Do Tunisian Secular Civil Society Organisations demonstrate a process of democratic learning?
In: The journal of North African studies, Band 20, Heft 5, S. 797-812
ISSN: 1743-9345
86 Ergebnisse
In: The journal of North African studies, Band 20, Heft 5, S. 797-812
ISSN: 1743-9345
In: The journal of North African studies, Band 20, Heft 5, S. 797-812
ISSN: 1362-9387
World Affairs Online
In: Orient: deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients = German journal for politics, economics and culture of the Middle East, Band 56, Heft 2, S. 22-29
ISSN: 0030-5227
"This article addresses the rote civil society actors and civil society organisations (CSOs) have played in implementing political, social and cultural change in Tunisia's period of transition from authoritarianism to an emerging democratic system. Civil society has been an effective agent of change, through its political mediation, anti-corruption watchdog, awareness raising and educative roles, but it must continue to develop and evolve if it is to remain an effective agent of change: the issues of funding, training, and information acquisition are addressed, in addition to the approaches of CSOs and civil society's relationship with government." (author's abstract)
In: The Slavonic and East European review: SEER, Band 88, Heft 4, S. 749-750
ISSN: 2222-4327
In: Cahiers du monde russe: Russie, Empire Russe, Union Soviétique, Etats Indépendants ; revue trimestrielle, Band 51, Heft 51/2-3, S. 329-352
ISSN: 1777-5388
In: Cahiers du monde russe: Russie, Empire Russe, Union Soviétique, Etats Indépendants ; revue trimestrielle, Band 51, Heft 2-3, S. 329-351
ISSN: 1777-5388
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 67, Heft 2, S. 486-487
ISSN: 2325-7784
In: European history quarterly, Band 37, Heft 4, S. 603-621
ISSN: 1461-7110
The Napoleonic invasion of 1812 marks a watershed in the history of Russian aristocratic women. Their social position before 1812, while privileged and sometimes even quite autonomous, had mostly kept their political and social horizons narrow. In addition, eighteenth-century culture had presented them with competing, at times conflicting, models of aristocratic femininity. Based on memoirs by women who experienced the 1812 war, this article argues that the invasion disrupted their pre-war insular way of life and confronted noblewomen with traumas specific to their class and sex. In response, women reaffirmed the aristocracy's stoic ethos and its claim to leadership in society, and represented women as gentle humanitarians but also patriots and fearless protectors of their loved ones. The women of the 1812 generation thereby helped to crystallize the emerging intelligentsia's vision of ideal Russian womanhood, which in turn contributed to the rise of the Russian revolutionary movement.
In: Ab imperio: studies of new imperial history and nationalism in the Post-Soviet space, Band 2003, Heft 3, S. 119-134
ISSN: 2164-9731
На протяжении большей части XVIII века западные идеи лишь поверхностно затрагивали повседневную жизнь большинства россиян. Однако возникающее в начале XIX в. понятие "русскости" начинает формировать основу для институтов, практик, отношений и поведения, которая постепенно утвердилась среди всех слоев общества и оставалась стабильной на протяжении поколений, в некоторых случаях – вплоть до нашего времени. Кристаллизация "русскости" в определенной исторической форме не позволила реализоваться другим стратегиям, заложенным в заимствованных с Запада в XVIII в. представлениях, таким как более определенная ориентация на либеральный капитализм или идея принадлежности к западной цивилизации и общности исторического пути России и Запада. Распространение понятия "русскости", таким образом, помогло придать большую стабильность и прочность российскому обществу, однако ограничило спектр возможных путей дальнейшего развития страны.
In: The Slavonic and East European review: SEER, Band 80, Heft 1
ISSN: 2222-4327
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 59, Heft 2, S. 454-455
ISSN: 2325-7784
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 57, Heft 1, S. 28-49
ISSN: 2325-7784
It was long accepted throughout the European world that a father's authority over his children should be unchallengeable and that the authority of monarchs and noble lords was absolute because they, too, were "fathers" to their subjects. A profound shift in this thinking occurred during the eighteenth century, however, as increasingly critical attitudes toward paternal authoritarianism subverted the patriarchal ideology that undergirded the old regime. Recent scholarship has even linked the outbreak of the American and French Revolutions to these changing beliefs about the nature of the family. These ideas had a powerful impact among Russia's westernized upper class and drove conservatives to search for a less harshly authoritarian justification for the old regime. Much soul-searching went into their attempt to reconcile autocracy and serfdom with the respect for human dignity and the delicate moral sensibilité that were increasingly expected of any cultivated European. Slavophilism, which glorified the common people and emphasized the duties of monarch and nobility, represented one outcome of this quest. The anguished process by which proto-Slavophile beliefs evolved out of the noble culture of the Catherinian age is strikingly apparent in the turbulent biography of the poet, playwright, journalist, and amateur historian Sergei Nikolaevich Glinka.
In: Kleine Dokumentensammlung
Die zunehmende Digitalisierung und Mediatisierung der Lebenswelt sind auf gesellschaftlicher und individueller Ebene mit grundlegenden und unausweichlichen Wandlungsprozessen verbunden. Somit stellt sich die Frage, welche Aufgaben Erziehung und Bildung unter diesen Rahmenbedingungen zukommen. Bildungspolitisch besteht Konsens darüber, dass Schulen bei der Vermittlung von Medienkompetenz eine wichtige Rolle spielen (müssen). Die konkrete Umsetzung soll dabei nicht in einem isolierten Lernbereich, sondern in der Verantwortung aller (Unterrichts-)Fächer liegen. Setzt man bildungspolitisch auf eine integrative Realisierung von Medienbildung, d.h. ohne einen eigenen Lernbereich oder ein eigenes Fach, so bedeutet dies, dass entsprechend abgestimmte schulische Lerngelegenheiten geschaffen werden müssen, die in der Summe der Beiträge aller Unterrichtsfächer einen umfassenden Kompetenzerwerb ermöglichen. Rahmenbedingungen, Vorgaben und Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Bewältigung dieser Aufgabe werden im Beitrag sowohl aus medienpädagogischer als auch aus fachdidaktischer Perspektive aufgegriffen und mit Blick auf Chancen und Herausforderungen beleuchtet. ; The ongoing and increasing digitalization and mediatization of the lifeworld are leading to fundamental and inevitable change processes on a social and individual level. This raises the question of which tasks are coming up to educational processes. In terms of educational policy, there is agreement that schools (have to) play an important role in teaching media literacy. The concrete implementation is not meant to take place within one separate learning area but rather as part of all school subjects. This article discusses which problems and challenges arise for teaching media literacy in school between the poles of Media Pedagogy and Subject Didactics. If there is no subject or special learning area for imparting media literacy, then there must be enough learning opportunities geared to all subjects for fostering broad acquisition of media-related competencies. In this article, the preconditions and requirements for a successful accomplishment of this task will be taken up from the point of view of both Media Pedagogy and Subject Didactics.
In: Indes: Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 61-67
ISSN: 2196-7962