RESUMENEl presente artículo da cuenta de los resultados de un estudio de casos que permitió conocer las creencias y mitos que mujeres con vivencias abusivas en su historia, le atribuyen a las dinámicas familiares con violencia, maltrato y abuso sexual, y las explicaciones que éstas se dan con respecto a la naturalización de estas pautas transmitidas transgeneracionalmente. Con el propósito de develar las explicaciones que las mujeres entrevistadas le otorgan a la ocurrencia y repitencias de situaciones abusivas, se utilizó un esquema básico de análisis estructural semántico, logrando de este modo una representación simbólica de sus relatos, los cuales están sometidos a ciertas reglas y códigos que son inherentes a su contexto y sobre el cual configuran sus explicaciones de la vida cotidiana.Palabras Clave: Mujeres – violencia – transmisión transgeneracional - mitos - Creencias - naturalización - sistemas familiares. Mulheres e violência transgeneracional: Mitos e crenças que naturalizan o maltrato nos sistemas familiaresRESUMOOpresente artigo dá conta dos resultados de um estudo de casos que permitiu conhecer as crenças e mitos que mulheres com vivências abusivas em sua história, lhe atribuem às dinâmicas familiares com violência, maltrato e abuso sexual, e as explicações que estas se dão com respeito à naturalización destos padrões transmitidos transgeneracionalmente. Com o propósito de develar as explicações que as mulheres entrevistadas lhe outorgam à ocurrencia e repitencias de situações abusivas, se utilizou um esquema básico de análise estrutural semántico, conseguindo deste modo uma representação simbólica de seus relatos, os quais estão submetidos a certas regras e códigos que são inherentes a seu contexto e sobre o qual configuran suas explicações da vida quotidiana.Palavras chave: Mulheres – violência – transmissão transgeneracional - mitos - crenças - naturalización - sistemas familiares. Women and violence transgeneracional: Myths andbeliefs that naturalizan the maltreatment in the familiarsystemsABSTRACTThis article reports the results of a case study yielded information on thebeliefs and myths that women with abusive experiences in their history,attributed to family dynamics with violence, abuse and sexual abuse,and the explanations they are given regarding the naturalization of theseguidelines transgenerationally transmitted. In order to reveal the womeninterviewed explanations give to the occurrence and repetition of abusivesituations, we used a basic semantic structural analysis, thereby achievinga symbolic representation of his stories, which are subject to certain rulesand codes that are inherent in its context and which shape their accountsof everyday life.Key words: Women – violence – transmission transgeneracional - myths -Beliefs - naturalización - familiar systems.
Este trabajo busca hacer un recorrido por la breve experiencia del Instituto del Tercer Mundo "Manuel Ugarte", creado 1973 en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. El propósito de esta investigación es sacar a la luz una labor dejada en el olvido, pero, sobre todo, comprender las causas que permitieron que en ese momento de la historia se abrieran canales para el intercambio con intelectuales y el estudio de procesos sociales de países que hasta entonces habían sido de escaso interés dentro de los programas de la universidad nacional. En definitiva, reconstruir una experiencia que reflejó uno de los periodos más interesantes en lo que se refiere al estudio e intercambio en el ámbito universitario entre países de África, Asia y América Latina, cuyo impulso estuvo relacionado con estímulos desde el ámbito gubernamental, que sirvieron de marco de acercamiento a la producción intelectual vinculada a estos continentes. ; Third World Institute created in 1973 in the University of Buenos Aires. is study's objective is to shed light on a forgotten experience and, in particular, to understand the circumstances that, during this moment of history, opened conduits of intellectual exchange and the study of social processes in countries that until then had been of little interest within the national university's programs. Ultimately, it serves to reconstruct an experience that reects one of the most interesting periods of time with regard to the study and exchange in the university environment among countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. e impetus of this phenomenon was related to government incentives that served as an overarching approach for intellectual productivity pertaining to these continents. ; Este trabalho procura fazer uma análise da breve experiência do Instituto do Terceiro Mundo "Manuel Ugarte" na Universidade de Buenos Aires, criado em 1973. O propósito desta pesquisa é trazer à luz uma experiência deixada no esquecimento, e principalmente compreender as causas que permitiram que neste momento da história se abrissem canais para o intercâmbio com intelectuais e o estudo de processos sociais de países que até então haviam sido de escasso interesse dentro dos programas da universidade nacional. Finalmente, reconstruir uma experiência que reetiu um dos períodos mais interessantes no que se refere ao estudo e intercâmbio no âmbito universitário entre os países da África, Ásia e América Latina, cujo impulso esteve relacionado com estímulos desde o âmbito governamental que serviram de marco de aproximação à produção intelectual vinculada a estes continentes.
