Se considera la alfabetización en datos un concepto emergente o una línea de investigación novedosa que empodera al ciudadano en el contexto actual de la sociedad datificada al proporcionarle la formación necesaria para resolver problemas del mundo real y tomar decisiones basadas en datos. El individuo alfabetizado en datos es capaz de comprender, explicar, utilizar, interpretar, consumir y difundir -de manera crítica y eficaz- los datos, y convertirlos en información y en conocimiento. Este estudio se caracteriza por tener una naturaleza, fundamentalmente, cualitativa. En primer lugar, se desarrolla un tipo de investigación documental de carácter exploratorio para identificar y analizar los modelos y prácticas formativas que se estén efectuando en el ámbito universitario sobre la alfabetización en datos. La búsqueda se hizo a través de la plataforma Google, bajo unos criterios de investigación comunes ("alfabetización en datos" AND "Universidad", "formación en datos" AND "universidad"), y en distintos idiomas (inglés, portugués, italiano y francés). Como criterios de inclusión, se limitó la búsqueda a los últimos 5 años (2018-2022) y se otorgó prioridad a los modelos y prácticas formativas basados en cursos (MOOC, Webinar, Blog, etc.). La muestra se compone por 82 tipos de prácticas formativas procedentes de Brasil, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido y Suiza. La información se compiló en una ficha con las siguientes categorías: país, denominación de la instrucción (Título de experto, MOOC, Seminario, etc.), modalidad (presencial, online, etc.) coste, metodología (expositiva o interactiva); contenidos de aprendizaje, colectivo al que se dirige (estudiantes de grado, postgrado o personal docente e investigador) y duración. La base de datos resultante se ha analizado cuantitativamente mediante el software estadístico SPSS.28. En cuanto a los resultados hallados, se registra que el 34,1% de las opciones formativas se imparten desde España, el 22% en Francia y el 19,5% en Reino Unido. Más de la mitad de la formación (53,7%) tiene lugar a través de seminarios, cursos o talleres y casi tres cuartas partes de las prácticas son de pago (70,7%). La presencialidad se rige como la modalidad más utilizada (36,59%), seguida de la formación virtual (34,1%). La principal instrucción se dirige hacia la ciencia de los datos; la gestión de datos y el Big Data (25,1%; 22,6% y 12,3% respectivamente). El 31,7% de las actividades sigue una metodología interactiva y el 30,5% desarrolla un método interactivo y expositivo. El 20,7% de la formación se dirige a personas graduadas, diplomadas o licenciadas; a estudiantes de postgrado (17,9%) y a otros profesionales (14,4%). La duración de la formación es principalmente extensa, de 13 a 24 meses (24,39%). Por último, las categorías examinadas ofrecen diferentes resultados dependiendo del país en el que se imparta el aprendizaje. Así, por ejemplo, los/as titulados/as en España, aun asumiendo el coste de la formación, tienen una oferta formativa amplia, caracterizada por la presencialidad, con una metodología interactiva/expositiva y una duración extensa.
The order of social life began to change since the Covid-19 pandemic, the government implemented a social restriction policy to suppress the spread of The Covid-19 disease. The policy has an impact on closing various places that allow crowds such as museums. Museum that should be able to provide information and education services which are the function of museums are unable to provide services optimally. To overcome this, several museums then implement service innovations so that the function of the museum can still be carried out. This research was conducted to discuss the condition of the museum and the innovation of museum services that were implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with literature review techniques that refers to articles, survey results of institutions, museum websites, and museum social media. The results of the study show that the pandemic has had a significant impact on museums in the world and in Indonesia, some museums are threatened with permanent closure but some have succeeded in implementing service innovations. Service innovations that are implemented utilize digital technology so that it is easier for managers to provide services and the public will find it easier to access museums. Museum service innovations that have been implemented in Indonesia include: museum applications, webinars, virtual reality, virtual tours, augmented reality, podcasts, video mapping, museum social media, museum websites. The innovation of museum services makes the museum still able to serve the information and education needs of the wider community. The public can easily access the museum anytime and anywhere, but stll can support the goverment to implementation social distancing. Tatanan kehidupan sosial mulai berubah semenjak terjadinya pandemi Covid-19, kebijakan pembatasan sosial diterapkan pemerintah untuk menekan angka persebaran penyakit Covid-19. Kebijakan tersebut berdampak pada penutupan berbagai tempat yang memungkinkan terjadinya kerumunan seperti museum. Museum yang seharusnya dapat melakukan pelayanan informasi dan edukasi yang merupakan fungsi museum menjadi tidak dapat melakukan pelayanan dengan optimal. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, beberapa museum kemudian menerapkan inovasi layanan sehingga fungsi museum tetap dapat dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membahas mengenai kondisi museum serta inovasi layanan museum yang diterapkan saat pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik studi literatur yang mengacu pada artikel, hasil survei lembaga, website museum, serta media sosial museum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pandemi berdampak signifikan terhadap museum di dunia dan di Indonesia, sebagian museum terancam tutup permanen namun sebagian lagi berhasil menerapkan inovasi layanan. Inovasi layanan yang diterapkan memanfaatkan teknologi digital sehingga pengelola lebih mudah melakukan pelayanan dan masyarakat semakin mudah mengakses museum. Inovasi layanan museum yang telah diterapkan di Indonesia berupa : aplikasi museum, webinar, virtual reality, virtual tour, augmented reality, podcast, video mapping, media sosial museum, website museum. Inovasi layanan museum menjadikan museum tetap dapat melayani kebutuhan informasi dan edukasi bagi masyarakat luas. Masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mengakses museum kapanpun dan dimanapun, namun tetap dapat mendukung upaya pemerintah dengan menerapkan pembatasan kegiatan sosial diluar rumah.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption to education in history, affecting students and teachers around the world, from pre-primary education to secondary schools, universities and skills development facilities. All parties and educational institutions have taken proactive steps by conducting online classes as well as the International Islamic Technological College Penang. This research aims to know the lecturers' strategies in carrying out the teaching process during the pandemic and their challenges, including technical knowledge and facilities available in the college, and how they deal with these challenges. The method of this study is qualitative, where the researcher conducts interviews with the lecturers. In addition, this paper seeks to find out the lecturers' view of the effectiveness of online teaching during the period of the traffic control order. Among the problems faced by the lecturers were the lack of skills in conducting online classes and in choosing the most appropriate learning platforms, Internet problems, and a longer time to prepare teaching materials. The result also indicated that lecturers lack competence in integrating technology into the teaching process. Although they encountered problems, the lecturers tried to learn from their colleagues, practiced several times before the real classes took place and some of the lecturers managed to create YouTube channel, try new apps such as Quizizz and Padlet, and attending online webinars. The result of this study is useful for identifying appropriate training courses for lecturers in mastering skills in line with the government's objectives in the Malaysian Education Development Plan that help in continuing professional development and raising the efficiency of students. تسببت جائحة كوفيد-19 في أكبر انقطاع للتعليم في التاريخ حيث يؤثر على الطلاب والمعلّمين حول العالم من مرحلة ما قبل التعليم الابتدائي إلى المدارس الثانوية والجامعات ومنشآت تنمية المهارات. فاتخذ جميع الأطراف والمؤسسات التعليمية خطوات استباقية من خلال إجراء دروس عبر الإنترنت وكذلك الكلية الإسلامية التكنولوجية العالمية بينانج. يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة إستراتيجيات المحاضرين في القيام بعملية التدريس أثناء الجائحة وتحدياتهم تشمل فيها المعرفة التقنية والتسهيلات المتوفرة في الكلية وكيف يتعاملون مع هذه التحديات. منهج هذه الدراسة منهجا كيفيا حيث تقوم الباحثة بإجراء المقابلات مع المحاضرين. ويضاف إلى هذا، يسعى هذا البحث معرفة وجهة نظر المحاضرين تجاه فعالية التدريس عبر الإنترنت خلال فترة أمر مراقبة الحركة. من بين المشاكل التي واجهها المحاضرون نقص المهارات في إجراء الفصول الدراسية عبر الإنترنت وفي اختيار أنسب منصات التعلم، ومشاكل الإنترنت، ووقت أطول لإعداد المواد التعليمية. وأشارت النتيجة أيضا إلى أنّ المحاضرين يفتقرون إلى الكفاءة في تكامل التكنولوجيا في عملية التدريس. على الرغم من أنهم واجهوا مشاكل، حاول المحاضرون التعلم من زملائهم، ومارسوا عدة مرات قبل إجراء الفصول الدراسية الحقيقية وتمكن بعض المحاضرين من إنشاء قناة يوتيوب (YouTube)، وجربوا تطبيقًا جديدًا مثل كويز إيز(Quizizz) وبيدلت (Padlet) وحضور الندوات عبر الإنترنت (Webinar). والنتيجة من هذه الدراسة مفيدة لتحديد الدورات التدريبية المناسبة للمحاضرين في إتقان المهارات بما يتماشى مع أهداف الحكومة في خطة تطوير التعليم الماليزية التي تساعد على التطوير المهني المستمر ورفع كفاءة الطلاب.
