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52 Ergebnisse
In: Przegla̜d zachodni: czasopismo Instytutu Zachodniego w Poznaniu : kwartalnik. [Polnische Ausgabe], Band 63, Heft 1, S. 77-98
ISSN: 0033-2437
In: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies
Medieval towns, from Portugal to Hungary to Egypt, were places of contact between members of different religious communities, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, who rubbed shoulders in the ports and on the streets, who haggled in the markets, signed contracts, and shared wells, courtyards, dining tables, bath houses, and sometimes beds. These interactions caused legal problems from the point of view of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim judicial scholars of the middle ages, not to mention for the rulers of these towns. These legal attempts to define and solve the problems posed by interreligious relations are the subject of this volume, which brings together the work of seventeen scholars from nine countries (France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, USA), specialists in history, law, archeology and religion.
In: Religion and law in medieval christian and muslim societies 3
In: Religion and law in medieval Christian and Muslim societies 1
In: Jews in Early Christian Law; Religion and law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies, S. 359-365
In: The European Qur'an 1
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- The Four Oldest Latin Quotations of the Qur'an: Eighth/Ninth-Century al-Andalus -- On the Genesis and Formation of the Corpus Cluniacense -- Dixit apostoli. The Word-by-word Principle in Latin Translations of the Qur'an -- Translating from Arabic to Latin in the Twelfth Century: The Examples of Two Englishmen, Robert of Ketton and Adelard of Bath -- Corrections to Robert of Ketton's Translation of the Qur'an in MS Paris Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal 1162 -- Robert de Ketton, traditore: Manifestations of anti-Islamic Radicalism in the First Latin Translation of the Qur'an -- Translatological Remarks on Rendering the Qur'an into Latin (Robert of Ketton, Mark of Toledo and Egidio da Viterbo): Purposes, Theory, and Techniques -- The Contribution of the Speculum historiale to the History of the Latin Risālat al-Kindī and the Corpus Cluniacense -- Context and the Use of Quotes from Robert of Ketton's Translation of the Qur'an in the Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis -- Interpretatio iuxta traditionem: The Transmission of Latin Anti-Islamic Texts -- Qur'an at the Council. Manuscripts and Use of the Ketton Translation of the Qur'an at the Council of Basel (1431–1449) -- An Indirect Usage of the Qur'an in the XVth century. Jean Germain's Débat du chrétien et du sarrasin -- The Extracta ex Alcorano and Giacomo della Marca's Glosses in MS Falconara 3 -- The Glosses on Mark of Toledo's Alchoranus Latinus -- Dhul-Qarnayn, The One of the Two Horns, in the Latin Glosses to the Qur'an -- Qur'an Quotations in the Liber de Doctrina Mahumet -- Using Muslim Exegesis in Europe in the 12th and 18th Centuries: A Comparative Study of Robert of Ketton's and George Sale's Approaches -- Riccoldo da Monte di Croce and the Origins of the Qur'an as a Deviation from Christian Salvation History -- Riccoldo the Florentine's Reprobacion del Alcoran: A Manual for Preaching to the 'Moors' -- Sicut Euangelia sunt quatuor, distribuerunt continentiam eius in quatuor libros: On the Division of Iberian Qur'ans and Their Translations into Four Parts -- The Bellús Qur'an, Martín García, and Martín de Figuerola: The Study of the Qur'an and Its Use in the Sermones de la Fe and the Disputes with Muslims in the Crown of Aragon in the Sixteenth Century -- Conclusion: Robert of Ketton's Translation and its Legacy -- List of Contributors -- Index of Manuscript -- Index
In: Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 138
In: Religion and law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies 7
In: Religions & sociétés
Introduction /Dominique Avon --Pt. 1.Analyse ces contenus : programmes et manuels --La place des faits religieux dans les programmes d'histoire en France. Mise en perspective et situation actuelle --L'enseignement des faits religieux en France. Mise en perspective du rapport Debray --Enseignement de l'histoire en Égypte et en Syrie. Fait religieux et enjeux identitaires --La représentation de l'islam dans les manuels d'histoire en Espagne et en Allemagne. Une narration de plus en plus liée aux images --Le fait religieux dans les manuels français de la classe de seconde --Le fait religieux dans les manuels d'histoire de la République islamique d'Iran --Le fait religieux et le christianisme dans les manuels scolaires de Russie, 1985-2015 --Le fait religieux et l'implication des autorités ecclésiastiques dans les manuels scolaires d'histoire de l'enseignement primaire grec (1981-2006) --L'avènement de l'islam dans les manuels d'histoire algériens et tunisiens --Identités religieuses dans le discours scolaire turc --Pt. 2.Institutions -- Enjeux ? Rivalités --Conflating Hindu and Indian Identity in the Presentation of India's Ancient Past. The Post-Colonial Context of the NCERT Textbook Controversy --L'enseignement du fait religieux en débat. Le cas de la Belgique --Manuels d'histoire et fait religieux au Liban. De la rivalité à l'amnésie --La réception des Grands textes au sein de l'école genevoise. Heurs et malheurs d'une brochure d'histoire comparée des religions --Enseignement et fait religieux en Tunisie 1956-1987. Les paradoxes d'une politique incertaine --Fait religieux et enseignement de l'histoire en Tunisie. Le modèle "charfien" à l'épreuve de la Révolution --L'éducation islamique dans le système éducatif public algérien depuis l'indépendance. Quelques éclairages --Le religieux dans et par-delà les manuels scolaires d'histoire au Maroc. La prédominance d'une conception intégrale de l'islam --Discours et échanges. Sur la pluralité religieuse au lycée en Israël --Enjeux et débats sur les religions dans l'enseignement de l'histoire en Hongrie --Pt. 3.Pratiques oédagogicues --Une vision laïque des faits religieux dans les manuels d'histoire de la Belgique francophone --L'Occident médiéval et les religions dans les manuels de seconde des années 2000 et 2010. Une approche didactique --Le pluralisme religieux et son traitement disciplinaire en seconde en France --Aborder le fait religieux dans le cadre de l'étude du Proche et du Moyen-Orient. Une gageure pédagogique ? --La Bible, objet d'étude à l'école de la République. Analyse comparée des démarches d'enseignement/apprentissage en classes de français et d'histoire (classe de sixième).