Bahasa Indonesia:Pesantren dan Politik adalah dua istilah yang penulis kaji dalam tulisan ini. Dua elemen yang berbeda, namun memiliki sinergi dalam realitas sosial dan sejarah Nusantara. Sebagai pijakan, penulis menguraikan pemikiran Hadratus Shaikh Hasyim Asy'ari tentang pendidikan Islam, pesantren dan perannya dalam kehidupan berbangsa. Dalam konteks sejarah, eksistensi pesantren dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan nilai-nilai keislaman dengan titik berat pada pendidikan. Pesantren juga berusaha untuk mendidik para santri dengan harapan dapat menjadi orang-orang yang berwawasan luas dan mempunyai karakter. Kemudian, mereka dapat merefleksikannya dalam masyarakat. Hal ini telah diuraikan oleh Kiai Hasyim, dalam beberapa karyanya, yang dengan jelas menegaskan bahwa tujuan pendidikan Islam tidak hanya berhenti pada tingkat kognitif saja. Lebih dari itu, tujuan pendidikan Islam – terutama di pesantren - adalah pada pengamalan terhadap ilmu yang telah diperoleh, yang disebut dengan ilmu bermanfaat ('ilm na>fi'). Ini menjadi keunggulan pendidikan pesantren, yang menggabungkan kecerdasan intelektual, emosional, dan spiritual, yang muaranya dapat membentuk karakter seseorang. Karakter adalah faktor penting dalam kepemimpinan, sebuah kemampuan untuk melangkah keluar dari budaya yang ada dan memulai proses perubahan evolusioner yang lebih adaptif. Sebagai laboratorium pendidikan karakter, pesantren menjadi lumbung pembentukan karakter, baik dalam hal intelektual, sosial, dan terutama dalam hal kepemimpinan. English:Pesantren and politics are two different terms which may have a synergy in a social reality and a history of archipelago. This study refers to the thought of Hasyim Asy'ari about Islamic education, pesantren, and its role in a national life. Historically, the existence of pesantren aims to preserve Islamic values especially on education and to educate students to be well-knowledged people who are capable of using their knowledge in society and have a noble character. Some studies by Hasyim Asy'ari explain that the goal of Islamic education does not merely bring out education outcome on the cognitive level, but also on the practice level where students can make use of knowledge they have learned or so-called useful knowledge ('ilm na>fi'). These aforesaid goal becomes the pesantren's priority which combines intellectual, emotional, and spiritual skills to build a students' character. Character is a prominent factor in leadership, an ability to step out of the existing culture and make an evolutionary change which is far adaptive. Hence, since Pesantren is valued as a hub of character education, it plays a role to build students' character either intellectual and social abilities or leadership skills.