Санкт-Петербургский экономический Конгресс (СПЭК-2016, конец марта 2016 года) озаботился интригующей темой «ФОРСАЙТ ''РОССИЯ,»: новое производство для новой экономики». Такая туманная формулировка вынуждает вспомнить о великом Кювье с его способностью по одной берцовой кости воссоздать облик вымершего животного[1]. Позже талант «исторического реставратора» удачно демонстрировал знаменитый антрополог Герасимов, который по обломку челюсти мог сотворить портрет исчезнувших предков. Реинкарнация полузабытого метода становится актуальной для отечественного обществознания, в частности, для научных конференций экономистов, реализующих функцию коллективного поиска истины, жанра странного и архаичного. Автор обосновывает правомерность, актуальность и необходимость разработки «кювье-метода» как элемента методологического инструментария экономической науки, доказывая, что его масштабное применение может обеспечить эффективность превентивной научной оценки, в частности, грантов институционального инструмента групповой формы экономических исследований, а следовательно, и экономию финансирования малоперспективных, а то и откровенно лженаучных проектов. Вместе с тем, такое применение сегодня ограничено методологической культурой практикующих экономистов, в частности, падением политико-экономического уровня их профессиональной подготовки. Особое внимание автор обращает на междисциплинарный характер «кювье-метода», поскольку его реализация требует комплексного подхода: контекст-анализа, исторической характеристики, предметной ограниченности, концептуальной плодотворности, латентной компаративистики, а также оценки возможности эконометрического подхода. Практически речь идет о прогнозной оценке предполагаемого исследовательского проекта (включая такую его специфическую разновидность, как конгресс, или конференцию, или вебинар) по его ключевой («хэштэговой») формулировке, выполняющей в данной ситуации функцию «кювьевской берцовой кости». Предлагаемая вниманию читателей статья намерено носит прикладной характер, демонстрация которого должна, по мнению автора, активизировать его распространение в профессиональной среде экономистов. ; An interesting topic is included in the agenda of the Second Saint-Petersburg Economic Congress (SPEC 2016, March 22) «Foresight «Russia»: The New Production for The New Economy». Such an ambiguous wording makes it reasonable to turn to great Cuvier's ability to reconstruct a form of extinct animal using a shinbone. Later on, a famous anthropologist Gerasimov demonstrated a talent of the «restaurateur of the history», as he was able to recreate the ancestors' portrait using a fragment of jaw. Reincarnation of the method that had been almost forgotten is of increasing importance for the Russian social science, in particular, for economic scientific conferences, essential for a collective search for the truth, which seems today strange and archaic genre. The author justifies the necessity for the «Cuvier method» as the methodological element of economic research, arguing that its wider implications can provide efficiency of a preliminary scientific assessment, in particular, for the research grants, that are the institutional form for team research. However, its use today is bounded by the methodological culture of practicing economists, in particular, due to their low competence in political economy. The author pays special attention to the interdisciplinary character of the «Cuvier method», since its implementation depends on complex approach: analysis of context, historical and subject limitations, conceptual fruitfulness, latent comparative analysis, as well as the assessment of the possibility of an econometric approach. Actually, this refers to projections of the results of a proposed research project (including its specific forms congress, conference, webinar) according to its key words («hashtags»), which serve as the "Cuvier's shinbone". The article aims to popularize the method among the professional community of economists.
Research on income tax is still an interesting topic considering that the regulation is very dynamic with several policy changes, as on October 7, 2021, the government issued Law Number 7 of 2021 (referred to as the HPP Law) concerning the Harmonization of Tax Regulations. There are 6 (six) scopes (clusters) of regulatory changes, namely: 1) General Provisions and Tax Procedures (KUP), Income Tax (PPh), Value Added Tax (PPN), Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) Carbon Tax and Excise. The largest source of revenue is from income taxes, therefore the government continues to strive to increase the target of state revenues by various means, both tax intensification and extensification, such as sunset policy, tax amnesty, tax imposition for MSMEs with PP No. 46/2013, renewed by providing tax incentives with PP No. 23/2018. However, it is felt that this implementation still does not provide justice for taxpayers, so the 2021 HPP Law is stipulated which will take effect from the 2022 tax year. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data analysis technique is by describing and analyzing based on existing theory and in accordance with the reality that occurs in the field by using calculation illustrations, namely comparing the old regulations with the PPh Law, PP No. 23/2018 and the HPP Law. Techniques for collecting data using library research, data obtained from secondary data by extracting information from various sources, seminar materials (webinar), mass media, electronic media, various books, documents and relevant writings to develop research concepts and supported by literature review. This study focuses on the income tax cluster for individual taxpayers. The purpose of this study is to analyze Income Tax before and after Law Number 7 of 2021 is enacted. Is the tax burden paid by taxpayers more profitable before or after the enactment of the HPP Law. Based on the results of the illustrative analysis of the calculation that for individual taxpayers (as employees) with income up to Rp. 60 million, the tax burden paid is lower under the HPP Law than the PPh Law because it is only exposed to the first layer of tariffs. Income >Rp60 million – Rp5 billion, the tax burden is lower under the HPP Law than the PPh Law. But income above IDR 5 billion, the tax paid is higher under the HPP Law than the PPh Law. Limitation on gross turnover of Rp 500 million a year. So that the MSME tax burden is lower. The government's policy regarding taxes with various regulations that have issued "goals" is aimed at encouraging taxpayers to carry out bookkeeping and business development because of these regulations the validity period is valid and the end of its application when it has been completed returns to the general rate (Law No.36 of 2008) concerning income tax in conjunction with Law No. 7 of 2021. The existence of a progressive rate breaket gives a sense of tax justice, namely taxes are charged to taxpayers according to their ability to pay. The higher the income, the higher the tax imposed. The implication of further research is to analyze the regulation of changes in tax laws which are the main points in the HPP Law.
