Circumventing formal structure through commitment: Presidential influence and agenda control
In: Public choice, Band 70, Heft 2, S. 151-179
ISSN: 1573-7101
4946 Ergebnisse
In: Public choice, Band 70, Heft 2, S. 151-179
ISSN: 1573-7101
In: International journal of comparative sociology: IJCS, Band 58, Heft 6, S. 494-514
ISSN: 1745-2554
This article investigates how economic modernization affects normative regulation by spurring formal social control in the political, economic, and private spheres as well as anomie. Multilevel negative binomial regression modeling, using World Values Survey and country-level data from 2005, predicts individual-level anomie using country-level formal-social-control indicators as well as individual-level controls. Such control variables include education, survey interest, gender, age, income, collectivism, nihilism, fatalism, and the diversity of information consumption. This work argues for and implements a 'don't know anomie' (DKA) index, the sum of 'don't know' responses in relation to 15 attitudinal questions, as a more direct measure of individual-level anomie. Findings indicate that, when controlling for all factors, a country's level of formal social control in the political sphere, measured as low levels of perceived government corruption, reduces anomie. In addition, country-level formal social control in the private sphere, operationalized as a society where individuals are not primarily striving to meet their parents' expectations, enhances anomie.
In: European Accounting and Management Review, Band 4, Heft 2
In: Lecturas de economía, Heft 50, S. 195-212
ISSN: 2323-0622
La preocupación de los economistas en cuanto al peligro potencial del agotamiento de los recursos naturales y deterioro del ambiente, así como los efectos que esto trae sobre el bienestar actual y para las generaciones futuras, ha tenido como consecuencia el cuestionamiento sobre la pertinencia de tener como objetivo único el crecimiento económico de largo plazo, sin metas paralelas en el aspecto ambiental. Tal cuestionamiento no ha sido en vano. Una pluralidad de trabajos ha hecho su aparición y esto le ha dado un lugar importante al medio ambiente dentro del pensamiento económico. En este artículo se discute el análisis costo-beneficio de diseños óptimos de control de la contaminación basados en el trabajo de Dasgupta (1982). Palabras Clave: Control de la contaminación, asimilación de la contaminación, control óptimo, costo-beneficio, estado estacionario, convergencia.
In: The prison journal: the official publication of the Pennsylvania Prison Society, Band 84, Heft 2, S. 228-247
ISSN: 1552-7522
This paper examines how experience with the criminal justice system contextualizes the relationship between people's attitudes toward informal and formal social controls. In a survey of residents of Leon County, Florida, we asked respondents whether or not they knew someone who had been incarcerated. We also asked about their assessment of informal controls in their neighborhoods and about public control with questions about police, judges, and the criminal justice system as a whole. We find that knowing someone who has been incarcerated makes people with a low assessment of formal control also have a low opinion of informal control. Blacks are more likely than nonblacks to have a low opinion of informal social control only if they have not been exposed to incarceration. Knowing someone who has been incarcerated makes blacks and nonblacks just as likely to hold a negative assessment of informal social control.
In: Sociology of race and ethnicity: the journal of the Racial and Ethnic Minorities Section of the American Sociological Association, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 139-158
ISSN: 2332-6506
The present study uses elements of the social stress and intersectionality theories to examine associations between forms of criminal justice contact and mental health among African American and Afro-Caribbean women. While mass incarceration disproportionately targets, detains, and affects Black populations, the experiences and consequences of criminal justice contact for Black women remain understudied. Utilizing the National Survey of American Life ( n = 3,011), this study examined ethnic-stratified associations between criminal justice contact and three mental health indicators among Black women—psychological distress, self-rated mental health, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We assessed justice contact based on any contact (i.e., direct contact and/or family member incarceration), and then disaggregated contact into direct (i.e., personally experienced negative police interactions, arrests, and incarceration) and familial incarceration. Findings showed that any contact as well as direct forms of contact were associated with higher psychological distress for African American women and odds of PTSD for both groups. Furthermore, negative police interactions and family member incarceration were associated with psychological distress for African American women, while only familial incarceration worsened self-rated mental health for Afro-Caribbean women. This study yields important insights for research at the intersection of gender-ethnic status, spillover outcomes of formal social control, and mental health stratification.
