Advocacy and influence: Lobbying and legislative outcomes in Wisconsin
In: Interest groups & Advocacy, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 206-226
ISSN: 2047-7422
834 Ergebnisse
In: Interest groups & Advocacy, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 206-226
ISSN: 2047-7422
The book explores the diverse definitions of advocacy and helps to identify methods and opportunities for advocacy by mental health practitioners. The editors argue for a greater culture of advocacy among psychiatrists in order to effect broad and lasting systemic and structural change. Legislative advocacy is just one of the many types explored in the book; advocacy takes many forms, including patient-level advocacy, organizational advocacy, education and research as advocacy, and media-targeted advocacy.
In: Legislative studies quarterly, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 433-460
ISSN: 0362-9805
In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Band 62, Heft 2, S. 397-421
ISSN: 1475-6765
AbstractThis paper examines how public support affects interest groups' advocacy success across three distinct stages in the legislative process. We hypothesize that public support is vital for advocacy success when coalition agreements are negotiated, and it has a weaker effect when legislation is introduced in parliament by the governing majority but becomes stronger again when legislation is adopted. We assess these expectations for 55 Belgian policy issues. We combine evidence on legislative outcomes with public opinion data and a mapping of interest groups' positions in the news. The results indicate that public support is key for advocacy success in the coalition agreement. However, the positive effect of public support weakens when legislation is introduced in parliament – the effect only materializes for initiatives by the opposition – and public support has no significant effect on advocacy success in adopted legislation. Instead, aligning with other groups and political parties becomes more consequential for advocacy success in later legislative stages. Still, on average, interest groups attaining their preferences in adopted legislation enjoy considerable public support. Our results thus underscore the relevance of distinguishing between legislative stages when analyzing interest groups' advocacy success.
In: Legislative studies quarterly, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 433-460
ISSN: 1939-9162
Religion is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that informs politics in various ways. This article examines the effects of religious affiliation, religious salience, and religious group advocacy on roll‐call voting in the Wisconsin state legislature. Various studies have demonstrated the impact of religious affiliation on legislative politics, but our use of additional religious indicators allows us to model the religious effect in a more accurate and nuanced manner. Using data from an original survey of state legislators, we utilized structural equation modeling to measure the direct and indirect effects of these religious factors on both the general pattern of roll‐call voting and voting on a high‐salience issue, abortion. Ultimately, the findings indicate that, even when we control for political party affiliation, which is a dominant influence on roll‐call voting, conservative Protestant religious affiliation and high religious salience influence legislative voting. We conclude with a discussion of the implications for future studies of religion in the legislative arena.
Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- CHAPTER ONE: Child Health Advocacy -- CHAPTER TWO: A History of Child Health Advocacy -- CHAPTER THREE: The Current Status of Child Health -- CHAPTER FOUR: Clinical Advocacy -- CHAPTER FIVE: Group Advocacy -- CHAPTER SIX: Legislative Advocacy -- CHAPTER SEVEN: Professional Advocacy -- CHAPTER EIGHT: Political Will -- Appendix: Resources Online -- Notes -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- Y -- Z.
In: Peace research abstracts journal, Band 44, Heft 5, S. 433-441
ISSN: 0031-3599
In: Selected Rand abstracts: a guide to RAND publications, Band 18, Heft 1
ISSN: 1091-3734
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that over 2 million American workers are victims of workplace violence each year. Violence can strike any workplace; no area is immune. But who may be more at risk? Commonly, violence occurs at work and refers to a broad spectrum of behaviors (e.g., violent acts by patients, visitors, and/or coworkers) that result in a concern for personal safety. This article provides a brief overview of workplace violence, and discusses the settings where it often occurs. The authors consider the direct and indirect financial impact of violent acts, such as jury awards for injuries; higher than average turnover; increased requests for medical leaves; unusually high time and attendance issues; and stress related illnesses. Advocacy strategies for nurses are offered to address workplace violence on several levels, such as legislative advocacy, workplace policy, and education.
