Explaining Ethiopia's Growth Acceleration—The Role of Infrastructure and Macroeconomic Policy
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 96, S. 198-215
989 Ergebnisse
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 96, S. 198-215
The purpose of this research is to analyze wether export tax policy on primary agriculture commodity can stimulate the growth of agroindustry. The model used in this research is a comparative static CGE model. The data used is the Input-Output Table in 2008, the System Accounting Matrix (SAM) Table in 2008, and other relevant supporting sources. Simulations carried out by applying export taxes on primary agricultural commodities, adjusted by government policy to accelerate the growth of agroindustry. The simulation indicates that it can inhibit the export growth on taxed commodities so that accelerate the long term agroindustrial output growth. Although it has negative effect on the short term. On the other hand, the policy doesn't pro the economic growth and aggravate the export competitiveness. ; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah kebijakan pajak ekspor bagi komoditas pertanian utama mampu mendorong pertumbuhan output sektor agroindustri. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model CGE comparative static. Data yang digunakan adalah Tabel Input-Output 2008 dan Tabel Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi (SNSE) 2008, serta data pendukung lainnya. Simulasi dilakukan dengan mengenakan pajak ekspor bagi komoditas pertanian utama, disesuaikan dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan agroindustri. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan kebijakan tersebut mampu menghambat pertumbuhan ekspor pada komoditas yang dikenai pajak sehingga mendorong percepatan pertumbuhan output agroindustri dalam jangka panjang, walaupun dalam jangka pendek berdampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan output agroindustri. Di sisi lain, kebijakan tersebut tidak pro terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan memperburuk daya saing ekspor.
In: Kyklos: international review for social sciences
ISSN: 0023-5962
World Affairs Online
In: SocioEconomic challenges: SEC, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 208-218
ISSN: 2520-6214
This study is aimed at studying the main factors that determine the process of accelerating economic growth in countries located in East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa between 1996 and 2019. The sample of countries included: Algeria; Bahrain; China; Egypt, Arab Republic; Hong Kong; Indonesia; Iraq; Japan; Jordan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Malaysia; Mauritania; Morocco; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Sudan; Thailand; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen. The research is based on the methodology of Haussmann, Pritchett and Rodrik (2005), according to which 3 criteria of accelerated economic growth are used: 1) to characterize the process of acceleration itself growth of GDP per capita by 2%; 2) to characterize cases of rapid growth – annual growth rates for eight years are more than 3.5%; 3) to characterize the achievement of sustainable acceleration GDP per capita is greater than the highest level after the onset of the acceleration phase. As the main determinants of accelerated economic growth, the characteristics of institutional quality (the rule of law, control of corruption and the quality of regulation), factors of accumulation (the share of gross accumulation of fixed capital in GDP and characteristics of human capital through the measurement of the duration of education and the profitability of education), the openness of trade ( share of trade to GDP) and natural resources (share of revenues from natural resources to GDP). The research was carried out using Probit, Logit and Tobit models. Logit and Probit modeling made it possible to assess the impact on the acceleration of economic growth: changes in human capital as insignificantly positive; trade openness – as a minor positive, changes in natural resources as a significant positive, increase in the share of investment in GDP – as the largest positive. An increase in institutional quality does not lead to an increase in the chances of the studied countries (the rule of law index has a slight positive effect, the corruption control index has a slight negative effect, the only positive effect that deserves attention concerns the regulation quality index). The results of Tobit modeling demonstrate a statistically significant positive impact of institutional quality, regulatory quality, rule of law, investment and natural resources on the acceleration of economic growth. Thus, the acceleration of economic growth observed in the countries of East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa is a direct result of successful policies aimed at improving institutional quality, promoting investment and harnessing the positive impact of natural resources.
In: ECMODE-D-24-01996
In: IMF Working Paper No. 18/52
Working paper
In: IMF Working Paper No. 19/128
Ethiopia has experienced a growth acceleration over the past decade on the back of an economic strategy emphasizing public infrastructure investment and supported by heterodox macro-financial policies. To analyze the country's growth performance during 2000–13, the paper employs a neoclassical cross-country System Generalized Method of Moments regression model. The analysis finds that accelerated growth was driven by public infrastructure investment and restrained government consumption, and supported by a conducive external environment. Macroeconomic challenges arising from declining private credit, real currency overvaluation, and relatively high inflation held back some growth. The model accurately predicts Ethiopia's growth over the period of analysis and is robust to country-specific parameter heterogeneity and alternative infrastructure variables. Looking ahead, model simulations under alternative policy scenarios are indicative that growth may decelerate in the coming decade, making it challenging for Ethiopia to attain its middle-income country target by 2025. Although simulated growth rates do not vary much by policy scenario, the paper discusses some of the emerging risks associated with a continued reliance on the current infrastructure financing model and potential future adjustments.
