were also the years when the Church and her catholicity were taking shape--it was primarily Irenaeus of Lyons who had to deal with this question, whose answer decided whether ecclesiasti-cal life was possible or not. In his day, Irenaeus saw clearly that to divide the 641 649 / Review for Religious~; Sept.-Oct., 1984 Bible in itself, and to separate Bible and Church from each other was the basic principle of a Christianity of conformism and rationalism, the so-called Gnosis, which threatened the very foundations of the Church at that time. This basic twofold division was preceded by an inner division of the Church itself into communities which created their own ad hoc legitimacy by a selec-tion of sources. The disintegration of the sources of faith calls forth the disintegration of fellowship or communio--and vice versa. Gnosis attempts to put forth such a division or separation as being the epitome of rationality--divide the two Testaments, separate Scripture from Tradition, distinguish between educated and uneducated Christians--but in truth, Gnosis is a sign of decay. On the contrary, the unity of the Church renders visible the unity of that whence she lives: the Church lives only when she draws upon the Whole, upon the multiform unity of Old and New Testa-ments, of scriptural tradition and the realization of the Word in faith. Once one has bowed to this other logic of disintegration, then nothing can really be put together properly any more.~ It would be inappropriate to the solemn joy of this day were we to enter more deeply into the scholarly disputation just h!nted at--though this dispute must be settled before one can discuss details of the biblical testimony, for instance on the subject of the priesthood. The very joy of this day is itself something of a locus theologicus. The fifty years of priesthood that we celebrate is a reality which speaks for itself, and which gives a concrete context to these reflections. On this occasion, then," ! thought it better not to attempt a scholarly lecture upon the priesthood, but instead to offer a spiritual reflection, one in which 1 should like to explain a few scriptural passages which have come to be important to me personally, and to do this in a meditative way, without any special system or claim to scholarship. The Priestly Image in Lk 5:1-11 and Jn 1:35-42 The first text I have chosen is Luke 5:!-11. This is the wonderful "voca-tion" account which tells how Peter and his friends, after a night of fruitless labor, on the strength of the Lord's word put out to sea once more. They catch a shoal of fish so great that the nets almost break, whereupon :Jesus utters his "call": ~'You shall become a fisher of men!" I have a very special affection for this passage because above it there shines the dawning light of a first love, of a beginning full of hope and readiness. Every time 1 recall these verses 1 remember the fresh brightness of my own beginnings, of that joy in the Lord of which we spoke in the phrase from the old psalter with which we began Mass: "I will go unto the altar of God, to the God who giveth joy to my youth" (Ps 42:4)--to the God in whose nearness the joy oI~ being young is constantly renewed because he is life itself, and hence the source of genuine youth. But let us return to our text which reports that the people pressed upon On the Strength of His Word / 643 Jesus because they wanted to hear the word of God. He is standing on the seashore, the fishermen are washing their nets, and Jesus gets into one of the two boats beached there--it was Peter's boat. Jesus asks him to put out a little from the land; he sits down and teaches the people from the boat. Simon's boat thus becomes the cathedra of Jesus Christ. Afterwards he says to Simon: "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." The fishermen have spent all night toiling in vain. To them it seems quite pointless to lower the nets again in the early morning hours. But for Peter, Jesus has already become so important, indeed so decisive, that he replies: On the strength of your word--"At your word I will let down the nets." The word of Jesus has already become more substantial than what is apparently real and empirically certain. That Galilean morning, whose fresh scent we can almost breathe in this account, becomes an image of the new dawn of the Gospel after the nights of fruitles~ness into which our own actions and: desires repeatedly lead us. And when Peter and his companions return with their heavy cargo-- which required the help of their partners because the abundance of the gift threatened to break their nets--Peter had completed not merely an outward journey, a work of merely human hands. For Peter, this had become an interior journey whose extent is framed by Luke in just two words. The Evangelist reports that before the great catch of fish, Peter addressed the Savior as Epistata, which means "teacher," "professor," or "master." Upon his return, however, Peter, falls on his knees before Jesus and no longer addresses him as Rabbi but as Kyrie--"Lord." In other words, Peter now addresses Jegus as God. Peter had. traveled the road from "Rabbi,' to "Lord," from "Teacher" to "Son." At the completion of this interior journey he is capable of receiving a vocation. At this point the parallels to the first "vocation" account in Jn 1:35-42, practically force themselves upon us.2 There we read that the first two disci-ples, Andrew and an unnamed companion, ~follow Jesus after hearing the Baptist exclaim, ".Behold, the Lamb of God !" They are struck on the one hand by the consciousness of their own sinfulness evoked by this exclamation, on the other hand by the hope which the Lamb of God represents for the sinner. One senses that both of them. are still uncertain; their discipleship is still hesitant.~ Without saying any more, they follow him discreetly, apparently not yet daring to address him directly. And so he turns to them and says, "What do you seek?" Although the reply sounds awkward, a bit shy and embar-rassed, still it comes directly to the. point: "Rabbi, where do you live?" Or, more acurately translated, "Where are you staying?"--where is your abode, your shelter, your real residence, that we too may arrive there?" Here, we must remind ourselves that the idea of "abiding" or "residing" is one of the key concepts of St. John's Gospel. The Savior's reply is normally translated "Come and see!" This corres-ponds with the conclusion of John's second "vocation" account involving 644 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 Nathanael, to whom Jesus says, "You shall see greater things than these!" (Jn 1:50). The meaning of this "coming," in other, words, is becoming perceptive; "coming" means to be seen by him--and to begin seeing with him. As a matter of fact, above his abode the heavens, the hidden sphere of God, are open (Jn 1:51); there man stands in God's own radiance. "Come, and you shall see!" also accords with the Church's "communion psalm": "O taste and see that the Lord is god!" (Ps 34:8). It is only the approach, the "coming," which leads to seeing. Tasting allows the eyes to be opened. Just as the tasting of the forbidden fruit in Paradise once "opened the eyes" in a fateful manner, so too it is true here in the opposite sense that tasting what is true also "opens the eyes," so that one realizes and "sees" God's goodness. Seeing takes place only in coming into Jesus' abode. There can be no vision without the hazard of approaching, of "coming." St. Johweven notes that "it was about the tenth hour" (1:39), in other words very lat~, a time at which one would think it no longer possible to make a beginning--and yet an hour at which urgent and decisive events do take place. According to some apocalyp-tic calculations, the tenth hour is considered the hour of the "last days."3 He who comes to Jesus enters the definitively final age; he makes contact with the already present reality of the Resurrection and of the kingdom of God. "Seeing," therefore, takes place when one '~approaches," and John the Evangelist makes this clear in the same fashion that we noted in St. Luke's account. When Jesus addressed them, the two responded by calling him "Rabbi." But when they return from staying with him, Andrew tells his brother Simon, "We have found the Messiah, the Christ" (Jn 1:14). In approaching Jesus ~and remaining with him, Andrew had traveled the path from "Rabbi" to "ChriSt," he had learned to see the Christ in the te~icher--and this is somethingwhich can only be learned in "abiding." Thus does the inner unity of the third and fourth Gospels become evident: both times the experi-ment of living "on'the strength of his Word" is undertaken, and both times the interior pilgrimage follows a course which permits vision, "seeing," to arise out of "coming." All of us began our joul-ney with the Church's full profession of faith in God's Son. But such an approach "~n the strength of his word," such an entering into his abode, is in our own case, too, the precondition for our vision or "seeing." And he alone is capable of calling others who is himself able to see cleai'ly, instead of merely believing at second hand. This coming or approach, this venturing out "on the strength of his Word" is, today and always, the indispensable prerequisite of the apostolate of priestly ministry. Again and again we shall find it necessary to ask him: "Where are you staying?" Over and over again it will be necessary to approach Jesus' abode from within. Again and again we shail have to let down the nets on the strength of his woi'd, even when it seems quite pointless. It is constantly necessary to regard his Word as more real than all that we otherwise would consider valid: statistics, technol-ogy, public opinion. Often it will seem as though the tenth hour had already On the Strength of His Word / 645 struck, and we shall have to postpone the hour of Jesus. But in precisely this way it can become the hour of his nearness. The two Gospel accounts have some other traits in common. St. John depicts the two disciples as being struck by the Baptist's proclamation of the Lamb. They obviously know from experience that they are sinners. For them this is not some sort of alien religious phraseology, but rather something that stirs them from within, something that is very real to them. Since they realize this about themselves, the Lamb becomes a sign of hope for them, and this is why they begin to follow him. Something quite unexpected occurs when Peter returns to shore with his great catch of fish. We might have expected him to embrace Jesus because of the successful fishing operation, but instead Peter falls on his knees. He does not hold fast to (he Savior in order to possess a future guarantee of success, but actually tries to drive him away because he fears the power of God: "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man!" (Lk 5:8). Where man experiences God, there he recognizes his own sinfulness, and it is. only when he really knows that he is sinful--and has grasped the malice of sin--that he.also .comprehends the call to "repent,~ and believe the Gospel!" (Mk 1:15). Without conversion, it is not possible to press forward to Jesus and to the. Gospel. There is a paradox of Chesterton's which expresses this rela-tionship quite accurately: one can recognize a saint by the fact that he knows he is a sinner.4 The fact that our experience of God has grown pale is evident today in the disappearance of our experiential awareness of our sin; and vice versa: the disappearance of this knowledge alienates us all the more from God. Without falling into a false anxiety, we should once again learn the wisdom of the psalmist's word: lnitium sapientiae timor DorninL Wisdom, genuine under-standing, begins with the correct fear of the Lord. We must once more learn this fear in order to acquire true love and to grasp what it means to be able to love him--and to grasp as well .that he loves us. Hence this experience of Peter, of Andrew and of John is a basic prerequisite for the apostolate and thus also for the priesthood. Conversion--the very first word of Christian-ity-- can be preached only by one who has himself been touched by its neces-sity and therefore has grasped the greatness of grace. In these fundamental elements of the spiritual path of the apostolate which are becoming evident here, are the outlines of the basic sacramental structure of the Church, and indeed of the priestly ministry itself, also becoming clearer. If the sacraments of baptism and penance correspond to the experience of sin, then the mystery of the Eucharist corresponds to "coming" and "becoming perceptive," to entering into the abode of Jesus. Indeed, in a sense which we could previously not even imagine, the Eucharist is Jesus' abiding with us. "There you shall see"---the Eucharist is the place where the promise to Natha-nael applies, where we can see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending (Jn 1:51). Jesus dwells and "abides" in his sacrifice, in that act 646 / Review for Religious, Sept:-Oct., 1984 of love with which he conveys himself to the Father, and through his vicarious love he also gives us back to the Father. The communion psalm whi~:h speaks about tasting and seeing also says: "Come ye to him and be enlightened" ([Douay] Ps 33:6). Communion with Christ means communication with the true light that enlightens every man who comes into this world (see Jn l:9)P Let us consider another point common to both gospel accounts. The superabundant catch of fish begins to burst the nets. Peter and his crew cannot master the situation. Thus we read in Luke 5:7 that they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. "And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink." The call of Jesus is simultaneously a calling together, a call to syllabbsthai, as the Greek text puts it: "to take hold of together," to stick together and assist one another, to combine the efforts of both boats. St. John's Gospel expresses the same idea. Returning from his hour with Jesus, Andrew cannot remain silent about what he has found. He calls his brother Simon to Jesus, and the very same thing happens to Philip, who in his turn calls Nathanael (Jn 1:41-5). Vocation tends toward together-ness. Vocation makes disciples of us, and cries out to be passed on. Every vocation has a human element as well: the element of brotherliness, of being stimulated by another person. When we think back over our own lives, each of us knows that he was not struck by a thunderbolt direct from heaven, but that at some point he had to be spoken to by a person of faith, to be borne up or carried by.others. Of course a vocation cannot persevere if we believe only at second hand, "because So-and-So. says so." Perseverance is possible only if, led by our brethren, we ourselves find Jesus (see Jn 4:42). Both aspects necessarily belong together: being led, being spoken to, being ¯ carried, just as much as our own "coming and seeing." It therefore seems to me that we ghould once again develop much more courage to address one another, to speak to one another, and not ,to deprecate positive reactions to the testimony of others. As one of faith's components, "neighborliness" belongs to ihe humaneness of believing, and within this framework one's own encounter with Jesus must mature. Hence it is not only "taking along" and "leading toward" which are important, but release as well, abandonment to the distinctive aspects of a special call--even when these special aspects turn out to be different from what we had intended for the person concerned. In St. Luke's account, these insights are broadened out into a complete vision of the Church. James and John, the sons of Zebedee, are there called koinonoi of Simon, which here must be translated as "partners?' In other words, these three are described as a fishing partnership or cooperative, with Peter as head and principal owner.6 And it is first of all this group which Jesus calls, the koinonia (fellowship or communio), the partners in Peter's coopera-tive. In Simon's call, however, his profane vocation is reformed into an image of the new which is to come. The fishing partnership becomes the communio On the Strength of His Word or fellowship of Jesus, and Christians will form the eommunio of this new fishing boat, united by the call of Jesus and by the miracle of grace, which bestows the riches of the sea after long and hopeless nights. Just as they are united in the gift, they are also united in their joint mission. St. Jerome gives a beautiful interpretation of the title "fishers of men" which actually be~longs in the context of an inner transformation of Peter's profession into a vision of what is to come.7 Jerome says that to draw fish out