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I watched the Council of the Americas webinar with SOUTHCOM Commander Craig Faller and Civilian Deputy Commander Jean Manes, with Eric Farnsworth moderating. Some interesting discussion, with the kind of emphasis you would expect from SOUTHCOM. Here are my quick thoughts:Major issue is Chinese illegal fishing around Ecuador and Peru (see here for background). I have to wonder how much that could sour Latin American views of China. On Twitter, Tracy North notes that it also affects Nicaragua, which they did not mention. I don't know if that was intentional (because of politics) or not.Manes: the U.S. role in providing aid for Covid "hasn't been covered in the news much" but they keep careful track to make sure no other outside government (esp. China) does more. It's quite the cold way of looking at it--give more aid only if China does so first. The U.S. does not want other countries to "take advantage." I imagine Latin American leaders would not tend to view any Covid aid as "taking advantage." As for the news comment, it sounds in line with Trump but it's a constant in U.S. policy toward Latin America--the news is never quite positive enough of U.S. actions.Faller: can we even call the Maduro regime a "regime" because it's a small group of criminals. Well, they control the government, so yes, it's a regime. That was a surprising and uninformed offhand comment intended as an insult, I guess.Manes: the Colombia peace process is "on pause" because of Covid, at least until a vaccine, like other initiatives around the region. I get this, but one could argue it was already on pause before Covid because the Duque government is not committed to it, and the pandemic is just an excuse.Faller: U.S. training of Latin Americans has actually increased because of technology. That actually makes sense, because at the university we find larger meeting participation.Both Faller and Manes: U.S.-Brazilian relations at the military-military level are very good. I have not followed this, but it also makes sense--at that level it can transcend the politics of the particular government in power.Faller had a not-so-veiled threat to countries pursuing agreements with China: "Our ability to have a trusting relationship will be jeopardized." Such a threat really suggests weakness--China is making inroads and the U.S. cannot figure out how to address it.Manes: once someone decides to emigrate, you've already lost. You need to improve things at home. The big question, though, is how to deal with migrants when they reach the U.S. Her logic would suggest that just sending them home is a bad idea, though obviously that's not the Trump logic.Venezuela: not much new. Faller: the external actors there are the "intricate weave of a Persian rug." Weird way to put it, but whatever.No questions or discussion of Mexico. That surprised me. Mexico as a partner is more important than China as an adversary, I'd say. Update: I've been reminded via email that Mexico does not fall under SOUTHCOM. So this is worth mentioning. But it's weird to hear Central American migration kind of ending there. Subscribe in a reader
One of the challenges of Initiative 20x20 is to scale up current restoration activities in order to be able to meet the targets pledged by individual countries. For this goal to be achieved there is a need to strengthen seed and plant supply systems at the national, regional and local level to ensure that appropriate material of a diverse range of suitable species, adapted both to local conditions, and capable of persisting over generations under a changing climate, is available for each restoration project being carried out. This report presents a baseline of the national seed supply systems in 7 Latin American countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina, drawing on knowledge from members of LAFORGEN, the Latin American Network of Forest Genetic Resources, as well as other experts. This was collected structured interviews and a webinar, supplemented with published and unpublished information. The resulting baselines were qualitatively assessed against a set of indicators for a fit-for purpose seed system in order to identify gaps in current systems and set priorities for action. The country analyses show that while all countries have at least some aspects of the fit-for-purpose seed system in place, there are two fundamental gaps common to all–a low native species diversity is available and used in restoration projects, and there is little consideration of the genetic origin and diversity of seeds used. These need to be addressed so that restoration actions carried out now are able to provide ecosystem services into the future by using suitable species and genetic diversity that can cope with and adapt to predicted future climate. An additional overarching challenge for scaling up the production and supply of native species is the need to link baseline knowledge on native tree species biodiversity, ecology and community uses that often rests with local communities, NGOs, academic institutions and the government environment divisions, with the technical expertise of large-scale production and common to commercial forestry. The supply of appropriate planting material is the backbone of Initiative 20x20 and needs to be planned in advance as tree seed is not always available. An increase in demand for native species for restoration is likely to happen as countries begin to realize their pledges to restore degraded land and it is important that country systems can respond rapidly and effectively to this. Here we present four overarching frameworks that are not mutually exclusive but provide a useful basis for analyzing options for structuring a fit-for-purpose seed system, focused around the role of the government. We then look into more detail at scenarios for each of the different components of a seed system and in combination with a gap analysis for each of the countries studied we suggest approaches for moving forwards. We end with a discussion of the weaknesses and opportunities common to all countries and provide 11 action points to help in strengthening national seed supply systems in an efficient and effective manner so that countries are able to offer an appropriate diversity of species and origin of planting material of quality and quantity that meets the expected demand.
