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World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
Die Atomwaffe als Frage an die christliche Ethik
In: Sammlung gemeinverständlicher Vorträge und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsgeschichte 219
Pakistan and the bomb
In: Survival: global politics and strategy
ISSN: 0039-6338
World Affairs Online
Blocking the spread of nuclear weapons: American and European perspectives
In: Council on Foreign Relations books
Nuclear weapons and state survival in North Korea
In: Survival: global politics and strategy
ISSN: 0039-6338
World Affairs Online
Problems of neutron weapons
In: Studies on international relations, Heft 12, S. 74-92
ISSN: 0324-8283
Aus osteuropäischer Sicht
World Affairs Online
Assessing Iran's nuclear programme
In: Survival: global politics and strategy
ISSN: 0039-6338
The many indicators of military involvement in Iran's nuclear programme strongly suggest that Iran seeks more than just a latent nuclear-weapons capability, although not necessarily an all-out Manhattan Project-style effort. Depending on assumptions about technical variables, the earliest Iran might be able to produce enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon is assessed to fall between the end of 2008 and 2010, a range that might be said to be within the margin of error, given the unknowns about the pro gramme and the inspectors' sharply decreased access. This timetable provides room for diplomacy. There are strong arguments, with universal appeal, for opposing an Iranian nuclear-weapons capability. (Survival / SWP)
World Affairs Online
Israel's Nuclear Armament
In: Palestine-Israel journal of politics, economics and culture, Band 16, Heft 3-4
ISSN: 0793-1395