of the water.means to tear them away from the n~tural element in which they live and thus to deliver them up to death. But to draw men out of the water of this world means to withdraw them from deadly surroundings and from a starless night, giving them instead air to breathe and the light of heaven. It means transferring men into the natural environment in which they can live and which is simultaneously light, enabling them to see the truth. Eight is life, because the natural element or environment from which man lives at the very deepest level is truth, which is simultaneously love. Of course, the man who swims in the waters of the world does not know this. Hence he resists being drawn up out of the water. It is as though he believes he were an ordinary fish which must die when pulled up out of the depths. And as a matter of fact. it ~s indeed a death sentence. But this death leads into the true life in which a man really arrives at being himself. To be a disciple means to let oneself be "caught" by Jesus, by the mysterious fish which descended into the water of this world, indeed, into the water of death; who himself,became a fish in order to allow himself first to be caught by us, so as to become the Bread of Eife for us. He allows himself to be caught so that we can be caught by him, and find the courage to let ourselves be pulled along with him out of the waters of our habits and comforts. Jesus became a fisher of men by taking the night of the sea upon himself, by himself descending into the Passion of its depths. One can only become a fisher of men when one applies oneself to the task the way Jesus did. And furthermore, one can only become a fisher of men when one trusts in the bark of Peter, when one has entered into fellowship or communio with,Peter. A vocation is not a private matter, merely taking up the cause of Jesus at one's own expense. The field of a vocation is the entire Church, which can exist only in f~llowship with Peter and thus with the apostles of Jesus Christ. Priestly Spirituality~ in Psalm 16 (15) Since I want to stress the unity of both Testaments in'Scripture, the second passage I wish to discuss is taken from the Old Testament, from Psalm 16 (or 15, according to the Greek enumeration). We older priests once used the fifth verse of this psalm almost like a motto for what we had undertaken when we were made clerics in the rite of tonsure. Every time this psalm recurs (it is now part of Compline on Thursdays) 1 am reminded how I tried at that time to comprehend the rite of tonsure itself by imderstanding this text, so that, once 6tll~ / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct. 1984 understood, I could carry out and live the rite. Thus, this verse became a precious beacon for me, and it remains today a symbol of what it means to be a priest, and of how priestly existence is realized. The Vulgate text reads: Dominus pars hereditatis meae et calicis rnei. ~ Tu es qui restitues hereditatern meam rnihi. The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: It is thou that wilt restore my inheritance to me. This sentence makes Concrete what had been said earlier in verse 2: "I have no good beyond Thee!" and it do+s so in a very worldly turn Of phrase, in a pragmatic context that does not appear to be theological at all--in the lan-guage of the occupation and distribution of land in Israel as this is described in the book of Joshua and in the Pentateuch.s The priestly tribe of Levi was not a party to the distribution of the land among the tribes of Israel. The Levite ¯ received no land because "the Lord himself is his possession" (Dt 10:9; see also Jos 13:14) and "I [Yahweh] am thy portion and inheritance" (Nb 18:20). In this passage it is primarily the concrete matter of sustenance which is being dealt with: the Israelites live from the land which is assigned them. The land forms the physical basis of their existence. Through the possession of land, therefore, each individual has, so to speak, his very life apportioned to him. It is only the priests who receive their livelihood, not from tilling their own soil, but from Yahweh himself who is their sole source of life, even of physical life. To put it concretely, the priests live from their portion of the sacrificial victims.and the other cult offerings, in other words from that which has been given over'to God and in which they, as ritual ministers, are entitled to share. Thus two different types of physical livelihood are first of all expressed hire, but both of them neces~sarily lead to a deeper level when viewed from the standpoint of Israel's typical thinking in terms of totality. For the individual Israelite, the land is not merely a guarantee of support. It is his way of participating in the promise which God gave to Abraham and thus his inti-mate involvement in the God-given context in which the Chosen People live their lives. It thus simultaneously becomes the warrant of sharing in God's own vital power. The Levite, in contrast, possesses no land, and in that sense remains without security because he is excluded from earthly guarantees. He is directly and immediately "cast upon Yahweh" and upon him alone, as Psalm 22 says (verse 10). Although in the case of the occupation of the land the guarantee of life can somehow be disconnected from God--at least in the superficial sense of offering an independent type .of security, so to speak--this is impossible in the Levitical form of life: There, God alone is quite directly the warrant of life-- even one's earthly, physica! life depends upon him. If worship were to cease, the very basis of physical life would also disappear. And thus .the life of the Levite isat once p~-ivilege and hazard. Proximity to God in the sanctuary is the sole and direct source and focus of life. On the Strength of His Word / 649 At this point, I think a digression is in order. The terminology of verses five and six is plainly that of the occupation of the land and the different type of sustenance allotted to the tribe of Levi. This means that our psalm' is the song of a priest who expresses therein the physical and spiritual center of his life. The person praying here has not merely interpreted the legal stipula-tions- the external lack of properly, and the living from and for worship in the sense of a certain type of guaranteed livelihood--but has lived all of this in the direction of its real foundation. He has spiritualized the law, gone beyond it toward Christ, precisely by realizing its true content. For us, two things are important about this psalm. First of all, it is a priestly prayer, and secondly, we can here clearly observe how the" Old Testa-ment internally surpasses itself in the direction of Christ, how the Old Cove-nant approaches the New and thus renders visible the unity of salvation history~ To live, not from possessions but from the cult, means for this wor-shipper to live in God's presence, .to locate his existence in the interior approach to him. In this regard, Hans-Joachim Kraus quite rightly points out ¯ that in thiS text the Old Testament reveals the beginnings of a mystical com-munion with God which develops out of the special nature of the Levitical prerogatives? And so Yahweh himse]-f~aa~ becpme the "land" of the worshipper praying this psalm. The next verses clarify what this means in terms of concrete, everyday life. Verse 8 says: "I have set the Lord. always before me." Accord-ingly, the suppliant lives in God's presence; he keeps the Lord constantly before himself. The next phrase varies the same idea by saying: "For he is on my right hand." The core content of these Levitical prerogatives thus proves to be the in God's company, the knowing that God is at one's side, asso-ciatirig with him, contemplating him and beipg contemplated by him. Thus God .actually becomes the "land" or the "landscape" of one's own life; thus we dwell and "abide" with him. And at this point the psalm makes contact with what we discovered earlier in .St. John's Gospel. Accordingly, to be a priest means to come to him, to his abode, and thus to learn how to see; to abide in his abode. The precise manner in which this occurs becomes more tangible in the verses which follow. Here, the priest praying the psalm praises the Lord for having "given him counsel," and he thanks the Lord because he has "inst_ructed him:in the night season." With this turn of phrase, both Septuagint and Vulgate texts are plainly thinking of the physical pain which "instructs" men. Education or "instruction" is conceived as a person "being bent into the proper shape" for a truly human existence, and this cannot take place without suffering, In this context, the term "instruction" is intended to be a compre-hensive expression .for leading man to salvation, for that series of transforma, tions ~by which we are changed from clay into the image of God, and thus become capable of eternal union with him. The external rod of the disciplinar-ian is here replaced by the sufferings of life in which God leads us and brings 650 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 us to dwell with him. All of this recalls that great psalm, of:God's Word, Ps. 119, which we now pray during the week in the hora media. It is actually constructed around the basic statement of the Levite'sexistence: "The Lord is my portion" (v. 57; see also v. 14). Thus we find in abundant variety the basic ideas in which Psalm 16 expounds this reality: "Thy testimor~ies., are my counselors" ( 119: v. 24); "it is good :forme that 1 was afflicted, that 1 might learn thy statutes" (.v. 71); "I know, O Lord, that thyjudgments are right, and that in faithfulness thou hast afflicted me" (v. 75). Only then can one grasp the profundity of that petition which recurs like a refrain throughout the psalm: "O teach me thy statutes!" (vv. 12, 26, 29, 33, 64). Wherever life is so truly centered upon God's Word, there it comes about that the Lord "counsels" us. The words of' Scripture are no longer some remote generalities,~but speak quite directly into my life. The step out of the distance of history and become words addressed to me in person. "The Lord is my counselor"i my very life becomes a word of his. And thus Psalm 16:11 comes true: "Thou dost show me the path of life." Life ceases to bea dark m'ystery. We begin to grasp what it means "to live?' Life opens itself up, and in the midst of all the tribulation of "being instructed," it becomes a joy. "Thy Statutes songs," says Psalm i 19:54, and here in Psalm 16 the situation is not different: "Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices" (v. 9); "In thy presence there is fullness of joy, in thy right hand are pleasures for evermore" (v. II). When we succeed in reading the Old Testament in the light of its central core, and accept God's Word as the landscape of life, then we touch upon him whom we believe to be God'siliving Word. To me it seems~no mere accident that in the ancient Church this psalm became the great prophecy of the Resurrection, a description of the new David and of the definitive priest Jesu~ Christ. To learn to li~,e does not mean to inaster some sort of technique, but rather it ineans to pass beyond death. The mystery of Jesus Christ, his death and his resurrection rise resplendent wherever the suffering of the word and its indestructible 61an vital are experienced. It is therefore unnecessary to make any more applications to our own spirituality. A fundamental component of priestly existence is something resembling the Levite's "apartness," his lack of land, his being ci~st exclusively upon God. The vocation account in St. Luke which we considered earlier closes with the pointed words: "They forsook fill and followed him" (Lk 5:! I). There is no priesthood without such an act of abandonment. Without this sign of uncompromising freedom, the call to imitation is impossible. l think that this point of view renders highly significant, Jindeed makes indispensable, celibacy as being the abandonmerit of an earthly land of future promise, of life in one's own family, so that the basic state of being delivered up to God alone remains intact and becomes quite concrete. This, of course, implies that celibacy m]akes demands on one's entire lifestyle. Celibacy cannot On (he Strength of His Word / 651 fulfill its purpose if, in all other areas, we simply follow the rules of possession and procedure customary in life today. And above all, celibacy cannot last if we do not positively make "settling down with God" to be the center of our lives. Both Psalm 16 and Psalm 119 strongly.emphasize the need for constant meditative association with the Word of God, which cannot become our "homestead" in any other way. The community aspect of liturgical piety which necessarily belongs here is suggested by the reference in Psalm 16 to the Lord as "my cup" (v. 5). In Old Testament diction, this surely refers either to the cup of wine which went r~und at cultic meals, or to the cup of fate, the cup of anger or, of salvation.J0 In this prayer, the priest of the New Testament can find a sp~ci,al reference to that chalice through which the Lord has become our "land" in the most profound sense: the eucharistic chalice in which he distributes himself as our life. Priestly life in God's presence is thus concretized as life in the eucharistic mystery. At bottom the Eucharist is the "land" which has become our portion and of which we may weffsay: "The lines have fallen for ine in pleasant places; yea I have a goodly heritage" (v. 6). And here, two remarks, of fundamental importance emerge. Two Basic Conclusions from th~ Scriptural Texts The Unity of the Two Testaments ~. In my view, aparticularly important aspect of this priestly prayer of the Old and the New Covenant is the fact that here the. inner unity of the two Testaments, the unity of biblical spirituality and its basic manifestations in life, become visible, indeed capable of being lived out in practice. This is so signifi-cant because one of the principal reasons for the exegetically and theologically motivated crisis of the priest's image in recent~times has been precisely the separation of the. Old Testament from the New: Their relationship was seen only in the dialectical tension of opposites, namely "Law" and "Gospel." It was generally agreed that the New Testament ministries had nothing at all to do with the offices in the Old Testament. The fact that one would[ portray the Catholic concept of priesthood as a reversion to the Old Testament was itself regarded as an ironclad refutation of the Catholic idea. It was claimed that Christology meant the definitive abolition of all kinds, of priesthood, the destruction of the boundaries between the Sacred and ~he Profane, and the renunciation of the significance of any history of religions and their ideas of priesthood. Wherever it was possible to point out links between the Church's concept ofothe priest and the OJd Testament, or ideas borrowed from the history of religions, this was done as a sign that Christianity had gone astray in.the ecclesiastical ai'ea; it was urged as proof against the Church's doctrine on the priesthood. But this in fact meant that we were cut off from an entire stream of sources, from biblical piety and indeed from human experience itself. It meant that we were banished into a worldliness whose rigid "Christo-monism" 659 / Review for ReligiousI Sept.