Iglesia y liberalismo
In: España. Liberalismo y vertebracion nacional (1780-2009), S. 76-93
4632 Ergebnisse
In: España. Liberalismo y vertebracion nacional (1780-2009), S. 76-93
In: Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, Band 87
In recent years the leader of "Giustizia e Libertà" has been the focus of a renewed and extensive attention. The author reconstructs the itinerary of Carlo Rosselli, conducting the theoretical analysis in the light of the complexity of the historic context. From the years of the Great War to the exile in France, intellectual meditation and political commitment are inextricably entwined threads in the career of the Florentine antifascist. In the attempt to pinpoint the key passages of this unquiet quest, the book traces the stages of an evolving thought. A thought that was matured through critical comparison with liberal theory and Marxist doctrine, found inspiration in English socialism and conceived opposition to the Fascist regime as the grounds for a project of progressive democracy.
In: Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca
In recent years the leader of "Giustizia e Libertà" has been the focus of a renewed and extensive attention. The author reconstructs the itinerary of Carlo Rosselli, conducting the theoretical analysis in the light of the complexity of the historic context. From the years of the Great War to the exile in France, intellectual meditation and political commitment are inextricably entwined threads in the career of the Florentine antifascist. In the attempt to pinpoint the key passages of this unquiet quest, the book traces the stages of an evolving thought. A thought that was matured through critical comparison with liberal theory and Marxist doctrine, found inspiration in English socialism and conceived opposition to the Fascist regime as the grounds for a project of progressive democracy. - Negli ultimi anni, il leader di "Giustizia e Libertà" è stato al centro di un'ampia e rinnovata attenzione. L'autore ricostruisce l'itinerario di Carlo Rosselli, conducendo l'analisi teorica alla luce della complessità del contesto storico. Dagli anni della Grande Guerra all'esilio in Francia, riflessione intellettuale e impegno politico connotano il percorso dell'antifascista fiorentino come fili intrecciati e inestricabili. Nel tentativo di individuare i passaggi chiave di una ricerca inquieta, il volume segue le tappe di un pensiero in divenire. Pensiero che matura attraverso il confronto critico con la teoria liberale e la dottrina marxista, trova ispirazione nel socialismo inglese e concepisce l'opposizione al regime fascista come premessa a un progetto di democrazia progressiva.
In: Biblioteca universale Laterza 578
In: Desacatos: revista de antropología social, Heft 43, S. 189
ISSN: 2448-5144
El libro "Elogio de la diversidad. Globalización, multiculturalismo y etnofagia" es un eslabón en una larga cadena de libros de Hector Día Polanco que examinan cuestiones de filosofía política, filosofía moral, antropología. Fue publicado en el año 2006 pero pudo haberse publicado cualquier año a partir de 1994. Sus libros son parte del mismo paisaje que quiero reconstruir, parcialmente, en esta reseña.