Street pavement classification based on navigation through street view imagery
In: AI & society: the journal of human-centred systems and machine intelligence, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 1009-1025
ISSN: 1435-5655
43 Ergebnisse
In: AI & society: the journal of human-centred systems and machine intelligence, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 1009-1025
ISSN: 1435-5655
In: Revista gestão e desenvolvimento, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 239
ISSN: 2446-6875
RESUMOHá um consenso acerca da ideia de que as empresas devem se conscientizar no que diz respeito às práticas de sustentabilidade organizacional e responsabilidade socioambiental. Um consenso que aceita, por meio da adoção de ações tidas como modelos de atuação responsável, que empresas recebam premiações e sirvam de benchmarking para outras. Ser "sustentável", neste contexto, poderia implicar, também, estar em evidência, por ser algo condizente à visão acerca de como a ação empresarial pode ser responsável quanto às práticas socioambientais. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa, caracterizada como qualitativa de análise documental, objetiva analisar três casos de empresas listadas em um ranking de sustentabilidade de um veículo de comunicação que se autodenomina a maior revista de economia do país, a partir do contraponto ligado à identificação de aspectos inadequados ao conceito. Os resultados apontam que os feitos tidos como sustentáveis são desenvolvidos em paralelo a outras atividades que podem ser caracterizadas como injustas e/ou prejudiciais ao meio ambiente. No entanto, isto não implica dizer que estas empresas são as únicas a fazer isso ou que são as vilãs do mercado, mas que também se torna necessário apontar uma visão que questiona as ações empresariais por trás de práticas tidas como sustentáveis, uma análise que se posicione como essencialmente crítica e busque alternativas às práticas organizacionais vigentes.Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade. Estudos Socioambientais. Revista Exame. Pop Management. ABSTRACTThere is a consensus on the idea that companies should be aware of the practices of organizational sustainability and socio-environmental responsibility. A consensus that accepts, through the adoption of actions considered as models of responsible performance, that companies receive awards and serve as benchmarking for others. Being "sustainable", in this context, could also imply being in evidence, for being something consistent with the vision about how business action can be responsible regarding socio-environmental practices. In this sense, this research, characterized as a qualitative document analysis, aims to analyze three cases of companies listed in a sustainability ranking of a communication vehicle that calls itself the largest economy magazine in the country, from the counterpoint linked to the identification of aspects inappropriate to the concept. The results show that the achievements considered sustainable are developed in parallel to other activities that can be characterized as unfair and/or harmful to the environment. However, this does not imply that these companies are the only ones to do this or that they are the villains of the market, but that it is also necessary to point out a vision that questions the business actions behind practices considered to be sustainable, an analysis that position it as essentially critical and seek alternatives to current organizational practices.Keywords: Sustainability. Socio-environmental Studies. Exame Magazine. Pop Management.
In: Cadernos de Estudos Sociais, Band 34, Heft 1
ISSN: 2595-4091
Este ensaio tem como objetivo a exploração do modelo metodológico quadripolar de Bruyne, Herman e Schoutheete (1977), ressaltando sua importância em pesquisas no âmbito qualitativo. Isso é conduzido em reconhecimento do desafio de se investigar fenômenos sociais sem cair na objetivação do que é subjetivo e sem reduzir a atividade de pesquisa a uma simples busca por leis e variáveis que regem os fenômenos sociais. Os quatro polos metodológicos para a prática científica (teórico, epistemológico, morfológico e técnico) podem ser utilizados tanto na investigação quantitativa como na qualitativa, sem que entrem em choque os diferentes paradigmas abraçados pelos dois tipos de abordagem. Em termos metodológicos, este trabalho se configura como um ensaio teórico científico, cujo princípio está nas reflexões acerca de sistemas ou modelos. Assim, diferentemente da forma classificatória convencional, não adota a divisão clássica de um artigo científico: a orientação é dada não pela busca de respostas verdadeiras, mas pelas questões que orientam o leitor a reflexões profundas. Em suma, conclui-se que a abordagem qualitativa, por ser eminentemente indutiva, aproxima-se perigosamente do senso comum e a utilização de modelos como o quadripolar pode evitar que o senso comum interfira no processo de construção do conhecimento científico, principalmente em virtude da clareza de definição dos polos.
