The Inside Looking Out: Consistency and Delimitation in EU External Relations
In: Common market law review, Band 37, Heft 5, S. 1135-1172
ISSN: 0165-0750
103 Ergebnisse
In: Common market law review, Band 37, Heft 5, S. 1135-1172
ISSN: 0165-0750
In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Band 51, Heft 1-2, S. 15-28
ISSN: 0770-2965
World Affairs Online
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 109-129
ISSN: 1875-8223
In: Internationale spectator, Band 48, Heft 6, S. 276-282
ISSN: 0020-9317
In: Die Europäische Union im 21. Jahrhundert, S. 302-316
In: Principles of international law
"Juxtaposing perspectives, this insightful book brings together the various dimensions of the relationship between EU law and international law. As the multifaceted interplay between these two legal orders has become increasingly complex with expanding EU policy areas and the development of the EU as a global (normative) actor, this book offers a timely contribution to this important field of study."
World Affairs Online
In: Research handbooks in international law
"The European Union has established relationships with other international organizations and institutions, mainly as a result of its increasingly active role as a global actor and the transfer of competences from the Member States to the EU. Containing chapters by leading scholars, this Research Handbook presents a comprehensive and critical assessment of these relationships, examining both the EU's representation and cooperation as well as the influence of these external bodies on the development of EU law and policy. Insightful and analytical, the Research Handbook explores the interaction of the EU with both formal and informal international institutions as it seeks to become more visible and active within these. The many challenges associated with the limits set by the EU and by international law and politics in relation to EU participation and the 'state-centred' international legal system are assessed. This unique Research Handbook will be a key resource for scholars and students of international and European law and political science, providing a unique overview of the less well-known international organizations in addition to the large institutions. The examination of the development of law and policy will also be of interest to the practitioners of these organizations and those at national ministries"--
In: Research handbooks in international law
World Affairs Online
In: Netherlands yearbook of international law volume 45
The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law was first published in 1970. It offers a forum for the publication of scholarly articles of a more general nature in the area of public international law including the law of the european Union. One of the key functions or purposes of international law (and law in general for that matter) is to provide long-term stability and legal certainty. Yet, international legal rules may also function as tools to deal with non-permanent or constantly changing issues and rather than stable, international law may have to be flexible or adaptive. Prima facie
In: International Law - Book Archive pre-2000
In the recent period the political and security infrastructure in Europe has changed dramatically, in particular after the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. This has resulted in a process of transformation not only within the former socialist countries, but also in the various political and security institutions. The fundamental change in the political landscape in Europe has also affected the Western European Union (WEU): from a more or less dormant organization it developed in the 1990s into the `defence arm' of the European Union and the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance. The changing functions of WEU, which became clear especially after its `reactivation' in 1984 and the conclusion of the Maastricht Treaty (1992), are reflected in this volume. Apart from all major documents the book contains a short introduction on the purposes, institutions and possibilities of WEU. The texts are made accessible by an extensive subject index
In: Common market law review, Band 60, Heft 5, S. 1384-1396
ISSN: 1875-8320
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 28, Heft 4, S. 305-310
ISSN: 1875-8223
World Affairs Online