This research analyzes the current situation of community and alternative media in relation to Ecuadorian regulatory framework recently applied to media and civil society. To start a theoretical framework based on the history of community and alternative media and civil society organizations in Latin America and Ecuador is established. This information describes and analyzes the new regulatory framework (Communications Law and Executive Decree No. 16) through expert opinions and achievements that these legal instruments have had in three specific cases: Radio La Voz de Ingapirca, Radio Sonoonda, and the Confederation of towns of Kicwhua nationality Ecuador, Ecuarunari. With the description of this scenario the bases to review the implementation of this regulatory framework are, in a way, a new paradigm in establishing communication regulations. ; Esta investigación analiza el escenario actual de los medios comunitarios y alternativos con relación al marco regulatorio ecuatoriano recientemente aplicado a medios de comunicación y organizaciones de la sociedad civil. Para empezar, se establece un marco teórico basado en la historia de medios comunitarios y alternativos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil en Latinoamérica y Ecuador. Con esta información se describe y analiza el nuevo marco regulatorio (Ley de Comunicación y Decreto Ejecutivo n.o16) a través de las opiniones de expertos y de los alcances que han tenido estos instrumentos legales en tres casos específicos: Radio La Voz de Ingapirca, Radio Sonoonda, y la confederación de pueblos de nacionalidad kicwhua de Ecuador, Ecuarunari. Con la descripción de este escenario se establecen las bases para poder analizar la aplicación de este marco regulatorio que constituye, en cierto modo, un nuevo paradigma en regulación de la comunicación. doi:10.5294/pacla.2016.19.1.11 ; Esta pesquisa analisa o cenário atual dos meios comunitários e alternativos a respeito do marco regulatório equatoriano recentemente aplicado a meios de comunicação e organizações da sociedade civil. Para começar, estabelece-se um referencial teórico baseado na história de meios comunitários e alternativos, bem como de organizações da sociedade civil na América Latina e no Equador. Com essa informação, descreve-se e analisa-se o novo marco regulatório (Lei de Comunicação e Decreto Executivo 16) por meio das opiniões de especialistas e dos progressos que esses instrumentos legais vêm tendo em três casos específicos: Radio La Voz de Ingapirca, Radio Sonoonda e a Confederação De Povos de Nacionalidade Kicwhua do Equador (Ecuarunari). Com a descrição desse cenário, estabelecem-se as bases para poder analisar a aplicação desse marco regulatório que constitui, em certa medida, um novo paradigma em regulação da comunicação.
Social innovation handler om at udvikle innovative svar på samfundsmæssige behov, som ikke i tilstrækkeligt omfang dækkes af eksisterende former for privat eller offentlig service. Der er oftest tale om svar, som udvikles af ikke-kommercielle organisationer og aktører gennem kreative processer med et væsentligt element af initiativ "nedefra". Uddannelse er et af de områder, hvor social innovation både historisk og aktuelt har haft betydning. Historisk er der gennem sociale innovationsprocesser blevet udkrystalliseret former for uddannelse, som har imødekommet væsentlige behov for oplysning og kompetence, og som på nogle områder har opnået lang levetid. Fremkomsten og udbredelsen af folkehøjskoler er et centralt eksempel. Ligesom anden innovation sker social innovation inden for rammerne af et kompleks af strukturer og institutioner, som kan kaldes et nationalt innovationssystem. Artiklen handler om uddannelse som – og i tilknytning til – social innovation. Som forudsætning for dette behandles også generelt karakteren af social innovation og de samfundsmæssige rammer for den. I forhold til uddannelsesfeltet fokuseres på, hvordan social innovation har præget historiske og aktuelle udviklinger. Det illustreres især gennem analyse af en case om etablering af talentundervisning i et kommunalt skolevæsen.
Palle Rasmussen: Education and Social Innovation
Social innovation is about developing original responses to societal needs that are not sufficiently met by existing types of private or public service. Innovative responses are often developed by non-commercial organizations and actors through creative processes with a strong element of initiative "from below". Social innovation, as well as business innovation, occurs in a complex framework of structures and institutions that may be called a national system of innovation. Education is a field in which social innovation has had a significant impact, historically as well as in the present. The history of education demonstrates how processes of social innovation have led to the emergence of new forms of education that have met changing social needs for knowledge and competence, and some of these innovations have been more or less permanent. The establishment and growth of the Danish "folk high schools" is an important example. The article discusses education in connection with social innovation. As a basis for this, the general nature and societal context of social innovation is also discussed. This is illustrated by a case study of establishing special education for talented students in a municipal school system.
Key words: Social innovation, innovation system, education, school system, social needs.
