Purpose – This paper aims to seek to demonstrate that a non-scientific approach to policy design causes policymakers to persist in the development and use of conventional and inefficient "top-down" policies. This paper takes the case of the design of official pro-internationalization policy, intended to promote internationalization through outward investment, to reveal inadequacies and inefficiencies in policy design. Through an analysis of the merits of introducing a "bottom-up" approach, it also aims to show how policy redesign would better yield the desired specific and effective impacts sought by policymakers.
Design/methodology/approach – A framework was developed, comprising a set of real policy measures, two indexes to quantify the alignment between government policies and firms' strategies and a regression model to test the impact of the misalignment on firm performance. This framework uses primary empirical data.
Findings – The results are obtained through an item-by-item comparison between use and revealed, or perceived, importance of each type of public support and then, through the indexes, which rank the different types of incentives according to their importance and use. Analysis of these suggests that some measures could be more efficient, and that firms with higher levels of foreign market commitment tend to be more aligned with public policy, and benefit from it most, while those firms with a lower degree of internationalization are the least well served by policy support measures.
Originality/value – These results identify systematic weaknesses in policy design and point to the reasons for these weaknesses. The findings suggest that governments tend to craft "top-down" policy, based on high-level presumptions about the nature of all firms' strategies towards internationalization and international expansion. We propose that these presumptions result from flawed evaluations of policy effectiveness overly influenced by existing foreign investors, to the detriment of the true and intended strategies of the actual target group of the least internationalized firms. It is concluded that to improve both the efficiency and the effectiveness of policy actions, the traditional "top-down" intervention paradigm of policy-making should be complemented by policy designed from the "bottom-up", making use of reliable information about all firms' strategies, and taking care to better identify natural target groups of firms according to their existing or potential resources and capabilities.
Since the crisis of late 2001 and early 2002, one of the themes that characterized the state agency was the intensification and diversification of government initiatives aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for reintegration of the unemployed population by implementing a complementary way care plans, a series of social programs designed to encourage, through subsidies, the development of productive activities among the unemployed. This paper aims to describe the organization of productive enterprises between unemployed in the municipality of Famaillá, Tucumán - Argentina, identifying the main difficulties impeding the normal development of such enterprises.
"This book is driven by major developments in the world economy and fills the gap in the literature by providing new insights into some of the main opportunities and challenges faced by multinational enterprises seeking to pursue their foreign investment activities and gain access to new markets., specifically focusing on cross-border investment and how multinational enterprises are able to exploit new global business opportunities"--
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Este trabajo reconstruye las carreras de policías que se encuentran cumpliendo una sentencia por el delito de secuestro en la Penitenciaría de Santa Martha, en la Ciudad de México, desde el punto de vista de su itinerario "interrumpido" dentro de las instituciones policiales mexicanas. Las entrevistas realizadas nos develan una cultura policial que se basa en cuatro pilares que articulan el significado de las relaciones sociales tanto al interior de la institución, como respecto a los ciudadanos: desconfianza, autoritarismo, discrecionalidad y negociación. Estos rasgos nos conducen a identificar el ethos cotidiano y normalizado de una institución que se sustenta a sí misma y ejerce el abuso de poder para su propia perpetuación, aunque para ello sea necesario actuar en contra de algunos de sus elementos a quienes instrumentaliza como víctimas propiciatorias parala opinión pública.
Este trabajo se basa en el análisis de material etnográfico obtenido mediante la organización de grupos de discusión en los que participaron 166 agentes pertenecientes a todos los rangos de la Policía Judicial de la ciudad de México. Indaga en las prácticas de abusos de autoridad y de corrupción, las cuales han de comprenderse a partir de la necesidad de la reproducción institucional para conservar nichos laborales y estrategias de obtención de recursos. También considera el peso que tienen en dichas prácticas la precariedad en el trabajo y los abusos de poder que sufren los policías, forzándolos a instaurar códigos morales propios y reglas de conducta que a menudo generan, a su vez, abusos hacia la sociedad civil. Finalmente, analiza el uso de eufemismos legales que se convierten en coartadas de dominación derivadas de la legitimidad del Estado.
Se analiza la interpretación que hace el semanario satírico Gedeón (1897-1912) de un pilar fundamental de la cultura artística española contemporánea: las Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes. Textos o viñetas de caricaturistas como Sileno, Sancha o Xaudaró, frivolizan o ironizan sobre obras, artistas, jurados o premios; caracterizando primordialmente su enfoque la utilización paródica de los cuadros más notables como marcos iconográficos de la sátira política. Como fuente crítica resulta limitada y ocasional, pero no deja de ser un complemento sugerente y efectivo para el estudio del arte y la historia española contemporáneos. ; This paper discusses the criticisms of one of the most important elements of contemporary Spanish artistic culture — the National Fine Arts Exhibitions — to be found in the satirical weekly Gedéon (1897-1912). Texts, drawings and cartoons by such caricature artists as Sileno, Sancha or Xaudaró comment frivolously or ironically on art works, artists, prizes and their panels of judges, and to this end they parodied the most notable paintings, using them for the purpose of political satire. This is naturally limited and period-specific as a means of criticism, but it is nevertheless interesting to observe and forms a useful aspect of the study of Spanish contemporary art and history.
In: International journal of knowledge society research: IJKSR ; an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 114-122
In this paper, the authors describe and implement an algorithm to perform a supervised classification into Landsat MSS satellite images. The Maximum Likelihood Classification method is used to generate raster digital thematic maps by means of a supervised clustering. The clustering method has been proved in Landsat MSS images of different regions of Mexico to detect several training data related to the geographic environment. The algorithm has been integrated into Spatial Analyzer Module to improve the decision making model and the spatial analysis into GIS-applications.
In: ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing: official publication of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Band 220, S. 637-648