When ethical dilemmas of responsibility and conviction seem to involve any human fabric of the real world, Sophie's Choice (1982) is guided by an ethic of responsibility of one end would justify the means and she did not have the option to dodge out. Through an observational study of qualitative approach we aim to situate the dilemma suffered by the protagonist of the film within ethical parameters defined by Max Weber when he explains the ethics of responsibility and the conviction ethic. The contributions of this study go beyond the fictional and cinematic limits of Sophie's Choice to a time depicting ethical dilemmas that may be suffered by people in the real world and (unwanted) choices reflecting further consequences beyond the end of justifications and axiological assumptions. Thus many other hodiernal historical contexts are diverse, that even in different political, cultural, economic and social conditions, people find themselves forced to make choices that are not intended. This widens the scope of the film and brings the contemporary debate that remains current.
In: Katálysis: revista, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 255-266
ISSN: 1982-0259
Abstract The mining industry in Peru - as well as in many resource-rich countries of the global South - is of great economic and social importance, particularly in remote regions where mineral deposits are often located. The academic literature has so far neglected analysing how women in these regions are affected by the industry. As such, it is relevant to study the gendered conflict surrounding the activity and invisibility of women in the mining industry, as well as their proposals, demands, and needs, with a focus on environmental and social concerns. This study analysed the experiences of peasant women from Peruvian Andes communities in environmental governance processes in mining contexts as they sought to exercise their citizenship within the mining industry and public spaces. Using a qualitative approach involving a focus group and panel discussions, the experiences and perceptions of the women who are part of the participatory environmental monitoring and surveillance committees (PEMSC) were considered. This paper highlights gendered inequalities concerning the benefits of mining, the process of change in the social dynamics of mining communities, and political claims for a better social arrangement, with social, political, economic, and ecological considerations from the women's point of view.
In: Revista de administração Mackenzie: RAM, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 96-119
ISSN: 1678-6971
ABSTRACT Purpose: Analyze the makeup of contemporary femininities through in-depth research into how a group of assiduous readers of high fashion blogs produces meanings about themselves and the social relationships in which they are involved. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: The study advances in the understanding of how social relationships are complex complexions and blogs, tools of virtual publication of the content of daily activities of their idealizers, in new spaces influencing the construction of the subjectivity of individuals or even understanding them as contemporary forms of organization. Key methodological aspects: Qualitative study with data collected from virtual observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. Summary of key results: The high-fashion blog as a business organization with a profile of readers presenting common interests and characteristics, in addition to the emergence of femininity as a multifaceted complex of characteristics both near as distant from the old public roles played by women. Key considerations/conclusions: The conception of the blog conjectures as a digital locus where social interactions and market relations are possible. The study also allowed bringing the debate of postmodern feminist approaches to the field of organizational studies, reaffirming the intermittent character of the subjective constitution of the feminine gender in the contemporary emancipatory perspective.
A critical body of literature has emerged focusing on the spectrum of resistance against impositions engendered by the modus operandum of western capitalism, including the nuances of the productive patterns considering the environment as a device attached to the triple bottom line of the traditional view of sustainable development. Regarding the theory, solidarity economy (economic pillar), social movements (social pillar), political ecology (environmental pillar), and cultural roots (cultural pillar) are important apparatus that cannot be left behind if an alternative concept of sustainable development is to be structured. This article considers such apparatus as having elements of resistance, since they have different characteristics when compared to the standard features of the pillars that form the base of the criticized conception of sustainable development. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to conceive alternative elements to the standard concept of sustainable development, considering aspects of the grassroots approach. This study is relevant as it offers alternative and complementary elements in order to provide an understanding of the updated conjectures. The prospects of grassroots development, involving less developed communities worldwide, are being used as practical guidelines in local development actions. They have rarely been conjectured as conceptual elements to offer a new format for the conception of sustainable development. This article concludes that the traditional version of sustainable development can be upgraded with the alternative elements emerging from the grassroots approach. ; En contrapartida a las especificidades impositivas del modelo de producción capitalista, incluyendo en dicho modelo los meandros de los arreglos productivos que encuadran al medioambiente como alineado con la versión