Transport and bioaccumulation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans at the Bien Hoa Agent Orange hotspot in Vietnam
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 22, Heft 19, S. 14431-14441
ISSN: 1614-7499
1302 Ergebnisse
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 22, Heft 19, S. 14431-14441
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Histoire sociale: Social history, Band 54, Heft 112, S. 710-712
ISSN: 1918-6576
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 26, Heft 28, S. 28852-28859
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: MAREX Publication Series Issue 2
This article discussed Vietnam's ongoing efforts to decentralize the health system and its fitness to respond to global health crises as presented through the Covid-19 pandemic. We used a general review and expert's perspective to explore the topic. We found that the healthcare system in Vietnam continued to decentralize from a pyramid to a wheel model. This system shifts away from a stratified technical hierarchy of higher- and lower-level health units (pyramid model) to a system in which quality healthcare is equally expected among all health units (wheel model). This decentralization has delivered more quality healthcare facilities, greater freedom for patients to choose services at any level, a more competitive environment among hospitals to improve quality, and reductions in excess capacity burden at higher levels. It has also enabled the transformation from a patient-based traditional healthcare model into a patient-centered care system. However, this decentralization takes time and requires long-term political, financial commitment, and a working partnership among key stakeholders. This perspective provides Vietnam's experience of the decentralization of the healthcare system that may be consider as a useful example for other countries to strategically think of and to shape their future system within their own socio-political context.
In: International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Band 8, Heft 12, S. 3783-3802
ISSN: 2455-8834
Women are always an important and abundant force in the workforce, playing a crucial role in all areas of social life. Doan Bai is a local area currently in the process of building a new countryside, where the economic role of households is crucial in generating income for the people and contributing to the socio-economic development of Hiep Hoa district. This research article explores the role of women in the development of the households economics, focusing on the case study in Doan Bai commune, Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province. By using data collection methods such as surveys and in-depth interviews on the level of women's involvement compared to men in various economic activities of households economics, the research team identifies the role of women in (1) Agricultural production, cultivation, and animal husbandry, (2) Different stages of household production and business activities, (3) Managing the households economics, (4) Decision-making in the economic activities of the household. The research findings emphasize the increasing importance of women in developing the households economics. As a result, the research team proposes some discussion recommendations to enhance women's role in the development of the households economics.
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 24, Heft 8, S. 7348-7358
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Przegląd narodowościowy: Review of nationalities, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 275-283
ISSN: 2543-9391
Tourism is a growing service economic sector that creates jobs for many communities in the world. Ethnic minority communities in many countries are also now taking part in tourism activities. Vietnam is a country with great potentials for natural landscapes, historical values, indigenous culture of ethnic groups with habits and lifestyles, rich culinary culture of regions. It is the basis for development of tourism. Through tourism, tourists will understand the daily life of indigenous peoples, but at the same time people in these ethnic minority communities will have the opportunity to access popular cultural phenomena. This thesis discusses the ethnic minority communities' access to popular culture through tourism such as mass media, popular culinary culture or mass tourism. The case study was conducted in a village of ethnic minorities in Hoa Binh province, North Vietnam which has been undergoing changes under the impact of tourism in recent years.
This study used the Australian Environmental Health Risk Assessment Framework to assess the human health risk of dioxin exposure through foods for local residents in two wards of Bien Hoa City, Vietnam. These wards are known hot-spots for dioxin and a range of stakeholders from central government to local levels were involved in this process. Publications on dioxin characteristics and toxicity were reviewed and dioxin concentrations in local soil, mud, foods, milk and blood samples were used as data for this risk assessment. A food frequency survey of 400 randomly selected households in these wards was conducted to provide data for exposure assessment. Results showed that local residents who had consumed locally cultivated foods, especially fresh water fish and bottom-feeding fish, free-ranging chicken, duck, and beef were at a very high risk, with their daily dioxin intake far exceeding the tolerable daily intake recommended by the WHO. Based on the results of this assessment, a multifaceted risk management program was developed and has been recognized as the first public health program ever to have been implemented in Vietnam to reduce the risks of dioxin exposure at dioxin hot-spots.
In: Survey review, Band 56, Heft 397, S. 383-393
ISSN: 1752-2706
Disaster legal services -- Skills pedagogy and legal ethics in a law school disaster recovery clinic -- Understanding compassion fatigue resiliency while providing disaster legal services -- Moving beyond empowering the "vulnerable" to deliver value and outcomes in disaster legal services to the marginalized -- Federal disaster individual sssistance programs -- Advocate's guide to navigating FEMA individual and households program -- FEMA disaster relief and title, homeownership, and heirs' properties -- Navigating a flood insurance claim post-pisaster -- Disaster relief, tenant rights, and rental housing.
