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38372 Ergebnisse
Volkswirtschaftliches Rüstzeug ist für nachhaltiges Handeln Voraussetzung. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches stehen die vielfältigen gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen der grossen Zahl von Akteuren auf globaler und nationaler Ebene. Dabei behandelt die Volkswirtschaftslehre kein fest umschriebenes Wissensgebiet oder Faktenkonstrukt. Sie mischt sich bei allem ein und beansprucht, zu jedem Thema einen substanziellen Beitrag zu notwendigen Problemlösungen liefern zu könnenα (Th. Straubhaar). Es gibt kein anderes Fach mit derart breitem Themenspektrum, welches zudem aus aktueller Veranlassung laufend Erweiterungen erfährt.
In: Sociology. Politology, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 45-49
In: Environmental politics, Band 17, Heft 5, S. 875-876
ISSN: 0964-4016
In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Band 92, Heft 2, S. 554-570
In: Tasks for vegetation science 14
In: Routledge Revivals
First published in 1988, this book examines pollution and natural resources in relation to economic analysis. The section on pollution looks at areas such as the main problems in the field at the time, possible remedies and the environmental costs involved. In regards to natural resources, the book considers both the exploitation of non-renewable resources and commercial fishing. The non-technical introduction to the main problems set out in each chapter will appeal to the general reader whilst the formal models and more technical parts make the material equally suitable for more advanced s
In: The Economic Journal, Band 73, Heft 289, S. 134
In: Springer eBook Collection
This book presents the up-to-date research developments in economics, management and optimization applied to sports, which would be of interest to researchers and practitioners in sports industry, and could be used as supplementary reading in related courses and seminars. In particular, the volume contains research papers and reviews addressing the following issues: methods for ranking teams and evaluating players' performance; techniques for predicting outcomes of sport competitions; economics for professional leagues; optimal strategies in sports; optimal referee assignment techniques; scheduling and managing sport tournaments. The specific sports discussed in the book include American football, soccer, baseball, cricket, basketball, track and field, and hockey
In: Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
In: Springer eBook Collection
Geotourism as promoter of sustainability development: A systematic review and research agenda -- The Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark Territorial Development Strategy: a holistic vision for the 21st Century -- Leveraging landscape: The first four years of UNESCO Global Geopark Odsherred -- Geopark certification as an efficient form of Sustainability Management of a Geotourism Destination -- The management of Arouca Geopark ´s Route of Geosites: a strategic geologically based product in a geotourism destination -- Geotourism and Destination Brand Selection: Does Social Media Matter?.
In: Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Sociology. Politology, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 13-16