Maģistra darbs "Pasaku tulkošana kā kultūru dialogs. Pasakas "Ansītis un Grietiņa" paralēlo tekstu salīdzināšana" apskata aktuālu tēmu – pasakas un kultūras nozīmi to tulkošanā. Pasakas dažādos laikos ir bijušas nozīmīgs kultūras mantojums, kuru nav skāruši laika ierobežojumi, tomēr īpašu aktualitāti kultūras mantojuma kontekstā tās ieguvušas līdz ar Latvijas iestāšanos Eiropas Savienībā. Tādēļ maģistra darba mērķis ir, izanalizējot un salīdzinot pasakas "Ansītis un Grietiņa" tulkojumus latviešu, angļu un krievu valodās, noskaidrot un iezīmēt kultūras lomu pasakas tulkojumos, vienlaikus sensibilizējot tulkotāju, īpaši pievērsties kultūras ietekmei tajos. Darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām. Darbā sākotnēji teorētiski tiek noteiktas galvenās pasaku raksturojošās īpašības, tās jēdziens, veidi un atšķirības starp līdzīgiem literārajiem žanriem, kā arī izpētīta un īsi raksturota pasakas vēsture. Vienlaikus darbā tiek apskatīta literārā tulkošana kā starptautisks transformēšanās un transformācijas process un tiek iezīmētas biežāk sastopamās literāro tekstu tulkošanas problēmas. Balstoties uz pasakas "Ansītis un Grietiņa" kontrastīvo analīzi trīs valodu tulkojumos kopumā četru dažādu autoru darbos, tiek izdarīti secinājumi, sniedzot praktisku ieguldījumu minētajā pētniecības laukā. Diplomdarbs būs noderīgs materiāls tālāku pētījumu veikšanai šajā jomā. Atslēgas vārdi: pasaka, tulkošana, kultūra, dialogs ; An actual subject- fairy tale and culture meaning in translation is considered in master thesis "Translation of fairy tales as a dialogue of cultures comparing parallel texts of fairy tale "Hansel and Grethel". Through different times fairy tales have been significant cultural heritage that has not been affected by time limits, even though special topicality in perspective of cultural heritage has been assigned to fairy tale along with Latvian join in European Union. Thus, the objective of this master thesis is by means of analyzing and comparing Latvian, English and Russian translation of "Hansel and Grethel" to clarify and point out the role of culture in translation of tale and in meantime with sensibilising the translator, pay special attention to influence of culture in translations. Thesis consists of four chapters. Initially the main qualities, the meaning, the concept, types and difference amongst similar literal genres of tale are described and the history of tale is studied and briefly described. In meantime, literal translation as international process of transformation and transforming is examined and common problems of literal text translation are marked out in this thesis. Conclusions are drawn out based on fairy tale "Hansel and Grethel" contrastive analysis in three translations and in total of four different author papers, giving practical investment in given research area. This thesis will be useful material in further research in this area. Keywords: fairy tale, translation, culture, dialog
Public spaces and institutions have often been linked when it comes to art practice in Bangalore. Whether it was the large-scale earthworks or the appropriation of heritage spaces taken on by artists, the spaces occupied by the public and the public art institutions have had a strong impact on the ways art gets produced in the city. There is also an additional element of reclaiming public spaces that is the struggle of most cities today. Since February this year, the artist community of Bangalore has protested against the move made by the government to 'hand over' the Venkatappa Art Gallery to a private entity. This has spurred a lot of conversations about public spaces and public resources in the city, specifically, in relation to art. Art history and the 'teaching of art' have often been celebrated as an achievement of European scholarship. It is true that a number of institutions set up to teach art in India are a colonial legacy, but what emerged post-independence is a culture of rejecting European aesthetics and trying to form a national one if it were. And in our era of post-modern/post-colonial awareness, there is a fluidity in the conduct of the institutions and in the understanding of public spaces that have contributed to the aesthetic of the contemporary artist. In the light of the recent events, this paper will examine the ways in which the art gallery and later the freeform collectives serve as educational spaces for students and subsequently, explore the implications of the lack of such spaces in the practice of art in contemporary times. Art Education in post-independence India reflected the uniquely Indianized, modern art-making. However, this modernist or 'formal' concept of art teaching and learning, prevalent during the prior era, still prevails in the majority of art schools in the country. Here, Modernist and formal are terms used with reference to the way art is made. A formal approach to painting would be in pure painting techniques that used oil/watercolour/acrylic paint on Canvas/paper. It also refers to form in the painting where there may be an abstract or figurative subject painted but it remains in the form of a painting, unlike contemporary art where the work of art is no longer restricted to a medium. It is important for us to note at this juncture that while the city that is now known as a font of conceptual and