The presentation focuses on the history, funding, development, methodology, accessibility, discoveries, and products developed as part of the Fishes of Texas Project. This presentation was delivered online as a webinar to an audience organized by the American Institute for Conservation and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections. Presentation is also found here: ; Since 2006 the Fishes of Texas (FoTX) Project at University of Texas Austin (UT) has sought to improve freshwater fish occurrence data for the state of Texas and make it openly accessible to facilitate research and improve aquatic resource management. Seven federal and state sponsors have contributed funding, but 73% of the total $2.7 million has come from US Fish and Wildlife Service's State Wildlife Grant Program via Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Initially the Project focused on data digitization and compilation of strictly specimen-vouchered data, followed by georeferencing and development of an interactive website/database ( More recently, non-vouchered citizen science, angler-based, and agency datasets have been added, thereby increasing both geographic and temporal density of records, and a selected subset of data fields for all records is now published to GBIF and iDigBio. The project's comprehensive data aggregation (44 contributing collections), digitization, normalization, accessibility and high data quality (based, in part on extensive taxonomic determination verification via specimen examination), enabled significant advances in detection and awareness of statewide faunal trends that led to implementation of diverse management advances. Examples include improved field guides and documentation of species' ranges, expansions and contractions, community composition shifts, improved species conservation status assessments, and documentation of both long-term expansions of invasive species and new introductions. Relatively new to the Project are statewide aquatic bioassessments - intensive fieldwork planned using tools available in our website that facilitate exploration of geographic and temporal sampling histories and reveal under-sampled areas. Consequently, gaps in knowledge of regional faunas have been steadily decreasing. The website and database are widely used; 90% of presentations on related topics at last year's statewide fisheries meeting utilized FoTX products. This now long-term, consistent funding created a productive partnership between UT and TPWD. With the Project's bioassessments generating specimens, and TPWD's independent routine fish sampling increasingly depositing specimens, our collection (TNHCi - has nearly doubled in size over the last decade. Last year, TPWD's list of Species of Greatest Conservation Need was updated, with major changes based on the improved knowledge provided by FoTX. TPWD now funds a full-time Assistant Collection Manager position focusing on bioassessments, but also doing basic collection management and supervision of student and volunteer help. Another grant-funded position, a liaison between the collection and TPWD staff, spawned the ongoing statewide Texas Native Fish Conservation Areas program that coordinates funding and actions of diverse stakeholders for watershed-scale conservation. Both externally funded UT positions participate in diverse collections-based research and outreach endeavors for both UT and TPWD. The FoTX website was developed in large part by staff in UT's science database group in the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) - a collaboration that blossomed into long-term technical support for collection database management and data publication that has since expanded to support all other collections in UT's Biodiversity Center. ; University of Texas, Texas Parks and Wildlife, United States Department of the Interior, Texas Commision on Environmental Quality ; Integrative Biology
Abstract This community service activity focuses on the 2020 Pilkada for People with Disabilities in East Karawang District. The purpose of this service is for persons with disabilities to know and get information related to the implementation of the 2020 Karawang Regency Pilkada. Conducted with the lecture method, question and answer discussions by visiting some people with disabilities in the East Karawang area, as well as webinars for people with disabilities and village and sub-district government officials in East Karawang, a video was made that was shown to candidates with disabilities who were contesting the Pilkada . The results of the implementation of this service activity are knowing that people with disabilities who are still marginalized, with the socialization carried out providing education for persons with disabilities to be willing and not to be ashamed to participate in giving their voting rights in the 2020 Karawang elections, increasing the motivation of some people with disabilities who have never been want to come to enlightened polling stations to intend to come to give their political rights on election day. Conclusion on the implementation of this service activity is still low attention given by the government and election organizers who embrace all levels of society in terms of political participation, never directly socialization activities to the grassroots level, so this activity is felt to be very helpful for the role of the government and election administrators who only conducted one-time election dissemination for persons with disabilities only through the community of persons with disabilities. It is hoped that the impact of this activity is given motivation to persons with disabilities who have not participated so far, they are eager to come to the polling station to give their voting rights. With direct visits, persons with disabilities feel that their existence is significant in community life. ABSTRAK Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini fokus pada Pilkada Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas 2020 di Kecamatan Karawang Timur. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah agar para penyandang disabilitas mengetahui dan mendapatkan informasi terkait pelaksanaan Pilkada Kabupaten Karawang tahun 2020. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi tanya jawab dengan mendatangi sebagian penyandang disabilitas yang berada di wilayah Karawang Timur, serta webinar untuk penyandang disabilitas dan aparat pemerintah desa dan kecamatan di Karawang Timur, dilakukan pembuatan video yang diperlihatkan kepada kaum disabilitas para calon yang berkontestasi dalam Pilkada. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengetahui bahwa para penyandang disabilitis yang masih termarginalkan, dengan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan memberikan pendidikan bagi penyandang disabilitas untuk mau dan jangan malu berpartisipasi memberikan hak suaranya dalam Pilkada Karawang tahun 2020, meningkatkan motivasi sebagian para penyandang disabilitis yang selama ini tidak pernah mau datang ke TPS tercerahkan untuk berniat datang memberikan hak politiknya pada hari pemilihan. Simpulan atas pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini masih rendahnya perhatian yang diberikan pemerintah dan penyelenggara Pemilu yang merangkul semua lapisan masyarakat dalam hal partisipasi politik, tidak pernah secara langsung kegiatan sosialisasi sampai pada level akar rumput, sehingga kegiatan ini dirasakan sangat membantu peran pemerintah dan penyelenggara pemilu yang hanya melakukan satu kali sosialisasi pilkada untuk penyandang disabilitas yang hanya melalui komunitas penyandang disabilitas. Dampak dari kegiatan ini diharapkan setelah diberikan motivasi kepada para penyandang disabilitas yang selama ini tidak ikut berpartisipasi, mereka bersemangat untuk datang ke TPS memberikan hak suaranya. Dengan adanya kunjungan secara langsung para penyandang disabilitas merasa keberadaannya pun berarti dalam kehidupan masyarakat.
The article represents the experience of organizing the international conference "GIS-forum", which is annually held at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The main purpose of GIS-forum in 2012-2017 was to establish a constructive dialogue between distributors of software, geodata and GIS-services, providers of the equipment used in the GIS-industry, potential consumers of products, scientists, academicians who work in the field of GIS technologies, and future GIS specialists. The format of GIS-forum includes different types of events (reports, equipment exhibition, master classes, seminars, round tables, student projects contest) which gives the opportunities to different specialists in geoinformatics, remote sensing, geodesy and related industries to present their interests, to discuss current state and prospects of geoinformatics development in Ukraine and the world, to assess the state of geoinformation services market, as well as the need for specialists and the requirements for their training. An important aspect of the forum is the possibility to participate both full-time, and in a remote form, which is provided by webinar broadcasting. This makes it possible to significantly expand geography of the participants. The forum was attended by representatives from the USA, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, and of course - from different cities of Ukraine (in different years), which took part in the forum either in full-time or a distance form. The key modern principles of GIS-forum organization are: integration of education, science and production in GIS-industry for the solution of common problems; democratic and flexible financial policies of the event; modernity, innovation, interdisciplinarity; teamwork to achieve goals. The expediency and success of such events are determined by the ever-growing need for training highly qualified GIS specialists, in which all participants in the process (universities, scientists, businessmen) are interested, and which should be effective and relevant, considering the dynamic development of the industry. The presented trends of changing the subject, the contingent of participants, the types of events at the GIS forums in different years illustrate the changes that take place in the GIS-business and labor market in Ukraine, and accordingly - enable us to understand what changes should be introduced into the training of specialists by higher education institutions. The next GIS-forum will be held on February 21-23, 2018. All news and details of the event are published on the website of the event ; Освещён опыт организации и проведения на базе Харьковского национального университета имени В.Н. Каразина ежегодной конференции «ГИС-форум» с международным участием. Основной целью форумов 2012-2017 гг. стало установление эффективного диалога представителей образования, науки, производства, бизнеса, работающих в области геоинформационных систем (ГИС), дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ), геодезии и т. п. Тенденции изменения тематики, контингента участников, видов мероприятий на ГИС-форумах разных лет иллюстрируют изменения, происходящие в ГИС-бизнесе и на рынке труда в Украине. Это позволяет понять, какие изменения должны внедряться высшими учебными заведениями в профессиональную подготовку специалистов. ; Висвітлено досвід організації і проведення на базі Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна щорічної конференції «ГІС-форум» із міжнародною участю. Основною метою форумів 2012-2017 рр. стало налагодження ефективного діалогу представників освіти, науки, виробництва, бізнесу, які працюють в області геоінформаційних систем (ГІС), дистанційного зондування Землі (ДЗЗ), геодезії тощо. Тенденції змін тематики, контингенту учасників, видів заходів на ГІС-форумах різних років ілюструють зміни, які відбуваються у ГІС-бізнесі та на ринку праці в Україні. Це дозволяє зрозуміти, які зміни мають упроваджуватися вищими навчальними закладами у професійну підготовку фахівців.
