Puerto Rico Federal Relations Act : hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Eighty-Sixth Congress, first session, on June 9, 1959
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/umn.31951d020872270
Considers (86) S. 2708, (86) H.R. 5926, (86) S. 2023. ; Considers S. 2023, to amend the compact between Puerto Rico and the U.S. to redefine their relationship by clarifying and strengthening Puerto Rico's self-government legislation. Also includes memorandums-of-law and official agency views of a proposed substitute bill. ; Record is based on bibliographic data in CIS US Congressional Committee Hearings Index. Reuse except for individual research requires license from Congressional Information Service, Inc. ; Indexed in CIS US Congressional Committee Hearings Index Part VII ; Considers (86) S. 2708, (86) H.R. 5926, (86) S. 2023. ; Considers S. 2023, to amend the compact between Puerto Rico and the U.S. to redefine their relationship by clarifying and strengthening Puerto Rico's self-government legislation. Also includes memorandums-of-law and official agency views of a proposed substitute bill. ; Mode of access: Internet.