performance-based work, still retains institutions, such as the art schools that teach a modernist aesthetic. Therefore, one could safely assume that the spaces that exist outside of the art school feed into the art teaching-learning for students. That is to say, the culture that developed since the establishment of the early art schools, fostered an environment of experimentation. This kind of art practice led to the dematerialized artworks and research-led initiatives that have become a part of contemporary art in Bangalore. The art school, the way we know it is a product of a colonial legacy and a nationalist need to 'encourage' all forms of education. But is there a school that can exist without an idea, or an inheritance? An ethics of knowledge is the foundation of any school in its essential definition as a gathering place but the complexity of what that knowledge should be, how its production is configured and unfolds, who translates it across the bridges of generations and time, whether its structure is rigid or limpid in its willingness to change, whether it is resistant to external mandates or longs for the imprimatur of an outside authority, and what status and success signify for its teachers and graduates—all of these define the place of gathering, its ethical complexion, its reasons for being, and what learning means there (Madoff, 2009). It would also be good to note here that the 20th century saw significant changes in terms of artistic practice. One significant change in the these years is a 'flattening' of genres/styles/discipline. Keeping this in mind, then one can ask, how do the art schools qualify teaching the traditional practices of painting, sculpture, print-making and such as 'visual art' and nothing else? How has it become, that the residencies and collectives that spring out of art school or exist outside of the art school have become incubators of what is contemporary? In Bangalore, there has been no dearth of alternative institutional and art making spaces. Of these, the contemporary art galleries set up in the 50's and 60's were important to the construction of the contemporary aesthetic that is a signature of Bangalore-based artists and students. This aesthetic is seen in the large number of performance works as well as the collaborations and collective formations that produce art. The Venkatappa Art Gallery, due to its eminence as an art space for young artists as well as a museum commemorating a modern Master, becomes a nodal point in the construction of contemporary art history of Bangalore. The Gallery, as seen by the artist community, is an inclusive and democratic space which can be hired at low costs by young artists and those from the provinces, and also excellent for non-commercial and experimental art projects, festivals, workshops, seminars, talks and meetings. Most of the artists who are part of the Venkatappa Art Gallery forum have had their first solo shows in the gallery. Through the years, there have been group shows, collective projects, eight state Kala Melas, retrospective of RM Hadpad, The Khoj International Artists Residency, The International Live Art Festival, Co-Lab and Ananya Drishya artist talks, and in more recent times, the IFA Public Art presentations, to name a few activities. These events have been open to the public and have been well attended. Students from local art schools, as well as those from other cities in the State, have been known to present/display here following the completion of their studies. Presenting one's artwork in the gallery is almost like a rite of passage and therefore has evidenced work of a number of prominent artists.
The relevance. The development of piano performance is the result of the interaction of two alternatives — tradition and innovation. Innovations emerge and are affirmed, overcoming the conservative resistance of traditional performance stamps. Each new stage of this evolutionary process is marked by the appearance on the musical horizon of bright names of pianists, who, stunning the audience with their unexpected performance decisions, break established traditions and form new landmarks for performing and perceiving musical works. In the modern space of world piano performance, such a unique musician is the French pianist Luc Debarg. In his extraordinary interpretations, the pianist convincingly demonstrates the new organics of performance and reflects the latest pianistic trends, which deserves special attention and determines the relevance of the study.
The purpose of the article consists in realizing the performing conception of Lucas Debargue regarding the N. Medtner's Sonata f-moll, op. 5 through identification of performing stylistics features of the French pianist.
The topicality of the article. The research material was: the musical text of the Sonata f-moll, op. 5 M. Medtner; videorecording of the performance of the Sonata by Luc Debargue and Boris Berezovsky.
The methodology. The study used a historical approach, the method of comparative analysis, musicological and performing analysis
The result. In musical performance and musicology, N. Medtner's Sonata f-moll, Op. 5 is grasped as retrospective in the nature of imagery. It is characterized usually by a deep but restrained melancholy, nobility, perfection of form, density and graphic texture, lack of colorism.
