Capacity building and workshop coordination in MACSUR
Capacity building and the scheduling of workshops within MACSUR were discussed during a special session at the kickoff meeting. The MACSUR proposal identifies five Tasks directly relevant to capacity building: H2.5/C6.5 (cross-cutting), C5.2 (Modelling training for CropM), C5.3 (Crop physiology), T4.1/D-T4.2 (Agricultural production and environmental modelling), T4.2/D-T4.3 (Policy impact assessment). CropM's online course on crop physiology is currently scheduled for February 2012 to November 2014. CropM's modelling training corresponds to several thematic workshops till early 2015. Tasks T4.1 and T4.2 are scheduled for the summer semester of 2014 (April-June). The course on agricultural production and environmental modelling with GAMS is intended for master and PhD students of agricultural economy and will take place at BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) in Vienna. The course on Policy impact assessment is a 2-day course prepared by ZALF (Katharina Helming) with practical exercises by Thünen Institute (Martin Banse) at the master and PhD level. The course could be offered at different universities. The discussion among the attendees indicated that one important aspect for stakeholders and policymakers to understand 'uncertainty'. It was therefore recommended to have such a workshop in year 2. It was further suggested to add a web page to with a listing of existing external on-line courses relevant for the MACSUR Themes and food security. Training of young scientists was another issue. It was proposed to ask MACSUR partners to provide bench space and topics for short-term internships. These offers could be listed on the web site. Interested scientists could use these internships for directly learning the approaches employed in MACSUR from the expert scientists. Forty-four meetings have been prosed in total. Most Theme-specific meetings are independent from those of other Themes. Nonetheless, Theme workshops should be advertised to all MACSUR members so that interested persons from other Themes could participate. The session organizers had presented a list of proposed meetings sorted by topic (capacity building, climate, farm-scale, model evaluation, pilot studies, scenarios, stakeholders). Workshops focussing on the preparation of integrated studies (M-T3.1, D-T3.3, M-L4.1) were proposed for M12 but may need to be shifted to M16. A related workshop (M-L3.3) might be advanced for combined with these for a larger event. Both TradeM and CropM proposed progress workshops. It was suggested that these workshops be held together and that LiveM contributes to them. Further coordination of workshops among Themes seems necessary. The recommendation of the 'final products' session (see report D-H3.3.1) to have a stakeholder congress at the end of the project and a science conference about half a year earlier constrain the meeting planning. The core results of the project should be available in M30 (Nov. 2014) to allow for writing the final report and book alternatively, a special issue in a scientific journal). This may require the adjustment of the current workplan.