triple de la concepción tradicional de desarrollo sostenible, ha surgido una masa crítica de literatura que enfoca la resistencia en relación con el modo de funcionamiento del capitalismo occidental. Con relación a la teoría, economía solidaria (pilar económico), movimientos sociales (pilar social), ecología política (pilar ambiental) y raíces culturales (pilar cultural) son instrumentos importantes que no deben dejarse al margen en la estructuración de una concepción alternativa de desarrollo sostenible. Tales instrumentos son considerados elementos de resistencia, por tener características diferenciadas al compararlos con las características tradicionales de los pilares de la criticada concepción de desarrollo sostenible. Así, el objetivo del presente ensayo teórico es concebir alternativas a la concepción estándar de desarrollo sostenible, considerando aspectos del enfoque grassroots significativos para este propósito. La contribución es relevante teniendo en cuenta la consideración de aspectos alternativos y complementarios involucrados en la lectura de la actualización conjeturada. Los prospectos del desarrollo grassroots se usaron como guía práctica en acciones de desarrollo local que involucraron comunidades menos desarrolladas en varias partes del mundo, sin la conjetura que apunta hacia elementos conceptuales que pueden ofrecer una conformación alternativa a la concepción de desarrollo sostenible. Se concluye que la versión tradicional de desarrollo sostenible puede actualizarse con elementos alternativos derivados del enfoque grassroots. ; Em contrapartida às especificidades impositivas do modelo de produção capitalista – incluindo-se nesse modelo os meandros de arranjos produtivos que inserem o meio ambiente enquanto alinhado à versão tríplice da concepção tradicional de desenvolvimento sustentável –, tem surgido uma massa crítica de literatura focada na resistência ao modo de funcionamento do capitalismo ocidental. Em relação à teoria, economia solidária (pilar econômico), movimentos sociais (pilar social), ecologia política (pilar ambiental) e raízes culturais (pilar cultural) são aparatos importantes que não devem ficar à margem na estruturação de uma concepção alternativa do desenvolvimento sustentável. Tais aparatos são considerados elementos de resistência, visto terem fatores diferenciados quando comparados com as características tradicionais dos pilares da criticada concepção de desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, o objetivo do presente ensaio teórico é conceber alternativas à concepção padrão do desenvolvimento sustentável, considerando aspectos da abordagem grassroots importantes para esse propósito. A contribuição é relevante tendo em vista a consideração de aspectos alternativos e complementares envolvidos na leitura da atualização conjecturada. Os prospectos do desenvolvimento grassroots têm sido usados como guia prático em ações de desenvolvimento local envolvendo comunidades menos desenvolvidas em várias partes do mundo, sem a conjectura que sinaliza para elementos conceituais que podem oferecer uma conformação alternativa à concepção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Conclui-se que a versão tradicional do desenvolvimento sustentável pode ser atualizada com elementos alternativos advindos da abordagem grassroots.
In: Revista gestão e desenvolvimento, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 70
ISSN: 2446-6875
O contexto de debate da Responsabilidade Social (RS), apesar de bastante conhecido, apresenta vieses pouco abordados ou que emergem como suas ramificações, tal como a comunicação da RS. No que tange às universidades, a relação entre a divulgação das ações de responsabilidade social e o seu desempenho pode ainda não estar evidente. Desta forma, o problema de pesquisa que norteia este trabalho é: qual a relação entre a divulgação da responsabilidade social das universidades e o seu desempenho? Assim, objetivou-se analisar a relação entre o desempenho de universidades brasileiras e a divulgação da responsabilidade social em seus sítios eletrônicos. Para isso, foram selecionadas 17 universidades brasileiras presentes no World University Rankings 2015-2016 da Times Higher Education, e os dados foram coletados de seus websites utilizando os sete indicadores CSRIDOW, analisados a partir do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Como resultados, não houve significância na relação testada e não há suporte estatístico para apoiar a correlação entre o desempenho das universidades brasileiras e a divulgação de suas ações de responsabilidade social, corroborando estudos prévios. Palavras-chave: Universidades; Responsabilidade Social; Comunicação; Desempenho.ABSTRACTThe context of Social Responsibility (SR) debate, although well known, presents biases that are little addressed or emerge as its ramifications, such as the disclosure of the SR. With regard to universities, the relationship between disclosure of social responsibility actions and their performance may not yet be evident. Thus, the research problem that guides this work is: what is the relationship between the disclosure of the social responsibility of universities and their performance? Thus, the objective was to analyze the relationship between the performance of Brazilian universities and the disclosure of social responsibility on their websites. For this, 17 Brazilian universities were selected from the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016, and data were collected from their websites using the seven CSRIDOW indicators, analyzed from Pearson's correlation coefficient. As a result, there was no significance in the relationship tested and there is no statistical support to support the correlation between the performance of Brazilian universities and the disclosure of their social responsibility actions, corroborating previous studies.Keywords: Universities; Social responsability; Communication; Performance.