Lucas Debargue sees the Sonata as a symbol of cultural memory. The texture becomes transparent and differentiated, each of the texture layers seems to be visually filled with color and acquires semantic meaning. Comparing textured layers during performance forms an idea of "traveling" through different time spaces. Strengthening the texture and semantic allusions of M. Medtner's text, L. Debargue, using well-established, historically characteristic types of articulation, corresponds to the style of J. S. Bach, D. Scarlatti, R. Schumann, F. Chopin, S. Rachmaninoff, A. Scriabin.
Through a carefully constructed system of interaction between microagogics, microdynamics, and texture density, the pianist forms a through image — memories that are revived by the memory but do not lose their brightness.
So, the leading principle of L. Debargue's performing style is the modernization of texts of past eras. The pianist offers a post-romantic concept of reading N. Medtner's Sonata, which actualizes the polylogue of musical and historical eras.
The scientific novelty. For the first time in musicology, the features of L. Debargue's performing style are studied.
The practical significance. The results of the work can be applied in the training courses «Piano», «History of piano performance», in further scientific researches.
The global COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused a shortage of medicines and medical products, as well as pharmaceutical products, especially active pharmaceutical ingredients, has demonstrated Ukraine's unpreparedness to face such challenges and threats. This encourages the search for effective mechanisms to reduce vulnerability, ensure stability and develop pharmaceutical activities. The purpose of the article is to draw on the experience of the European Union to justify the need to introduce measures of the policy of stimulating the development of pharmaceuticals in Ukraine in order to reduce the dependence of the sector and the healthcare system on imports. To achieve the goal of the article, the authors used analysis and synthesis, logic-dialectic and comparative analysis methods. The article shows the nature and extent of existing dependencies of pharmaceutical production; and identifies features of the EU policy. The EU has been found to have a long history of prioritising and promoting pharmaceutical industry. It is shown that the new EU strategic documents adopted in response to the COVID-19 crisis have laid the foundation for the elimination of the industry's vulnerabilities and external trade dependencies. For the first time, a conceptual approach to the formation of a dualist state policy and strategy for the development of Ukraine's high-tech pharmaceutical production was proposed, which is based on synergies and complementary policies between drug policy and industrial policy. This approach is aimed both at stimulating the development and production of new pharmaceuticals based on advanced technologies and reducing the dependence of this country's healthcare system on imports. Also, the approach aims at enhancing the competitiveness of pharmaceutical production, increased localization through the use of locally produced products, intensifying related activities, ensuring stability of supply of pharmaceutical products and transforming the industry into a strategic asset of growth of the economy, employment, and national security. The authors propose a conceptual approach to defining the priorities and programme tasks of the policy for the development of Ukrainian high-technology pharmaceutical production based on the principles of multi-dimensionality and comprehensiveness, and covering the development and production not only of medicines and medical products, but also of pharmaceutical ingredients (chemical and biotechnological), fillers and packaging materials, equipment and apparatus for pharmaceutical production. The principles of the formation of a strategy for the development of the high-tech pharmaceutical production of Ukraine are justified based on the balance of interests of consumers and producers of pharmaceutical goods with the interests of the State, based on its following goals: to care for the health of the nation, ensure an efficient economic system and social stability; promote the emergence of new effective drugs based on advanced technologies; and reduce dependence on imports and threats to national security.