Open Science Café - Brevettare la ricerca? Tra protezione e scienza aperta Breve sommario: Il brevetto rappresenta uno dei percorsi possibili per la valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca. Pubblicare o brevettare per valorizzare la ricerca? Come si concilia la protezione con le pratiche della scienza aperta? Valentina Colcelli, Sabrina Brizioli e Francesca Di Donato ci aiutano a fare chiarezza. Data e ora: Giovedì 10 giugno 2021, ore 13:50-15:00 Programma: 13:50 – 14:00 Apertura del collegamento e benvenuto 14:00 - 14:10 Introduzione 14:10 - 14:35 Presentazione a cura di Valentina Colcelli, Sabrina Brizioli e Francesca Di Donato 14: 35 – 15:00 Q&A/Discussione Chi interverrà Valentina Colcelli Ph.D. , è ricercatrice del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) presso l'Istituto di Fisica Applicata "Nello Cararra" di Firenze. È co-presidente del Gruppo di lavoro "Regulatory, Ethics, and GDPR" per Europa, Medio Oriente e Africa per Biopreservazione e Biobanche e co-coordinatrice del gruppo di lavoro su questioni etiche e legali relative alle attività di biobanca e ricerca (Realize). È membro di diversi progetti finanziati dall'UE e di gruppi di ricerca internazionali e cooperazione di lunga durata. Sabrina Brizioli è dottore di ricerca in Scienze Giuridiche con Lode - settore scientifico disciplinare Diritto Internazionale, titolo conseguito presso l'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza ove attualmente svolge attività di ricerca. Il suo studio dottorale ha riguardato specificatamente il diritto internazionale ambientale e in particolare la tematica del risorse genetiche. Avvocato, ha conseguito il diplomata nelle Professioni Legali presso la Scuola di Specializzazione L. Migliorini – Università degli Studi di Perugia. Dopo la Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza, discutendo una tesi in procedura penale, ha svolto il tirocinio presso la Corte d'Appello di Perugia ed è stata assegnata, senza soluzione di continuità, alle sezioni Civile e Penale. Ha partecipato a molti convegni in Italia e all'estero inerenti le attività di ricerca e a partire dal 2019 è membro del comitato per l'Europa della rivista Diritto e Processo (Derecho Y Proceso-Rights & Remedies) nell'ambito della quale coordina la sezione riservata al diritto e alle politiche ambientali Focus: Environmental Law and Policy. Svolge attività di consulenza legale in contrattualistica internazionale ed è cultore della materia in Diritto Internazionale, Advanced International Law, Diritto dell'Unione Europea presso l'Università degli Studi di Perugia – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. Francesca Di Donato è ricercatrice presso l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A Zampolli" del CNR. Francesca è dottore di ricerca in Storia della filosofia politica e ha lavorato all'Università di Pisa, alla Scuola Normale Superiore e alla Net7 srl. La sua ricerca è focalizzata sulla Comunicazione della Scienza da più di 15 anni. Attualmente è a capo di TRIPLE Wp 6 - Open Science and EOSC integration, ed è membro del CO-OPERAS Go-FAIR Implementation Network e del Centro di Competenza ICDI su Open Science, principi FAIR ed EOSC. Destinatari Il webinar è realizzato per la comunità italiana e si rivolge a ricercatori, personale di supporto alla ricerca, tecnici, tecnologi interessati a conoscere i dettagli del diritto d'autore in ambito scientifico, e della strategia della Commissione europea in materia di Open Science. Il Competence Center di ICDI: Il Competence Centre di ICDI (CC-ICDI) è formato da una rete di esperti, iniziative e infrastrutture di ricerca con varie competenze funzionali al supporto della comunità nazionale per l'Open Science, principi FAIR e per la partecipazione italiana alla European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). La formazione e l'informazione su temi e novità del panorama nazionale ed europeo rappresentano una delle attività principali del CC-ICDI, che può contare su competenze presenti all'interno di enti di ricerca, università e infrastrutture di ricerca tematiche e trasversali. Open Science Café L' Open Science Café è un appuntamento periodico con i temi e le novità dal mondo dell'Open Science, pensato per la comunità scientifica italiana. Per informare e discutere in modo informale, all'ora del caffè, di vari aspetti legati alla scienza aperta. Ogni puntata dura un'ora ed è focalizzata su un tema specifico, lasciando sempre uno spazio per la discussione
This is a submission to the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) on the draft National Disability Strategy (NDS) outcomes framework, and is made on behalf of investigators from the Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH). Monitoring implementation of and outcomes related to the National Disability Strategy (NDS) is essential for ensuring that the Strategy is effective in improving the lives of people with disability and achieving a fair and inclusive society in which people with disability can fulfil their potential as equal citizens. We welcome the opportunity to have input into the development of the NDS outcomes framework. Our comments set out in this submission are based on the materials provided to participants at the 'Researcher Roundtable - National Disability Strategy beyond 2020' on 3 December 2020. In providing our comments, we draw on our collective knowledge and research expertise in relation to health and wellbeing inequalities experienced by people with disability, and particularly on our recent experience with: - Developing the Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework and Indicators, with input from people with lived experience of disability; and - Organising and contributing to, in partnership with the Australian Human Rights Commission, a Zoom webinar as part of consultations for the next National Disability Strategy. Australia has previously lacked a comprehensive approach for monitoring and reporting on social, economic and health outcomes for people with disability in comparison with non-disabled people. Research published by CRE-DH in 2017 revealed that, across many aspects of life, inequities between working-age Australians with and without disability persisted, and in some areas worsened, over the period 2001 to 2016. Monitoring, using reliable sources of data, is crucial to highlight inequalities that must be addressed and to identify levers for more effective policy action. The CRE-DH developed the Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework, in consultation with people with lived experience of disability, to measure and track inequalities between people with and without disability in relation to exposure to social determinants of health and wellbeing. The Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework has a hierarchical structure, with 19 domains grouped into three broad elements (Health and wellbeing, Social determinants, and Service system), within which 128 indicators are specified. It is possible to report nearly three-quarters of these indicators using existing Australian national data sources. For the remainder, national data are not currently available, highlighting important data gaps and the need for data development efforts. The CRE-DH is currently preparing to report national baseline data comparing people with and without disability, for all indicators where such comparison is applicable. In Section 1 , we provide specific comments on each NDS outcomes framework domain and list relevant indicators from the Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework. Where appropriate, we suggest measures that may be considered for reporting as 'headline indicators'. In Section 2 , we provide input concerning the following key issues and overarching considerations relating to the outcomes framework and its use over the life of the NDS: - Co-design with people with disability, facilitated by inclusive processes, is essential in all aspects of the outcomes framework, including development, review and reporting. - Indicators must relate explicitly to Articles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD). The outcomes framework must provide a comprehensive basis for monitoring outcomes for people with disability compared with outcomes for people without disability in order to track inequalities. A commitment to regular public reporting is necessary for transparency and accountability. The outcomes framework has a crucial role to play in improving national data relevant to people with disability, and should be developed and used with this in mind. All measures must be fit-for purpose and should inform more effective policy and practice; therefore, the rationale for each measure must be clear.