In: Cliometrica: journal of historical economics and econometric history, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 165-190
ISSN: 1863-2513
In: HORTI36162
Die merkliche Wachstumsbeschleunigung, die 2004 in fast allen MOEL zu beobachten war, ging auf unterschiedliche Faktoren zurück. Die meisten Länder verzeichneten ein robustes Wachstum der Binnennachfrage. Die neuen EU-Länder profitierten auch von der relativ guten Konjunktur in der EU 15, die EU Beitrittskandidatenländer Bulgarien und Rumänien von der Steigerung der Zuflüsse an ausländischen Investitionen, die Westbalkanländer von größerer politischer Stabilität und verbesserten Aussichten für die EU-Integration. Russland und die Ukraine schließlich waren vor allem durch die hohen Weltmarktpreise von Energie und Metallen begünstigt. ; Sonderdruck aus: Monatsberichte des Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung - WIFO, 78. Jahrgang, Heft 5, 2005 ; In 2004, nearly all countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) recorded an acceleration of economic growth and once again outperformed in this respect the EU 15. However, the reasons for this have been different across individual countries. In the new EU member states domestic demand has picked up, Romania and Bulgaria have improved their competitiveness due to the surge in foreign direct investment, the Western Balkans have benefited from greater political stability, whereas Russia and Ukraine have taken advantage of the high world prices for their major export commodities energy and metals. The accession of eight CEE countries to the EU on 1 May 2004 was well prepared and has provided an additional growth stimulus to the new EU member states, particularly for agriculture. The migration of labour force from those countries to the EU 15 has been moderate, despite the sizeable income gap and the stubbornly high unemployment, especially in Poland and Slovakia. The Baltic countries and Slovenia have already joined the European Exchange Rate Mechanism II and are planning to introduce the euro in 2007-08. However, in the remaining new EU member states persistently large public deficits are the main formal obstacle to adopting the euro in the medium term. The EU accession prospects for the countries of Southeast Europe have improved. Bulgaria and Romania have signed accession treaties with the EU and are expected to join in 2007. Croatia has been given the status of EU accession candidate, and Macedonia has applied for EU membership. Under an optimistic scenario the whole region might become part of the EU as soon as 2015. However, many of these countries face the task of solving the problem of huge foreign debt, which in several cases appears unsustainable. Russia and Ukraine are recording signs of 'overheating' due to the booming commodity exports and the resulting surge in current account surplus. The general macroeconomic picture is favourable, but serious structural distortions remain untackled, not least due to the rough climate for foreign direct investments.
This paper analyzes the determinants of economic growth acceleration in Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. It aims to reveal Thailand's plausible explanations and Vietnam's development success compared to Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research provides an in-depth study parallel to a case study by using comparable variables. It examines six determinants: natural resources, investment, population growth, social-culture, human resources, and political. The evidence exhibits Vietnam has better conditions in all determinants compare to Indonesia and Thailand. Lessons learned from its development experiences could improve Vietnam's successful strategy with previous outbreaks to impact the current economic development. Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Economic Growth, International Political Economic JEL : A10, A11, B27, F13, F21, F5, F52
In: Fiscaoeconomia: FSECON : international journal of political economics, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 1059-1070
ISSN: 2564-7504
The demographic structure of countries has significant effects on economic growth. Most developing countries are passing through a demographic transition. Although African countries still have higher fertility rates than other developing countries, fertility rates show a decreasing trend, which leads to a window of opportunity for potential demographic dividend for African countries. Within this context, this paper investigates the relationship between growth accelerations and demographic structure in ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) countries over the period 1961-2019. To do so, first, we identify the growth acceleration episodes using the growth acceleration methodology developed by Hausmann et al. (2005). Then, we test the demographic determinants of growth accelerations employing the panel probit regression method. The results show that while urban population and life expectancy have a significant and positive impact on the likelihood of growth accelerations, the fertility rate has a negative and significant impact on the probability of growth accelerations. In other words, an increase in urban population and life expectancy at birth increases the likelihood of growth accelerations, whereas an increase in fertility rate decreases the probability. However, the results show a negative but statistically insignificant relationship between age dependency, young-age dependency, and old-age dependency ratios and the likelihood of growth accelerations.
In: Cadernos metrópole, Band 25, Heft 58, S. 969-991
ISSN: 2236-9996
Abstract This paper analyzes slum upgrading based on case studies focusing on the implementation of the Growth Acceleration Program (known as PAC) in the east side of the Curitiba metropolis, with the aim of discussing urban solutions employed in Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs). The results showed that the interventions aimed to restore, to the maximum limit, the space of the PPAs that had been previously occupied, and that linear parks were the strategy adopted to equalize environmental and urban functions. Other findings are the existence of an impasse concerning the landscape design proposed by the state ignoring local demands, which results in the delay or interruption of the constructions, and the recurrence of the environmental degradation cycle. Advances were also observed, such as the resignification of PPAs as natural macro--drainage structures, and the use of PPAs by the community for collective leisure activities.
Working paper