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Working paper
Visión Gerencial
Editorial. ; Rivas, Frank ; La reingeniería: herramienta controversial. ; The re-engineery: polemic tool. ; Bustos, Carlos ; La formación por competencias: una visión estratégica en la gestión de personas. ; The formation by competitions: a strategic vision in the management of people. ; Cejas, Magda ; Diseño de un sistema de acumulación de costos para el sector ganadero bovino del Municipio Alberto Adriani del Estado Mérida. ; Design of a system of accumulation of costs for the bovine cattle sector of Municipality Alberto Adriani of State Mérida. ; Eslava Z., Ronald A. y Morillo Moreno, Marysela C. ; Una mirada integral a la decisión de precios de la organización. ; An integral glace to the politics of price. ; Márquez, Albio ; La actividad turística en el Municipio Rangel - Estado Mérida. ; Innovación en el sector alojamiento y actividades complementarias. ; The tourist activity in the Rangel- Municipality been Mérida. ; Innovation in the sector lodging and complementary activities. ; Molina de Paredes, Olga R. ; El papel de la universidad en el diseño de políticas para la formación de capital humano en pro del desarrollo económico local. ; The paper of the university in the design of policies for the formation of human capital for local development economic. ; Villasmil R., María A. ; El cide por dentro. ; Barón M., Rosanne ; 87 ; semestral ; Nivel monográfico
Vision Rehabilitation through Low Vision Centers
In: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, Band 61, Heft 9, S. 296-301
ISSN: 1559-1476
Visión de geógrafo, visión de microfísico
En El Salvador, se debe enfocar la realidad social con optimismo, pues la trayectoria histórica todavía es positiva. Pero al mismo tiempo se debe actuar con realismo y prontitud para enderezar tantas torceduras en el proceso, todavía lineal, hacia la democracia y el desarrollo.
High Vision Games Net Low Vision Gains
In: Journal of visual impairment & blindness: JVIB, Band 86, Heft 1, S. 63-65
ISSN: 1559-1476
The High Vision Games are a motivating, fun-filled habilitation model for youths with low vision.
Introduction : Visions du paradis/Visions of paradise
In: Social compass: international review of socio-religious studies, Band 61, Heft 1, S. 3-10
ISSN: 1461-7404
World Vision Philanthropie
So hat World Vision ... geholfen
Pakistan vision: an international journal of Pakistan affairs
ISSN: 1681-5742
The Transatlantic Agenda: vision and counter-vision
In: Survival: global politics and strategy, Band 47, Heft 4, S. 19-38
ISSN: 0039-6338
Underlying the transatlantic tensions of recent years is a philosophical gap between visionaries who can imagine, for example, a radical democratic reordering of the Arab Middle East, and counter-visionaries who worry more about costs and unintended consequences. The fundamental issue is strategic. It concerns the readiness to acknowledge and adjust to the power of others, however undeserved, illegitimate, inconvenient and awkward this power may be. By and large, the counter-visionaries believe that the visionaries go wrong by always seeking to ignore, circumvent or defeat opponents. This disagreement between visionaries and counter-visionaries is not simply one of Americans versus Europeans, although it has recently turned out that way. While the limits to the ability of Western states to promote political change elsewhere have become apparent, and so the transatlantic disagreement has eased, questions of ideology and legitimacy are still vital, as is evident in the debates about how to deal with China and Iran. In some respects liberal democracies cannot help but provide a strategic vision for those coping with authoritarianism, but the potency of this vision in the end will depend on how well it seems to work at home, and the capacity of the transatlantic states to cope with the domestic as well as the international challenges they face. (Suvival / SWP)
World Affairs Online
The Transatlantic Agenda: Vision and Counter-Vision
In: Survival: global politics and strategy, Band 47, Heft 4, S. 19-38
ISSN: 1468-2699