725 747 43 5 ; S ; [EN] A transit service quality study based on cluster analysis was performed to extract detailed customer profiles sharing similar appraisals concerning the service. This approach made it possible to detect specific requirements and needs regarding the quality of service and to personalize the marketing strategy. Data from various customer satisfaction surveys conducted by the Transport Consortium of Granada (Spain) were analyzed to distinguish these groups; a decision tree methodology was used to identify the most important service quality attributes influencing passengers overall evaluations. Cluster analysis identified four groups of passengers. Comparisons using decision trees among the overall sample of all users and the different groups of passengers identified by cluster analysis led to the discovery of differences in the key attributes encompassed by perceived quality. The authors also acknowledge the Granada Consorcio de Transportes for making the data set available for this study. Griselda Lopez wishes to express her acknowledgement to the regional ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the regional government of Andalusia (Spain) for their scholarship to train teachers and researchers in Deficit Areas. Rocio de Ona wishes to express her acknowledgement to the regional ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the regional government of Andalusia (Spain) for the Excellence Research Project denominated "Q-METROBUS-Quality of service indicator for METROpolitan public BUS transport services'', co-funded with Feder. De Oña, J.; De Oña, R.; López-Maldonado, G. (2015). Transit service quality analysis using cluster analysis and decision trees: a step forward to personalized marketing in public transportation. Transportation. 43(5):725-747. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-015-9615-0 Abou Zeid, M., Ben-Akiva, M.: A model of travel happiness and mode switching, in choice modelling: the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice. In: Hess S., Daly A. (eds.) Proceedings from the ...
Climate change is an important driver of changes in forests. As forests and forest-dependent societies are likely to be affected by climate change and its associated disturbances, adaptation is needed for reducing the vulnerability of forests to climate change. New challenges arise from the need to understand the vulnerability of forests and forest-dependent communities to climate change and to facilitate how they adapt to the changes. Forests also play a role in how the broader society adapts to climate change because forests provide diverse ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being and reduce social vulnerability. For this reason, forests should be considered in planning the adaptation of the society beyond forests. Ecosystem-based adaptation, an emerging approach to dealing forests in a changing climate, offers opportunities for forest and forest-dependent communities and supports the conservation or sustainable management of forests. This chapter presents an overview of climate change as a driver of changes in forests, the challenges and opportunities of adapting forests and the use of forests in adaptation practices, as well as the associated policy issues.
Through a rich ethnography of street and working children in Calcutta, India, this book offers the first sustained enquiry into postcolonial childhoods, arguing that the lingering effects of colonialism are central to comprehending why these children struggle to inhabit the transition from labour to schooling.
International audience In the anthropological tradition inspired by Marcel Mauss of whom Marcel Detienne claims to be a follower, comparison involvesthe previous elaboration of social universals or patterns of thought transcendent societies. Grounded in a reflexion on twocomponents of the Druze community (one in Israel, one in Lebanon), the paper questions the comparative method following twosets of problems. The first one deals with comparison between close societies, since the analysis does not imply transcendingdifferences between social values or representations, but rather implies questioning the identity in order to constructsociologically pertinent differences. The second one, which is a corollary of this attempt to compare close societies, highlights thenecessary introduction of historical dynamics as the not the object the comparison. ; Dans la tradition anthropologique d'inspiration maussienne dont se réclame Marcel Détienne, la comparaison supposel'élaboration préalable d'universaux sociaux, de mécanismes de pensée transcendant les sociétés particulières, par une mise enregard de leurs différences. À partir d'une réflexion sur deux composantes de la communauté druze au Proche-Orient (en Israëlet au Liban), l'article questionne cette méthode comparative autour de deux axes. Le premier est celui de la comparaison au plusproche, qui pas de transcender des différences dans l'ordre des valeurs et représentations, mais mettre en équation l'identitépour construire sociologiquement ces différences. Le corollaire de cet exercice de comparaison dans la proximité, est celui denécessaire des dynamiques historiques comme moteurs sinon comme objets de comparaison.
