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1569189 Ergebnisse
In: Facta Universitatis / University of Niš: the scientific journal. Series philosophy, sociology, psychology and history, S. 051
ISSN: 1820-8509
The emergence of the Internet has led to tectonic changes in all aspects of human life, and certainly the most important ones occurred in communication and information. The term "Global Village", which was first used by Marshall McLuhan in his "Report on the project of understanding new media" in 1960, seems to be more current today than ever. The emergence of online media, social networks and many other applications has enabled people to connect and communicate no matter where they are on the planet. However, despite all the positive effects that communication networks have brought with them, there are many negative aspects of intercultural communication that have been retained to the same or even greater extent, creating the so-called "noise" or disruption of communication. One of the best examples of this is the comments in the online media. This an essential segment of online journalism, and it proved to be a fruitful intercultural communication channel, which is why this paper will put special emphasis on the readers' comments.
In: The future of children: a publication of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 119-146
ISSN: 1550-1558
Over the past decade, technology has become increasingly important in the lives of adolescents. As a group, adolescents are heavy users of newer electronic communication forms such as instant messaging, e-mail, and text messaging, as well as communication-oriented Internet sites such as blogs, social networking, and sites for sharing photos and videos. Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Patricia Greenfield examine adolescents' relationships with friends, romantic partners, strangers, and their families in the context of their online communication activities. The authors show that adolescents are using these communication tools primarily to reinforce existing relationships, both with friends and romantic partners. More and more they are integrating these tools into their "offline" worlds, using, for example, social networking sites to get more information about new entrants into their offline world. Subrahmanyam and Greenfield note that adolescents' online interactions with strangers, while not as common now as during the early years of the Internet, may have benefits, such as relieving social anxiety, as well as costs, such as sexual predation. Likewise, the authors demonstrate that online content itself can be both positive and negative. Although teens find valuable support and information on websites, they can also encounter racism and hate messages. Electronic communication may also be reinforcing peer communication at the expense of communication with parents, who may not be knowledgeable enough about their children's online activities on sites such as the enormously popular MySpace. Although the Internet was once hailed as the savior of education, the authors say that schools today are trying to control the harmful and distracting uses of electronic media while children are at school. The challenge for schools is to eliminate the negative uses of the Internet and cell phones in educational settings while preserving their significant contributions to education and social connection.
In: Jurnal Komunikasi: Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (ISKI), Band 3, Heft 1
ISSN: 2503-0795
Nowdays, technology & information development has opened trading through the internet. Digital trading better known as e-commerce is growing rapidly with support of digital communication facilities. Bukalapak.com is the research object because Bukalapak.com is one of the famous online selling sites in Indonesia which experience a decline in performance since its started on 2010 from its several digital indicators. One important aspect for online company is digital service. How does the digital service quality/e-ServQual affect the company's reputation? The purpose of this study is to analyze the e-ServQual influence on consumer trust, analyze the influence of consumer trust on corporate reputation, and analyzieng the effect of e-ServQual on companies mediated by consumer trust in Bukalapak.com users. The population of this study is 111 members of the community of Bukalapak Jakarta. Data was collected through surveys and questionnaire distribution and data analysis used is path analysis. The results of the study showed that e-ServQual has unsignificant negative on corporate reputation (direct effect), e-ServQual has a significant positive effect on consumer trust, consumer trust has a positive effect on corporate reputation, and e-ServQual has significant positive effect on corporate reputation mediated by consumer trust (indirect effect).
In: Asian journal of research in social sciences and humanities: AJRSH, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 122-126
ISSN: 2249-7315
In: fast track to TRANSFER 002
In: Working Paper Series
In: Science communication, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 99-128
ISSN: 1552-8545
The present study examines the effects of print and online presentations of a multiple document report on reader's comprehension, perception of cognitive load, satisfaction, and attention. We hypothesized that users of online media would show poorer results compared with print users. An experimental protocol was used to assess readers'performance using print and online versions of a popular science magazine report. Hypertext led to higher perceived cognitive load and poorer comprehension of the complementary documents. The results suggest that presenting graphics in long hypertexts increases effort and reduces text legibility. The present data offer support for theories of disorientation and cognitive load in hypermedia learning.
In: Science communication, Band 41, Heft 2, S. 243-253
ISSN: 1552-8545
This commentary demonstrates the relevance of James Carey's ritual view of communication for the field of science communication. A ritual view of communication invites examination of the geographical, historical, and material dimensions of communication where dialogues, bodies, public spaces, and comestibles provide enabling conditions for democratic engagement. This is an opportune time for science communications scholars to engage with Carey's ideas as the field moves from deficit accounts of communication to the dialogic and cultural models that have become more prevalent in recent decades. A ritual view highlights the importance of theoretical, humanist approaches as complements to empirical, instrumental accounts of science communication.
A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent trends and shifts in the field resonate, such as the transition from telling about science to interacting with the public and the importance of science communication in health and environmental communication. The chapters have been written by experts in their disciplines, coming from philosophy of science and communication studies to health communication and science journalism. Cases from around the world illustrate science communication in practice. The book provides a broad, up-to-date and coherent introduction to science communication for both, students of science communication and related fields, as well as professionals.
In: Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility, S. 247-254
In: Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal. Humanities and social sciences, S. 52-62
ISSN: 2587-8956
The paper reports the findings of the study of the implementation of the creative function of language in Internet communication. This research perspective allows to consistently describe the functioning of language online and to explain the visible and controversially viewed by academics (as innovative or as destructive) processes in the language system, occurring under the influence of the Internet environment. The revision of traditional standards of communication when communicating via Internet occurs, first of all, due to extralinguistic factors (primarily, digital transformation) and, secondly, due to the Internet interlocutors' (both the speaker and the listener) attitude towards creative use of the language. The new extralinguistic conditions of language (multimedia, non-linear nature, its modules, hypertextuality, etc.) primarily release its creative potential as the novelty is inherently creative and requires the updating of traditional, familiar, and already studied forms of communication.
The influence of the creative function of the language can be traced both at the micro levels of the language system (especially at the phonetic and lexical levels) and at the macro level of the whole text (the emergence of new genres). At the phonetic level, influenced by the creative function, the language of the Internet acquires a special spoken-written character. Moreover, the imitation of orality in Internet communication is aimed not only at achieving maximum similarity of online communication to offline conversation, but also at the language play, emotionalism, updating the graphic code with emoji (for example, the use of emoji as ending punctuation marks, i.e., instead of period, exclamation mark, etc.). At the lexical level, the creative function of the language is evident in the emergence of proper Russian neologisms and borrowings for more accurate, sometimes more succinct denotation of the new reality. At the textual level, the study, e.g., of the model Internet genre of multimedia history, the identification of its special narrative structure and the multimedia nature of presenting the information suggests the creative potential of new genres in the online communication.