In: Review of policy research, Band 41, Heft 4, S. 587-612
ISSN: 1541-1338
AbstractWhile emotions are an inherent component of the human experience that influence behavior, values, and beliefs, they have largely been left out of policy process studies theoretically and methodologically. Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), with its focus on how individuals coalesce into coalitions around a set of common beliefs, we begin to situate emotions as a critical component of belief systems and discourse about public policies. This study analyzes legislative testimony from four policies debated during the 2021 Colorado Legislative Session using discourse analysis to identify the emotions and coalitional beliefs. We find that policy actors express emotions and beliefs similarly to other policy actors in the same coalition and differently from policy actors in the opposing coalition. We conclude this paper by discussing the theoretical and methodological contributions of including emotions in the ACF. The move to incorporate the analysis of emotional expressions, and hence the study of affect, into the ACF mirrors the ongoing incorporation of how people feel in politics and not just how they think.
Nonprofit and voluntary associations around the world are the primary vehicle for representing the voices of citizens in the policy-making process. As scholars who are committed to advancing the role of civil society and the citizen, it is incumbent upon us to provide theoretical and practical frameworks that can assist nonprofits with this important work. In developed nations, the similarity between societal values and structures in democratic countries makes it possible to assess and advance best practices for policy advocacy regardless of the origin of those advocacy models. This research introduces a recently developed conceptual framework originally deployed to diagnose nonprofit organizations in the U.S. engaged in legislative advocacy. Applied to 12 Israeli nonprofit organizations involved in legislative advocacy and seeking to advance change through the legislative process, this paper assesses and expands the proposed model confirming that most facets of the U.S. framework were commonly used by Israeli nonprofits. There is also evidence that culturally embedded norms are the main source for deviations from the model applied in the U.S.
In: Journal of youth development: JYD : bridging research and practice, Band 17, Heft 3
ISSN: 2325-4017
Youth Development programming that engages youth to work side by side with local leaders creates an environment where youth develop civic skills. These skills include a greater understanding of the legislative process, their role in our democracy, and increased engagement in the democratic process. Through their participation in the Superior Days Legislative Forum, youth increase their civic skills, are inspired to create change in their communities, ask questions and respond to challenges by bringing legislative issues of concern unique to their community to the entire representative body at the state capitol. Youth delegates also gain experience partnering with adults from their communities, establish healthy developmental relationships, and expand their social networks. This article draws from research related to civic engagement, youth in decision-making roles, and programming intended to raise youth voice to make community change. This paper uses focus group interviews as well as post-then-preprogram surveys to understand the impact of the Superior Days Legislative Forum on youth participants.
In: McGeorge Law Review, Band 34, S. 785-850
In: American politics research, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 404-434
ISSN: 1552-3373
Efforts to understand the mobilization of organized interests have turned away from focusing on their internal traits to assessing the environmental forces that influence the supply of lobbying organizations and the demand for their services. Unfortunately, empirical analysis has provided far more support for the supply hypothesis than for expectations about the role of policy energy or demand. This has largely been a function of the lack of appropriate measures at either the state or federal level and/or potential problems of research design. We address these problems by testing the energy-stability-area model of interest system density using a new measure of policy energy or demand in cross-state, cross–interest guild, and pooled specifications. We find strong support for the hypothesis that the demand for lobbying—as measured by the size of legislative agendas of concern to different types of organized interests—has a profound effect on the size of lobbying communities.
In: Administrative Sciences: open access journal, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 37
ISSN: 2076-3387
Nonprofit and voluntary associations around the world are the primary vehicle for representing the voices of citizens in the policy-making process. As scholars who are committed to advancing the role of civil society and the citizen, it is incumbent upon us to provide theoretical and practical frameworks that can assist nonprofits with this important work. In developed nations, the similarity between societal values and structures in democratic countries makes it possible to assess and advance best practices for policy advocacy regardless of the origin of those advocacy models. This research introduces a recently developed conceptual framework originally deployed to diagnose nonprofit organizations in the U.S. engaged in legislative advocacy. Applied to 12 Israeli nonprofit organizations involved in legislative advocacy and seeking to advance change through the legislative process, this paper assesses and expands the proposed model confirming that most facets of the U.S. framework were commonly used by Israeli nonprofits. There is also evidence that culturally embedded norms are the main source for deviations from the model applied in the U.S.
In: American politics research, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 404-434
ISSN: 1532-673X