The PLOS ONE Collection "Measuring forest conservation effectiveness" brings together a series of studies that evaluate the effectiveness of tropical forest conservation policies and programs with the goal of measuring conservation success and associated co-benefits. This overview piece describes the geographic and methodological scope of these studies, as well as the policy instruments covered in the Collection as of June 2016. Focusing on forest cover change, we systematically compare the conservation effects estimated by the studies and discuss them in the light of previous findings in the literature. Nine studies estimated that annual conservation impacts on forest cover were below one percent, with two exceptions in Mexico and Indonesia. Differences in effect sizes are not only driven by the choice of conservation measures. One key lesson from the studies is the need to move beyond the current scientific focus of estimating average effects of undifferentiated conservation programs. The specific elements of the program design and the implementation context are equally important factors for understanding the effectiveness of conservation programs. Particularly critical will be a better understanding of the causal mechanisms through which conservation programs have impacts. To achieve this understanding we need advances in both theory and methods.
"Strategies of Segregation unearths the ideological and structural architecture of enduring racial inequality within and beyond schools in Oxnard, California. In this meticulously researched narrative spanning from 1903 to 1974, David G. García excavates an extensive array of archival sources to expose a separate and unequal school system and its purposeful links with racially restrictive housing covenants. He recovers powerful oral accounts of Mexican Americans and African Americans who endured disparate treatment and protested discrimination. His analysis is skillfully woven into a compelling narrative that culminates in an examination of one of the nation's first desegregation cases filed jointly by Mexican American and Black plaintiffs. This transdisciplinary history advances our understanding of racism and community resistance across time and place."--Provided by publisher
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"LA REPÚBLICA" de Platón. "…vi con claridad que todas las polis, sin excepción, están mal gobernadas… (por lo que) …el género humano no verá días mejores…hasta que la raza de los gobernantes se convierta, por alguna suerte divina, en estirpe de verdaderos filósofos". Como alumno de Sócrates, lo fundamental de su pensamiento filosófico descansaba en la idea que la virtud era conocimiento, y viceversa, por lo cual, inexorablemente, su obra quedará signada como una propuesta política, en algún sentido aristocrática, ya que la virtud y la legitimidad van de la mano del saber y no de las voluntades o creencias populares."POLÍTICA" de Aristóteles. "Aristotle indicates that there is a fundamental difference between "theoretical" sciences, which are pursued for the sake of knowledge, and "practical" sciences which are pursued principally for the sake of the benefits deriving from them. Politics is, for Aristotle, the "practical" science "par excellence". A su vez, alumno de Platón hasta la muerte de éste, Aristóteles supo, sin embargo, construir una filosofía política autónoma del pensamiento platónico que, cuando se combinó con los aportes del cristianismo, se transformó en la base principal del pensamiento político hasta nuestros días."EL PRINCIPE" de Niccolo Machiavello."Hay tres modos de conservar un Estado que, antes de ser adquirido, estaba acostumbrado a regirse por sus propias leyes y a vivir en libertad; Primero, destruirlo, después radicarse en él; por último, dejarlo regir por sus leyes, obligarlo a pagar un tributo y establecer un gobierno…para que se encargue de velar por la conquista". El materialismo espontáneo de Machiavello va a crear las primeras condiciones intelectuales para que la política, contaminada por la teología durante la Edad Media, adquiera un estatuto de disciplina objetiva."THE LAW OF WAR AND PEACE" de Hugo Grotio. Dice Richard Cox: "He regarded his work…as a legal treatise rather than a treatise in political theory; and he explicitly distinguished his intention as that of a jurist from Aristotle´s intention in the "Politics" as that of a political scientist". Sin embargo su trabajo, lo que realmente resultó ser, fue un tratado general sobre la ley natural y su aplicación a las leyes que regulan las