Digital museology: Participatory networking and artificial intelligence canonisation ; Muséologie numérique: Action participative en réseau et canonisation selon l'intelligence artificielle
This article shows how certain practices in contempary art enrich the analysis and critical reflections on digital culture, taking art history and museology as two important issues. The training on cultural aspects of its Relational and participatory value in networks; the latter is related to the effects of this value in the visualisation and channelling of works of Article What is the nature of my appropriation of art when I'm invented to choose works, on a muster's website, to create "my collection," my art gallery, "my personal museum?" Does this type of invitation favours the democratisation of art knowledge? On the contrary, do these initiatives Replicate institutional principles that maintain the prescribing authority? Does participatory cyber museology present new issues that result in communal action? Alternatively, does it consistently reproduce the traditional canonisation process of works of art without permitting a critical reinterpretation? To address these questions, the theoretical analysis presents proposals, online, of works that original both from the public domain and from collections from large museums, Ranging from the artistic practices of Julia Weist to the Google Art Project. This article shows how certain contemporary art practices enrich the analysis and critical reflexion on numeric culture, in relation to two important issues in art history and museology. The first relates to the relational and participatory value of culture in resins; the second relates to the effects of this value in the visualisation and canonisation of works of art. What is my ownership of the art when I are invited to choose works, on a MUSEE website, to create 'my collection', 'my arcade of art', 'my personal MUSEE'? Does this type of invitation encourage the democratisation of art knowledge? Or, on the contrary, do these initiatives renew the institutional principles that maintain the power of the prescribing MUSEE? Does participatory cyber museology propose new challenges that lead to Community action? Or, if ...