-Oct., 1984 actually dissolved 'the biblical image of Christ. This .in .turn is related to the fact that the Old Testament itself had been falsely construed as ~etting forth an opposition between "Law" and "Prophets," whereby "Law" was identified with the cultic and the priestly, while the "Prophetic" element was equated with criticism of cult; and with a pure ethics of humanitarianism that finds God in one's neighbor, not in the Temple. On this basis it was of course possible to refer to thi~ cultic element as "legalism" in contrast to prophetic piety, which was characterized ~is "faith in grace." The result was that the New Testam+nt was relegated to the realm of the anti-cultic, of the purely'humanitarian. In view of this basic attitude, every approach to priesthood :ffas condemned to remain fruitless and unconvincing. The real discussion with this entire~ complex of ideas has not yet taken place. He who prays°the priestlyPsalm 16 along with the other related psalms, especially Psalm 119, will become quite aware of the factthat the supposed ,opposition in principle between priesthood and prophecy of Christology simply collapses upon itself~ This psalm is in fact both fi priestly and a pro-phetic prayer, in which the purest and most profound elements of prophetic piety come to the fore~-but as priestly piety. Since this is so, the psalm is a Christological text. Since this is so, Christianity has since its earliest days regarded this psalm as a prayer of Jesus Christ, which he dedicates anew to us so that we may be permitted to pray it anew with him(see Rv 2:25-29). In this psalm, the new priesthood of Jesus Christ expresses itself prophetically, and in this psalm we can see how in the New Covenant the priesthood, proceeding from Christ, continues to exist in the unity of all salvation history, and indeed must continue to exist~ On the basis of this psalm we can understand that the Lord does not abolish the Law but fulfills it and conveys it anew to the Church, truly "storing it away" in the Church as an expression of grace. The Old Testament belongs to Christ, and in Christ, to us. The faith can live only in the Unity of the Testaments. The Sacred' and th~ Profane And that brings me tO my secofid remark. Once we regain the Old Testament, we must also overcome the disparagement of the Sacred and the mys-tique of the Profane. Naturally Christianity is a l~aven, and the Sacred is not something closed and final but something dynamic. Every priest has been commissioned to "Go, the~refore, and make-disciples of all nations!" (Mt ¯ 28:19). But this dynamism of being sent out, this inner openness and breadth of the Gospel cannot be transposed into the slogan: "Go ye therefore and yourselves become part of the world! Go ye into the world and confirm it in its worldliness!" The contrhry is The~:e is a sacred mystery of God, the mustard seed of the Gospel, which is not identical with the world but is rather destined to penetrate the whole world. Hence we'must Once more find the courage to acknowledge the Sacred, the courage to distinguish what is Chris-tian-- and that, not in order to separate or to differentiate, but to transform, to On the Strength of His Word /653, be truly dynamic. In an interview given in 1975, Eugene lonescu, a founder of the "Theatre of the Absurd," expressed this with the total passion typical 6f the thirsty, seeking men of our day. 1 quote a few sentences: The Church does not want to lose her customers, she wants to gain new ones. That results in a type of secularization, which is really miserable . The~world is losing itself and the Church loses itself in the world, the parish priests ate stupid and mediocre, leftist petty bourgeois. I have heard a parish priest say in chu.rch, "Let's be happy, let's all shake hands . Jesus wishes each of you a very good day!" It will not be long until someone sets up a bar for communion of bread and wine, and servessandwiches-and Boujolais. To me, that seems unbelievable stupidity and com-pletely non-spiritual. Brotherliness is neither mediocrity nor fraternization. We need the Supra-Temporal, because what is religion or the Sacred? All that remains is nothing; nothing solid, everything is in motion. What we really need, though, is a rock;" In this connection I recall some of the stimulating sentences to be found in Peter Handke's new work, Over the Villages. For example: "Nobody wants us, and nobody ever wanted us. Our houses are trellises of despair standing in emptin~:ss . . . We are not on the wrong road, we are not on any road at all. How forsaken mankind is."~2 I believe that when one hears these voices--voices of men who quite consciously live in the world of today, living, suffering; singing--then it becomes clear that one cannot serve this world with banal officiousness. Such a world does not need corroboration, it needs transformation--the radicality~ of the Gospel. A Concluding Thought: Giving and Receiving (Mk 10:28-31) By way of conclusion, 1 would like to touch briefly upon one more text: Mk 10:28-31. There, Peter says to' Jesus, "Lo, we have left everything and followed you." St. Matthew makes explicit what was obviously the point of the question: "What then shall we have?" (19:27)~ We have already spoken about relinquishing or abandoning, which is an indispensable element of apostolic, priestly spirituality. Let us therefore turn at once to Jesus' astonishi'ng reply. He does not rejrct Peter's question out of hand, as one might expect~ He does not reproach Peter because he expects a reward, but rather admits that Peter is right: "Truly, 1 say to you, there is no one who has left house, or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the Gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life" (Mk 10:29-30). God is magnanimous, and if we look at our lives honestly, then we know that he has indeed repaid every abandonment a hundredfold. He will not allow us to surpass him in generosity. He does not wait for. the world to come in order to repay, but even now gives in return a hundred to one, though in spite of this the world remains the scene of persecutions, sufferings and tribu- 654 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 lations. St. Teresa of Avila expressed this statement of Jesus in the simple formula: "Even in this life, God repays a hundredfold,"~3 All we need is the courage to b~gin by giving our "one,"as Peter did when, on the strength of the Lord's word, he put out once again in the morning--he gave one, and received back a hundred. And so I think that in all our pusillanimity we should constantly beg our Lord for this same courage, and for the faith and confidence that lie therein. And we should thank him for those upon whom he has bestowed this courage, those whom he gives to us as signs of encouragemefit, in Order to invite us to make ouy own leap into the hands of his mercy. NOTES ~From the vast literature on "lrenaeus and Gnosis" see most recently H. J. J~schke, Irenaeus yon Lyon "Die ungeschminkte Wahrheit"(Roma, 1980). 2For the following remarks concerning John 1:35-42. 1 am indebted to the fundamental sugges-tions of C. M. Martini, "Damit ihr Frieden habt. Geistliches Leben nach dem Johannesevange-lium" (Freiburg 1982), pp. 204-9. 31bid, p. 207. 4Cited by ,,Cardinal Suenens "Renouveau et puissance des t~n~bres," Document de Marines 4 (1982), p. 60. On this subject see pp. 37-61 in Suenens" book as well as K. Hemmerle, ~Das Haus des barmherzigen Vaters" (Freiburg. 1982), pp. 17-25. 5The standard translation renders Ps 33:6 (34:5), in light of the Hebrew text, as "look tohim and be radiant," whereas the Lalin Vulgate, following the Septuagint, renders it "Come ye to him and be enlightened." It was precisely the phrase "ye shall be enlightened" which called forth a very strong echo in the philosophy and theology of the Church Fathers, and we are quite justified in regarding this verse in the Septuagint version as one of the key phrases of Christian liturgy and theology. We are of course confronted here with the question of the specific rank to be attributed to the Greek Old Testament. This problem must be reflected upon anew. Noteworthy in this regard is H. Gese, 'tZur biblischen Theologic" (MLinchen 1977), pp. 9-30, esp. 27 ft., and see also P. Benoit, "Exegese und Theol0gie" (Dfisseldorf 1965), pp. 15-22. ~On this see F. Hauck, Koinon~s Ktl.: TWNT 3(1938), pp. 798-810, here especially pp 799, 802, 804. 7JerOme, "In Ps 141," ad neophytos. CChr 78, p. 544. sOn what follows, see H. J. Kraus, "Psalmen I" (Neukirchen-Vluyn 1960), pp. 118-27. '~lbid. p. 123: ~°See H. Gross-H. Reinelt, "Das Buch der Psalmen I" (Diisseldorf 1978)~ pp. 88 ft. ~E. Ionescu, ~Gegengiffe~ (Miinchen, 1979), pp. 158,159. ~2P. Handke, "~lber die Drrfer (Frankfurt, 1981), p~. 94 ft. ~3"Libro de vida," 22/I~ and see U.M. Schiffers, ~Gott liebt beherzte Seelen," Pastoralblat! 34 (1982), p. 294. We Priests Are More Necessary Than Ever John Paul H In the month of February, Pope John Paul twice took up themes of priesthood. Frorfi Februa.ry 13-16, some four hundred priests attended a national convention addressed to the theme, "The Eucharist and the Problems of the Life of Priests Today," spofisored by the Italian Episcopal Conference's Commission for the Clergy, on the last day of which the Holy Father addressed the cqngregants. , ~ ~ Then, on February 23, 1984, to conclude a special Holy Year celebration with priests, the Holy Faiher ¢oncelebrated Mass in St. Peter's Basilica with more than four thousand priests and bishops from, all over the world. This Mass was also marked by a renewal of commitment on the part of all present. The texts of these addresses appeared originally in L'Osservatore Romano, 5 March, 1984. pp. 6 and 8. Beloved Priests: Among the satisfactions that I have been granted to experience during the course of this Jubilee Year, one of the greatest is to be able to meet with the members of the ;clergy, with my the priesthood. Very gladly, therefore, in welcoming the request of the organizers of your convention, I am here among you to let you know in a tangible way that the pope is near you, follows you in your work, shares your joys, your anxieties, your fears, at such a significant time for the life of the Church. Your meeting in Rome has taken, place in the deeply spiritual climate of this year of grace that is now approaching its end, and I sincerely rejoice in knowing that you have been engaged during these days in reflection on a theme of such great common interest, "The Eucharist and the Problems of the Life of Priests Today," a theme intended to foster that ever greater commu- ,656/ Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct, 1984 nion of sentiments and works, that spreading of ideas, that ,exchange and comparison of experiences, which today especially are indispensable for adapting, the exercise of the priestly ministry to the needs, the aspirations, and the development of the ecclesial community. To you, therefore, my greeting, my encouragement and my blessing. But you ce~rtainly are expecting also a word about the specific Subject of your reflections in order to know, through the pope's voice what the Church expects of you today, that you might live ever more effectively and authenti-cally the gift of yourse.lves to the Lord and to souls. This I will very gladly do, expressing to you above all my appreciation for "the objective of your conventiori, which very opportunely coincides with the aim of the Jubilee Year, whose goal, namely, to profit in a more intense way from the benefits of ~he Redemption, is none other than a new, urgent appeal to conversion addressed to all the faithful, and in. particular to priests. If conversion for a priest means returning to the grace of his vocation it-self' in order continually to rediscover the dimensions of the priesthood and to acquire new thrust in his evangelical dynamism,, what greater theme for ~eflection can be offered than the one which makes us bet'ter understand the vital and pr~ofound relationship that unites the priesthood to the Eucharist and the Eucharist to the priesthood? The priest cannot be understood without the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the reaSon for our priesthood. We are born priests in" the eucharistic celebra~.t~on. Our principal ministry and power is oi'dered to the E~cha~:ist. The Eucharist could not exist without us; but without the Eucharist we do not exist, or we are r.educed to lifeless shadows. The priest therefore can never r.e~ach complete fulfillment if the Eucharist does not become the center and root of his .life, so that all his activity is nothing but an,irradiation of the Eucharist. It is important to recall these truths at a time when we hear insidious voices that tend to disregard the primacy of God and of spiritual values in the life and activity 6f the priest. And this happens in the name of adjusting to.the times--which instead is conforming to the spirit of the world, sowing doubts and uncertainties about the true nature of the priesthood, its primary func-tions, its right place, in society. ,Beloved brothers, never let yourselves be influenced'by these theories. Never believe that the yearning for intimate conversation with the eucharistic Je.sus, the hours spent on your knees before the tabernacle, will halt or slow down the dynamism of your ministry. The exact opposite is true.What is given to God is never lost for man. The profound demands of spirituality and the priestly ministry remain substantially unchanged throughout the centuries, and tomorrow, just as today, they will have their fulcrum and their reference point in the eucharistic mystery. It is the grace of ordination that gives the priest the sense Of spiritual fatherhood, through which he presents himself to souls as a father and leads Priests are Necessary / 657 them along the path to heaven. But it is eucharistic love that daily renews his fatherhood and makes it fruitful, transforming him ever more into Christ and like Christ, makes him become the bread of souls, their priest, yes, but also their victim, because for them he is gladly consumed in imitation of him who gave his life for the salvation of the world. In other words, a priest is as good as his eucharistic life, his Mass above all. A Mass without love, a sterile priest. A fervent Mass, a priest who wins souls. Eucharistic devotion neglected and estranged,a priesthood that is in danger and fading. But the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of the priest goes well beyond the sphbre of personal devotion. It constitutes the directing criterion, the permanent dimension of all his pastoral activity, the indispensable means for the authentic renewal of the Christian people. The Second Vatican Council wisely reminds us: "No Christian community can be built up unless it has its basis and center in the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist. Here, there-fore, all education in the spirit ofcommunity must originate" (Decree Presby-terorum Ordinis, 6): Therefore, if we want Christian love to be a reality in life;,if we want Christians to be a community united in the apostolate and in,the common attitude of resistance to the powers of evil; if we want ecclesial communion to become .an authentic place of encounter, of hearing the Word of God, of .revision of life, of becoming aware of the problems of the Church, every effort must ,be made to give the eucharistic celebration its entire power to express, the event of the salvation of the community. This involves a pastoral program-mingthat will'incorporate the Eucharist into.the dynamics proper to human life, to .personal land communal living: A good catechesis would certainly render the ecclesial community a great service by shedding light on and exter-nalizing the lifestream that exists between the Mass celebrated in Church and the Mass lived out in one's daily commitments,. This is how the eucharistic celebration will be the expression of the living faith of a community that discovers and relives ithe experience of the disciples on the way to Emmaus who recognize their LoCd and master in the breaking of bread (Lk 24:3 I). This is the witness that the Church demands of you today; beloved priests. Always offer this witness readily and generously, in serenity and happiness. It is a beautiful thing.that this commitment is reaffirmed by -you here before the pope, in response to the common expectations of the Jubilee Year, so fruitful in graces. I encourage you to resume your work in the sacred ministry with a spirit of faith and sacrifice: I will pray for you to Mary most holy, Queen of Apostles, that she will help you to persevere in your holy .resolutions, and as she proclaimed the greatness of the Lord through the gift of the Savior and kept every word in her heart and served him with love and complete dedication, so may you also beable to express your joy in thanksgiving for the Eucharist you celebrate by ever.more deeply rooting your life andyour apostolate in it. With my apostolic Blessing. 