The overall objective of this report is to document and analyze the series of events leading up to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon and the responses to the explosion with regard to the safety measures and protocols followed during the accident. The history of BP is discussed with regard to accidents caused by failure to comply with established safety procedures, including the Texas City Refinery Explosion in 2005, the Alaskan Oil Spill in 2006, and then the eventual Deepwater Horizon explosion in 2010. An analysis of these events show that negligence and malpractice conducted on BP's part led to the aforementioned disasters. This foreshadows the events of the Macondo well in which negligence (on both BP's and the United States Government's part) and financial stress induced the failure of mechanical barriers to seeping hydrocarbons into the drill pipe. Though the Deepwater Horizon rig belonged to Transocean and the cement job was performed by Halliburton, the lease operator for the Macondo well was BP and thusly is assigned an overwhelming majority of the blame for the catastrophic explosion. At least 8 layers of safety were breached, demonstrating a severe lack of responsibility on behalf of BP and the personnel aboard the Deepwater Horizon. Following the explosion, the United States Government and the public had an ever-increasing tension-filled relationship with BP as the well gushed oil at an average of 70,000 barrels of oil per day for 87 days. Despite BP desiring to be transparent with the public and the government, BP was ultimately fined billions of dollars in damages and lost wages. Even though the spill has been capped and cleanup efforts have made considerable progress, the reputation of BP will never be what it used to be, especially after the two previous disasters before the explosion of Deepwater Horizon. Its status as one of the leading oil producers in the world is forever tarnished after this accident. A similar accident occurring in Bhopal, India in 1984 is also analyzed. Though the accident in Bhopal involves the toxic and fatal release methyl isocyanate (MIC) vapors instead of flammable hydrocarbons, analogues between the Bhopal incident and the Deepwater Horizon incident are readily observed. Both incidents involve the responsible company not following proper safety measures due to financial stress and negligence. While BP is being held fully accountable by the United States Government, the former company Union Carbide did not suffer nearly the same amount of punishment for thousands of victims the Bhopal incident claimed. Nevertheless, both incidents reveal the consequences of malpractice and negligence on behalf of the operating company. To ensure that the engineering profession is not tainted by theses travesties, stricter and more thorough practices of safety measures and procedures must be followed in future engineering endeavors.
На основе архивных документов, периодической печати г. Томска, воспоминаний освещается история организации и деятельности Дома учёных (до 1934 г. клуб учёных) во второй половине 1920-х начале 1940-х гг., анализируются научная, консультационная, научно-популяризаторская, культурно-просветительская формы его работы, а также организация досуга и отдыха научных работников города и их семей. Выясняются его место и роль в жизни научного сообщества. ; On the basis of archival documents, periodicals and memories the history of the Tomsk Scientist Club (The House of Scientists since 1934) in the second half of the 1920s the beginning of the 1940s is described, its scientific, consulting and popularization functions, cultural and educational forms of activity, as well as leisure and entertainment of scientific workers are analyzed. The circumstances of the organization of the Scientist Club under the Section of Scientific Workers of the District Union of Educators are considered. It is noted that the Tomsk Scientist Club was one of the first in the country, along with such kind of institutions of scientific intellectuals in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Moscow, Kazan and other Russian scientific centers. At first, its activities were mainly cultural and entertaining in the form of family relaxing evenings with satirical interludes ("Kangaroo"), prompting criticism from the local authorities and accusation in political apathy and "inner emigration". At the same time scientific popularization work in the form of organization of lectures and presentations was conducted. In early 1933, the Club had its own building (Tomsk Governor's house before 1917), formerly occupied by the City Council, and it received its present name the House of Scientists. All this helped to strengthen its financial base and expand areas of activities. The House of Scientists was headed by a board elected at the meetings of members, whose number exceeded 400 people. The House of Scientists had 7 sections and several clubs, including children ones. Along with the organization of public lectures, film shows, radio lectures, concerts, literary evenings, the Tomsk House of Scientists established business contacts with the industrial enterprises of the West Siberian region, primarily Kuzbass, in 1935. In 1940, a consulting bureau which was engaged in oral and written consulting of industrial enterprises of the region, as well as of graduate students and researchers was organized at the House of Scientists. The budget of the House of Scientists consisted of funds for its maintenance allocated by universities, trade unions and also of membership fees and its own income. However, the work of the House of Scientists was often criticized by the municipal party bodies and the media. The conclusion is that the House of Scientists played an important role in the life of the academic community of Tomsk. The article stresses that the experience of the consulting bureau at the House of Scientists was used in the organization of the Tomsk Committee at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 19411945.
