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6313 Ergebnisse
Working paper
This paper investigated the fiscal interactions between Italian municipalities over the period 2001–11 and found a positive horizontal interdependence in spending decisions. The results are robust to different specifications of the spatial neighbours and are confirmed by a natural experiment (an earthquake in the Abruzzo region of Italy in 2009) that creates an exogenous variation in the neighbours' spending. Furthermore, there is no evidence of yardstick competition when one considers political effects, while a negative relationship is found between spatial interaction and the size of the municipality. Thus, it can be concluded that spillover effects drive the strategic interactions in spending decisions.
Harvard Project and Enel Foundation Release Paper on Trade and Climate Change Policy in Lead-Up to COP-29
Der wirtschaftliche Entwicklungsstand von Regionen hängt nicht nur von ihrer eigenen Leistungsfähigkeit ab, sondern aufgrund räumlicher Überschwappeffekte auch von jener angrenzender Wirtschaftsräume. Positive Spillovers (Lieferverflechtungen, Nutzung der Infrastruktur in Nachbarregionen u. ä.) und negative Spillovers (z. B. Umwelteffekte) begründen eine wechselseitige Beeinflussung des Entwicklungsstands von Wirtschaftsräumen. Die räumlich-ökonometrische Analyse erlaubt eine Simulation von ökonomischen Größen mit und ohne Effekte angrenzender Gebiete. Hier sei die Arbeitsproduktivität betrachtet, die als Indikator für die Leistungsfähigkeit von Wirtschaftsräumen steht. Mit Hilfe von Eigenvektoren, die die Nachbarschaftseffekte wiedergeben, wird ein erheblicher Varianzanteil der Arbeitsproduktivität erklärt. Eine die Grenzen von Wirtschaftsräumen überschreitende netzwerkbasierte Regionalpolitik erscheint damit ökonomisch sinnvoll zu sein. Insbesondere Metropolen beeinflussen in hohem Maße die Arbeitsproduktivität im Umland. Einige ostdeutsche Regionen in Brandenburg und Sachsen würden ohne das schlechte wirtschaftliche Umfeld eine deutlich überdurchschnittliche Arbeitsproduktivität aufweisen. Andere Regionen, beispielsweise im Harz und in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, sind aufgrund der dünnen Besiedlung sowohl mit als auch ohne Berücksichtigung von Nachbarschaftseffekten unattraktiv. ; The development state of regions depends not only on the own efficiency, but also on spatial spillovers. Positive (backward linkages, use of the infrastructure in neighbouring economic areas etc.) and negative (e. g. environmental effects) spillovers give reasons for a mutual economic influence between regions. The spatial econometric analysis makes a simulation of the labour efficiency with and without spillovers possible. The eigenvectors, which represent the spatial effects from neighbouring regions, explain a high proportion of the labour efficiency variation. Thus a cross-border network-based regional policy makes sense. Especially metropolitan areas are influencing the labour efficiency in surrounding regions. Some East-German regions in Brandenburg and Saxony would have above-average labour efficiency without the bad economic environment. Other sparsely populated regions, for example in the Harz or in Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, are very unattractive with and without taking into consideration neighbouring effects.
In: Routledge frontiers of business management 4
Introduction -- Knowledge spillover-based strategic entrepreneurship : an overview / Vanessa Ratten, Léo-Paul Dana and João J. Ferreira -- Knowledge spillovers in multiple contexts -- Knowledge spillovers and economic performance of firms located in depressed areas : does geographical proximity matter? / Liliana Araújo, Sandra Tavares Silva and Aurora A.C. Teixeira -- The role of multinationals in creating export spilovers as an additional process to productivity spillovers : evidence from Turkey / Basak Dalgiç and Burcu Fazlioglu -- Relational spillovers and knowledge creation across European regions : are there differences across R&D institutional sectors? / Daniela Di Cagno, Andrea Fabriz, Valentina Meliciani and Wanzenböck Iris -- How to boost knowledge-spillover effects in disadvantaged regions? / Manuela F. Neves, João J. Ferreira and Fernando Ferreira -- Strategic entrepreneurship and knowledge -- Institutional entrepreneurship : a new interconnectivity between government-university-enterprises in Wuhan future technology city of China / Connie Zheng -- The performance of the academic KIBS firms in a "moderate innovator" country : a longitudinal analysis / Sara Fernández-López, María Jesús Rodríguez-Gulías and David Rodeiro-Pazos -- Ambidexterity revisited : the influence of structure and context and the dilemma exploration vs. exploitation / José Ricardo C. Andrade, João J. Ferreira and Vanessa Ratten -- Learning to compete : entrepreneurial roles exploiting knowledge spillovers / Ronald C Beckett and Gerard Berendsen -- Strategic and international knowledge -- Interconnectivity between academic organizations and established firms for a strategic and knowledge fostering purpose : an exploratory study in an emerging economy / Fernando Herrera, Maribel Guerrero and David Urbano -- International knowledge transfer from Kodak to ITRI : a strategic alliance learning perspective / Frank Shiu, Connie Zheng and Mei-chih Hu -- Heterogeneous professional identities as an intra-sectoral knowledge filter / Daniel Feser and Till Proeger -- From knowledge to innovation : a review on the evolution of the absorptive capacity concept / Dennis Lyth Frederiksen and Alexander Brem -- Knowledge spillovers and innovation spaces in Australia / Paul K. Couchman, Andrew O'Loughlin, Ian McLoughlin and Vanessa Ratten -- Conclusion -- Future research directions for knowledge spillovers and strategic entrepreneurship / Vanessa Ratten, Léo-Paul Dana and João J. Ferreira
Spillover is a concept coined by neo-functionalism in the 1960s in order to account for the process of European integration. It refers to the inner dynamics whereby the members of a regional scheme would be compelled to either enlarging the scope or increasing the level of their mutual commitments or both. However, Latin American integration processes have questioned the meaningfulness and applicability of the concept, both in its political and technical dimensions. Through a comparison between the European Union, the Andean Community and Mercosur, this paper looks into the reasons why this happened, addressing conceptual as well as empirical matters. ; Spillover é um conceito cunhado na década de 1960 pela teoria neo-funcionalista para explicar o processo de integração europeia. Refere-se à dinâmica pela qual os membros de um bloco regional são incentivados à alargar o alcance ou incrementar o nível dos seus compromissos mútuos, ou ambas as coisas. Todavia, os processos de integração na América Latina questionam o sentido e aplicabilidade do conceito, quer nas suas dimensões políticas quer nas suas dimensões técnicas. Por meio de uma comparação entre a União Europeia, a Comunidade Andina e o Mercosul, este artigo avalia as razões de tal limitação, abordando questões conceptuais e empíricas.
In: Socio-economic planning sciences: the international journal of public sector decision-making, Band 83, S. 101153
ISSN: 0038-0121
In: Umweltökonomie und Umweltpolitik, S. 216-218
In: Ensayos sobre política económica, Band 35, Heft 82, S. 64-77
ISSN: 0120-4483
In: Orient: deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients = German journal for politics, economics and culture of the Middle East, Band 58, Heft 4, S. 31-39
ISSN: 0030-5227
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of International Business Studies, Band 44, Heft 7, S. 719-744
In: Japan: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, S. 55-76
ISSN: 0343-6950
World Affairs Online
In: Scottish journal of political economy: the journal of the Scottish Economic Society, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 273-284
ISSN: 1467-9485