658 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 II The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; He has sent meto bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captivesr and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor (Is 61:1-2). Dear, brothers in the grace of the Sacrament of the Priesthood: A year ago I addressed to you the letter for Holy Thursday (1983), asking you to proclaim, together with myself and all the bishops of the Chu. rch, the Year of the R(demption: the extraordinary Jubilee, the Year of the Lord's Favor. Today I wish to thank you for what you have done in order to ensure that this Year, which recalls to us the 1950th anniversary of the Redemption should really be "the Year of the Lord's Favor," the Holy Year. At the same time, as I meet this concelebration, the climax of your Jubilee pilgrim-age to Rome, 1 wish to renew.with you and make still more vivid the aware-ness of.the mystery of the Redemption. the livingand life-giving source of the sacramental priesthood in which each one of us shar~es. In you who have gathered here, no.t only from Italy but also from other countries and continents, I see all priests: the entire presbyterate of the univer, sal Church. And I address myself to all with the words of encouragementoand exhortation of the Letter to the Ephesians: Brothers, "I. beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called" (Ep 4:1): We too--who have been called to serve others in the spiritual renewal of the Year of the Redemption, need to be renewed, throfigh the grace of the Year, in our blessed vocation. I will sing of your steadfast love, 0 Lord, forever (89:1). This verse of the responsorial psalm of today's liturgy reminds us that we are in a special way "servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God" (1 Co 4:!), that we are men of the divine economy of salvation, that we are conscious "instruments" of grace, that is of the Holy Spirit's action in the power of's Cross and Resurrection. : . What is this divine economy, what is the grace, of our Lord Jesus. Christ-- the grace which it was his wish to link sacramentally to our priestly life and to our priestly service, even though it is performed by men who are so poor, unworthy? Grace, as the psalm of today's liturgy proclaims, is a proof of the fidelity of God himself to that eternal Love with,which he has loved creation, and in particular man, in his eternal Son. The psalm says: "For your steadfast love was established forever, your faithfulness is firm as the heavens" (Ps 89:2). This faithfulness of his love--his merciful love--is also faithfulness to the Covenant that God made from the beginning with man, and which he renewed many times, even though man so many times was not faithful to it. Priests are Necessary / 659 Grace is thus a .pure gift .of,Love, which only in Love itself, and in nothing else, finds its reason and motivation. The psalm exalts the Covenant which God made with David, and at the same time, through its messianic content, it shows how that historical Cove-nant is only a stage and a foretelling of the perfect Covenant in Jesus Christ: "He shall Cry to me, 'You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation~'" (Ps 89:26). Grace, as a gift, is the foundation of the elevation of man to the dignity of an adopted child of God in Christ, the only-begotten Son. "My faithfulness and my steadfast love shall be with him and in my name shall his power be exalted" (Ps 89:24). Precisely this power that makes us become children of God, as is spoken of in the Prologue to Saint John's Gospel--the enti~:e salvific powder--is con-ferred upon humanity in Christ, in the Redemption, in the Cross and Resurrection. And we--Christ's servants--are its stewards. The priest: the man of the economy of salvation. The priest: the man formed by grace. The priest: the steward of grace! I will sing of your steadfaJt love, 0 Lord, forever. Our vocation is precisely this. In this consists the specific nature, the originality of the priestly vocation. It is in a special wayrooted in the mission of Christ himself, Christ the Messiah. "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound., to comfort all who mourn~' (Is 61:!-2). In the very heart of this messianic mission of Christ the Priest is rooted in our vocation and mission too: the vocation and mission of.the priests of the New and Eternal Covenant, It is. the vocation and mission of the proclaimers of the Good News: - of those who must bind up the wounds of human hearts; - of those who must proclaim liberation in the midst of all the many afflictions, in the .rriidst of the evil that in so many ways "holds" man prisoner; , - of those who must console. This is our vocation and mission as servants. Our vocation, dear brothers, includes a great and fundamental service to be offered to every human being.t Nobody can take our place. With the Sacrament of the New and Eternal Covenant we must go to the very roots of human existence on earth. Day by day, we must bring into that existence the dimension of the Redemption and the Eucharist. We must strengthen awareness of divine filiation through grace. And what higher prospect, what finer destiny could there be for man than this? 661~ / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct,. 1984 Finally, we must administer the sacramental reality of reconciliation with God, and the sacramental reality of Holy Communion, in which the deepest longing of the "insatiable" human heart is met. Truly, our priestly anointing isdeeply rooted in the very messianic anoint-ing of Christ. Our priesthobd is ministerial. Yes, we must serve. And "to serve" means to bring man to the very foundations of his humanity, to the deepest essence of his dignity. It is precisely there .that--through our service--the song "of praise instead of a faint spirit" must ring out,'to use once more the~words of the text of Isaiah (61:3). We Act with the Power of Christ Dearly beloved brothers! Day after day, year after year, we discover the content and substance which are truly inexpressible of our priesthood in the depths of the mystery of the Redemption. And I hope that the present Year of the extraordinary Jubilee will serve this purpose in a special way! Let us open our eyes ever wider--the eyes of our soul--in order to under-stand better what it means to celebrate the Eucharist, the sacrifice of Christ himself, entrusted to our priestly lips and hands in the community of the Church. Let us open our eyes ever wider--the eyes of our soul--in order to under-stand better what it means to forgive sins and reconcile human consciences with the infinite Holy God, with the God of Truth and Love. Let us open our eyes,ever wider--the eye~ of our soul--in order'to under-stand better what it means to act in persona Christi in the name of Christ: to act with his powers-with the power which, in a word, is rooted in the salvific ground .of the Redemption. Let us open our eyes ever ~wider--the eyes of our soul--in order to under-stand better what the mystery of the Church is. We are men of the Church! "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the One hope that belongs to your call, one Lord,'one faith, one baptism,one 15od and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all" (Eph 4:4-6). Therefore: seek "to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph 4:3). Yes. Precisely this in a special way depends on you: "to maintain the unity of the Spirit." At a time of great tensions that affect.,the earthly body of humanity, the Church's most important service springs frbm the ':unity of the Spirit," so that not only she herself will not suffer division coming from outside but she will also reconcile and unite people in the midst of the adversities 'that increase around them andwithin themselves in today's world. My brothers! To each of us "grace was given. ~ according to the measure of Christ's gift., for building up the body of Christ'~ (Ep 4:7-12). May we be faithful to this grace! May we be heroically faithful to this Priests are NecessaO, / ~ grace! My brothers! It is a great gift that°God has given to us, to each of us! So great that every priest can discover in himself the signs of a divine predilection. Let each one of us basically preserve his gift in all the wealth of its expressions: including the magnificent gift of celibacy voluntarily consecrated to the Lord--and received from him~for our sanctification and for the build-ing up of the Church. Christ is More Necessary Than Ever! Jesus Christ is in our midst and he says to us: "1 am the good shepherd" (Jn I0:I 1-14). It is precisely he who has "made" shepherds oLus too. And it is he who goes about all the cities and villages (see Mt 9:35), wherever we are sent in order to perform our priestly and pastoral service. It is he, Jesus Christ, who teaches ~!. : preaches the' Gospel of the kingdom and heals every human disease and infirmit3~'(see ibid), wherever we are sent for the service of the Gospel and the admihistration of the sacraments. It is precisely he, Jesus Christ, who ,continually feels compassion for the crowds and for every tired ahd exhaiasted person, like "sheep without a shep-herd" (see Mt 9:36). Dear brothers! In this. !liturgical assembly of ours let us ask Christ for just one thing: that each of' us may learn to serve better, more clearly and more effectively, his presence as Shepherd in the midst of the people of today's world! This is also most importan~t., for ourselves, ,so that~we may not be ensnared by ttie temptation of "uselessness," that is to :s0y.the temptation to feel that we are not needed. Because it is not true. We,~are more necessary than ever because Christ is more necessary than ever! We have in our hands--precisely in our "empty hands"---the power of the means of action that the Lord has given to us. Think of the~word of God, sharper than a twg-edged sword (see Heb 4:12); think of liturgical prayer, especially the Prayer of the. Hours, in which Christ himself prays with us and for us;' and think of the sacraments, in particular the sacrament of penance, the true life buoy for so many cofisciences, the haven towards which so many people also of our own time are striving. Priests should once more give great importance to,this sacrament, for the sake of their own spiritua.l life and that of the faithful. There is no doubt about it, dear br6thers: with the good use of these "poor means" (~bu! divinely powerful ones) you will see blossoming along your path the wonders of the infinite Mercy. And also the gift of new vocations! With this awareness, in this shared prayer, let us listen once more to the words which the Master addressed to his disciples: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Mr 9!37,38)~ 669 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 How relevant these words are in our time, too! So let us pray! And let the whole Church :pray with us! And in this pra.yer may there be manifested awareness, renewed by the Jubilee, of the mystery of the Redemption. Renewal of Priestly Promises During the concelebrated Holy Year Mass for priests, after the Pope's homily, the Hol.v Father led the priests in the renewal_of their priestly promises. Following is the form that was used. Dearly beloved brothers: Through a most special gift of Christ, teacher, priest and shepherd, you have been called to the Order of Priesthood. Every day you must make yourselves more worthy of this vocation of yours and renew your commit-ment to the service of the People of God. May the Spirit of Holiness always assist you, that you may be able .to fulfill with his help what through his gift you have promised with joy . Therefore, during this Jubilee celebration of the Holy YeAr of the Redemption, do you, ministers of Christ and administrators of the mysteries of God, recalling the day of youro,priestly ordination, intend to renew the promises you made before the bishop and the People of God? Priests: 1 do. Do you intend to unite yourselves intimately to the Lord Jesus, model of our priesthood, denying yofirselves and strengtfiening the commitments which,, urged by the love of Christ, you have freely assumed toward his Church? Priests: I do. Do you intend,, in particular, to strengthen the holy commitment of celi-bacy, as a testimony of iovb for Christ with an undivided heart .and as a guarantee of interior freedom for a fuller ecclesial service, in joyful e~xpectation of the kingdom promised? Priests: ! do. Do you intend to be faithful dispensers of the mysteries of God ihrough the celebration of the Eucharist and the other liturgical actions, and to fulfill the ministry of the Word of Salvation after the example of Christ, head and shepherd, letting yourselves be guided not by human interests, but by love for your brothers and sisters? Priests: 1 do. Then addressing the deacons and seminarians, the Holy Father asked: And you deacons and seminarians, who have generously accepted Christ's call to follow him more closely in order to become ministers of the New and Priests are Necessary/663 Everlasting Covenant. do you intend to persevere, with his help along the path you have undertaken? Deacons and Seminarians: 1 do. And the Holy Father asked the faithful present: And do you, dear faithful, do you intend to pray always for your priests, that the Lord may shower upon them the abundance of his gifts, that they may be faithful ministers of Christ the High Priest and lead you to him, the only source of salvation? Faithful: 1 do. Then to the whole assembly, the Holy Father said." Do you also intend to pray for me that I may be faithful to the apostolic service entrusted to my lowly person, and become among you more everyday a living and authentic image of Christ the High Priest and lead you to him, the only source of salvation? All: 1 do. The Holy Father then concluded: May the Lord keep us in his love and lead all us, shepherds and flock, to eternal life. All solemnly sang: Amen! Amen! Amen! Psychosexual Maturity in Celibate Development by Philip D. Cristantielio Price: $.60 per copy, plus postage. Add ress: Review for Religious Room 428 6301 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63108 Cruciform Obedience Boniface Ramsey, O.P. This is the third of Father Ramsey's articles on the vows of religious perceived through a Christocentric focus. These three articles will be brought together and offered as a single reprint, the details of which are given elsewhereSn this issue. ~ , Father Ramsey continues to reside in the Dominican House of Studies; 487 Michigan Avenue~ N.E.: Washington, DC 20017~ n two previous issues of REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS I discussed the vows of poverty and celibacy from a Christocentric perspective.~ In this issue I would like to complete a trilogy by speaking of obedience from very much the same~ perspective. Of the three great vows, there is little doubt that obedience is the most difficult both to execute and to reflect upon. Probably it has caused more suffering than either poverty or celibacy. For whereas th6 Struggle attendant upon poverty and celibacy may be waged complet~!.y withiia the person of the religious who is fighting to subdue his or her passions, ob~lience is the vow that, so to speak, intrudes another person (the superior) in(o the life of the religious--a person who, at least in times pa~t~ was understood to have a quasi-universal control over one's life. How often this control was abused, and on what flimsy pretexts! Even.the superior:s own sanctity was no guarantee that he or she might not act in the most arbitrary fashion. And from this arbitrariness there was usually little recourse. Small wonder that a desire to escape out from under the excessive "demands of obedience and to regain a sense of one's own independence has been the primary cause for many choosing to leave religious life. This is the case, moreover, even where obedience, is not objectively abusive, or even p~rceived as such, for obedience can hardly be perceived as not touching upon human autonomy, a strong rei~lization of which is absolutely necessary to proper human behavior and to self-respect. 