Bowling alone, revisited
In: The responsive community, Band 5, S. 18-33
ISSN: 1053-0754
159 Ergebnisse
In: The responsive community, Band 5, S. 18-33
ISSN: 1053-0754
In: The international spectator: journal of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 81-93
ISSN: 1751-9721
In: Polis: ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 325-328
ISSN: 1120-9488
In: Polis: ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 325-328
ISSN: 1120-9488
In: National civic review: promoting civic engagement and effective local governance for more than 100 years, Band 82, Heft 2, S. 101-107
ISSN: 1542-7811
AbstractCertain communities do not enjoy a more vital civic life because they are prosperous, they are prosperous because they have a vital civic life. How do you make democracy work better? Start by strengthening the norms of trust, reciprocity and civic engagement that are indispensable to collective existence.
In: National civic review: publ. by the National Municipal League, Band 82, Heft 2, S. 101
ISSN: 0027-9013
In: Journal of international economics, Band 26, Heft 3-4, S. 394-396
ISSN: 0022-1996
In: International organization, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 427-460
ISSN: 0020-8183
World Affairs Online
In: International organization, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 427-460
ISSN: 1531-5088
Domestic politics and international relations are often inextricably entangled, but existing theories (particularly "state-centric" theories) do not adequately account for these linkages. When national leaders must win ratification (formal or informal) from their constituents for an international agreement, their negotiating behavior reflects the simultaneous imperatives of both a domestic political game and an international game. Using illustrations from Western economic summitry, the Panama Canal and Versailles Treaty negotiations, IMF stabilization programs, the European Community, and many other diplomatic contexts, this article offers a theory of ratification. It addresses the role of domestic preferences and coalitions, domestic political institutions and practices, the strategies and tactics of negotiators, uncertainty, the domestic reverberation of international pressures, and the interests of the chief negotiator. This theory of "two-level games" may also be applicable to many other political phenomena, such as dependency, legislative committees, and multiparty coalitions.
In: PS: political science & politics, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 837-845
ISSN: 1537-5935
In: AEI foreign policy and defense review, Band 6, Heft 2: Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, S. 13-21
ISSN: 0163-9927
World Affairs Online
In: PS, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 837-845
ISSN: 2325-7172
In: Europa-Archiv, Band 40, Heft 8, S. 233
In: Europa-Archiv / Beiträge und Berichte
Von der Konferenz sind, wie schon von den vorhergehenden seit Anfang der achtziger Jahre, keine konkreten Entscheidungen zu erwarten. Auf der Tagesordnung stehen die wachstums- und beschäftigungspolitische Strategie, die Vorbereitung der neuen GATT-Verhandlungsrunde, die internationale Währungsproblematik, die Nord-Süd-Beziehungen und auf besonderen deutschen Wunsch die Umweltschutzpolitik. Unterschiedliche Interessen der Teilnehmer lassen in kaum einem dieser Punkte substantielle Übereinkünfte erwarten. Ähnliches gilt für die Debatte über die "strategische Verteidigungsinitiative" der USA. Als Gesprächsforum behält jedoch auch der Bonner Weltwirtschaftsgipfel seinen Wert. (SWP-Spb)
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online