In: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies
This volume shows through the use of legal sources that law was used to try to erect boundaries between communities in order to regulate or restrict interaction between the faithful and the non-faithful; and at the same time shows how these boundaries were repeatedly transgressed and negotiated. Muslim law developed a clear legal cadre for dhimmīs, inferior but protected non-Muslim communities (in particular Jews and Christians) and Roman Canon law decreed a similar status for Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe. Yet the theoretical hierarchies between faithful and infidel were constantly brought into question in the daily interactions between men and women of different faiths in streets, markets, bath-houses, law courts, etc. The twelve essays in this volume explore these tensions and attempts to resolve them. These contributions show that law was used to try to erect boundaries between communities in order to regulate or restrict interaction between the faithful and the non-faithful—and at the same time how these boundaries were repeatedly transgressed and negotiated. These essays explore also the possibilities and the limits of the use of legal sources for the social historian.
In: Religion and law in medieval Christian and Muslim societies 6
Judaïsme, christianisme, islam ont en Europe une histoire millénaire. Ces monothéismes se différencient par leur poids respectif, par les moments de leur inscription sur le continent et par leurs inégaux rapports avec le pouvoir : le christianisme a été adopté par un très grand nombre d'habitants et est devenu – avec d'importantes variations selon les lieux et les époques – une religion officielle, faisant face, dès lors, à des religions minoritaires. La structuration du continent en États et la division du christianisme lui-même, entre le Moyen Age et le XVIe siècle, ont placé les minorités dans une situation souvent instable et douloureuse. Ainsi s'expliquent, pour partie, la lutte contre les hérésies », les guerres de religion, l'expulsion des juifs de plusieurs royaumes européens (et aussi l'expulsion de Musulmans de la Sicile et de la péninsule ibérique), la question juive » au XIXe siècle et jusqu'à la Shoah. C'est ce passé que réveille, depuis la fin du XXe siècle, le débat sur la place de l'islam et les manières de manifester sa foi dans l'espace public.00
International audience ; The sixth to eleventh centuries are a crucial formative period for Jewish communities in Byzantium and Latin Europe: this is also a period for which sources are scarce and about which historians have often had to speculate on the basis of scant evidence. The legal sources studied in this volume provide a relative wealth of textual material concerning Jews, and for certain areas and periods are the principal sources. While this makes them particularly valuable, it also makes their interpretation difficult, given the lack of corroborative sources.The scholars whose work has been brought together in this volume shed light on this key period of the history of Jews and of Jewish-Christian relations, focusing on key sources of the period: Byzantine imperial law, the canons of church councils, papal bulls, royal legislation from the Visigoths or Carolingians, inscriptions, and narrative sources in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The picture that emerges from these studies is variegated. Some scholars, following Bernhard Blumenkranz, have depicted this period as one of relative tolerance towards Jews and Judaism; others have stressed the intolerance shown at key intervals by ecclesiastical authors, church councils and monarchs.Yet perhaps more than revealing general tendencies towards "tolerance" or "intolerance", these studies bring to light the ways in which law in medieval societies serves a variety of purposes: from providing a theologically-based rationale for social tolerance, to attempting to regulate and restrict inter-religious contact, to using anti-Jewish rhetoric to assert the authority or legitimacy of one party of the Christian elite over and against another. This volume makes an im- portant contribution not only to the history of medieval Jewish-Christian relations, but also to research on the uses and functions of law in medieval societies.