664 Cruciform Obedience / 665 Frequently it happens that, when no other means of expression seems possible, this independence or autonomy is asserted by the religious through acts contrary to poverty or celibacy, which are then mistakenly understood to be the person's problem area. This suggests that obedience is the most basic of the vows, and indeed maybe it is. It is a classical teaching, in any event, that poverty and celibacy in fact touch upon rather narrower aspects of the human personality than does obedience? Whether this remains true even when poverty and celibacy are construed as broadly as 1 have tried to construe them in my two previous articles is a moot point. What is certain is that poverty and celibacy deal with relatively easily recognizable specifics, whereas obedience is occupied with something far less tangible, or at least with an area of our nature with which we are much less familiar--or are much more hesitant to face. It must be said from the start that the reason why obedience is so difficult is that human life is so radically marked by disobedience. "1 find it to be a law," Paul writes in Romans (7:2 i-23), "that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members." In The Oty of God Augustine ~emarks that the original sin was one of disobedience impelled by pride. The result of this-original diSobedience, he goes on to say, is a terrible disharmony within the human person: In a word. what is the punishment for that sin of disobedience but disobedience? For what other human misery is there but the disobedience of a person to himself--so that, because he did not wish what he was able to do. now he wishes what he is unable to do? For in paradise, even if he was unable to doall things before the sin. y~t he did'not wish to do whatever he was unable to do: and therefore he was able to do everything that he wished to do. But now, as we recognize in his offspring~ and as Holy Scripture testifies, a human being is like vanity. For who can count how many things he wishes to do that he cannot do, since he is not obedient to himself--that is, since his very mind and his flesh (which is inferior to it) do not obey his will? For. despite himself, his mind is greatly afflicted, and his flesh suffers and grows old and dies. And we would not be suffering unwillingly whatever else we suffe.r if our nature completely and every respect obeyed our will.3 Whoever has not lived this conflict, to a greater or lesser degree, has not lived reflectively. Disobedience, then, is part of human nature. According to Augustine, the very illimitable desires that contribute to human transcendence and that set the human being apart from other earthly creatures~ are, on their shadow side, stumbling blocks and provocations to overweening demands that cannot be satisfied and that must qualify as the urgings of disobedience, of sin. Sad to say, as tragic as this disharmony is, we nevertheless learn to live with it. It is a disharmony that is, after all, part of us and familiar to us. We could hardly imagine living with those overweening demands, not stifled (which would render us inhuman), but under control--in that state of tense 666 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 and watchful virtue that the Greek Fathers referred to as apatheia. So radi-cated in our nature is this disharmony that we purposefully and self-right, eously pursue the wrong things as though they were good for us. So radicated is it that--the upshot is--to correct it is to act contrary to our nature, a process that causes intense pain. We are like a man whose broken leg has been set improperly. The man learns to walk with a limp and can, indeed, go about with relative ease, yet the limp in turn becomes responsible for 'a gradual deterioration in other areas of the body. For health to be restored, to the extent possible, the leg must be broken again and reset. Learning obedience is like breaking and setting a limb that has already been broken and set once before. This is surely the insight of the Desert Fathers, e~pecially as it is,implied in a narrative such as the following, which dates from the fourth or fifth century: It was said of the abba John the Dwarf that, having gone off to Scet~ to an old man of Thebes, he remained in the desert. His abba took a dry stick and planted it and told him: "Water this every day with a flask of water until it bears fruit." But the water was so far away that he would leave in the evening and return in the morning. After three years, though, it came to life and bore fruit. And the old man took the fruit, carried it to " the church'~ahd said to the brethren: "Take and cat the fruit of obedience."4 The story of the dry stick is a famous one, perhaps even a frightening one, for it seems to smack more than a little of the arbitrary exercise of authority that we mentioned earlier. The distinction betWeen the old/nan of Thebes and a neurotic novice-master or novice-mistress might be hard to discern from the outside, but presumably the motivation is different. Whatever goal the latter may be pursuing, the old man of Thebes was concerned with the painful restoration of human nature, the resetting of a once broken limb, and John was his willing disciple. The story of the 'dry stick compels us to confront the mysterious and unavoidable link there is between obedience and suffering. What we hear of John the Dwarf and his three years of toil imposed by his abba is no more than what we hear of Jesus himself, whose own suffering and death are so frequently ex'pressed in terms of obedience. Jesus' agony in Gethsemane is nothing other than the struggle to be obedient to his Father: "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Mt 26:39). So it is also characterized in the great hymn of Philippians: "And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross" (Ph 2:8). It appears likewise in the Letter to the Hebrews: "Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered" (Heb 5:8). The difference, of course, between Jesus and John the Dwarf or any other human being is that Jesus' obedience was not therapeutic or restorative, since he was without sin and its tragic effects, whereas our obedience is precisely for the sake of our sinfulness. Yet even for Jesus to drink deeply of the cup of human nature, his obedience had to entail suffering, as ours does. Based upon the model of Jesus himself, we may say that to be obedient is Cruciform Obedience / 667 to submit to the cross, with all its mystery and suffering. We may also say that the cross is the thing outside of us, the thing which is representative of God's will and which intrudes disturbingly upon us. Inasmuch as it is identical with God's will it is an objective good, the objective good. It is, indeed, the great objectivity that we refuse because of our own self-centeredness. It is the great objectivity to which we must conform ourselves and which we must put within ourselves if we are ever to have peace, as expressed in the words of Dante: "In his will is our peace.'~ And it is the process of interiorizing what is presently exterior to us that does us violence and causes us pain. This means shoulder-ing the cross--not the cross of our own choosing (which, after all, would be the product of our subjectivity) but the ineluctable cross of God's choosing, for only in that cross is his will, and hence our peace, certain. In the case of John the Dwarf the cross was an adherence to the absurd demand of the old man of Thebes. In the case of Jesus it was a willingness to set his face to go to Jerusalem (see Lk 9:51), with what that implied of suffering and death, because this was the Father's destiny for him. Perhaps religious men :and women today, in contrast to religious men and women of twenty or more years ago, think of obedience for the most part as a vow that is rarely exercised. Itcomes up when a person is transferred from one assignment to another, and even that is usually done with consultation. Oth-erwise superiors make demands with relative infrequency, and they hardly dream of asking the very difficult, never mind the absurd or the impossible. Obedience is invoked almost exclusively as a functional necessity, and so it has come to be seen: it is required for the smooth operation of a religious house or an apostolate--entities that ordinarily run themselves'without the intervention of a "higher authority." But the view that religious obedience is an occasional or a functional thing is as erroneous as the view that poverty and celibacy are occasional or functional. Obedience, instead, like poverty and celibacy, is a constant disposition. In my previous articles 1 suggested that poverty and celibacy represented an attachment to Christ as human and as desirable respectively; consequently they are dispositions that have a quality of permanence and that are always operative. Obedience too is a constant and always operative disposition, spe-cifically with regard to the will of the Father, which in turn implies the cross. For, in Jesus' own experience, the cross was not merely at the end of his life but rather was the end to which his whole life was directed; it colored his life and, we might even say, gave it its meaning. If.we think of the Father's will as something constantly set before us to be accomplished---because therein consists the only restoration of our dishar- " mony and thus the only possibility of our happiness--we shall no longer conceive of oi~edience as a sporadic or occasional thing. Where do we discern this will? The traditional answer, of course, is that we discern it in the laws and customs of the Church, in Scripture as it is properly interpreted, in the constitutions and customs of one's particular religious con- 661~ / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 gregation, in the daily schedule or horarium, in the demands of one's assign7 ments, in the will of the superior as that is legitimately expressed, in the promptings of one's own conscience, in requests that are made of us and that it is possible for us to fulfill without difficulty. Similar things could be added along these lines. But these are by no means the only instances of the divine will, as though it were concerned only with some things and not others. The divine will is expressed in every aspect of reality, in every objective thing that occurs, that it behooves us to accept and somehow take into ourselves. Thus we must hearken to and obey the reality of other people's personalities, which are not our own and hence are often h~rd to appreciate; the outcome of elections and other such processes in which we may have taken positions opposed to the prevailing view; accidents that could not be avoided; the weaknesses that burden us as we get sick or grow old; the vagaries of the weather and of other natural phenomena. These things too are manifestations of God's will that are proper subjects of our obedience, that it profits us nothing to complain about or rail against. In them, indeed, there is a loving design for us. Although the "objectivities" mentioned are all unpleasant or at least diffi-cult, and one or two even tragic, we could as well say that God's will is also expressed in the many good things that befall us--in friendships and successes of various sorts, for example. Yet since these are so often things that we ourselves have had a hand in bringing about, or that we would gladly have brought about if we could, they do not have the same quality.of objectivity as do the others. Nor is there question of bending our will to them, and for that reason there is perhaps no question of obedience either. According to this way of thinking, then, we could characterize obedience in terms of "patient endurance." It is the vow by which the religious person promises to accept the reality that can be identified with the divine will, and that inevitably brings with it the cross. Moreover, the religious makes this promise in the firm conviction that in enduring or accepting this total reality, he or she will find the peace that the world cannot give (see John 14:27). All of reality, the whole of the universe, is in fact permeated with the mystery of the cross: This is a theme common in the earliest Church, and expressed strikingly by lrenaeus at the end of the second century when he writes: And because [Christ] is himself the Word of God almighty, who, in his invisible form, pervades us universally in the whole world, and encompasses both its length and breadth and height and depth--for by God's Word everything is disposed and adminis-tered- the Son of God was also crucified in these, imprinted in the form of a cross on the universe: for he had necessarily, in becoming visible~ to bring to light the universal-ity of his cross in order to show openly through his visible form that activity of his: that it is he who makes bright the height, that is, what is in heaven, and holds the deep, which is in the bowels of the earth, and stretches'forth and extends the length from east to west, navigating also the northern parts and the breadth of the south, and calling in all the dispersed from all sides to the knowledge of the Father.6 Cruciform Obedience / 669 Where Christ is, there is the cross: it cannot be avoided; it is wriften even across the face of our joys. Do we not acknowledge the dominance of the cross in our lives, do we not symbolically submit ourselves to it when we sign ourselves with it from forehead to breast and from shoulder to shoulder? The principal .objection to what has been said thus far must surely be that it appears to foster passivity--a kind of mindless, heedless acceptance of and submission to Whatever comes one's way. It must be added, then, that Jesus' own obedience to his destipy, which was the reality of the cross that constantly intruded into his life, was not mindless or fatalistic. We know from the gospels that Jesus was always aware of what he was doing and that he approached this painful destiny in complete freedom. He offered himself freely to the Father, although not without a struggle, as the episode in Gethsemane tells us, to conform his will to the Father's. The sovereignty of Jesus' obedience is wonderfully manifested in the most ancient depictions of the'crucifixion, dating from the fifth century, where he is shown on the cross as a figure in.complete possession of himself--not hanging in agony but erect, and with a noble and peaceful countenance. Yet it is important to realize, asthe gospels inform us, that Jesus endured suffering on the cross. The ancient artists only stressed, one aspect of the crucified one. Moreover, it was Jesus' custom to make his disciples conscious of the sufferings that lay before them, so that they too might be free to accept the cross or not. It is clear from his example, therefore, that Jesus did not consider obedience to be an abdication of self. That Christian obedience is not passivity is still more clearly illustrated from the fact that, in numerous instances, Jesus actually resisted what other-wise might have been construed as his "destiny." That is, he often spoke against those who opposed him rather than simply bear their provocations in silence. This resistance on Jesus' part introduces an element of complexity into the practice of obedience. It suggests that there are times when religious obedience may be modified by some sort of resistance. When this may legiti-mately occur is problematic; it is a classic instance of the conflict between conscience and authority, particularly inasmuch as the authority here con-cerns the subject of areligious vow. This is, nonetheless, in keeping with the doctrine of the divine permissive will, which teaches that God permits evil to occur and to run its course, evenif he does not countenance it. This pe.rmissive will, to the extent that we may call it a will at all, may in many circumstances be resisted--although if Matthew 5:39 is to be taken seriously, it ought not always to be resisted. One thing, however, is certain in this regard: one may not resist an author-ity merely because it imposes something that is difficult or painful upon the one who is expected to obey. Suffering in and of itself, unless it is qualified in some significant way (if it were seen to be unbearable, for example, or if it would somehow radiate out to others who ought not to be affected by it), is insufficient reason for opposing an authority. If one were to resist an authority 6711 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 merely on account of the foreseen suffering (assuming its bearability and so forth), one would in effect be seeking to empty obedience of its content, and one may no more seek to do this than to empty Christianity of the cross. In fact, Jesus' own resistance, his refusal to endure certain unjust situa-tions, hastened his destiny rather than delayed it, and Jesus himself seems to have known this~ What this suggests, while not condoning passivity, is that the authority has the benefit of the doubt vis-a-vis the person placed under obedience. The-presumption on the part of the one who obeys should be that the assignment imposed is to be carried out except under certain unusual circumstances. On the other hand, the person in authority ought not to misperceive the desire to talk about an, assignment, or about any other imposed obedience, as a sheer unwillingness to obey. For the superior is also obliged to obedience, and specifically to the obedience of ministry--which includes listening. In sum, we are left with this, that religious obedience partakes of the mystery of the cross--"mystery" at least in part because it is so often absurd and inexplicable. Although human insight may show us that there is in each of us a terrible disharmony that causes us suffering, nothing but faith can tell us that the divine plan which includes the cross is a plan for our good, and one that will :ultimately bring us peace and harmonY. Indeed, only faith tells us that the things to which we must submit are from God, since we ~would often just as soon avoid them by asserting that they have nothing to do with God at all--that they come from superiors who do not understand "us, or that ~they represent situations that ought to be~changed instead of endured. Only this kind of faith will make obedience work. For the truth is that we must be obedient anyway to objectivity and reality as these have been under-stood in .this essay. We cannot control other people's personalities, or the weather, or our own