In: The journal of mathematical sociology, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 191-222
ISSN: 1545-5874
In: Revista Derecho del Estado, No. 27, 2011
In: Journal of enterprising culture: JEC, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 161-195
ISSN: 0218-4958
While planning and control and their impact on small firm growth are implicit in many academic discussions, much of our understanding of these phenomena are based on speculation and opinion. Thus, they seem neglected areas of small business research. This paper seeks to improve the understanding of formal planning and control systems and their relationship to the growth of small business in Australian manufacturing. First, a framework is developed which incorporates the main contextual variables which independently and simultaneously have been shown to have a major relationship with growth. Second, the study provides empirically-based qualitative evidence to further the understanding of causality in the growth of small business by focusing on how formal planning and control systems are embedded within the external or internal contextual variables of small business and the characteristics of their management. Evidence is also provided as to the conditions and circumstances under which formal planning and control are likely to be most effective in controlling the effects of contextual variables, and to the differences between high growth and low growth firms in the use of formal planning and control. The findings of this study are important for two principal reasons. First, it has provided the opportunity to conduct exploratory research into how a small business is managed within the context in which the processes are applied. Second, it has provided the opportunity to identify factors which encourage or discourage small firms to plan, thus providing a better understanding of the planning and control process adopted by small firms.
73 páginas. ; En Colombia, con la Ley 1407 de 2010 se implementa el sistema acusatorio en la Justicia Penal Militar contando ya con una reforma mediante la Ley 1765 de 2015 en la que establece una nueva estructura administrativa e independencia del mando militar, por lo que se hace necesario realizar el análisis del sistema acusatorio ordinario para determinar las falencias y poder superarlas en el régimen especial, enfocado en el control de la acusación, para obtener un modelo de impartición de justicia más acusatoria. Si bien la acusación está compuesta por dos etapas, un escrito de acusación y otra la lectura final en audiencia pública denominada Audiencia de Formulación de Acusación, en el procedimiento ordinario conforme a la Ley 906 de 2004 esta audiencia se encuentre precedida por el Juez de Conocimiento, el cual requiere en principio del control formal y en desarrollo jurisprudencial en forma excepcional del control material; en el Proceso Penal Militar, establece que la acusación es de recibo del Juez del Control de Garantías, quien es el encargado de dar lugar a las partes para que en forma oral en audiencia pública expresen las causales de nulidades y se efectúen las observaciones sobre el escrito de acusación tanto de orden formal como material. Y aunque la acusación comprende los actos precisos de la investigación y que por lo tanto debe cumplir con ciertas formalidades y exista el deber procesal del Ente Acusador, de realizar el ejercicio responsable de la acción penal, es necesaria una verificación del escrito de acusación ejerciendo además el control material de la misma, pues puede contener vicios o errores que pueden ser corregidos o no: Un primer aspecto a tener en cuenta es evitar que sea un juicio innecesario, al faltar elementos que otorguen certeza tanto de la conducta punible frente al hecho, como de la fundamentación jurídica de la misma conducta, que puedan llevar a un desistimiento del caso, Y el segundo aspecto, es que en efecto se cuente con el factor de convicción y que este deba estar encaminado a la valoración fáctica, jurídica y los presupuestos de la acción penal, estudiados bajo los parámetros de legalidad, pertinencia, conducencia y utilidad. Para lograr un mejor alcance de la temática a tratar, se procederá a explicar brevemente cómo se realiza el control de la acusación en el proceso penal de los Estados Unidos de América, debido a que ofrece la oportunidad de explorar un ordenamiento jurídico completamente diferente y también se estudiará el control de la acusación en el proceso penal Chileno, como primer país suramericano que inicio con el sistema acusatorio oral basado en el sistema procesal alemán, con la finalidad de lograr definir lo que eventualmente debe debatirse al momento de la acusación dentro del Proceso Penal Militar e identificar las ventajas y desventajas frente a los principios fundamentales como la legalidad, la defensa técnica y el debido proceso, además de acudir a fuentes jurisprudencias y dogmáticas, para establecer los retos que la Justicia Penal Militar debe afrontar para implementar el control formal y material de la acusación, frente a los hechos jurídicamente relevantes para llegar a tener los elementos de convicción de la responsabilidad en grado de probabilidad. Así mismo, poder entender el otro papel importante que realiza la acusación en el proceso penal con el que se puede aplicar el principio de oportunidad, logrando de esta manera una solución más fácil de aceptación con un arreglo de los cargos impuestos en la acusación como terminación anticipada del proceso, logrando una justicia negociada sancionatoria, ahorrando tiempo y presupuesto, para otro tipo de casos que ameriten un más arduo trabajo de persecución penal. Este trabajo de grado aportará una reflexión para el desarrollo de la actividad no sólo de las partes e intervinientes en el proceso penal, sino también para que la sociedad sea cada vez más atentada a las incidencias del proceso, como aporte al debido proceso, como pilar fundamental de la convivencia social, al analizar la acusación en el procedimiento penal de los Estados Unidos de América y de la República de Chile y al observar en la práctica el sistema penal acusatorio ordinario Colombiano, en la que se encontrarán diferencias procedimentales y que en efecto