China's Latent Human Capital Investment: Achieving Milestones and Competing for the Top
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 5650
528 Ergebnisse
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 5650
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 7971
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 4660
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 7110
In: IZA prize in labor economics series
In: IZA Standpunkte 10
Die Arbeitsgruppe Beschäftigung der von NRW-Ministerpräsident Jürgen Rüttgers eingesetzten "Zukunftskommission" hat umfassende Empfehlungen für die künftige Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Nordrhein-Westfalen vorgelegt. Das Papier der von IZA-Direktor Klaus F. Zimmermann geleiteten Expertengruppe schlägt unter anderem eine Standortoffensive zugunsten von Bildungsreformen und mehr Weiterbildung vor. Zudem wird empfohlen, die Position von NRW als führender Hochschul- und Energieinnovationsstandort systematisch auszubauen. Darüber hinaus misst die Arbeitsgruppe Initiativen für mehr strukturelle Familienfreundlichkeit große strategische Bedeutung zu. Unter dem Eindruck der aktuellen Wirtschaftskrise gewinnen die Vorschläge der Arbeitsgruppe besonderes Gewicht.
In: RatSWD Research Notes, Band 41
"The current economic crisis requires fast information to predict economic behavior early, which is difficult at times of structural changes. This paper suggests an innovative new method of using data on internet activity for that purpose. It demonstrates strong correlations between keyword searches and unemployment rates using monthly German data and exhibits a strong potential for the method used." [author's abstract]
More democratic countries are often expected to fail at providing a fast, strong, and effective response when facing a crisis such as COVID-19. This could result in higher infections and more negative health effects, but hard evidence to prove this claim is missing for the new disease. Studying the association with five different democracy measures, this study shows that while the infection rates of the disease do indeed appear to be higher for more democratic countries so far, their observed case fatality rates are lower. There is also a negative association between case fatality rates and government attempts to censormedia. However, such censorship relates positively to the infection rate.
Working paper
In: Karabulut , G , Zimmermann , K F , Bilgin , M H & Doker , A C 2021 , ' Democracy and COVID-19 outcomes ' , Economics Letters , vol. 203 , 109840 .
More democratic countries are often expected to fail at providing a fast, strong, and effective response when facing a crisis such as COVID-19. This could result in higher infections and more negative health effects, but hard evidence to prove this claim is missing for the new disease. Studying the association with five different democracy measures, this study shows that while the infection rates of the disease do indeed appear to be higher for more democratic countries so far, their observed case fatality rates are lower. There is also a negative association between case fatality rates and government attempts to censor media. However, such censorship relates positively to the infection rate.
This paper advocates the use of Internet data for social sciences with a special focus on human resources issues. It discusses the potentials and challenges of Internet data for social sciences and presents a selection of the relevant literature to establish the wide spectrum of topics, which can be reached. Such data represent a large and increasing part of everyday life, which cannot be measured otherwise. They are timely, perhaps even daily following the factual process, they typically involve large numbers of observations, and they allow for flexible conceptual forms and experimental settings. Internet data can successfully be applied to a very wide range of human resource issues including forecasting (e.g. of unemployment, consumption goods, tourism, festival winners and the like), nowcasting (obtaining relevant information much earlier than through traditional data collection techniques), detecting health issues and well-being (e.g. flu, malaise and ill-being during economic crises), documenting the matching process in various parts of individual life (e.g. jobs, partnership, shopping), and measuring complex processes where traditional data have known deficits (e.g. international migration, collective bargaining agreements in developing countries). Major problems in data analysis are still unsolved and more research on data reliability is needed. Current research is highly original but also exploratory and premature. Our article reviews the current attempts in the literature to incorporate Internet data into the mainstream of scholarly empirical research and guides the reader through this Special Issue. We provide some insights and a brief overview of the current state of research.
In: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Band 134, Heft 2, S. 149-182
ISSN: 2568-762X
Die deutsche Bundesregierung plant die Einführung eines flächendeckenden Mindestlohns. Dieser Beitrag fasst die vorliegenden nationalen und internationalen Erfahrungen mit Mindestlöhnen zusammen. Er analysiert dabei die Konsequenzen für Beschäftigung und Einkommensverteilung und legt eine Abschätzung der zu erwartenden Wirkungen in Deutschland vor. Eine systematische und unabhängige wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung und Evaluation wird erforderlich sein, um mögliche dauerhafte Folgeschäden für den Arbeitsmarkt transparent zu machen. Dies lässt Politik und Wählern eine faire Option für eine Kurskorrektur.
In: Journal of contemporary China, Band 22, Heft 79, S. 109-130
ISSN: 1469-9400
In: IZA journal of European Labor Studies, Band 1, Heft 1
ISSN: 2193-9012