relaciones entre las naciones (jus naturae et gentium). En ese sentido es el padre del derecho internacional y el generador del primer enfoque moderno del "derecho de gentes"."LEVIATÁN" de Thomas Hobbes. "La Naturaleza (el arte con que Dios ha hecho y gobierna el mundo) está imitada de tal modo, como en otras muchas cosas, por el arte del hombre, que éste puede crear un animal artificial". "…gracias al arte se crea ese gran Leviatán que llamamos república o Estado". Acusado hasta hace unas cuantas décadas de ser el teórico del despotismo, Hobbes es, en realidad, el fundador teórico del Estado moderno estableciendo", por primera vez, la legitimidad política exclusivamente en los derechos de los ciudadanos."PRIMER TRATADO SOBRE EL GOBIERNO CIVIL" de John Locke. Para Robert Goldwin, "Locke´s…political teaching may be stated…in this way: All government is limited in its powers and exists only by the consent of the governed. And the ground Locke build on is this: All men are born free". En ese sentido será el pionero del pensamiento liberal que vendrá a completar y corregir el aporte hobbesiano en lo referente a la relación entre gobierno y gobernados."EL ESPIRITU DE LAS LEYES" de Charles de Montesquieu. Para Simone Goyard-Fabre: "Montesquieu a trouvé chez Aristotle les exigences epistémologiques d´intelligibilité et surtout le besoin.d´ordre et d´équlibre dont l´histoire romaine lui montre les mérites et dont il fait les plus hautes valeurs de sa philosophie politique ». De esa necesidad de armonizar orden y equilibrio nacerá el basamento fundamental del constitucionalismo moderno centrado en un relacionamiento adecuado entre los tres poderes del estado."LA DEMOCRACIA EN AMERICA" de Alexis de Tocqueville. Dice Pierre Manent: "Tocqueville responde que la democracia es ante todo un estado social, definido por la igualdad de condiciones, no un conjunto de instituciones políticas. Y de un mismo estado social…los pueblos pueden sacar consecuencias políticas "prodigiosamente" diferentes". Este noble liberal francés sacará de su paso por los EE.UU. las primeras y más lúcidas conclusiones sobre las muchas ventajas y escasas desventajas del funcionamiento de la primera republica democrática moderna."EL FUTURO DE LA DEMOCRACIA" de Norberto Bobbio. ".con el objeto de que una decisión tomada por individuos…pueda ser aceptada como una decisión colectiva es necesario que sea tomada con base a reglas que establecen quienes son los individuos autorizados a tomar las decisiones obligatorias para todos los miembros del grupo, y con qué procedimientos." La más brillante combinación del liberalismo con la teoría democrática acompañada de una agudísima crítica de los límites históricos de las democracias contemporáneas."TWO CONCEPTS OF LIBERTY" de Isaiah Berlin: "To neglect the field of political thought, because its unstable subject-matter, with its blurred edges, is not to be caught by the fixed concepts, abstracts models and fine instruments suitable to logic or to linguistic analysis -(to demand a unity of method in philosophy and reject whatever the method cannot successfully manage)- is merely to allow oneself to remain at the mercy of primitive and uncriticised political beliefs". Prácticamente desconocido en nuestro país y en América Latina, Berlin resulta ser el más agudo crítico de la potencialidad totalitaria de las versiones simplistas de la modernidad. *Catedrático de Ciencia PolíticaDepto de Estudios InternacionalesFACS –ORT Uruguay
Unravelling the dynamics of land-use change is key to assess the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of land-based strategies regarding climate or energy. In this prospect, this paper proposes an analytical decomposition of land-use change resulting from a shock in agricultural demand which takes into account indirect effects from price signals. This analytical equation is numerically estimated using a global model of land-use combining biophysics and economics. While being relatively simple, this model captures the main processes of land-use change: change in the intensive and extensive margins, international trade, change in intermediary demand and possible by-products. At the global scale, our results show that yield losses due to the conversion of marginal land amount approximately to half of yield gains due to fertiliser use. At the regional scale, patterns of yield and area responses are depicted by assessing the potentials for intensification (yield gaps) and extensification (areas of extensive pastures) given the future pathways of agricultural demand.