health and well-being. We cannot avoid the cross, which is omnipresent, unless we choose to retreat into an imaginary world of our own making; and even then it is doubtful that we would succeed in our escape! The wisest thing that we can do is to set our faces to go to Jerusalem, for the cross is best borne willingly. Conclusion Two themes have been common to these three essays on poverty, celibacy, and obedience. The first theme is that of the Christocentric ~nature of the vows of religion. The person of Christ is the specific ;reason for a Christian and a religious to choose to do even what he or she might otherwise have decided to do--since poverty, celibacy, and obedience can make sense quite apart from the Christocentric context. But they make sense only to the extent that any-thing without Christ makes sense to the Christian--they cry out for comple-tion, for Christ is Alpha and Omega. In the case of obedience, we may translate "Christocentric" as "staurocen-tric'-- a word we have coined from stauros, meaning cross. The distinction Cruciform Obedience / 671 between Christo- and stauro-centric is a very fine one. In fact, the cross, thus understood, cannot be conceived apart from Christ. It is true that Christocentric seems to emphasize the person of Christ in a way ~hat staurocentric does not. In poverty and celibacy as I have written of them, we seem to touch Christ directly as the object of our love and desire, whereas in obedience it is the will of God, symbolized by the cross, which is the goal of our actions. In commenting on this, three observations must be made. Firstly, in embracing the cross we do the same thing that Jesus did and love the same divine will that he loved. We imitate him. Secondly, before Jesus was crucified it was possible, indeed proper, to think of the cross solely as something horrible. But since his crucifixion he has stamped this instrument of suffering ineradicably with his own personality. Finally, the divine will is not something abstract or impersonal, as though we were obeying a computer. Rather it is identified with God himself, who is personal, and whose personality is love (see ! .In 4:8). For these reasons, then, we can say that obedience, like poverty and celibacy, has its focus in a person--whether the person is seen as Christ, or as God.This focus is absolutely necessary for the religious, for it gives a meaning to life that nothing else can. We live ultimately for persons. The second theme common to these three essays and to the three vows discussed in them is that of mystery. In large part we are speaking here, not of a good that is fully able to be grasped by the intellect alone, but of one that must be perceived and pursued by the emotions as well. But when we speak of the emotions, and of things susceptible to the emotions, we are immediately in the realm of "mystery," as 1 Sugge'sted at the conclusion of the essay on celibacy.7 Because the intellect cannot grasp fully the divine mystery, love must make up--to the extent that this is possible--for what the intellect cannot seize. This divine mystery, in turn, has for its subject, not a project or an ideal, but rather the divine personality--for only a person has the infinite depth and infinite capacity for change that defines the mysterious. Projects and ideals, on the other hand, are soon exhausted. If this depth and inexhaustibility are central to the human personality, as anybody who has ever been in love realizes, how much more central are they to the divine personality! This is the truth that the vows must affirm and mirror: in the end, we do not commit ourselves to Christ or God for any other reason than himself. And this reason is inexplicable to anyone who does not love, who has not seen the mystery, and has not been seized by it.8 672 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 NOTES ~See "The Center of Religious Poverty," in 42 (1983) 534--544, and "Christocentric Celibacy," in 43 (1984) pp. 217-224. 2See; e.g. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae 2-'~, q. 186, a. 8. 3De cir. Dei 14.15. 4Apophthegmata Patrum. De abbate Joanne Colobo I (PG 65.203), 5One may also recall the motto of Pope John XXIlh "Obedience and peace." 6Proof of the Apostolic Preaching 34, trans~ by J. P. Smith, in Anciem Christian Writers 16 (Westminster, Md., 1952)pp. 69-70. 7See "Christocentric Celibacy," pp. 223-224. ~This essay, completed on the day of his ordination to the priesthood, is dedicated to Kevin Kraft, O.P, Christ the Center of Our Vowed Life by Boniface Ramsey, O.P. Father Ramsey's three articles on the vows of religion are available as a single reprint: i - The Center of Religious Poverty ii - Christocentric Celibacy iii - Cruciform Obedience Price: $1.75 per copy, plus postage. Address: Review for Religious Rm 428 3601 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63108 The Renewal of Contemplative Orders Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O. Abbot Keating was formerly abbot of the Trappist monastery in Spencer, MA. His last article in our pages, "Cultivating the Centering Prayer" (January, 1978) was written while there. Presently he resides at St. Benedict's Monastery: Snowmass, CO 81654. Part I: Monastic World Views The monastic vocation is a personal intuition into the mystery of Christ's invitation to follow him along the radical lines proposed in the Gospel. One may not be able to articulate the reason why one wants to be a monk or nun and yet have a true call from Christ. Or again, two people may articulate entirely different motives for wanting to enter a monastery, and both may .have a true call from Christ. The reason for this,is the fact that monastic values can be articulatCd in more than one world view or conceptual frame of reference. Obviously, one's response to the monastic call has to be expressed in somoframe of reference, but it must always be kept in mind that no one set of structures fully expresses'the mystery of that call. It would be a mistake, therefore, to identify the mystery of the monastic vocation with any one particular set of symbols or structures. Many cloistered monks and nuns in monasteries of the contemplative lifestyle are unaware that a radical shift in Western thinking has taken place over the last fifty or sixty years. This shift is centered in the development of historical consciousness. In the words of David Tracy, "This phenomenon can be described as man's realization that individually he is responsible .for the life he leads, and collectively he is responsible for the world in which he leads it."~ A significant part of this change of perspective is due to the discoveries of modern science, the development of historical criticism, and the shift in philos-ophy and theology from a static world view to an evolutionary one. Paul Tillich has given the names heteronomic and autonomic to the two compre- 673 674 /~Reviewfor Religious; Sept.-Oct., 1984 hensive world views that are polarized in contemporarythinking. The tension arising from these opposing world views appears in the Church at large, but especially in religious and monastic life, where tensions within the Catholic world community tend to be emphasized. The conflict is not merely between liberal and conservative positions, but is much more profound. It arises from the unquestioned assumptions of two completely opposite ways of looking at the world and at oneself, each of which lays claim to one's deepest loyalties. The heteronomic world view, which was commonly held by the Catholic community until fifty or sixty years ago, is essentially a negative world view; or to be more exact, it is an other-worldly world view. It sees the sacred as opposed to the profane. Thus it seeks to reject the profane in order to find God, and as a consequence, emphasizes the value of renunciation. The present world is perceived as a sinful environment which has to be rejected. In a monastic milieu, this conviction translates into an attitude of determined separation from the world and the studied avoidance of any involvement in the society of one's time and in its problems. Since the primary focus of this world view is eternity, preparing for the life to come is conceived as the principal, or even the only, duty of a monk or nun. In either case, it follows that the legitimate pleasures of life must be renounced in order to find God. Thus, austerity of life and ascetical practices become the norm of spiritual progress and the touchstone of genuine dedication to God. This world view, developed and exemplified by the monks of the fourth century, had a significant influence on the spirituality of the Church as a whole. The formation of the liturgy; for instance, was influenced by this viewpoint. Catholic education was imparted and still, in large part, is imparted 'from this viewpoint. Most young people applying to monasteries today, however, are influ-. enced, at least in some degree, by the autonomic world view. The autonomic world view is the result of the gradual secularization of religious symbols, rituals, and institutions, together with the development of the historical con-sciousness. In this perspective, the profane is sacred. Renunciation of the good things of human .life is regarded as unrealistic or irrelevant. The positive aspects of the present world, rather than its evident evils, are emphasized. Time is the opportunity to change both ourselves and the society in which we live. Our personal decisions and actions make history and the future. Conse-quently, we have to assume personal responsibility for what happens to us and to the world. We are part of a process (evolution), and in order to reach true personal fulfillment, we have to take into account the well-being of the com-munity in which we live. Moreover, the community for which we are respon-sible is gradually extending itself, through mass communication and travel, to embrace the whole human family. The development and the shaping of the world community is, therefore, a profoundly religious and contemplative con-cern. Eternal life is not only in the future, but immanent in time. Moreover, there is a strong tendency to reject the patterns and lifestyles of the past as The Renewal of Contemplative Orders / 675 adequate paradigms for the future: Translated into a monastic milieu, this world view has a genuine attraction for the fundamental values of monastic life, but tends to distrust the tradi-tional structures in which they were enshrined. It rejects any kind of isolation, while esteeming the value of true solitude. Permanent commitment is a special problem for people~ with this perspective, because they feel a responsibility to adjust to the future as it becomes present. To commit oneself in advance to a single lifestyle or to one expression of monastic values seems to them a refusal to take,,responsibility for themselves and for what God might some day call them tO do. They want to be free to respond to the future in ways that may be new or even incompatible witha particular:monastic lifestyle that, in principle, can never be changed. Each of these world views has much to recommend it. Each sees the truth from a particular cultural perspective. Neither can claim to be a complete view of the mystery of the monastic vocation. Both have limitations which must be transcended in order to reach human integration and the fullness of the christian life. It is interesting to note that during his'monastic lifetime, Tho-mas Merton seems to have moved from a heteronomic to an autonomic world view, and then to have'transcended both. Such is the impression given by his. remarkable essay, "Final Integration," in Contemplation hi A World Of Action, Chapter 13. Elsewhere he writes, "Historical consciousness and con-templation are not incompatible, but. necessary." Father Raimundo Panikkar has discerned another world view in addition to the heteronomic and autonomic world views delineated by Tillich.2 He calls it the ontonomic world view or the contemplative dimension of life. It is a higher perspective, rather than a synthesis of the heteronomic and autonomic world views. It ~is a state of higher consciousness (faith) that integrates the sacred and profane by perceiving the presence of the sacred in ordinary events and .in the most secular of situations. It flows from the awareness of the universe as a unity. Its fundamental attitude is complete detachment--freedom from compulsions, prejudices, and preconceived ideas. The contemplative dimension is a vision of reality in which the "egoic" or false self is no more. The ultimate experience is non-duality. Panikkar characterizes it by the term "tempiternity,'.' which/he identifies as the experience of eternity-and-time in each passing momentand event. To find the eternal in time is the crux of the experience. ~ Translated into a monastic milieu, this experience of mature contemplation must lead to action, even if it is only to transform the local monastic environ-ment. The Contemplative monk seeks to discover what he is, not what he will become. He seeks to cultivate the core of his humanness, which is more than historical existence. Thus, the ontonomic world view is a form of transhistori-cal consciousness. It is outside and above political considerations and histori-cal concerns. At the same time, it does not take a merely negative posture toward institutionalized injustice or the whole evils of contemporary society, 676 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 but offers a positive alternative by establishing a lifestyle based on the con-templative dimension of, the Gospel. Thus, fuga mundi becomes, not flight from a world that is evil in itself, but flight from the "system" by refusing to be a part of a political or social establishment that supports institutionalized evil. Here is one example of how these world views operate in monastic com-munities. The contemporary monk, influenced consciously or unconsciously by the autonomic world view, feels that he cannot reach his own unique spiritual development without the well-being of the human community of which he is a part. F~or him, a strict, rule .of silence means isolation, not solitude. One of the older monks, having entered the monastery fifter a Catholic education that emphasized the heteronomic approach to life, may look upon him as one who has an exaggerated need for contact with others. For this older monk, picnics and community gatherings with. casual conversa-tion and banter are clearly mitigations of the rule of silence. He cannot wait to get back to his private room, to his books, or to his prayer, because his expectation is that he can attain union with God only through the renunciation of ordinary human society and its legitimate pleasures. The older monk believes in loving his brothers width his will. He may be embarrassed by feelings of affection, and even feel a du.ty to confess them as sins or imperfections. The new arrival, for his part, regards the older monk as simply incapable of relating. This polarization of attitudes becomes acute on the .occasion of commun-ity meetings. The older monks tend to make speeches while the younger, consumed with frustration, try in vain to engage them in genuine dialogue and interaction. These and similar situations can be poignant as well as just plain painful. Each monk, coming from his own respective world view, is completely sincere, motivated by loyalty to what he understands to be the structure enshrining the values that are to lead him to union with Christ. Consequently, the same community event or decision of the supe~rior will be interpreted positively or negatively according to one of these two basic monastic world views. Neither seems to beable to separate the religious symbol, ritual, or behavior pattern from the value wi~ich is being expressed in and through them. To be able to do so, of course, would require't,he kind of profound conversion that is presupposed by the ontonomic World view, or the contem-plative dimension of life. This perspective is able to express monastic values in different structures or with different symbols without being tipset. It recognizes intuitively that the value is what matters, not how it is expr~essed in particular circumstances. It can move ,from one symbol or set of symbols to another, and still express its total dedication to monastic values. Because it is not bound to these values in a particular way, it does not judge others or their observance critically. It can adjust to the signs of the time, recognizing with ease when iexceptions are called for, and acknowledging the primary impor-tance of flexibility in applying the common rule to individual circumstances, The Renewal of Contemplative Orders / 677 The contemplative dimension is the goal of monastic