Open Science Café - Tra diritti e obblighi. Il copyright nella ricerca scientifica Breve sommario: Molti risultati della ricerca producono in automatico dei diritti patrimoniali e morali per gli autori, cioè per i ricercatori. Non sempre però i ricercatori sono consapevoli dei diritti connessi alle loro opere, né degli obblighi su come trattare questi diritti imposti dal alcuni enti finanziatori, tra cui la Commissione Europea. Il copyright e in generale i diritti d'autore sono infatti al centro della strategia di numerosi finanziatori, che obbligano i propri beneficiari a non cederli o non trasferirli agli editori scientifici. Conoscere i diritti connessi alla propria produzione scientifica ed essere consapevoli di come bisogna trattarli quando sono collegati a determinati finanziamenti è il primo passo per lavorare in modo consapevole a favore del progresso scientifico e per tutelare i propri interessi. Facciamo chiarezza tra diritti e obblighi con Roberto Cippitani. Data e ora: Giovedì 6 maggio 2021, ore 13:50-15:00 Programma: 13:50 – 14:00 Apertura del collegamento e benvenuto 14:00 - 14:10 Introduzione 14:10 - 14:35 Presentazione a cura di Roberto Cippitani 14: 35 – 15:00 Q&A/Discussione Chi interverrà Roberto Cippitani è professore di diritto privato, docente di biodiritto, diritto sanitario e diritto dell'innovazione biotecnologica; Titolare della cattedra Jean Monnet, Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Perugia; ex coordinatore accademico del Centro di eccellenza Jean Monnet "Diritti e scienza"; Ricercatore Associato CNR-IFAC. Responsabile o membro dello staff di ricerca di diversi progetti finanziati nell'ambito di programmi dell'UE (Jean Monnet, Erasmus, Tempus, FSE, Programmi quadro). Professore invitato e ricercatore di Biodiritto e Diritto della ricerca e dell'innovazione in diverse università europee e latinoamericane. Consulente etico di progetti di ricerca. Esperto valutatore per Horizon 2020, MSCA. Autore di oltre 140 tra monografie e articoli. Sabrina Brizioli è dottore di ricerca in Scienze Giuridiche con Lode - settore scientifico disciplinare Diritto Internazionale, titolo conseguito presso l'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza ove attualmente svolge attività di ricerca. Il suo studio dottorale ha riguardato specificatamente il diritto internazionale ambientale e in particolare la tematica del risorse genetiche. Avvocato, ha conseguito il diplomata nelle Professioni Legali presso la Scuola di Specializzazione L. Migliorini – Università degli Studi di Perugia. Dopo la Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza, discutendo una tesi in procedura penale, ha svolto il tirocinio presso la Corte d'Appello di Perugia ed è stata assegnata, senza soluzione di continuità, alle sezioni Civile e Penale. Ha partecipato a molti convegni in Italia e all'estero inerenti le attività di ricerca e a partire dal 2019 è membro del comitato per l'Europa della rivista Diritto e Processo (Derecho Y Proceso-Rights & Remedies) nell'ambito della quale coordina la sezione riservata al diritto e alle politiche ambientali Focus: Environmental Law and Policy. Svolge attività di consulenza legale in contrattualistica internazionale ed è cultore della materia in Diritto Internazionale, Advanced International Law, Diritto dell'Unione Europea presso l'Università degli Studi di Perugia – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. Destinatari Il webinar è realizzato per la comunità italiana e si rivolge a ricercatori, personale di supporto alla ricerca, tecnici, tecnologi interessati a conoscere i dettagli del diritto d'autore in ambito scientifico, e della strategia della Commissione europea in materia di Open Science. Il Competence Center di ICDI: Il Competence Centre di ICDI (CC-ICDI) è formato da una rete di esperti, iniziative e infrastrutture di ricerca con varie competenze funzionali al supporto della comunità nazionale per l'Open Science, principi FAIR e per la partecipazione italiana alla European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). La formazione e l'informazione su temi e novità del panorama nazionale ed europeo rappresentano una delle attività principali del CC-ICDI, che può contare su competenze presenti all'interno di enti di ricerca, università e infrastrutture di ricerca tematiche e trasversali. Open Science Café L' Open Science Café è un appuntamento periodico con i temi e le novità dal mondo dell'Open Science, pensato per la comunità scientifica italiana. Per informare e discutere in modo informale, all'ora del caffè, di vari aspetti legati alla scienza aperta. Ogni puntata dura un'ora ed è focalizzata su un tema specifico, lasciando sempre uno spazio per la discussione
Introduction The generally positive and conflict free version of the future portrayed in the FutureLab 'Only Connect' World suggests that students, at least, will be familiar with a democratised, collaborative, dispersed, asynchronous and digitised learning landscape. However, teaching staff with their experience of conflict between researcher and educator identities along with university systems supporting them are less prepared for this world. This paper reports on the experience of converting a face-to-face Master's course to a wholly online, distance learning (DL) course largely following the Open University DL model but based on using and creating open educational resources (OER). The original course was an MSc in social research methods and had been running for 17 years, but it needed to reach a wider recruitment market. Two key aspects of this conversion were that many of the teaching team were not experienced in teaching DL, and that the changeover was not a special project, with special funding, but a run-of-the mill course development. The development was taken through the standard university approval process but as a fully DL development it had to meet two specific criteria: the QAA DL precepts and our university DL regulations. Both, to varying degrees, assume that the course development and/or the course delivery will be undertaken by fully experienced staff. The teaching team was overwhelmingly a research active and research focussed group of academics and thus well qualified in the subject matter of the course, but although many had taught the previous, in-person Master's for many years, they had little demonstrable experience with DL. Methods This dilemma was addressed using a mentoring approach. An academic from another subject area in the school, who already had experience of leading a DL course was brought in to assist the team. Both he and the lead technical support had formal DL qualifications and this met the formal university validation criteria. The academic worked with another teaching team member (who is a NTF and has experience of technology based and distance learning teaching) as key facilitators/mentors to the remainder of the teaching team. In addition, the technical support team helped with the creation of the OERs we needed and in running the webinar and discussion software we were using. There were several key tasks: 1. Convert existing face-to-face curricula to OER based DL versions 2. Find, appraise and adapt existing OER materials 3. Create new OER materials 4. Develop teacher skills with DL pedagogy and associated tools 5. Develop open access web pages for the OER materials and closed VLE pages for registered students. Two pilot modules were offered in Jan 2014 and the student experience was evaluated using a range of learning analytics, including a number of in-depth interviews. Results Initial curriculum development/conversion was undertaken using an Australian design system. One of the mentors undertook this conversion for one module and other module leaders followed the model to ensure consistency in teaching approach. To develop teacher skills in DL software and pedagogy, we ran a series of staff development sessions, and used the two pilot modules to modify our pedagogic designs and to disseminate DL teaching skills more broadly. Attendance at and scheduling of these sessions was problematic and in some cases we had to resort to distance learning approaches to the skills development. OER materials were mainly videos and one mentor had considerable experience in making them. He advised other teachers on the options and the pedagogic focus of the OERs. Some teachers were reluctant to appear in person in these OERs and this was addressed by a combination of screen capture approaches and the use of already existing OERs – fortunately common in the areas concerned. Discussion A key tension in this development was between the research active and research focus of the teaching team and the need for the teachers to acquire new skills in both software use and in distance learning requirements. The individualistic focus of the researchers was often at odds with the collaborative, connected and communal needs of DL. Consistency in curriculum design helped here as the teachers could easily adapt their modules using the model. In the case of skills acquisition, the two pilot modules were crucial. This diminished the initial load on the mentors whilst technical and pedagogic experience was built up and it enabled the establishment of guidelines for good practice in OER production, curriculum design, DL pedagogic practice and in the software use on a relatively small scale to start with.