cuenta con deficiencias al ejercer el control de la acusación y para que la Justicia Penal Militar pueda superar en el momento de aplicar la norma especial. Por lo que el método de investigación que se empleará es el comparativo - analítico, con el objetivo de contextualizar el escenario de la Audiencia de Formulación de Acusación en el Proceso Penal Colombiano a través de la construcción de novedosas ideas, en torno a la necesidad del cambio de paradigma limitativo que al respecto existe hoy en día en nuestro país. ; Contenido 1. Introducción 1 2. Problema de investigación 4 3. Objetivo General 4 3.1 Objetivos Específicos 4 4. La Acusación: Estados Unidos de América y la República de Chile 5 4.1 La Acusación en el Sistema Procesal Penal de los Estados Unidos de América 5 4.2 La Acusación en el Sistema Procesal Penal de la República de Chile 11 4.3 Ventajas y Desventajas del Control a la Acusación 13 5. La Acusación: Colombia 18 5.1 La Acusación en la Justicia Penal Ordinaria. 18 5.2 La Acusación en la Justicia Penal Militar 25 6. La Acusación Dentro del Proceso Penal Militar Una Propuesta Basada en la Comparación 39 6.1 Sistema Acusatorio de la Justicia Penal Militar Frente a los Principios Rectores y Garantías Procesales 39 6.1.1 El Principio de Legalidad 40 6.1.2 El Derecho de Defensa y Debido Proceso 41 6.1.3 De la Presunción de Inocencia 43 6.1.4 El Derecho a la Libertad 44 6.1.5 El Principio de Oportunidad 45 6.2 Retos Procesales Dentro del Sistema Acusatorio de la Justicia Penal Militar 45 7. Anexos 50 8. Conclusiones 60 9. Referencias Bibliográficas 64 ; In Colombia, with Law 1407 of 2010, the accusatory system is implemented in the Military Criminal Justice, already having a reform through Law 1765 of 2015 in which it establishes a new administrative structure and independence of the military command, which is why it is necessary perform the analysis of the ordinary accusatory system to determine the flaws and be able to overcome them in the special regime, focused on the control of the accusation, in order to obtain a more accusatory model of justice. Although the accusation is composed of two stages, a document of accusation and another the final reading in public hearing called Audience of Formulation of Accusation, in the ordinary procedure according to Law 906 of 2004 this hearing is preceded by the Judge of Knowledge, which in principle requires formal control and case law development in exceptional form of material control; in the Military Criminal Procedure, establishes that the accusation is the receipt of the Judge of the Control of Guarantees, who is in charge of giving rise to the parties so that orally in a public hearing they express the grounds for annulments and observations are made on the written accusation of both formal and material order. And although the accusation includes the precise acts of the investigation and that therefore must comply with certain formalities and there is the procedural duty of the Accuser, to carry out the responsible exercise of the criminal action, a verification of the indictment is necessary. the material control of the same, because it can contain vices or errors that can be corrected or not: A first aspect to take into account is to avoid unnecessary judgment, by missing elements that give certainty of both the conduct punishable against the fact, and the legal basis of the same conduct, which may lead to a dismissal of the case, And the second aspect is that in fact we have the factor of conviction and that it must be aimed at the factual, legal assessment and budgets of the criminal action, studied under the parameters of legality, relevance, conduct and usefulness. In order to achieve a better scope of the subject to be dealt with, a brief explanation will be given of how the prosecution is carried out in the criminal proceedings of the United States of America, since it offers the opportunity to explore a completely different legal order and also the control of the accusation will be studied in the Chilean criminal process, as the first South American country that started with the oral accusatory system based on the German procedural system, with the purpose of defining what should be debated at the moment of the accusation within the Process Military Penalty and identify the advantages and disadvantages against fundamental principles such as legality, technical defense and due process, in addition to sources of jurisprudence and dogmatics, to establish the challenges that the Military Criminal Justice must confront to implement formal control and material of the accusation, in front of the legally relevant facts for to have the elements of conviction of responsibility to the degree of probability. Likewise, to be able to understand the other important role that the accusation makes in the criminal process with which the principle of opportunity can be applied, thus achieving an easier solution of acceptance with an arrangement of the charges imposed in the accusation as a termination anticipated of the process, achieving a sanctioned negotiated justice, saving time and budget, for other types of cases that merit a more arduous work of criminal prosecution. This work of degree will provide a reflection for the development of the activity not only of the parties and intervenors in the criminal process, but also so that the society is more and more attacked to the incidences of the process, as a contribution to the due process, as a pillar of the social coexistence, by analyzing the accusation in the criminal procedure of the United States of America and the Republic of Chile and by observing in practice the ordinary Colombian criminal accusatory system, in which procedural differences will be found and that in effect It has shortcomings in exercising control of the charge and that the military justice system can overcome at the time of applying the special rule. Therefore, the research method that will be used is the comparative - analytical, with the objective of contextualizing the scenario of the Hearing of Formulation of Indictment in the Colombian Criminal Process through the construction of new ideas, around the need of change of limitative paradigm that exists today in our country.