structures and obser-vances. Those who have espoused the heteronomic or autonomic world views in their early monastic experience may move beyond their own particular world view as life advances, and come finally to embrace, or at least tolerate, the other. Ultimately, those in the heteronomic or autonomic monastic world views are both calledto transcend the limitations of their respective world views and to reach the contemplative dimension. The contemplative dimension is to live not only in God's presence, but also out of that presence. In other words, the presence and movement of God become the source of one's moti-vation both in prayer and activity. The contemplative dimension can express itself inside of existing structures or create new structures when circumstances call for them. It is not so much the structures that are important, but the motivation which prompts them. In the Gospel~ motivation is everything. The contemplative dimension can infuse life into the most stagnant of structures. The question, however, may be asked whether this is always the best use of this incomparably creative energy. Perhaps enough has been said to see a fundamental root of the problem of mutual understanding and communion in communities of contemplative life today. It is not a question of persons in the community having a liberal or a conservative temperament, di.sposition, or set of convictions. That is to be expectedin every human grouping. rather a question of two deeply held perspectives regarding the essential rfionastic values, based in large part on one's early religious training and cultural conditioning. It was possible in days gone by to enjoy the blessings of unity when everyone shared the heteronomic world view. It is impossible today to avoid or suppress the ideas and attitudes that are characteristic of the autonomic world view. 1 have seen monks enter the monastery with the heteronomic world view, pass a number of years living and articulating their monastic experience in that frame of reference, and then change radically, reacting against the heteronomic'world view with all the force that is characteristic of a profound conversion. Such change is all the more acute in those who have repressed their talents and legitimate feelings for the sake of the heteronomic world view. There is really no solution to this polarization as long as it remains on the level of conceptualization. The same events, directives of superiors, or deci-sions by the community will continue to be interpreted in two opposing wa~,s. The heteronomic world view sees as disaster what the autonomic world view perceives as a great step forward. Similarly, what the autonomic world view considers regression, is interpreted by the heteronomic mind-set as a retu,rn to fundamentals, or to "the good old days." Some might think that monks and nuns who are deeply committed to these world views should live in separate monasteries, at least as an experi-ment. Actually, though, if we could recognize our own conscious or uncons-cious commitment to one of these monastic world views, and accept the fact that the other is also legitimate, we could live together with a certain mutual 67~1 / Review for Religious, Sept.-Oct., 1984 enrichment--provided, of course, that our objective was not to obliterate the other, but to transcend our own world view and attain to the higher perspective of the contemplative dimension of life. The superior in monasteries today has to be someone who has great sympathy for both the heteronon~ic and the autonomic world views and can see the values and the limitations of each. Unfortunately, the monks will judge the superior's decisions according to their own respective viewpoints, and thus everything the superior tries to do will be a source of dissatisfaction to one side or the other. There needs to be a massive re-education of the members of contemplative orders if they are to understand the dynamics that areat work in their communities today and which are really .outside anyone's control. These dynamics are what Pope John XXIII called the "signs of the time." The two opposing world views are not going to go away. We have either to adjust to them, separate, or tear each other apart. The formulation of new constitutions is not going to solve this problem. In fact, the efforts to stabilize constitutions could prudently be postponed until more fundamental issues are resolved. One. of these, of course, is how to train the young. If postulants and novices in contemplative orders are oriented toward the contemplative dimension from the beginning of their monastic lives, and can be persuaded that genuine monastic values can be incarnated in more than one way, it: will then be possil~ieto emphasize the right things in their formation and avoid diverting their energies with useless regulations or conceptual conflicts. There must be serious discipline. This consists primarily in perseverance in contemplative (non-conceptual) prayer. Neither liturgy nor any other practice can supply for this. Silence and solitude initiate the dynamic of self-knowledge and the purification of the psychological unconsciousness. This shotald be fully understood by those undertaking the contemplative way of life. Contemplative prayer will enable them to adjust to this dynamic, persevere in its difficulties, and benefit from its insiglits. Two hours of such prayer every day seems like a suitable norm for postulants and novices. In communities where the work is more demanding, the divine office--and not contemplative prayer--should be reduced. For contemplatives, liturgy can only be an effec-tive means of formation in dialogue with silence and prayer in secret. Part II: Principles Monastic formation is not an assembly line. ~Monks and nuns cannot be mass-produced. The monastic environment is a choice of means designed to facilitate growth in the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. It is aimed at self-transcendence and transformation in Christ. Each monk and nun in a particular monastery is in a different place in the spiritual journey. Only great sensitivity on the part of the community toward the spiritual and human growth of its members can adequately meet this situation. Newcomers to Renewal of Contemplative Orders / 679 monastic life, of course, must submit to the same rule for the first few years of their initiation. But to apply this principle to the whole of life, even into old age, is another matter. In contemplative orders right now, the big question is not new constitutions, but .whether the observances as we practice them lead the average monk and nun of our time to that level of spirituality which Father Merton called "final integration." Without a certain number of persons living on that level in a monastery, the Rule cannot be properly observed. Institutions have an uncanny ability to be blind to whatever challenges them to constructive change.: This tendency increases in proportion to one's close-ness to the center of administration. Survival is an instinct in every human institution, as it is in individual human beings. Only those who have expe-rienced deep purification are free of this compulsion. When the inspiration of a charismatic founder or group of founders is no longer present, the second generation tries to preserve their spirit and insight by means of rules and customs. These work well so long as the spiritual understanding of the observances perdures. But if this spiritual understanding peters out, observances begin to be practiced merely externally, and may come to be experienced as a straight jacket. In a lifestyle as severely restricted as a cloistered monastery, such an environment could even become neurosis-prone. This can occur when monks or nuns start keeping~the rule for the wrong reasons, or isolate themselves from the concerns of the local and world church and community. Monastic rules, including St. Benedict's, were composed without the knowledge we possess today of the psychological and sociological factors involved in human development and in the formation of community. Monastic founders had extraordinary insight into these matters, but they did not have at their disposal the experience and research of the last century in psychology and sociology. The renewal of the contemplative orders has to take these new insights into account., 0 The renewal also has to take seriously the work of historical criticism. To separate the essentials of monastic life from its cultural conditioning in the course of the centuries and to re-express these essentials today is no small task. Still, it has to be done if monastic life is to be a viable alternative for people in the twenty-first century. Moreover, these essential values have to be expressed not only in a con-temporary way, but in ways appropriate to different cultures. As new monas-teries spring up in. various parts of the world, great sensitivity must be shown to the culture in which they are inserted. Established monasteries also: need to develop a keen sensitivity to the particular cultu.res of which they are already a part because these are ev.olving at a constantly accelerating rate. Such sensitiv-ity requires a certain level of interior freedom and a capacity to evaluate the ¯ signs of the time. To ascertain where we stand in this regard, communities might ask them-selves such questions as these: 6~11~ / Review for Religibus, Sept.-Oct., 1984 i. Do we provide space for people to grow, to make mistakes, to relax, to get a different perspective, to relate normally with their peers, to grow in responsibility, and to respond to the needs of others? 2. Can damaged persons find healing and human growth in our community? 3. If in our community there is evident lack of healing and of human and ¯ spiritual growth, is there som~ething in our way of life that makes this happen? 4. Do we develop the human and spiritual gifts of the individual members of the community, and are they then used for the good of the community? 5. Does self-support require draining a certain number of people by over-work, excessive responsibility, or by leaving them in jobs which they expe-rience as drudgery without hope of relief?. 6. ls stability in the community an absolute ora relative value? Should there be more opportunity to serve in other houses or to,experience other forms ~of Christian service for a limited time? ~. 7. What do we perceive as the goal of our contemplative way of life? is it personal salvation, penance, intercession for others, contemplative prayer, eremiticism, strict observance, togetherness, or what? 8. Are the present structures of our order the right ones for our time, culture, and circumstances? In particular, does the liturgy as we do it truly express our prayer, or is it cast in a mold that is excessively dualistic and historically conditioned? ¯ 9. Why are there so few potential superiors in the average monastery of contemplative orders? More important than any answers we might come up with, is the level of honesty and openness to truth that would permit communities to raise such intimate and personal questions in the first place. James W. Fowler3 shows how the development of Christian faith corresponds to the various stages of human growth. Basing his reflections on the work of Piaget and Kohlberg, Fowler points out that the level of faith development in a particular commun-ity is normally dependent on the communal ideal which the majority have embraced. The community tends to raise its members to this level, but does not encourage them to grow beyond it. This is not a deliberate and explicit refusal, but a subtle coercion exercised on everyone to accept the approved level of development as the norm. This dynamic is evident in certain charismatic communities which tend to discourage their members from practicing con-templative prayer even. when the attraction of grace is clear. Fowler mentions that most of the Christian churches in the United States which he investigated were at the level of faith in which religious symbols were inseparable from their accepted meaning by the community. By'religious symbols, he means rituals, practices, and behavior patterns that give the group its identity and express its value system. In these communities, it is difficult for ~ individual members to separate religious symbols from the meaning give~n them by the group as the expression of their common values~ and to ri~-express these values in other forms. The Renewal of Contemplative Orders / ~1 It is easy to see how a monastic community, which has the responsibility of fostering the interior freedom of its members, would be greatly hindered by a hidden agenda which effectively prevented them from moving beyond the letter of the Rule or the common observances. The common good of a monastery is not the exercises of common life as such, but the growth of bach of the members toward self-transcendence and transformation in Christ. The martyrdom of conscience, which Anthony of Egypt identified with the monas-tic vocation, may require some monks and nhns to express common, values in other forms--for instance, as hermits, pilgrims, teachers of contemplative prayer. Monks and nuns in the Benedictine-Cistercian tradition often have hesita-tions about the principle of personal growth because of their conviction, based on their experience, that the complete surrender of oneself to the common life is a tremendous leap forward in the spiritual journey. This view of stability maintains that changes in attitudes and dispositions, considered as ascending levels of faith, will take place interiorly in the course of one's monastic lifetime, without having to make any significant modifications in one's external obser-vance or environment. The question may be asked, however, whether this is always true. ISertain external changes could facilitate interior growth during a period of crisis. If everyone in the community is really growing, periods of crisis for one or other member will not be exceptional, but of frequent occurrence. However, for appropriate modifications of observance on behalf of the particular needs of individuals to be fully accepted and supported by.the community, the superior ¯ has to be a person in. whose discernment the community has complete confi-dence. Alternatively, there must be a level of communication that is so well established and free-flowing that persons at different stages of growth can easily understand and accept each other. Whether a large community (more than twenty) can develop or maintain such a degree of communication is a question that should be studied by contemplative orders. Most s6ciologists would have serious doubts about it. As a. further consideration, it would.seem that leadership in monastic communities today has to be an "enabling" rather than a ,determining" kind of leadership. Members of the community have to be encouraged to function on their own initiative, taking responsibility for themselves and for the group: This level.~of regponsibility obviously requires effective communication. A superior should be one of the group as much as he can. He should be intelli-gent, but not someone who inspires either awe or dependency. He should be supportive, affirming, straightforward, and open to new ideas; not someone who prefers things to people, or good order to human needs. No one should exercise religious authority who has not first come to terms with °his own solitude and isolation, for only then can he understand and relate to the solitude and isolation that others may feel. The monastic milieu is not a place where people are to be changed, but where they can change themselves. 6112 / Review for Religious; Sept.