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Seit dem 24. Februar 2022, dem ersten Tag des russischen Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine sind rund 283.000 Menschen nach Deutschland gekommen, von denen 80 Prozent Frauen und Kinder sind, darunter zahlreiche Schüler:innen. In Polen hingegen stellt sich die Situation weitaus dramatischer dar. Auch hier sind rund 80 Prozent der bislang gut 2,5 Millionen Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine Frauen und Kinder, darunter rund 700.000 im schulpflichtigen bzw. Kindergartenalter. Wie es um deren Integration in das polnische Bildungssystem steht, damit habe ich mit Dorota Obidniak gesprochen, die Koordinatorin für Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Gewerkschaft der Polnischen Lehrerschaft (Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego, ZNP) ist.Polen schreibt derzeit viele positive Schlagzeilen. Die große Hilfsbereitschaft der polnischen Gesellschaft, der Regierung und der kommunalen Politik bei der Aufnahme von bislang über zwei Millionen Flüchtlingen findet in Deutschland große Anerkennung. Gleichzeitig mehren sich aber auch hierzulande Berichte über die enormen Herausforderungen, die sich hieraus bereits heute ergeben. Wir wollen heute über die Integration geflüchteter Schüler:innen in das polnische Bildungssystem sprechen. Wo siehst Du hier die größten Herausforderungen?Geflüchtete Kinder haben das gleiche Recht auf Bildung wie polnische Kinder. Die Erziehungsberechtigten, in der Regel die Mütter, aber auch Tanten, Großeltern oder sogar Freunde, wenn die Eltern der Kinder in der Ukraine bleiben mussten, können das Kind in der Schule anmelden. Das Problem sind nicht die Vorschriften, sondern der physische Mangel an Plätzen und auch an Lehrer:innen. Trotz der Unterbringungsprobleme und des Lehrermangels nehmen die Schulen und Kindergärten Kinder auf. Schätzungen zufolge gibt es allein in Warschau derzeit etwa 100.000 geflüchtete Kinder im Schulalter, von denen bislang ca. 12.000 bereits die Schule besuchen. Eine durchschnittliche polnische Schule hat 500 Schüler. Man kann sich also vorstellen, dass man jeden Tag zwei neue Schulen gründen müsste, um alle Kinder aufzunehmen.Das bedeutet aber im Umkehrschluss, dass bislang erst ein kleiner Teil der ukrainischen Flüchtlingskinder am Unterricht einer polnischen Schule teilnimmt. Woran liegt das? Hängt das vor allem mit begrenzten Aufnahmekapazitäten zusammen, braucht die Entwicklung einfach mehr Zeit oder gibt es noch andere Gründe?Tatsächlich vermeidet es derzeit eine große Zahl an Erziehungsberechtigten, die in ihrer Obhut stehenden Kinder an polnischen Schulen anzumelden. Hierfür gibt es mehrere Gründe. Die meisten Flüchtlinge glauben, dass der Krieg bald zu Ende sein wird und sie in ihre Heimat zurückkehren werden. Erziehungsberechtigte, die ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen müssen oder ein Familienmitglied haben, das arbeitet, sind der Meinung, dass es keinen Grund gibt, die Kinder unter Stress zu setzen, da gerade einmal noch etwa zwei Monate bis zu den ukrainischen Sommerferien verbleiben und die drei bis vier Monate verpasster Unterricht nachgeholt werden können, wenn sie in ihre eigene Schule in der Ukraine zurückkehren. Ein weiterer Grund ist, dass einige Flüchtlinge noch nicht entschieden haben, ob sie in Polen bleiben werden, und wenn ja, in welcher Stadt. Einige Schüler:innen nutzen die Vorteile des Online-Fernunterrichts, der von ukrainischen Schulen in Gebieten angeboten wird, in denen die aktuelle Kriegssituation dies zulässt. Auch das ukrainische Bildungsministerium hat Fernunterricht organisiert. Diese Möglichkeit nutzen vor allem die Schüler:innen älterer Jahrgänge, da sie damit möglicherweise Zeugnisse erhalten, die es ihnen ermöglichen, nach dem Krieg ihre Abschlussprüfung (Abitur) abzulegen.Das scheinen auf den ersten Blick alles nachvollziehbare Gründe zu sein. Gleichzeitig lässt sich momentan kaum seriös abschätzen, wie lange der Krieg noch dauern wird und wann die Geflüchteten in ihre Heimat zurückkehren können. Zudem herrscht ja auch in Polen Schulpflicht. Welche Integrationsmaßnahmen sieht das polnische Schulsystem für die ukrainischen Kinder vor?Im polnischen Bildungssystem gibt es bereits seit mehreren Jahren verschiedene Modelle für Migrant:innen bzw. Flüchtlinge:Es gibt zum einen die Vorbereitungsklassen (Willkommensklassen), die sich aus geflüchteten Kindern ähnlichen Alters zusammensetzen. Dort haben die Kinder je nach Alter 20 bis 26 Stunden Unterricht pro Woche, davon mindestens 6 Stunden Polnisch als Fremdsprache. Der übrige Unterricht besteht aus Mathematik, Physik, Biologie mit Elementen der polnischen Sprache (Begriffe), Fremdsprachen, Sport, Kunst und dem Erlernen der eigenen ukrainischen Sprache und Kultur.Weiterhin gibt es Schüler:innen in regulären Klassen. Wenn es in einer Schule mehrere Kinder unterschiedlichen Alters gibt, werden sie in den regulären polnischen Schulunterricht einbezogen und erhalten Einzelunterricht in Polnisch als Fremdsprache, mindestens 2 Stunden pro Woche. Diejenigen Schüler:innen, die Polnisch auf kommunikativem Niveau (ca. B1) beherrschen, werden ohnehin in den regulären Unterricht integriert.Vom Gesetz her ist auch eine Beschäftigung von Assistenzlehrer:innen bzw. von interkulturellen Assistent:innen vorgesehen. Die assistierende Lehrkraft sollte über kommunikative Kenntnisse der polnischen Sprache verfügen und eine pädagogische Ausbildung haben. Als Kulturassistent:innen kommen auch Ukrainer:innen infrage, soweit sie Polnisch auf kommunikativen Niveau beherrschen. Sie fungieren dann als Tutor:innen, Übersetzer:innen und Ansprechpartner:innen für die Eltern bzw. die Erziehungsberechtigten der Schüler:innen.Schüler:innen, die die Möglichkeit des ukrainischen Online-Fernunterrichts nutzen, hab die Bildungsbehörden der Stadt Warschau die notwendige technische Ausrüstung und entsprechende Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung gestellt. Außerdem wird derzeit die Einrichtung ukrainischer Schulen geprüft, die auf nach Polen geflüchtete ukrainische Lehrkräfte zurückgreifen könnten.Erhalten die ukrainischen