In: Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 4186-4196
Objective: This study aimed to assessing the prevalence of surgical debridement of Pressure Ulcer (PU), describe the socio-demographic, clinical profile and anatomical location of the PU. Method: This was a retrospective study with a quantitative analysis of the data obtained in the period from August 2011 to June 2013 made with 416 records of surgical clinic of a general hospital, where 47 patients underwent surgical debridement. Results: The prevalence of 11,29% of surgical debridement related to UPP, of these, 59,57% male, comorbidities 38,02%, Hypertension 26,76% Diabetes Mellitus. The anatomical locations of the UPP were 40,74% sacrococcygeal, 24,69% calcaneus and 19,75% trochanter. Conclusion: The prevalence of debridement of PU was high in the elderly, from the home, with comorbidities, which corroborated the need to implement prevention PU program integrated continuum of care for these patients and reference strengthen home care protocols for reducing these injuries.
In: Desenvolvimento em Questão, Band 12, Heft 28, S. 104
ISSN: 2237-6453
<p>O uso de recursos naturais com finalidades econômicas torna-se um problema ambiental à medida que sua escassez é evidenciada e a sociedade não percebe o seu valor em vistas ao seu uso ou preservação. A valoração econômica de ativos ambientais é uma ferramenta decisiva neste processo, pois auxilia a apreensão de valores de mercado para estes recursos naturais. Neste trabalho, de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando-se de métodos de avaliação contingente e de preços hedônicos, busca-se avaliar do ponto de vista econômico, ambiental e social do projeto de urbanização da comunidade de Belém em Fortaleza – Ceará. Para tanto, faz-se uso das técnicas de disposições a pagar dos indivíduos do entorno em relação aos benefícios percebidos e acréscimos nos valores das residências. Como principais resultados apresenta-se que, apesar da viabilidade econômica desse projeto de requalificação urbana por meio da aplicação da avaliação contingente e da utilização do método dos preços hedônicos ter se confirmado, ficou evidente o comprometimento das despesas totais em relação a renda das famílias pesquisadas em sua capacidade de pagamento, principalmente, as de menor poder aquisitivo.</p>
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 675-686
ISSN: 1679-0359
The bloodsucking hemipteran Rhodnius prolixus is a vector of Chagas' disease, which affects 7–8 million people today in Latin America. In contrast to other hematophagous insects, the triatomine gut is compartmentalized into three segments that perform different functions during blood digestion. Here we report analysis of transcriptomes for each of the segments using pyrosequencing technology. Comparison of transcript frequency in digestive libraries with a whole-body library was used to evaluate expression levels. All classes of digestive enzymes were highly expressed, with a predominance of cysteine and aspartic proteinases, the latter showing a significant expansion through gene duplication. Although no protein digestion is known to occur in the anterior midgut (AM), protease transcripts were found, suggesting secretion as proenzymes, being possibly activated in the posterior midgut (PM). As expected, genes related to cytoskeleton, protein synthesis apparatus, protein traffic, and secretion were abundantly transcribed. Despite the absence of a chitinous peritrophic membrane in hemipterans - which have instead a lipidic perimicrovillar membrane lining over midgut epithelia - several gut-specific peritrophin transcripts were found, suggesting that these proteins perform functions other than being a structural component of the peritrophic membrane. Among immunity-related transcripts, while lysozymes and lectins were the most highly expressed, several genes belonging to the Toll pathway - found at low levels in the gut of most insects - were identified, contrasting with a low abundance of transcripts from IMD and STAT pathways. Analysis of transcripts related to lipid metabolism indicates that lipids play multiple roles, being a major energy source, a substrate for perimicrovillar membrane formation, and a source for hydrocarbons possibly to produce the wax layer of the hindgut. Transcripts related to amino acid metabolism showed an unanticipated priority for degradation of tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. Analysis of transcripts related to signaling pathways suggested a role for MAP kinases, GTPases, and LKBP1/ AMP kinases related to control of cell shape and polarity, possibly in connection with regulation of cell survival, response of pathogens and nutrients. Together, our findings present a new view of the triatomine digestive apparatus and will help us understand trypanosome interaction and allow insights into hemipteran metabolic adaptations to a blood-based diet. ; Fil: Ribeiro, José M. C. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unidos ; Fil: Genta, Fernando A. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Sorgine, Marcos H. F. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Mesquita, Rafael D. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Paiva Silva, Gabriela O. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Majerowicz, David. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Medeiros, Marcelo. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Koerich, Leonardo. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Terra, Walter R. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Ferreira, Clelia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Pimentel, Andre C. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Bisch, Paulo M. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Leite, Daniel C. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Diniz, Michelle M. P. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Da Silva, Manuela L. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Araujo, Ricardo N. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Gandara, Ana Caroline P. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Brosson, Sebastien. Universite Libre de Bruxelles; Bélgica ; Fil: Salmon, Didier. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Bousbata, Sabrina. Universite Libre de Bruxelles; Bélgica ; Fil: Gonzalez Caballero, Natalia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Alves Bezerra, Michele. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Katia C. Gondim. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Silva Neto, Mario Alberto C. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Atella, Georgia C. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Araujo, Helena. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Dias, Felipe A. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Polycarpo, Carla. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Vionette Amaral, Raquel J. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Fampa, Patricia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Melo, Ana Claudia A. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Tanaka, Aparecida S. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Balczun, Carsten. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Oliveira, J. Henrique M. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Goncalves, Renata L. S. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Lazoski, Cristiano. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Rivera Pomar, Rolando. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de Buenos Aires. Centro de Bioinvestigaciones. Pergaminmo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina ; Fil: Diambra, Luis Anibal. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina ; Fil: Schaub, Gunter A. Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Alemania ; Fil: Garcia, Eloi S. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Azambuja, Patricia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Braz, Gloria R. C. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil ; Fil: Oliveira, Pedro L. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil
We described physical activity measures and hourly patterns in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) after stratification for generic and COPD-specific characteristics and, based on multiple physical activity measures, we identified clusters of patients. In total, 1001 patients with COPD (65% men; age, 67 years; forced expiratory volume in the first second [FEV1], 49% predicted) were studied cross-sectionally. Demographics, anthropometrics, lung function and clinical data were assessed. Daily physical activity measures and hourly patterns were analysed based on data from a multisensor armband. Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were applied to physical activity measures to identify clusters. Age, body mass index (BMI), dyspnoea grade and ADO index (including age, dyspnoea and airflow obstruction) were associated with physical activity measures and hourly patterns. Five clusters were identified based on three PCA components, which accounted for 60% of variance of the data. Importantly, couch potatoes (i.e. the most inactive cluster) were characterised by higher BMI, lower FEV1, worse dyspnoea and higher ADO index compared to other clusters (p < 0.05 for all). Daily physical activity measures and hourly patterns are heterogeneous in COPD. Clusters of patients were identified solely based on physical activity data. These findings may be useful to develop interventions aiming to promote physical activity in COPD. ; The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: RM is supported by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil (246704/2012-8). DB holds a Canada Research Chair, Canada. SSCK was funded by the Medical Research Council, UK. WD-CM was funded by the Medical Research Council, UK, and the National Institute for Health Research, UK. MSP was supported by an unrestricted research grant from Astra Zeneca. KCF is supported by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Brazil. SZ, DM, SD and JDL were supported by the following foundations: 'Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung', 'Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel' and 'Forschungsfonds der Universitat Basel', Switzerland. DS was supported by GSK and by the Medical Research Council, UK (G0701628). FP is supported by CNPq, Brazil. PRE was supported by an NHMRC Research Fellowship, Australia (1042341). MIP's contribution to this manuscript was funded by the NIHR Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit at the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College, UK. EFMW was supported by Point-One funding from AgentschapNL, Dutch Ministry of Economic affairs, the Netherlands. AWV was supported by 'Stichting de Weijerhorst' and Point-One funding from AgentschapNL, Dutch Ministry of Economic affairs, Netherlands. MAS was supported by Point-One funding from AgentschapNL, Dutch Ministry of Economic affairs, the Netherlands. Part of the data was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline (data from the ECLIPSE cohort sub-study). Data from Ireland was supported by Beaumont Foundation, Ireland and SwordMedical Ltd, Ireland. The Australian sites were supported by a National Health and Medical Research Grant, Australia (grant no.: 570814). Part of the data collection in the UK (data from Leicester) was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care and took place at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, UK, and by the NIHR Leicester Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit, UK. Data from the PAC-COPD study was funded by grants from the following Spanish institutions: Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria, Ministry of Health (FIS PI020541); Agencia d'Avaluacio de Tecnologia i Recerca Mediques, Catalonia Government (AATRM 035/20/02); Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR 2002/137); Catalan Foundation of Pneumology (FUCAP 2003 Beca Maria Rava); Red RESPIRA (RTIC C03/11); Red RCESP (RTIC C03/09), Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (PI052486); Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (PI052302); Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (No. 041110); and DURSI (2005SGR00392); and by unrestricted educational grants from Novartis Farmaceutica and AstraZeneca Farmaceutica.