Рассматриваются позитивные и негативные итоги преодоления прокурдской Демократической партией народов избирательного барьера на очередных выборах в парламент Турецкой Республики в июне 2015 г. как для самих курдов, так и для турецких властей. Раскрывается последовательность событий, приведших к назначению Президентом Турции Р. Эрдога-ном повторных выборов. Анализируется совокупность факторов, в результате которых Демократическая партия народов по итогам повторных выборов потеряла часть мест в парламенте. ; This article examines the contradictory outcomes of the surpassing of the 10 % electoral threshold by the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in the Turkish general election of June 2015. The importance of this research is due to the significance of the Kurdish issue in the domestic policy and foreign relations of the Republic of Turkey. For many years the Kurdish minority in Turkey struggled for being represented in Parliament and other political institutions. The 10 % electoral threshold in Turkey is one of the highest in the world and was admittedly adopted to prevent national minorities from gaining seats in the Grand National Assembly. In 2015, relying on the growing support, pro-Kurdish organizations united under umbrella of HDP as a national party and surpassed the threshold with a comfortable margin. HDP gained 80 seats in the Grand National Assembly and became an influential opposition force. This success was widely celebrated in the Kurdish districts. The aim of this article is to evaluate the long-term outcomes of the HDP's electoral success. The presence of HDP in Parliament gave an opportunity for Turkish officials to reject allegations of minorities' rights abuse. Also it interfered with President R. Erdogan's intention to amend the Constitution to create a presidential rather than a parliamentarian system in Turkey. After failed efforts to form a parliamentary coalition, President R. Erdogan called for new elections. The 25th Parliament of Turkey was the shortest in the Grand National Assembly's history, lasting for just five months. This article follows the trajectory of the events that caused the breakdown of the "solution process" between Turkey and Kurdish insurgents. Renewed clashes between the militant wing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party and the Turkish army led to the HDP marginalization, when it came under scrutiny and its co-chair S. Demirta§ also came under investigation. This article reveals that one of the real aims of the anti-Kurdish hostility was to consolidate the nationalist votes for the November snap elections. In the Turkish general election of November 2015, the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP), backed by President R. Erdogan, won the majority sufficient to form a single-party government. HDP barely surpassed the 10 % threshold with 10.76 % of the vote, and lost 21 seats in the Grand National Assembly. On the basis of the election results it can be concluded that the goal of the Turkish nationalist-oriented elites to decrease the power and influence of opposition was achieved.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight about how marketing discipline has been taught in Brazilian executive education programs. We therefore consider the different kinds of knowledge that tend to be an integral part of these programs, locally referred to as MBAs, and look at the consequences they have in the field of marketing in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – Our initial investigations (and our own experience as teachers of various MBA programs in Marketing) have shown that executive marketing programs, seemed strikingly similar in terms of syllabus and suggested bibliography. We discuss the reasons for thatbased on some historical regards about the marketing discipline in Brazil. We present a description of the historical background of postgraduate courses in Brazil, and outline the fundamental transformation that has taken place in the Brazilian MBA courses' main goal: namely, the shift fromteacher training to executive education. This change in focus has resulted in the emergence of a large and profitable executive education market. In order to illustrate that we present the case of the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing. Research limitation/implications – To better understand the marketing knowledge disseminated through MBA programs in Brazil two points needed to be highlighted: i) the policies and the regulations governing executive education programs; and ii) the origins of marketing education in Brazil. The change in focus and the process of deregulation of PGLS in Brazil has proved to be an important source of revenue. As a result of the growth of this market, managers at educational institutions have begun to focus their courses on the needs of customers and the generation ofknowledge has taken a backseat to the need to teach the 'practical' and to develop the relationship between students. Thus, the appeal of the 'practical experience of big business' or 'successful practices' has supplanted any knowledge that might arise locally. To extend the distance between research and practice, the academia has ceased to look at what is relevant to society and to organizations and started to use rigor as the defining criterion of quality in research (Faria, 2007). As a result, the focus on thepractical has devalued the theoretical advancement of the discipline and the academia has come to look down on the practical. The historical development of the marketing discipline in Brazil clearly showsto be strongly influence by knowledge produced in the US since its inception. A historical analysis of the field of management education in Brazil reveals the political interests that are related to the introduction and consolidation of a certain type of knowledge in the country, including marketing. More data shall be collected on the history of marketing teaching in Brazil. Originality/value: This examination expands the literature by introducing historical perspectives on the marketing teaching in Brazil. The study of the influences of North American business schools over the Brazilian business schools and the long lasting political relations between Brazil and the United States are also addressed in a critical way.