In Africa, official statistics contain little data on organic agriculture, even though its products are increasingly available on local and export markets. African consumer demand is growing, providing a dynamic economic opportunity. Today, there is no doubt that organic agriculture is making an important contribution to the agro-ecological transition process underway in Africa. It reduces the adverse environmental and health impacts of agriculture, particularly because it uses no synthetic chemical inputs. It improves the resilience of agricultural systems. Under certain conditions, its specific techniques can increase agricultural productivity, even if its yields are on average lower than those in conventional agriculture. Organic systems are labour-intensive, and as such can be a source of employment for young people in rural areas. Some scientific studies and the initiatives undertaken by many local actors confirm the importance of organic agriculture in this continent. Agricultural research now needs to support its emergence, in a context in which very few studies have so far been conducted on this subject. To ensure these fledgling initiatives develop, research could also contribute to appropriate public policy making at different levels.
Inclusive business is hailed as a win-win scenario for the development of poor communities; yet there is little insight into how these inclusive businesses work and, more importantly, for whom. This book aims for a thorough understanding of the range of inclusive businesses in agriculture by examining: the structures they implement, the actors involved, and whether they are effectively inclusive of smallholders. It presents a range of case studies and is therefore empirically based and practically oriented. By offering a critical assessment of inclusive businesses overall, it allows for a better perception of what works where, and under which conditions. It provides useful insights that will benefit smallholders, agri-businesses, support groups, policy makers and investors who are willing to promote more inclusive businesses, that foster a better integration of smallholders into commercial value-chains and a more equitable and sustainable agricultural sector.
Productive economy, knowledge economy, technopolitan economy and metropolitan economy. are terms that overlap, but are not truly interchangeable. None of the first three meanings is sufficient to define the metropolitan economy. The metropolitan economy is multiple in terms of both the skills mobilised, the economic sectors concerned, but also the occupied areas. It is neither exclusively productive (depending on the export of locally produced private goods and services) nor exclusively synonymous with a knowledge economy. Nor is it the version of an institutionalised or spatialised technopolitan economy on a metropolitan scale. In the case of Grenoble, the author stresses the necessary but not sufficient role of the knowledge-based economy as a driver of metropolitan development. ; International audience ; Productive economy, knowledge economy, technopolitan economy and metropolitan economy. are terms that overlap, but are not truly interchangeable. None of the first three meanings is sufficient to define the metropolitan economy. The metropolitan economy is multiple in terms of both the skills mobilised, the economic sectors concerned, but also the occupied areas. It is neither exclusively productive (depending on the export of locally produced private goods and services) nor exclusively synonymous with a knowledge economy. Nor is it the version of an institutionalised or spatialised technopolitan economy on a metropolitan scale. In the case of Grenoble, the author stresses the necessary but not sufficient role of the knowledge-based economy as a driver of metropolitan development. ; Economie productive, économie de la connaissance, économie technopolitaine et économie métropolitaine… sont autant de termes qui se recoupent, sans être véritablement interchangeables. Aucune des trois premières acceptions ne suffit pour définir l'économie métropolitaine. L'économie métropolitaine est multiple à la fois en termes de compétences mobilisées, de secteurs économiques concernés, mais également d'espaces occupés. Elle ...
Information search and opinion formation are central aspects of decision making in consumers choices. Indeed, before taking a decision, the alternatives among which the rational choice will be made should be clearly valued. In standard economic theory, the search dynamics is generally neglected because the process is assumed to be carried out without any cost or without spending time. However, whenever only a significant collection of experience can provide the bulk of relevant information to make the best choice, as it is the case for experience goods (Nelson, 1970), some engendered costs in collecting such information might be considered. Our paper lies on a conceptual framework for the analysis of an individual sequential search task among a finite set of alternatives. This framework is inspired by both the Secretary problem (Ferguson et al., 1989) and the multi-armed bandit problem (Robbins, 1952). We present a model where an individual is willing to locate the best choice among a set of alternatives. The total amount of time for searching is finite and the individual aims at maximizing the expected payoff given by an exploration-exploitation trade-off: a first phase for exploring the value of new alternatives, and a second phase for exploiting her past collected experience. The task involves an iterative exploitation - i.e., where the final payoff does not only depend on the value of the chosen alternative, but also on the remaining time that has not been dedicated to exploration -. Given the finite horizon of time, the optimal stopping strategy can be assimilated to a satisficing behavior (Simon, 1956). We manipulate the degree of certainty of information, and we find that the optimal stopping time is later under the uncertain information condition. We experimentally test the model's predictions and find a tendency to oversearch when exploration is costly, and a tendency to undersearch when exploration is relatively cheap. We also find under the certain information condition that participants learn to ...