-Oct., 1984 Two principles of renewal deserve special consideration in the formation of the young' in our time. These are: flexibility in regard to observances, and emphasis on the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. How the latter is to be carried out should be the subject of study and dialogue in each monastery becahse, without a plan and practice to foster this contemplative dimension, observances will be useless. There is a fairly widespread notion in monasteries that contemplative prayer and monastic observance~are somehow incompatible. Unless this mis-conception can be dispelled by adequate education and formation, the future of these communities is extremely uncertain. , Flexibility is the most practical means of approaching individual needs at different stages of the spiritual journey. By comparison, Fowler writes, the institutional approach to the good of individual members is a buckshot approach. It presumes thatthe same religious symbols are always going to be neci~ssary for ~everyone for the whole of each one's life. Experience, on the other hand, points to the fact that most persons need to,be detached from particular religious symbols at a certain point in their spiritual journey in order to make further progress. Opportunities for human growth should be provided in cloistered monas-tic life as a necessary foundation for spiritual growth. To begin with, the contemplativ.e dimension of the Gospel cannot develop normally without a certain spontaneity. It is necessary for the members of every community to get to know one another on the human level early in their monastic lives. If there are several no.vices or temporary professed, they should have the chance to discuss monastic;values among themselves, without the novice master or dean being present. For a limited :period of time they could benefit from a "gut-level" exchange of feelings about one another and the community, moderated by a qualified facilitator. The sense of belonging is indispensable for the health of every community. This is not easy in a large group. This is probably why Benedict, with his far-sighted wisdom, recommended deaneries (a community of communities) for expanding monasteries. Sub-group structures are not divisive if their pur-pose is well understood and accepted by the community. At the very least, the opportunity to speak with one's peers in small informal groups and one-to-one should be encouraged. Friendships, both within and outside the community, can be enriching, especially'when they are supportive of one's i;piritual journey. At the same time, periods of stricter silence, as during Advent and Lent, or for a week or two every few months, might be introduced to provide the experience of a deeper and°more extended silence. Intensive periods of silence and prayer open up new areas of insight and hasten the process of purification. The rules of enclosure could also benefit from greater flexibility. Work-shops can be stimulating and broadening for those who are interested in a particular subject or craft. With the introduction of cassette TV, programs of genuine value izould help to educate and bring the community together. Uni- 7he Renewal of Contemplative Orders versit'y life tends to be a special kind of environment, somewhat withdrawn from the real world, but the genuine need of training professors, completing a monk's education, or developing particular talents, justifies this experience. Besides educational motives for modifying the strict interpretation of the rules of enclosure, permission to go home for an annual family visit instead of having the. family come to the monastery could be beneficial for the monks and nuns--as well as easier on their families. To allow selected persons to live in the community as residents for a prolonged period of time is already being done in some monasteries with good results. Interaction with dedicated per-sons in other walks of life is stimulating as well as broadening. Retreats for both sexes and varying degrees of participation in the liturgy are presently common practices in a number of contemplative communities and should be encouraged. The need for physical exercise is obvious in our day when monasteries of men and women have had to replace manual work by machinery. Factory work and the sedentary employment that is forced upon a community by secretarial demands do not provide the kind of psychological space that used to be provided by labor in the fields or in the woods. Modern forms of earning a living are less simple and usually demand more in the way of mental concen-tration. New ways of providing for the balance of activities prescribed by the Rule of Benedict have to be found or invented. It may look strange for monks to be playing sports, running around in jogging shorts, or takirig'long hikes; but. if they do not get enough good exercise to replace the manual: work of the past, they are going to find themselves in a constant state of tension. Com-munity or small group picnics, celebrations, outings, and trips can also pro-vide useful relaxation and strengthen the bonds between the members of the group. A change of pace in the horarium would be helpful from time to time, like the opportunity for a day of solitude without any structure once or twice a month. The annual retreat c
Issue 11.5 of the Review for Religious, 1952. ; A. M. D.G. ' ' Review for Religious SEPTEMBER i5, 1952 Congress of Religious . The Editors Towards Continual Prayer . Pa.I DeJaegher Cases o~ Illegitimacy . Joseph F. Gallen ' "~ . Pius XII and Our Lady . JohnA. Hardon "Meaning" of A.M.D.G . Walter ~J. Ong Q, uesfions and Answers Book No÷ices VOLUME XI NUMBER 5 REVIEW FOR. RELIGIOUS VOLUME XI SEPTEMBER, 1952 NUMBER 5 CONTENTS CONGRESS OF RELIGIOUS~The Editors . 225 TOWARDS CONTINUAL PRAYER--Paul De Jaegher, S.J . 231 OUR CONTRIBUTORS . ¯ . 241 PRACTICAL AND PASTORAL C/(SES ON ILLEGITIMACY~ Joseph F. Gallen, S.J . " . 242 COMMUNION CARD FOR HOSPITALS . 248 COMPLETE TEXT OF SPONSA CHRIST1 IN ENGLISH . 248 LEGISLATION OF SPON,$A CHRI,~TI . 248 POPE PIUS XII AND OUR LADY---3ohn A. Hardon. S.J . 249 "A.M.D.G.": DEDICATION OR DIRECTIVE~Waher J. Ong, S.J. 257 TEN-YEAR INDEX--LIMITED SUPPLY . 264 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSm 21. Moral Obligation of Voting . 265 22. Boundary of Novitiate . 269 23. On Reading Rodriguez . 269 24. Change in the Habit . 270. 25. Applying Indulgences to Souls in Purgatory . 270 26. Honoring'Bequests for Masses . . . '. . 270 27. Unrealizable Desires for Sanctification . 271 BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS . 272 BOOK NOTICES . 274 REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS, September, 1952. Vol. XL No. 4. Published bi-monthly: January, March, May, July, September, and November at the Colleg.e Press, 606 Harrison Street, Topeka, Kansas, by Sty Mary's College, St. Marys, Kansas, with ecclesiastical approbation. Entered as second class matteb ,January 15, 1942, at the Post Office, Topeka, Kansas, under the a~t of March 3, 1879. Editorial Board: Jerome Breunig, S.J.; Augustine G. Ellard, S.J.; Adam C. Ellis, S.J.; Gerald Kelly, S.3.; Francis N. Korth, S.3. Copyright, 1952, by Adam C. Ellis, S.J. Permission is hereby granted for quota- ~ions of reasonable le.ngth; provided due credit be given this review and the author. Subscription price: 3 dollars a year; 50 cents a copy. Printed in U. S. A. Before writing to us, please consult notice on inside back cover. Congress ot: Religious The Editors ~"HE first National Congress of Religious of'the United States .| held at "th~ University of Notre Dame, August 9 to 12, 1952. Three members of our editorial staff attended as delegates. At the various sessions we tried to note points that would be bf special interest to our readers: and, since it was impossible for us tobe per-sonally present at ail the different sectional, meetings, we asked many friends t~ make similar n6tes. ,The present report is made up from these notes "jottings" might be a better word. .Regarding our report, let us make two observations. First, it is not intended to be a complete a&ount of the Congress. Official Proceedings of the Congress will be published soon and will give this complete accountl ' Secondly, even as an incomplete account, our re-port is not adequate; it represents merely what a comparatively tiny number of de'legates considered point.s of spedal interest. It would .help us greatly if other delegates who read this rePort would Suppl~- ¯ ment (or~ correct, if need be) this material by sending us communi-cations containing their own impressions: And it would also ,help if any r.eaders, whether delegates or not, w, ould send their observations on the points recorded her~. This "request for commtinications r~eeds emp,hasis. The Congress opened up for discussion many vital points concerning our religious life; but because of lack of time it could do,no more than start the discussion. Readers' of this Review would do a great service to the ~ellgious life in this country if they would continue this discussion. by the frank and constructive expression of theii own observations-on these ~;ital points. Purposes of Congress " The Congress was summonedby the Sacred Congre~gfition of Religious, as a mean~ of intensifying and. strengthe.ning the religious life in the United States, of givii~g religious of all institutes an op-portunity to exchange ideas and particularly to discuss the problems ~ertaining to the adjustment of the religious life to ~onditions, pie- ¯ vailing in our land without compromising the principles on which the religious life is based. We believe that the. first purpose of.the Cbngress the intensi- ' ,225 THE EDITOP~ Review f6r, Retigious lying ~nd strengtt~ening of. our own. r~eligious life--~as. easily .the central point of the meetings andthat' ~ good start was m~de towards its accomplishment.~ C~rtainly all of us were~ inspire~d with-the de'sire of becoming better religious arid of making our" institutes more.effec-tive means in the great work of the Church. As c~n'e Sisterwho helped us p~epare?these notes put it:. "Probabl~ among the fi, nest outcomes of the First National .Congress of Religio,us of the Ufiited States will be a'faller.realization'on the.part ofeach community, whether large or ~all, of iis.actual, p~iticipation and i~he Mystical -Body. of ~hrist; a deeper feeling of p~rspnal love for our Holy Father' and an appreciation Of his interest in our spiritual and temporal well- .,being; an~under.standila~g of the ,eagerness,. of the members 6f the Sacred Congregation of Religiou~ to serve our need~s and tO assist us to b~come holy, saintly' religious; and finally, a cloker bond among th( religious communities'of the United States, with e~ich ~roup cor~: scious of its imp6rtance to the good of the whole 'and, ready to assist in furthering the 'apostolic endeavors of every, other institute:" ¯ The other purposeF-~-the ekchange of ideas and the consideration of nece~sary adjustment~--also received their due attention" at both the scheduled sessiofis and the informal meetings of smaller groupL The on.e flaw in the plaorfing of the Congress, if there was 0ily fl~w,. was that there were so many.papers that was not sufficient time for discussion°fr0m the floi3r. Nevertheless, a fine beginning was made, and w,e hope that what was begun at Notre Dame can be car- ¯ tied on much further in' the discussi6ns in this R~view and in smaller meetings that can be arranged from time ~o time. . Organization .The Sacred Congregation of." Rhligioussent. f~ur representatives to theCongress: .The Most Reverend Atcadio LarraonL C.MIF., Secretary of the Congregation: the Very Reverend Giuseppe\ ~pietro, S.J., the assistant to Father Larraona i~ the organization of regional "meetings of religious; the .Very Reverend Elio Gambari, S.M.M'., .whose specihl duty is-to handlethe affairs of refigious :in the United States; and the ~i~y Re;gerend Edward 'L. Heston, C.S.C:, the Secretary G~ner~l for, the Congress in the United States. ¯ The Congress was divided into two sections, for religious n~dn and religious women The Very-P(everend John ~J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., who was President of the University of Notre .Dame atthe time the C6ngress was.plhnned, wasHonora.ry~Chair- 226 ~September, 1952 , (~ONGRESS OF RELI,.GIOUS manfor both groups. Executiye Chairman for Religious Men was. the "Very Reverend FranCis J.Connell, C.SS.R.; and for Religious W~men, the_Reverend Mother Mary. Gerald Barry,. O.P., the Supe-rior, General 6f the.Domlnican Sisters of Adrian; Michigan. Co- - ordinato.r of the. Congress'was the Re~'e~end Alfred F: .Mendez. C.S.C. The work done by Fathers Connell and Mendez and Mother " Mary Geriild in preparing for th~ Congress "was little shdrt of miraculous. They had only al~out three months tb make their pre-parati6ns, yet every detail, both Of the preparations and Of the'actual carrying out of the",: was S~l~erbfy:planned and executed. As one small sample.migh~ l~e instanced the plans for daily Masses: there, were seven hur~dred Masses.each day; yet there was not the 'slightest -c~nfusion or difficulty in getting, iri ~he Masses. ~ ¯ Other members of the Committee for the sectlon of Rehgmus ¯Men were: theVery Rev~:end Godf.rey Diekmann, O.S.B.; the Very Reverend Philip F. Mulhern, O.P.: the,.Very Reverend'Thomas .~. Plas'smann, O.F.M.: the Ve~y Reverend Adam C. Ellis, "S.J.: the Very Reverend Basil Frison, C.M.F.; Venerable Brother Alexis Vic-.- tor, F.S~C.; Venerable Brother Ephrern O'Dwyer, C.S.C.; Vener-able Brother William, ~.F.X. O~her members of the committee .for Religious Women were: the Re~,erend .Mother M. Catherine Sullivan, D.C.: the Reverend'. Mother-M. Rose Elizabeth, C.S.C." the Reverend Mother M. li~n, C.S.J.; the Reverend 'Mother M. Joan 0t: Arc Cronin, O.S.U. the Reverend. Mot'her Mari~Helene,. S.P.: and Sister M. Madeleva.;" Spiritual Ideals In one wa.y'or anothe'r many. of the discussions at the C~ngr~ss centered on the clarification of the spiritual ideals common to reli-gious. ins~itfltes and on the .means. of¯ attaining these ideals., Particu-larly stressed was.~he fact that religious.need a deep pers'orial devo~ tion to Christ. Basic to such a devotion is the knowledge of.Christ; iand the young r~llg~ous must be.helped ~o get th~s knowledge, partly through Well-planned reading, and~mostly through prayer--for it is ~i knowledge.of the heart, and it is given by the Holy Ghost to ~hose " who humbly and perse~'erifigly seek it. ¯The fervent-reception of. Holy Communion-is a great help to.the atta!ning of this interior -knowledge and devotion. Incidentally, in. the men:s discussion 6f this tiepin, it was poin~e~, out that here, as i~ Other aspec~so,of their religious training, youri~ religious are the goqd example ¯ 227 THE EDITOR,S " Review/:or Religigus of thei~ elders-and are proportib.nate!y harmed by thelack of such example. Several discussions also emphasized the need of a sense of per, sor~al responsibility. For. instance, one danger oK the religious life, with its many exercises in common, is .what migl~t be called "~herd-spirituality": one goes to the exercise automatically and takes.part with a sort, of detached numbness, ,as though ¯partially anesthetized. The chief wa~ to counteract this is the constant striving on the part of the individual to make the exercls~ personal. Also, some religious who lead an active aposl~olate, especially in small houses, .are fre-quently unable to have common exercises. They can lose the rell-gious spirit completely Unless through their own personal efforts they try to form a plan for making their various spiritual exercises in private. " The same idea of personal responsibility, under the formality of per_sonal initiative, was prominent in the men's discussion of religious obedience. It was pointed out,that apostolic initiative is n6t stifled by obedience, though it must often be controlled for the common good, as well as for the good of the individual. The rel, igious who always waits to be told what to do. is by no. means the model of perfect obedience, and the superior who requires this of his subjects is by no,means the perf.ect superior. , In a paper t, bat all will read With interest and profit, the Very Reverend Giles Staab, O.F.M.C~'p., reduced the moral qualifications of candida.tes to the religious life to the)four virtues of generosity, docility, prudence,~and loyalty. The generous candidate will¯have the r~quisite piety, the fight intention,' the chastity, and the zeal. The docile candidate will be obedient and thus further the Work of the i.nstitute. The prudent candidate will have good jiadgment and emotional control. And ~he candidat~ imbued with a spirit Of loya[t~t.will, be ready to subordinate his own interests to thqse of the community and will, as a natural consequence, b~e a, gobd communi@ man: a religious withsocial 'balanch, cgurtesy, and considerateness." Conte~ptative Life The .Right Reverend Abbot M. James Fox, O.C.S.O., gave' an interesting and informative talk about the contemplative life in gen-eral and the Trappists' life inparticular. He said that there is.a great hunger for thec0ntemplative life in modern America, . and he illustrated this quotin~ excerpts from man'y letters'that h'e has received from applicants to the' Trappi~ts. The Trappists,., 228 " ' v Sep~ei'hber~ 1952.- " CONGRESS OF RELIGIOUS he said, have about ~700' novices in their varigus" houses ~throu.ghmit the world';" ,approximately half:of these novices ,are, in the' United State~.'In less than ten years the" Trappist monasteries in 'this country have increased from three' to ten.," °, "'- .~, Why the attraction to "contemplative orders?.+. At one of Sisters' sessions it was suggested that yout.h are attracted to the co.n= templative life because they,feel that in this life they can