




Weitere Sprachen


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Open Access#4688112022

The role of general practitioners in the work guidance of cancer patients:views of general practitioners and occupational physicians

In: Sarfo , M C , Bertels , L , Frings-Dresen , M H W , de Jong , F , Blankenstein , A H , van Asselt , K M & de Boer , A G E M 2022 , ' The role of general practitioners in the work guidance of cancer patients : views of general practitioners and occupational physicians ' , Journal of Cancer Survivorship .


Open Access#4688122022

Novel Methodologies for Providing In Situ Data to HAB Early Warning Systems in the European Atlantic Area:The PRIMROSE Experience

In: Ruiz-villarreal , M , Sourisseau , M , Anderson , P , Cusack , C , Neira , P , Silke , J , Rodriguez , F , Ben-gigirey , B , Whyte , C , Giraudeau-potel , S , Quemener , L , Arthur , G & Davidson , K 2022 , ' Novel Methodologies for Providing In Situ Data to HAB Early Warning Systems in the European Atlantic Area : The PRIMROSE Experience ' , Frontiers in Marine Science , vol. 9 .


Open Access#4688132022

Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Death in the European Union

In: Empana , J-P , Lerner , I , Valentin , E , Folke , F , Boettiger , B , Gislason , G , Jonsson , M , Ringh , M , Beganton , F , Bougouin , W , Marijon , E , Blom , M , Tan , H & Jouven , X 2022 , ' Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Death in the European Union ' , Journal of the American College of Cardiology , vol. 79 , no. 18 , pp. 1818-1827 .


Open Access#4688142021

Reanimating Brussels, the Beating Heart of the Belgian Federation

In: Lievens , J & Reybrouck , K 2021 , Reanimating Brussels, the Beating Heart of the Belgian Federation . in E Hirsch Ballin , G van der Schyff , M Stremler & M De Visser (eds) , European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2020 : The City in Constitutional Law . European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (EYCL) , vol. 2 , Springer , pp. 53-75 .


Open Access#4688152021

Generating evidence on the use of Image and performance enhancing drugs in the UK:results from a scoping review and expert consultation by the Anabolic Steroid UK network

In: McVeigh , J , Hearne , E , Boardley , I , Bates , G , Hope , V , Ralphs , R & Van Hout , M-C 2021 , ' Generating evidence on the use of Image and performance enhancing drugs in the UK : results from a scoping review and expert consultation by the Anabolic Steroid UK network ' , Harm Reduction Journal , vol. 18 , 107 .


Open Access#4688162021

A Review Characterizing 25 Ecosystem Challenges to Be Addressed by an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in Europe

In: Bastardie , F , Brown , E J , Andonegi , E , Arthur , R , Beukhof , E , Depestele , J , Döring , R , Eigaard , O R , García-Barón , I , Llope , M , Mendes , H , Piet , G & Reid , D 2021 , ' A Review Characterizing 25 Ecosystem Challenges to Be Addressed by an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in Europe ' , Frontiers in Marine Science , vol. 7 , 629186 .


Open Access#4688172021

Where are the people? A scoping review on the use of the term "resilience" in Arctic health research and its relevance to community expressions of well-being

In: Cueva , K , Akearok , G H , Guistini , S , Kanayurak , N , Larsen , C V L , Lavoie , J , Rink , E & Stoor , J P A 2021 , ' Where are the people? A scoping review on the use of the term "resilience" in Arctic health research and its relevance to community expressions of well-being ' , Elementa , vol. 9 , no. 1 , 77 .


Open Access#4688182021

Lifestyle coaches as a central professional in the health care network? Dynamic changes over time using a network analysis

In: van Rinsum , C E , Gerards , S M P L , Rutten , G M , van de Goor , I A M , Kremers , S P J & Mercken , L 2021 , ' Lifestyle coaches as a central professional in the health care network? Dynamic changes over time using a network analysis ' , BMC Health Services Research , vol. 21 , no. 1 , 247 .


Open Access#4688192020

Commonalities and differences in legal euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in three countries: a population-level comparison

In: Dierickx , S , Onwuteaka-Philipsen , B , Penders , Y , Cohen , J , van der Heide , A , Puhan , M A , Ziegler , S , Bosshard , G , Deliens , L & Chambaere , K 2020 , ' Commonalities and differences in legal euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in three countries: a population-level comparison ' , International Journal of Public Health , vol. 65 , no. 1 , pp. 65-73 .


Open Access#4688202020

COVID-19: Urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of "WaSH":Lessons for the current and future pandemics

In: Howard , G , Bartram , J , Brocklehurst , C , Colford , J , Costa , F , Cunliffe , D , Dreibelbis , R , Eisenberg , J , Evans , B , Girones , R , Hrudey , S , Willetts , J & Wright , C Y 2020 , ' COVID-19: Urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of "WaSH" : Lessons for the current and future pandemics ' , Journal of Water and Health .


Open Access#4688212020

Availability and usefulness of economic data on the effects of aquaculture::a North Atlantic comparative assessment

In: Mikkelsen , E , Fanning , L , Kreiss , C , Billing , S L , Ireland , B I M I S D A , Filgueira , R , Grant , J , Krause , G , Lipton , D , Miller , M , Perez , J , Stead , S & Villasante , S 2020 , ' Availability and usefulness of economic data on the effects of aquaculture: a North Atlantic comparative assessment ' , Reviews in Aquaculture .


Open Access#4688222020

An explanatory model of factors enabling sustainability of let's talk in an adult mental health service:A participatory case study

In: Allchin , B , O'Hanlon , B , Weimand , B M , Boyer , F , Cripps , G , Gill , L , Paisley , B , Pietsch , S , Wynne , B & Goodyear , M 2020 , ' An explanatory model of factors enabling sustainability of let's talk in an adult mental health service : A participatory case study ' , International Journal of Mental Health Systems , vol. 14 , no. 1 , 48 .


Open Access#4688232020

Covid-19: Urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of 'WaSH':lessons for the current and future pandemics

In: Howard , G , Bartram , J , Brocklehurst , C , Colford , J , Costa , F , Cunliffe , D , Dreibelbis , R , Eisenberg , J , Evans , B , Girones , R , Hrudey , S , Willletts , J & Wright , C Y 2020 , ' Covid-19: Urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of 'WaSH' : lessons for the current and future pandemics ' , Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development .


Open Access#4688242020

Propelling Health Care into the Twenties

In: Horgan , D , Borisch , B , Richer , E , Bernini , C , Kalra , D , Lawler , M , Ciliberto , G , Van Poppel , H , Paradiso , A , Riegman , P , Triberti , S , Metspalu , A , Chiti , A , Macintyre , E , Boccia , S , Calvo , F , Schatz , D , Koeva-Balabanova , J & Jonsson , B 2020 , ' Propelling Health Care into the Twenties ' , Biomedicine hub , vol. 5 , no. 2 , 508300 .


Open Access#4688252019

Creating an Enabling Environment for Land Degradation Neutrality:and its potential contribution to enhancing well-being, livelihoods and the environment

In: Verburg , P H , Metternicht , G , Allen , C , Debonne , N , Akhtar-Schuster , M , Inácio da Cunha , M , Karim , Z , Pilon , A , Raja , O , Sánchez Santivañez , M & Şenyaz , A 2019 , Creating an Enabling Environment for Land Degradation Neutrality : and its potential contribution to enhancing well-being, livelihoods and the environment . UNCCD Science Policy Interface , United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) , Bonn (Germany) .