Peer reviewed ; Ramírez, Óscar et al.-- Data archiving: Ancient, Iberian, Spanish wild boar and Guatemalan reads have been submitted to SRA (accession SRP044261), aligned mitochondrial fasta file, plink files with genotypic data have been deposited in Dryad (doi:10.5061/dryad.sd784). Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight forward without aDNA data. Here, we have obtained shotgun genome sequence data from a sixteenth century pig from Northeastern Spain (Montsoriu castle), the ancient pig was obtained from an extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblage. In addition, we provide the sequence of three new modern genomes from an Iberian pig, Spanish wild boar and a Guatemalan Creole pig. Comparison with both mitochondrial and autosomal genome data shows that the ancient pig is closely related to extant Iberian pigs and to European wild boar. Although the ancient sample was clearly domestic, admixture with wild boar also occurred, according to the D-statistics. The close relationship between Iberian, European wild boar and the ancient pig confirms that Asian introgression in modern Iberian pigs has not existed or has been negligible. In contrast, the Guatemalan Creole pig clusters apart from the Iberian pig genome, likely due to introgression from international breeds. This study was funded by 2010ACOM00030 (AGAUR) to MS, FEDER and BFU2012-34157 grant (Spain) to CLF, Consolider CSD2007-00036 'Centre for Research in Agrigenomics' and AGL2010-14822 grants (Spain) to MPE. OR is a postdoctoral Researcher from the JAEDOC program cofounded by ESF, EB is recipient of a FPI grant from ministry of Research (Spain), IO of a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI, Spain), WBP is funded by COLCIENCIAS (Francisco Jose´ de Caldas fellowship 497/2009, Colombia).
French economists only address the issue of defence in the budgetary area of military expenditure. However, national defence and security are necessary for the whole economy, although in peacetime expenditure is often described as unproductive. The question then arises of the 'defence burden', as if it did not provide the necessary security for any economic activity. The defence economy has not yet found its place as a fundamental discipline of economic science. ; International audience French economists address the question of defence only in the budgetary area of military spending. Yet national defence and security are necessary for the economy as a whole, even if, in peacetime, spending is often described as unproductive. The question is then raised of the "burden of defence", as if it did not provide the security necessary for all economic activity. Defence economics has not yet found its place as a fundamental discipline of economic science. ; French economists only address the issue of defence in the budgetary area of military expenditure. However, national defence and security are necessary for the whole economy, although in peacetime expenditure is often described as unproductive. The question then arises of the 'defence burden', as if it did not provide the necessary security for any economic activity. The defence economy has not yet found its place as a fundamental discipline of economic science. ; Les économistes français n'abordent la question de le défense uniquement sur le domaine budgétaire des dépenses militaires. Or, la défense et la sécurité nationales sont nécessaires à l'ensemble de l'économie, même si, en temps de paix, des dépenses sont souvent qualifiées d'improductives. La question est alors posée du « fardeau de la défense », comme si celle-ci n'apportait pas la sécurité nécessaire à toute activité économique. L'économie de la défense n'a pas encore trouvé sa place comme discipline fondamentale de la science économique.
