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2968 Ergebnisse
Cripping the Creature: Disability, Hyper-ability, and Monstrosity in Bram Stoker's Dracula
In: Journal of literary and cultural disability studies, S. 1-16
ISSN: 1757-6466
The article suggests that we "crip" monsters by reading their weaknesses as disabilities when measured (as all disabilities are) against a culturally constructed standard of a normate human body. As a case study, the article offers an analysis of the mental, moral, and spiritual disabilities of the vampiric body in Bram Stoker's
; the suggestion being that the novel's compulsion (and ultimate failure) thoroughly to "Otherize" the monster springs from anxieties about the somatic links between vampires and their human prey/progeny, which reveals the artificiality of many criteria used to evaluate humans and vampires. The claim in this reading is that the uncomfortable similarities between human and vampiric embodiment and the competition for white human women as a site of reproduction raise questions about the relative fitness of the human and vampire races for survival. Presenting disability in monstrous bodies destabilizes notions of the normate human body as the ideal form of embodiment and unsettles human notions of what constitutes fitness for survival in ways that may enable a productive discourse at the intersection of disability and monster studies, despite the troubled history of these two labels.
Re-learning culture in cities beyond the West
In: Urban studies, Band 61, Heft 13, S. 2531-2547
ISSN: 1360-063X
Urban scholars have long engaged with the role of culture in cities. Tracing this debate, this article outlines the evolutions of culture as an object of study in inquiries on the urban and wishes to trouble two persisting trends in this literature. The first is a geographical and theoretical Eurocentric vision of culture, often framing cities beyond the West as exceptions or needing validation through a comparison with a Western case or theoretical model; the second is an economistic vision of culture under neoliberalism, neglecting the political and ideological dimensions of culture. As a step in overcoming these limitations, this article builds around the notion of 're-learning', to re-insert memory, informality and conflicting heritage into the debate on culture in cities. Drawing on an ethnography of the street 'Avenida 26' in Bogotá, Colombia, the article shows that informal cultural practices in the middle of segregation and urban violence can hardly be grasped through the current framing of culture in cities. Yet, they invite an opening up of such a framing to include different ways to cohabit and navigate space through everyday minor engagements. These multifaceted cultural realities urge us to 're-learn' culture in cities anywhere and advance theorisation on culture that takes non-Western urban spaces seriously.
"Think Positive, Save a Life"? Resilience and Mental Health Interventions as Political Abandonment in a Refugee Settlement in Northern Uganda
In: Civil wars, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 708-734
ISSN: 1743-968X
Contribution to the theory of territorial development: a territorial innovations approach
In: Regional Studies, S. 1-16
ISSN: 1360-0591
Women in the New Labor Activism: Gender Trends in Attitudes Toward Unions
In: Work and occupations: an international sociological journal, Band 50, Heft 3, S. 412-419
ISSN: 1552-8464
The gender gap in union membership rates has narrowed considerably in the last decades. How is this change related to women's attitudes toward unions? What is the profile of women who support union activism? Are there reasons to believe that women's support will continue to increase over time? Using data from the General Social Survey, I examine women's attitudes toward trade unions between 2002 and 2021. Data shows that support for unions is higher among non-white, less-educated, and younger women, as well as among women employed in female-dominated occupations. I conclude by discussing the implications of the findings for current and future labor activism.
Mountain as an Ambivalent Transit Zone: Facing the Battleground of the Alpine Border Crossing
In: Journal of borderlands studies, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 637-655
ISSN: 2159-1229
Les dimensions coopératives du développement territorial
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Band 364, Heft 2, S. 238-249
ISSN: 2261-2599
Cet article analyse les dimensions coopératives des processus de développement territorial et montre comment la mise en œuvre de relations de coopération contribue à leur réussite. On insiste sur le fait qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une question de coordination entre entreprises ou organisations productives, mais plus fondamentalement de l'implication des populations et des différentes parties locales. Après une présentation de la notion de développement territorial et du rôle joué par les relations de coopération dans les systèmes localisés de production et l'économie sociale et solidaire, est étudiée leur contribution à la production des innovations territoriales et des dynamiques de développement territorial.