In: Journal of ethnicity in criminal justice, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 199-222
ISSN: 1537-7946
In: The Howard journal of criminal justice, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 41-61
ISSN: 1468-2311
Abstract: Evolution of the Italian penal legislation on illicit drugs. The 'autonomous' evolution of the spread of drugs and the lack of substantial response to the attempts at legal control. Structural socio‐economic change in the country. The connection between this change and the spread of drugs. The influence of public opinion and its effects on the legislative refonn. Western culture's illusion as to the feasibility of social control in terms mereb of penal sanctions.
In: The journal of business & industrial marketing, Band 38, Heft 3, S. 622-636
ISSN: 2052-1189
PurposeFor the past several decades, the sales control literature has focused on the outside sales context. This study aims to extend sales control research by examining formal and informal sales controls, embodied by cultural controls, used by sales managers in an inside sales context, where the sales agent's performance focus extends beyond sales outcomes to include the influence of operational phone outcomes.Design/methodology/approachBased on 232 B2C and B2B inside sales agent survey responses, this study presents evidence that in an inside sales department, this study focuses on the congruent effect of formal sales and cultural sales controls on inside sales agent overall performance.FindingsBased on 232 B2C and B2B inside sales agent survey responses, this study presents evidence that in an inside sales department, the operational focus of sales activities and resultant operational performance mediates the relationship between sales controls and inside sales agent sales performance, whereas cultural controls centered on maximizing inside sales autonomous motivation positively moderates the effect of operational outcomes on an inside sales agent's sales performance.Practical implicationsBy focusing on the tenants of an inside sales agent's overall performance, this research provides practitioners a holistic view of the inherent conflict inside sales managers must balance between the impact of formal sales controls and the benefits of cultural controls.Originality/valueBy being the only study to examine sales controls in an inside sales context, with a broad definition of overall performance to include both sales and operational phone outcomes, this study extends sales control research to a new sales context. The need to jointly focus on operational results, as well as sales outcomes, illustrate the importance of cultural controls compared to other sales processes and outcome controls
In: Policy sciences: integrating knowledge and practice to advance human dignity, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 177-181
ISSN: 1573-0891
In: Policy sciences: integrating knowledge and practice to advance human dignity ; the journal of the Society of Policy Scientists, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 177-181
ISSN: 0032-2687
There are 2 main difficulties in the rational assessment of research opportunities: (1) how does one guess what will be the long run ramifications of a particular discovery? & (2) How does one impute a social value to an outcome if it does occur? Given the lack of a general measurement theory of scientific value, one may try to make judgments within limited sets of alternatives. It may be easier to find a common yardstick for the prospects of research within disciplines than across all disciplines. Of course the contribution of any given piece of research must be weighted for its probability of success. A case in which such a self-conscious social cost-benefit analysis is possible is described. The case is intended to serve as a demonstration that quantitative evaluation techniques can have a significant range of application in social research. The example is a proposed experiment with incentive payments for nonpregnancy, now being considered by various foundations interested in population policy. The goal of this experiment is to reduce natality in less-developed countries. This project is particularly easy to evaluate because it is very "applied" & untheoretical; it is not necessary to speculate on how this work would ramify into other research work--which is perhaps the most difficult problem in the evaluation of science. The technique used is Bayesian decision theory. 1 Figure. AA.