The paper analyzes the socio-economic policy of Belarus in the first half of the 1990s in the process of its transition to market economy, and highlights the peculiarities of the economic crisis in this period. The methodology of work is a set of scientific principles, general scientific and special historical methods, as well as interdisciplinary and comprehensive approaches to the historical discourse of socio-economic history of Belarus based on the integral use of sources. Scientific novelty. It is the first time this issue is considered in Ukrainian historiography. Conclusions. It is noted that Belarus had to go through a rather difficult path in the first half of the 1990 s. It was caused by the transformational processes associated with the collapse of the USSR, the country's transition from a command-and-control system to market economic conditions, and took place within a structural economic crisis that affected all spheres of economic life. The market reforms of 1992–1994 (liberalization of economic life, privatization, support of entrepreneurship, development of competition) contributed to the formation of basic market mechanisms and institutions, but the Belarusian economy has failed to adapt to transitional market realities. At the same time, it was in the late 1980 s and early 1990s that the historical preconditions were formed for the creation of the now commonly accepted Belarusian model of socio-economic development, which came into existence in the second half of the 1990 s. ; L'article révèle la politique socio-économique de la Biélorussie dans la première moitié des années 1990. dans le cadre de la transition vers conditions de gestion du marché, met en évidence les caractéristiques de la crise économique à l'époque étudiée. Méthodologie du travail constitue un ensemble de principes scientifiques, de méthodes scientifiques générales et d'histoire spéciale, ainsi qu'un ensemble interdisciplinaire et approches globales du discours historique de l'histoire socio-économique de la Biélorussie fondée sur une approche holistique utilisation des sources. Nouveauté scientifique. Cette question est considérée pour la première fois dans l'historiographie ukrainienne. Conclusion. Il est à noter que la Biélorussie, son économie, sa sphère sociale ont dû traverser un chemin assez difficile au premier la moitié des années 90. XXe siècle. Elle est due aux processus de transformation associés à l'effondrement de l'URSS, au passage de système de commandement et d'administration aux conditions de gestion du marché, s'est déroulée dans le contexte d'une conjoncture économique structurelle crise qui a englouti toutes les sphères de la vie économique. En même temps, c'était à la fin des années 80 - début des années 90. formé préalables historiques à la formation du modèle biélorusse de développement socio-économique, dont la formation s'est produit dans la seconde moitié des années 90. XXe siècle, qui est maintenant généralement accepté en Biélorussie. ; В статье раскрыто социально-экономическую политику Беларуси в первой половине 1990-х гг. в контексте перехода к рыночным условиям хозяйствования, освещены особенности экономического кризиса в исследуемое время. Методологию труда составляет комплекс научных принципов, общенаучных и специально-исторических методов, а также междисциплинарный и комплексный подходы к историческому дискурсу социально-экономической истории Беларуси на основе целостного использования источников. Научная новизна. Данная проблематика в украинской историографии рассматривается впервые. Выводы. Отмечается, что довольно сложный путь пришлось пройти Беларуси, ее экономике, социальной сфере в первой половине 90-х гг. XX в. Он был обусловлен трансформационными процессами, связанными с распадом СССР, переходом от командно-административной системы к рыночным условиям хозяйствования, происходил на фоне структурного экономического кризиса, охватившего все сферы хозяйственной жизни. Вместе с тем, именно в конце 1980-х - начале 1990-х гг. сложились исторические предпосылки формирования белорусской модели социально-экономического развития, становление которой произошло со второй половины 90-х гг. XX в., которая и сейчас является общепринятой в Беларуси. ; У статті розкрито соціально-економічну політику Білорусі в першій половині 1990-х рр. в контексті переходу до ринкових умов господарювання, висвітлено особливості економічної кризи в досліджуваний час. Методологію праці складає комплекс наукових принципів, загальнонаукових та спеціально-історичних методів, а також міждисциплінарний і комплексний підходи до історичного дискурсу соціально-економічної історії Білорусі на основі цілісного використання джерел. Наукова новизна. Дана проблематика в українській історіографії розглядається вперше. Висновки. Відзначається, що досить складний шлях довелося пройти Білорусі, її економіці, соціальній сфері в першій половині 90-х рр. XX ст. Він був обумовлений трансформаційними процесами, пов'язаними з розпадом СРСР, переходом від командно-адміністративної системи до ринкових умов господарювання, відбувався на тлі структурного економічного кризи, що охопила всі сфери господарського життя. Разом з тим, саме в кінці 1980-х - початку 1990-х рр. склалися історичні передумови формування білоруської моделі соціально-економічного розвитку, становлення якоївідбулося з другої половини 90-х рр. XX ст., яка і зараз є загальноприйнятою в Білорусі.