Schulkinder weitere Unterstützung bzw. Vergünstigungen?Ja, das tun sie. Ukrainische Schulkinder können wie alle ukrainischen Flüchtlinge kostenlos öffentliche Verkehrsmittel nutzen, zudem erhalten sie kostenlosen Eintritt zu Sportanlagen (z. B. Schwimmbäder, Tennisplätze usw.) und kulturellen Einrichtungen (Museen, Zoos). In der Schule werden ihnen außerdem kostenlose (warme) Mahlzeiten wie Mittagessen und ein zweites Frühstück angeboten. Die ukrainischen Schulkinder bekommen des Weiteren Schreibzeug, Schulranzen und Bücher gestellt.Das klingt nach einem durchdachten und umfassenden Integrationsmodell. Wie sieht es mit der Umsetzung des Modells in die Praxis aus? Sicher treten hier auch Probleme auf.Allerdings. Wir müssen hier unterscheiden zwischen Problemen, die der polnische Staat mit der plötzlichen Aufnahme einer großen Zahl zusätzlicher Schüler:innen in das Bildungssystem hat, und den Problemen der ukrainischen Flüchtlinge selbst.Die Kommunalverwaltungen, die die Schulen betreiben, aber auch die Schulen selbst warten noch auf die von den staatlichen Behörden zugesagten finanziellen Mittel, etwa um weiteres, dringend benötigtes Personal einzustellen. Zudem erwarten wir eine Änderung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften, um die Einstellung ukrainischer Lehrkräfte zu erleichtern. Hier geht es vor allem um die Anerkennung von Bildungs- und Berufsabschlüssen.Und mit welchen Problemen haben die Flüchtlinge zu tun?Die materielle Situation und die Lebensumstände der Flüchtlinge sind sehr unterschiedlich. Viele hatten bereits Kontakte in Polen, weil jemand aus ihrer Familie in Polen lebt und arbeitet (bereits vor dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine am 24. Februar, gab es in Polen ca. 1 bis 1,5 Millionen Ukrainer:innen, von den viele nach dem Beginn des Kriegs im Donbas 2014 ins Land gekommen sind) oder sie selbst früher in Polen (saisonal) gearbeitet hatten. Diese Menschen kennen die Sprache, haben Bekannte, Freunde oder ehemalige Arbeitgeber. Sie kommen dann auch meist fürs erste bei Verwandten oder Freunden unter. Zudem wurden zahlreiche Flüchtlinge in Wohnungen untergebracht, die ihnen privat zur Verfügung gestellt wurden.Einrichtungen wie Hotels oder Hostels haben nach einem Aufruf der Woiwodschaftsverwaltungen dem Staat Kapazitäten zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Staat hatte sich verpflichtet, die Kosten für den Aufenthalt der Flüchtlinge in diesen Einrichtungen zu übernehmen, hat jedoch den ursprünglich zugesagten Satz um zwei Drittel reduziert. Letztlich hat die Regierung einen Tagessatz pro Person angeboten, der nicht im Geringsten die Kosten für den Aufenthalt (Unterkunft und Verpflegung) deckt.Gleichzeitig leben nach wie vor sehr viele Flüchtlinge in Turnhallen und ähnlichen Notunterkünften. Dies wirkt sich unmittelbar auf die Situation der Schüler:innen aus: Einige kommen von zu Hause in die Schule, wo manchmal eine ganze Familie in einem Zimmer wohnt, aber zumindest ein Minimum an Privatssphäre vorhanden ist, andere Kinder leben in einem Wohnheim oder in einer Turnhalle, die zu einem Schlafsaal umfunktioniert wurde, wo sie nicht einmal einen eigenen Spind haben.Die meisten Flüchtlinge kommen mit einer Tasche oder einem Koffer an. Wenn sich das Wetter ändert, brauchen alle, vor allem die heranwachsenden Kinder, Kleidung, Schuhe usw. Die Polen haben riesige Mengen an Kleidung und anderen Dingen gesammelt. Überall, wo Flüchtlinge untergebracht sind, gibt es Kleidung und Spielzeug, in der Regel handelt es sich um gebrauchte Sachen.Das sind in der Tat enorme Herausforderungen. Wie unterstützt Deine Gewerkschaft, der ZNP, die ukrainischen Geflüchteten und die Schulen bei der Integration?Zunächst einmal muss ich sagen, dass in praktisch jeder polnischen Schule und jedem polnischen Kindergarten für die Unterstützung der ukrainischen Flüchtlinge Spenden gesammelt werden. Solche Spendensammlungen wurden auch von den lokalen Strukturen des ZNP in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kommunalverwaltungen organisiert, da man auf lokaler Ebene die Bedürfnisse der Flüchtlinge in einer bestimmten Gemeinde oder einem bestimmten Stadtviertel am besten kennt. Auf diese Weise gelangen Lebensmittel, Hygieneartikel, Medikamente usw. so schnell wie möglich zu den Bedürftigen.Auf zentraler Ebene hat der ZNP Maßnahmen ergriffen, um das Bildungssystem als solches zu unterstützen sowie Flüchtlinge und polnische Lehrer und Schulverwaltungen zu fördern. Dazu gehören Online-Schulungen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen, hochqualifizierten Fachleuten organisiert und direkt vom ZNP oder aus von ihm aufgebrachten Mitteln finanziert werden. Das sind zum Beispiel kostenlose Webinare für Schulleiter:innen über die Einstellung und Beschäftigung von interkulturellen Assistent:innen und Lehrerassistent:innen, über die Arbeitsorganisation und die Entwicklung eines Arbeitsplans für Assistent:innen entsprechend den Bedürfnissen einer bestimmten Schule oder Bildungseinrichtung. Zu unseren Angeboten gehören auch kostenlose Kurse für interkulturelle Assistent:innen, die ihnen grundlegende Informationen über das Bildungssystem in Polen, Kenntnisse über die Aufgaben des Assistenten, mögliche Arbeitsformen, das polnische Bildungssystem und grundlegende Vorschriften, die für Schüler:innen und Erziehungsberechtigte wichtig sind, sowie Orte und Möglichkeiten der Beratung vermitteln. Schließlich gibt es kostenlose Kurse zum Unterrichten von Polnisch als Fremdsprache für aktive Grund- und Sekundarschullehrer:innen.Außerdem hat der ZNP seit dem 1. April eine Lehrkraft aus Charkiw in seinem Warschauer Büro eingestellt, die eine regelmäßige Kolumne auf Ukrainisch für die ZNP-Homepage verfasst, aktuelle Informationen zusammenstellt, die für Flüchtlinge, Lehrkräfte, Schüler:innen und deren Erziehungsberechtigte wichtig sind und eine Datenbank arbeitssuchender ukrainischen Lehrkräften in Polen erstellt.Zu guter Letzt unterstützt der ZNP den Aufenthalt von insgesamt 238 Flüchtlingen in den gewerkschaftseigenen Erholungsheimen in Zakopane und Krynica sowie im Hauptsitz des ZNP in Warschau.Die Bildrechte liegen beim ZNP.