Since 1986, Vietnam has moved from a centrally planned towards a market-oriented system through several major economic and trade reforms. First positive results of the reform process became visible in the early 1990s when poverty declined significantly. The Vietnamese agricultural sector has also experienced high growth and impressive export achievements. The country changed from a food importer to one of the major exporters worldwide. The question arises to what extent support policies contributed to this growth, especially of the agricultural sector. To answer this question, domestic and trade policies in the agricultural sector are analysed and the market price support (MPS) and producer support estimates (PSEs) are calculated. To account for the special conditions in Vietnam, adjustments for country- and commodity-specific factors like transportation costs, marketing margins and the quality difference of exportables (or importables) at the border and domestically are included. Selected agricultural commodities for MPS and PSE calculation comprise rice, coffee, tea, rubber, pepper, sugar, groundnut, cashew nut and pig meat. Their shares in total output exceed 70% allowing for a generalization of the calculated PSEs, thus roughly representing the whole agricultural sector. The finding is that most agricultural products were taxed in the mid 1980s until the mid 1990s. This was mainly due to the dominance and monopoly position of the state-owned sector, restrictive trade policies like import and export quotas and licenses, and distorted markets and prices in the country. The domestic reform process and the opening of the economy since the early 1990s, however, impacted on the gaps between the domestic and international prices. Thus, since the mid 1990s, the net support of agriculture became positive and increased - but still reaching only rather moderate levels. This study of Vietnam is the third comprehensive review conducted within an IFPRI project on understanding and assessing domestic and trade policies in the agricultural sector in developing countries. The data are meant to deliver a basis for further trade-related research to be conducted in the future. ; Seit 1986 hat sich Vietnam infolge mehrerer größerer Wirtschafts- und Handelsreformen von einem zentral geplanten hin zu einem marktorientierten System entwickelt. Die ersten positiven Ergebnisse des Reformprozesses wurden Anfang der neunziger Jahre sichtbar, als die Armutszahlen deutlich zurückgingen. Zudem verzeichnete der vietnamesische Agrarsektor ein hohes Wachstum und beeindruckende Exporterfolge. Das Land wandelte sich von einem Nahrungsmittelimporteur zu einem der größten Exporteure weltweit. Es stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit politische Stützungsmaßnahmen zu diesem Wachstum, speziell im Agrarsektor, beitrugen. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage werden innen- und handelspolitische Maßnahmen, die auf den Agrarsektor abzielen, untersucht und die Marktpreisstützung (MPS) sowie Produzentensubventionsäquivalente (PSEs) berechnet. Um den speziellen Bedingungen in Vietnam Rechnung zu tragen, werden Anpassungen für landes- und produktspezifische Faktoren vorgenommen, z.B. für Transportkosten, Marketingmargen und die Qualitätsunterschiede der Export- oder Importprodukte an der Grenze und im Inland. Zur Berechnung der MPS und PSEs wurden folgende Agrarerzeugnisse ausgewählt: Reis, Kaffee, Tee, Kautschuk, Pfeffer, Zucker, Erdnüsse, Cashewnüsse und Schweinefleisch. Da der Anteil dieser Produkte an der Gesamtproduktion mehr als 70% beträgt, lässt sich eine Verallgemeinerung der errechneten PSEs vornehmen, welche somit den gesamten Agrarsektor repräsentieren. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass die meisten Agrarprodukte während der achtziger bis Mitte der neunziger Jahre besteuert wurden. Dies lag im Wesentlichen an der Dominanz und Monopolstellung des staatlichen Sektors, an einer restriktiven Handelspolitik durch Import- und Exportquoten und Lizenzen sowie an verzerrten Märkten und Preisen im Land. Der inländische Reformprozess und die Öffnung der Wirtschaft Anfang der neunziger Jahre beeinflussten jedoch die Diskrepanz zwischen Inlandspreisen und internationalen Preisen. So nahm seit Mitte der neunziger Jahre die Netto-Agrarunterstützung steigende positive Werte an, die sich allerdings immer noch auf vergleichsweise niedrigem Niveau bewegten. Diese umfassende Untersuchung von Vietnam ist die dritte Studie, die innerhalb eines IFPRI-Projektes vorgenommen wurde, und zum besseren Verständnis und zur Einschätzung innen- und handelspolitischer Maßnahmen im Agrarsektor in Entwicklungsländern beitragen soll. Die Studie ist auch als Datenbasis für künftige handelsbezogene Forschung zu verstehen.
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 33, S. 130-140
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Land use policy, Band 33
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Journal of ecohumanism, Band 3, Heft 8
ISSN: 2752-6801
The paper's primary goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of the TBLT, which stands for Task-Based Language Teaching methodology, in English language education and acquisition among eleventh and fourteenth grades. The project is implemented in a standard classroom at the VMG English center. In this case study, the students completed focused reasoning-gap and problem-solving projects over the duration of eight weeks, with all their presentations, conversations, and arguments being recorded and graded to provide them with constructive feedback. The study's findings would demonstrate the TBLT application's efficiency in English-speaking instruction. In other words, the EFL learners' capacity for fluent communication, together with their grammatical accuracy, variety of vocabulary, conversation's abundant information, and rate of speech, are all significantly improved. The significance of the study's results for future research will be examined and discussed in the context of practical teaching and learning.