Armonizzare i corpi. Sport e fascismo a Lucca negli anni di Carlo Scorza
Il caso lucchese, negli anni di potere del ras Carlo Scorza dal 1921 al 1932, presenta alcune caratteristiche proprie che evidenziano come lo sport sia stato un mezzo, tra gli altri, di consolidamento dell'immagine rinnovatrice del segretario federale e della sua legittimazione personale nel partecipare alle lotte di potere nazionale; ciò viene attuato grazie alla propaganda serrata del giornale «L'Intrepido» - «Il Popolo Toscano», diretto dal ras stesso, che pone la narrazione sportiva entro i quadri della "resurrezione" fisica e morale della cittadinanza operata dall'organizzazione del fascismo lucchese. La volontà di inquadrare la società entro una rigida ed intransigente gerarchia ha spinto Scorza a fascistizzare progressivamente il mondo sportivo, prima con l'associazione culturale e sportiva «Rinascenza Italica» nel 1923 e poi subentrando all'interno delle società sportive dal 1927 al 1930, soprattutto inquadrando l'Unione Sportiva Libertas di Lucca, attraverso l'azione del Comune e l'aiuto delle politiche governative. Questo studio è un modo per comprendere alcune risposte derivanti dalle nuove esigenze poste dalla Grande Guerra, che a Lucca hanno prodotto una ricerca particolare di armonico rinnovamento comunitario, avvalendosi delle pratiche sportive per una "nuova grandezza" cittadina e per la totalizzazione dell'attività politica.
Mineurs non accompagnés : dans les projets MSF, des voix d'avenir, sans voie d'avenir
In: Hommes & migrations: première revue française des questions d'immigration, Heft 1336, S. 169-176
ISSN: 2262-3353
Davide Ponzini 2020: Transnational Architecture and Urbanism: Rethinking How Cities Plan, Transform, and Learn. Abingdon: Routledge
In: International journal of urban and regional research, Band 45, Heft 4, S. 745-746
ISSN: 1468-2427
Cantinelas and sayings: Some metric questions ; Cantilenas y refranes: algunas cuestiones métricas ; Chansons et proverbes: quelques questions de métrique
At the outset of every metrical study, the task of syllabic computation becomes inevitable. In children's games, involving counting and tossing for it, the phenomenon of syllabication arises spontaneously, while eventually leading on to an appeal to rhyme. Rhyme, usually consonant-based, also tends to be common in political whoops and slogans, as well as in popular sayings and sing-song pieces. Syllabication and rhyme, hark back to the acoustic and memorizable origins of the linguistic sign itself. ; En el inicio de todo estudio métrico surge necesariamente la tarea del cómputo silábico. En los juegos infantiles, para contar y echar a suertes, aparece asimismo de una manera espontánea el fenómeno del silabeo y, eventualmente, el recurso a la rima. La rima, generalmente consonante, es habitual también en ciertos gritos y proclamas políticas, así como en los refranes y coplas populares. El silabeo y la rima nos retrotraen al origen acústico y memorizable del signo lingüístico. ; Toute étude métrique impose en son début la tâche de compter les syllabes. Dans les jeux enfantins, pour compter et tirer au sort, apparaît de même et de façon spontanée le phénomène du décompte syllabique ainsi que, éventuellement, le recours à la rime. La rime, généralement consonante, est habituelle dans certains cris et proclamations politiques, autant que dans les proverbes et les couplets populaires. Le décompte des syllabes et la rime nous font remonter vers l'origine acoustique et mémorisable du signe linguistique.
Réflexions sur les possibilités d'un développement territorial durable
In: The Canadian journal of regional science: CJRS = ˜Laœ revue canadienne des sciences régionales, Band 44, Heft 3, S. 111